Acceptance Test Case
Web Browser: Web View (HTML)

Table: <TH> & <TD> ROWSPAN

This acceptance test case tests the optional <TH> & <TD> tag ROWSPAN attribute which, when placed in a table header or data tag, specifies how many rows the table header or data cell will span. The ROWSPAN attribute is set to an integer value equal the number of rows the table header or data cell spans.

Test Instructions:

  1. Verify that the sample text displays as stated in each of the following test cases:
  2. Test Case #1 table with header cells spanning multiple rows
    Test Case #2 table with data cells spanning multiple rows
    Test Case #3 table with nested header & data cells spanning multiple rows

  3. Verify that the table is maintained when you minimize/maximize the screen.
  4. Verify that the table is maintained when you re-size left & right the screen.
  5. Verify that the table is maintained when you re-size top & bottom the screen.
  6. Verify re-draw takes place correctly after maximizing the screen.
  7. Verify reload works.

Test Case #1: table with header cells spanning multiple rows (using <TH ROWSPAN=integer value> tag)

In the following sample table you should see that the ROWSPAN attribute applies an integer value equal to the number of rows the HEADER cell is to span. This tells the browser to make the table header cell occupy the same vertical space as the integer number of cells specified in rows above or below it. The browser flows the contents of the spanning cell to occupy the entire spanned space.

Test Case #2: table with data cells spanning multiple rows (using <TD ROWSPAN=integer value> tag)

In the following sample table you should see that the ROWSPAN attribute applies an integer value equal to the number of rows the DATA cell is to span. This tells the browser to make the table data cell occupy the same vertical space as the integer number of cells specified in rows above or below it. The browser flows the contents of the spanning cell to occupy the entire spanned space.

Test Case #3: table with nested header & data cells spanning multiple rows (using <TH ROWSPAN=integer value> <TD ROWSPAN=integer value> tag)

Created 9/19/96 by Ronald Greti