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synced 2024-09-09 09:51:34 -07:00
Renamed `title` to `movies`. Moved some functions from `engine/routines/` to their fitting directories, and cleaned up the base `engine/` directory. Moved `engine/pokemon/tmhm.asm` back to `engine/items/`. Made a new subdirectory: * engine/tilesets: Contains all map-related graphics routines.
25 lines
298 B
25 lines
298 B
PlaceWaitingText:: ; 4000
hlcoord 3, 10
ld b, 1
ld c, 11
ld a, [wBattleMode]
and a
jr z, .notinbattle
call TextBox
jr .proceed
predef LinkTextboxAtHL
hlcoord 4, 11
ld de, .Waiting
call PlaceString
ld c, 50
jp DelayFrames
.Waiting: ; 4025
db "Waiting...!@"