If there is missing vertical space between tables and/or tables and other content, it is bug 6997.

Acceptance Test Case
Web Browser: Web View (HTML)

Table: <TR> ALIGN

This acceptance test case tests the optional <TR> tag ALIGN attribute which controls the horizontal alignment of all the cells in a row. This cause the contents of each cell in the row to be aligned either LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT with respect to the current left and right margins of the display window. The Header cells by default are aligned CENTER while the Data cells by default are aligned LEFT.

Test Instructions:

  1. Verify that the sample text displays as stated in each of the following test cases:
  2. Test Case #1 Table displaying Header "CENTER "& Data "LEFT" default horizontal row alignment
    Test Case #2 Tables displaying Header & Data "LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT" horizontal row alignment

  3. Verify that the table is maintained when you minimize/maximize the screen.
  4. Verify that the table is maintained when you re-size left & right the screen.
  5. Verify that the table is maintained when you re-size top & bottom the screen.
  6. Verify re-draw takes place correctly after maximizing the screen.
  7. Verify reload works.

Test Case #1: Table displaying Header "CENTER "& Data "LEFT" default horizontal row alignment (using <TR> tag)

Default Horizontal Row Alignment
row head 1row head 2row head 3
row data 1row data 2row data 3

Test Case #2: Tables displaying Header & Data "LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT" horizontal row alignment (using <TR ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT> tag)

Horizontal Row Alignment=LEFT
row head 1row head 2row head 3
row data 1row data 2row data 3
Note: The attribute ALIGN=LEFT has no special effect on the row data since it simply reiterates the default horizontal row alignment!

Horizontal Row Alignment=CENTER
row head 1row head 2row head 3
row data 1row data 2row data 3
Note: The attribute ALIGN=CENTER has no special effect on the row head since it simply reiterates the default horizontal row alignment!

Horizontal Row Alignment=RIGHT
row head 1row head 2row head 3
row data 1row data 2row data 3

Created 9/9/96 by Ronald Greti