2013-10-10 03:24:02 -04:00
INCLUDE "includes.asm"
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
flag_array: MACRO
ds ((\1) + 7) / 8
2013-10-10 03:24:02 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
box_struct_length EQU 32
box_struct: MACRO
\1Species:: db
\1Item:: db
\1Moves:: ds NUM_MOVES
\1ID:: dw
\1Exp:: ds 3
2014-02-23 00:37:09 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
\1HPExp:: dw
\1AtkExp:: dw
\1DefExp:: dw
\1SpdExp:: dw
\1SpcExp:: dw
\1DVs:: ds 2
\1Happiness:: db
\1PokerusStatus:: db
2014-02-22 21:57:28 -05:00
\1CaughtLevel:: db
\1CaughtLocation:: db
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
\1Level:: db
2014-02-22 21:57:28 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
party_struct: MACRO
box_struct \1
\1Status:: db
\1Unused:: db
\1HP:: dw
\1MaxHP:: dw
\1Stats:: ; big endian
\1Attack:: dw
\1Defense:: dw
\1Speed:: dw
\1SpclAtk:: dw
\1SpclDef:: dw
2014-02-22 21:57:28 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
battle_struct: MACRO
\1Species:: db
\1Item:: db
\1Moves:: ds NUM_MOVES
\1DVs:: ds 2
\1Happiness:: db
\1Level:: db
\1Status:: ds 2
\1HP:: dw
\1MaxHP:: dw
\1Stats:: ; big endian
\1Attack:: dw
\1Defense:: dw
\1Speed:: dw
\1SpclAtk:: dw
\1SpclDef:: dw
\1Type1:: db
\1Type2:: db
2014-02-22 21:57:28 -05:00
2014-03-04 21:41:30 -05:00
channel_struct: MACRO
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
; Addreses are Channel1 (c101).
\1MusicID:: dw
\1MusicBank:: db
\1Flags:: db ; 0:on/off 1:subroutine 4:noise
\1Flags2:: db ; 0:vibrato on/off 2:duty
\1Flags3:: db ; 0:vibrato up/down
\1MusicAddress:: dw
\1LastMusicAddress:: dw
\1NoteFlags:: db ; 5:rest
\1Condition:: db ; conditional jumps
\1DutyCycle:: db ; bits 6-7 (0:12.5% 1:25% 2:50% 3:75%)
\1Intensity:: db ; hi:pressure lo:velocity
\1Frequency:: ; 11 bits
\1FrequencyLo:: db
\1FrequencyHi:: db
\1Pitch:: db ; 0:rest 1-c:note
\1Octave:: db ; 7-0 (0 is highest)
\1StartingOctave:: db ; raises existing octaves (to repeat phrases)
\1NoteDuration:: db ; frames remaining for the current note
ds 1 ; c117
ds 1 ; c118
\1LoopCount:: db
\1Tempo:: dw
\1Tracks:: db ; hi:left lo:right
ds 1 ; c11d
\1VibratoDelayCount:: db ; initialized by \1VibratoDelay
\1VibratoDelay:: db ; number of frames a note plays until vibrato starts
\1VibratoExtent:: db
\1VibratoRate:: db ; hi:frames for each alt lo:frames to the next alt
ds 1 ; c122
ds 1 ; c123
ds 1 ; c124
ds 1 ; c125
ds 1 ; c126
ds 1 ; c127
\1CryPitch:: db
\1CryEcho:: db
ds 4
\1NoteLength:: db ; frames per 16th note
ds 1 ; c12f
ds 1 ; c130
ds 1 ; c131
ds 1 ; c132
2014-03-04 21:41:30 -05:00
SECTION "tiles0",VRAM[$8000],BANK[0]
SECTION "tiles1",VRAM[$8800],BANK[0]
SECTION "tiles2",VRAM[$9000],BANK[0]
SECTION "bgmap0",VRAM[$9800],BANK[0]
SECTION "bgmap1",VRAM[$9C00],BANK[0]
SECTION "WRAMBank0",WRAM0[$c000]
SECTION "stack",WRAM0[$c0ff]
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
Stack:: ds -$100 ; c0ff
2014-03-04 21:41:30 -05:00
SECTION "audio",WRAM0[$c100]
MusicPlaying:: ; c100
; nonzero if playing
ds 1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-03-04 21:41:30 -05:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
Channel1:: channel_struct Channel1 ; c101
Channel2:: channel_struct Channel2 ; c133
Channel3:: channel_struct Channel3 ; c165
Channel4:: channel_struct Channel4 ; c197
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
Channel5:: channel_struct Channel5 ; c1c9
Channel6:: channel_struct Channel6 ; c1fb
Channel7:: channel_struct Channel7 ; c22d
Channel8:: channel_struct Channel8 ; c25f
ds 1 ; c291
ds 1 ; c292
ds 1 ; c293
ds 1 ; c294
ds 1 ; c295
ds 1 ; c296
ds 1 ; c297
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurMusicByte:: ; c298
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurChannel:: ; c299
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Volume:: ; c29a
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; corresponds to $ff24
; Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W)
; bit 7 - Vin->SO2 ON/OFF
; bit 6-4 - SO2 output level (volume) (# 0-7)
; bit 3 - Vin->SO1 ON/OFF
; bit 2-0 - SO1 output level (volume) (# 0-7)
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SoundOutput:: ; c29b
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
; corresponds to $ff25
; bit 4-7: ch1-4 so2 on/off
; bit 0-3: ch1-4 so1 on/off
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SoundInput:: ; c29c
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
; corresponds to $ff26
; bit 7: global on/off
; bit 0: ch1 on/off
; bit 1: ch2 on/off
; bit 2: ch3 on/off
; bit 3: ch4 on/off
ds 1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicIDLo:: ; c29d
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicIDHi:: ; c29e
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicBank:: ; c29f
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NoiseSampleAddressLo:: ; c2a0
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NoiseSampleAddressHi:: ; c2a1
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
; noise delay? ; c2a2
ds 1
; c2a3
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicNoiseSampleSet:: ; c2a4
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SFXNoiseSampleSet:: ; c2a5
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Danger:: ; c2a6
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; bit 7: on/off
; bit 4: pitch
; bit 0-3: counter
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicFade:: ; c2a7
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
; fades volume over x frames
; bit 7: fade in/out
; bit 0-5: number of frames for each volume level
; $00 = none (default)
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicFadeCount:: ; c2a8
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicFadeIDLo:: ; c2a9
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MusicFadeIDHi:: ; c2aa
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
2013-02-23 16:47:39 -05:00
ds 5
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CryPitch:: ; c2b0
2013-02-23 16:47:39 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CryEcho:: ; c2b1
2013-02-23 16:47:39 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CryLength:: ; c2b2
2013-02-23 16:47:39 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LastVolume:: ; c2b4
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
ds 1
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SFXPriority:: ; c2b6
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
; if nonzero, turn off music when playing sfx
ds 1
ds 6
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CryTracks:: ; c2bd
2012-11-02 18:43:05 -04:00
; plays only in left or right track depending on what side the monster is on
; both tracks active outside of battle
ds 1
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurSFX:: ; c2bf
2012-10-11 20:35:22 -04:00
; id of sfx currently playing
ds 1
2014-05-21 16:21:46 -04:00
wMapMusic:: ; c2c0
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "auto",WRAM0[$c2c7]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
InputType:: ; c2c7
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
AutoInputAddress:: ; c2c8
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
AutoInputBank:: ; c2ca
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
AutoInputLength:: ; c2cb
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "linkbattle",WRAM0[$c2dc]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
InLinkBattle:: ; c2dc
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
; 0 not in link battle
; 1 link battle
; 4 mobile battle
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "scriptengine",WRAM0[$c2dd]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptVar:: ; c2dd
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 1
2012-09-10 21:36:50 -06:00
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "tiles",WRAM0[$c2fa]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TileDown:: ; c2fa
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TileUp:: ; c2fb
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TileLeft:: ; c2fc
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TileRight:: ; c2fd
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilePermissions:: ; c2fe
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
; set if tile behavior prevents
; you from walking in that direction
; bit 3: down
; bit 2: up
; bit 1: left
; bit 0: right
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "icons",WRAM0[$c3b6]
2013-02-04 04:27:56 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurIcon:: ; c3b6
2013-02-04 04:27:56 -05:00
ds 1
2012-06-05 23:26:18 -05:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "gfx",WRAM0[$c400]
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Sprites:: ; c400
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 4 bytes per sprite
; 40 sprites
; struct:
; y in pixels
; x in pixels
; tile id
; attributes:
; bit 7: priority
; bit 6: y flip
; bit 5: x flip
; bit 4: pal # (non-cgb)
; bit 3: vram bank (cgb only)
; bit 2-0: pal # (cgb only)
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
ds 4 * 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TileMap:: ; c4a0
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 20x18 grid of 8x8 tiles
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2012-06-05 23:26:18 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wEnemyMoveStruct:: ds MOVE_LENGTH ; c608
wPlayerMoveStruct:: ds MOVE_LENGTH ; c60f
2012-06-05 23:26:18 -05:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
EnemyMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; c616
BattleMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; c621
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
BattleMon:: battle_struct BattleMon ; c62c
2013-09-07 22:47:58 -04:00
ds 10
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
OTName:: ; c656
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
ds 2
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurOTMon:: ; c663
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TypeModifier:: ; c665
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; >10: super-effective
; 10: normal
; <10: not very effective
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
; bit 7: stab
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CriticalHit:: ; c666
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; nonzero for a critical hit
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
AttackMissed:: ; c667
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; nonzero for a miss
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSubStatus1:: ; c668
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; bit
; 7 attract
; 6 encore
; 5 endure
; 4 perish song
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
; 3 identified
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 2 protect
; 1 curse
; 0 nightmare
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSubStatus2:: ; c669
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; bit
; 7
; 6
; 5
; 4
; 3
; 2
; 1
2013-03-27 01:52:04 -04:00
; 0 curled
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSubStatus3:: ; c66a
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; bit
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
; 7 confused
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; 6 flying
; 5 underground
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 4 charged
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; 3 flinch
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 2
; 1 rollout
; 0 bide
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSubStatus4:: ; c66b
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; bit
; 7 leech seed
2013-03-27 01:52:04 -04:00
; 6 rage
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 5 recharge
; 4 substitute
; 3
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; 2 focus energy
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
; 1 mist
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; 0 bide: unleashed energy
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSubStatus5:: ; c66c
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; bit
2013-05-03 02:42:25 -04:00
; 7 cant run
2013-03-27 01:52:04 -04:00
; 6 destiny bond
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
; 5 lock-on
; 4
; 3
; 2
; 1
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
; 0 toxic
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySubStatus1:: ; c66d
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; see PlayerSubStatus1
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySubStatus2:: ; c66e
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; see PlayerSubStatus2
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySubStatus3:: ; c66f
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; see PlayerSubStatus3
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySubStatus4:: ; c670
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; see PlayerSubStatus4
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySubStatus5:: ; c671
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; see PlayerSubStatus5
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerRolloutCount:: ; c672
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerConfuseCount:: ; c673
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-06-17 12:52:32 -07:00
PlayerToxicCount:: ; c674
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerDisableCount:: ; c675
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerEncoreCount:: ; c676
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerPerishCount:: ; c677
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerFuryCutterCount:: ; c678
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerProtectCount:: ; c679
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyRolloutCount:: ; c67a
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyConfuseCount:: ; c67b
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-06-17 12:52:32 -07:00
EnemyToxicCount:: ; c67c
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyDisableCount:: ; c67d
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyEncoreCount:: ; c67e
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyPerishCount:: ; c67f
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyFuryCutterCount:: ; c680
2013-04-19 03:50:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyProtectCount:: ; c681
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerDamageTaken:: ; c682
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyDamageTaken:: ; c684
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 2
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
ds 3
2013-03-27 01:52:04 -04:00
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleScriptBuffer:: ; c68a
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleScriptBufferLoc:: ; c6b2
2013-03-22 04:08:47 -04:00
ds 2
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2013-06-13 16:10:39 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerStats:: ; c6b6
2013-06-13 16:10:39 -04:00
ds 10
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyStats:: ; c6c1
2013-06-13 16:10:39 -04:00
ds 10
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerStatLevels:: ; c6cc
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 07 neutral
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerAtkLevel:: ; c6cc
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerDefLevel:: ; c6cd
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSpdLevel:: ; c6ce
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSAtkLevel:: ; c6cf
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSDefLevel:: ; c6d0
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerAccLevel:: ; c6d1
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerEvaLevel:: ; c6d2
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
; c6d3
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyStatLevels:: ; c6d4
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 07 neutral
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyAtkLevel:: ; c6d4
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyDefLevel:: ; c6d5
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySpdLevel:: ; c6d6
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySAtkLevel:: ; c6d7
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemySDefLevel:: ; c6d8
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyAccLevel:: ; c6d9
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyEvaLevel:: ; c6da
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
; c6db
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyTurnsTaken:: ; c6dc
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerTurnsTaken:: ; c6dd
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-06-10 23:08:07 -07:00
ds 1
PlayerSubstituteHP:: ; c6df
ds 1
EnemySubstituteHP:: ; c6e0
ds 1
ds 2
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurPlayerMove:: ; c6e3
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurEnemyMove:: ; c6e4
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LinkBattleRNCount:: ; c6e5
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; how far through the prng stream
ds 1
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 3
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurEnemyMoveNum:: ; c6e9
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-06-13 21:18:14 -07:00
ds 2
wPayDayMoney:: ds 3 ; c6ec
ds 5
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
AlreadyDisobeyed:: ; c6f4
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
DisabledMove:: ; c6f5
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyDisabledMove:: ; c6f6
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; exists so you can't counter on switch
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LastEnemyCounterMove:: ; c6f8
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LastPlayerCounterMove:: ; c6f9
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2013-03-27 18:50:10 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
AlreadyFailed:: ; c6fb
2013-03-27 18:50:10 -04:00
ds 1
ds 3
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerScreens:: ; c6ff
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
; bit
; 4 reflect
; 3 light screen
2013-05-06 11:41:12 -04:00
; 2 safeguard
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
; 0 spikes
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 1
2013-04-20 02:57:11 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyScreens:: ; c700
2013-05-03 01:29:57 -04:00
; see PlayerScreens
2013-04-20 02:57:11 -04:00
ds 1
2014-06-10 23:08:07 -07:00
PlayerSafeguardCount:: ; c701
2013-04-20 02:57:11 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerLightScreenCount:: ; c702
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerReflectCount:: ; c703
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-06-10 23:08:07 -07:00
ds 1
2013-04-27 17:12:23 -04:00
2014-06-10 23:08:07 -07:00
EnemySafeguardCount:: ; c705
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyLightScreenCount:: ; c706
2013-04-27 17:12:23 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyReflectCount:: ; c707
2013-04-27 17:12:23 -04:00
ds 1
ds 2
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Weather:: ; c70a
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 00 normal
; 01 rain
; 02 sun
; 03 sandstorm
; 04 rain stopped
; 05 sunliight faded
; 06 sandstorm subsided
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WeatherCount:: ; c70b
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; # turns remaining
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LoweredStat:: ; c70c
2013-06-13 16:10:39 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EffectFailed:: ; c70d
2013-06-13 16:10:39 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
FailedMessage:: ; c70e
2013-06-13 16:10:39 -04:00
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
ds 1
wPlayerIsSwitching:: ds 1 ; c710
wEnemyIsSwitching:: ds 1 ; c711
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerUsedMoves:: ; c712
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; add a move that has been used once by the player
; added in order of use
ds 4
ds 5
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LastPlayerMove:: ; c71b
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LastEnemyMove:: ; c71c
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
ds 23
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleEnded:: ; c734
2013-06-17 18:19:45 -04:00
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
ds 12
; c741
2013-06-17 18:19:45 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "overworldmap",WRAM0[$c800]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
OverworldMap:: ; c800
2013-01-25 03:25:48 -05:00
ds 1300
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-01-25 03:25:48 -05:00
ds 12
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "gfx2",WRAM0[$cd20]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BGMapBuffer:: ; cd20
2013-02-26 00:47:46 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CreditsTimer:: ; cd22
2013-02-26 00:47:46 -05:00
ds 1
ds 37
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BGMapPalBuffer:: ; cd48
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BGMapBufferPtrs:: ; cd70
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 20 bg map addresses (16x8 tiles)
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SGBPredef:: ; cd98
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerHPPal:: ; cd99
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EnemyHPPal:: ; cd9a
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
ds 62
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
AttrMap:: ; cdd9
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 20x18 grid of palettes for 8x8 tiles
; read horizontally from the top row
; bit 3: vram bank
; bit 0-2: palette id
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-06-16 22:52:59 -07:00
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 30
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MonType:: ; cf5f
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurSpecies:: ; cf60
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2013-09-01 15:24:07 -04:00
ds 6
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Requested2bpp:: ; cf67
2013-09-01 15:24:07 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Requested2bppSource:: ; cf68
2013-09-01 15:24:07 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Requested2bppDest:: ; cf6a
2013-09-01 15:24:07 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Requested1bpp:: ; cf6c
2013-09-01 15:24:07 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Requested1bppSource:: ; cf6d
2013-09-01 15:24:07 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Requested1bppDest:: ; cf6f
2013-09-01 15:24:07 -04:00
ds 2
ds 3
2013-05-08 01:22:41 +02:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MenuSelection:: ; cf74
2013-07-01 22:55:13 -04:00
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2013-08-21 13:54:35 -04:00
SECTION "VBlank",WRAM0[$cfb1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
OverworldDelay:: ; cfb1
2013-07-20 01:25:20 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TextDelayFrames:: ; cfb2
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
VBlankOccurred:: ; cfb3
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PredefID:: ; cfb4
2013-09-04 04:04:11 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PredefTemp:: ; cfb5
2013-09-04 04:04:11 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PredefAddress:: ; cfb7
2013-09-04 04:04:11 -04:00
ds 2
ds 3
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
GameTimerPause:: ; cfbc
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
; bit 0
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "Engine",WRAM0[$cfc2]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
FXAnimIDLo:: ; cfc2
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
FXAnimIDHi:: ; cfc3
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TileAnimationTimer:: ; cfc6
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
ds 5
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Options:: ; cfcc
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; bit 0-2: number of frames to delay when printing text
; fast 1; mid 3; slow 5
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
; bit 3: ?
; bit 4: no text delay
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; bit 5: stereo off/on
; bit 6: battle style shift/set
; bit 7: battle scene off/on
ds 1
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TextBoxFrame:: ; cfce
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; bits 0-2: textbox frame 0-7
ds 1
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
GBPrinter:: ; cfd0
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; bit 0-6: brightness
; lightest: $00
; lighter: $20
; normal: $40 (default)
; darker: $60
; darkest: $7F
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Options2:: ; cfd1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; bit 1: menu account off/on
ds 1
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
ds 46
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
DefaultFlypoint:: ; d002
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
ds 1
; d003
ds 1
; d004
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StartFlypoint:: ; d005
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EndFlypoint:: ; d006
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
ds 1
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MovementBuffer:: ; d007
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
2013-05-03 15:40:45 -04:00
ds 55
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EngineBuffer1:: ; d03e
2013-05-03 15:40:45 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurFruit:: ; d03f
2013-05-03 15:40:45 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MartPointer:: ; d040
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MovementAnimation:: ; d042
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WalkingDirection:: ; d043
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
FacingDirection:: ; d044
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WalkingX:: ; d045
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WalkingY:: ; d046
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WalkingTile:: ; d047
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
ds 43
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StringBuffer1:: ; d073
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 19
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StringBuffer2:: ; d086
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 19
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StringBuffer3:: ; d099
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 19
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StringBuffer4:: ; d0ac
2013-05-21 17:03:31 -06:00
ds 19
2014-02-24 21:35:29 -05:00
StringBuffer5:: ; d0bf
ds 19
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-24 21:35:29 -05:00
ds 2
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurBattleMon:: ; d0d4
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurMoveNum:: ; d0d5
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
ds 23
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
VramState:: ; d0ed
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; bit 0: overworld sprite updating on/off
; bit 6: something to do with text
; bit 7: on when surf initiates
; flickers when climbing waterfall
ds 1
2013-08-03 17:23:28 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurMart:: ; d0f0
2013-08-03 17:23:28 -04:00
ds 16
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-08-03 17:23:28 -04:00
ds 6
2013-04-29 21:19:42 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurItem:: ; d106
2013-04-29 21:19:42 -04:00
ds 1
ds 1
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurPartySpecies:: ; d108
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurPartyMon:: ; d109
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
; contains which monster in a party
2012-10-09 02:32:05 -04:00
; is being dealt with at the moment
; 0-5
ds 1
2013-04-12 17:21:22 -04:00
ds 4
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2014-06-10 23:08:07 -07:00
party_struct TempMon
2013-04-12 17:21:22 -04:00
ds 3
2013-01-14 09:40:27 +01:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PartyMenuActionText:: ; d141
2013-07-01 22:55:13 -04:00
ds 1
ds 1
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurPartyLevel:: ; d143
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
2013-08-21 13:54:35 -04:00
SECTION "UsedSprites",WRAMX[$d154],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
UsedSprites:: ; d154
2013-07-08 01:35:41 -04:00
ds 32
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
SECTION "map",WRAMX[$d19d],BANK[1]
2013-07-20 01:25:20 -04:00
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
; both are in blocks (2x2 walkable tiles, 4x4 graphics tiles)
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapHeader:: ; d19d
MapBorderBlock:: ; d19d
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapHeight:: ; d19e
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapWidth:: ; d19f
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapBlockDataBank:: ; d1a0
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapBlockDataPointer:: ; d1a1
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapScriptHeaderBank:: ; d1a3
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapScriptHeaderPointer:: ; d1a4
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapEventHeaderPointer:: ; d1a6
2013-10-05 04:03:34 +02:00
ds 2
; bit set
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapConnections:: ; d1a8
2013-07-20 01:25:20 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthMapConnection:: ; d1a9
NorthConnectedMapGroup:: ; d1a9
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectedMapNumber:: ; d1aa
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectionStripPointer:: ; d1ab
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectionStripLocation:: ; d1ad
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectionStripLength:: ; d1af
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectedMapWidth:: ; d1b0
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectionStripYOffset:: ; d1b1
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectionStripXOffset:: ; d1b2
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NorthConnectionWindow:: ; d1b3
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthMapConnection:: ; d1b5
SouthConnectedMapGroup:: ; d1b5
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectedMapNumber:: ; d1b6
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectionStripPointer:: ; d1b7
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectionStripLocation:: ; d1b9
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectionStripLength:: ; d1bb
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectedMapWidth:: ; d1bc
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectionStripYOffset:: ; d1bd
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectionStripXOffset:: ; d1be
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
SouthConnectionWindow:: ; d1bf
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestMapConnection:: ; d1c1
WestConnectedMapGroup:: ; d1c1
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectedMapNumber:: ; d1c2
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectionStripPointer:: ; d1c3
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectionStripLocation:: ; d1c5
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectionStripLength:: ; d1c7
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectedMapWidth:: ; d1c8
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectionStripYOffset:: ; d1c9
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectionStripXOffset:: ; d1ca
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WestConnectionWindow:: ; d1cb
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastMapConnection:: ; d1cd
EastConnectedMapGroup:: ; d1cd
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectedMapNumber:: ; d1ce
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectionStripPointer:: ; d1cf
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectionStripLocation:: ; d1d1
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectionStripLength:: ; d1d3
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectedMapWidth:: ; d1d4
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectionStripYOffset:: ; d1d5
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectionStripXOffset:: ; d1d6
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EastConnectionWindow:: ; d1d7
2013-05-13 18:40:33 -04:00
ds 2
2013-05-13 15:37:14 -04:00
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetBank:: ; d1d9
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetAddress:: ; d1da
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetBlocksBank:: ; d1dc
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetBlocksAddress:: ; d1dd
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetCollisionBank:: ; d1df
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetCollisionAddress:: ; d1e0
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetAnim:: ; d1e2
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; bank 3f
ds 2
; unused ; d1e4
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TilesetPalettes:: ; d1e6
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; bank 3f
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EvolvableFlags:: ; d1e8
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
flag_array PARTY_LENGTH
2013-04-19 03:48:07 -04:00
ds 1
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Buffer1:: ; d1ea
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Buffer2:: ; d1eb
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "BattleMons2",WRAMX[$d1fa],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LinkBattleRNs:: ; d1fa
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 10
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
TempEnemyMonSpecies:: ds 1 ; d204
TempBattleMonSpecies:: ds 1 ; d205
2013-04-29 15:42:31 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
EnemyMon:: battle_struct EnemyMon ; d206
EnemyMonBaseStats:: ds 5 ; d226
EnemyMonCatchRate:: db ; d22b
EnemyMonBaseExp:: db ; d22c
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
IsInBattle:: ; d22d
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
; 0: overworld
; 1: wild battle
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
; 2: trainer battle
ds 1
ds 1
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
OtherTrainerClass:: ; d22f
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
; class (Youngster, Bug Catcher, etc.) of opposing trainer
; 0 if opponent is a wild Pokémon, not a trainer
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleType:: ; d230
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
; $00 normal
; $01
; $02
; $03 dude
; $04 fishing
; $05 roaming
; $06
; $07 shiny
; $08 headbutt/rock smash
; $09
; $0a force Item1
; $0b
; $0c suicune
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
OtherTrainerID:: ; d231
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
; which trainer of the class that you're fighting
; (Joey, Mikey, Albert, etc.)
ds 1
2013-05-04 02:14:02 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TrainerClass:: ; d233
2013-05-04 02:14:02 -04:00
ds 1
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
UnownLetter:: ; d234
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurBaseData:: ; d236
BaseDexNo:: ; d236
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseStats:: ; d237
BaseHP:: ; d237
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseAttack:: ; d238
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseDefense:: ; d239
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseSpeed:: ; d23a
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseSpecialAttack:: ; d23b
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseSpecialDefense:: ; d23c
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseType:: ; d23d
BaseType1:: ; d23d
2013-04-29 15:42:31 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseType2:: ; d23e
2013-04-29 15:42:31 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseCatchRate:: ; d23f
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseExp:: ; d240
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseItems:: ; d241
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseGender:: ; d243
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseUnknown1:: ; d244
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseEggSteps:: ; d245
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseUnknown2:: ; d246
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BasePicSize:: ; d247
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BasePadding:: ; d248
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 4
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseGrowthRate:: ; d24c
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseEggGroups:: ; d24d
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BaseTMHM:: ; d24e
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
ds 8
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurDamage:: ; d256
2013-03-26 05:22:22 -04:00
ds 2
2013-04-29 14:04:25 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "TimeOfDay",WRAMX[$d269],BANK[1]
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TimeOfDay:: ; d269
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "OTParty",WRAMX[$d280],BANK[1]
2012-06-05 22:28:55 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
OTPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d280
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
OTPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; d281
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
OTPartyEnd:: ds 1
2014-06-14 22:33:23 -07:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
OTPartyMon1:: party_struct OTPartyMon1 ; d288
OTPartyMon2:: party_struct OTPartyMon2 ; d2b8
OTPartyMon3:: party_struct OTPartyMon3 ; d2e8
OTPartyMon4:: party_struct OTPartyMon4 ; d318
OTPartyMon5:: party_struct OTPartyMon5 ; d348
OTPartyMon6:: party_struct OTPartyMon6 ; d378
2014-06-14 22:33:23 -07:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
OTPartyMonNicknames:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d3ea
2012-06-05 22:28:55 -05:00
2014-06-13 21:18:14 -07:00
ds 4
wBattleAction:: ds 1 ; d430
ds 1
2012-06-05 22:28:55 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapStatus:: ; d432
2013-12-27 05:56:23 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapEventStatus:: ; d433
2013-12-27 05:56:23 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptFlags:: ; d434
2013-07-04 05:37:20 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptFlags2:: ; d435
2013-07-20 01:25:20 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptFlags3:: ; d436
2013-07-20 01:25:20 -04:00
ds 1
2013-02-28 15:45:34 -06:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptMode:: ; d437
2013-07-04 05:37:20 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptRunning:: ; d438
2013-07-04 04:11:28 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptBank:: ; d439
2013-02-28 15:45:34 -06:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptPos:: ; d43a
2013-02-28 15:45:34 -06:00
ds 2
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2013-07-04 05:37:20 -04:00
ds 17
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ScriptDelay:: ; d44d
2013-07-04 05:37:20 -04:00
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "Player",WRAMX[$d472],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerGender:: ; d472
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
; bit 0:
; 0 male
; 1 female
ds 1
ds 8
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerID:: ; d47b
2012-07-04 21:42:39 -06:00
ds 2
2013-07-21 05:53:04 -04:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
PlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d47d
MomsName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d488
RivalName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d493
RedsName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d49e
GreensName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d4a9
2013-05-12 18:36:40 -06:00
2013-07-21 05:53:04 -04:00
ds 2
2012-07-04 21:42:39 -06:00
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
; init time set at newgame
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StartDay:: ; d4b6
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StartHour:: ; d4b7
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StartMinute:: ; d4b8
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StartSecond:: ; d4b9
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 9
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
GameTimeCap:: ; d4c3
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
GameTimeHours:: ; d4c4
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
GameTimeMinutes:: ; d4c6
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
GameTimeSeconds:: ; d4c7
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
GameTimeFrames:: ; d4c8
2012-12-14 03:00:10 -05:00
ds 1
ds 2
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurDay:: ; d4cb
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2013-07-22 03:00:07 -04:00
ds 10
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-12-22 20:47:57 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerStruct:: ; d4d6
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSprite:: ; d4d8
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
ds 1
2013-08-27 13:49:32 -04:00
ds 3
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerPalette:: ; d4dc
2013-08-27 13:49:32 -04:00
ds 1
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerDirection:: ; d4de
2012-09-23 12:50:44 -04:00
; uses bits 2 and 3 / $0c / %00001100
; %00 down
; %01 up
; %10 left
; $11 right
ds 1
2013-08-30 14:20:01 -04:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerAction:: ; d4e1
2013-08-27 13:49:32 -04:00
; 1 standing
; 2 walking
; 4 spinning
; 6 fishing
ds 1
2013-12-22 20:47:57 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerFacing:: ; d4e3
2013-12-22 20:47:57 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StandingTile:: ; d4e4
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StandingTile2:: ; d4e5
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
; relative to the map struct including borders
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapX:: ; d4e6
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapY:: ; d4e7
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapX2:: ; d4e8
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapY2:: ; d4e9
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
ds 3
; relative to the bg map, in px
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSpriteX:: ; d4ed
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerSpriteY:: ; d4ee
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
ds 1
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 15
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct1:: ; d4fe
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct2:: ; d526
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct3:: ; d54e
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct4:: ; d576
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct5:: ; d59e
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct6:: ; d5c6
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct7:: ; d5ee
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct8:: ; d616
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct9:: ; d63e
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct10:: ; d666
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct11:: ; d68e
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ObjectStruct12:: ; d6b6
2013-11-28 00:49:59 -05:00
ds 40
; d6de
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "Objects",WRAMX[$d71e],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapObjects:: ; d71e
2013-07-04 04:11:28 -04:00
2013-08-21 13:54:35 -04:00
SECTION "VariableSprites",WRAMX[$d82e],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
VariableSprites:: ; d82e
2013-07-08 01:35:41 -04:00
ds $10
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "Status",WRAMX[$d841],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TimeOfDayPal:: ; d841
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 1
ds 4
; d846
ds 1
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
CurTimeOfDay:: ; d848
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
ds 1
2013-07-01 22:55:13 -04:00
ds 3
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StatusFlags:: ; d84c
2013-07-01 22:55:13 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StatusFlags2:: ; d84d
2013-07-01 22:55:13 -04:00
ds 1
2012-12-23 03:21:19 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Money:: ; d84e
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
ds 3
2014-06-10 23:08:07 -07:00
wMomsMoney:: ; d851
ds 3
wMomSavingMoney:: ; d854
ds 1
2013-08-30 17:48:59 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Coins:: ; d855
2013-08-30 17:48:59 -04:00
ds 2
2012-10-09 04:43:45 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
JohtoBadges:: ; d857
2014-06-13 22:53:20 -07:00
flag_array 8
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
KantoBadges:: ; d858
2014-06-13 22:53:20 -07:00
flag_array 8
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "Items",WRAMX[$d859],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
TMsHMs:: ; d859
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
ds 57
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NumItems:: ; d892
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Items:: ; d893
2013-07-02 23:01:34 -04:00
ds 41
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NumKeyItems:: ; d8bc
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
KeyItems:: ; d8bd
2013-07-02 23:01:34 -04:00
ds 26
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-07-02 23:01:34 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
NumBalls:: ; d8d7
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Balls:: ; d8d8
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
ds 25
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-08-30 00:07:51 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PCItems:: ; d8f1
2013-08-30 00:07:51 -04:00
ds 101
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-08-30 00:07:51 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "overworld",WRAMX[$d95b],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WhichRegisteredItem:: ; d95b
2013-07-02 23:01:34 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
RegisteredItem:: ; d95c
2013-07-02 23:01:34 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PlayerState:: ; d95d
2012-09-23 12:50:44 -04:00
ds 1
2012-09-11 22:37:03 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "scriptram",WRAMX[$d962],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MooMooBerries:: ; d962
2012-07-05 00:19:52 -06:00
ds 1 ; how many berries fed to MooMoo
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
UndergroundSwitchPositions:: ; d963
2012-07-05 00:19:52 -06:00
ds 1 ; which positions the switches are in
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
FarfetchdPosition:: ; d964
2012-07-05 00:19:52 -06:00
ds 1 ; which position the ilex farfetch'd is in
2014-03-03 22:46:04 -05:00
SECTION "Map Triggers", WRAMX[$d972], BANK[1]
wPokecenter2FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d972
wTradeCenterTrigger:: ds 1 ; d973
wColosseumTrigger:: ds 1 ; d974
wTimeCapsuleTrigger:: ds 1 ; d975
wPowerPlantTrigger:: ds 1 ; d976
wCeruleanGymTrigger:: ds 1 ; d977
wRoute25Trigger:: ds 1 ; d978
wTrainerHouseB1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d979
wVictoryRoadGateTrigger:: ds 1 ; d97a
wSaffronTrainStationTrigger:: ds 1 ; d97b
wRoute16GateTrigger:: ds 1 ; d97c
wRoute1718GateTrigger:: ds 1 ; d97d
wIndigoPlateauPokecenter1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d97e
wWillsRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d97f
wKogasRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d980
wBrunosRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d981
wKarensRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d982
wLancesRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d983
wHallOfFameTrigger:: ds 1 ; d984
wRoute27Trigger:: ds 1 ; d985
wNewBarkTownTrigger:: ds 1 ; d986
wElmsLabTrigger:: ds 1 ; d987
wKrissHouse1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d988
wRoute29Trigger:: ds 1 ; d989
wCherrygroveCityTrigger:: ds 1 ; d98a
wMrPokemonsHouseTrigger:: ds 1 ; d98b
wRoute32Trigger:: ds 1 ; d98c
wRoute35NationalParkGateTrigger:: ds 1 ; d98d
wRoute36Trigger:: ds 1 ; d98e
wRoute36NationalParkGateTrigger:: ds 1 ; d98f
wAzaleaTownTrigger:: ds 1 ; d990
wGoldenrodGymTrigger:: ds 1 ; d991
wGoldenrodMagnetTrainStationTrigger:: ds 1 ; d992
wGoldenrodPokecenter1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d993
wOlivineCityTrigger:: ds 1 ; d994
wRoute34Trigger:: ds 1 ; d995
wRoute34IlexForestGateTrigger:: ds 1 ; d996
wEcruteakHouseTrigger:: ds 1 ; d997
wWiseTriosRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d998
wEcruteakPokecenter1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d999
wEcruteakGymTrigger:: ds 1 ; d99a
wMahoganyTownTrigger:: ds 1 ; d99b
wRoute42Trigger:: ds 1 ; d99c
wCianwoodCityTrigger:: ds 1 ; d99d
wBattleTower1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d99e
wBattleTowerBattleRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d99f
wBattleTowerElevatorTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a0
wBattleTowerHallwayTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a1
wBattleTowerOutsideTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a2
wRoute43GateTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a3
wMountMoonTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a4
wSproutTower3FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a5
wTinTower1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a6
wBurnedTower1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a7
wBurnedTowerB1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a8
wRadioTower5FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9a9
wRuinsOfAlphOutsideTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9aa
wRuinsOfAlphResearchCenterTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9ab
wRuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9ac
wRuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9ad
wRuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9ae
wRuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9af
wRuinsOfAlphInnerChamberTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b0
wMahoganyMart1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b1
wTeamRocketBaseB1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b2
wTeamRocketBaseB2FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b3
wTeamRocketBaseB3FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b4
wUndergroundPathSwitchRoomEntrancesTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b5
wSilverCaveRoom3Trigger:: ds 1 ; d9b6
wVictoryRoadTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b7
wDragonsDenB1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b8
wDragonShrineTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9b9
wOlivinePortTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9ba
wVermilionPortTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9bb
wFastShip1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9bc
wFastShipB1FTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9bd
wMountMoonSquareTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9be
wMobileTradeRoomMobileTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9bf
wMobileBattleRoomTrigger:: ds 1 ; d9c0
2013-08-23 15:00:07 -04:00
SECTION "Events",WRAMX[$da72],BANK[1]
2012-06-05 23:49:44 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
EventFlags:: ; da72
;RoomDecorations:: ; dac6
;TeamRocketAzaleaTownAttackEvent:: ; db51
;PoliceAtElmsLabEvent:: ; db52
;SalesmanMahoganyTownEvent:: ; db5c
;RedGyaradosEvent:: ; db5c
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
flag_array 2000
2013-08-23 15:00:07 -04:00
; db6c
2012-06-05 23:49:44 -05:00
2014-04-12 15:45:19 -04:00
SECTION "Boxes",WRAMX[$db72],BANK[1]
wCurBox:: ; db72
ds 1
ds 2
2012-04-19 00:18:36 -04:00
; 8 chars + $50
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wBoxNames:: ds 9 * NUM_BOXES ; db75
2012-04-19 00:18:36 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "bike", WRAMX[$dbf5],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BikeFlags:: ; dbf5
2013-06-27 00:34:49 -04:00
; bit 1: always on bike
; bit 2: downhill
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "decorations", WRAMX[$dc0f],BANK[1]
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
; Sprite id of each decoration
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Bed:: ; dc0f
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Carpet:: ; dc10
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Plant:: ; dc11
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Poster:: ; dc12
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
Console:: ; dc13
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LeftOrnament:: ; dc14
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
RightOrnament:: ; dc15
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BigDoll:: ; dc16
2013-05-29 18:56:09 -04:00
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "fruittrees", WRAMX[$dc27],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
FruitTreeFlags:: ; dc27
2013-05-03 15:40:45 -04:00
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "steps", WRAMX[$dc73],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
StepCount:: ; dc73
2013-03-22 04:08:47 -04:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PoisonStepCount:: ; dc74
2013-03-22 04:08:47 -04:00
ds 1
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
2013-11-29 00:38:22 -05:00
SECTION "Visited Spawn Points", WRAMX[$dca5],BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
VisitedSpawns:: ; dca5
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
flag_array 27
2013-02-04 00:22:53 -05:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "BackupMapInfo", WRAMX[$dcad],BANK[1]
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
; used on maps like second floor pokécenter, which are reused, so we know which
; map to return to
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BackupMapGroup:: ; dcad
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BackupMapNumber:: ; dcae
2012-09-10 21:20:58 -06:00
ds 1
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "PlayerMapInfo", WRAMX[$dcb4],BANK[1]
2012-07-04 22:13:23 -06:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
WarpNumber:: ; dcb4
2012-07-04 22:13:23 -06:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapGroup:: ; dcb5
2012-07-04 22:13:23 -06:00
ds 1 ; map group of current map
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
MapNumber:: ; dcb6
2012-07-04 22:13:23 -06:00
ds 1 ; map number of current map
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
YCoord:: ; dcb7
2012-07-04 22:13:23 -06:00
ds 1 ; current y coordinate relative to top-left corner of current map
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
XCoord:: ; dcb8
2012-07-04 22:13:23 -06:00
ds 1 ; current x coordinate relative to top-left corner of current map
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
SECTION "PlayerParty",WRAMX[$dcd7],BANK[1]
2012-04-19 00:18:36 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PartyCount:: ; dcd7
2012-03-20 22:23:40 -06:00
ds 1 ; number of Pokémon in party
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PartySpecies:: ; dcd8
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
ds PARTY_LENGTH ; species of each Pokémon in party
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PartyEnd:: ; dcde
2013-04-08 02:15:08 -04:00
ds 1 ; legacy functions don't check PartyCount
2012-04-19 00:18:36 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
PartyMon1:: party_struct PartyMon1 ; dcdf
PartyMon2:: party_struct PartyMon2 ; dd0f
PartyMon3:: party_struct PartyMon3 ; dd3f
PartyMon4:: party_struct PartyMon4 ; dd6f
PartyMon5:: party_struct PartyMon5 ; dd9f
PartyMon6:: party_struct PartyMon6 ; ddcf
2012-03-20 22:23:40 -06:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
PartyMonNicknames:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; de41
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
SECTION "Pokedex", WRAMX[$de99], BANK[1]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PokedexCaught:: ; de99
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
flag_array NUM_POKEMON
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
PokedexSeen:: ; deb9
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
flag_array NUM_POKEMON
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
UnownDex:: ; ded9
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 26
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
UnlockedUnowns:: ; def3
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
ds 1
wDaycareMan:: ; def5
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
; bit 7: active
; bit 6: monsters are compatible
2012-10-09 04:43:45 -04:00
; bit 5: egg ready
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
; bit 0: monster 1 in daycare
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
wBreedMon1Nick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; def6
wBreedMon1OT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df01
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wBreedMon1Stats:: box_struct wBreedMon1 ; df0c
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wDaycareLady:: ; df2c
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
; bit 7: active
; bit 0: monster 2 in daycare
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wStepsToEgg:: ; df2d
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wDittoInDaycare:: ; df2e
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
; z: yes
; nz: no
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
wBreedMon2Nick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; df2f
wBreedMon2OT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df3a
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wBreedMon2Stats:: box_struct wBreedMon2 ; df45
2012-10-09 02:40:36 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wEggNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; df65
wEggOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df70
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
wEggMon:: box_struct wEggMon ; df7b
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-02-22 21:57:28 -05:00
ds 1
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wContestMon:: party_struct wContestMon ; df9c
2014-02-22 21:57:28 -05:00
ds 3
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
roam_struct: MACRO
\1Species:: db
\1Level:: db
\1MapGroup:: db
\1MapNumber:: db
\1HP:: ds 1
\1DVs:: ds 2
2012-11-23 21:19:02 -05:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
wRoamMon1:: roam_struct wRoamMon1 ; dfcf
wRoamMon2:: roam_struct wRoamMon2 ; dfd6
wRoamMon3:: roam_struct wRoamMon3 ; dfdd
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
2013-08-04 04:57:48 -04:00
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
; 8 4-color palettes
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
Unkn1Pals:: ds 8 * 8 ; d000
Unkn2Pals:: ds 8 * 8 ; d040
BGPals:: ds 8 * 8 ; d080
OBPals:: ds 8 * 8 ; d0c0
2013-07-02 14:10:49 -04:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LYOverrides:: ; d100
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-08-22 04:16:41 -04:00
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
ds 112
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
LYOverridesBackup:: ; d200
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
2013-12-17 23:32:46 -05:00
SECTION "Battle Animations", WRAMX[$d30a], BANK[5]
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ActiveAnimObjects:: ; d30a
2013-12-17 23:32:46 -05:00
ds 4 * 40
ds 80
2013-12-09 16:20:19 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
ActiveBGEffects:: ; d3fa
2013-12-09 16:20:19 -05:00
ds 4 * 5
2013-12-17 23:32:46 -05:00
ds 1
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimFlags:: ; d40f
2013-12-17 23:32:46 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimAddress:: ; d410
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimDuration:: ; d412
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimParent:: ; d413
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
ds 2
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimLoops:: ; d415
2013-12-17 23:32:46 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimVar:: ; d416
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimByte:: ; d417
2013-12-08 16:22:35 -05:00
ds 1
ds 1
2014-02-01 20:26:39 -05:00
BattleAnimTemps:: ; d419
2013-12-17 23:32:46 -05:00
ds 8
2013-08-22 04:16:41 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
SECTION "Scratch", SRAM, BANK[0]
2013-08-22 04:16:41 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
2013-08-22 04:16:41 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
SECTION "BoxMons", SRAM[$ad10], BANK[1]
2013-08-22 04:16:41 -04:00
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
sBoxCount:: ds 1 ; ad10
sBoxSpecies:: ds MONS_PER_BOX ; ad11
ds 1
sBoxMons:: ; ad26
sBoxMon1:: box_struct sBoxMon1
ds box_struct_length * (MONS_PER_BOX +- 1)
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
sBoxMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH * MONS_PER_BOX ; afa6
2013-08-22 04:16:41 -04:00
2014-06-12 19:32:58 -07:00
sBoxMonNicknames:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH * MONS_PER_BOX ; b082
2014-06-12 18:32:42 -07:00
; b15e