2022-08-08 12:21:55 -04:00
shader model >= 4.0
2023-01-23 15:22:40 -03:00
[texture 0]
size (1, 1)
0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77
[texture 1]
size (1, 1)
0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64
[sampler 0]
filter linear linear linear
address clamp clamp clamp
[pixel shader]
Texture2D t_good, t_bad;
sampler sam;
float4 main() : sv_target
Texture2D a, b[1];
// This is basically a 'b[0] = t_good' but so that the copy-prop is delayed
int4 co = {0, 0, 0, 0};
b[(int) co.x + (int) co.y] = t_good;
a = b[0];
b[0] = t_bad;
// 'a' should be 't_good', not 't_bad' at this point
return 100 * a.Sample(sam, float2(0, 0)) + t_good.Sample(sam, float2(0, 0));
draw quad
todo probe all rgba (77.77, 77.77, 77.77, 77.77)
2022-08-08 12:21:55 -04:00
[texture 0]
size (2, 2)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8
0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.7 1.0
[pixel shader]
Texture2D t;
struct foo {
int3 a;
Texture2D b;
float4 main(float4 pos : sv_position) : sv_target
struct foo q;
q.a = int3(pos.xy, 0);
q.b = t;
return q.b.Load(q.a);
draw quad
probe (0, 0) rgba (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)
probe (1, 0) rgba (0.5, 0.7, 0.6, 0.8)
probe (0, 1) rgba (0.6, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1)
probe (1, 1) rgba (0.8, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0)
[texture 0]
size (1, 1)
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
[texture 1]
size (1, 1)
2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0
[texture 2]
size (1, 1)
3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0
2022-10-30 17:21:12 -05:00
[pixel shader todo]
2022-08-08 12:21:55 -04:00
Texture2D tex[3];
struct foo {
float4 p;
Texture2D t;
float4 main() : sv_target
struct foo s[3];
s[0].t = tex[0];
s[1].t = tex[1];
s[2].t = tex[2];
return 100 * s[2].t.Load(0) + 10 * s[0].t.Load(0) + s[1].t.Load(0);
todo draw quad
todo probe all rgba (312, 312, 312, 111)
[pixel shader]
Texture2D tex1;
Texture2D tex2;
Texture2D tex3;
float4 main() : sv_target
Texture2D t[3][2];
t[0][0] = tex1; // Note: Only invalid in shader model 5.1, array ref. cannot be used as l-value.
t[0][1] = tex2;
t[1][0] = tex3;
t[1][1] = tex1;
t[2][0] = tex2;
t[2][1] = tex3;
return 1000 * t[2][0].Load(0) + 100 * t[1][1].Load(0) + 10 * t[2][1].Load(0) + t[0][1].Load(0);
draw quad
probe all rgba (2132, 2132, 2132, 1111)
2022-07-22 11:40:24 -04:00
[pixel shader fail]
2022-08-08 12:21:55 -04:00
Texture2D tex[3];
uniform int n;
struct foo {
float4 p;
Texture2D t;
float4 main() : sv_target
struct foo s[3];
s[0].t = tex[0];
s[1].t = tex[1];
s[2].t = tex[2];
return s[n].t.Load(0);
2022-07-22 11:40:24 -04:00
[pixel shader fail]
2022-08-08 12:21:55 -04:00
// Note: Only valid in shader model 5.1
Texture2D tex[3];
uniform int n;
float4 main() : sv_target
return tex[n].Load(0);
2022-10-31 12:35:16 -03:00
2022-11-09 16:41:50 -03:00
[pixel shader fail]
// Note: Only valid in shader model 5.1
RWTexture2D<float4> tex[3];
uniform int n;
float4 main() : sv_target
tex[n][int2(0, 0)] = 0.6;
return 0;
vkd3d-shader/hlsl: Replace loads with constants in copy prop.
If a hlsl_ir_load loads a variable whose components are stored from different
instructions, copy propagation doesn't replace it.
But if all these instructions are constants (which currently is the case
for value constructors), the load could be replaced with a constant value.
Which is expected in some other instructions, e.g. texel_offsets when
using aoffimmi modifiers.
For instance, this shader:
sampler s;
Texture2D t;
float4 main() : sv_target
return t.Gather(s, float2(0.6, 0.6), int2(0, 0));
results in the following IR before applying the patch:
float | 6.00000024e-01
float | 6.00000024e-01
uint | 0
| = (<constructor-2>[@4].x @2)
uint | 1
| = (<constructor-2>[@6].x @3)
float2 | <constructor-2>
int | 0
int | 0
uint | 0
| = (<constructor-5>[@11].x @9)
uint | 1
| = (<constructor-5>[@13].x @10)
int2 | <constructor-5>
float4 | gather_red(resource = t, sampler = s, coords = @8, offset = @15)
| return
| = (<output-sv_target0> @16)
and this IR afterwards:
float2 | {6.00000024e-01 6.00000024e-01 }
int2 | {0 0 }
float4 | gather_red(resource = t, sampler = s, coords = @2, offset = @3)
| return
| = (<output-sv_target0> @4)
2022-11-17 17:49:28 -03:00
[pixel shader]
2022-10-31 12:35:16 -03:00
Texture2D tex;
uniform float f;
struct apple
Texture2D tex1;
Texture2D tex2;
float3 aa;
float4 main() : sv_target
struct apple a = {tex, tex, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
a.aa += f;
return a.aa.xyzx;
uniform 0 float 10.0
vkd3d-shader/hlsl: Replace loads with constants in copy prop.
If a hlsl_ir_load loads a variable whose components are stored from different
instructions, copy propagation doesn't replace it.
But if all these instructions are constants (which currently is the case
for value constructors), the load could be replaced with a constant value.
Which is expected in some other instructions, e.g. texel_offsets when
using aoffimmi modifiers.
For instance, this shader:
sampler s;
Texture2D t;
float4 main() : sv_target
return t.Gather(s, float2(0.6, 0.6), int2(0, 0));
results in the following IR before applying the patch:
float | 6.00000024e-01
float | 6.00000024e-01
uint | 0
| = (<constructor-2>[@4].x @2)
uint | 1
| = (<constructor-2>[@6].x @3)
float2 | <constructor-2>
int | 0
int | 0
uint | 0
| = (<constructor-5>[@11].x @9)
uint | 1
| = (<constructor-5>[@13].x @10)
int2 | <constructor-5>
float4 | gather_red(resource = t, sampler = s, coords = @8, offset = @15)
| return
| = (<output-sv_target0> @16)
and this IR afterwards:
float2 | {6.00000024e-01 6.00000024e-01 }
int2 | {0 0 }
float4 | gather_red(resource = t, sampler = s, coords = @2, offset = @3)
| return
| = (<output-sv_target0> @4)
2022-11-17 17:49:28 -03:00
draw quad
probe (0, 0) rgba (11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 11.0)
2022-12-05 21:38:50 -03:00
2022-12-05 21:48:28 -03:00
[pixel shader fail]
2022-12-05 21:38:50 -03:00
float4 main(Texture2D tex2) : sv_target
Texture2D tex1;
tex2 = tex1;
return tex2.Load(int3(0, 0, 0));