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BattleCommand54: ; 37588
; curse
ld de, BattleMonType1
ld bc, PlayerStatLevels
ld a, [hBattleTurn]
and a
jr z, .go
ld de, EnemyMonType1
ld bc, EnemyStatLevels
; Curse is different for Ghost-types.
ld a, [de]
jr z, .ghost
inc de
ld a, [de]
jr z, .ghost
; If no stats can be increased, don't.
; Attack
ld a, [bc]
cp 13 ; max
jr c, .raise
; Defense
inc bc
ld a, [bc]
cp 13 ; max
jr nc, .cantraise
; Raise Attack and Defense, and lower Speed.
ld a, $1
ld [$c689], a
call AnimateCurrentMove
ld a, $2
call Function36532
call SwitchTurn
call BattleCommand8d
call ResetMiss
call SwitchTurn
call BattleCommand70
call BattleCommand8c
call ResetMiss
call BattleCommand71
jp BattleCommand8c
; Cut HP in half and put a curse on the opponent.
call CheckHiddenOpponent
jr nz, .failed
call CheckSubstituteOpp
jr nz, .failed
call _GetBattleVar
bit 1, [hl]
jr nz, .failed
set 1, [hl]
call AnimateCurrentMove
ld hl, GetHalfMaxHP
2013-12-31 03:25:38 -05:00
call CallBattleCore
ld hl, Function3cc3f
2013-12-31 03:25:38 -05:00
call CallBattleCore
call UpdateUserInParty
ld hl, PutACurseText
jp StdBattleTextBox
call AnimateFailedMove
jp PrintButItFailed
; Can't raise either stat.
ld b, $8 ; ABILITY
call GetStatName
call AnimateFailedMove
ld hl, WontRiseAnymoreText
jp StdBattleTextBox
; 37618