disasm PrintPartyMenuText

This commit is contained in:
Sanky 2013-01-14 09:40:27 +01:00
parent 52e79bd8bb
commit 7b3e7a8de0
2 changed files with 74 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ NPlaceChar: ; 0x101e
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1024,$1078 - $1024
PlaceString: ; $1078
push hl
ld a, [de]
@ -18509,7 +18509,72 @@ INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4cf1f,$50000 - $4cf1f
SECTION "bank14",DATA,BANK[$14]
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$50000,$5097B-$50000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$50000,$5049a-$50000
PrintPartyMenuText: ; 5049a
ld hl, $c5b8
ld bc, $0212
call $0fe8 ; related to TextBoxBorder
ld a, [PartyCount]
and a
jr nz, .haspokemon
ld de, YouHaveNoPKMNString
jr .gotstring
.haspokemon ; 504ae
ld a, [PartyMenuActionText]
and $f ; drop high nibble
ld hl, PartyMenuStrings
ld e, a
ld d, $0
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld d, [hl]
ld e, a
.gotstring ; 504be
ld a, [Options]
push af
set 4, a ; disable text delay
ld [Options], a
ld hl, $c5e1 ; Coord
call PlaceString
pop af
ld [Options], a
; 0x504d2
PartyMenuStrings: ; 0x504d2
dw ChooseAMonString
dw UseOnWhichPKMNString
dw WhichPKMNString
dw TeachWhichPKMNString
dw MoveToWhereString
dw UseOnWhichPKMNString
dw ChooseAMonString ; Probably used to be ChooseAFemalePKMNString
dw ChooseAMonString ; Probably used to be ChooseAMalePKMNString
dw ToWhichPKMNString
ChooseAMonString: ; 0x504e4
db "Choose a #MON.@"
UseOnWhichPKMNString: ; 0x504f3
db "Use on which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
WhichPKMNString: ; 0x50504
db "Which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
TeachWhichPKMNString: ; 0x5050e
db "Teach which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
MoveToWhereString: ; 0x5051e
db "Move to where?@"
ChooseAFemalePKMNString: ; 0x5052d ; UNUSED
db "Choose a ♀", $e1, $e2, ".@"
ChooseAMalePKMNString: ; 0x5053b ; UNUSED
db "Choose a ♂", $e1, $e2, ".@"
ToWhichPKMNString: ; 0x50549
db "To which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
YouHaveNoPKMNString: ; 0x50556
db "You have no ", $e1, $e2, "!@"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$50566,$5097B-$50566
dw Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bird, Bug, Ghost, Steel
dw Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal

View File

@ -767,7 +767,12 @@ CurPartyMon: ; d109
; 0-5
ds 1
ds 57
ds 55
PartyMenuActionText ; d141
ds 1
ds 1
CurPartyLevel: ; d143
ds 1
@ -1463,4 +1468,4 @@ RoamMon3MapNumber: ; dfe0
RoamMon3CurHP: ; dfe1
ds 1
RoamMon3DVs: ; dfe2
ds 2
ds 2