INCLUDE "includes.asm" INCLUDE "macros/wram.asm" INCLUDE "vram.asm" SECTION "Stack", WRAM0 wRAM0Start:: StackBottom:: ds $100 - 1 Stack:: StackTop:: ds 1 SECTION "Audio RAM", WRAM0 wMusic:: ; nonzero if playing MusicPlaying:: db ; c100 Channels:: Channel1:: channel_struct Channel1 ; c101 Channel2:: channel_struct Channel2 ; c133 Channel3:: channel_struct Channel3 ; c165 Channel4:: channel_struct Channel4 ; c197 SFXChannels:: Channel5:: channel_struct Channel5 ; c1c9 Channel6:: channel_struct Channel6 ; c1fb Channel7:: channel_struct Channel7 ; c22d Channel8:: channel_struct Channel8 ; c25f ds 1 ; c291 wCurTrackDuty:: db wCurTrackIntensity:: db wCurTrackFrequency:: dw wc296:: db ; BCD value, dummied out wCurNoteDuration:: db ; used in MusicE0 and LoadNote CurMusicByte:: db ; c298 CurChannel:: db ; c299 Volume:: ; c29a ; corresponds to $ff24 ; Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W) ; bit 7 - Vin->SO2 ON/OFF ; bit 6-4 - SO2 output level (volume) (# 0-7) ; bit 3 - Vin->SO1 ON/OFF ; bit 2-0 - SO1 output level (volume) (# 0-7) db SoundOutput:: ; c29b ; corresponds to $ff25 ; bit 4-7: ch1-4 so2 on/off ; bit 0-3: ch1-4 so1 on/off db SoundInput:: ; c29c ; corresponds to $ff26 ; bit 7: global on/off ; bit 0: ch1 on/off ; bit 1: ch2 on/off ; bit 2: ch3 on/off ; bit 3: ch4 on/off db MusicID:: dw ; c29d MusicBank:: db ; c29f NoiseSampleAddress:: dw ; c2a0 wNoiseSampleDelay:: db ; c2a2 ds 1 ; c2a3 MusicNoiseSampleSet:: db ; c2a4 SFXNoiseSampleSet:: db ; c2a5 Danger:: ; c2a6 ; bit 7: on/off ; bit 4: pitch ; bit 0-3: counter db MusicFade:: ; c2a7 ; fades volume over x frames ; bit 7: fade in/out ; bit 0-5: number of frames for each volume level ; $00 = none (default) db MusicFadeCount:: db ; c2a8 MusicFadeID:: dw ; c2a9 ds 5 CryPitch:: dw ; c2b0 CryLength:: dw ; c2b2 LastVolume:: db ; c2b4 wc2b5:: db ; c2b5 SFXPriority:: ; c2b6 ; if nonzero, turn off music when playing sfx db ds 1 Channel1JumpCondition:: db Channel2JumpCondition:: db Channel3JumpCondition:: db Channel4JumpCondition:: db wStereoPanningMask:: db ; c2bc CryTracks:: ; c2bd ; plays only in left or right track depending on what side the monster is on ; both tracks active outside of battle db wSFXDuration:: db CurSFX:: ; c2bf ; id of sfx currently playing db ChannelsEnd:: wMapMusic:: db ; c2c0 wDontPlayMapMusicOnReload:: db wMusicEnd:: SECTION "WRAM", WRAM0 wLZAddress:: dw ; c2c2 wLZBank:: db ; c2c4 ds 1 wBoxAlignment:: db InputType:: db ; c2c7 AutoInputAddress:: dw ; c2c8 AutoInputBank:: db ; c2ca AutoInputLength:: db ; c2cb wMonStatusFlags:: db wGameLogicPaused:: db ; c2cd wSpriteUpdatesEnabled:: db wc2cf:: db ; ???? wMapTimeOfDay:: db ds 3 wPrinterConnectionOpen:: db wPrinterOpcode:: db wLastDexEntry:: db wDisableTextAcceleration:: db wPreviousLandmark:: db wCurrentLandmark:: db wLandmarkSignTimer:: dw wLinkMode:: ; c2dc ; 0 not in link battle ; 1 link battle ; 4 mobile battle db ScriptVar:: db ; c2dd wPlayerNextMovement:: db wPlayerMovement:: db ds 2 wc2e2:: wMovementPerson:: db wMovementDataPointer:: ds 3 ; dba wc2e6:: ds 4 wMovementByteWasControlSwitch:: db wMovementPointer:: dw ; c2eb ds 3 wTempObjectCopyMapObjectIndex:: db ; c2f0 wTempObjectCopySprite:: db ; c2f1 wTempObjectCopySpriteVTile:: db ; c2f2 wTempObjectCopyPalette:: db ; c2f3 wTempObjectCopyMovement:: db ; c2f4 wTempObjectCopyRange:: db ; c2f5 wTempObjectCopyX:: db ; c2f6 wTempObjectCopyY:: db ; c2f7 wTempObjectCopyRadius:: db ; c2f8 ds 1 TileDown:: db ; c2fa TileUp:: db ; c2fb TileLeft:: db ; c2fc TileRight:: db ; c2fd TilePermissions:: ; c2fe ; set if tile behavior prevents ; you from walking in that direction ; bit 3: down ; bit 2: up ; bit 1: left ; bit 0: right db ds 1 SECTION "wSpriteAnims", WRAM0 UNION ; c300 ; wSpriteAnimDict is a 10x2 dictionary ; keys: taken from third column of SpriteAnimSeqData ; values: VTiles wSpriteAnimDict:: ds 10 * 2 wSpriteAnimationStructs:: ; field 0: index ; fields 1-3: loaded from SpriteAnimSeqData SpriteAnim1:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim1 SpriteAnim2:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim2 SpriteAnim3:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim3 SpriteAnim4:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim4 SpriteAnim5:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim5 SpriteAnim6:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim6 SpriteAnim7:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim7 SpriteAnim8:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim8 SpriteAnim9:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim9 SpriteAnim10:: sprite_anim_struct SpriteAnim10 wSpriteAnimationStructsEnd:: NEXTU ; c300 ; mobile data wc300:: ds 1 wc301:: ds 1 wc302:: ds 1 wc303:: ds 2 wc305:: ds 1 wc306:: ds 1 wc307:: ds 1 wc308:: ds 1 wc309:: ds 1 wc30a:: ds 1 wc30b:: ds 1 wc30c:: ds 1 wc30d:: ds 1 wc30e:: ds 1 wc30f:: ds 1 wc310:: ds 1 wc311:: ds 1 wc312:: ds 1 wc313:: ds 1 wc314:: ds 152 wc3ac:: ds 8 ENDU ; c3b4 wSpriteAnimCount:: db wCurrSpriteOAMAddr:: db CurIcon:: db ; c3b6 wCurIconTile:: db wSpriteAnimAddrBackup:: wSpriteAnimIDBuffer:: wCurrSpriteAddSubFlags:: dw wCurrAnimVTile:: db wCurrAnimXCoord:: db wCurrAnimYCoord:: db wCurrAnimXOffset:: db wCurrAnimYOffset:: db wGlobalAnimYOffset:: db wGlobalAnimXOffset:: db wSpriteAnimsEnd:: ds 11 ; mobile data wc3cc:: ds 1 wc3cd:: ds 31 wc3ec:: ds 1 wc3ed:: ds 1 wc3ee:: ds 1 wc3ef:: ds 1 wc3f0:: ds 1 wc3f1:: ds 1 wc3f2:: ds 1 wc3f3:: ds 1 wc3f4:: ds 1 wc3f5:: ds 1 wc3f6:: ds 1 wc3f7:: ds 1 wc3f8:: ds 1 wc3f9:: ds 1 wc3fa:: ds 1 wc3fb:: ds 1 wc3fc:: ds 1 ds 3 SECTION "Sprites", WRAM0 Sprites:: ; c400 ; 4 bytes per sprite ; 40 sprites ; struct: ; y (px) ; x (px) ; tile id ; attributes: ; bit 7: priority ; bit 6: y flip ; bit 5: x flip ; bit 4: pal # (non-cgb) ; bit 3: vram bank (cgb only) ; bit 2-0: pal # (cgb only) ds 4 * 40 SpritesEnd:: SECTION "Tilemap", WRAM0 TileMap:: ; c4a0 ; 20x18 grid of 8x8 tiles ds SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT TileMapEnd:: SECTION "Battle", WRAM0 UNION ; c608 ; unidentified uses wc608:: NEXTU ; c608 ; miscellaneous wMisc:: ds (SCREEN_WIDTH + 4) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT + 2) wMiscEnd:: NEXTU ; c608 ; odd egg wOddEgg:: party_struct OddEgg wOddEggName:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH wOddEggOTName:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH NEXTU ; c608 ; battle tower temp struct wBT_OTTemp:: battle_tower_struct wBT_OTTemp NEXTU ; c608 ; hall of fame temp struct hall_of_fame wHallOfFameTemp NEXTU ; c608 ; timeset temp storage ds 20 wInitHourBuffer:: db ; c61c ds 9 wInitMinuteBuffer:: db ; c626 NEXTU ; c608 ; link engine data ds 10 wc612:: ds 10 NEXTU ; c608 ; battle data wBattle:: wEnemyMoveStruct:: move_struct wEnemyMoveStruct ; c608 wPlayerMoveStruct:: move_struct wPlayerMoveStruct ; c60f EnemyMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; c616 BattleMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; c621 BattleMon:: battle_struct BattleMon ; c62c ds 2 wWildMon:: db ; c64e ds 1 wEnemyTrainerItem1:: db ; c650 wEnemyTrainerItem2:: db ; c651 wEnemyTrainerBaseReward:: db ; c652 wEnemyTrainerAIFlags:: ds 3 ; c653 OTClassName:: ds TRAINER_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH ; c656 CurOTMon:: db ; c663 wBattleParticipantsNotFainted:: ; Bit array. Bits 0 - 5 correspond to party members 1 - 6. ; Bit set if the mon appears in battle. ; Bit cleared if the mon faints. ; Backed up if the enemy switches. ; All bits cleared if the enemy faints. db TypeModifier:: ; c665 ; >10: super-effective ; 10: normal ; <10: not very effective ; bit 7: stab db CriticalHit:: ; c666 ; 0 if not critical ; 1 for a critical hit ; 2 for a OHKO db AttackMissed:: ; c667 ; nonzero for a miss db PlayerSubStatus1:: ; c668 ; bit ; 7 in love ; 6 rollout ; 5 endure ; 4 perish song ; 3 identified ; 2 protect ; 1 curse ; 0 nightmare db PlayerSubStatus2:: ; c669 ; bit ; 7 ; 6 ; 5 ; 4 ; 3 ; 2 ; 1 ; 0 curled db PlayerSubStatus3:: ; c66a ; bit ; 7 confused ; 6 flying ; 5 underground ; 4 charged ; 3 flinched ; 2 in loop ; 1 rampage ; 0 bide db PlayerSubStatus4:: ; c66b ; bit ; 7 leech seed ; 6 rage ; 5 recharge ; 4 substitute ; 3 ; 2 focus energy ; 1 mist ; 0 x accuracy db PlayerSubStatus5:: ; c66c ; bit ; 7 can't run ; 6 destiny bond ; 5 lock-on ; 4 encored ; 3 transformed ; 2 ; 1 ; 0 toxic db EnemySubStatus1:: ; c66d ; see PlayerSubStatus1 db EnemySubStatus2:: ; c66e ; see PlayerSubStatus2 db EnemySubStatus3:: ; c66f ; see PlayerSubStatus3 db EnemySubStatus4:: ; c670 ; see PlayerSubStatus4 db EnemySubStatus5:: ; c671 ; see PlayerSubStatus5 db PlayerRolloutCount:: db ; c672 PlayerConfuseCount:: db ; c673 PlayerToxicCount:: db ; c674 PlayerDisableCount:: db ; c675 PlayerEncoreCount:: db ; c676 PlayerPerishCount:: db ; c677 PlayerFuryCutterCount:: db ; c678 PlayerProtectCount:: db ; c679 EnemyRolloutCount:: db ; c67a EnemyConfuseCount:: db ; c67b EnemyToxicCount:: db ; c67c EnemyDisableCount:: db ; c67d EnemyEncoreCount:: db ; c67e EnemyPerishCount:: db ; c67f EnemyFuryCutterCount:: db ; c680 EnemyProtectCount:: db ; c681 PlayerDamageTaken:: dw ; c682 EnemyDamageTaken:: dw ; c684 wBattleReward:: ds 3 ; c686 wBattleAnimParam:: wKickCounter:: wPresentPower:: db ; c689 BattleScriptBuffer:: ds 40 ; c68a BattleScriptBufferAddress:: dw ; c6b2 wTurnEnded:: db ; c6b4 ds 1 PlayerStats:: ; c6b6 PlayerAttack:: dw PlayerDefense:: dw PlayerSpeed:: dw PlayerSpAtk:: dw PlayerSpDef:: dw ds 1 EnemyStats:: ; c6c1 EnemyAttack:: dw EnemyDefense:: dw EnemySpeed:: dw EnemySpAtk:: dw EnemySpDef:: dw ds 1 PlayerStatLevels:: ; c6cc ; 07 neutral PlayerAtkLevel:: db ; c6cc PlayerDefLevel:: db ; c6cd PlayerSpdLevel:: db ; c6ce PlayerSAtkLevel:: db ; c6cf UNION ; c6d0 ; finish battle RAM PlayerSDefLevel:: db ; c6d0 PlayerAccLevel:: db ; c6d1 PlayerEvaLevel:: db ; c6d2 ds 1 ; c6d3 PlayerStatLevelsEnd:: EnemyStatLevels:: ; c6d4 ; 07 neutral EnemyAtkLevel:: db ; c6d4 EnemyDefLevel:: db ; c6d5 EnemySpdLevel:: db ; c6d6 EnemySAtkLevel:: db ; c6d7 EnemySDefLevel:: db ; c6d8 EnemyAccLevel:: db ; c6d9 EnemyEvaLevel:: db ; c6da ds 1 EnemyTurnsTaken:: db ; c6dc PlayerTurnsTaken:: db ; c6dd ds 1 PlayerSubstituteHP:: db ; c6df EnemySubstituteHP:: db ; c6e0 wUnusedPlayerLockedMove:: db ; c6e1 ds 1 CurPlayerMove:: db ; c6e3 CurEnemyMove:: db ; c6e4 LinkBattleRNCount:: ; c6e5 ; how far through the prng stream db wEnemyItemState:: db ; c6e6 ds 2 CurEnemyMoveNum:: db ; c6e9 wEnemyHPAtTimeOfPlayerSwitch:: dw ; c6ea wPayDayMoney:: ds 3 ; c6ec wSafariMonAngerCount:: db wSafariMonEating:: db ds 1 wEnemyBackupDVs:: dw ; used when enemy is transformed AlreadyDisobeyed:: db ; c6f4 DisabledMove:: db ; c6f5 EnemyDisabledMove:: db ; c6f6 wWhichMonFaintedFirst:: db ; exists so you can't counter on switch LastPlayerCounterMove:: db ; c6f8 LastEnemyCounterMove:: db ; c6f9 wEnemyMinimized:: db ; c6fa AlreadyFailed:: db ; c6fb wBattleParticipantsIncludingFainted:: db ; c6fc wDanger:: db ; c6fd wPlayerMinimized:: db ; c6fe PlayerScreens:: ; c6ff ; bit ; 7 ; 6 ; 5 ; 4 reflect ; 3 light screen ; 2 safeguard ; 1 ; 0 spikes db EnemyScreens:: ; c700 ; see PlayerScreens db PlayerSafeguardCount:: db ; c701 PlayerLightScreenCount:: db ; c702 PlayerReflectCount:: db ; c703 ds 1 EnemySafeguardCount:: db ; c705 EnemyLightScreenCount:: db ; c706 EnemyReflectCount:: db ; c707 ds 2 Weather:: ; c70a ; 00 normal ; 01 rain ; 02 sun ; 03 sandstorm ; 04 rain stopped ; 05 sunliight faded ; 06 sandstorm subsided db WeatherCount:: ; c70b ; # turns remaining db LoweredStat:: db ; c70c EffectFailed:: db ; c70d FailedMessage:: db ; c70e wEnemyGoesFirst:: db ; c70f wPlayerIsSwitching:: db ; c710 wEnemyIsSwitching:: db ; c711 PlayerUsedMoves:: ; c712 ; add a move that has been used once by the player ; added in order of use ds NUM_MOVES wEnemyAISwitchScore:: db ; c716 wEnemySwitchMonParam:: db ; c717 wEnemySwitchMonIndex:: db ; c718 wTempLevel:: db ; c719 LastPlayerMon:: db ; c71a LastPlayerMove:: db ; c71b LastEnemyMove:: db ; c71c wPlayerFutureSightCount:: db ; c71d wEnemyFutureSightCount:: db ; c71e wGivingExperienceToExpShareHolders:: db ; c71f wBackupEnemyMonBaseStats:: ds 5 ; c720 wBackupEnemyMonCatchRate:: db ; c725 wBackupEnemyMonBaseExp:: db ; c726 wPlayerFutureSightDamage:: dw ; c727 wEnemyFutureSightDamage:: dw ; c729 wPlayerRageCounter:: db ; c72b wEnemyRageCounter:: db ; c72c wBeatUpHitAtLeastOnce:: db ; c72d wPlayerTrappingMove:: db ; c72e wEnemyTrappingMove:: db ; c72f wPlayerWrapCount:: db ; c730 wEnemyWrapCount:: db ; c731 wPlayerCharging:: db ; c732 wEnemyCharging:: db ; c733 BattleEnded:: db ; c734 wWildMonMoves:: ds NUM_MOVES ; c735 wWildMonPP:: ds NUM_MOVES ; c739 wAmuletCoin:: db ; c73a wSomeoneIsRampaging:: db ; c73b wPlayerJustGotFrozen:: db ; c73c wEnemyJustGotFrozen:: db ; c73d wBattleEnd:: ; Battle RAM ; c741 NEXTU ; c6d0 ; trade wTrademons:: wPlayerTrademon:: trademon wPlayerTrademon wOTTrademon:: trademon wOTTrademon wTrademonsEnd:: wTradeAnimAddress:: dw wLinkPlayer1Name:: ds NAME_LENGTH wLinkPlayer2Name:: ds NAME_LENGTH wLinkTradeSendmonSpecies:: db wLinkTradeGetmonSpecies:: db NEXTU ; c6d0 ; naming screen wNamingScreenDestinationPointer:: dw ; c6d0 wNamingScreenCurrNameLength:: db ; c6d2 wNamingScreenMaxNameLength:: db ; c6d3 wNamingScreenType:: db ; c6d4 wNamingScreenCursorObjectPointer:: dw ; c6d5 wNamingScreenLastCharacter:: db ; c6d7 wNamingScreenStringEntryCoord:: dw ; c6d8 NEXTU ; c6d0 ; pokegear wPokegearPhoneLoadNameBuffer:: db ; c6d0 wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition:: db ; c6d1 wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition:: db ; c6d2 wPokegearPhoneSelectedPerson:: db ; c6d3 wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor:: db ; c6d4 wPokegearMapCursorObjectPointer:: dw ; c6d5 wPokegearMapCursorLandmark:: db ; c6d7 wPokegearMapPlayerIconLandmark:: db ; c6d8 wPokegearRadioChannelBank:: db ; c6d9 wPokegearRadioChannelAddr:: dw ; c6da wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying:: db ; c6dc NEXTU ; c6d0 ; slot machine wSlots:: wReel1:: slot_reel wReel1 wReel2:: slot_reel wReel2 wReel3:: slot_reel wReel3 ; c700 wReel1Stopped:: ds 3 wReel2Stopped:: ds 3 wReel3Stopped:: ds 3 wSlotBias:: db wSlotBet:: db wFirstTwoReelsMatching:: db wFirstTwoReelsMatchingSevens:: db wSlotMatched:: db wCurrReelStopped:: ds 3 wPayout:: dw wCurrReelXCoord:: db wCurrReelYCoord:: db ds 2 wSlotBuildingMatch:: db wSlotsDataEnd:: ds 28 wSlotsEnd:: NEXTU ; c6d0 ; card flip wCardFlip:: wDeck:: ds 24 wDeckEnd:: ; c6e8 wCardFlipNumCardsPlayed:: db wCardFlipFaceUpCard:: db wDiscardPile:: ds 24 wDiscardPileEnd:: wCardFlipEnd:: NEXTU ; c6d0 ; dummy game wDummyGame:: wDummyGameCards:: ds 9 * 5 wDummyGameCardsEnd:: wDummyGameLastCardPicked:: db ; c6fd wDummyGameCard1:: db ; c6fe wDummyGameCard2:: db ; c6ff wDummyGameCard1Location:: db ; c700 wDummyGameCard2Location:: db ; c701 wDummyGameNumberTriesRemaining:: db ; c702 wDummyGameLastMatches:: ds 5 ; c703 wDummyGameCounter:: db ; c708 wDummyGameNumCardsMatched:: db ; c709 wDummyGameEnd:: NEXTU ; c6d0 ; unown puzzle wUnownPuzzle:: wPuzzlePieces:: ds 6 * 6 wUnownPuzzleEnd:: NEXTU ; c6d0 ; pokedex wPokedexDataStart:: wPokedexOrder:: ds $100 ; NUM_POKEMON + 5 wPokedexOrderEnd:: wPokedexMetadata:: wDexListingScrollOffset:: db ; offset of the first displayed entry from the start wDexListingCursor:: db ; Dex cursor wDexListingEnd:: db ; Last mon to display wDexListingHeight:: db ; number of entries displayed at once in the dex listing wCurrentDexMode:: db ; Pokedex Mode wDexSearchMonType1:: db ; first type to search wDexSearchMonType2:: db ; second type to search wDexSearchResultCount:: db wDexArrowCursorPosIndex:: db wDexArrowCursorDelayCounter:: db wDexArrowCursorBlinkCounter:: db wDexSearchSlowpokeFrame:: db wUnlockedUnownMode:: db wDexCurrentUnownIndex:: db wDexUnownCount:: db wDexConvertedMonType:: db ; mon type converted from dex search mon type wDexListingScrollOffsetBackup:: db wDexListingCursorBackup:: db wBackupDexListingCursor:: db wBackupDexListingPage:: db wDexCurrentLocation:: db IF DEF(CRYSTAL11) wPokedexStatus:: db wPokedexDataEnd:: ELSE wPokedexDataEnd:: ds 1 ENDC ds 2 NEXTU ; c6d0 ; mobile data wc6d0:: ds 126 wc74e:: ds 107 wc7b9:: ds 1 wc7ba:: ds 1 wc7bb:: ds 2 wc7bd:: ds 19 wc7d0:: ds 1 wc7d1:: ds 1 wc7d2:: ds 1 wc7d3:: ds 1 wc7d4:: ds 1 ENDU ; c7e8 ENDU ; c7e8 wc7e8:: ds 24 ; ???? SECTION "Overworld Map", WRAM0 UNION ; c800 OverworldMap:: ds 1300 ; c800 OverworldMapEnd:: NEXTU ; c800 ; GB Printer screen RAM wGameboyPrinterRAM:: wGameboyPrinterScreen:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH ; c800 wGameboyPrinterScreenEnd:: ; c968 NEXTU ; c800 ; GB Printer data wGameboyPrinter2bppSource:: ds 40 tiles wGameboyPrinter2bppSourceEnd:: wca80:: db wPrinterRowIndex:: db ; Printer data header wPrinterData:: ds 4 wPrinterChecksum:: dw ; ca86 wPrinterHandshake:: db wPrinterStatusFlags:: ; bit 7: set if error 1 (battery low) ; bit 6: set if error 4 (too hot or cold) ; bit 5: set if error 3 (paper jammed or empty) ; if this and the previous byte are both $ff: error 2 (connection error) db wHandshakeFrameDelay:: db wPrinterSerialFrameDelay:: db wPrinterSendByteOffset:: dw wPrinterSendByteCounter:: dw ; tilemap backup? wPrinterTileMapBuffer:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH ; ca90 wPrinterTileMapBufferEnd:: wPrinterStatus:: db ; cbf8 ds 1 wcbfa:: ds 1 wGBPrinterSettings:: db ds 16 wGameboyPrinterRAMEnd:: NEXTU ; c800 ; bill's pc data wBillsPCPokemonList:: ; c800 ; Pokemon, box number, list index ds 3 * 30 NEXTU ; c800 ; raw link data wLinkData:: ds $514 wLinkDataEnd:: NEXTU ; c800 ; link data members wLinkPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH wLinkPartyCount:: db wLinkPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH wLinkPartySpeciesEnd:: db ; legacy scripts don't check PartyCount UNION ; c813 ; time capsule party data wTimeCapsulePlayerData:: wTimeCapsulePartyMon1:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon1 wTimeCapsulePartyMon2:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon2 wTimeCapsulePartyMon3:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon3 wTimeCapsulePartyMon4:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon4 wTimeCapsulePartyMon5:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon5 wTimeCapsulePartyMon6:: red_party_struct wTimeCapsulePartyMon6 wTimeCapsulePartyMonOTNames:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * NAME_LENGTH wTimeCapsulePartyMonNicks:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * PKMN_NAME_LENGTH wTimeCapsulePlayerDataEnd:: NEXTU ; c813 ; link player data wLinkPlayerData:: wLinkPlayerPartyMon1:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon1 wLinkPlayerPartyMon2:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon2 wLinkPlayerPartyMon3:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon3 wLinkPlayerPartyMon4:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon4 wLinkPlayerPartyMon5:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon5 wLinkPlayerPartyMon6:: party_struct wLinkPlayerPartyMon6 wLinkPlayerPartyMonOTNames:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * NAME_LENGTH wLinkPlayerPartyMonNicks:: ds PARTY_LENGTH * PKMN_NAME_LENGTH wLinkPlayerDataEnd:: ENDU ; c9b7 NEXTU ; c800 ; mystery gift data wMysteryGiftPartyTemp:: ; ds PARTY_LENGTH * (1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES) wMysteryGiftStaging:: wc800:: ds 1 wc801:: ds 1 wc802:: ds 1 wc803:: ds 4 wc807:: ds 7 wc80e:: ds 1 wc80f:: ds 1 wc810:: ds 1 wc811:: ds 1 wc812:: ds 1 wc813:: ds 1 wc814:: ds 4 wc818:: ds 8 wc820:: ds 1 wc821:: ds 47 UNION ; c850 wMysteryGiftTrainerData:: ds (1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES) * PARTY_LENGTH + 2 wMysteryGiftTrainerDataEnd:: NEXTU ; c850 wc850:: ds 16 wc860:: ds 16 wc870:: ds 16 wc880:: ds 16 wc890:: ds 16 wc8a0:: ds 16 wc8b0:: ds 16 wc8c0:: ds 16 wc8d0:: ds 16 wc8e0:: ds 16 wc8f0:: ds 16 ENDU ; c900 wMysteryGiftPartnerData:: wc900:: db wMysteryGiftPartnerID:: dw wMysteryGiftPartnerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH wMysteryGiftPartnerDexCaught:: db wc90f:: wMysteryGiftPartnerSentDeco:: db wMysteryGiftPartnerWhichItem:: db wMysteryGiftPartnerWhichDeco:: db wMysteryGiftPartnerBackupItem:: db ds 1 wMysteryGiftPartnerDataEnd:: ds 60 wMysteryGiftPlayerData:: ds 1 wMysteryGiftPlayerID:: dw wMysteryGiftPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH wMysteryGiftPlayerDexCaught:: db wMysteryGiftPlayerSentDeco:: db wMysteryGiftPlayerWhichItem:: db wMysteryGiftPlayerWhichDeco:: db wMysteryGiftPlayerBackupItem:: db ds 1 wMysteryGiftPlayerDataEnd:: ds 144 wc9f4:: ds 5 wc9f9:: ds 7 UNION ; ca00 ; blank credits tile buffer wCreditsFaux2bpp:: ds 128 NEXTU ; ca00 ; mystery gift data wca00:: db wca01:: db wca02:: db ds 160 ENDU ; caa3 wcaa3:: ds 2 wcaa5:: ds 16 wcab5:: ds 10 wcabf:: ds 10 wcac9:: ds 63 wcb08:: ds 6 wcb0e:: ds 5 wcb13:: ds 9 wcb1c:: ds 14 wBillsPC_ScrollPosition:: db wBillsPC_CursorPosition:: db wBillsPC_NumMonsInBox:: db wBillsPC_NumMonsOnScreen:: db wBillsPC_LoadedBox:: db ; 0 if party, 1 - 14 if box, 15 if active box wBillsPC_BackupScrollPosition:: db wBillsPC_BackupCursorPosition:: db wBillsPC_BackupLoadedBox:: db wBillsPC_MonHasMail:: db ds 18 wcb45:: ds 20 wcb59:: ds 20 wcb6d:: ds 1 wcb6e:: ds 22 wcb84:: ds 100 wcbe8:: dw wLinkOTPartyMonTypes:: ds 2 * PARTY_LENGTH ds 84 wcc4a:: ds 22 wcc60:: ds 1 wcc61:: ds 1 wcc62:: ds 2 wcc64:: ds 1 wcc65:: ds 57 wcc9e:: ds 22 wccb4:: ds 1 wccb5:: ds 3 wccb8:: ds 1 wccb9:: ds 1 wccba:: ds 102 ENDU ; cd20 SECTION "Video", WRAM0 UNION ; cd20 ; BGMapBuffer BGMapBuffer:: ds 40 ; cd20 BGMapPalBuffer:: ds 40 ; cd48 BGMapBufferPtrs:: ds 40 ; cd70 ; 20 bg map addresses (16x8 tiles) BGMapBufferEnd:: NEXTU ; cd20 ; credits CreditsPos:: db CreditsUnusedCD21:: db CreditsTimer:: db NEXTU ; cd20 ; mobile data wMobileMonSpeciesPointerBuffer:: dw wMobileMonStructurePointerBuffer:: dw wMobileMonOTNamePointerBuffer:: dw wMobileMonNicknamePointerBuffer:: dw wMobileMonMailPointerBuffer:: dw NEXTU ; cd20 ; more mobile data wcd20:: ds 1 wcd21:: ds 1 wcd22:: ds 1 wcd23:: ds 1 wcd24:: ds 1 wMobileCommsJumptableIndex:: ds 1 ; cd25 wcd26:: ds 1 wcd27:: ds 1 wcd28:: ds 1 wcd29:: ds 1 wMobileMonSpeciesBuffer:: wcd2a:: db wTempOddEggNickname:: ; ds 11 wcd2b:: ds 1 wcd2c:: ds 1 wcd2d:: ds 1 wcd2e:: ds 1 wcd2f:: ds 1 wcd30:: ds 1 wcd31:: ds 1 wcd32:: ds 1 wcd33:: ds 1 wcd34:: ds 1 wcd35:: ds 1 ; current time for link/mobile? wcd36:: db ; hours wcd37:: db ; mins wcd38:: db ; secs wcd39:: ds 1 wcd3a:: ds 1 wcd3b:: ds 1 wcd3c:: ds 1 wcd3d:: ds 1 wcd3e:: ds 1 wcd3f:: ds 1 wcd40:: ds 1 wcd41:: ds 1 wcd42:: ds 1 wcd43:: ds 1 ; some sort of timer in link battles wMobileInactivityTimerMinutes:: db ; mins wMobileInactivityTimerSeconds:: db ; secs wMobileInactivityTimerFrames:: db ; frames wcd47:: ds 1 ds 1 wBTTempOTSprite:: wcd49:: db wcd4a:: ds 1 wcd4b:: ds 1 wEZChatCursorXCoord:: wcd4c:: db wEZChatCursorYCoord:: wcd4d:: db wcd4e:: ds 1 wcd4f:: ds 1 wcd50:: ds 1 wcd51:: ds 1 wcd52:: ds 1 wMobileOpponentBattleMessage:: ; ds 12 wcd53:: ds 1 wcd54:: ds 1 wcd55:: ds 1 wcd56:: ds 1 wcd57:: ds 1 wcd58:: ds 1 wcd59:: ds 1 wcd5a:: ds 1 wcd5b:: ds 1 wcd5c:: ds 1 wcd5d:: ds 1 wcd5e:: ds 1 wcd5f:: ds 1 wcd60:: ds 2 wcd62:: ds 1 wcd63:: ds 1 wcd64:: ds 1 wcd65:: ds 1 wcd66:: ds 1 wcd67:: ds 1 wcd68:: ds 1 wcd69:: ds 1 wcd6a:: ds 1 wcd6b:: ds 1 wcd6c:: ds 1 wcd6d:: ds 1 wcd6e:: ds 1 wcd6f:: ds 2 wcd71:: ds 1 wcd72:: ds 1 wcd73:: ds 1 wcd74:: ds 1 wOTMonSelection:: ds 2 ; ds 3 wcd77:: ds 1 wcd78:: ds 1 wcd79:: ds 1 wcd7a:: ds 2 wcd7c:: ds 3 wcd7f:: ds 1 wcd80:: ds 1 wcd81:: ds 1 wcd82:: ds 1 wcd83:: ds 1 wcd84:: ds 1 wcd85:: ds 4 wcd89:: ds 1 wcd8a:: ds 1 wcd8b:: ds 1 wcd8c:: ds 1 wcd8d:: ds 11 ENDU ; cd98 SGBPredef:: db ; cd98 PlayerHPPal:: db ; cd99 EnemyHPPal:: db ; cd9a wHPPals:: ds PARTY_LENGTH wCurHPPal:: db ds 7 wSGBPals:: ds 48 ; cda9 AttrMap:: ; cdd9 ; 20x18 grid of bg tile attributes for 8x8 tiles ; read horizontally from the top row ; bit 7: priority ; bit 6: y flip ; bit 5: x flip ; bit 4: pal # (non-cgb) ; bit 3: vram bank (cgb only) ; bit 2-0: pal # (cgb only) ds SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT AttrMapEnd:: UNION ; cf41 ; addresses dealing with serial comms ds 1 wcf42:: db ds 1 wcf44:: db wcf45:: db NEXTU ; cf41 wTileAnimBuffer:: ds 1 tiles ENDU ; cf51 ; link data wOtherPlayerLinkMode:: db wOtherPlayerLinkAction:: db ds 3 wPlayerLinkAction:: db wcf57:: db ds 3 wLinkTimeoutFrames:: dw ; cf5b wcf5d:: dw MonType:: db ; cf5f CurSpecies:: CurMove:: db ; cf60 wNamedObjectTypeBuffer:: db ds 1 wBattleTowerBattleEnded:: wJumptableIndex:: db UNION ; cf64 ; unidentified wcf64:: db wcf65:: db wcf66:: db NEXTU ; cf64 ; intro and title data wIntroSceneFrameCounter:: db wTitleScreenTimer:: dw NEXTU ; cf64 ; credits data wCreditsBorderFrame:: db wCreditsBorderMon:: db wCreditsLYOverride:: db NEXTU ; cf64 ; unown puzzle data wHoldingUnownPuzzlePiece:: db wUnownPuzzleCursorPosition:: db wUnownPuzzleHeldPiece:: db NEXTU ; cf64 ; card flip data wCardFlipCursorY:: db wCardFlipCursorX:: db wCardFlipWhichCard:: db NEXTU ; cf64 ; pokedex wDexEntryPrevJumptableIndex:: db IF !DEF(CRYSTAL11) wPokedexStatus:: db ENDC NEXTU ; cf64 ; miscellaneous wNrOfBeatenBattleTowerTrainers:: wMomBankDigitCursorPosition:: db wCurrPocket:: wPrinterQueueLength:: db ENDU ; cf67 Requested2bpp:: Requested2bppSize:: db ; cf67 Requested2bppSource:: dw ; cf68 Requested2bppDest:: dw ; cf6a Requested1bpp:: Requested1bppSize:: db ; cf6c Requested1bppSource:: dw ; cf6d Requested1bppDest:: dw ; cf6f wWindowStackPointer:: dw ; cf71 wMenuJoypad:: db ; cf73 MenuSelection:: db ; cf74 MenuSelectionQuantity:: db ; cf75 wWhichIndexSet:: db ; cf76 wScrollingMenuCursorPosition:: db ; cf77 wWindowStackSize:: db ; cf78 ds 8 ; menu data header wMenuDataHeader:: ; cf81 wMenuFlags:: db wMenuBorderTopCoord:: db wMenuBorderLeftCoord:: db wMenuBorderBottomCoord:: db wMenuBorderRightCoord:: db wMenuData2Pointer:: dw wMenuCursorBuffer:: dw wMenuDataBank:: db ds 6 wMenuDataHeaderEnd:: wMenuData2:: UNION ; cf91 ; MenuData2 wMenuData2Flags:: ; cf91 ; bit 7: When set, start printing text one tile to the right of the border ; In scrolling menus, SELECT is functional ; bit 6: When set, start printing text one tile below the border ; In scrolling menus, START is functional ; bit 5: ???? ; bit 4: ???? ; bit 3: ???? ; bit 2: ???? ; bit 1: Enable Select button ; bit 0: Disable B button db wMenuData2Items:: db ; cf92 wMenuData2IndicesPointer:: dw ; cf94 wMenuData2DisplayFunctionPointer:: dw ; cf96 wMenuData2PointerTableAddr:: dw ; cf97 NEXTU ; cf91 ; 2D menu ds 2 ; cf91 wMenuData2Spacing:: db ; cf93 wMenuData2_2DMenuItemStringsBank:: db ; cf94 wMenuData2_2DMenuItemStringsAddr:: dw ; cf96 wMenuData2_2DMenuFunctionBank:: db ; cf97 wMenuData2_2DMenuFunctionAddr:: dw ; cf98 NEXTU ; cf91 ; scrolling menu ds 1 ; cf91 wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuHeight:: db ; cf92 wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuWidth:: db ; cf93 wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuSpacing:: db ; cf94 wMenuData2_ItemsPointerBank:: db ; cf95 wMenuData2_ItemsPointerAddr:: dw ; cf97 wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuFunction1:: ds 3 ; cf98 wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuFunction2:: ds 3 ; cf9b wMenuData2_ScrollingMenuFunction3:: ds 3 ; cf9e ENDU ; cfa1 wMenuData2End:: wMenuData3:: w2DMenuCursorInitY:: db ; cfa1 w2DMenuCursorInitX:: db ; cfa2 w2DMenuNumRows:: db ; cfa3 w2DMenuNumCols:: db ; cfa4 w2DMenuFlags1:: db ; cfa5 w2DMenuFlags2:: db ; cfa6 w2DMenuCursorOffsets:: db ; cfa7 wMenuJoypadFilter:: db ; cfa8 wMenuData3End:: wMenuCursorY:: db ; cfa9 wMenuCursorX:: db ; cfaa wCursorOffCharacter:: db ; cfab wCursorCurrentTile:: dw ; cfac ds 3 OverworldDelay:: db ; cfb1 TextDelayFrames:: db ; cfb2 VBlankOccurred:: db ; cfb3 PredefID:: db ; cfb4 PredefTemp:: dw ; cfb5 PredefAddress:: dw ; cfb7 wFarCallBCBuffer:: dw ; cfb9 wcfbb:: db GameTimerPause:: ; cfbc ; bit 0 db ds 1 wcfbe:: ; SGB flags? ; bit 7 db ds 1 InBattleTowerBattle:: ; cfc0 ; 0 not in BattleTower-Battle ; 1 BattleTower-Battle db ds 1 FXAnimID:: dw ; cfc2 wPlaceBallsX:: db ; cfc4 wPlaceBallsY:: db ; cfc5 TileAnimationTimer:: db ; cfc6 ; palette backups? wBGP:: db wOBP0:: db wOBP1:: db wNumHits:: db ds 1 Options:: ; cfcc ; bit 0-2: number of frames to delay when printing text ; fast 1; mid 3; slow 5 ; bit 3: ? ; bit 4: no text delay ; bit 5: stereo off/on ; bit 6: battle style shift/set ; bit 7: battle scene off/on db wSaveFileExists:: db TextBoxFrame:: ; cfce ; bits 0-2: textbox frame 0-7 db TextBoxFlags:: db GBPrinter:: ; cfd0 ; bit 0-6: brightness ; lightest: $00 ; lighter: $20 ; normal: $40 (default) ; darker: $60 ; darkest: $7F db Options2:: ; cfd1 ; bit 1: menu account off/on db ds 2 OptionsEnd:: ; Time buffer, for counting the amount of time since ; an event began. wSecondsSince:: db wMinutesSince:: db wHoursSince:: db wDaysSince:: db SECTION "WRAM 1", WRAMX wRAM1Start:: wd000:: ds 1 DefaultSpawnpoint:: db UNION ; d002 ; mail temp storage wTempMail:: mailmsg wTempMail NEXTU ; d002 ; poke seer wSeerAction:: db wSeerNickname:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH wSeerCaughtLocation:: ds 17 wSeerTimeOfDay:: ds NAME_LENGTH wSeerOTName:: ds NAME_LENGTH wSeerOTNameGrammar:: db wSeerCaughtLevelString:: ds 4 wSeerCaughtLevel:: db wSeerCaughtData:: db wSeerCaughtGender:: db NEXTU ; d002 ; mon buffer wBufferMonNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; d002 wBufferMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d00d wBufferMon:: party_struct wBufferMon ; d018 ds 8 wMonOrItemNameBuffer:: NEXTU ; d002 ; bug-catching contest wBugContestResults:: bugcontestwinner wBugContestFirstPlace bugcontestwinner wBugContestSecondPlace bugcontestwinner wBugContestThirdPlace wBugContestWinnersEnd:: bugcontestwinner wBugContestTemp ds 4 wBugContestWinnerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH NEXTU ; d002 ; mart items wMartItem1BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem2BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem3BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem4BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem5BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem6BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem7BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem8BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem9BCD:: ds 3 wMartItem10BCD:: ds 3 wMartItemBCDEnd:: NEXTU ; d002 ; town map data wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark:: ds 1 UNION wTownMapCursorLandmark:: ds 1 wTownMapCursorObjectPointer:: ds 2 NEXTU wTownMapCursorCoordinates:: ds 2 ENDU NEXTU ; d002 ; phone call data PhoneScriptBank:: db PhoneCaller:: dw NEXTU ; d002 ; radio data wCurrentRadioLine:: db wNextRadioLine:: db wRadioTextDelay:: db wNumRadioLinesPrinted:: db wOaksPkmnTalkSegmentCounter:: db ds 5 wRadioText:: ds 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH wRadioTextEnd:: NEXTU ; d002 ; lucky number show LuckyNumberDigit1Buffer:: db LuckyNumberDigit2Buffer:: db LuckyNumberDigit3Buffer:: db LuckyNumberDigit4Buffer:: db LuckyNumberDigit5Buffer:: db NEXTU ; d002 ; movement buffer data wMovementBufferCount:: db wMovementBufferPerson:: db wUnusedMovementBufferBank:: db wUnusedMovementBufferPointer:: dw MovementBuffer:: ds 55 NEXTU ; d002 ; box printing wWhichBoxMonToPrint:: db wFinishedPrintingBox:: db wAddrOfBoxToPrint:: dw wBankOfBoxToPrint:: db wWhichBoxToPrint:: db NEXTU ; d002 ; trainer HUD data ds 1 wPlaceBallsDirection:: db wTrainerHUDTiles:: db NEXTU ; d002 ; mobile participant nicknames ds 4 wMobileParticipant1Nickname:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE wMobileParticipant2Nickname:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE wMobileParticipant3Nickname:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE NEXTU ; d002 ; earthquake data buffer wEarthquakeMovementDataBuffer:: ds 5 NEXTU ; d002 ; miscellaneous wTempDayOfWeek:: wApricorns:: db ds 2 StartFlypoint:: db EndFlypoint:: db NEXTU ; d002 ; unidentified wd002:: db wd003:: db wd004:: db ; mobile? ds 3 wd008:: ds 2 ds 2 wd00c:: ds 1 wd00d:: ds 1 ds 1 wd00f:: ds 1 wd010:: ds 1 wd011:: ds 1 wd012:: ds 1 wd013:: ds 1 wd014:: ds 2 ds 1 wd017:: ds 1 wd018:: ds 1 wd019:: ds 1 ds 19 wd02d:: ds 1 wd02e:: ds 1 wd02f:: ds 1 wd030:: ds 1 wd031:: ds 1 wd032:: ds 1 wd033:: ds 1 wd034:: ds 2 wd036:: ds 2 ds 6 UNION ; d03e ; engine buffers EngineBuffer1:: db EngineBuffer2:: db EngineBuffer3:: db EngineBuffer4:: db EngineBuffer5:: db NEXTU ; d03e ; menu items list MenuItemsList:: ds 16 MenuItemsListEnd:: NEXTU ; d03e ; fruit tree data CurFruitTree:: db CurFruit:: db NEXTU ; d03e ; elevator data wElevatorPointerBank:: db wElevatorPointer:: dw wElevatorOriginFloor:: db NEXTU ; d03e ; coord event data wCurCoordEventTriggerID:: db wCurCoordEventMapY:: db wCurCoordEventMapX:: db ds 1 wCurCoordEventScriptAddr:: dw NEXTU ; d03e ; signpost data wCurSignpostYCoord:: db wCurSignpostXCoord:: db wCurSignpostType:: db wCurSignpostScriptAddr:: dw NEXTU ; d03e ; mart data ds 1 MartPointerBank:: db MartPointer:: dw ds 1 wBargainShopFlags:: db NEXTU ; d03e ; trainer data ds 3 wTempTrainerHeader:: wTempTrainerEventFlag:: dw wTempTrainerClass:: db wTempTrainerID:: db wSeenTextPointer:: dw wWinTextPointer:: dw wLossTextPointer:: dw wScriptAfterPointer:: dw wRunningTrainerBattleScript:: db wTempTrainerHeaderEnd:: NEXTU ; d03e ; player movement data CurInput:: db wd03f:: db wd040:: db wd041:: db MovementAnimation:: db WalkingDirection:: db FacingDirection:: db WalkingX:: db WalkingY:: db WalkingTile:: db ds 6 wPlayerTurningDirection:: db NEXTU ; d03e ; std script buffer ds 1 wJumpStdScriptBuffer:: ds 3 NEXTU ; d03e ; phone script pointer ds 10 wPhoneScriptPointer:: dw NEXTU ; d03e ; backup menu data ds 7 wMenuCursorBufferBackup:: db wMenuScrollPositionBackup:: db ds 31 ENDU ; d066 ENDU ; d066 wTMHMMoveNameBackup:: ds MOVE_NAME_LENGTH ; d066 StringBuffer1:: ds 19 ; d073 StringBuffer2:: ds 19 ; d086 StringBuffer3:: ds 19 ; d099 StringBuffer4:: ds 19 ; d0ac StringBuffer5:: ds 19 ; d0bf wBattleMenuCursorBuffer:: dw ; d0d2 CurBattleMon:: db ; d0d4 CurMoveNum:: db ; d0d5 wLastPocket:: db wPCItemsCursor:: db wPartyMenuCursor:: db wItemsPocketCursor:: db wKeyItemsPocketCursor:: db wBallsPocketCursor:: db wTMHMPocketCursor:: db wPCItemsScrollPosition:: db wPartyMenuScrollPosition:: db ; unused wItemsPocketScrollPosition:: db wKeyItemsPocketScrollPosition:: db wBallsPocketScrollPosition:: db wTMHMPocketScrollPosition:: db wSwitchMon:: wSwitchItem:: wMoveSwapBuffer:: wd0e3:: ds 1 wMenuScrollPosition:: ds 4 wQueuedScriptBank:: db wQueuedScriptAddr:: dw wNumMoves:: db wFieldMoveSucceeded:: wItemEffectSucceeded:: wPlayerAction:: ; 0 - use move ; 1 - use item ; 2 - switch wSolvedUnownPuzzle:: db ; d0ec VramState:: ; d0ed ; bit 0: overworld sprite updating on/off ; bit 6: something to do with text ; bit 7: on when surf initiates ; flickers when climbing waterfall db wBattleResult:: db ; d0ee wUsingItemWithSelect:: db ; d0ef UNION ; d0f0 ; mart data CurMart:: ds 16 CurMartEnd:: NEXTU ; d0f0 ; elevator data CurElevator:: db CurElevatorFloors:: db NEXTU ; d0f0 ; mailbox data ds 1 wCurMessageIndex:: db wMailboxCount:: db wMailboxItems:: ds MAILBOX_CAPACITY wMailboxEnd:: ds 1 ; d0fe ENDU ; d100 wListPointer:: dw ; d100 wUnusedD102:: dw ; d102 wItemAttributesPtr:: dw ; d104 CurItem:: db ; d106 CurItemQuantity:: ; d107 wMartItemID:: db CurPartySpecies:: db ; d108 CurPartyMon:: ; d109 ; contains which monster in a party ; is being dealt with at the moment ; 0-5 db wWhichHPBar:: ; 0: Enemy ; 1: Player ; 2: Party Menu db wPokemonWithdrawDepositParameter:: ; 0: Take from PC ; 1: Put into PC ; 2: Take from Day-Care ; 3: Put into Day-Care db wItemQuantityChangeBuffer:: db wItemQuantityBuffer:: db TempMon:: party_struct TempMon ; d10e wSpriteFlags:: db ; d13e wHandlePlayerStep:: dw ; d13f PartyMenuActionText:: db ; d141 wItemAttributeParamBuffer:: db ; d142 CurPartyLevel:: db ; d143 wScrollingMenuListSize:: dw ; used when following a map warp ; d146 wNextWarp:: db wNextMapGroup:: db wNextMapNumber:: db wPrevWarp:: db wPrevMapGroup:: db wPrevMapNumber:: db ; d14c wPlayerBGMapOffsetX:: db ; used in FollowNotExact; unit is pixels wPlayerBGMapOffsetY:: db ; used in FollowNotExact; unit is pixels ; Player movement wPlayerStepVectorX:: db ; d14e wPlayerStepVectorY:: db ; d14f wPlayerStepFlags:: db ; d150 wPlayerStepDirection:: ; d151 ; bit 7: Start step ; bit 6: Stop step ; bit 5: Doing step ; bit 4: In midair ; bits 0-3: unused db wBGMapAnchor:: dw ; d152 UNION ; d154 UsedSprites:: ds 64 UsedSpritesEnd:: NEXTU ; d154 ds 31 wd173:: db ; related to command queue type 3 ENDU ; d194 wOverworldMapAnchor:: dw ; d194 wMetatileStandingY:: db ; d196 wMetatileStandingX:: db ; d197 wSecondMapHeaderBank:: db ; d198 wTileset:: db ; d199 wPermission:: db ; d19a wSecondMapHeaderAddr:: dw ; d19b ; width/height are in blocks (2x2 walkable tiles, 4x4 graphics tiles) MapHeader:: ; d19d MapBorderBlock:: db ; d19d MapHeight:: db ; d19e MapWidth:: db ; d19f MapBlockDataBank:: db; d1a0 MapBlockDataPointer:: dw ; d1a1 MapScriptHeaderBank:: db ; d1a3 MapScriptHeaderPointer:: dw ; d1a4 MapEventHeaderPointer:: dw ; d1a6 ; bit set MapConnections:: db ; d1a8 NorthMapConnection:: ; d1a9 NorthConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1a9 NorthConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1aa NorthConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1ab NorthConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1ad NorthConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1af NorthConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1b0 NorthConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1b1 NorthConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1b2 NorthConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1b3 SouthMapConnection:: ; d1b5 SouthConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1b5 SouthConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1b6 SouthConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1b7 SouthConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1b9 SouthConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1bb SouthConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1bc SouthConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1bd SouthConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1be SouthConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1bf WestMapConnection:: ; d1c1 WestConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1c1 WestConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1c2 WestConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1c3 WestConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1c5 WestConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1c7 WestConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1c8 WestConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1c9 WestConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1ca WestConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1cb EastMapConnection:: ; d1cd EastConnectedMapGroup:: db ; d1cd EastConnectedMapNumber:: db ; d1ce EastConnectionStripPointer:: dw ; d1cf EastConnectionStripLocation:: dw ; d1d1 EastConnectionStripLength:: db ; d1d3 EastConnectedMapWidth:: db ; d1d4 EastConnectionStripYOffset:: db ; d1d5 EastConnectionStripXOffset:: db ; d1d6 EastConnectionWindow:: dw ; d1d7 TilesetHeader:: TilesetBank:: db ; d1d9 TilesetAddress:: dw ; d1da TilesetBlocksBank:: db ; d1dc TilesetBlocksAddress:: dw ; d1dd TilesetCollisionBank:: db ; d1df TilesetCollisionAddress:: dw ; d1e0 TilesetAnim:: dw ; bank 3f ; d1e2 ds 2 ; unused ; d1e4 TilesetPalettes:: dw ; bank 3f ; d1e6 EvolvableFlags:: flag_array PARTY_LENGTH ; d1e8 wForceEvolution:: db ; d1e9 UNION ; d1ea ; general-purpose buffers Buffer1:: db ; d1ea Buffer2:: db ; d1eb Buffer3:: db ; d1ec Buffer4:: db ; d1ed Buffer5:: db ; d1ee Buffer6:: db ; d1ef NEXTU ; d1ea ; HP bar animations wCurHPAnimMaxHP:: dw ; d1ea wCurHPAnimOldHP:: dw ; d1ec wCurHPAnimNewHP:: dw ; d1ee wCurHPAnimPal:: db ; d1f0 wCurHPBarPixels:: db ; d1f1 wNewHPBarPixels:: db ; d1f2 wCurHPAnimDeltaHP:: dw ; d1f3 wCurHPAnimLowHP:: db ; d1f5 wCurHPAnimHighHP:: db ; d1f6 NEXTU ; d1ea ; evolution data wEvolutionOldSpecies:: db ; d1ea wEvolutionNewSpecies:: db ; d1eb wEvolutionPicOffset:: db ; d1ec wEvolutionCanceled:: db ; d1ed NEXTU ; d1ea ; mobile ds 2 wd1ec:: ds 1 wd1ed:: ds 1 wd1ee:: ds 1 wd1ef:: ds 1 wd1f0:: ds 1 wd1f1:: ds 1 wd1f2:: ds 1 wd1f3:: ds 4 NEXTU ; d1ea ; miscellaneous wMagikarpLength:: dw wSelectedDecoration:: db wOtherDecoration:: db ds 3 CurEnemyItem:: db ENDU ; d1f7 ds 3 LinkBattleRNs:: ds 10 ; d1fa TempEnemyMonSpecies:: db ; d204 TempBattleMonSpecies:: db ; d205 EnemyMon:: battle_struct EnemyMon ; d206 EnemyMonBaseStats:: ds 5 ; d226 EnemyMonCatchRate:: db ; d22b EnemyMonBaseExp:: db ; d22c EnemyMonEnd:: wBattleMode:: ; d22d ; 0: overworld ; 1: wild battle ; 2: trainer battle db TempWildMonSpecies:: db OtherTrainerClass:: ; d22f ; class (Youngster, Bug Catcher, etc.) of opposing trainer ; 0 if opponent is a wild Pokémon, not a trainer db ; BATTLETYPE_* values BattleType:: db ; d230 OtherTrainerID:: ; d231 ; which trainer of the class that you're fighting ; (Joey, Mikey, Albert, etc.) db wForcedSwitch:: db TrainerClass:: db ; d233 UnownLetter:: db ; d234 wMoveSelectionMenuType:: db ; corresponds to the data/base_stats/*.asm contents CurBaseData:: ; d236 BaseDexNo:: db ; d236 BaseStats:: ; d237 BaseHP:: db ; d237 BaseAttack:: db ; d238 BaseDefense:: db ; d239 BaseSpeed:: db ; d23a BaseSpecialAttack:: db ; d23b BaseSpecialDefense:: db ; d23c BaseType:: ; d23d BaseType1:: db ; d23d BaseType2:: db ; d23e BaseCatchRate:: db ; d23f BaseExp:: db ; d240 BaseItems:: dw ; d241 BaseGender:: db ; d243 BaseUnknown1:: db ; d244 BaseEggSteps:: db ; d245 BaseUnknown2:: db ; d246 BasePicSize:: db ; d247 BasePadding:: ds 4 ; d248 BaseGrowthRate:: db ; d24c BaseEggGroups:: db ; d24d BaseTMHM:: flag_array NUM_TM_HM_TUTOR ; d24e CurDamage:: dw ; d256 ds 2 wMornEncounterRate:: db ; d25a wDayEncounterRate:: db ; d25b wNiteEncounterRate:: db ; d25c wWaterEncounterRate:: db ; d25d wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer:: ds NUM_MOVES wPutativeTMHMMove:: db wInitListType:: db wBattleHasJustStarted:: db wFoundMatchingIDInParty:: wNamedObjectIndexBuffer:: wCurTMHM:: wTypeMatchup:: wd265:: db wFailedToFlee:: db wNumFleeAttempts:: db wMonTriedToEvolve:: db TimeOfDay:: db ; d269 ds 1 SECTION "Enemy Party", WRAMX UNION ; d26b wPokedexShowPointerAddr:: wd26b:: ds 1 wd26c:: ds 1 wPokedexShowPointerBank:: wd26d:: ds 1 ds 3 wd271:: ds 5 NEXTU ; d26b ; SECTION "Enemy Party", WRAMX OTPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d26b ENDU ; d276 OTPlayerID:: ds 2 ; d276 ds 8 OTPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d280 OTPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; d281 OTPartyEnd:: ds 1 ; legacy scripts don't check PartyCount UNION ; d288 ; catch tutorial dude pack wDudeBag:: wDudeNumItems:: db wDudeItems:: ds 2 * 4 wDudeItemsEnd:: db wDudeNumKeyItems:: db ; d292 wDudeKeyItems:: ds 18 wDudeKeyItemsEnd:: db wDudeNumBalls:: db ; d2a6 wDudeBalls:: ds 2 * 4 ; d2a7 wDudeBallsEnd:: db ; d2af wDudeBagEnd:: NEXTU ; d288 ; ot party mons OTPartyMons:: OTPartyMon1:: party_struct OTPartyMon1 ; d288 OTPartyMon2:: party_struct OTPartyMon2 ; d2b8 OTPartyMon3:: party_struct OTPartyMon3 ; d2e8 OTPartyMon4:: party_struct OTPartyMon4 ; d318 OTPartyMon5:: party_struct OTPartyMon5 ; d348 OTPartyMon6:: party_struct OTPartyMon6 ; d378 OTPartyMonsEnd:: OTPartyMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d3a8 OTPartyMonNicknames:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d3ea OTPartyDataEnd:: ds 4 ENDU ; d430 wd430:: wBattleAction:: db ; d430 wd431:: db MapStatus:: db ; d432 MapEventStatus:: ; d433 ; 0: do map events ; 1: do background events db ScriptFlags:: ; d434 ; bit 3: priority jump db ScriptFlags2:: ; d435 db ScriptFlags3:: ; d436 ; bit 0: count steps ; bit 1: xy triggers ; bit 2: warps and connections ; bit 4: wild encounters ; bit 5: unknown db ScriptMode:: db ; d437 ScriptRunning:: db ; d438 ScriptBank:: db ; d439 ScriptPos:: dw ; d43a wScriptStackSize:: db wScriptStack:: ds 3 * 5 ds 1 ScriptDelay:: db ; d44d wPriorityScriptBank:: wScriptTextBank:: db ; d44e wPriorityScriptAddr:: wScriptTextAddr:: dw ; d44f ds 1 wWildEncounterCooldown:: db ; d452 wXYComparePointer:: dw ; d453 ds 4 wBattleScriptFlags:: dw ; d459 wPlayerSpriteSetupFlags:: ; d45b ; bit 7: if set, cancel PlayerAction ; bit 5: if set, set facing according to bits 0-1 ; bits 0-1: direction facing db wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag:: db ; d45c MemScriptFlag wMapReentryScriptBank:: db ; d45d MemScriptBank wMapReentryScriptAddress:: dw ; d45e MemScriptAddr ds 4 wTimeCyclesSinceLastCall:: db ; d464 wReceiveCallDelay_MinsRemaining:: db ; d465 wReceiveCallDelay_StartTime:: ds 3 ; d466 ds 3 wBugContestMinsRemaining:: db ; d46c wBugContestSecsRemaining:: db ; d46d ds 2 wMapStatusEnd:: ds 2 ; d470 wCrystalData:: PlayerGender:: ; d472 ; bit 0: ; 0 male ; 1 female db wd473:: ds 1 wd474:: ds 1 wd475:: ds 1 wd476:: ds 1 wd477:: ds 1 wd478:: ds 1 wCrystalDataEnd:: wd479:: ds 2 wGameData:: wPlayerData:: PlayerID:: ; d47b dw PlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d47d MomsName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d488 RivalName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d493 RedsName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d49e GreensName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d4a9 wSavedAtLeastOnce:: db wSpawnAfterChampion:: db ; init time set at newgame StartDay:: db ; d4b6 StartHour:: db ; d4b7 StartMinute:: db ; d4b8 StartSecond:: db ; d4b9 wRTC:: ds 8 ; d4ba wDST:: db ; d4c2 GameTimeCap:: db ; d4c3 GameTimeHours:: dw ; d4c4 GameTimeMinutes:: db ; d4c6 GameTimeSeconds:: db ; d4c7 GameTimeFrames:: db ; d4c8 ds 2 CurDay:: db ; d4cb ds 1 wObjectFollow_Leader:: db wObjectFollow_Follower:: db wCenteredObject:: db wFollowerMovementQueueLength:: db wFollowMovementQueue:: ds 5 ObjectStructs:: ; d4d6 object_struct Player object_struct Object1 object_struct Object2 object_struct Object3 object_struct Object4 object_struct Object5 object_struct Object6 object_struct Object7 object_struct Object8 object_struct Object9 object_struct Object10 object_struct Object11 object_struct Object12 ObjectStructsEnd:: ; d6de wCmdQueue:: ds CMDQUEUE_CAPACITY * CMDQUEUE_ENTRY_SIZE ds 40 MapObjects:: ; d71e map_object Player map_object Map1 map_object Map2 map_object Map3 map_object Map4 map_object Map5 map_object Map6 map_object Map7 map_object Map8 map_object Map9 map_object Map10 map_object Map11 map_object Map12 map_object Map13 map_object Map14 map_object Map15 MapObjectsEnd:: wObjectMasks:: ds NUM_OBJECTS ; d81e VariableSprites:: ds 16; d82e wEnteredMapFromContinue:: db ; d83e ds 2 TimeOfDayPal:: db ; d841 ds 4 wTimeOfDayPalFlags:: db ; d846 wTimeOfDayPalset:: db CurTimeOfDay:: db ; d848 ds 1 wSecretID:: dw StatusFlags:: ; d84c ; 0 - pokedex ; 1 - unown dex ; 2 - ; 3 - pokerus ; 4 - rocket signal ; 5 - wild encounters on/off ; 6 - hall of fame ; 7 - bug contest on db StatusFlags2:: ; d84d ; 0 - rockets ; 1 - ; 2 - bug contest timer ; 3 - ; 4 - bike shop call ; 5 - pokerus ; 6 - berry juice? ; 7 - rockets in mahogany db Money:: ds 3 ; d84e wMomsMoney:: ds 3 ; d851 wMomSavingMoney:: db ; d854 Coins:: dw ; d855 Badges:: JohtoBadges:: flag_array NUM_JOHTO_BADGES ; d857 KantoBadges:: flag_array NUM_KANTO_BADGES ; d858 TMsHMs:: ds NUM_TMS + NUM_HMS ; d859 TMsHMsEnd:: NumItems:: db ; d892 Items:: ds MAX_ITEMS * 2 + 1 ; d893 ItemsEnd:: NumKeyItems:: db ; d8bc KeyItems:: ds MAX_KEY_ITEMS + 1 ; d8bd KeyItemsEnd:: NumBalls:: db ; d8d7 Balls:: ds MAX_BALLS * 2 + 1 ; d8d8 BallsEnd:: PCItems:: ds MAX_PC_ITEMS * 2 + 1 ; d8f1 PCItemsEnd:: ds 1 wPokegearFlags:: ; bit 0: map ; bit 1: radio ; bit 2: phone ; bit 3: expn ; bit 7: on/off db wRadioTuningKnob:: db wLastDexMode:: db ds 1 WhichRegisteredItem:: db ; d95b RegisteredItem:: db ; d95c PlayerState:: db ; d95d wHallOfFameCount:: dw wTradeFlags:: flag_array 6 ; d960 ds 1 MooMooBerries:: db ; d962 UndergroundSwitchPositions:: db ; d963 FarfetchdPosition:: db ; d964 ds 13 ;SECTION "Map Triggers", WRAMX wPokecenter2FTrigger:: db ; d972 wTradeCenterTrigger:: db ; d973 wColosseumTrigger:: db ; d974 wTimeCapsuleTrigger:: db ; d975 wPowerPlantTrigger:: db ; d976 wCeruleanGymTrigger:: db ; d977 wRoute25Trigger:: db ; d978 wTrainerHouseB1FTrigger:: db ; d979 wVictoryRoadGateTrigger:: db ; d97a wSaffronTrainStationTrigger:: db ; d97b wRoute16GateTrigger:: db ; d97c wRoute1718GateTrigger:: db ; d97d wIndigoPlateauPokecenter1FTrigger:: db ; d97e wWillsRoomTrigger:: db ; d97f wKogasRoomTrigger:: db ; d980 wBrunosRoomTrigger:: db ; d981 wKarensRoomTrigger:: db ; d982 wLancesRoomTrigger:: db ; d983 wHallOfFameTrigger:: db ; d984 wRoute27Trigger:: db ; d985 wNewBarkTownTrigger:: db ; d986 wElmsLabTrigger:: db ; d987 wKrissHouse1FTrigger:: db ; d988 wRoute29Trigger:: db ; d989 wCherrygroveCityTrigger:: db ; d98a wMrPokemonsHouseTrigger:: db ; d98b wRoute32Trigger:: db ; d98c wRoute35NationalParkGateTrigger:: db ; d98d wRoute36Trigger:: db ; d98e wRoute36NationalParkGateTrigger:: db ; d98f wAzaleaTownTrigger:: db ; d990 wGoldenrodGymTrigger:: db ; d991 wGoldenrodMagnetTrainStationTrigger:: db ; d992 wGoldenrodPokecenter1FTrigger:: db ; d993 wOlivineCityTrigger:: db ; d994 wRoute34Trigger:: db ; d995 wRoute34IlexForestGateTrigger:: db ; d996 wEcruteakHouseTrigger:: db ; d997 wWiseTriosRoomTrigger:: db ; d998 wEcruteakPokecenter1FTrigger:: db ; d999 wEcruteakGymTrigger:: db ; d99a wMahoganyTownTrigger:: db ; d99b wRoute42Trigger:: db ; d99c wCianwoodCityTrigger:: db ; d99d wBattleTower1FTrigger:: db ; d99e wBattleTowerBattleRoomTrigger:: db ; d99f wBattleTowerElevatorTrigger:: db ; d9a0 wBattleTowerHallwayTrigger:: db ; d9a1 wBattleTowerOutsideTrigger:: db ; d9a2 wRoute43GateTrigger:: db ; d9a3 wMountMoonTrigger:: db ; d9a4 wSproutTower3FTrigger:: db ; d9a5 wTinTower1FTrigger:: db ; d9a6 wBurnedTower1FTrigger:: db ; d9a7 wBurnedTowerB1FTrigger:: db ; d9a8 wRadioTower5FTrigger:: db ; d9a9 wRuinsOfAlphOutsideTrigger:: db ; d9aa wRuinsOfAlphResearchCenterTrigger:: db ; d9ab wRuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberTrigger:: db ; d9ac wRuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberTrigger:: db ; d9ad wRuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberTrigger:: db ; d9ae wRuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberTrigger:: db ; d9af wRuinsOfAlphInnerChamberTrigger:: db ; d9b0 wMahoganyMart1FTrigger:: db ; d9b1 wTeamRocketBaseB1FTrigger:: db ; d9b2 wTeamRocketBaseB2FTrigger:: db ; d9b3 wTeamRocketBaseB3FTrigger:: db ; d9b4 wUndergroundPathSwitchRoomEntrancesTrigger:: db ; d9b5 wSilverCaveRoom3Trigger:: db ; d9b6 wVictoryRoadTrigger:: db ; d9b7 wDragonsDenB1FTrigger:: db ; d9b8 wDragonShrineTrigger:: db ; d9b9 wOlivinePortTrigger:: db ; d9ba wVermilionPortTrigger:: db ; d9bb wFastShip1FTrigger:: db ; d9bc wFastShipB1FTrigger:: db ; d9bd wMountMoonSquareTrigger:: db ; d9be wMobileTradeRoomMobileTrigger:: db ; d9bf wMobileBattleRoomTrigger:: db ; d9c0 ds 49 ;SECTION "Events", WRAMX wJackFightCount:: db ; d9f2 wBeverlyFightCount:: db ; unused wHueyFightCount:: db wGavenFightCount:: db wBethFightCount:: db wJoseFightCount:: db wReenaFightCount:: db wJoeyFightCount:: db wWadeFightCount:: db wRalphFightCount:: db wLizFightCount:: db wAnthonyFightCount:: db wToddFightCount:: db wGinaFightCount:: db wIrwinFightCount:: db ; unused wArnieFightCount:: db wAlanFightCount:: db wDanaFightCount:: db wChadFightCount:: db wDerekFightCount:: db ; unused wTullyFightCount:: db wBrentFightCount:: db wTiffanyFightCount:: db wVanceFightCount:: db wWiltonFightCount:: db wKenjiFightCount:: db ; unused wParryFightCount:: db wErinFightCount:: db ; da0e ds 100 EventFlags:: flag_array NUM_EVENTS ; da72 ; db6c ds 6 wCurBox:: db ; db72 ds 2 ; 8 chars + $50 wBoxNames:: ds BOX_NAME_LENGTH * NUM_BOXES ; db75 wCelebiEvent:: db ds 1 BikeFlags:: ; dbf5 ; bit 0: using strength ; bit 1: always on bike ; bit 2: downhill db ds 1 wCurrentMapTriggerPointer:: dw ; dbf7 wCurrentCaller:: dw ; dbf9 wCurrMapWarpCount:: db ; dbfb wCurrMapWarpHeaderPointer:: dw ; dbfc wCurrentMapXYTriggerCount:: db ; dbfe wCurrentMapXYTriggerHeaderPointer:: dw ; dbff wCurrentMapSignpostCount:: db ; dc01 wCurrentMapSignpostHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc02 wCurrentMapPersonEventCount:: db ; dc04 wCurrentMapPersonEventHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc05 wCurrMapTriggerCount:: db ; dc07 wCurrMapTriggerHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc08 wCurrMapCallbackCount:: db ; dc0a wCurrMapCallbackHeaderPointer:: dw ; dc0b ds 2 ; Sprite id of each decoration Bed:: db ; dc0f Carpet:: db ; dc10 Plant:: db ; dc11 Poster:: db ; dc12 Console:: db ; dc13 LeftOrnament:: db ; dc14 RightOrnament:: db ; dc15 BigDoll:: db ; dc16 ; Items bought from Mom wWhichMomItem:: db ; dc17 wWhichMomItemSet:: db ; dc18 MomItemTriggerBalance:: ds 3 ; dc19 wDailyResetTimer:: dw ; dc1c DailyFlags:: db WeeklyFlags:: db SwarmFlags:: db ds 2 wStartDay:: db ds 3 FruitTreeFlags:: flag_array NUM_FRUIT_TREES ; dc27 ds 2 wLuckyNumberDayBuffer:: dw ; dc2d ds 2 wSpecialPhoneCallID:: db ; dc31 ds 3 wBugContestStartTime:: ds 4 ; day, hour, min, sec ; dc35 wUnusedTwoDayTimerOn:: db ; dc39 wUnusedTwoDayTimer:: db wUnusedTwoDayTimerStartDate:: db ds 4 wMobileOrCable_LastSelection:: db wdc41:: ds 1 wdc42:: ds 8 wBuenasPassword:: db wBlueCardBalance:: db wDailyRematchFlags:: ds 4 wDailyPhoneItemFlags:: ds 4 wDailyPhoneTimeOfDayFlags:: ds 4 wKenjiBreakTimer:: ds 2 ; Kenji wYanmaMapGroup:: db ; dc5a wYanmaMapNumber:: db wPlayerMonSelection:: ds 3 wdc5f:: ds 1 wdc60:: ds 19 StepCount:: db ; dc73 PoisonStepCount:: db ; dc74 ds 2 wHappinessStepCount:: db ds 1 wParkBallsRemaining:: wSafariBallsRemaining:: db ; dc79 wSafariTimeRemaining:: dw ; dc7a wPhoneList:: ds CONTACT_LIST_SIZE ; dc7c ; dc86 ds 23 wLuckyNumberShowFlag:: dw ; dc9d wLuckyIDNumber:: dw ; dc9f wRepelEffect:: db ; If a Repel is in use, it contains the nr of steps it's still active wBikeStep:: dw wKurtApricornQuantity:: db wPlayerDataEnd:: wMapData:: VisitedSpawns:: flag_array NUM_SPAWNS ; dca5 wDigWarpNumber:: db ; dcaa wDigMapGroup:: db ; dcab wDigMapNumber:: db ; dcac ; used on maps like second floor pokécenter, which are reused, so we know which ; map to return to BackupWarpNumber:: db ; dcad BackupMapGroup:: db ; dcae BackupMapNumber:: db ; dcaf ds 3 wLastSpawnMapGroup:: db wLastSpawnMapNumber:: db WarpNumber:: db ; dcb4 MapGroup:: db ; dcb5 ; map group of current map MapNumber:: db ; dcb6 ; map number of current map YCoord:: db ; dcb7 ; current y coordinate relative to top-left corner of current map XCoord:: db ; dcb8 ; current x coordinate relative to top-left corner of current map wScreenSave:: ds 6 * 5 wMapDataEnd:: SECTION "Party", WRAMX wPokemonData:: PartyCount:: db ; dcd7 ; number of Pokémon in party PartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; dcd8 ; species of each Pokémon in party PartyEnd:: db ; dcde ; legacy scripts don't check PartyCount PartyMons:: PartyMon1:: party_struct PartyMon1 ; dcdf PartyMon2:: party_struct PartyMon2 ; dd0f PartyMon3:: party_struct PartyMon3 ; dd3f PartyMon4:: party_struct PartyMon4 ; dd6f PartyMon5:: party_struct PartyMon5 ; dd9f PartyMon6:: party_struct PartyMon6 ; ddcf PartyMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; ddff PartyMonNicknames:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; de41 PartyMonNicknamesEnd:: ds 22 PokedexCaught:: flag_array NUM_POKEMON ; de99 EndPokedexCaught:: PokedexSeen:: flag_array NUM_POKEMON ; deb9 EndPokedexSeen:: UnownDex:: ds NUM_UNOWN ; ded9 UnlockedUnowns:: db ; def3 wFirstUnownSeen:: db wDayCareMan:: ; def5 ; bit 7: active ; bit 6: monsters are compatible ; bit 5: egg ready ; bit 0: monster 1 in day-care db wBreedMon1:: wBreedMon1Nick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; def6 wBreedMon1OT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df01 wBreedMon1Stats:: box_struct wBreedMon1 ; df0c wDayCareLady:: ; df2c ; bit 7: active ; bit 0: monster 2 in day-care db wStepsToEgg:: ; df2d db wBreedMotherOrNonDitto:: ; df2e ; z: yes ; nz: no db wBreedMon2:: wBreedMon2Nick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; df2f wBreedMon2OT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df3a wBreedMon2Stats:: box_struct wBreedMon2 ; df45 wEggNick:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH ; df65 wEggOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; df70 wEggMon:: box_struct wEggMon ; df7b wBugContestSecondPartySpecies:: db wContestMon:: party_struct wContestMon ; df9c wDunsparceMapGroup:: db wDunsparceMapNumber:: db wFishingSwarmFlag:: db wRoamMon1:: roam_struct wRoamMon1 ; dfcf wRoamMon2:: roam_struct wRoamMon2 ; dfd6 wRoamMon3:: roam_struct wRoamMon3 ; dfdd wRoamMons_CurrentMapNumber:: db wRoamMons_CurrentMapGroup:: db wRoamMons_LastMapNumber:: db wRoamMons_LastMapGroup:: db wBestMagikarpLengthFeet:: db wBestMagikarpLengthInches:: db wMagikarpRecordHoldersName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; dff5 wPokemonDataEnd:: wGameDataEnd:: SECTION "Pic Animations", WRAMX TempTileMap:: ; 20x18 grid of 8x8 tiles ds SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ; $168 = 360 ; PokeAnim Header wPokeAnimSceneIndex:: db wPokeAnimPointer:: dw wPokeAnimSpecies:: db wPokeAnimUnownLetter:: db wPokeAnimSpeciesOrUnown:: db wPokeAnimGraphicStartTile:: db wPokeAnimCoord:: dw wPokeAnimFrontpicHeight:: db ; PokeAnim Data wPokeAnimExtraFlag:: db wPokeAnimSpeed:: db wPokeAnimPointerBank:: db wPokeAnimPointerAddr:: dw wPokeAnimFramesBank:: db wPokeAnimFramesAddr:: dw wPokeAnimBitmaskBank:: db wPokeAnimBitmaskAddr:: dw wPokeAnimFrame:: db wPokeAnimJumptableIndex:: db wPokeAnimRepeatTimer:: db wPokeAnimCurBitmask:: db wPokeAnimWaitCounter:: db wPokeAnimCommand:: db wPokeAnimParameter:: db ds 1 wPokeAnimBitmaskCurCol:: db wPokeAnimBitmaskCurRow:: db wPokeAnimBitmaskCurBit:: db wPokeAnimBitmaskBuffer:: ds 7 ds 2 wPokeAnimStructEnd:: SECTION "Battle Tower", WRAMX w3_d000:: ds 1 ; d000 w3_d001:: ds 1 w3_d002:: ds $7e w3_d080:: ds $10 w3_d090:: ds $70 w3_d100:: ; BattleTower OpponentTrainer-Data (length = 0xe0 = $a + $1 + 3*$3b + $24) BT_OTTrainer:: battle_tower_struct BT_OT ; d1e0 ds $20 ; d200 BT_TrainerTextIndex:: ds 2 w3_d202:: battle_tower_struct w3_d202 w3_d2e2:: battle_tower_struct w3_d2e2 w3_d3c2:: battle_tower_struct w3_d3c2 w3_d4a2:: battle_tower_struct w3_d4a2 w3_d582:: battle_tower_struct w3_d582 w3_d662:: battle_tower_struct w3_d662 UNION ; d742 w3_d742:: battle_tower_struct w3_d742 ; d822 NEXTU ; d742 ds $be wBTChoiceOfLvlGroup:: w3_d800:: ; ds BG_MAP_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ($240) ds $69 ENDU ; d869 w3_d869:: ds $17 w3_d880:: ds 1 w3_d881:: ds 1 w3_d882:: ds 1 w3_d883:: ds 7 w3_d88a:: ds 5 w3_d88f:: ds 5 w3_d894:: ds 1 w3_d895:: ds 11 w3_d8a0:: ds 1 w3_d8a1:: ds 1 w3_d8a2:: ds 1 w3_d8a3:: ds $19d w3_da40:: ds $1c0 w3_dc00:: ds SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT w3_dd68:: ds SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ds $11c w3_dfec:: ds $10 w3_dffc:: ds 4 SECTION "GBC Video", WRAMX ; eight 4-color palettes each UnknBGPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d000 UnknOBPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d040 BGPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d080 OBPals:: ds 8 palettes ; d0c0 LYOverrides:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ; d100 LYOverridesEnd:: ; d190 ds 1 wMagnetTrainDirection:: db wMagnetTrainInitPosition:: db wMagnetTrainHoldPosition:: db wMagnetTrainFinalPosition:: db wMagnetTrainPlayerSpriteInitX:: db ds 106 LYOverridesBackup:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT_PX ; d200 LYOverridesBackupEnd:: SECTION "Battle Animations", WRAMX wBattleAnimTileDict:: ds 10 ActiveAnimObjects:: ; d30a AnimObject01:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject01 AnimObject02:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject02 AnimObject03:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject03 AnimObject04:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject04 AnimObject05:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject05 AnimObject06:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject06 AnimObject07:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject07 AnimObject08:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject08 AnimObject09:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject09 AnimObject10:: battle_anim_struct AnimObject10 ActiveAnimObjectsEnd:: ; d3aa ActiveBGEffects:: ; d3fa BGEffect1:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect1 BGEffect2:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect2 BGEffect3:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect3 BGEffect4:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect4 BGEffect5:: battle_bg_effect BGEffect5 ActiveBGEffectsEnd:: wNumActiveBattleAnims:: db ; d40e BattleAnimFlags:: db ; d40f BattleAnimAddress:: dw ; d410 BattleAnimDuration:: db ; d412 BattleAnimParent:: dw ; d413 BattleAnimLoops:: db ; d415 BattleAnimVar:: db ; d416 BattleAnimByte:: db ; d417 wBattleAnimOAMPointerLo:: db ; d418 BattleAnimTemps:: ; d419 wBattleAnimTempOAMFlags:: wBattleAnimTemp0:: db wBattleAnimTemp1:: db wBattleAnimTempTileID:: wBattleAnimTemp2:: db wBattleAnimTempXCoord:: wBattleAnimTemp3:: db wBattleAnimTempYCoord:: wBattleAnimTemp4:: db wBattleAnimTempXOffset:: wBattleAnimTemp5:: db wBattleAnimTempYOffset:: wBattleAnimTemp6:: db wBattleAnimTemp7:: db wBattleAnimTempPalette:: wBattleAnimTemp8:: db UNION ; d422 wSurfWaveBGEffect:: ds $40 wSurfWaveBGEffectEnd:: NEXTU ; d422 ds $32 wBattleAnimEnd:: ENDU ; d462 SECTION "WRAM 5 MOBILE", WRAMX w5_d800:: ds $200 w5_da00:: ds $200 w5_dc00:: ds $d w5_dc0d:: ds 4 w5_dc11:: ds 9 w5_MobileOpponentBattleMessages:: ds $c ; dc1a w5_MobileOpponentBattleStartMessage:: ds $c ; dc26 w5_MobileOpponentBattleWinMessage:: ds $c ; dc32 w5_MobileOpponentBattleLossMessage:: ds $c ; dc3e SECTION "WRAM 6", WRAMX UNION ; d000 wScratchTileMap:: ds BG_MAP_WIDTH * BG_MAP_HEIGHT wScratchAttrMap:: ds BG_MAP_WIDTH * BG_MAP_HEIGHT NEXTU ; d000 wDecompressScratch:: ds $80 tiles wDecompressEnemyFrontpic:: ds $80 tiles ENDU ; e000 SECTION "WRAM 7", WRAMX wWindowStack:: ds $1000 - 1 wWindowStackBottom:: ds 1 INCLUDE "sram.asm"