Comment PrintNum.

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2014-06-04 16:21:10 -07:00
parent 55972bfb83
commit 61521f4458

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@ -8503,55 +8503,65 @@ SpecialTrainerHouse: ; 0xc4b9
ld [ScriptVar], a
jp CloseSRAM
_PrintNum:: ; c4c7
push bc
bit 5, b
jr z, .asm_c4d9
bit 7, b
jr nz, .asm_c4d4
bit 6, b
jr z, .asm_c4d9
_PrintNum:: ; c4c7
; Print c digits of the b-byte value at hl.
; Allows 2 to 7 digits. For 1-digit numbers, add
; the value to char "0" instead of calling PrintNum.
; Some extra flags can be given in bits 5-7 of b.
push bc
bit 5, b
jr z, .main
bit 7, b
jr nz, .bit_7
bit 6, b
jr z, .main
ld a, $f0
ld [hli], a
res 5, b
xor a
ld [hProduct], a
ld [hMultiplicand], a
ld [$ffb3], a
ld [$ffb4], a
ld [$ffb5], a
ld a, b
and $f
cp $1
jr z, .asm_c501
cp $2
jr z, .asm_c4f8
cp 1
jr z, .byte
cp 2
jr z, .word
ld a, [de]
ld [hMultiplicand], a
ld [$ffb4], a
inc de
ld a, [de]
ld [$ffb5], a
inc de
ld a, [de]
ld [$ffb6], a
jr .asm_c504
jr .start
ld a, [de]
ld [$ffb5], a
inc de
ld a, [de]
ld [$ffb6], a
jr .asm_c504
jr .start
ld a, [de]
ld [$ffb6], a
push de
ld d, b
ld a, c
swap a
@ -8560,123 +8570,126 @@ _PrintNum:: ; c4c7
ld a, c
and $f
ld b, a
ld c, $0
cp $2
jr z, .asm_c57c
cp $3
jr z, .asm_c56c
cp $4
jr z, .asm_c55b
cp $5
jr z, .asm_c54a
cp $6
jr z, .asm_c538
ld a, $f
ld [hMultiplier], a
ld a, $42
ld [hMathBuffer], a
ld a, $40
ld [$ffb9], a
call Functionc5cb
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
ld c, 0
cp 2
jr z, .two
cp 3
jr z, .three
cp 4
jr z, .four
cp 5
jr z, .five
cp 6
jr z, .six
ld a, $1
ld [hMultiplier], a
ld a, $86
ld [hMathBuffer], a
ld a, $a0
ld a, 1000000 / $10000 % $100
ld [$ffb7], a
ld a, 1000000 / $100 % $100
ld [$ffb8], a
ld a, 1000000 % $100
ld [$ffb9], a
call Functionc5cb
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
call .PrintDigit
call .AdvancePointer
ld a, 100000 / $10000 % $100
ld [$ffb7], a
ld a, 100000 / $100 % $100
ld [$ffb8], a
ld a, 100000 % $100
ld [$ffb9], a
call .PrintDigit
call .AdvancePointer
xor a
ld [hMultiplier], a
ld a, $27
ld [hMathBuffer], a
ld a, $10
ld [$ffb7], a
ld a, 10000 / $100
ld [$ffb8], a
ld a, 10000 % $100
ld [$ffb9], a
call Functionc5cb
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
call .PrintDigit
call .AdvancePointer
xor a
ld [hMultiplier], a
ld a, $3
ld [hMathBuffer], a
ld a, $e8
ld [$ffb7], a
ld a, 1000 / $100
ld [$ffb8], a
ld a, 1000 % $100
ld [$ffb9], a
call Functionc5cb
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
call .PrintDigit
call .AdvancePointer
xor a
ld [hMultiplier], a
ld [$ffb7], a
xor a
ld [hMathBuffer], a
ld a, $64
ld [$ffb8], a
ld a, 100
ld [$ffb9], a
call Functionc5cb
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
call .PrintDigit
call .AdvancePointer
dec e
jr nz, .asm_c583
ld a, $f6
ld [hProduct], a
ld [$ffb3], a
ld c, $0
ld a, [$ffb6]
cp $a
jr c, .asm_c590
sub $a
inc c
jr .asm_c587
ld c, 0
ld a, [$ffb6]
cp 10
jr c, .modded_10
sub 10
inc c
jr .mod_10
ld b, a
ld a, [hProduct]
ld a, [$ffb3]
or c
jr nz, .asm_c59b
call PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero
call .PrintLeadingZero
jr .asm_c5ad
call Functionc5ba
call .PrintYen
push af
ld a, $f6
ld a, "0"
add c
ld [hl], a
pop af
ld [hProduct], a
ld [$ffb3], a
inc e
dec e
jr nz, .asm_c5ad
inc hl
ld [hl], $f2
ld [hl], $f2 ; XXX
call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer
call Functionc5ba
ld a, $f6
call .AdvancePointer
call .PrintYen
ld a, "0"
add b
ld [hli], a
pop de
pop bc
; c5ba
Functionc5ba: ; c5ba
.PrintYen: ; c5ba
push af
ld a, [hProduct]
ld a, [$ffb3]
and a
jr nz, .asm_c5c9
bit 5, d
jr z, .asm_c5c9
ld a, $f0
ld a, "¥"
ld [hli], a
res 5, d
@ -8685,76 +8698,72 @@ Functionc5ba: ; c5ba
; c5cb
; known jump sources: c532 (3:4532), c544 (3:4544), c555 (3:4555), c566 (3:4566), c576 (3:4576)
Functionc5cb: ; c5cb (3:45cb)
.PrintDigit: ; c5cb (3:45cb)
dec e
jr nz, PrintNumber_PrintDigit
jr nz, .ok
ld a, $f6
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
; known jump sources: c5cc (3:45cc)
PrintNumber_PrintDigit: ; c5d2 (3:45d2)
ld [$ffb3], a
ld c, $0
ld a, [hDivisor] ; $ff00+$b7 (aliases: hMultiplier)
ld a, [$ffb7]
ld b, a
ld a, [hQuotient] ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld [$FF00+$ba], a
ld a, [$ffb4]
ld [$ffba], a
cp b
jr c, .asm_c624
sub b
ld [hQuotient], a ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld a, [hMathBuffer] ; $ff00+$b8
ld [$ffb4], a
ld a, [$ffb8]
ld b, a
ld a, [$FF00+$b5]
ld [$FF00+$bb], a
ld a, [$ffb5]
ld [$ffbb], a
cp b
jr nc, .asm_c5f6
ld a, [hQuotient] ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld a, [$ffb4]
or $0
jr z, .asm_c620
dec a
ld [hQuotient], a ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld a, [$FF00+$b5]
ld [$ffb4], a
ld a, [$ffb5]
sub b
ld [$FF00+$b5], a
ld a, [$FF00+$b9]
ld [$ffb5], a
ld a, [$ffb9]
ld b, a
ld a, [$FF00+$b6]
ld [$FF00+$bc], a
ld a, [$ffb6]
ld [$ffbc], a
cp b
jr nc, .asm_c616
ld a, [$FF00+$b5]
ld a, [$ffb5]
and a
jr nz, .asm_c611
ld a, [hQuotient] ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld a, [$ffb4]
and a
jr z, .asm_c61c
dec a
ld [hQuotient], a ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld [$ffb4], a
xor a
dec a
ld [$FF00+$b5], a
ld a, [$FF00+$b6]
ld [$ffb5], a
ld a, [$ffb6]
sub b
ld [$FF00+$b6], a
ld [$ffb6], a
inc c
jr .asm_c5d4
ld a, [$FF00+$bb]
ld [$FF00+$b5], a
ld a, [$ffbb]
ld [$ffb5], a
ld a, [$FF00+$ba]
ld [hQuotient], a ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld a, [$ffba]
ld [$ffb4], a
ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes] ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld a, [$ffb3]
or c
jr z, PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero
ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes] ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
jr z, .PrintLeadingZero
ld a, [$ffb3]
and a
jr nz, .asm_c637
bit 5, d
@ -8766,7 +8775,7 @@ PrintNumber_PrintDigit: ; c5d2 (3:45d2)
ld a, $f6
add c
ld [hl], a
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld [$ffb3], a
inc e
dec e
ret nz
@ -8774,49 +8783,51 @@ PrintNumber_PrintDigit: ; c5d2 (3:45d2)
ld [hl], $f2
PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero: ; c644
.PrintLeadingZero: ; c644
; prints a leading zero unless they are turned off in the flags
bit 7, d ; print leading zeroes?
ret z
ld [hl], "0"
PrintNumber_AdvancePointer: ; c64a
.AdvancePointer: ; c64a
; increments the pointer unless leading zeroes are not being printed,
; the number is left-aligned, and no nonzero digits have been printed yet
bit 7, d ; print leading zeroes?
jr nz, .incrementPointer
jr nz, .inc
bit 6, d ; left alignment or right alignment?
jr z, .incrementPointer
ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes]
jr z, .inc
ld a, [$ffb3]
and a
ret z
inc hl
; 0xc658
; c658
Functionc658: ; c658
xor a
ld [CurPartyMon], a
ld hl, PartySpecies
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_c676
cp $fd
jr z, .asm_c66d
jr z, .done
cp EGG
jr z, .next
push hl
call Functionc677
pop hl
ld a, [CurPartyMon]
inc a
ld [CurPartyMon], a
jr .asm_c65f
jr .loop
; c677
@ -44727,7 +44738,7 @@ Function3989d: ; 3989d
; known jump sources: 397d0 (e:57d0)
Function3991b: ; 3991b (e:591b)
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
xor a
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
@ -51173,10 +51184,10 @@ Function48d4a: ; 48d4a (12:4d4a)
; known jump sources: 48d40 (12:4d40), 48d46 (12:4d46)
Function48d94: ; 48d94 (12:4d94)
xor a
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld [$ffb3], a
ld [hQuotient], a ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld a, [hli]
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld [$ffb3], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [hQuotient], a ; $ff00+$b4 (aliases: hMultiplicand)
ld a, 100
@ -106119,7 +106130,7 @@ Function104a95: ; 104a95 (41:4a95)
ld a, [$FF00+$bb]
cp $2
jr z, Function104b22
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d56
jr nz, .asm_104ac8
@ -106197,7 +106208,7 @@ Function104b22: ; 104b22 (41:4b22)
; known jump sources: 104b04 (41:4b04), 104b2e (41:4b2e)
Function104b40: ; 104b40 (41:4b40)
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d56
ret nz
@ -106208,14 +106219,14 @@ Function104b49: ; 104b49 (41:4b49)
ld a, [$FF00+$bc]
cp $6c
ret nz
ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes] ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld a, [$ffb3]
cp $96
jp nz, Function104d32
ld a, $90
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld [$ffb3], a
call Function104d38
ret nz
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d4e
ret nz
@ -106238,8 +106249,8 @@ Function104b49: ; 104b49 (41:4b49)
; known jump sources: 104b10 (41:4b10), 104b22 (41:4b22)
Function104b88: ; 104b88 (41:4b88)
ld a, $96
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld [$ffb3], a
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d4e
ret nz
@ -106249,7 +106260,7 @@ Function104b88: ; 104b88 (41:4b88)
ret nz
call Function104d43
ret nz
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d56
ret nz
@ -106257,7 +106268,7 @@ Function104b88: ; 104b88 (41:4b88)
ld a, [$FF00+$bc]
cp $6c
ret nz
ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes] ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld a, [$ffb3]
cp $90
jp nz, Function104d32
call Function104d38
@ -106358,7 +106369,7 @@ Function104c2d: ; 104c2d (41:4c2d)
; known jump sources: 104c4e (41:4c4e), 104c78 (41:4c78)
Function104c8a: ; 104c8a (41:4c8a)
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d56
ret nz
@ -106366,14 +106377,14 @@ Function104c8a: ; 104c8a (41:4c8a)
ld a, [$FF00+$bc]
cp $6c
ret nz
ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes] ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld a, [$ffb3]
cp $3c
jp nz, Function104d32
swap a
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld [$ffb3], a
call Function104d38
ret nz
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d4e
ret nz
@ -106396,8 +106407,8 @@ Function104c8a: ; 104c8a (41:4c8a)
; known jump sources: 104c5a (41:4c5a), 104c6c (41:4c6c)
Function104cd2: ; 104cd2 (41:4cd2)
ld a, $3c
ld [hPastLeadingZeroes], a ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld [$ffb3], a
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d4e
ret nz
@ -106407,7 +106418,7 @@ Function104cd2: ; 104cd2 (41:4cd2)
ret nz
call Function104d43
ret nz
ld hl, hPastLeadingZeroes ; $ffb3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld hl, $ffb3
ld b, $1
call Function104d56
ret nz
@ -106415,7 +106426,7 @@ Function104cd2: ; 104cd2 (41:4cd2)
ld a, [$FF00+$bc]
cp $6c
ret nz
ld a, [hPastLeadingZeroes] ; $ff00+$b3 (aliases: hDividend, hProduct)
ld a, [$ffb3]
swap a
cp $3c
jp nz, Function104d32