mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
Renamed `title` to `movies`. Moved some functions from `engine/routines/` to their fitting directories, and cleaned up the base `engine/` directory. Moved `engine/pokemon/tmhm.asm` back to `engine/items/`. Made a new subdirectory: * engine/tilesets: Contains all map-related graphics routines.
403 lines
5.6 KiB
403 lines
5.6 KiB
_TitleScreen: ; 10ed67
call ClearBGPalettes
call ClearSprites
call ClearTileMap
; Turn BG Map update off
xor a
ld [hBGMapMode], a
; Reset timing variables
ld hl, wJumptableIndex
ld [hli], a ; wJumptableIndex
ld [hli], a ; wIntroSceneFrameCounter
ld [hli], a ; wTitleScreenTimer
ld [hl], a ; wTitleScreenTimer + 1
; Turn LCD off
call DisableLCD
; VRAM bank 1
ld a, 1
ld [rVBK], a
; Decompress running Suicune gfx
ld hl, TitleSuicuneGFX
ld de, vTiles1
call Decompress
; Clear screen palettes
hlbgcoord 0, 0
ld bc, 20 * BG_MAP_WIDTH
xor a
call ByteFill
; Fill tile palettes:
; BG Map 1:
; line 0 (copyright)
hlbgcoord 0, 0, vBGMap1
ld a, 7 ; palette
call ByteFill
; BG Map 0:
; Apply logo gradient:
; lines 3-4
hlbgcoord 0, 3
ld bc, 2 * BG_MAP_WIDTH
ld a, 2
call ByteFill
; line 5
hlbgcoord 0, 5
ld a, 3
call ByteFill
; line 6
hlbgcoord 0, 6
ld a, 4
call ByteFill
; line 7
hlbgcoord 0, 7
ld a, 5
call ByteFill
; lines 8-9
hlbgcoord 0, 8
ld bc, 2 * BG_MAP_WIDTH
ld a, 6
call ByteFill
hlbgcoord 5, 9
ld bc, NAME_LENGTH ; length of version text
ld a, 1
call ByteFill
; Suicune gfx
hlbgcoord 0, 12
ld bc, 6 * BG_MAP_WIDTH ; the rest of the screen
ld a, 0 | VRAM_BANK_1
call ByteFill
; Back to VRAM bank 0
ld a, $0
ld [rVBK], a
; Decompress logo
ld hl, TitleLogoGFX
ld de, vTiles1
call Decompress
; Decompress background crystal
ld hl, TitleCrystalGFX
ld de, vTiles0
call Decompress
; Clear screen tiles
hlbgcoord 0, 0
ld bc, 64 * BG_MAP_WIDTH
ld a, " "
call ByteFill
; Draw Pokemon logo
hlcoord 0, 3
lb bc, 7, 20
ld d, $80
ld e, $14
call DrawTitleGraphic
; Draw copyright text
hlbgcoord 3, 0, vBGMap1
lb bc, 1, 13
ld d, $c
ld e, $10
call DrawTitleGraphic
; Initialize running Suicune?
ld d, $0
call LoadSuicuneFrame
; Initialize background crystal
call InitializeBackground
; Save WRAM bank
ld a, [rSVBK]
push af
; WRAM bank 5
ld a, BANK(wBGPals1)
ld [rSVBK], a
; Update palette colors
ld hl, TitleScreenPalettes
ld de, wBGPals1
ld bc, 16 palettes
call CopyBytes
ld hl, TitleScreenPalettes
ld de, wBGPals2
ld bc, 16 palettes
call CopyBytes
; Restore WRAM bank
pop af
ld [rSVBK], a
; LY/SCX trickery starts here
ld a, [rSVBK]
push af
ld a, BANK(wLYOverrides)
ld [rSVBK], a
; Make alternating lines come in from opposite sides
; (This part is actually totally pointless, you can't
; see anything until these values are overwritten!)
ld b, 80 / 2 ; alternate for 80 lines
ld hl, wLYOverrides
; $00 is the middle position
ld [hl], +112 ; coming from the left
inc hl
ld [hl], -112 ; coming from the right
inc hl
dec b
jr nz, .loop
; Make sure the rest of the buffer is empty
ld hl, wLYOverrides + 80
xor a
ld bc, wLYOverridesEnd - (wLYOverrides + 80)
call ByteFill
; Let LCD Stat know we're messing around with SCX
ld a, rSCX - $ff00
ld [hLCDCPointer], a
pop af
ld [rSVBK], a
; Reset audio
call ChannelsOff
call EnableLCD
; Set sprite size to 8x16
ld a, [rLCDC]
ld [rLCDC], a
ld a, +112
ld [hSCX], a
ld a, 8
ld [hSCY], a
ld a, 7
ld [hWX], a
ld a, -112
ld [hWY], a
ld a, $1
ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a
; Update BG Map 0 (bank 0)
ld [hBGMapMode], a
xor a
ld [wBGPals1 + 2], a
; Play starting sound effect
call SFXChannelsOff
call PlaySFX
; 10eea7
SuicuneFrameIterator: ; 10eea7
ld hl, wBGPals1 + 2
ld a, [hl]
ld c, a
inc [hl]
; Only do this once every eight frames
and %111
ret nz
ld a, c
and %11000
sla a
swap a
ld e, a
ld d, $0
ld hl, .Frames
add hl, de
ld d, [hl]
xor a
ld [hBGMapMode], a
call LoadSuicuneFrame
ld a, $1
ld [hBGMapMode], a
ld a, $3
ld [hBGMapThird], a
; 10eece
.Frames: ; 10eece
db $80 ; vTiles4 tile $00
db $88 ; vTiles4 tile $08
db $00 ; vTiles5 tile $00
db $08 ; vTiles5 tile $08
; 10eed2
LoadSuicuneFrame: ; 10eed2
hlcoord 6, 12
ld b, 6
ld c, 8
ld a, d
ld [hli], a
inc d
dec c
jr nz, .col
ld a, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8
add l
ld l, a
ld a, 0
adc h
ld h, a
ld a, 8
add d
ld d, a
dec b
jr nz, .bgrows
; 10eeef
DrawTitleGraphic: ; 10eeef
; input:
; hl: draw location
; b: height
; c: width
; d: tile to start drawing from
; e: number of tiles to advance for each bgrows
push de
push bc
push hl
ld a, d
ld [hli], a
inc d
dec c
jr nz, .col
pop hl
add hl, bc
pop bc
pop de
ld a, e
add d
ld d, a
dec b
jr nz, .bgrows
; 10ef06
InitializeBackground: ; 10ef06
ld hl, wVirtualOAMSprite00
ld d, -$22
ld e, $0
ld c, 5
push bc
call .InitColumn
pop bc
ld a, $10
add d
ld d, a
dec c
jr nz, .loop
; 10ef1c
.InitColumn: ; 10ef1c
ld c, $6
ld b, $40
ld a, d
ld [hli], a ; y
ld a, b
ld [hli], a ; x
add $8
ld b, a
ld a, e
ld [hli], a ; tile id
inc e
inc e
ld a, 0 | PRIORITY
ld [hli], a ; attributes
dec c
jr nz, .loop2
; 10ef32
AnimateTitleCrystal: ; 10ef32
; Move the title screen crystal downward until it's fully visible
; Stop at y=6
; y is really from the bottom of the sprite, which is two tiles high
ld hl, wVirtualOAMSprite00YCoord
ld a, [hl]
cp 6 + 2 * TILE_WIDTH
ret z
; Move all 30 parts of the crystal down by 2
ld c, 30
ld a, [hl]
add 2
ld [hli], a ; y
inc hl
dec c
jr nz, .loop
; 10ef46
TitleSuicuneGFX: ; 10ef46
INCBIN "gfx/title/suicune.2bpp.lz"
; 10f326
TitleLogoGFX: ; 10f326
INCBIN "gfx/title/logo.2bpp.lz"
; 10fcee
TitleCrystalGFX: ; 10fcee
INCBIN "gfx/title/crystal.2bpp.lz"
; 10fede
INCLUDE "gfx/title/title.pal"