This was originally left alone in order to allow functions without early return
to succeed, since in that case we would already emit the correct bytecode
despite not handling the HLSL_IR_JUMP_RETURN instruction.
Now that we lower return statements, however, any unhandled instructions are
either definitely going to result in invalid bytecode, or rare enough that it's
not worth returning success anyway.
Vectors cannot be used as array indexes, however, single-component
swizzles (such as vec.x) can be used.
This suggests that single-component swizzles should actually be
scalars and not vectors of dimx = 1.
It is worth noting that the use of single-component swizzles on scalars
should still be allowed.
Co-authored-by: Francisco Casas <>
Co-authored-by: Zebediah Figura <>
Because copy_propagation_transform_object_load() replaces a deref
instead of an instruction, it is currently prone to two problems:
1- It can replace a deref with the same deref, returning true every
time and getting the compilation stuck in an endless loop of
copy-propagation iterations.
2- When performed multiple times in the same deref, the second time it
can replace the deref with a deref from a temp that is only valid in
another point of the program execution, resulting in an incorrect value.
This patch preempts this by avoiding replacing derefs when the new deref
doesn't point to a uniform variable. Because, uniform variables cannot
be written to.
Reinterpret min16float, min10float, min16int, min12int, and min16uint
as their regular counterparts: float, float, int, int, uint,
A proper implementation would require adding minimum precision
indicators to all the dxbc-tpf instructions that use these types.
Consider the output of fxc 10.1 with the following shader:
uniform int i;
float4 main() : sv_target
min16float4 a = {0, 1, 2, i};
min16int2 b = {4, i};
min10float3 c = {6.4, 7, i};
min12int d = 9.4;
min16uint4x2 e = {14.4, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, i};
return mul(e, b) + a + c.xyzx + d;
However, if the graphics driver doesn't have minimum precision support,
it ignores the minimum precision indicators and runs at 32-bit
precision, which is equivalent as working with regular types.
If a hlsl_ir_load loads a variable whose components are stored from different
instructions, copy propagation doesn't replace it.
But if all these instructions are constants (which currently is the case
for value constructors), the load could be replaced with a constant value.
Which is expected in some other instructions, e.g. texel_offsets when
using aoffimmi modifiers.
For instance, this shader:
sampler s;
Texture2D t;
float4 main() : sv_target
return t.Gather(s, float2(0.6, 0.6), int2(0, 0));
results in the following IR before applying the patch:
float | 6.00000024e-01
float | 6.00000024e-01
uint | 0
| = (<constructor-2>[@4].x @2)
uint | 1
| = (<constructor-2>[@6].x @3)
float2 | <constructor-2>
int | 0
int | 0
uint | 0
| = (<constructor-5>[@11].x @9)
uint | 1
| = (<constructor-5>[@13].x @10)
int2 | <constructor-5>
float4 | gather_red(resource = t, sampler = s, coords = @8, offset = @15)
| return
| = (<output-sv_target0> @16)
and this IR afterwards:
float2 | {6.00000024e-01 6.00000024e-01 }
int2 | {0 0 }
float4 | gather_red(resource = t, sampler = s, coords = @2, offset = @3)
| return
| = (<output-sv_target0> @4)
On cross builds, shaders are compiled with d3dcompiler_47.dll and
run with d3dN.dll. On non-cross builds, shaders are compiled with
vkd3d-shader and run with d3dN.dll (on Windows) or Vulkan and vkd3d
(on Linux).
validate_static_object_references() validates that uninitialized static
objects are not referenced in the shader.
In case a static variable contains both numeric and object types, the
"Static variables cannot have both numeric and resource components."
error should preempt uninitialized numeric values to reach further
compilation steps.
Note that in the future we should call
validate_static_object_references() after DCE and pruning branches,
because shaders such as these compile (at least in more modern versions
of the native compiler):
Branch pruning:
static RWTexture2D<float> tex;
float4 main() : sv_target
if (0)
tex[int2(0, 0)] = 2;
return 0;
static Texture2D tex;
uniform uint i;
float4 main() : sv_target
float4 unused = tex.Load(int3(0, 1, 2));
return 0;
These are "todo" tests in hlsl-static-initializer.shader_test
that depend on this.
We are currently not initializing static values to zero by default.
Consider the following shader:
static float4 va;
float4 main() : sv_target
return va;
we get the following output:
dcl_output o0.xyzw
dcl_temps 2
mov r0.xyzw, r1.xyzw
mov o0.xyzw, r0.xyzw
where r1.xyzw is not initialized.
This patch solves this by assigning the static variable the value of an
uint 0, and thus, relying on complex broadcasts.
This seems to be the behaviour of the 9.29.952.3111 version of the native
compiler, since it retrieves the following error on a shader that lacks
an initializer on a data type with object components:
error X3017: cannot convert from 'uint' to 'struct <unnamed>'
Using add_unary_arithmetic_expr() instead of hlsl_new_unary_expr()
allows the intrinsic to work with matrices.
Otherwise we get:
E5017: Aborting due to not yet implemented feature: Copying from unsupported node type.
because an HLSL_IR_EXPR reaches split_matrix_copies().