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synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
Merge pull request #445 from roukaour/master
Rename Pokémon animation files; consistent (x, y) coords; document design flaws
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
; - NewPokedexOrder (see data/pokemon/dex_order_new.asm)
; - Pokered_MonIndices (see data/time_capsule/mon_order.asm)
; - AnimationPointers (see gfx/pokemon/anim_pointers.asm)
; - AnimationExtraPointers (see gfx/pokemon/extra_pointers.asm)
; - AnimationIdlePointers (see gfx/pokemon/idle_pointers.asm)
; - BitmasksPointers (see gfx/pokemon/bitmask_pointers.asm)
; - FramesPointers (see gfx/pokemon/frame_pointers.asm)
; - Footprints (see gfx/footprints.asm)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
spawn: MACRO
; map, y, x
; map, x, y
map \1
db \2, \3
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
# Bugs and Glitches
These are known bugs and glitches in the original Pokémon Crystal game: code that clearly does not work as intended, or that only works in limited circumstances but has the possibility to fail or crash.
## Contents
- [Thick Club and Light Ball can decrease damage done with boosted (Special) Attack](#thick-club-and-light-ball-can-decrease-damage-done-with-boosted-special-attack)
- [Metal Powder can increase damage taken with boosted (Special) Defense](#metal-powder-can-increase-damage-taken-with-boosted-special-defense)
- [Belly Drum sharply boosts Attack even with under 50% HP](#belly-drum-sharply-boosts-attack-even-with-under-50-hp)
- [Confusion damage is affected by type-boosting items and Explosion/Self-Destruct doubling](#confusion-damage-is-affected-by-type-boosting-items-and-explosionself-destruct-doubling)
- [Moves that lower Defense can do so after breaking a Substitute](#moves-that-lower-defense-can-do-so-after-breaking-a-substitute)
- [Counter and Mirror Coat still work if the opponent uses an item](#counter-and-mirror-coat-still-work-if-the-opponent-uses-an-item)
- [A Disabled but PP Up–enhanced move may not trigger Struggle](#a-disabled-but-pp-upenhanced-move-may-not-trigger-struggle)
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@
- [Dragon Scale, not Dragon Fang, boosts Dragon-type moves](#dragon-scale-not-dragon-fang-boosts-dragon-type-moves)
- [Daisy's grooming doesn't always increase happiness](#daisys-grooming-doesnt-always-increase-happiness)
- [Magikarp in Lake of Rage are shorter, not longer](#magikarp-in-lake-of-rage-are-shorter-not-longer)
- [Magikarp length limits have a unit conversion error](#magikarp-length-limits-have-a-unit-conversion-error)
- [Magikarp lengths can be miscalculated](#magikarp-lengths-can-be-miscalculated)
- [Battle transitions fail to account for the enemy's level](#battle-transitions-fail-to-account-for-the-enemys-level)
- [Slot machine payout sound effects cut each other off](#slot-machine-payout-sound-effects-cut-each-other-off)
@ -49,11 +53,12 @@
- [`TryObjectEvent` arbitrary code execution](#tryobjectevent-arbitrary-code-execution)
- [`Special_CheckBugContestContestantFlag` can read beyond its data table](#special_checkbugcontestcontestantflag-can-read-beyond-its-data-table)
- [`ClearWRAM` only clears WRAM bank 1](#clearwram-only-clears-wram-bank-1)
- [`GetForestTreeFrame` works, but it's still bad](#getforesttreeframe-works-but-its-still-bad)
## Thick Club and Light Ball can decrease damage done with boosted (Special) Attack
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This is a bug with `SpeciesItemBoost` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm):
@ -88,6 +93,8 @@ This is a bug with `SpeciesItemBoost` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/en
## Metal Powder can increase damage taken with boosted (Special) Defense
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This is a bug with `DittoMetalPowder` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm):
@ -144,6 +151,8 @@ This is a bug with `DittoMetalPowder` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/en
## Belly Drum sharply boosts Attack even with under 50% HP
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This is a bug with `BattleCommand_BellyDrum` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm):
@ -180,8 +189,19 @@ BattleCommand_BellyDrum: ; 37c1a
## Confusion damage is affected by type-boosting items and Explosion/Self-Destruct doubling
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
*To do:* Identify specific code causing this bug and fix it.
## Moves that lower Defense can do so after breaking a Substitute
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This bug affects Acid, Iron Tail, and Rock Smash.
@ -218,6 +238,8 @@ DefenseDownHit:
## Counter and Mirror Coat still work if the opponent uses an item
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
*To do:* Identify specific code causing this bug and fix it.
@ -225,6 +247,8 @@ DefenseDownHit:
## A Disabled but PP Up–enhanced move may not trigger Struggle
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This is a bug with `CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves` in [engine/battle/core.asm](/engine/battle/core.asm):
@ -250,6 +274,8 @@ This is a bug with `CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves` in [engine/battle/core.asm](/engi
## A Pokémon that fainted from Pursuit will have its old status condition when revived
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
*To do:* Identify specific code causing this bug and fix it.
@ -257,6 +283,8 @@ This is a bug with `CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves` in [engine/battle/core.asm](/engi
## Lock-On and Mind Reader don't always bypass Fly and Dig
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This bug affects Attract, Curse, Foresight, Mean Look, Mimic, Nightmare, Spider Web, Transform, and stat-lowering effects of moves like String Shot or Bubble during the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly or Dig.
This is a bug with `CheckHiddenOpponent` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm):
@ -275,6 +303,8 @@ CheckHiddenOpponent: ; 37daa
## Beat Up can desynchronize link battles
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This is a bug with `BattleCommand_BeatUp` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm):
@ -310,6 +340,8 @@ This is a bug with `BattleCommand_BeatUp` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm]
## Present damage is incorrect in link battles
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This bug existed for all battles in Gold and Silver, and was only fixed for single-player battles in Crystal to preserve link compatibility.
@ -661,6 +693,8 @@ FastBallMultiplier:
## Dragon Scale, not Dragon Fang, boosts Dragon-type moves
*Fixing this bug will break compatibility with standard Pokémon Crystal for link battles.*
This is a bug with `ItemAttributes` in [items/attributes.asm](/items/attributes.asm):
@ -751,6 +785,43 @@ This is a bug with `LoadEnemyMon.CheckMagikarpArea` in [engine/battle/core.asm](
**Fix:** Change both `jr z, .Happiness` to `jr nz, .Happiness`.
## Magikarp length limits have a unit conversion error
This is a bug with `LoadEnemyMon.CheckMagikarpArea` in [engine/battle/core.asm](/engine/battle/core.asm):
; Get Magikarp's length
ld de, EnemyMonDVs
ld bc, PlayerID
callfar CalcMagikarpLength
; No reason to keep going if length > 1536 (i.e. if length / 256 != 6)
ld a, [wMagikarpLength]
cp HIGH(1536) ; this compares to 6'0'', should be cp 5
jr nz, .CheckMagikarpArea
; 5% chance of skipping both size checks
call Random
cp 5 percent
jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea
; Try again if length > 1615
ld a, [wMagikarpLength + 1]
cp LOW(1616) ; this compares to 6'80'', should be cp 3
jr nc, .GenerateDVs
; 20% chance of skipping this check
call Random
cp 20 percent - 1
jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea
; Try again if length > 1599
ld a, [wMagikarpLength + 1]
cp LOW(1600) ; this compares to 6'64'', should be cp 2
jr nc, .GenerateDVs
**Fix:** Change the three `cp` instructions to use their commented values.
## Magikarp lengths can be miscalculated
This is a bug with `CalcMagikarpLength.BCLessThanDE` in [engine/events/magikarp.asm](/engine/events/magikarp.asm):
@ -1410,46 +1481,3 @@ ClearWRAM:: ; 25a
**Fix:** Change `jr nc, .bank_loop` to `jr c, .bank_loop`.
## `GetForestTreeFrame` works, but it's still bad
In [tilesets/animations.asm](/tilesets/animations.asm):
GetForestTreeFrame: ; fc54c
; Return 0 if a is even, or 2 if odd.
and a
jr z, .even
cp 1
jr z, .odd
cp 2
jr z, .even
cp 3
jr z, .odd
cp 4
jr z, .even
cp 5
jr z, .odd
cp 6
jr z, .even
ld a, 2
xor a
; fc56d
GetForestTreeFrame: ; fc54c
; Return 0 if a is even, or 2 if odd.
and 1
add a
; fc56d
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
# Design Flaws
These are parts of the code that do not work *incorrectly*, like [bugs and glitches](/docs/bugs_and_glitches.md), but that clearly exist just to work around a problem. In other words, with a slightly different design, the code would not need to exist at all. Design flaws may be exceptions to a usual rule, such as "tables of pointers in different banks use `dba`" ([one exception](#pic-banks-are-offset-by-pics_fix), [and another](#pokédex-entry-banks-are-derived-from-their-species-ids)) or "graphics used as a unit are stored and loaded contiguously" ([a notable exception](#footprints-are-split-into-top-and-bottom-halves)).
## Contents
- [Pic banks are offset by `PICS_FIX`](#pic-banks-are-offset-by-pics_fix)
- [`PokemonPicPointers` and `UnownPicPointers` are assumed to start at the same address](#pokemonpicpointers-and-unownpicpointers-are-assumed-to-start-at-the-same-address)
- [Footprints are split into top and bottom halves](#footprints-are-split-into-top-and-bottom-halves)
- [Pokédex entry banks are derived from their species IDs](#pokédex-entry-banks-are-derived-from-their-species-ids)
- [`ITEM_C3` and `ITEM_DC` break up the continuous sequence of TM items](#item_c3-and-item_dc-break-up-the-continuous-sequence-of-tm-items)
- [`GetForestTreeFrame` works, but it's still bad](#getforesttreeframe-works-but-its-still-bad)
## Pic banks are offset by `PICS_FIX`
[data/pokemon/pic_pointers.asm](/data/pokemon/pic_pointers.asm), [data/pokemon/unown_pic_pointers.asm](/data/pokemon/unown_pic_pointers.asm), and [data/trainers/pic_pointers.asm](/data/trainers/pic_pointers.asm) all have to use `dba_pic` instead of `dba`. This is a macro in [macros/data.asm](/macros/data.asm) that offsets banks by `PICS_FIX`:
dba_pic: MACRO ; dbw bank, address
db BANK(\1) - PICS_FIX
dw \1
The offset is translated into a correct bank by `FixPicBank` in [gfx/load_pics.asm](/gfx/load_pics.asm):
FixPicBank: ; 511c5
; This is a thing for some reason.
push hl
push bc
sub BANK(Pics_1) - PICS_FIX
ld c, a
ld b, 0
ld hl, .PicsBanks
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
pop bc
pop hl
.PicsBanks: ; 511d4
db BANK(Pics_1) + 0
db BANK(Pics_1) + 1
db BANK(Pics_1) + 2
db BANK(Pics_1) + 3
db BANK(Pics_1) + 4
db BANK(Pics_1) + 5
db BANK(Pics_1) + 6
db BANK(Pics_1) + 7
db BANK(Pics_1) + 8
db BANK(Pics_1) + 9
db BANK(Pics_1) + 10
db BANK(Pics_1) + 11
db BANK(Pics_1) + 12
db BANK(Pics_1) + 13
db BANK(Pics_1) + 14
db BANK(Pics_1) + 15
db BANK(Pics_1) + 16
db BANK(Pics_1) + 17
db BANK(Pics_1) + 18
db BANK(Pics_1) + 19
db BANK(Pics_1) + 20
db BANK(Pics_1) + 21
db BANK(Pics_1) + 22
db BANK(Pics_1) + 23
**Fix:** Use `dba` instead of `dba_pic`, and don't call `FixPicBank` to modify `a`.
## `PokemonPicPointers` and `UnownPicPointers` are assumed to start at the same address
In [gfx/pics.asm](/gfx/pics.asm):
; PokemonPicPointers and UnownPicPointers are assumed to start at the same
; address, but in different banks. This is enforced in pokecrystal.link.
SECTION "Pic Pointers", ROMX
INCLUDE "data/pokemon/pic_pointers.asm"
SECTION "Unown Pic Pointers", ROMX
INCLUDE "data/pokemon/unown_pic_pointers.asm"
In [pokecrystal.link](/pokecrystal.link):
ROMX $48
org $4000
"Pic Pointers"
"Pics 1"
ROMX $49
org $4000
"Unown Pic Pointers"
"Pics 2"
Two routines in [gfx/load_pics.asm](/gfx/load_pics.asm) make this assumption; `GetFrontpicPointer`:
ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
jr z, .unown
ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
ld d, BANK(PokemonPicPointers)
jr .ok
ld a, [UnownLetter]
ld d, BANK(UnownPicPointers)
ld hl, PokemonPicPointers ; UnownPicPointers
dec a
ld bc, 6
call AddNTimes
And `GetMonBackpic`:
; These are assumed to be at the same
; address in their respective banks.
GLOBAL PokemonPicPointers, UnownPicPointers
ld hl, PokemonPicPointers ; UnownPicPointers
ld a, b
ld d, BANK(PokemonPicPointers)
jr nz, .ok
ld a, c
ld d, BANK(UnownPicPointers)
dec a
ld bc, 6
call AddNTimes
Don't enforce `org $4000` in pokecrystal.link.
Modify `GetFrontpicPointer`:
ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
jr z, .unown
ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
ld hl, PokemonPicPointers
ld d, BANK(PokemonPicPointers)
jr .ok
ld a, [UnownLetter]
ld hl, UnownPicPointers
ld d, BANK(UnownPicPointers)
dec a
ld bc, 6
call AddNTimes
And `GetMonBackpic`:
GLOBAL PokemonPicPointers, UnownPicPointers
ld a, b
ld hl, PokemonPicPointers
ld d, BANK(PokemonPicPointers)
jr nz, .ok
ld a, c
ld hl, UnownPicPointers
ld d, BANK(UnownPicPointers)
dec a
ld bc, 6
call AddNTimes
## Footprints are split into top and bottom halves
In [gfx/footprints.asm](/gfx/footprints.asm):
; Footprints are 2x2 tiles each, but are stored as a 16x64-tile image
; (32 rows of 8 footprints per row).
; That means there's a row of the top two tiles for eight footprints,
; then a row of the bottom two tiles for those eight footprints.
; These macros help extract the first and the last two tiles, respectively.
footprint_top EQUS "0, 2 * LEN_1BPP_TILE"
footprint_bottom EQUS "2 * LEN_1BPP_TILE, 2 * LEN_1BPP_TILE"
; Entries correspond to Pokémon species, two apiece, 8 tops then 8 bottoms
; 001-008 top halves
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/bulbasaur.1bpp", footprint_top
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/ivysaur.1bpp", footprint_top
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/venusaur.1bpp", footprint_top
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charmander.1bpp", footprint_top
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charmeleon.1bpp", footprint_top
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charizard.1bpp", footprint_top
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/squirtle.1bpp", footprint_top
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/wartortle.1bpp", footprint_top
; 001-008 bottom halves
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/bulbasaur.1bpp", footprint_bottom
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/ivysaur.1bpp", footprint_bottom
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/venusaur.1bpp", footprint_bottom
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charmander.1bpp", footprint_bottom
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charmeleon.1bpp", footprint_bottom
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charizard.1bpp", footprint_bottom
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/squirtle.1bpp", footprint_bottom
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/wartortle.1bpp", footprint_bottom
`Pokedex_LoadAnyFootprint` in [engine/pokedex.asm](/engine/pokedex.asm):
push hl
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $62
lb bc, BANK(Footprints), 2
call Request1bpp
pop hl
; Whoever was editing footprints forgot to fix their
; tile editor. Now each bottom half is 8 tiles off.
ld de, 8 tiles
add hl, de
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $64
lb bc, BANK(Footprints), 2
call Request1bpp
Store footprints contiguously:
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/bulbasaur.1bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/ivysaur.1bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/venusaur.1bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charmander.1bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charmeleon.1bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/charizard.1bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/squirtle.1bpp"
INCBIN "gfx/footprints/wartortle.1bpp"
Modify `Pokedex_LoadAnyFootprint`:
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $62
lb bc, BANK(Footprints), 4
call Request1bpp
## Pokédex entry banks are derived from their species IDs
`PokedexDataPointerTable` in [data/pokemon/dex_entry_pointers.asm](/data/pokemon/dex_entry_pointers.asm) is a table of `dw`, not `dba`, yet there are four banks used for Pokédex entries. The correct bank is derived from the species ID at the beginning of each Pokémon's base stats. (This is the only use the base stat species ID has.)
Three separate routines do the same derivation; `GetDexEntryPointer` in [engine/pokedex_2.asm](/engine/pokedex_2.asm):
GetDexEntryPointer: ; 44333
; return dex entry pointer b:de
push hl
ld hl, PokedexDataPointerTable
ld a, b
dec a
ld d, 0
ld e, a
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld e, [hl]
inc hl
ld d, [hl]
push de
and $3
ld hl, .PokedexEntryBanks
ld d, 0
ld e, a
add hl, de
ld b, [hl]
pop de
pop hl
.PokedexEntryBanks: ; 44351
GLOBAL PokedexEntries1
GLOBAL PokedexEntries2
GLOBAL PokedexEntries3
GLOBAL PokedexEntries4
db BANK(PokedexEntries1)
db BANK(PokedexEntries2)
db BANK(PokedexEntries3)
db BANK(PokedexEntries4)
`GetPokedexEntryBank` in [engine/item_effects.asm](/engine/item_effects.asm):
push hl
push de
ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies]
and 3
ld hl, .PokedexEntryBanks
ld d, 0
ld e, a
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
pop de
pop hl
GLOBAL PokedexEntries1
GLOBAL PokedexEntries2
GLOBAL PokedexEntries3
GLOBAL PokedexEntries4
db BANK(PokedexEntries1)
db BANK(PokedexEntries2)
db BANK(PokedexEntries3)
db BANK(PokedexEntries4)
And `PokedexShow_GetDexEntryBank` in [engine/radio.asm](/engine/radio.asm):
push hl
push de
ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
dec a
and 3
ld hl, .pokedexbanks
ld d, 0
ld e, a
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
pop de
pop hl
db BANK(PokedexEntries1)
db BANK(PokedexEntries2)
db BANK(PokedexEntries3)
db BANK(PokedexEntries4)
**Fix:** Use `dba` instead of `dw` in `PokedexDataPointerTable`, and modify the code that accesses it to match.
## `ITEM_C3` and `ITEM_DC` break up the continuous sequence of TM items
[constants/item_constants.asm](/constants/item_constants.asm) defined the 50 TMs in order with `add_tm`, but `ITEM_C3` and `ITEM_DC` break up that sequence.
add_tm ROLLOUT ; $C2
const ITEM_C3 ; $C3
add_tm ROAR ; $C4
add_tm DIG ; $DB
const ITEM_DC ; $DC
add_tm PSYCHIC_M ; $DD
add_tm NIGHTMARE ; $F2
NUM_TMS = const_value - TM01 - 2 ; discount ITEM_C3 and ITEM_DC
`GetTMHMNumber` and `GetNumberedTMHM` in [engine/items.asm](/engine/items.asm) have to compensate for this:
GetTMHMNumber:: ; d407
; Return the number of a TM/HM by item id c.
ld a, c
; Skip any dummy items.
cp ITEM_C3 ; TM04-05
jr c, .done
cp ITEM_DC ; TM28-29
jr c, .skip
dec a
dec a
sub TM01
inc a
ld c, a
GetNumberedTMHM: ; d417
; Return the item id of a TM/HM by number c.
ld a, c
; Skip any gaps.
cp ITEM_C3 - (TM01 - 1)
jr c, .done
cp ITEM_DC - (TM01 - 1) - 1
jr c, .skip_one
inc a
inc a
add TM01
dec a
ld c, a
Move `ITEM_C3` and `ITEM_DC` above all the TMs in every table of item data.
Modify engine/items.asm:
GetTMHMNumber:: ; d407
; Return the number of a TM/HM by item id c.
ld a, c
sub TM01
inc a
ld c, a
GetNumberedTMHM: ; d417
; Return the item id of a TM/HM by number c.
ld a, c
add TM01
dec a
ld c, a
## `GetForestTreeFrame` works, but it's still bad
In [tilesets/animations.asm](/tilesets/animations.asm):
GetForestTreeFrame: ; fc54c
; Return 0 if a is even, or 2 if odd.
and a
jr z, .even
cp 1
jr z, .odd
cp 2
jr z, .even
cp 3
jr z, .odd
cp 4
jr z, .even
cp 5
jr z, .odd
cp 6
jr z, .even
ld a, 2
xor a
; fc56d
GetForestTreeFrame: ; fc54c
; Return 0 if a is even, or 2 if odd.
and 1
add a
; fc56d
@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ Callback types:
## `.Warps: db` *N*
- **`warp_def` *y*, *x*, *warp_id*, *map***
- **`warp_def` *x*, *y*, *warp_id*, *map***
## `.CoordEvents: db` *N*
- **`coord_event` *scene id*, *y*, *x*, *script***
- **`coord_event` *x*, *y*, *scene id*, *script***
## `.BGEvents: db` *N*
- **`bg_event` *y*, *x*, *type*, *script***
- **`bg_event` *x*, *y*, *type*, *script***
BG event types:
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ BG event types:
## `.ObjectEvents: db` *N*
- **`object_event` *sprite*, *y*, *x*, *movement*, *ry*, *rx*, *h1*, *h2*, *palette*, *type*, *range*, *script*, *event_flag***
- **`object_event` *x*, *y*, *sprite*, *movement*, *ry*, *rx*, *h1*, *h2*, *palette*, *type*, *range*, *script*, *event_flag***
Movement types:
@ -1442,9 +1442,9 @@ copy_box_data: MACRO
jr .loop\@
IF \1
if \1
call CloseSRAM
ld a, -1
ld [de], a
ld a, [wd004]
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ Function_LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemons: ; 1f8000
ld a, [hRandomAdd]
add b
ld b, a ; b contains the nr of the trainer
and (1 << 7) - 1
cp 70
and (1 << 5) - 1
cp 21
jr nc, .resample
ld b, a
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ SpecialKabutoChamber: ; 8ae4e
Special_DisplayUnownWords: ; 8ae68
ld a, [ScriptVar]
ld hl, .MenuDataHeader_Escape
ld hl, .MenuDataHeaders_UnownWalls
and a
jr z, .load
@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ Special_DisplayUnownWords: ; 8ae68
; 8aebc
.UnownText: ; 8aebc
unownwall: MACRO
rept _NARG
if \1 == "-"
@ -180,36 +178,35 @@ endr
db $ff
.UnownText: ; 8aebc
; db $08, $44, $04, $00, $2e, $08, $ff
unownwall "E", "S", "C", "A", "P", "E"
; db $26, $20, $0c, $0e, $46, $ff
unownwall "L", "I", "G", "H", "T"
; db $4c, $00, $46, $08, $42, $ff
unownwall "W", "A", "T", "E", "R"
; db $0e, $2c, $64, $2c, $0e, $ff
unownwall "H", "O", "-", "O", "H"
; 8aed5
.MenuDataHeader_Escape: ; 0x8aed5
.MenuDataHeaders_UnownWalls: ; 0x8aed5
db $40 ; flags
db 04, 03 ; start coords
db 09, 16 ; end coords
.MenuDataHeader_Light: ; 0x8aeda
db $40 ; flags
db 04, 04 ; start coords
db 09, 15 ; end coords
.MenuDataHeader_Water: ; 0x8aedf
db $40 ; flags
db 04, 04 ; start coords
db 09, 15 ; end coords
.MenuDataHeader_Ho_Oh: ; 0x8aee4
db $40 ; flags
db 04, 04 ; start coords
db 09, 15 ; end coords
@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ _ResetWRAM: ; 5bae
ld [Coins], a
ld [Coins + 1], a
IF START_MONEY >= $10000
if START_MONEY >= $10000
ld a, HIGH(START_MONEY >> 8)
ld [Money], a
ld a, HIGH(START_MONEY) ; mid
ld [Money + 1], a
@ -646,11 +646,11 @@ Continue_DisplayPokedexNumCaught: ; 5f6b
ret z
push hl
ld hl, PokedexCaught
ld b, NUM_POKEMON / 8 + 1
ld b, NUM_POKEMON / 8
call CountSetBits
pop hl
ld de, wd265
@ -455,15 +455,12 @@ CheckTMHM: ; d3fb
GetTMHMNumber:: ; d407
; Return the number of a TM/HM by item id c.
ld a, c
; Skip any dummy items.
cp ITEM_C3 ; TM04-05
jr c, .done
cp ITEM_DC ; TM28-29
jr c, .skip
dec a
dec a
@ -475,15 +472,12 @@ GetTMHMNumber:: ; d407
GetNumberedTMHM: ; d417
; Return the item id of a TM/HM by number c.
ld a, c
; Skip any gaps.
cp ITEM_C3 - (TM01 - 1)
jr c, .done
cp ITEM_DC - (TM01 - 1) - 1
jr c, .skip_one
inc a
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ AnimateMon_Unused: ; d003a
pokeanim: MACRO
rept _NARG
; Workaround for a bug where macro args can't come after the start of a symbol
if !def(\1_POKEANIM)
\1_POKEANIM EQUS "PokeAnim_\1_"
db (\1_POKEANIM - PokeAnim_SetupCommands) / 2
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ PokeAnims: ; d0042
.Slow: pokeanim StereoCry, Setup2, Play
.Normal: pokeanim StereoCry, Setup, Play
.Menu: pokeanim CryNoWait, Setup, Play, SetWait, Wait, Extra, Play
.Trade: pokeanim Extra, Play2, Extra, Play, SetWait, Wait, Cry, Setup, Play
.Evolve: pokeanim Extra, Play, SetWait, Wait, CryNoWait, Setup, Play
.Hatch: pokeanim Extra, Play, CryNoWait, Setup, Play, SetWait, Wait, Extra, Play
.Unused: pokeanim CryNoWait, Setup, Play, SetWait, Wait, Extra, Play
.Menu: pokeanim CryNoWait, Setup, Play, SetWait, Wait, Idle, Play
.Trade: pokeanim Idle, Play2, Idle, Play, SetWait, Wait, Cry, Setup, Play
.Evolve: pokeanim Idle, Play, SetWait, Wait, CryNoWait, Setup, Play
.Hatch: pokeanim Idle, Play, CryNoWait, Setup, Play, SetWait, Wait, Idle, Play
.Unused: pokeanim CryNoWait, Setup, Play, SetWait, Wait, Idle, Play
.Egg1: pokeanim Setup, Play
.Egg2: pokeanim Extra, Play
.Egg2: pokeanim Idle, Play
AnimateFrontpic: ; d008e
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ ENDM
setup_command PokeAnim_Wait
setup_command PokeAnim_Setup
setup_command PokeAnim_Setup2
setup_command PokeAnim_Extra
setup_command PokeAnim_Idle
setup_command PokeAnim_Play
setup_command PokeAnim_Play2
setup_command PokeAnim_Cry
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ PokeAnim_Setup2: ; d011d
; d012f
PokeAnim_Extra: ; d012f
PokeAnim_Idle: ; d012f
ld c, TRUE
ld b, 0
call PokeAnim_InitAnim
@ -360,18 +360,18 @@ PokeAnim_InitPicAttributes: ; d01d6
PokeAnim_InitAnim: ; d0228
ld a, [rSVBK]
push af
ld a, BANK(wPokeAnimExtraFlag)
ld a, BANK(wPokeAnimIdleFlag)
ld [rSVBK], a
push bc
ld hl, wPokeAnimExtraFlag
ld bc, wPokeAnimStructEnd - wPokeAnimExtraFlag
ld hl, wPokeAnimIdleFlag
ld bc, wPokeAnimStructEnd - wPokeAnimIdleFlag
xor a
call ByteFill
pop bc
ld a, b
ld [wPokeAnimSpeed], a
ld a, c
ld [wPokeAnimExtraFlag], a
ld [wPokeAnimIdleFlag], a
call GetMonAnimPointer
call GetMonFramesPointer
call GetMonBitmaskPointer
@ -949,20 +949,20 @@ GetMonAnimPointer: ; d055c
ld c, BANK(UnownAnimations)
ld hl, UnownAnimationPointers
ld de, UnownAnimationExtraPointers
ld de, UnownAnimationIdlePointers
call PokeAnim_IsUnown
jr z, .unown
ld c, BANK(PicAnimations)
ld hl, AnimationPointers
ld de, AnimationExtraPointers
ld de, AnimationIdlePointers
ld a, [wPokeAnimExtraFlag]
ld a, [wPokeAnimIdleFlag]
and a
jr z, .extras
jr z, .idles
ld h, d
ld l, e
ld a, [wPokeAnimSpeciesOrUnown]
dec a
@ -982,12 +982,12 @@ GetMonAnimPointer: ; d055c
ld hl, EggAnimation
ld c, BANK(EggAnimation)
ld a, [wPokeAnimExtraFlag]
ld a, [wPokeAnimIdleFlag]
and a
jr z, .extras_egg
ld hl, EggAnimationExtra
ld c, BANK(EggAnimationExtra)
jr z, .idles_egg
ld hl, EggAnimationIdle
ld c, BANK(EggAnimationIdle)
ld a, c
ld [wPokeAnimPointerBank], a
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PlayerObjectTemplate: ; 8071
; A dummy map object used to initialize the player object.
; Shorter than the actual amount copied by two bytes.
; Said bytes seem to be unused.
object_event SPRITE_CHRIS, -4, -4, SPRITEMOVEDATA_PLAYER, 15, 15, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, 0, -1
object_event -4, -4, SPRITE_CHRIS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_PLAYER, 15, 15, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, 0, -1
CopyDECoordsToMapObject:: ; 807e
push de
@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ ScriptCommandTable:
dw Script_loadmenudata ; 4f
dw Script_closewindow ; 50
dw Script_jumptextfaceplayer ; 51
dw Script_farjumptext ; 52
dw Script_jumptext ; 53
dw Script_waitbutton ; 54
dw Script_buttonsound ; 55
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ JumpTextScript:
; script command 0x52
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Script_farjumptext:
ld hl, JumpTextScript
jp ScriptJump
@ -1,253 +1,253 @@
BulbasaurAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bulbasaur/anim0.asm"
IvysaurAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ivysaur/anim0.asm"
VenusaurAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/venusaur/anim0.asm"
CharmanderAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/charmander/anim0.asm"
CharmeleonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/charmeleon/anim0.asm"
CharizardAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/charizard/anim0.asm"
SquirtleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/squirtle/anim0.asm"
WartortleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wartortle/anim0.asm"
BlastoiseAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/blastoise/anim0.asm"
CaterpieAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/caterpie/anim0.asm"
MetapodAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/metapod/anim0.asm"
ButterfreeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/butterfree/anim0.asm"
WeedleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/weedle/anim0.asm"
KakunaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kakuna/anim0.asm"
BeedrillAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/beedrill/anim0.asm"
PidgeyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pidgey/anim0.asm"
PidgeottoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pidgeotto/anim0.asm"
PidgeotAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pidgeot/anim0.asm"
RattataAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rattata/anim0.asm"
RaticateAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/raticate/anim0.asm"
SpearowAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/spearow/anim0.asm"
FearowAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/fearow/anim0.asm"
EkansAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ekans/anim0.asm"
ArbokAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/arbok/anim0.asm"
PikachuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pikachu/anim0.asm"
RaichuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/raichu/anim0.asm"
SandshrewAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sandshrew/anim0.asm"
SandslashAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sandslash/anim0.asm"
NidoranFAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoran_f/anim0.asm"
NidorinaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidorina/anim0.asm"
NidoqueenAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoqueen/anim0.asm"
NidoranMAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoran_m/anim0.asm"
NidorinoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidorino/anim0.asm"
NidokingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoking/anim0.asm"
ClefairyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/clefairy/anim0.asm"
ClefableAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/clefable/anim0.asm"
VulpixAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/vulpix/anim0.asm"
NinetalesAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ninetales/anim0.asm"
JigglypuffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jigglypuff/anim0.asm"
WigglytuffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wigglytuff/anim0.asm"
ZubatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/zubat/anim0.asm"
GolbatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/golbat/anim0.asm"
OddishAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/oddish/anim0.asm"
GloomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gloom/anim0.asm"
VileplumeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/vileplume/anim0.asm"
ParasAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/paras/anim0.asm"
ParasectAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/parasect/anim0.asm"
VenonatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/venonat/anim0.asm"
VenomothAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/venomoth/anim0.asm"
DiglettAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/diglett/anim0.asm"
DugtrioAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dugtrio/anim0.asm"
MeowthAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/meowth/anim0.asm"
PersianAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/persian/anim0.asm"
PsyduckAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/psyduck/anim0.asm"
GolduckAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/golduck/anim0.asm"
MankeyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mankey/anim0.asm"
PrimeapeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/primeape/anim0.asm"
GrowlitheAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/growlithe/anim0.asm"
ArcanineAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/arcanine/anim0.asm"
PoliwagAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/poliwag/anim0.asm"
PoliwhirlAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/poliwhirl/anim0.asm"
PoliwrathAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/poliwrath/anim0.asm"
AbraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/abra/anim0.asm"
KadabraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kadabra/anim0.asm"
AlakazamAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/alakazam/anim0.asm"
MachopAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/machop/anim0.asm"
MachokeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/machoke/anim0.asm"
MachampAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/machamp/anim0.asm"
BellsproutAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bellsprout/anim0.asm"
WeepinbellAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/weepinbell/anim0.asm"
VictreebelAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/victreebel/anim0.asm"
TentacoolAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tentacool/anim0.asm"
TentacruelAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tentacruel/anim0.asm"
GeodudeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/geodude/anim0.asm"
GravelerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/graveler/anim0.asm"
GolemAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/golem/anim0.asm"
PonytaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ponyta/anim0.asm"
RapidashAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rapidash/anim0.asm"
SlowpokeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slowpoke/anim0.asm"
SlowbroAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slowbro/anim0.asm"
MagnemiteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magnemite/anim0.asm"
MagnetonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magneton/anim0.asm"
FarfetchDAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/farfetch_d/anim0.asm"
DoduoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/doduo/anim0.asm"
DodrioAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dodrio/anim0.asm"
SeelAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/seel/anim0.asm"
DewgongAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dewgong/anim0.asm"
GrimerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/grimer/anim0.asm"
MukAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/muk/anim0.asm"
ShellderAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/shellder/anim0.asm"
CloysterAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cloyster/anim0.asm"
GastlyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gastly/anim0.asm"
HaunterAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/haunter/anim0.asm"
GengarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gengar/anim0.asm"
OnixAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/onix/anim0.asm"
DrowzeeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/drowzee/anim0.asm"
HypnoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hypno/anim0.asm"
KrabbyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/krabby/anim0.asm"
KinglerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kingler/anim0.asm"
VoltorbAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/voltorb/anim0.asm"
ElectrodeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/electrode/anim0.asm"
ExeggcuteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/exeggcute/anim0.asm"
ExeggutorAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/exeggutor/anim0.asm"
CuboneAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cubone/anim0.asm"
MarowakAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/marowak/anim0.asm"
HitmonleeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hitmonlee/anim0.asm"
HitmonchanAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hitmonchan/anim0.asm"
LickitungAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lickitung/anim0.asm"
KoffingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/koffing/anim0.asm"
WeezingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/weezing/anim0.asm"
RhyhornAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rhyhorn/anim0.asm"
RhydonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rhydon/anim0.asm"
ChanseyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/chansey/anim0.asm"
TangelaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tangela/anim0.asm"
KangaskhanAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kangaskhan/anim0.asm"
HorseaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/horsea/anim0.asm"
SeadraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/seadra/anim0.asm"
GoldeenAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/goldeen/anim0.asm"
SeakingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/seaking/anim0.asm"
StaryuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/staryu/anim0.asm"
StarmieAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/starmie/anim0.asm"
MrMimeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mr__mime/anim0.asm"
ScytherAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/scyther/anim0.asm"
JynxAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jynx/anim0.asm"
ElectabuzzAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/electabuzz/anim0.asm"
MagmarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magmar/anim0.asm"
PinsirAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pinsir/anim0.asm"
TaurosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tauros/anim0.asm"
MagikarpAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magikarp/anim0.asm"
GyaradosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gyarados/anim0.asm"
LaprasAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lapras/anim0.asm"
DittoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ditto/anim0.asm"
EeveeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/eevee/anim0.asm"
VaporeonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/vaporeon/anim0.asm"
JolteonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jolteon/anim0.asm"
FlareonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/flareon/anim0.asm"
PorygonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/porygon/anim0.asm"
OmanyteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/omanyte/anim0.asm"
OmastarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/omastar/anim0.asm"
KabutoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kabuto/anim0.asm"
KabutopsAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kabutops/anim0.asm"
AerodactylAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/aerodactyl/anim0.asm"
SnorlaxAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/snorlax/anim0.asm"
ArticunoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/articuno/anim0.asm"
ZapdosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/zapdos/anim0.asm"
MoltresAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/moltres/anim0.asm"
DratiniAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dratini/anim0.asm"
DragonairAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dragonair/anim0.asm"
DragoniteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dragonite/anim0.asm"
MewtwoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mewtwo/anim0.asm"
MewAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mew/anim0.asm"
ChikoritaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/chikorita/anim0.asm"
BayleefAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bayleef/anim0.asm"
MeganiumAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/meganium/anim0.asm"
CyndaquilAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cyndaquil/anim0.asm"
QuilavaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/quilava/anim0.asm"
TyphlosionAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/typhlosion/anim0.asm"
TotodileAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/totodile/anim0.asm"
CroconawAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/croconaw/anim0.asm"
FeraligatrAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/feraligatr/anim0.asm"
SentretAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sentret/anim0.asm"
FurretAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/furret/anim0.asm"
HoothootAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hoothoot/anim0.asm"
NoctowlAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/noctowl/anim0.asm"
LedybaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ledyba/anim0.asm"
LedianAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ledian/anim0.asm"
SpinarakAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/spinarak/anim0.asm"
AriadosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ariados/anim0.asm"
CrobatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/crobat/anim0.asm"
ChinchouAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/chinchou/anim0.asm"
LanturnAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lanturn/anim0.asm"
PichuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pichu/anim0.asm"
CleffaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cleffa/anim0.asm"
IgglybuffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/igglybuff/anim0.asm"
TogepiAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/togepi/anim0.asm"
TogeticAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/togetic/anim0.asm"
NatuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/natu/anim0.asm"
XatuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/xatu/anim0.asm"
MareepAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mareep/anim0.asm"
FlaaffyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/flaaffy/anim0.asm"
AmpharosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ampharos/anim0.asm"
BellossomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bellossom/anim0.asm"
MarillAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/marill/anim0.asm"
AzumarillAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/azumarill/anim0.asm"
SudowoodoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sudowoodo/anim0.asm"
PolitoedAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/politoed/anim0.asm"
HoppipAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hoppip/anim0.asm"
SkiploomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/skiploom/anim0.asm"
JumpluffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jumpluff/anim0.asm"
AipomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/aipom/anim0.asm"
SunkernAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sunkern/anim0.asm"
SunfloraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sunflora/anim0.asm"
YanmaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/yanma/anim0.asm"
WooperAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wooper/anim0.asm"
QuagsireAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/quagsire/anim0.asm"
EspeonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/espeon/anim0.asm"
UmbreonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/umbreon/anim0.asm"
MurkrowAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/murkrow/anim0.asm"
SlowkingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slowking/anim0.asm"
MisdreavusAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/misdreavus/anim0.asm"
UnownAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/unown/anim0.asm"
WobbuffetAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wobbuffet/anim0.asm"
GirafarigAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/girafarig/anim0.asm"
PinecoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pineco/anim0.asm"
ForretressAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/forretress/anim0.asm"
DunsparceAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dunsparce/anim0.asm"
GligarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gligar/anim0.asm"
SteelixAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/steelix/anim0.asm"
SnubbullAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/snubbull/anim0.asm"
GranbullAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/granbull/anim0.asm"
QwilfishAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/qwilfish/anim0.asm"
ScizorAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/scizor/anim0.asm"
ShuckleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/shuckle/anim0.asm"
HeracrossAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/heracross/anim0.asm"
SneaselAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sneasel/anim0.asm"
TeddiursaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/teddiursa/anim0.asm"
UrsaringAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ursaring/anim0.asm"
SlugmaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slugma/anim0.asm"
MagcargoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magcargo/anim0.asm"
SwinubAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/swinub/anim0.asm"
PiloswineAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/piloswine/anim0.asm"
CorsolaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/corsola/anim0.asm"
RemoraidAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/remoraid/anim0.asm"
OctilleryAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/octillery/anim0.asm"
DelibirdAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/delibird/anim0.asm"
MantineAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mantine/anim0.asm"
SkarmoryAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/skarmory/anim0.asm"
HoundourAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/houndour/anim0.asm"
HoundoomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/houndoom/anim0.asm"
KingdraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kingdra/anim0.asm"
PhanpyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/phanpy/anim0.asm"
DonphanAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/donphan/anim0.asm"
Porygon2Animation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/porygon2/anim0.asm"
StantlerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/stantler/anim0.asm"
SmeargleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/smeargle/anim0.asm"
TyrogueAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tyrogue/anim0.asm"
HitmontopAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hitmontop/anim0.asm"
SmoochumAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/smoochum/anim0.asm"
ElekidAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/elekid/anim0.asm"
MagbyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magby/anim0.asm"
MiltankAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/miltank/anim0.asm"
BlisseyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/blissey/anim0.asm"
RaikouAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/raikou/anim0.asm"
EnteiAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/entei/anim0.asm"
SuicuneAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/suicune/anim0.asm"
LarvitarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/larvitar/anim0.asm"
PupitarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pupitar/anim0.asm"
TyranitarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tyranitar/anim0.asm"
LugiaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lugia/anim0.asm"
HoOhAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ho_oh/anim0.asm"
CelebiAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/anim0.asm"
EggAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/anim0.asm"
BulbasaurAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bulbasaur/anim.asm"
IvysaurAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ivysaur/anim.asm"
VenusaurAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/venusaur/anim.asm"
CharmanderAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/charmander/anim.asm"
CharmeleonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/charmeleon/anim.asm"
CharizardAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/charizard/anim.asm"
SquirtleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/squirtle/anim.asm"
WartortleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wartortle/anim.asm"
BlastoiseAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/blastoise/anim.asm"
CaterpieAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/caterpie/anim.asm"
MetapodAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/metapod/anim.asm"
ButterfreeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/butterfree/anim.asm"
WeedleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/weedle/anim.asm"
KakunaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kakuna/anim.asm"
BeedrillAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/beedrill/anim.asm"
PidgeyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pidgey/anim.asm"
PidgeottoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pidgeotto/anim.asm"
PidgeotAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pidgeot/anim.asm"
RattataAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rattata/anim.asm"
RaticateAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/raticate/anim.asm"
SpearowAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/spearow/anim.asm"
FearowAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/fearow/anim.asm"
EkansAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ekans/anim.asm"
ArbokAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/arbok/anim.asm"
PikachuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pikachu/anim.asm"
RaichuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/raichu/anim.asm"
SandshrewAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sandshrew/anim.asm"
SandslashAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sandslash/anim.asm"
NidoranFAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoran_f/anim.asm"
NidorinaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidorina/anim.asm"
NidoqueenAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoqueen/anim.asm"
NidoranMAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoran_m/anim.asm"
NidorinoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidorino/anim.asm"
NidokingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/nidoking/anim.asm"
ClefairyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/clefairy/anim.asm"
ClefableAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/clefable/anim.asm"
VulpixAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/vulpix/anim.asm"
NinetalesAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ninetales/anim.asm"
JigglypuffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jigglypuff/anim.asm"
WigglytuffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wigglytuff/anim.asm"
ZubatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/zubat/anim.asm"
GolbatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/golbat/anim.asm"
OddishAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/oddish/anim.asm"
GloomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gloom/anim.asm"
VileplumeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/vileplume/anim.asm"
ParasAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/paras/anim.asm"
ParasectAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/parasect/anim.asm"
VenonatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/venonat/anim.asm"
VenomothAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/venomoth/anim.asm"
DiglettAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/diglett/anim.asm"
DugtrioAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dugtrio/anim.asm"
MeowthAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/meowth/anim.asm"
PersianAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/persian/anim.asm"
PsyduckAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/psyduck/anim.asm"
GolduckAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/golduck/anim.asm"
MankeyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mankey/anim.asm"
PrimeapeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/primeape/anim.asm"
GrowlitheAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/growlithe/anim.asm"
ArcanineAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/arcanine/anim.asm"
PoliwagAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/poliwag/anim.asm"
PoliwhirlAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/poliwhirl/anim.asm"
PoliwrathAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/poliwrath/anim.asm"
AbraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/abra/anim.asm"
KadabraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kadabra/anim.asm"
AlakazamAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/alakazam/anim.asm"
MachopAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/machop/anim.asm"
MachokeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/machoke/anim.asm"
MachampAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/machamp/anim.asm"
BellsproutAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bellsprout/anim.asm"
WeepinbellAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/weepinbell/anim.asm"
VictreebelAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/victreebel/anim.asm"
TentacoolAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tentacool/anim.asm"
TentacruelAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tentacruel/anim.asm"
GeodudeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/geodude/anim.asm"
GravelerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/graveler/anim.asm"
GolemAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/golem/anim.asm"
PonytaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ponyta/anim.asm"
RapidashAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rapidash/anim.asm"
SlowpokeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slowpoke/anim.asm"
SlowbroAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slowbro/anim.asm"
MagnemiteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magnemite/anim.asm"
MagnetonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magneton/anim.asm"
FarfetchDAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/farfetch_d/anim.asm"
DoduoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/doduo/anim.asm"
DodrioAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dodrio/anim.asm"
SeelAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/seel/anim.asm"
DewgongAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dewgong/anim.asm"
GrimerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/grimer/anim.asm"
MukAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/muk/anim.asm"
ShellderAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/shellder/anim.asm"
CloysterAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cloyster/anim.asm"
GastlyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gastly/anim.asm"
HaunterAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/haunter/anim.asm"
GengarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gengar/anim.asm"
OnixAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/onix/anim.asm"
DrowzeeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/drowzee/anim.asm"
HypnoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hypno/anim.asm"
KrabbyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/krabby/anim.asm"
KinglerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kingler/anim.asm"
VoltorbAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/voltorb/anim.asm"
ElectrodeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/electrode/anim.asm"
ExeggcuteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/exeggcute/anim.asm"
ExeggutorAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/exeggutor/anim.asm"
CuboneAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cubone/anim.asm"
MarowakAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/marowak/anim.asm"
HitmonleeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hitmonlee/anim.asm"
HitmonchanAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hitmonchan/anim.asm"
LickitungAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lickitung/anim.asm"
KoffingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/koffing/anim.asm"
WeezingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/weezing/anim.asm"
RhyhornAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rhyhorn/anim.asm"
RhydonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/rhydon/anim.asm"
ChanseyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/chansey/anim.asm"
TangelaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tangela/anim.asm"
KangaskhanAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kangaskhan/anim.asm"
HorseaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/horsea/anim.asm"
SeadraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/seadra/anim.asm"
GoldeenAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/goldeen/anim.asm"
SeakingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/seaking/anim.asm"
StaryuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/staryu/anim.asm"
StarmieAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/starmie/anim.asm"
MrMimeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mr__mime/anim.asm"
ScytherAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/scyther/anim.asm"
JynxAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jynx/anim.asm"
ElectabuzzAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/electabuzz/anim.asm"
MagmarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magmar/anim.asm"
PinsirAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pinsir/anim.asm"
TaurosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tauros/anim.asm"
MagikarpAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magikarp/anim.asm"
GyaradosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gyarados/anim.asm"
LaprasAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lapras/anim.asm"
DittoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ditto/anim.asm"
EeveeAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/eevee/anim.asm"
VaporeonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/vaporeon/anim.asm"
JolteonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jolteon/anim.asm"
FlareonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/flareon/anim.asm"
PorygonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/porygon/anim.asm"
OmanyteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/omanyte/anim.asm"
OmastarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/omastar/anim.asm"
KabutoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kabuto/anim.asm"
KabutopsAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kabutops/anim.asm"
AerodactylAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/aerodactyl/anim.asm"
SnorlaxAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/snorlax/anim.asm"
ArticunoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/articuno/anim.asm"
ZapdosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/zapdos/anim.asm"
MoltresAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/moltres/anim.asm"
DratiniAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dratini/anim.asm"
DragonairAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dragonair/anim.asm"
DragoniteAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dragonite/anim.asm"
MewtwoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mewtwo/anim.asm"
MewAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mew/anim.asm"
ChikoritaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/chikorita/anim.asm"
BayleefAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bayleef/anim.asm"
MeganiumAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/meganium/anim.asm"
CyndaquilAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cyndaquil/anim.asm"
QuilavaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/quilava/anim.asm"
TyphlosionAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/typhlosion/anim.asm"
TotodileAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/totodile/anim.asm"
CroconawAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/croconaw/anim.asm"
FeraligatrAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/feraligatr/anim.asm"
SentretAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sentret/anim.asm"
FurretAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/furret/anim.asm"
HoothootAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hoothoot/anim.asm"
NoctowlAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/noctowl/anim.asm"
LedybaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ledyba/anim.asm"
LedianAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ledian/anim.asm"
SpinarakAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/spinarak/anim.asm"
AriadosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ariados/anim.asm"
CrobatAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/crobat/anim.asm"
ChinchouAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/chinchou/anim.asm"
LanturnAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lanturn/anim.asm"
PichuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pichu/anim.asm"
CleffaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/cleffa/anim.asm"
IgglybuffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/igglybuff/anim.asm"
TogepiAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/togepi/anim.asm"
TogeticAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/togetic/anim.asm"
NatuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/natu/anim.asm"
XatuAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/xatu/anim.asm"
MareepAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mareep/anim.asm"
FlaaffyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/flaaffy/anim.asm"
AmpharosAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ampharos/anim.asm"
BellossomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bellossom/anim.asm"
MarillAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/marill/anim.asm"
AzumarillAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/azumarill/anim.asm"
SudowoodoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sudowoodo/anim.asm"
PolitoedAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/politoed/anim.asm"
HoppipAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hoppip/anim.asm"
SkiploomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/skiploom/anim.asm"
JumpluffAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/jumpluff/anim.asm"
AipomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/aipom/anim.asm"
SunkernAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sunkern/anim.asm"
SunfloraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sunflora/anim.asm"
YanmaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/yanma/anim.asm"
WooperAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wooper/anim.asm"
QuagsireAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/quagsire/anim.asm"
EspeonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/espeon/anim.asm"
UmbreonAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/umbreon/anim.asm"
MurkrowAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/murkrow/anim.asm"
SlowkingAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slowking/anim.asm"
MisdreavusAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/misdreavus/anim.asm"
UnownAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/unown/anim.asm"
WobbuffetAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/wobbuffet/anim.asm"
GirafarigAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/girafarig/anim.asm"
PinecoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pineco/anim.asm"
ForretressAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/forretress/anim.asm"
DunsparceAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/dunsparce/anim.asm"
GligarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/gligar/anim.asm"
SteelixAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/steelix/anim.asm"
SnubbullAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/snubbull/anim.asm"
GranbullAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/granbull/anim.asm"
QwilfishAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/qwilfish/anim.asm"
ScizorAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/scizor/anim.asm"
ShuckleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/shuckle/anim.asm"
HeracrossAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/heracross/anim.asm"
SneaselAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/sneasel/anim.asm"
TeddiursaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/teddiursa/anim.asm"
UrsaringAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ursaring/anim.asm"
SlugmaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/slugma/anim.asm"
MagcargoAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magcargo/anim.asm"
SwinubAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/swinub/anim.asm"
PiloswineAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/piloswine/anim.asm"
CorsolaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/corsola/anim.asm"
RemoraidAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/remoraid/anim.asm"
OctilleryAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/octillery/anim.asm"
DelibirdAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/delibird/anim.asm"
MantineAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/mantine/anim.asm"
SkarmoryAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/skarmory/anim.asm"
HoundourAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/houndour/anim.asm"
HoundoomAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/houndoom/anim.asm"
KingdraAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/kingdra/anim.asm"
PhanpyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/phanpy/anim.asm"
DonphanAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/donphan/anim.asm"
Porygon2Animation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/porygon2/anim.asm"
StantlerAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/stantler/anim.asm"
SmeargleAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/smeargle/anim.asm"
TyrogueAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tyrogue/anim.asm"
HitmontopAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/hitmontop/anim.asm"
SmoochumAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/smoochum/anim.asm"
ElekidAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/elekid/anim.asm"
MagbyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/magby/anim.asm"
MiltankAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/miltank/anim.asm"
BlisseyAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/blissey/anim.asm"
RaikouAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/raikou/anim.asm"
EnteiAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/entei/anim.asm"
SuicuneAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/suicune/anim.asm"
LarvitarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/larvitar/anim.asm"
PupitarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/pupitar/anim.asm"
TyranitarAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/tyranitar/anim.asm"
LugiaAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/lugia/anim.asm"
HoOhAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/ho_oh/anim.asm"
CelebiAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/anim.asm"
EggAnimation: INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/anim.asm"
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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