
3.0 KiB

Getting Started

Compiling pokecrystal.gbc requires a certain Pokemon Crystal rom:

Pokemon - Crystal Version (UE) (V1.0) [C][!].gbc
md5: 9f2922b235a5eeb78d65594e82ef5dde

Save it as baserom.gbc in the repository.

Feel free to ask us on nucleus.kafuka.org #skeetendo if something goes wrong!


If you are on Windows and can't install Linux, Cygwin is a great alternative.

Installing Cygwin

Cygwin provides a virtual Linux environment on Windows systems. Just get setup.exe.


During the install:

Using Cygwin

Launch the Cygwin terminal. Maybe you know your way around the Linux terminal, bash. If not, a crash course:

# list files in current directory

# show current directory

# change directory
cd /away/we/go

Getting up and running

We need a couple more things.

apt-cyg install python make git wget

rgbds will let you compile Game Boy roms.

# download rgbds binaries
wget http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/pokered/rgbds/rgbds.zip
unzip rgbds.zip
rm rgbds.zip

# make rgbds accessible for all time
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/rgbds
echo "export PATH=$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc

Set up the pokecrystal repository:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal
cd pokecrystal

# install python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# use hexdump to diff binary files
git config diff.hex.textconv hexdump

# download the base rom

Now you should be able to build pokecrystal.gbc for the first time.


This ought to take between 3 and 15 seconds, depending on your computer.

If you see cmp baserom.gbc pokecrystal.gbc as the last line, the build was successful! Rejoice!


sudo apt-get install make gcc bison git python python-setuptools 

# unittest2 is required if using python2.6
sudo easy_install unittest2
sudo easy_install pip

# download rgbds source code
git clone git://github.com/bentley/rgbds.git

# compile rgbds
cd rgbds
sudo make install

# check if rgbasm is installed now
which rgbasm

# download pokecrystal
git clone git://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal.git
cd pokecrystal

# install python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# use hexdump to diff binary files
git config diff.hex.textconv hexdump

To compile the rom from asm source:


That will take between 3 and 15 seconds, depending on your computer. If you see cmp baserom.gbc pokecrystal.gbc as the last line, the build was successful! Rejoice!

Now what?

  • Can't find something? Contribute!

  • Do your own thing! The asm source is hack-friendly, and the supplementary scripts in extras/ can be used for other projects.

  • We'll be happy to answer any questions at nucleus.kafuka.org #skeetendo