More title screen asm

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2013-02-24 04:17:09 -05:00
parent 78e0e17e53
commit 89e2edf1f7

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@ -3641,7 +3641,66 @@ IntroFadePalettes: ; 0x617c
db %11100100
; 6182
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$6182,$669f - $6182
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$6182,$6274 - $6182
FarStartTitleScreen: ; 6274
callba StartTitleScreen
; 627b
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$627b,$62bc - $627b
TitleScreenEntrance: ; 62bc
; Animate the logo:
; Move each line by 4 pixels until our count hits 0.
ld a, [$ffcf]
and a
jr z, .done
sub 4
ld [$ffcf], a
; Lay out a base (all lines scrolling together).
ld e, a
ld hl, $d100
ld bc, 8 * 10 ; logo height
call ByteFill
; Alternate signage for each line's position vector.
; This is responsible for the interlaced effect.
ld a, e
xor $ff
inc a
ld b, 8 * 10 / 2 ; logo height / 2
ld hl, $d101
ld [hli], a
inc hl
dec b
jr nz, .loop
callba AnimateTitleCrystal
; Next scene
ld hl, $cf63
inc [hl]
xor a
ld [$ffc6], a
; Play the title screen music.
call StartMusic
ld a, $88
ld [$ffd2], a
; 62f6
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$62f6,$669f - $62f6
CheckNickErrors: ; 669f
; error-check monster nick before use
@ -12760,7 +12819,7 @@ SECTION "bank43",DATA,BANK[$43]
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10c000, $10ed67 - $10c000
TitleScreen: ; 10ed67
StartTitleScreen: ; 10ed67
call WhiteBGMap
call ClearSprites
@ -12996,7 +13055,32 @@ TitleScreen: ; 10ed67
; 10eea7
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10eea7, $10ef46 - $10eea7
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $10eea7, $10ef32 - $10eea7
AnimateTitleCrystal: ; 10ef32
; Move the title screen crystal downward until it's fully visible
; Stop at y=6
; y is really from the bottom of the sprite, which is two tiles high
ld hl, Sprites
ld a, [hl]
cp 6 + 16
ret z
; Move all 30 parts of the crystal down by 2
ld c, 30
ld a, [hl]
add 2
ld [hli], a
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
jr nz, .loop
; 10ef46
TitleSuicuneGFX: ; 10ef46
INCBIN "gfx/title/suicune.lz"