These are known bugs and glitches in the original Pokémon Crystal game: code that clearly does not work as intended, or that only works in limited circumstances but has the possibility to fail or crash.
Fixes in the [multi-player battle engine](#multi-player-battle-engine) category will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal for link battles, unless otherwise noted. This can be avoided by writing more complicated fixes that only apply if the value at `[wLinkMode]` is not `LINK_COLOSSEUM`. That's how Crystal itself fixed two bugs in Gold and Silver regarding the moves [Reflect and Light Screen](#reflect-and-light-screen-can-make-special-defense-wrap-around-above-1024) and [Present](#present-damage-is-incorrect-in-link-battles).
- [Perish Song and Spikes can leave a Pokémon with 0 HP and not faint](#perish-song-and-spikes-can-leave-a-pokémon-with-0-hp-and-not-faint)
- [Thick Club and Light Ball can make (Special) Attack wrap around above 1024](#thick-club-and-light-ball-can-make-special-attack-wrap-around-above-1024)
- [Metal Powder can increase damage taken with boosted (Special) Defense](#metal-powder-can-increase-damage-taken-with-boosted-special-defense)
- [Reflect and Light Screen can make (Special) Defense wrap around above 1024](#reflect-and-light-screen-can-make-special-defense-wrap-around-above-1024)
- [Moves with a 100% secondary effect chance will not trigger it in 1/256 uses](#moves-with-a-100-secondary-effect-chance-will-not-trigger-it-in-1256-uses)
- [Belly Drum sharply boosts Attack even with under 50% HP](#belly-drum-sharply-boosts-attack-even-with-under-50-hp)
- [Berserk Gene's confusion lasts for 256 turns or the previous Pokémon's confusion count](#berserk-genes-confusion-lasts-for-256-turns-or-the-previous-pokémons-confusion-count)
- [Confusion damage is affected by type-boosting items and Explosion/Self-Destruct doubling](#confusion-damage-is-affected-by-type-boosting-items-and-explosionself-destruct-doubling)
- [Moves that lower Defense can do so after breaking a Substitute](#moves-that-lower-defense-can-do-so-after-breaking-a-substitute)
- [Counter and Mirror Coat still work if the opponent uses an item](#counter-and-mirror-coat-still-work-if-the-opponent-uses-an-item)
- [A Disabled but PP Up–enhanced move may not trigger Struggle](#a-disabled-but-pp-upenhanced-move-may-not-trigger-struggle)
- [A Pokémon that fainted from Pursuit will have its old status condition when revived](#a-pokémon-that-fainted-from-pursuit-will-have-its-old-status-condition-when-revived)
- [Lock-On and Mind Reader don't always bypass Fly and Dig](#lock-on-and-mind-reader-dont-always-bypass-fly-and-dig)
- [Beat Up can desynchronize link battles](#beat-up-can-desynchronize-link-battles)
- [Beat Up works incorrectly with only one Pokémon in the party](#beat-up-works-incorrectly-with-only-one-pokémon-in-the-party)
- [Beat Up may fail to raise Substitute](#beat-up-may-fail-to-raise-substitute)
- [Beat Up may trigger King's Rock even if it failed](#beat-up-may-trigger-kings-rock-even-if-it-failed)
- [Present damage is incorrect in link battles](#present-damage-is-incorrect-in-link-battles)
- [Dragon Scale, not Dragon Fang, boosts Dragon-type moves](#dragon-scale-not-dragon-fang-boosts-dragon-type-moves)
- [HP bar animation is slow for high HP](#hp-bar-animation-is-slow-for-high-hp)
- [HP bar animation off-by-one error for low HP](#hp-bar-animation-off-by-one-error-for-low-hp)
- [A Transformed Pokémon can use Sketch and learn otherwise unobtainable moves](#a-transformed-pokémon-can-use-sketch-and-learn-otherwise-unobtainable-moves)
- [Catching a Transformed Pokémon always catches a Ditto](#catching-a-transformed-pokémon-always-catches-a-ditto)
- [Experience underflow for level 1 Pokémon with Medium-Slow growth rate](#experience-underflow-for-level-1-pokémon-with-medium-slow-growth-rate)
- [The Dude's catching tutorial may crash if his Poké Ball can't be used](#the-dudes-catching-tutorial-may-crash-if-his-poké-ball-cant-be-used)
- [BRN/PSN/PAR do not affect catch rate](#brnpsnpar-do-not-affect-catch-rate)
- [Moon Ball does not boost catch rate](#moon-ball-does-not-boost-catch-rate)
- [Love Ball boosts catch rate for the wrong gender](#love-ball-boosts-catch-rate-for-the-wrong-gender)
- [Fast Ball only boosts catch rate for three Pokémon](#fast-ball-only-boosts-catch-rate-for-three-pokémon)
- [Glacier Badge may not boost Special Defense depending on the value of Special Attack](#glacier-badge-may-not-boost-special-defense-depending-on-the-value-of-special-attack)
- ["Smart" AI encourages Mean Look if its own Pokémon is badly poisoned](#smart-ai-encourages-mean-look-if-its-own-pokémon-is-badly-poisoned)
- [AI makes a false assumption about `CheckTypeMatchup`](#ai-makes-a-false-assumption-about-checktypematchup)
- [AI use of Full Heal or Full Restore does not cure Nightmare status](#ai-use-of-full-heal-or-full-restore-does-not-cure-nightmare-status)
- [AI use of Full Heal does not cure confusion status](#ai-use-of-full-heal-does-not-cure-confusion-status)
- [Wild Pokémon can always Teleport regardless of level difference](#wild-pokémon-can-always-teleport-regardless-of-level-difference)
- [`HELD_CATCH_CHANCE` has no effect](#held_catch_chance-has-no-effect)
- [Credits sequence changes move selection menu behavior](#credits-sequence-changes-move-selection-menu-behavior)
- [Overworld engine](#overworld-engine)
- [`LoadMetatiles` wraps around past 128 blocks](#loadmetatiles-wraps-around-past-128-blocks)
- [Surfing directly across a map connection does not load the new map](#surfing-directly-across-a-map-connection-does-not-load-the-new-map)
- [Swimming NPCs aren't limited by their movement radius](#swimming-npcs-arent-limited-by-their-movement-radius)
- [Graphics](#graphics)
- [In-battle “`…`” ellipsis is too high](#in-battle--ellipsis-is-too-high)
- [Two tiles in the `port` tileset are drawn incorrectly](#two-tiles-in-the-port-tileset-are-drawn-incorrectly)
- [Using a Park Ball in non-Contest battles has a corrupt animation](#using-a-park-ball-in-non-contest-battles-has-a-corrupt-animation)
- [Battle transitions fail to account for the enemy's level](#battle-transitions-fail-to-account-for-the-enemys-level)
- [Some trainer NPCs have inconsistent overworld sprites](#some-trainer-npcs-have-inconsistent-overworld-sprites)
- [Audio](#audio)
- [Slot machine payout sound effects cut each other off](#slot-machine-payout-sound-effects-cut-each-other-off)
- [Team Rocket battle music is not used for Executives or Scientists](#team-rocket-battle-music-is-not-used-for-executives-or-scientists)
- [No bump noise if standing on tile `$3E`](#no-bump-noise-if-standing-on-tile-3e)
- [Playing Entei's Pokédex cry can distort Raikou's and Suicune's](#playing-enteis-pokédex-cry-can-distort-raikous-and-suicunes)
- [Text](#text)
- [Five-digit experience gain is printed incorrectly](#five-digit-experience-gain-is-printed-incorrectly)
- [Only the first three evolution entries can have Stone compatibility reported correctly](#only-the-first-three-evolution-entries-can-have-stone-compatibility-reported-correctly)
- [`EVOLVE_STAT` can break Stone compatibility reporting](#evolve_stat-can-break-stone-compatibility-reporting)
- [A "HOF Master!" title for 200-Time Famers is defined but inaccessible](#a-hof-master-title-for-200-time-famers-is-defined-but-inaccessible)
- [Scripted events](#scripted-events)
- [Clair can give TM24 Dragonbreath twice](#clair-can-give-tm24-dragonbreath-twice)
**Fix:** Edit `CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy` and `CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer` in [engine/battle/core.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `SpeciesItemBoost` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `DittoMetalPowder` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `TruncateHL_BC` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
(This fix also affects Thick Club, Light Ball, and Metal Powder, as described above, but their specific fixes in the above bugs allow more accurate damage calculations.)
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_EffectChance` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
**Compatibility preservation:** If you wish to keep compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal, you can disable the fix during link battles by also applying the following edit in the same place:
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_BellyDrum` in [engine/battle/move_effects/belly_drum.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_Counter` in [engine/battle/move_effects/counter.asm]( and `BattleCommand_MirrorCoat` in [engine/battle/move_effects/mirror_coat.asm](
This bug affects Attract, Curse, Foresight, Mean Look, Mimic, Nightmare, Spider Web, Transform, and stat-lowering effects of moves like String Shot or Bubble during the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly or Dig.
**Fix:** Edit `CheckHiddenOpponent` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_BeatUp` in [engine/battle/move_effects/beat_up.asm](
This bug prevents the rest of Beat Up's effect from being executed if the player or enemy only has one Pokémon in their party while using it. It prevents Substitute from being raised and King's Rock from working.
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_EndLoop` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_FailureText` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
This bug is caused because Beat Up never sets `wAttackMissed`, even when no Pokémon was able to attack (due to being fainted or having a status condition).
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_BeatUpFailText` in [engine/battle/move_effects/beat_up.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_Present` in [engine/battle/move_effects/present.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `LongAnim_UpdateVariables` in [engine/battle/anim_hp_bar.asm](
- ; This routine is buggy. The result from ComputeHPBarPixels is stored
- ; in e. However, the pop de opcode deletes this result before it is even
- ; used. The game then proceeds as though it never deleted that output.
- ; To fix, uncomment the line below.
call ComputeHPBarPixels
- ; ld a, e
+ ld a, e
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
- ld a, e ; Comment or delete this line to fix the above bug.
ld hl, wCurHPBarPixels
cp [hl]
jr z, .loop
ld [hl], a
and a
### HP bar animation off-by-one error for low HP
*Fixing this cosmetic bug will* not *break link battle compatibility.*
**Fix:** Edit `ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame` in [engine/battle/anim_hp_bar.asm](
ld b, 0
-; This routine is buggy. If [wCurHPAnimMaxHP] * [wCurHPBarPixels] is
-; divisible by HP_BAR_LENGTH_PX, the loop runs one extra time.
-; To fix, uncomment the line below.
ld a, l
ld l, a
ld a, h
sbc $0
ld h, a
- ; jr z, .done
+ jr z, .done
jr c, .done
inc b
jr .loop
## Single-player battle engine
### A Transformed Pokémon can use Sketch and learn otherwise unobtainable moves
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_Sketch` in [engine/battle/move_effects/sketch.asm](
As Pryce's dialog ("That BADGE will raise the SPECIAL stats of POKéMON.") implies, Glacier Badge is intended to boost both Special Attack and Special Defense. However, due to BoostStat overwriting `a` when boosting Special Attack, the Special Defense boost will not happen if the unboosted Special Attack stat is either 0–205 or 433–660.
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCheckTypeMatchup` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](
### AI use of Full Heal does not cure confusion status
**Fix:** Edit `EnemyUsedFullRestore`, `EnemyUsedFullHeal`, and `AI_HealStatus` in [engine/battle/ai/items.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `BattleCommand_Teleport` in [engine/battle/move_effects/teleport.asm](
To select a move in battle, you have to press and release the Up or Down buttons. However, after playing the credits sequence, holding down either button will continuously scroll through the moves.
**Fix:** Edit `Credits` in [engine/movie/credits.asm](
The `[hInMenu]` value determines this button behavior. However, the battle moves menu doesn't actually set `[hInMenu]` to anything, so either behavior *may* have been intentional. The default 0 prevents continuous scrolling; a value of 1 allows it. (The Japanese release sets it to 0.)
**Optional fix:** To explicitly set a `[hInMenu]` for the moves menu, edit `BattleTurn` in [engine/battle/core.asm](
### Swimming NPCs aren't limited by their movement radius
This bug is why the Lapras in [maps/UnionCaveB2F.asm](, which uses `SPRITEMOVEDATA_SWIM_WANDER`, is not restricted by its `1, 1` movement radius.
**Fix:** Edit `CanObjectMoveInDirection` in [engine/overworld/npc_movement.asm](
add hl, bc
bit NOCLIP_TILES_F, [hl] ; lost, uncomment next line to fix
- ; jr nz, .noclip_tiles
+ jr nz, .noclip_tiles
## Graphics
### In-battle “`…`” ellipsis is too high
This is a mistake with the “`…`” tile in [gfx/battle/hp_exp_bar_border.png](
### Two tiles in the `port` tileset are drawn incorrectly
This is a mistake with the left-hand warp carpet corner tiles in [gfx/tilesets/port.png](
Most trainer classes always use the same sprite and color for their overworld NPCs. There are some exceptions:
- [maps/FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin.asm]( `TrainerPsychicRodney` should use `SPRITE_YOUNGSTER`, not `SPRITE_SUPER_NERD`
- [maps/LakeOfRage.asm]( `TrainerFisherAndre` and `TrainerFisherRaymond` should use `PAL_NPC_GREEN`, not `PAL_NPC_BLUE`
- [maps/Route13.asm]( `TrainerHikerKenny` should use `PAL_NPC_BROWN`, not `PAL_NPC_RED`
- [maps/Route44.asm]( `TrainerBirdKeeperVance1` should use `PAL_NPC_BLUE`, not `PAL_NPC_GREEN`
- [maps/Route44.asm]( `TrainerPokemaniacZach` should use `PAL_NPC_BLUE`, not `PAL_NPC_GREEN`
- [maps/UnionCaveB2F.asm]( `TrainerCooltrainermNick` should use `SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_M`, not `SPRITE_ROCKER`
- [maps/FuchsiaPokecenter1F.asm]( `FuchsiaPokecenter1FNurseScript` should use `PAL_NPC_RED`, not `PAL_NPC_GREEN`
Most of the NPCs in [maps/NationalParkBugContest.asm]( and [maps/Route36NationalParkGate.asm]( are also inconsistent with their trainers from other maps:
-`BugCatchingContestant1AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant1BScript`: `BUG_CATCHER DON` from [maps/Route30.asm]( should use `SPRITE_BUG_CATCHER` and `PAL_NPC_BROWN`, not `SPRITE_YOUNGSTER` and `PAL_NPC_RED`
-`BugCatchingContestant2AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant2BScript`: `BUG_CATCHER ED` from [maps/Route2.asm]( should use `SPRITE_BUG_CATCHER` and `PAL_NPC_BROWN`, not `SPRITE_YOUNGSTER` and `PAL_NPC_GREEN`
-`BugCatchingContestant3AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant3BScript`: `COOLTRAINERM NICK` from [maps/UnionCaveB2F.asm]( should use `SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_M` and `PAL_NPC_RED`, not `SPRITE_ROCKER` and `PAL_NPC_BLUE`
-`BugCatchingContestant4AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant4BScript`: `POKEFANM WILLIAM` from [maps/NationalPark.asm]( should use `PAL_NPC_RED`, not `PAL_NPC_BROWN`
-`BugCatchingContestant5AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant5BScript`: `BUG_CATCHER BENNY` from [maps/AzaleaGym.asm]( should use `SPRITE_BUG_CATCHER` and `PAL_NPC_BROWN`, not `SPRITE_YOUNGSTER` and `PAL_NPC_RED`
-`BugCatchingContestant7AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant7BScript`: `PICNICKER CINDY` from [maps/FuchsiaGym.asm]( should use `PAL_NPC_GREEN`, not `PAL_NPC_BLUE`
-`BugCatchingContestant8AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant8BScript`: `BUG_CATCHER JOSH` from [maps/AzaleaGym.asm]( should use `SPRITE_BUG_CATCHER` and `PAL_NPC_BROWN`, not `SPRITE_YOUNGSTER` and `PAL_NPC_RED`
-`BugCatchingContestant9AScript` and `BugCatchingContestant9BScript`: `YOUNGSTER SAMUEL` from [maps/Route34.asm]( should use `PAL_NPC_BLUE`, not `PAL_NPC_GREEN`
(Note that [maps/Route8.asm]( has three `BIKER`s, `DWAYNE`, `HARRIS`, and `ZEKE`, that use `PAL_NPC_RED`, `PAL_NPC_GREEN`, and `PAL_NPC_BLUE` instead of `PAL_NPC_BROWN`; this is intentional since they're the "Kanto Pokémon Federation".)
(The use of `SPRITE_ROCKER` instead of `SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_M` for `COOLTRAINERM NICK` may also be an intentional reference to the player's brother from the [Space World '97 beta](
**Fix:** Edit `SlotsAction_PayoutAnim` in [engine/games/slot_machine.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `DoPlayerMovement.CheckWarp` in [engine/overworld/player_movement.asm](
**Workaround:** Edit `DexEntryScreen_MenuActionJumptable.Cry` in [engine/pokedex/pokedex.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `_BoostedExpPointsText` and `_ExpPointsText` in [data/text/common_2.asm](
**Workaround:** Edit `PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.DetermineCompatibility` in [engine/pokemon/party_menu.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.DetermineCompatibility` in [engine/pokemon/party_menu.asm](
**Fix:** Edit `_HallOfFamePC.DisplayMonAndStrings` in [engine/events/halloffame.asm](
ld a, [wHallOfFameTempWinCount]
**Better fix:** Rewrite the whole system to use millimeters instead of feet and inches, since they have better precision (1 in = 25.4 mm); and only convert from metric to imperial units for display purposes (or don't, of course).
**Fix:** Edit `CalcMagikarpLength.BCLessThanDE` in [engine/events/magikarp.asm](
### The unused `phonecall` script command may crash
The `phonecall` script command calls the `PhoneCall` routine, which calls the `BrokenPlaceFarString` routine; this switches banks without being in bank 0, so it would start running arbitrary data as code.
**Fix:** Edit `PhoneCall.CallerTextboxWithName` in [engine/phone/phone.asm](
- ld a, [wPhoneScriptBank]
- ld b, a
ld a, [wPhoneCaller]
ld e, a
ld a, [wPhoneCaller + 1]
ld d, a
- call BrokenPlaceFarString
+ ld a, [wPhoneScriptBank]
+ call PlaceFarString
You can also delete the now-unused `BrokenPlaceFarString` routine.
**Fix:** Edit `BattleAnimCmd_ClearObjs` in [engine/battle_anims/anim_commands.asm](