Remy Oukaour 31cce83e9b Move lots of data tables into individual data/ files
(This is not expected to be their final location, but it makes them easier to relocate when necessary, and easier for users to edit until the whole project's file structure is finalized.)
2017-12-11 14:23:18 -05:00

3026 lines
60 KiB

INCLUDE "includes.asm"
INCLUDE "macros/wram.asm"
INCLUDE "vram.asm"
ds $100 - 1
ds 1
; nonzero if playing
MusicPlaying:: db ; c100
Channel1:: channel_struct Channel1 ; c101
Channel2:: channel_struct Channel2 ; c133
Channel3:: channel_struct Channel3 ; c165
Channel4:: channel_struct Channel4 ; c197
Channel5:: channel_struct Channel5 ; c1c9
Channel6:: channel_struct Channel6 ; c1fb
Channel7:: channel_struct Channel7 ; c22d
Channel8:: channel_struct Channel8 ; c25f
ds 1 ; c291
wCurTrackDuty:: db
wCurTrackIntensity:: db
wCurTrackFrequency:: dw
wc296:: db ; BCD value, dummied out
wCurNoteDuration:: db ; used in MusicE0 and LoadNote
CurMusicByte:: db ; c298
CurChannel:: db ; c299
Volume:: ; c29a
; corresponds to $ff24
; Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W)
; bit 7 - Vin->SO2 ON/OFF
; bit 6-4 - SO2 output level (volume) (# 0-7)
; bit 3 - Vin->SO1 ON/OFF
; bit 2-0 - SO1 output level (volume) (# 0-7)
SoundOutput:: ; c29b
; corresponds to $ff25
; bit 4-7: ch1-4 so2 on/off
; bit 0-3: ch1-4 so1 on/off
SoundInput:: ; c29c
; corresponds to $ff26
; bit 7: global on/off
; bit 0: ch1 on/off
; bit 1: ch2 on/off
; bit 2: ch3 on/off
; bit 3: ch4 on/off
MusicID:: dw ; c29d
MusicBank:: db ; c29f
NoiseSampleAddress:: dw ; c2a0
wNoiseSampleDelay:: db ; c2a2
ds 1 ; c2a3
MusicNoiseSampleSet:: db ; c2a4
SFXNoiseSampleSet:: db ; c2a5
Danger:: ; c2a6
; bit 7: on/off
; bit 4: pitch
; bit 0-3: counter
MusicFade:: ; c2a7
; fades volume over x frames
; bit 7: fade in/out
; bit 0-5: number of frames for each volume level
; $00 = none (default)
MusicFadeCount:: db ; c2a8
MusicFadeID:: dw ; c2a9
ds 5
CryPitch:: dw ; c2b0
CryLength:: dw ; c2b2
LastVolume:: db ; c2b4
wc2b5:: db ; c2b5
SFXPriority:: ; c2b6
; if nonzero, turn off music when playing sfx
ds 1
Channel1JumpCondition:: db
Channel2JumpCondition:: db
Channel3JumpCondition:: db
Channel4JumpCondition:: db
wStereoPanningMask:: db ; c2bc
CryTracks:: ; c2bd
; plays only in left or right track depending on what side the monster is on
; both tracks active outside of battle
wSFXDuration:: db
CurSFX:: ; c2bf
; id of sfx currently playing
wMapMusic:: db ; c2c0
wDontPlayMapMusicOnReload:: db
wLZAddress:: dw ; c2c2
wLZBank:: db ; c2c4
ds 1
wBoxAlignment:: db
InputType:: db ; c2c7
AutoInputAddress:: dw ; c2c8
AutoInputBank:: db ; c2ca
AutoInputLength:: db ; c2cb
wMonStatusFlags:: db
wGameLogicPaused:: db ; c2cd
wSpriteUpdatesEnabled:: db
wc2cf:: db ; ????
wMapTimeOfDay:: db
ds 3
wPrinterConnectionOpen:: db
wPrinterOpcode:: db
wLastDexEntry:: db
wDisableTextAcceleration:: db
wPreviousLandmark:: db
wCurrentLandmark:: db
wLandmarkSignTimer:: dw
wLinkMode:: ; c2dc
; 0 not in link battle
; 1 link battle
; 4 mobile battle
ScriptVar:: db ; c2dd
wPlayerNextMovement:: db
wPlayerMovement:: db
ds 2
wMovementPerson:: db
wMovementDataPointer:: ds 3 ; dba
wc2e6:: ds 4
wMovementByteWasControlSwitch:: db
wMovementPointer:: dw ; c2eb
ds 3
wTempObjectCopyMapObjectIndex:: db ; c2f0
wTempObjectCopySprite:: db ; c2f1
wTempObjectCopySpriteVTile:: db ; c2f2
wTempObjectCopyPalette:: db ; c2f3
wTempObjectCopyMovement:: db ; c2f4
wTempObjectCopyRange:: db ; c2f5
wTempObjectCopyX:: db ; c2f6
wTempObjectCopyY:: db ; c2f7
wTempObjectCopyRadius:: db ; c2f8
ds 1
TileDown:: db ; c2fa
TileUp:: db ; c2fb
TileLeft:: db ; c2fc
TileRight:: db ; c2fd
TilePermissions:: ; c2fe
; set if tile behavior prevents
; you from walking in that direction
; bit 3: down
; bit 2: up
; bit 1: left
; bit 0: right
ds 1
SECTION "wSpriteAnims", WRAM0
UNION ; c300
; wSpriteAnimDict is a 10x2 dictionary
; keys: taken from third column of SpriteAnimSeqData
; values: VTiles
wSpriteAnimDict:: ds 10 * 2
; field 0: index
; fields 1-3: loaded from SpriteAnimSeqData
SpriteAnim1:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim1
SpriteAnim2:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim2
SpriteAnim3:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim3
SpriteAnim4:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim4
SpriteAnim5:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim5
SpriteAnim6:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim6
SpriteAnim7:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim7
SpriteAnim8:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim8
SpriteAnim9:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim9
SpriteAnim10:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim10
NEXTU ; c300
; mobile data
wc300:: ds 1
wc301:: ds 1
wc302:: ds 1
wc303:: ds 2
wc305:: ds 1
wc306:: ds 1
wc307:: ds 1
wc308:: ds 1
wc309:: ds 1
wc30a:: ds 1
wc30b:: ds 1
wc30c:: ds 1
wc30d:: ds 1
wc30e:: ds 1
wc30f:: ds 1
wc310:: ds 1
wc311:: ds 1
wc312:: ds 1
wc313:: ds 1
wc314:: ds 152
wc3ac:: ds 8
ENDU ; c3b4
wSpriteAnimCount:: db
wCurrSpriteOAMAddr:: db
CurIcon:: db ; c3b6
wCurIconTile:: db
wCurrAnimVTile:: db
wCurrAnimXCoord:: db
wCurrAnimYCoord:: db
wCurrAnimXOffset:: db
wCurrAnimYOffset:: db
wGlobalAnimYOffset:: db
wGlobalAnimXOffset:: db
ds 11
; mobile data
wc3cc:: ds 1
wc3cd:: ds 31
wc3ec:: ds 1
wc3ed:: ds 1
wc3ee:: ds 1
wc3ef:: ds 1
wc3f0:: ds 1
wc3f1:: ds 1
wc3f2:: ds 1
wc3f3:: ds 1
wc3f4:: ds 1
wc3f5:: ds 1
wc3f6:: ds 1
wc3f7:: ds 1
wc3f8:: ds 1
wc3f9:: ds 1
wc3fa:: ds 1
wc3fb:: ds 1
wc3fc:: ds 1
ds 3
SECTION "Sprites", WRAM0
Sprites:: ; c400
; 4 bytes per sprite
; 40 sprites
; struct:
; y (px)
; x (px)
; tile id
; attributes:
; bit 7: priority
; bit 6: y flip
; bit 5: x flip
; bit 4: pal # (non-cgb)
; bit 3: vram bank (cgb only)
; bit 2-0: pal # (cgb only)
ds 4 * 40
SECTION "Tilemap", WRAM0
TileMap:: ; c4a0
; 20x18 grid of 8x8 tiles
UNION ; c608
; unidentified uses
NEXTU ; c608
; miscellaneous
wMisc:: ds (SCREEN_WIDTH + 4) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT + 2)
NEXTU ; c608
; odd egg
wOddEgg:: party_struct OddEgg
NEXTU ; c608
; battle tower temp struct
wBT_OTTemp:: battle_tower_struct wBT_OTTemp
NEXTU ; c608
; hall of fame temp struct
hall_of_fame wHallOfFameTemp
NEXTU ; c608
; timeset temp storage
ds 20
wInitHourBuffer:: db ; c61c
ds 9
wInitMinuteBuffer:: db ; c626
NEXTU ; c608
; link engine data
ds 10
wc612:: ds 10
NEXTU ; c608
; battle data
wEnemyMoveStruct:: move_struct wEnemyMoveStruct ; c608
wPlayerMoveStruct:: move_struct wPlayerMoveStruct ; c60f
EnemyMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; c616
BattleMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; c621
BattleMon:: battle_struct BattleMon ; c62c
ds 2
wWildMon:: db ; c64e
ds 1
wEnemyTrainerItem1:: db ; c650
wEnemyTrainerItem2:: db ; c651
wEnemyTrainerBaseReward:: db ; c652
wEnemyTrainerAIFlags:: ds 3 ; c653
CurOTMon:: db ; c663
; Bit array. Bits 0 - 5 correspond to party members 1 - 6.
; Bit set if the mon appears in battle.
; Bit cleared if the mon faints.
; Backed up if the enemy switches.
; All bits cleared if the enemy faints.
TypeModifier:: ; c665
; >10: super-effective
; 10: normal
; <10: not very effective
; bit 7: stab
CriticalHit:: ; c666
; 0 if not critical
; 1 for a critical hit
; 2 for a OHKO
AttackMissed:: ; c667
; nonzero for a miss
PlayerSubStatus1:: ; c668
; bit
; 7 in love
; 6 rollout
; 5 endure
; 4 perish song
; 3 identified
; 2 protect
; 1 curse
; 0 nightmare
PlayerSubStatus2:: ; c669
; bit
; 7
; 6
; 5
; 4
; 3
; 2
; 1
; 0 curled
PlayerSubStatus3:: ; c66a
; bit
; 7 confused
; 6 flying
; 5 underground
; 4 charged
; 3 flinched
; 2 in loop
; 1 rampage
; 0 bide
PlayerSubStatus4:: ; c66b
; bit
; 7 leech seed
; 6 rage
; 5 recharge
; 4 substitute
; 3
; 2 focus energy
; 1 mist
; 0 x accuracy
PlayerSubStatus5:: ; c66c
; bit
; 7 can't run
; 6 destiny bond
; 5 lock-on
; 4 encored
; 3 transformed
; 2
; 1
; 0 toxic
EnemySubStatus1:: ; c66d
; see PlayerSubStatus1
EnemySubStatus2:: ; c66e
; see PlayerSubStatus2
EnemySubStatus3:: ; c66f
; see PlayerSubStatus3
EnemySubStatus4:: ; c670
; see PlayerSubStatus4
EnemySubStatus5:: ; c671
; see PlayerSubStatus5
PlayerRolloutCount:: db ; c672
PlayerConfuseCount:: db ; c673
PlayerToxicCount:: db ; c674
PlayerDisableCount:: db ; c675
PlayerEncoreCount:: db ; c676
PlayerPerishCount:: db ; c677
PlayerFuryCutterCount:: db ; c678
PlayerProtectCount:: db ; c679
EnemyRolloutCount:: db ; c67a
EnemyConfuseCount:: db ; c67b
EnemyToxicCount:: db ; c67c
EnemyDisableCount:: db ; c67d
EnemyEncoreCount:: db ; c67e
EnemyPerishCount:: db ; c67f
EnemyFuryCutterCount:: db ; c680
EnemyProtectCount:: db ; c681
PlayerDamageTaken:: dw ; c682
EnemyDamageTaken:: dw ; c684
wBattleReward:: ds 3 ; c686
wPresentPower:: db ; c689
BattleScriptBuffer:: ds 40 ; c68a
BattleScriptBufferAddress:: dw ; c6b2
wTurnEnded:: db ; c6b4
ds 1
PlayerStats:: ; c6b6
PlayerAttack:: dw
PlayerDefense:: dw
PlayerSpeed:: dw
PlayerSpAtk:: dw
PlayerSpDef:: dw
ds 1
EnemyStats:: ; c6c1
EnemyAttack:: dw
EnemyDefense:: dw
EnemySpeed:: dw
EnemySpAtk:: dw
EnemySpDef:: dw
ds 1
PlayerStatLevels:: ; c6cc
; 07 neutral
PlayerAtkLevel:: db ; c6cc
PlayerDefLevel:: db ; c6cd
PlayerSpdLevel:: db ; c6ce
PlayerSAtkLevel:: db ; c6cf
UNION ; c6d0
; finish battle RAM
PlayerSDefLevel:: db ; c6d0
PlayerAccLevel:: db ; c6d1
PlayerEvaLevel:: db ; c6d2
ds 1 ; c6d3
EnemyStatLevels:: ; c6d4
; 07 neutral
EnemyAtkLevel:: db ; c6d4
EnemyDefLevel:: db ; c6d5
EnemySpdLevel:: db ; c6d6
EnemySAtkLevel:: db ; c6d7
EnemySDefLevel:: db ; c6d8
EnemyAccLevel:: db ; c6d9
EnemyEvaLevel:: db ; c6da
ds 1
EnemyTurnsTaken:: db ; c6dc
PlayerTurnsTaken:: db ; c6dd
ds 1
PlayerSubstituteHP:: db ; c6df
EnemySubstituteHP:: db ; c6e0
wUnusedPlayerLockedMove:: db ; c6e1
ds 1
CurPlayerMove:: db ; c6e3
CurEnemyMove:: db ; c6e4
LinkBattleRNCount:: ; c6e5
; how far through the prng stream
wEnemyItemState:: db ; c6e6
ds 2
CurEnemyMoveNum:: db ; c6e9
wEnemyHPAtTimeOfPlayerSwitch:: dw ; c6ea
wPayDayMoney:: ds 3 ; c6ec
wSafariMonAngerCount:: db
wSafariMonEating:: db
ds 1
wEnemyBackupDVs:: dw ; used when enemy is transformed
AlreadyDisobeyed:: db ; c6f4
DisabledMove:: db ; c6f5
EnemyDisabledMove:: db ; c6f6
wWhichMonFaintedFirst:: db
; exists so you can't counter on switch
LastPlayerCounterMove:: db ; c6f8
LastEnemyCounterMove:: db ; c6f9
wEnemyMinimized:: db ; c6fa
AlreadyFailed:: db ; c6fb
wBattleParticipantsIncludingFainted:: db ; c6fc
wDanger:: db ; c6fd
wPlayerMinimized:: db ; c6fe
PlayerScreens:: ; c6ff
; bit
; 7
; 6
; 5
; 4 reflect
; 3 light screen
; 2 safeguard
; 1
; 0 spikes
EnemyScreens:: ; c700
; see PlayerScreens
PlayerSafeguardCount:: db ; c701
PlayerLightScreenCount:: db ; c702
PlayerReflectCount:: db ; c703
ds 1
EnemySafeguardCount:: db ; c705
EnemyLightScreenCount:: db ; c706
EnemyReflectCount:: db ; c707
ds 2
Weather:: ; c70a
; 00 normal
; 01 rain
; 02 sun
; 03 sandstorm
; 04 rain stopped
; 05 sunliight faded
; 06 sandstorm subsided
WeatherCount:: ; c70b
; # turns remaining
LoweredStat:: db ; c70c
EffectFailed:: db ; c70d
FailedMessage:: db ; c70e
wEnemyGoesFirst:: db ; c70f
wPlayerIsSwitching:: db ; c710
wEnemyIsSwitching:: db ; c711
PlayerUsedMoves:: ; c712
; add a move that has been used once by the player
; added in order of use
wEnemyAISwitchScore:: db ; c716
wEnemySwitchMonParam:: db ; c717
wEnemySwitchMonIndex:: db ; c718
wTempLevel:: db ; c719
LastPlayerMon:: db ; c71a
LastPlayerMove:: db ; c71b
LastEnemyMove:: db ; c71c
wPlayerFutureSightCount:: db ; c71d
wEnemyFutureSightCount:: db ; c71e
wGivingExperienceToExpShareHolders:: db ; c71f
wBackupEnemyMonBaseStats:: ds 5 ; c720
wBackupEnemyMonCatchRate:: db ; c725
wBackupEnemyMonBaseExp:: db ; c726
wPlayerFutureSightDamage:: dw ; c727
wEnemyFutureSightDamage:: dw ; c729
wPlayerRageCounter:: db ; c72b
wEnemyRageCounter:: db ; c72c
wBeatUpHitAtLeastOnce:: db ; c72d
wPlayerTrappingMove:: db ; c72e
wEnemyTrappingMove:: db ; c72f
wPlayerWrapCount:: db ; c730
wEnemyWrapCount:: db ; c731
wPlayerCharging:: db ; c732
wEnemyCharging:: db ; c733
BattleEnded:: db ; c734
wWildMonMoves:: ds NUM_MOVES ; c735
wWildMonPP:: ds NUM_MOVES ; c739
wAmuletCoin:: db ; c73a
wSomeoneIsRampaging:: db ; c73b
wPlayerJustGotFrozen:: db ; c73c
wEnemyJustGotFrozen:: db ; c73d
; Battle RAM
; c741
NEXTU ; c6d0
; trade
wPlayerTrademon:: trademon wPlayerTrademon
wOTTrademon:: trademon wOTTrademon
wTradeAnimAddress:: dw
wLinkPlayer1Name:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wLinkPlayer2Name:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wLinkTradeSendmonSpecies:: db
wLinkTradeGetmonSpecies:: db
NEXTU ; c6d0
; naming screen
wNamingScreenDestinationPointer:: dw ; c6d0
wNamingScreenCurrNameLength:: db ; c6d2
wNamingScreenMaxNameLength:: db ; c6d3
wNamingScreenType:: db ; c6d4
wNamingScreenCursorObjectPointer:: dw ; c6d5
wNamingScreenLastCharacter:: db ; c6d7
wNamingScreenStringEntryCoord:: dw ; c6d8
NEXTU ; c6d0
; pokegear
wPokegearPhoneLoadNameBuffer:: db ; c6d0
wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition:: db ; c6d1
wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition:: db ; c6d2
wPokegearPhoneSelectedPerson:: db ; c6d3
wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor:: db ; c6d4
wPokegearMapCursorObjectPointer:: dw ; c6d5
wPokegearMapCursorLandmark:: db ; c6d7
wPokegearMapPlayerIconLandmark:: db ; c6d8
wPokegearRadioChannelBank:: db ; c6d9
wPokegearRadioChannelAddr:: dw ; c6da
wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying:: db ; c6dc
NEXTU ; c6d0
; slot machine
wReel1:: slot_reel wReel1
wReel2:: slot_reel wReel2
wReel3:: slot_reel wReel3
; c700
wReel1Stopped:: ds 3
wReel2Stopped:: ds 3
wReel3Stopped:: ds 3
wSlotBias:: db
wSlotBet:: db
wFirstTwoReelsMatching:: db
wFirstTwoReelsMatchingSevens:: db
wSlotMatched:: db
wCurrReelStopped:: ds 3
wPayout:: dw
wCurrReelXCoord:: db
wCurrReelYCoord:: db
ds 2
wSlotBuildingMatch:: db
ds 28
NEXTU ; c6d0
; card flip
wDeck:: ds 24
; c6e8
wCardFlipNumCardsPlayed:: db
wCardFlipFaceUpCard:: db
wDiscardPile:: ds 24
NEXTU ; c6d0
; dummy game
wDummyGameCards:: ds 9 * 5
wDummyGameLastCardPicked:: db ; c6fd
wDummyGameCard1:: db ; c6fe
wDummyGameCard2:: db ; c6ff
wDummyGameCard1Location:: db ; c700
wDummyGameCard2Location:: db ; c701
wDummyGameNumberTriesRemaining:: db ; c702
wDummyGameLastMatches:: ds 5 ; c703
wDummyGameCounter:: db ; c708
wDummyGameNumCardsMatched:: db ; c709
NEXTU ; c6d0
; unown puzzle
wPuzzlePieces:: ds 6 * 6
NEXTU ; c6d0
; pokedex
wPokedexOrder:: ds $100 ; NUM_POKEMON + 5
wDexListingScrollOffset:: db ; offset of the first displayed entry from the start
wDexListingCursor:: db ; Dex cursor
wDexListingEnd:: db ; Last mon to display
wDexListingHeight:: db ; number of entries displayed at once in the dex listing
wCurrentDexMode:: db ; Pokedex Mode
wDexSearchMonType1:: db ; first type to search
wDexSearchMonType2:: db ; second type to search
wDexSearchResultCount:: db
wDexArrowCursorPosIndex:: db
wDexArrowCursorDelayCounter:: db
wDexArrowCursorBlinkCounter:: db
wDexSearchSlowpokeFrame:: db
wUnlockedUnownMode:: db
wDexCurrentUnownIndex:: db
wDexUnownCount:: db
wDexConvertedMonType:: db ; mon type converted from dex search mon type
wDexListingScrollOffsetBackup:: db
wDexListingCursorBackup:: db
wBackupDexListingCursor:: db
wBackupDexListingPage:: db
wDexCurrentLocation:: db
wPokedexStatus:: db
wPokedexDataEnd:: ds 1
ds 2
NEXTU ; c6d0
; mobile data
wc6d0:: ds 126
wc74e:: ds 107
wc7b9:: ds 1
wc7ba:: ds 1
wc7bb:: ds 2
wc7bd:: ds 19
wc7d0:: ds 1
wc7d1:: ds 1
wc7d2:: ds 1
wc7d3:: ds 1
wc7d4:: ds 1
ENDU ; c7e8
ENDU ; c7e8
wc7e8:: ds 24 ; ????
SECTION "Overworld Map", WRAM0
UNION ; c800
OverworldMap:: ds 1300 ; c800
NEXTU ; c800
; GB Printer screen RAM
wGameboyPrinterScreen:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH ; c800
wGameboyPrinterScreenEnd:: ; c968
NEXTU ; c800
; GB Printer data
wGameboyPrinter2bppSource:: ds 40 tiles
wca80:: db
wPrinterRowIndex:: db
; Printer data header
wPrinterData:: ds 4
wPrinterChecksum:: dw ; ca86
wPrinterHandshake:: db
; bit 7: set if error 1 (battery low)
; bit 6: set if error 4 (too hot or cold)
; bit 5: set if error 3 (paper jammed or empty)
; if this and the previous byte are both $ff: error 2 (connection error)
wHandshakeFrameDelay:: db
wPrinterSerialFrameDelay:: db
wPrinterSendByteOffset:: dw
wPrinterSendByteCounter:: dw
; tilemap backup?
wPrinterTileMapBuffer:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH ; ca90
wPrinterStatus:: db ; cbf8
ds 1
wcbfa:: ds 1
wGBPrinterSettings:: db
ds 16
NEXTU ; c800
; bill's pc data
wBillsPCPokemonList:: ; c800
; Pokemon, box number, list index
ds 3 * 30
NEXTU ; c800
; raw link data
wLinkData:: ds $514
NEXTU ; c800
; link data members
wLinkPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wLinkPartyCount:: db
wLinkPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH
wLinkPartySpeciesEnd:: db ; legacy scripts don't check PartyCount
UNION ; c813
; time capsule party data
wTimeCapsulePartyMon1:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon1
wTimeCapsulePartyMon2:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon2
wTimeCapsulePartyMon3:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon3
wTimeCapsulePartyMon4:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon4
wTimeCapsulePartyMon5:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon5
wTimeCapsulePartyMon6:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon6
wTimeCapsulePartyMonOTNames:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * NAME_LENGTH
wTimeCapsulePartyMonNicks:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * PKMN_NAME_LENGTH
NEXTU ; c813
; link player data
wLinkPlayerPartyMon1:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon1
wLinkPlayerPartyMon2:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon2
wLinkPlayerPartyMon3:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon3
wLinkPlayerPartyMon4:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon4
wLinkPlayerPartyMon5:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon5
wLinkPlayerPartyMon6:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon6
wLinkPlayerPartyMonOTNames:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * NAME_LENGTH
wLinkPlayerPartyMonNicks:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * PKMN_NAME_LENGTH
ENDU ; c9b7
NEXTU ; c800
; mystery gift data
wMysteryGiftPartyTemp:: ; ds PARTY_LENGTH * (1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES)
wc800:: ds 1
wc801:: ds 1
wc802:: ds 1
wc803:: ds 4
wc807:: ds 7
wc80e:: ds 1
wc80f:: ds 1
wc810:: ds 1
wc811:: ds 1
wc812:: ds 1
wc813:: ds 1
wc814:: ds 4
wc818:: ds 8
wc820:: ds 1
wc821:: ds 47
UNION ; c850
wMysteryGiftTrainerData:: ds (1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES) * PARTY_LENGTH + 2
NEXTU ; c850
wc850:: ds 16
wc860:: ds 16
wc870:: ds 16
wc880:: ds 16
wc890:: ds 16
wc8a0:: ds 16
wc8b0:: ds 16
wc8c0:: ds 16
wc8d0:: ds 16
wc8e0:: ds 16
wc8f0:: ds 16
ENDU ; c900
wc900:: db
wMysteryGiftPartnerID:: dw
wMysteryGiftPartnerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wMysteryGiftPartnerDexCaught:: db
wMysteryGiftPartnerSentDeco:: db
wMysteryGiftPartnerWhichItem:: db
wMysteryGiftPartnerWhichDeco:: db
wMysteryGiftPartnerBackupItem:: db
ds 1
ds 60
ds 1
wMysteryGiftPlayerID:: dw
wMysteryGiftPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wMysteryGiftPlayerDexCaught:: db
wMysteryGiftPlayerSentDeco:: db
wMysteryGiftPlayerWhichItem:: db
wMysteryGiftPlayerWhichDeco:: db
wMysteryGiftPlayerBackupItem:: db
ds 1
ds 144
wc9f4:: ds 5
wc9f9:: ds 7
UNION ; ca00
; blank credits tile buffer
wCreditsFaux2bpp:: ds 128
NEXTU ; ca00
; mystery gift data
wca00:: db
wca01:: db
wca02:: db
ds 160
ENDU ; caa3
wcaa3:: ds 2
wcaa5:: ds 16
wcab5:: ds 10
wcabf:: ds 10
wcac9:: ds 63
wcb08:: ds 6
wcb0e:: ds 5
wcb13:: ds 9
wcb1c:: ds 14
wBillsPC_ScrollPosition:: db
wBillsPC_CursorPosition:: db
wBillsPC_NumMonsInBox:: db
wBillsPC_NumMonsOnScreen:: db
wBillsPC_LoadedBox:: db ; 0 if party, 1 - 14 if box, 15 if active box
wBillsPC_BackupScrollPosition:: db
wBillsPC_BackupCursorPosition:: db
wBillsPC_BackupLoadedBox:: db
wBillsPC_MonHasMail:: db
ds 18
wcb45:: ds 20
wcb59:: ds 20
wcb6d:: ds 1
wcb6e:: ds 22
wcb84:: ds 100
wcbe8:: dw
wLinkOTPartyMonTypes:: ds 2 * PARTY_LENGTH
ds 84
wcc4a:: ds 22
wcc60:: ds 1
wcc61:: ds 1
wcc62:: ds 2
wcc64:: ds 1
wcc65:: ds 57
wcc9e:: ds 22
wccb4:: ds 1
wccb5:: ds 3
wccb8:: ds 1
wccb9:: ds 1
wccba:: ds 102
ENDU ; cd20
UNION ; cd20
; BGMapBuffer
BGMapBuffer:: ds 40 ; cd20
BGMapPalBuffer:: ds 40 ; cd48
BGMapBufferPtrs:: ds 40 ; cd70 ; 20 bg map addresses (16x8 tiles)
NEXTU ; cd20
; credits
CreditsPos:: db
CreditsUnusedCD21:: db
CreditsTimer:: db
NEXTU ; cd20
; mobile data
wMobileMonSpeciesPointerBuffer:: dw
wMobileMonStructurePointerBuffer:: dw
wMobileMonOTNamePointerBuffer:: dw
wMobileMonNicknamePointerBuffer:: dw
wMobileMonMailPointerBuffer:: dw
NEXTU ; cd20
; more mobile data
wcd20:: ds 1
wcd21:: ds 1
wcd22:: ds 1
wcd23:: ds 1
wcd24:: ds 1
wMobileCommsJumptableIndex:: ds 1 ; cd25
wcd26:: ds 1
wcd27:: ds 1
wcd28:: ds 1
wcd29:: ds 1
wcd2a:: db
wTempOddEggNickname:: ; ds 11
wcd2b:: ds 1
wcd2c:: ds 1
wcd2d:: ds 1
wcd2e:: ds 1
wcd2f:: ds 1
wcd30:: ds 1
wcd31:: ds 1
wcd32:: ds 1
wcd33:: ds 1
wcd34:: ds 1
wcd35:: ds 1
; current time for link/mobile?
wcd36:: db ; hours
wcd37:: db ; mins
wcd38:: db ; secs
wcd39:: ds 1
wcd3a:: ds 1
wcd3b:: ds 1
wcd3c:: ds 1
wcd3d:: ds 1
wcd3e:: ds 1
wcd3f:: ds 1
wcd40:: ds 1
wcd41:: ds 1
wcd42:: ds 1
wcd43:: ds 1
; some sort of timer in link battles
wMobileInactivityTimerMinutes:: db ; mins
wMobileInactivityTimerSeconds:: db ; secs
wMobileInactivityTimerFrames:: db ; frames
wcd47:: ds 1
ds 1
wcd49:: db
wcd4a:: ds 1
wcd4b:: ds 1
wcd4c:: db
wcd4d:: db
wcd4e:: ds 1
wcd4f:: ds 1
wcd50:: ds 1
wcd51:: ds 1
wcd52:: ds 1
wMobileOpponentBattleMessage:: ; ds 12
wcd53:: ds 1
wcd54:: ds 1
wcd55:: ds 1
wcd56:: ds 1
wcd57:: ds 1
wcd58:: ds 1
wcd59:: ds 1
wcd5a:: ds 1
wcd5b:: ds 1
wcd5c:: ds 1
wcd5d:: ds 1
wcd5e:: ds 1
wcd5f:: ds 1
wcd60:: ds 2
wcd62:: ds 1
wcd63:: ds 1
wcd64:: ds 1
wcd65:: ds 1
wcd66:: ds 1
wcd67:: ds 1
wcd68:: ds 1
wcd69:: ds 1
wcd6a:: ds 1
wcd6b:: ds 1
wcd6c:: ds 1
wcd6d:: ds 1
wcd6e:: ds 1
wcd6f:: ds 2
wcd71:: ds 1
wcd72:: ds 1
wcd73:: ds 1
wcd74:: ds 1
wOTMonSelection:: ds 2 ; ds 3
wcd77:: ds 1
wcd78:: ds 1
wcd79:: ds 1
wcd7a:: ds 2
wcd7c:: ds 3
wcd7f:: ds 1
wcd80:: ds 1
wcd81:: ds 1
wcd82:: ds 1
wcd83:: ds 1
wcd84:: ds 1
wcd85:: ds 4
wcd89:: ds 1
wcd8a:: ds 1
wcd8b:: ds 1
wcd8c:: ds 1
wcd8d:: ds 11
ENDU ; cd98
SGBPredef:: db ; cd98
PlayerHPPal:: db ; cd99
EnemyHPPal:: db ; cd9a
wCurHPPal:: db
ds 7
wSGBPals:: ds 48 ; cda9
AttrMap:: ; cdd9
; 20x18 grid of bg tile attributes for 8x8 tiles
; read horizontally from the top row
; bit 7: priority
; bit 6: y flip
; bit 5: x flip
; bit 4: pal # (non-cgb)
; bit 3: vram bank (cgb only)
; bit 2-0: pal # (cgb only)
UNION ; cf41
; addresses dealing with serial comms
ds 1
wcf42:: db
ds 1
wcf44:: db
wcf45:: db
NEXTU ; cf41
wTileAnimBuffer:: ds 1 tiles
ENDU ; cf51
; link data
wOtherPlayerLinkMode:: db
wOtherPlayerLinkAction:: db
ds 3
wPlayerLinkAction:: db
wcf57:: db
ds 3
wLinkTimeoutFrames:: dw ; cf5b
wcf5d:: dw
MonType:: db ; cf5f
CurMove:: db ; cf60
wNamedObjectTypeBuffer:: db
ds 1
wJumptableIndex:: db
UNION ; cf64
; unidentified
wcf64:: db
wcf65:: db
wcf66:: db
NEXTU ; cf64
; intro and title data
wIntroSceneFrameCounter:: db
wTitleScreenTimer:: dw
NEXTU ; cf64
; credits data
wCreditsBorderFrame:: db
wCreditsBorderMon:: db
wCreditsLYOverride:: db
NEXTU ; cf64
; unown puzzle data
wHoldingUnownPuzzlePiece:: db
wUnownPuzzleCursorPosition:: db
wUnownPuzzleHeldPiece:: db
NEXTU ; cf64
; card flip data
wCardFlipCursorY:: db
wCardFlipCursorX:: db
wCardFlipWhichCard:: db
NEXTU ; cf64
; pokedex
wDexEntryPrevJumptableIndex:: db
wPokedexStatus:: db
NEXTU ; cf64
; miscellaneous
ENDU ; cf67
Requested2bppSize:: db ; cf67
Requested2bppSource:: dw ; cf68
Requested2bppDest:: dw ; cf6a
Requested1bppSize:: db ; cf6c
Requested1bppSource:: dw ; cf6d
Requested1bppDest:: dw ; cf6f
wWindowStackPointer:: dw ; cf71
wMenuJoypad:: db ; cf73
MenuSelection:: db ; cf74
MenuSelectionQuantity:: db ; cf75
wWhichIndexSet:: db ; cf76
wScrollingMenuCursorPosition:: db ; cf77
wWindowStackSize:: db ; cf78
ds 8
; menu data header
wMenuDataHeader:: ; cf81
wMenuFlags:: db
wMenuBorderTopCoord:: db
wMenuBorderLeftCoord:: db
wMenuBorderBottomCoord:: db
wMenuBorderRightCoord:: db
wMenuData2Pointer:: dw
wMenuCursorBuffer:: dw
wMenuDataBank:: db
ds 6
UNION ; cf91
; MenuData2
wMenuData2Flags:: ; cf91
; bit 7: When set, start printing text one tile to the right of the border
; In scrolling menus, SELECT is functional
; bit 6: When set, start printing text one tile below the border
; In scrolling menus, START is functional
; bit 5: ????
; bit 4: ????
; bit 3: ????
; bit 2: ????
; bit 1: Enable Select button
; bit 0: Disable B button
wMenuData2Items:: db ; cf92
wMenuData2IndicesPointer:: dw ; cf94
wMenuData2DisplayFunctionPointer:: dw ; cf96
wMenuData2PointerTableAddr:: dw ; cf97
NEXTU ; cf91
; 2D menu
ds 2 ; cf91
wMenuData2Spacing:: db ; cf93
wMenuData2_2DMenuItemStringsBank:: db ; cf94
wMenuData2_2DMenuItemStringsAddr:: dw ; cf96
wMenuData2_2DMenuFunctionBank:: db ; cf97
wMenuData2_2DMenuFunctionAddr:: dw ; cf98
NEXTU ; cf91
; scrolling menu
ds 1 ; cf91
wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuHeight:: db ; cf92
wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuWidth:: db ; cf93
wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuSpacing:: db ; cf94
wMenuData2_ItemsPointerBank:: db ; cf95
wMenuData2_ItemsPointerAddr:: dw ; cf97
wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuFunction1:: ds 3 ; cf98
wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuFunction2:: ds 3 ; cf9b
wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuFunction3:: ds 3 ; cf9e
ENDU ; cfa1
w2DMenuCursorInitY:: db ; cfa1
w2DMenuCursorInitX:: db ; cfa2
w2DMenuNumRows:: db ; cfa3
w2DMenuNumCols:: db ; cfa4
w2DMenuFlags1:: db ; cfa5
w2DMenuFlags2:: db ; cfa6
w2DMenuCursorOffsets:: db ; cfa7
wMenuJoypadFilter:: db ; cfa8
wMenuCursorY:: db ; cfa9
wMenuCursorX:: db ; cfaa
wCursorOffCharacter:: db ; cfab
wCursorCurrentTile:: dw ; cfac
ds 3
OverworldDelay:: db ; cfb1
TextDelayFrames:: db ; cfb2
VBlankOccurred:: db ; cfb3
PredefID:: db ; cfb4
PredefTemp:: dw ; cfb5
PredefAddress:: dw ; cfb7
wFarCallBCBuffer:: dw ; cfb9
wcfbb:: db
GameTimerPause:: ; cfbc
; bit 0
ds 1
wcfbe:: ; SGB flags?
; bit 7
ds 1
InBattleTowerBattle:: ; cfc0
; 0 not in BattleTower-Battle
; 1 BattleTower-Battle
ds 1
FXAnimID:: dw ; cfc2
wPlaceBallsX:: db ; cfc4
wPlaceBallsY:: db ; cfc5
TileAnimationTimer:: db ; cfc6
; palette backups?
wBGP:: db
wOBP0:: db
wOBP1:: db
wNumHits:: db
ds 1
Options:: ; cfcc
; bit 0-2: number of frames to delay when printing text
; fast 1; mid 3; slow 5
; bit 3: ?
; bit 4: no text delay
; bit 5: stereo off/on
; bit 6: battle style shift/set
; bit 7: battle scene off/on
wSaveFileExists:: db
TextBoxFrame:: ; cfce
; bits 0-2: textbox frame 0-7
TextBoxFlags:: db
GBPrinter:: ; cfd0
; bit 0-6: brightness
; lightest: $00
; lighter: $20
; normal: $40 (default)
; darker: $60
; darkest: $7F
Options2:: ; cfd1
; bit 1: menu account off/on
ds 2
; Time buffer, for counting the amount of time since
; an event began.
wSecondsSince:: db
wMinutesSince:: db
wHoursSince:: db
wDaysSince:: db
wd000:: ds 1
DefaultSpawnpoint:: db
UNION ; d002
; mail temp storage
wTempMail:: mailmsg wTempMail
NEXTU ; d002
; poke seer
wSeerAction:: db
wSeerNickname:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH
wSeerCaughtLocation:: ds 17
wSeerTimeOfDay:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wSeerOTName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wSeerOTNameGrammar:: db
wSeerCaughtLevelString:: ds 4
wSeerCaughtLevel:: db
wSeerCaughtData:: db
wSeerCaughtGender:: db
NEXTU ; d002
; mon buffer
wBufferMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; d002
wBufferMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d00d
wBufferMon:: party_struct wBufferMon ; d018
ds 8
NEXTU ; d002
; bug-catching contest
bugcontestwinner wBugContestFirstPlace
bugcontestwinner wBugContestSecondPlace
bugcontestwinner wBugContestThirdPlace
bugcontestwinner wBugContestTemp
ds 4
wBugContestWinnerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
NEXTU ; d002
; mart items
wMartItem1BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem2BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem3BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem4BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem5BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem6BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem7BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem8BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem9BCD:: ds 3
wMartItem10BCD:: ds 3
NEXTU ; d002
; town map data
wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark:: ds 1
wTownMapCursorLandmark:: ds 1
wTownMapCursorObjectPointer:: ds 2
wTownMapCursorCoordinates:: ds 2
NEXTU ; d002
; phone call data
PhoneScriptBank:: db
PhoneCaller:: dw
NEXTU ; d002
; radio data
wCurrentRadioLine:: db
wNextRadioLine:: db
wRadioTextDelay:: db
wNumRadioLinesPrinted:: db
wOaksPkmnTalkSegmentCounter:: db
ds 5
wRadioText:: ds 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH
NEXTU ; d002
; lucky number show
LuckyNumberDigit1Buffer:: db
LuckyNumberDigit2Buffer:: db
LuckyNumberDigit3Buffer:: db
LuckyNumberDigit4Buffer:: db
LuckyNumberDigit5Buffer:: db
NEXTU ; d002
; movement buffer data
wMovementBufferCount:: db
wMovementBufferPerson:: db
wUnusedMovementBufferBank:: db
wUnusedMovementBufferPointer:: dw
MovementBuffer:: ds 55
NEXTU ; d002
; box printing
wWhichBoxMonToPrint:: db
wFinishedPrintingBox:: db
wAddrOfBoxToPrint:: dw
wBankOfBoxToPrint:: db
wWhichBoxToPrint:: db
NEXTU ; d002
; trainer HUD data
ds 1
wPlaceBallsDirection:: db
wTrainerHUDTiles:: db
NEXTU ; d002
; mobile participant nicknames
ds 4
wMobileParticipant1Nickname:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE
wMobileParticipant2Nickname:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE
wMobileParticipant3Nickname:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE
NEXTU ; d002
; earthquake data buffer
wEarthquakeMovementDataBuffer:: ds 5
NEXTU ; d002
; miscellaneous
wApricorns:: db
ds 2
StartFlypoint:: db
EndFlypoint:: db
NEXTU ; d002
; unidentified
wd002:: db
wd003:: db
wd004:: db
; mobile?
ds 3
wd008:: ds 2
ds 2
wd00c:: ds 1
wd00d:: ds 1
ds 1
wd00f:: ds 1
wd010:: ds 1
wd011:: ds 1
wd012:: ds 1
wd013:: ds 1
wd014:: ds 2
ds 1
wd017:: ds 1
wd018:: ds 1
wd019:: ds 1
ds 19
wd02d:: ds 1
wd02e:: ds 1
wd02f:: ds 1
wd030:: ds 1
wd031:: ds 1
wd032:: ds 1
wd033:: ds 1
wd034:: ds 2
wd036:: ds 2
ds 6
UNION ; d03e
; engine buffers
EngineBuffer1:: db
EngineBuffer2:: db
EngineBuffer3:: db
EngineBuffer4:: db
EngineBuffer5:: db
NEXTU ; d03e
; menu items list
MenuItemsList:: ds 16
NEXTU ; d03e
; fruit tree data
CurFruitTree:: db
CurFruit:: db
NEXTU ; d03e
; elevator data
wElevatorPointerBank:: db
wElevatorPointer:: dw
wElevatorOriginFloor:: db
NEXTU ; d03e
; coord event data
wCurCoordEventTriggerID:: db
wCurCoordEventMapY:: db
wCurCoordEventMapX:: db
ds 1
wCurCoordEventScriptAddr:: dw
NEXTU ; d03e
; signpost data
wCurSignpostYCoord:: db
wCurSignpostXCoord:: db
wCurSignpostType:: db
wCurSignpostScriptAddr:: dw
NEXTU ; d03e
; mart data
ds 1
MartPointerBank:: db
MartPointer:: dw
ds 1
wBargainShopFlags:: db
NEXTU ; d03e
; trainer data
ds 3
wTempTrainerEventFlag:: dw
wTempTrainerClass:: db
wTempTrainerID:: db
wSeenTextPointer:: dw
wWinTextPointer:: dw
wLossTextPointer:: dw
wScriptAfterPointer:: dw
wRunningTrainerBattleScript:: db
NEXTU ; d03e
; player movement data
CurInput:: db
wd03f:: db
wd040:: db
wd041:: db
MovementAnimation:: db
WalkingDirection:: db
FacingDirection:: db
WalkingX:: db
WalkingY:: db
WalkingTile:: db
ds 6
wPlayerTurningDirection:: db
NEXTU ; d03e
; std script buffer
ds 1
wJumpStdScriptBuffer:: ds 3
NEXTU ; d03e
; phone script pointer
ds 10
wPhoneScriptPointer:: dw
NEXTU ; d03e
; backup menu data
ds 7
wMenuCursorBufferBackup:: db
wMenuScrollPositionBackup:: db
ds 31
ENDU ; d066
ENDU ; d066
wTMHMMoveNameBackup:: ds MOVE_NAME_LENGTH ; d066
StringBuffer1:: ds 19 ; d073
StringBuffer2:: ds 19 ; d086
StringBuffer3:: ds 19 ; d099
StringBuffer4:: ds 19 ; d0ac
StringBuffer5:: ds 19 ; d0bf
wBattleMenuCursorBuffer:: dw ; d0d2
CurBattleMon:: db ; d0d4
CurMoveNum:: db ; d0d5
wLastPocket:: db
wPCItemsCursor:: db
wPartyMenuCursor:: db
wItemsPocketCursor:: db
wKeyItemsPocketCursor:: db
wBallsPocketCursor:: db
wTMHMPocketCursor:: db
wPCItemsScrollPosition:: db
wPartyMenuScrollPosition:: db ; unused
wItemsPocketScrollPosition:: db
wKeyItemsPocketScrollPosition:: db
wBallsPocketScrollPosition:: db
wTMHMPocketScrollPosition:: db
wd0e3:: ds 1
wMenuScrollPosition:: ds 4
wQueuedScriptBank:: db
wQueuedScriptAddr:: dw
wNumMoves:: db
; 0 - use move
; 1 - use item
; 2 - switch
db ; d0ec
VramState:: ; d0ed
; bit 0: overworld sprite updating on/off
; bit 6: something to do with text
; bit 7: on when surf initiates
; flickers when climbing waterfall
wBattleResult:: db ; d0ee
wUsingItemWithSelect:: db ; d0ef
UNION ; d0f0
; mart data
CurMart:: ds 16
NEXTU ; d0f0
; elevator data
CurElevator:: db
CurElevatorFloors:: db
NEXTU ; d0f0
; mailbox data
ds 1
wCurMessageIndex:: db
wMailboxCount:: db
wMailboxItems:: ds MAILBOX_CAPACITY
wMailboxEnd:: ds 1 ; d0fe
ENDU ; d100
wListPointer:: dw ; d100
wUnusedD102:: dw ; d102
wItemAttributesPtr:: dw ; d104
CurItem:: db ; d106
CurItemQuantity:: ; d107
CurPartySpecies:: db ; d108
CurPartyMon:: ; d109
; contains which monster in a party
; is being dealt with at the moment
; 0-5
; 0: Enemy
; 1: Player
; 2: Party Menu
; 0: Take from PC
; 1: Put into PC
; 2: Take from Day-Care
; 3: Put into Day-Care
wItemQuantityChangeBuffer:: db
wItemQuantityBuffer:: db
TempMon:: party_struct TempMon ; d10e
wSpriteFlags:: db ; d13e
wHandlePlayerStep:: dw ; d13f
PartyMenuActionText:: db ; d141
wItemAttributeParamBuffer:: db ; d142
CurPartyLevel:: db ; d143
wScrollingMenuListSize:: dw
; used when following a map warp
; d146
wNextWarp:: db
wNextMapGroup:: db
wNextMapNumber:: db
wPrevWarp:: db
wPrevMapGroup:: db
wPrevMapNumber:: db
; d14c
wPlayerBGMapOffsetX:: db ; used in FollowNotExact; unit is pixels
wPlayerBGMapOffsetY:: db ; used in FollowNotExact; unit is pixels
; Player movement
wPlayerStepVectorX:: db ; d14e
wPlayerStepVectorY:: db ; d14f
wPlayerStepFlags:: db ; d150
wPlayerStepDirection:: ; d151
; bit 7: Start step
; bit 6: Stop step
; bit 5: Doing step
; bit 4: In midair
; bits 0-3: unused
wBGMapAnchor:: dw ; d152
UNION ; d154
UsedSprites:: ds 64
NEXTU ; d154
ds 31
wd173:: db ; related to command queue type 3
ENDU ; d194
wOverworldMapAnchor:: dw ; d194
wMetatileStandingY:: db ; d196
wMetatileStandingX:: db ; d197
wSecondMapHeaderBank:: db ; d198
wTileset:: db ; d199
wPermission:: db ; d19a
wSecondMapHeaderAddr:: dw ; d19b
; width/height are in blocks (2x2 walkable tiles, 4x4 graphics tiles)
MapHeader:: ; d19d
MapBorderBlock:: db ; d19d
MapHeight:: db ; d19e
MapWidth:: db ; d19f
MapBlockDataBank:: db; d1a0
MapBlockDataPointer:: dw ; d1a1
MapScriptHeaderBank:: db ; d1a3
MapScriptHeaderPointer:: dw ; d1a4
MapEventHeaderPointer:: dw ; d1a6
; bit set
MapConnections:: db ; d1a8
NorthMapConnection:: ; d1a9
NorthConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1a9
NorthConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1aa
NorthConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1ab
NorthConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1ad
NorthConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1af
NorthConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1b0
NorthConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1b1
NorthConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1b2
NorthConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1b3
SouthMapConnection:: ; d1b5
SouthConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1b5
SouthConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1b6
SouthConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1b7
SouthConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1b9
SouthConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1bb
SouthConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1bc
SouthConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1bd
SouthConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1be
SouthConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1bf
WestMapConnection:: ; d1c1
WestConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1c1
WestConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1c2
WestConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1c3
WestConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1c5
WestConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1c7
WestConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1c8
WestConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1c9
WestConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1ca
WestConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1cb
EastMapConnection:: ; d1cd
EastConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1cd
EastConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1ce
EastConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1cf
EastConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1d1
EastConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1d3
EastConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1d4
EastConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1d5
EastConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1d6
EastConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1d7
TilesetBank:: db ; d1d9
TilesetAddress:: dw ; d1da
TilesetBlocksBank:: db ; d1dc
TilesetBlocksAddress:: dw ; d1dd
TilesetCollisionBank:: db ; d1df
TilesetCollisionAddress:: dw ; d1e0
TilesetAnim:: dw ; bank 3f ; d1e2
ds 2 ; unused ; d1e4
TilesetPalettes:: dw ; bank 3f ; d1e6
EvolvableFlags:: flag_array PARTY_LENGTH ; d1e8
wForceEvolution:: db ; d1e9
UNION ; d1ea
; general-purpose buffers
Buffer1:: db ; d1ea
Buffer2:: db ; d1eb
Buffer3:: db ; d1ec
Buffer4:: db ; d1ed
Buffer5:: db ; d1ee
Buffer6:: db ; d1ef
NEXTU ; d1ea
; HP bar animations
wCurHPAnimMaxHP:: dw ; d1ea
wCurHPAnimOldHP:: dw ; d1ec
wCurHPAnimNewHP:: dw ; d1ee
wCurHPAnimPal:: db ; d1f0
wCurHPBarPixels:: db ; d1f1
wNewHPBarPixels:: db ; d1f2
wCurHPAnimDeltaHP:: dw ; d1f3
wCurHPAnimLowHP:: db ; d1f5
wCurHPAnimHighHP:: db ; d1f6
NEXTU ; d1ea
; evolution data
wEvolutionOldSpecies:: db ; d1ea
wEvolutionNewSpecies:: db ; d1eb
wEvolutionPicOffset:: db ; d1ec
wEvolutionCanceled:: db ; d1ed
NEXTU ; d1ea
; mobile
ds 2
wd1ec:: ds 1
wd1ed:: ds 1
wd1ee:: ds 1
wd1ef:: ds 1
wd1f0:: ds 1
wd1f1:: ds 1
wd1f2:: ds 1
wd1f3:: ds 4
NEXTU ; d1ea
; miscellaneous
wMagikarpLength:: dw
wSelectedDecoration:: db
wOtherDecoration:: db
ds 3
CurEnemyItem:: db
ENDU ; d1f7
ds 3
LinkBattleRNs:: ds 10 ; d1fa
TempEnemyMonSpecies:: db ; d204
TempBattleMonSpecies:: db ; d205
EnemyMon:: battle_struct EnemyMon ; d206
EnemyMonBaseStats:: ds 5 ; d226
EnemyMonCatchRate:: db ; d22b
EnemyMonBaseExp:: db ; d22c
wBattleMode:: ; d22d
; 0: overworld
; 1: wild battle
; 2: trainer battle
TempWildMonSpecies:: db
OtherTrainerClass:: ; d22f
; class (Youngster, Bug Catcher, etc.) of opposing trainer
; 0 if opponent is a wild Pokémon, not a trainer
; BATTLETYPE_* values
BattleType:: db ; d230
OtherTrainerID:: ; d231
; which trainer of the class that you're fighting
; (Joey, Mikey, Albert, etc.)
wForcedSwitch:: db
TrainerClass:: db ; d233
UnownLetter:: db ; d234
wMoveSelectionMenuType:: db
; corresponds to the data/base_stats/*.asm contents
CurBaseData:: ; d236
BaseDexNo:: db ; d236
BaseStats:: ; d237
BaseHP:: db ; d237
BaseAttack:: db ; d238
BaseDefense:: db ; d239
BaseSpeed:: db ; d23a
BaseSpecialAttack:: db ; d23b
BaseSpecialDefense:: db ; d23c
BaseType:: ; d23d
BaseType1:: db ; d23d
BaseType2:: db ; d23e
BaseCatchRate:: db ; d23f
BaseExp:: db ; d240
BaseItems:: dw ; d241
BaseGender:: db ; d243
BaseUnknown1:: db ; d244
BaseEggSteps:: db ; d245
BaseUnknown2:: db ; d246
BasePicSize:: db ; d247
BasePadding:: ds 4 ; d248
BaseGrowthRate:: db ; d24c
BaseEggGroups:: db ; d24d
BaseTMHM:: flag_array NUM_TM_HM_TUTOR ; d24e
CurDamage:: dw ; d256
ds 2
wMornEncounterRate:: db ; d25a
wDayEncounterRate:: db ; d25b
wNiteEncounterRate:: db ; d25c
wWaterEncounterRate:: db ; d25d
wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer:: ds NUM_MOVES
wPutativeTMHMMove:: db
wInitListType:: db
wBattleHasJustStarted:: db
wd265:: db
wFailedToFlee:: db
wNumFleeAttempts:: db
wMonTriedToEvolve:: db
TimeOfDay:: db ; d269
ds 1
SECTION "Enemy Party", WRAMX
UNION ; d26b
wd26b:: ds 1
wd26c:: ds 1
wd26d:: ds 1
ds 3
wd271:: ds 5
NEXTU ; d26b
; SECTION "Enemy Party", WRAMX
OTPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d26b
ENDU ; d276
OTPlayerID:: ds 2 ; d276
ds 8
OTPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d280
OTPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; d281
OTPartyEnd:: ds 1 ; legacy scripts don't check PartyCount
UNION ; d288
; catch tutorial dude pack
wDudeNumItems:: db
wDudeItems:: ds 2 * 4
wDudeItemsEnd:: db
wDudeNumKeyItems:: db ; d292
wDudeKeyItems:: ds 18
wDudeKeyItemsEnd:: db
wDudeNumBalls:: db ; d2a6
wDudeBalls:: ds 2 * 4 ; d2a7
wDudeBallsEnd:: db ; d2af
NEXTU ; d288
; ot party mons
OTPartyMon1:: party_struct OTPartyMon1 ; d288
OTPartyMon2:: party_struct OTPartyMon2 ; d2b8
OTPartyMon3:: party_struct OTPartyMon3 ; d2e8
OTPartyMon4:: party_struct OTPartyMon4 ; d318
OTPartyMon5:: party_struct OTPartyMon5 ; d348
OTPartyMon6:: party_struct OTPartyMon6 ; d378
OTPartyMonNicknames:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d3ea
ds 4
ENDU ; d430
wBattleAction:: db ; d430
wd431:: db
MapStatus:: db ; d432
MapEventStatus:: ; d433
; 0: do map events
; 1: do background events
ScriptFlags:: ; d434
; bit 3: priority jump
ScriptFlags2:: ; d435
ScriptFlags3:: ; d436
; bit 0: count steps
; bit 1: xy triggers
; bit 2: warps and connections
; bit 4: wild encounters
; bit 5: unknown
ScriptMode:: db ; d437
ScriptRunning:: db ; d438
ScriptBank:: db ; d439
ScriptPos:: dw ; d43a
wScriptStackSize:: db
wScriptStack:: ds 3 * 5
ds 1
ScriptDelay:: db ; d44d
wScriptTextBank:: db ; d44e
wScriptTextAddr:: dw ; d44f
ds 1
wWildEncounterCooldown:: db ; d452
wXYComparePointer:: dw ; d453
ds 4
wBattleScriptFlags:: dw ; d459
wPlayerSpriteSetupFlags:: ; d45b
; bit 7: if set, cancel PlayerAction
; bit 5: if set, set facing according to bits 0-1
; bits 0-1: direction facing
wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag:: db ; d45c MemScriptFlag
wMapReentryScriptBank:: db ; d45d MemScriptBank
wMapReentryScriptAddress:: dw ; d45e MemScriptAddr
ds 4
wTimeCyclesSinceLastCall:: db ; d464
wReceiveCallDelay_MinsRemaining:: db ; d465
wReceiveCallDelay_StartTime:: ds 3 ; d466
ds 3
wBugContestMinsRemaining:: db ; d46c
wBugContestSecsRemaining:: db ; d46d
ds 2
wMapStatusEnd:: ds 2 ; d470
PlayerGender:: ; d472
; bit 0:
; 0 male
; 1 female
wd473:: ds 1
wd474:: ds 1
wd475:: ds 1
wd476:: ds 1
wd477:: ds 1
wd478:: ds 1
wd479:: ds 2
PlayerID:: ; d47b
PlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d47d
MomsName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d488
RivalName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d493
RedsName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d49e
GreensName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d4a9
wSavedAtLeastOnce:: db
wSpawnAfterChampion:: db
; init time set at newgame
StartDay:: db ; d4b6
StartHour:: db ; d4b7
StartMinute:: db ; d4b8
StartSecond:: db ; d4b9
wRTC:: ds 8 ; d4ba
wDST:: db ; d4c2
GameTimeCap:: db ; d4c3
GameTimeHours:: dw ; d4c4
GameTimeMinutes:: db ; d4c6
GameTimeSeconds:: db ; d4c7
GameTimeFrames:: db ; d4c8
ds 2
CurDay:: db ; d4cb
ds 1
wObjectFollow_Leader:: db
wObjectFollow_Follower:: db
wCenteredObject:: db
wFollowerMovementQueueLength:: db
wFollowMovementQueue:: ds 5
ObjectStructs:: ; d4d6
object_struct Player
object_struct Object1
object_struct Object2
object_struct Object3
object_struct Object4
object_struct Object5
object_struct Object6
object_struct Object7
object_struct Object8
object_struct Object9
object_struct Object10
object_struct Object11
object_struct Object12
ObjectStructsEnd:: ; d6de
ds 40
MapObjects:: ; d71e
map_object Player
map_object Map1
map_object Map2
map_object Map3
map_object Map4
map_object Map5
map_object Map6
map_object Map7
map_object Map8
map_object Map9
map_object Map10
map_object Map11
map_object Map12
map_object Map13
map_object Map14
map_object Map15
wObjectMasks:: ds NUM_OBJECTS ; d81e
VariableSprites:: ds 16; d82e
wEnteredMapFromContinue:: db ; d83e
ds 2
TimeOfDayPal:: db ; d841
ds 4
wTimeOfDayPalFlags:: db ; d846
wTimeOfDayPalset:: db
CurTimeOfDay:: db ; d848
ds 1
wSecretID:: dw
StatusFlags:: ; d84c
; 0 - pokedex
; 1 - unown dex
; 2 -
; 3 - pokerus
; 4 - rocket signal
; 5 - wild encounters on/off
; 6 - hall of fame
; 7 - bug contest on
StatusFlags2:: ; d84d
; 0 - rockets
; 1 -
; 2 - bug contest timer
; 3 -
; 4 - bike shop call
; 5 - pokerus
; 6 - berry juice?
; 7 - rockets in mahogany
Money:: ds 3 ; d84e
wMomsMoney:: ds 3 ; d851
wMomSavingMoney:: db ; d854
Coins:: dw ; d855
JohtoBadges:: flag_array NUM_JOHTO_BADGES ; d857
KantoBadges:: flag_array NUM_KANTO_BADGES ; d858
TMsHMs:: ds NUM_TMS + NUM_HMS ; d859
NumItems:: db ; d892
Items:: ds MAX_ITEMS * 2 + 1 ; d893
NumKeyItems:: db ; d8bc
KeyItems:: ds MAX_KEY_ITEMS + 1 ; d8bd
NumBalls:: db ; d8d7
Balls:: ds MAX_BALLS * 2 + 1 ; d8d8
PCItems:: ds MAX_PC_ITEMS * 2 + 1 ; d8f1
ds 1
; bit 0: map
; bit 1: radio
; bit 2: phone
; bit 3: expn
; bit 7: on/off
wRadioTuningKnob:: db
wLastDexMode:: db
ds 1
WhichRegisteredItem:: db ; d95b
RegisteredItem:: db ; d95c
PlayerState:: db ; d95d
wHallOfFameCount:: dw
wTradeFlags:: flag_array 6 ; d960
ds 1
MooMooBerries:: db ; d962
UndergroundSwitchPositions:: db ; d963
FarfetchdPosition:: db ; d964
ds 13
;SECTION "Map Triggers", WRAMX
wPokecenter2FTrigger:: db ; d972
wTradeCenterTrigger:: db ; d973
wColosseumTrigger:: db ; d974
wTimeCapsuleTrigger:: db ; d975
wPowerPlantTrigger:: db ; d976
wCeruleanGymTrigger:: db ; d977
wRoute25Trigger:: db ; d978
wTrainerHouseB1FTrigger:: db ; d979
wVictoryRoadGateTrigger:: db ; d97a
wSaffronTrainStationTrigger:: db ; d97b
wRoute16GateTrigger:: db ; d97c
wRoute1718GateTrigger:: db ; d97d
wIndigoPlateauPokecenter1FTrigger:: db ; d97e
wWillsRoomTrigger:: db ; d97f
wKogasRoomTrigger:: db ; d980
wBrunosRoomTrigger:: db ; d981
wKarensRoomTrigger:: db ; d982
wLancesRoomTrigger:: db ; d983
wHallOfFameTrigger:: db ; d984
wRoute27Trigger:: db ; d985
wNewBarkTownTrigger:: db ; d986
wElmsLabTrigger:: db ; d987
wKrissHouse1FTrigger:: db ; d988
wRoute29Trigger:: db ; d989
wCherrygroveCityTrigger:: db ; d98a
wMrPokemonsHouseTrigger:: db ; d98b
wRoute32Trigger:: db ; d98c
wRoute35NationalParkGateTrigger:: db ; d98d
wRoute36Trigger:: db ; d98e
wRoute36NationalParkGateTrigger:: db ; d98f
wAzaleaTownTrigger:: db ; d990
wGoldenrodGymTrigger:: db ; d991
wGoldenrodMagnetTrainStationTrigger:: db ; d992
wGoldenrodPokecenter1FTrigger:: db ; d993
wOlivineCityTrigger:: db ; d994
wRoute34Trigger:: db ; d995
wRoute34IlexForestGateTrigger:: db ; d996
wEcruteakHouseTrigger:: db ; d997
wWiseTriosRoomTrigger:: db ; d998
wEcruteakPokecenter1FTrigger:: db ; d999
wEcruteakGymTrigger:: db ; d99a
wMahoganyTownTrigger:: db ; d99b
wRoute42Trigger:: db ; d99c
wCianwoodCityTrigger:: db ; d99d
wBattleTower1FTrigger:: db ; d99e
wBattleTowerBattleRoomTrigger:: db ; d99f
wBattleTowerElevatorTrigger:: db ; d9a0
wBattleTowerHallwayTrigger:: db ; d9a1
wBattleTowerOutsideTrigger:: db ; d9a2
wRoute43GateTrigger:: db ; d9a3
wMountMoonTrigger:: db ; d9a4
wSproutTower3FTrigger:: db ; d9a5
wTinTower1FTrigger:: db ; d9a6
wBurnedTower1FTrigger:: db ; d9a7
wBurnedTowerB1FTrigger:: db ; d9a8
wRadioTower5FTrigger:: db ; d9a9
wRuinsOfAlphOutsideTrigger:: db ; d9aa
wRuinsOfAlphResearchCenterTrigger:: db ; d9ab
wRuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberTrigger:: db ; d9ac
wRuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberTrigger:: db ; d9ad
wRuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberTrigger:: db ; d9ae
wRuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberTrigger:: db ; d9af
wRuinsOfAlphInnerChamberTrigger:: db ; d9b0
wMahoganyMart1FTrigger:: db ; d9b1
wTeamRocketBaseB1FTrigger:: db ; d9b2
wTeamRocketBaseB2FTrigger:: db ; d9b3
wTeamRocketBaseB3FTrigger:: db ; d9b4
wUndergroundPathSwitchRoomEntrancesTrigger:: db ; d9b5
wSilverCaveRoom3Trigger:: db ; d9b6
wVictoryRoadTrigger:: db ; d9b7
wDragonsDenB1FTrigger:: db ; d9b8
wDragonShrineTrigger:: db ; d9b9
wOlivinePortTrigger:: db ; d9ba
wVermilionPortTrigger:: db ; d9bb
wFastShip1FTrigger:: db ; d9bc
wFastShipB1FTrigger:: db ; d9bd
wMountMoonSquareTrigger:: db ; d9be
wMobileTradeRoomMobileTrigger:: db ; d9bf
wMobileBattleRoomTrigger:: db ; d9c0
ds 49
wJackFightCount:: db ; d9f2
wBeverlyFightCount:: db ; unused
wHueyFightCount:: db
wGavenFightCount:: db
wBethFightCount:: db
wJoseFightCount:: db
wReenaFightCount:: db
wJoeyFightCount:: db
wWadeFightCount:: db
wRalphFightCount:: db
wLizFightCount:: db
wAnthonyFightCount:: db
wToddFightCount:: db
wGinaFightCount:: db
wIrwinFightCount:: db ; unused
wArnieFightCount:: db
wAlanFightCount:: db
wDanaFightCount:: db
wChadFightCount:: db
wDerekFightCount:: db ; unused
wTullyFightCount:: db
wBrentFightCount:: db
wTiffanyFightCount:: db
wVanceFightCount:: db
wWiltonFightCount:: db
wKenjiFightCount:: db ; unused
wParryFightCount:: db
wErinFightCount:: db
; da0e
ds 100
EventFlags:: flag_array NUM_EVENTS ; da72
; db6c
ds 6
wCurBox:: db ; db72
ds 2
; 8 chars + $50
wBoxNames:: ds BOX_NAME_LENGTH * NUM_BOXES ; db75
wCelebiEvent:: db
ds 1
BikeFlags:: ; dbf5
; bit 0: using strength
; bit 1: always on bike
; bit 2: downhill
ds 1
wCurrentMapTriggerPointer:: dw ; dbf7
wCurrentCaller:: dw ; dbf9
wCurrMapWarpCount:: db ; dbfb
wCurrMapWarpHeaderPointer:: dw ; dbfc
wCurrentMapXYTriggerCount:: db ; dbfe
wCurrentMapXYTriggerHeaderPointer:: dw ; dbff
wCurrentMapSignpostCount:: db ; dc01
wCurrentMapSignpostHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc02
wCurrentMapPersonEventCount:: db ; dc04
wCurrentMapPersonEventHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc05
wCurrMapTriggerCount:: db ; dc07
wCurrMapTriggerHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc08
wCurrMapCallbackCount:: db ; dc0a
wCurrMapCallbackHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc0b
ds 2
; Sprite id of each decoration
Bed:: db ; dc0f
Carpet:: db ; dc10
Plant:: db ; dc11
Poster:: db ; dc12
Console:: db ; dc13
LeftOrnament:: db ; dc14
RightOrnament:: db ; dc15
BigDoll:: db ; dc16
; Items bought from Mom
wWhichMomItem:: db ; dc17
wWhichMomItemSet:: db ; dc18
MomItemTriggerBalance:: ds 3 ; dc19
wDailyResetTimer:: dw ; dc1c
DailyFlags:: db
WeeklyFlags:: db
SwarmFlags:: db
ds 2
wStartDay:: db
ds 3
FruitTreeFlags:: flag_array NUM_FRUIT_TREES ; dc27
ds 2
wLuckyNumberDayBuffer:: dw ; dc2d
ds 2
wSpecialPhoneCallID:: db ; dc31
ds 3
wBugContestStartTime:: ds 4 ; day, hour, min, sec ; dc35
wUnusedTwoDayTimerOn:: db ; dc39
wUnusedTwoDayTimer:: db
wUnusedTwoDayTimerStartDate:: db
ds 4
wMobileOrCable_LastSelection:: db
wdc41:: ds 1
wdc42:: ds 8
wBuenasPassword:: db
wBlueCardBalance:: db
wDailyRematchFlags:: ds 4
wDailyPhoneItemFlags:: ds 4
wDailyPhoneTimeOfDayFlags:: ds 4
wKenjiBreakTimer:: ds 2 ; Kenji
wYanmaMapGroup:: db ; dc5a
wYanmaMapNumber:: db
wPlayerMonSelection:: ds 3
wdc5f:: ds 1
wdc60:: ds 19
StepCount:: db ; dc73
PoisonStepCount:: db ; dc74
ds 2
wHappinessStepCount:: db
ds 1
wSafariBallsRemaining:: db ; dc79
wSafariTimeRemaining:: dw ; dc7a
wPhoneList:: ds CONTACT_LIST_SIZE ; dc7c
; dc86
ds 23
wLuckyNumberShowFlag:: dw ; dc9d
wLuckyIDNumber:: dw ; dc9f
wRepelEffect:: db ; If a Repel is in use, it contains the nr of steps it's still active
wBikeStep:: dw
wKurtApricornQuantity:: db
VisitedSpawns:: flag_array NUM_SPAWNS ; dca5
wDigWarpNumber:: db ; dcaa
wDigMapGroup:: db ; dcab
wDigMapNumber:: db ; dcac
; used on maps like second floor pokécenter, which are reused, so we know which
; map to return to
BackupWarpNumber:: db ; dcad
BackupMapGroup:: db ; dcae
BackupMapNumber:: db ; dcaf
ds 3
wLastSpawnMapGroup:: db
wLastSpawnMapNumber:: db
WarpNumber:: db ; dcb4
MapGroup:: db ; dcb5 ; map group of current map
MapNumber:: db ; dcb6 ; map number of current map
YCoord:: db ; dcb7 ; current y coordinate relative to top-left corner of current map
XCoord:: db ; dcb8 ; current x coordinate relative to top-left corner of current map
wScreenSave:: ds 6 * 5
PartyCount:: db ; dcd7 ; number of Pokémon in party
PartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; dcd8 ; species of each Pokémon in party
PartyEnd:: db ; dcde ; legacy scripts don't check PartyCount
PartyMon1:: party_struct PartyMon1 ; dcdf
PartyMon2:: party_struct PartyMon2 ; dd0f
PartyMon3:: party_struct PartyMon3 ; dd3f
PartyMon4:: party_struct PartyMon4 ; dd6f
PartyMon5:: party_struct PartyMon5 ; dd9f
PartyMon6:: party_struct PartyMon6 ; ddcf
PartyMonNicknames:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; de41
ds 22
PokedexCaught:: flag_array NUM_POKEMON ; de99
PokedexSeen:: flag_array NUM_POKEMON ; deb9
UnownDex:: ds NUM_UNOWN ; ded9
UnlockedUnowns:: db ; def3
wFirstUnownSeen:: db
wDayCareMan:: ; def5
; bit 7: active
; bit 6: monsters are compatible
; bit 5: egg ready
; bit 0: monster 1 in day-care
wBreedMon1Nick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; def6
wBreedMon1OT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df01
wBreedMon1Stats:: box_struct wBreedMon1 ; df0c
wDayCareLady:: ; df2c
; bit 7: active
; bit 0: monster 2 in day-care
wStepsToEgg:: ; df2d
wBreedMotherOrNonDitto:: ; df2e
; z: yes
; nz: no
wBreedMon2Nick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; df2f
wBreedMon2OT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df3a
wBreedMon2Stats:: box_struct wBreedMon2 ; df45
wEggNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; df65
wEggOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df70
wEggMon:: box_struct wEggMon ; df7b
wBugContestSecondPartySpecies:: db
wContestMon:: party_struct wContestMon ; df9c
wDunsparceMapGroup:: db
wDunsparceMapNumber:: db
wFishingSwarmFlag:: db
wRoamMon1:: roam_struct wRoamMon1 ; dfcf
wRoamMon2:: roam_struct wRoamMon2 ; dfd6
wRoamMon3:: roam_struct wRoamMon3 ; dfdd
wRoamMons_CurrentMapNumber:: db
wRoamMons_CurrentMapGroup:: db
wRoamMons_LastMapNumber:: db
wRoamMons_LastMapGroup:: db
wBestMagikarpLengthFeet:: db
wBestMagikarpLengthInches:: db
wMagikarpRecordHoldersName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
; dff5
SECTION "Pic Animations", WRAMX
; 20x18 grid of 8x8 tiles
; PokeAnim Header
wPokeAnimSceneIndex:: db
wPokeAnimPointer:: dw
wPokeAnimSpecies:: db
wPokeAnimUnownLetter:: db
wPokeAnimSpeciesOrUnown:: db
wPokeAnimGraphicStartTile:: db
wPokeAnimCoord:: dw
wPokeAnimFrontpicHeight:: db
; PokeAnim Data
wPokeAnimExtraFlag:: db
wPokeAnimSpeed:: db
wPokeAnimPointerBank:: db
wPokeAnimPointerAddr:: dw
wPokeAnimFramesBank:: db
wPokeAnimFramesAddr:: dw
wPokeAnimBitmaskBank:: db
wPokeAnimBitmaskAddr:: dw
wPokeAnimFrame:: db
wPokeAnimJumptableIndex:: db
wPokeAnimRepeatTimer:: db
wPokeAnimCurBitmask:: db
wPokeAnimWaitCounter:: db
wPokeAnimCommand:: db
wPokeAnimParameter:: db
ds 1
wPokeAnimBitmaskCurCol:: db
wPokeAnimBitmaskCurRow:: db
wPokeAnimBitmaskCurBit:: db
wPokeAnimBitmaskBuffer:: ds 7
ds 2
SECTION "Battle Tower", WRAMX
w3_d000:: ds 1 ; d000
w3_d001:: ds 1
ds $7e
ds $10
ds $70
w3_d100:: ; BattleTower OpponentTrainer-Data (length = 0xe0 = $a + $1 + 3*$3b + $24)
BT_OTTrainer:: battle_tower_struct BT_OT
; d1e0
ds $20
; d200
BT_TrainerTextIndex:: ds 2
w3_d202:: battle_tower_struct w3_d202
w3_d2e2:: battle_tower_struct w3_d2e2
w3_d3c2:: battle_tower_struct w3_d3c2
w3_d4a2:: battle_tower_struct w3_d4a2
w3_d582:: battle_tower_struct w3_d582
w3_d662:: battle_tower_struct w3_d662
UNION ; d742
w3_d742:: battle_tower_struct w3_d742
; d822
NEXTU ; d742
ds $be
w3_d800:: ; ds BG_MAP_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ($240)
ds $69
ENDU ; d869
w3_d869:: ds $17
w3_d880:: ds 1
w3_d881:: ds 1
w3_d882:: ds 1
w3_d883:: ds 7
w3_d88a:: ds 5
w3_d88f:: ds 5
w3_d894:: ds 1
w3_d895:: ds 11
w3_d8a0:: ds 1
w3_d8a1:: ds 1
w3_d8a2:: ds 1
w3_d8a3:: ds $19d
w3_da40:: ds $1c0
ds $11c
w3_dfec:: ds $10
w3_dffc:: ds 4
; eight 4-color palettes each
UnknBGPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d000
UnknOBPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d040
BGPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d080
OBPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d0c0
LYOverrides:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ; d100
LYOverridesEnd:: ; d190
ds 1
wMagnetTrainDirection:: db
wMagnetTrainInitPosition:: db
wMagnetTrainHoldPosition:: db
wMagnetTrainFinalPosition:: db
wMagnetTrainPlayerSpriteInitX:: db
ds 106
LYOverridesBackup:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ; d200
SECTION "Battle Animations", WRAMX
wBattleAnimTileDict:: ds 10
ActiveAnimObjects:: ; d30a
AnimObject01:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject01
AnimObject02:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject02
AnimObject03:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject03
AnimObject04:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject04
AnimObject05:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject05
AnimObject06:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject06
AnimObject07:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject07
AnimObject08:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject08
AnimObject09:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject09
AnimObject10:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject10
ActiveAnimObjectsEnd:: ; d3aa
ActiveBGEffects:: ; d3fa
BGEffect1:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect1
BGEffect2:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect2
BGEffect3:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect3
BGEffect4:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect4
BGEffect5:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect5
wNumActiveBattleAnims:: db ; d40e
BattleAnimFlags:: db ; d40f
BattleAnimAddress:: dw ; d410
BattleAnimDuration:: db ; d412
BattleAnimParent:: dw ; d413
BattleAnimLoops:: db ; d415
BattleAnimVar:: db ; d416
BattleAnimByte:: db ; d417
wBattleAnimOAMPointerLo:: db ; d418
BattleAnimTemps:: ; d419
wBattleAnimTemp0:: db
wBattleAnimTemp1:: db
wBattleAnimTemp2:: db
wBattleAnimTemp3:: db
wBattleAnimTemp4:: db
wBattleAnimTemp5:: db
wBattleAnimTemp6:: db
wBattleAnimTemp7:: db
wBattleAnimTemp8:: db
UNION ; d422
wSurfWaveBGEffect:: ds $40
NEXTU ; d422
ds $32
ENDU ; d462
w5_d800:: ds $200
w5_da00:: ds $200
w5_dc00:: ds $d
w5_dc0d:: ds 4
w5_dc11:: ds 9
w5_MobileOpponentBattleMessages:: ds $c ; dc1a
w5_MobileOpponentBattleStartMessage:: ds $c ; dc26
w5_MobileOpponentBattleWinMessage:: ds $c ; dc32
w5_MobileOpponentBattleLossMessage:: ds $c ; dc3e
UNION ; d000
wScratchTileMap:: ds BG_MAP_WIDTH * BG_MAP_HEIGHT
wScratchAttrMap:: ds BG_MAP_WIDTH * BG_MAP_HEIGHT
NEXTU ; d000
wDecompressScratch:: ds $80 tiles
wDecompressEnemyFrontpic:: ds $80 tiles
ENDU ; e000
wWindowStack:: ds $1000 - 1
wWindowStackBottom:: ds 1
INCLUDE "sram.asm"