mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
ldtile and dwtile macros added and globally implemented
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,3 +161,18 @@ ln: MACRO
dwtile: MACRO
dw (\1 << 4) + \2
if _NARG > 2
rept _NARG + -2
dw \3
ldtile: MACRO
ld \1, (\2 << 4) + \3
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ _ResetWRAM: ; 5bae
call ByteFill
ld hl, PlayerID
ld bc, wdff5 - PlayerID
ld bc, wPokemonDataEnd - PlayerID
xor a
call ByteFill
@ -2781,23 +2781,23 @@ endr
db +5, +3, +2 ; Gained a level
db +5, +3, +2 ; Used a stat-boosting item (vitamin or X-item)
db +1, +1, +0
db +5, +3, +2 ; Vitamin
db +1, +1, +0 ; X Item
db +3, +2, +1 ; Battled a Gym Leader
db +1, +1, +0 ; Learned a move
db -1, -1, -1 ; Lost to an enemy
db -5, -5, -10 ; Fainted due to poison
db -5, -5, -10 ; Lost to a much weaker enemy
db +1, +1, +1 ; Haircut?
db +3, +3, +1 ; Haircut?
db +5, +5, +2 ; Haircut?
db +1, +1, +1 ; Haircut?
db +3, +3, +1 ; Haircut?
db +10, +10, +4 ; Haircut?
db -5, -5, -10 ; Lost to a much stronger enemy
db +1, +1, +1 ; Haircut (Y1)
db +3, +3, +1 ; Haircut (Y2)
db +5, +5, +2 ; Haircut (Y3)
db +1, +1, +1 ; Haircut (O1)
db +3, +3, +1 ; Haircut (O2)
db +10, +10, +4 ; Haircut (O3)
db -5, -5, -10 ; Used Heal Powder or Energypowder (bitter)
db -10, -10, -15 ; Used Energy Root (bitter)
db -15, -15, -20 ; Used Revival Herb (bitter)
db +3, +3, +1 ; Massage?
db +3, +3, +1 ; Grooming
db +10, +6, +4 ; Gained a level in the place where it was caught
; 725a
@ -16846,51 +16846,51 @@ EmotesPointers: ; 144d
dw ShockEmote
db $40, BANK(ShockEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw QuestionEmote
db $40, BANK(QuestionEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw HappyEmote
db $40, BANK(HappyEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw SadEmote
db $40, BANK(SadEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw HeartEmote
db $40, BANK(HeartEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw BoltEmote
db $40, BANK(BoltEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw SleepEmote
db $40, BANK(SleepEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw FishEmote
db $40, BANK(FishEmote)
dw $8f80
dwtile $78, VTiles1
dw FishingRodGFX + $00
db $10, BANK(FishingRodGFX)
dw $8fc0
dwtile $7c, VTiles1
dw FishingRodGFX + $10
db $20, BANK(FishingRodGFX)
dw $8fc0
dwtile $7c, VTiles1
dw FishingRodGFX + $30
db $20, BANK(FishingRodGFX)
dw $8fe0
dwtile $7e, VTiles1
dw FishingRodGFX + $50
db $10, BANK(FishingRodGFX)
dw $8fe0
dwtile $7e, VTiles1
; 14495
@ -66216,15 +66216,18 @@ Unknown_8e6a5: ; 8e6a5
Unknown_8e706: ; 8e706
dbbw $80, $01, Function8e72a
dbbw $80, $01, Function8e72a
dbbw $80, $01, Function8e72a
dbbw $80, $01, Function8e72a
dbbw $10, $37, Function8e72a
dbbw $10, $11, Function8e72a
dbbw $10, $39, Function8e72a
dbbw $10, $24, Function8e72a
dbbw $10, $21, Function8e72a
dbbw $80, $01, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $80, $01, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $80, $01, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $80, $01, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $10, $37, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $10, $11, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $10, $39, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $10, $24, Unknown_8e72a
dbbw $10, $21, Unknown_8e72a
; nothing to see here
Function8e72a: ; 8e72a
add $10
@ -8345,7 +8345,7 @@ Function117bb6:
ld a, [wd001]
cp $f
jr nz, .asm_117c16 ; 0x117c01 $13
ld hl, wdfec
ld hl, wMagikarpRecordHoldersName + 2
ld de, wcd69
ld c, $10
@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ UnknownText_0x1c123a: ; 1c123a
text_from_ram StringBuffer1
text " caught by"
line "@"
text_from_ram wBestMagikarpLengthInches + 1
text_from_ram wMagikarpRecordHoldersName
db "@"
; 1c1260
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Tileset00Anim: ; 0xfc01b
Tileset02Anim: ; 0xfc01b
Tileset03Anim: ; 0xfc01b
; param, function
dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ Tileset03Anim: ; 0xfc01b
Tileset25Anim: ; 0xfc047
; param, function
dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw $95f0, AnimateFountain
dwtile $5f, VTiles2, AnimateFountain
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Tileset31Anim: ; 0xfc073
dw NULL, ForestTreeLeftAnimation2
dw NULL, ForestTreeRightAnimation2
dw NULL, AnimateFlowerTile
dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, NextTileFrame8
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Tileset31Anim: ; 0xfc073
Tileset01Anim: ; 0xfc0a3
; param, function
dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ Tileset01Anim: ; 0xfc0a3
TilesetAnimfc0d7: ; 0xfc0d7
; param, function
dw $9030, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw $9030, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ TilesetAnimfc0d7: ; 0xfc0d7
TilesetAnimfc103: ; 0xfc103
; param, function
dw $9140, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw $9140, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ TilesetAnimfc103: ; 0xfc103
Tileset09Anim: ; 0xfc12f
; param, function
dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -162,50 +162,50 @@ Tileset15Anim: ; 0xfc15f
TilesetAnimfc17f: ; 0xfc17f
; param, function
dw $9530, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw $9530, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw $9030, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw $9030, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw $9530, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw $9530, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc1af
TilesetAnimfc1af: ; 0xfc1af
; param, function
dw $9540, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw $9540, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw $9030, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw $9030, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw $9540, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw $9540, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc1e7
Tileset24Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
Tileset30Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
; param, function
dw $9140, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw $9140, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw $9400, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $40, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
@ -213,22 +213,22 @@ Tileset30Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw $9400, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $40, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc233
Tileset29Anim: ; 0xfc233
; param, function
dw $9350, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $35, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw $9350, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $35, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw $9310, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $31, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Tileset29Anim: ; 0xfc233
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw $9310, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $31, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, Functionfc71e
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc27f
@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ Tileset23Anim: ; 0xfc27f
; 0xfc2bf
TilesetAnimfc2bf: ; 0xfc2bf
dw $94f0, WriteTileToBuffer
dwtile $4f, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw $94f0, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $4f, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -1043,16 +1043,16 @@ Functionfc71e: ; fc71e
; fc750
SproutPillarTilePointer1: dw $92d0, SproutPillarTile1
SproutPillarTilePointer2: dw $92f0, SproutPillarTile2
SproutPillarTilePointer3: dw $93d0, SproutPillarTile3
SproutPillarTilePointer4: dw $93f0, SproutPillarTile4
SproutPillarTilePointer5: dw $93c0, SproutPillarTile5
SproutPillarTilePointer6: dw $92c0, SproutPillarTile6
SproutPillarTilePointer7: dw $94d0, SproutPillarTile7
SproutPillarTilePointer8: dw $94f0, SproutPillarTile8
SproutPillarTilePointer9: dw $95d0, SproutPillarTile9
SproutPillarTilePointer10: dw $95f0, SproutPillarTile10
SproutPillarTilePointer1: dwtile $2d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile1
SproutPillarTilePointer2: dwtile $2f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile2
SproutPillarTilePointer3: dwtile $3d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile3
SproutPillarTilePointer4: dwtile $3f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile4
SproutPillarTilePointer5: dwtile $3c, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile5
SproutPillarTilePointer6: dwtile $2c, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile6
SproutPillarTilePointer7: dwtile $4d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile7
SproutPillarTilePointer8: dwtile $4f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile8
SproutPillarTilePointer9: dwtile $5d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile9
SproutPillarTilePointer10: dwtile $5f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile10
SproutPillarTile1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/1.2bpp"
SproutPillarTile2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/2.2bpp"
@ -1067,10 +1067,10 @@ SproutPillarTile10: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/10.2bpp"
; fca98
WhirlpoolFrames1: dw $9320, WhirlpoolTiles1
WhirlpoolFrames2: dw $9330, WhirlpoolTiles2
WhirlpoolFrames3: dw $9420, WhirlpoolTiles3
WhirlpoolFrames4: dw $9430, WhirlpoolTiles4
WhirlpoolFrames1: dwtile $32, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles1
WhirlpoolFrames2: dwtile $33, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles2
WhirlpoolFrames3: dwtile $42, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles3
WhirlpoolFrames4: dwtile $43, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles4
; fcaa8
WhirlpoolTiles1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/whirlpool/1.2bpp"
@ -2583,17 +2583,11 @@ wdfe6:: ds 1
wdfe7:: ds 1
wBestMagikarpLengthFeet:: ds 1
wBestMagikarpLengthInches:: ds 1
wMagikarpRecordHoldersName:: ds 1
ds 1
wdfec:: ds 1
ds 3
ds 5
wMagikarpRecordHoldersName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
SECTION "Pic Animations", WRAMX, BANK [2]
w2_d000:: ds $168
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