2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
vba-clojure (but really it's jython/python/jvm)
This is jython, not python. Use jython to run this file. Before running this
file, some of the dependencies need to be constructed. These can be obtained
from the vba-clojure project.
2013-03-01 22:11:45 -06:00
sudo apt-get install g++ libtool openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jdk libsdl1.2-dev ant jython
2013-03-01 21:40:49 -06:00
export JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/include/
export JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/include/
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
hg clone http://hg.bortreb.com/vba-clojure
cd vba-clojure/java/
ant all
cd ..
autoreconf -i
sudo make install
Make sure vba-clojure bindings are in $CLASSPATH:
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:java/dist/gb-bindings.jar
Make sure vba-clojure is available within "java.library.path":
sudo ln -s \
$HOME/local/vba-clojure/vba-clojure/src/clojure/.libs/libvba.so.0.0.0 \
Also make sure VisualBoyAdvance.cfg is somewhere in the $PATH for VBA to find.
A default configuration is provided in vba-clojure under src/.
Usage (in jython, not python):
import vba
# activate the laser beam
# make the emulator eat some instructions
# save the state because we're paranoid
copyrights = vba.get_state()
# or ...
# >>> vba.load_state("copyrights") == copyrights
# True
# play for a while, then press F12
# let's save the game again
# and let's go back to the other state
# or why not the other way around?
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
vba.set_memory_at(0xDCDB, 0xFF)
vba.get_memory_range(0xDCDA, 10)
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
[ ] set a specific register
[ ] get a specific register
[ ] breakpoints
[ ] vgm stuff
[ ] gbz80disasm integration
[ ] pokecrystal.extras integration
import os
import sys
2013-02-28 20:38:11 -06:00
import re
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
from array import array
2013-02-28 20:38:11 -06:00
import string
2013-03-01 02:43:55 -06:00
from copy import copy
2013-03-01 12:36:17 -06:00
import unittest
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
# for converting bytes to readable text
from chars import chars
from map_names import map_names
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
# for _check_java_library_path
from java.lang import System
# for passing states to the emulator
from java.nio import ByteBuffer
# For getRegisters and other times we have to pass a java int array to a
# function.
import jarray
# load in the vba-clojure bindings
import com.aurellem.gb.Gb as Gb
# load the vba-clojure library
2013-03-01 22:45:30 -06:00
from vba_config import *
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
2013-03-01 22:45:30 -06:00
if not os.path.exists(rom_path):
raise Exception("rom_path is not configured properly; edit vba_config.py?")
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
def _check_java_library_path():
Returns the value of java.library.path. The vba-clojure library must be
compiled and linked from this location.
return System.getProperty("java.library.path")
class RomList(list):
Simple wrapper to prevent a giant rom from being shown on screen.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
list.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
Simplifies this object so that the output doesn't overflow stdout.
return "RomList(too long)"
button_masks = {
"a": 0x0001,
"b": 0x0002,
"r": 0x0010,
"l": 0x0020,
"u": 0x0040,
"d": 0x0080,
"select": 0x0004,
"start": 0x0008,
"restart": 0x0800,
"listen": -1, # what?
# useful for directly stating what to press
a, b, r, l, u, d, select, start, restart = "a", "b", "r", "l", "u", "d", "select", "start", "restart"
def button_combiner(buttons):
Combines multiple button presses into an integer. This is used when sending
a keypress to the emulator.
result = 0
# String inputs need to be cleaned up so that "start" doesn't get
# recognized as "s" and "t" etc..
if isinstance(buttons, str):
if "restart" in buttons:
buttons.replace("restart", "")
result |= button_masks["restart"]
if "start" in buttons:
buttons.replace("start", "")
result |= button_masks["start"]
if "select" in buttons:
buttons.replace("select", "")
result |= button_masks["select"]
for each in buttons:
result |= button_masks[each]
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
2013-03-07 23:27:55 -05:00
#print "button: " + str(result)
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
return result
def load_rom(path=None):
Starts the emulator with a certain ROM. Defaults to rom_path if no
parameters are given.
if path == None:
path = rom_path
root = load_state("root")
# "root.sav" is required because if you create it in the future, you
# will have to shutdown the emulator and possibly lose your state. Some
# functions require there to be at least one root state available to do
# computations between two states.
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: unable to read \"root.sav\", please run"
" generate_root() or get_root() to make an initial save.\n")
def shutdown():
Stops the emulator. Closes the window. The "opposite" of this is the
load_rom function.
def step():
Advances the emulator forward by one step.
def nstep(steplimit):
Step the game forward by a certain number of instructions.
for counter in range(0, steplimit):
def step_until_capture():
Loop step() until SDLK_F12 is detected.
# just some aliases for step_until_capture
run = go = step_until_capture
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
def translate_chars(charz):
result = ""
for each in charz:
result += chars[each]
return result
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
def _create_byte_buffer(data):
Converts data into a ByteBuffer. This is useful for interfacing with the Gb
buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(len(data))
if isinstance(data[0], int):
for byte in data:
for byte in data:
return buf
def set_state(state, do_step=False):
Injects the given state into the emulator. Use do_step if you want to call
step(), which also allows SDL to render the latest frame. Note that the
default is to not step, and that the screen (if it is enabled) will appear
as if it still has the last state loaded. This is normal.
if do_step:
def get_state():
Retrieves the current state of the emulator.
buf = Gb.saveState()
state = [buf.get(x) for x in range(0, buf.capacity())]
arr = array("b")
return arr.tostring() # instead of state
def save_state(name, state=None, override=False):
Saves the given state to save_state_path. The file format must be ".sav"
(and this will be appended to your string if necessary).
if state == None:
state = get_state()
if len(name) < 4 or name[-4:] != ".sav":
name += ".sav"
save_path = os.path.join(save_state_path, name)
if not override and os.path.exists(save_path):
raise Exception("oops, save state path already exists: " + str(save_path))
# convert the state into a reasonable output
data = array('b')
output = data.tostring()
file_handler = open(save_path, "wb")
def load_state(name):
Reads a state from file based on name. Looks in save_state_path for a file
with this name (".sav" is optional).
save_path = os.path.join(save_state_path, name)
if not os.path.exists(save_path):
if len(name) < 4 or name[-4:] != ".sav":
name += ".sav"
save_path = os.path.join(save_state_path, name)
file_handler = open(save_path, "rb")
state = file_handler.read()
return state
def generate_root():
Restarts the emulator and saves the initial state to "root.sav".
root = get_state()
save_state("root", state=root, override=True)
return root
def get_root():
Loads the root state, or restarts the emulator and creates a new root
root = load_state("root")
root = generate_root()
def get_registers():
Returns a list of current register values.
register_array = jarray.zeros(Gb.NUM_REGISTERS, "i")
return list(register_array)
2013-02-28 04:33:54 -06:00
def set_registers(registers):
Applies the set of registers to the CPU.
write_registers = set_registers
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
def get_rom():
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
Returns the ROM in bytes.
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
rom_array = jarray.zeros(Gb.ROM_SIZE, "i")
return RomList(rom_array)
def get_ram():
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
Returns the RAM in bytes.
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
ram_array = jarray.zeros(Gb.RAM_SIZE, "i")
return RomList(ram_array)
def say_hello():
Test that the VBA/GB bindings are working.
def get_memory():
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
Returns memory in bytes.
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
memory_size = 0x10000
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
memory = jarray.zeros(memory_size, "i")
return RomList(memory)
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
def set_memory(memory):
Sets memory in the emulator. Use get_memory() to retrieve the current
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
def get_pixels():
Returns a list of pixels on the screen display. Broken, probably. Use
screenshot() instead.
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: seems to be broken on VBA's end? Good luck. Use"
" screenshot() instead.\n")
pixels = jarray.zeros(size, "i")
return RomList(pixels)
def screenshot(filename, literal=False):
Saves a PNG screenshot to the file at filename. Use literal if you want to
store it in the current directory. Default is to save it to screenshots/
under the project.
screenshots_path = os.path.join(project_path, "screenshots/")
filename = os.path.join(screenshots_path, filename)
if len(filename) < 4 or filename[-4:] != ".png":
filename += ".png"
print "Screenshot saved to: " + str(filename)
save_png = screenshot
def read_memory(address):
Read an integer at an address.
return Gb.readMemory(address)
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
get_memory_at = read_memory
def get_memory_range(start_address, byte_count):
Returns a list of bytes.
start_address - address to start reading at
byte_count - how many bytes (0 returns just 1 byte)
bytez = []
for counter in range(0, byte_count):
byte = get_memory_at(start_address + counter)
return bytez
def set_memory_at(address, value):
Sets a byte at a certain address in memory. This directly sets the memory
instead of copying the memory from the emulator.
Gb.setMemoryAt(address, value)
2013-02-26 02:29:12 -06:00
def press(buttons, steplimit=1):
Press a button. Use steplimit to say for how many steps you want to press
the button (try leaving it at the default, 1).
if hasattr(buttons, "__len__"):
number = button_combiner(buttons)
elif isinstance(buttons, int):
number = buttons
number = buttons
for step_counter in range(0, steplimit):
2013-02-28 22:23:01 -06:00
class Registers:
order = [
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
current_registers = get_registers()
current_registers[Registers.order.index(key)] = value
def __getitem__(self, key):
current_registers = get_registers()
return current_registers[Registers.order.index(key)]
def __list__(self):
return get_registers()
def _get_register(id):
2013-03-01 02:43:55 -06:00
def constructed_func(self, id=copy(id)):
2013-02-28 22:23:01 -06:00
return get_registers()[id]
return constructed_func
def _set_register(id):
2013-03-01 02:43:55 -06:00
def constructed_func(self, value, id=copy(id)):
2013-02-28 22:23:01 -06:00
current_registers = get_registers()
current_registers[id] = value
return constructed_func
2013-02-28 22:26:58 -06:00
pc = property(fget=_get_register(0), fset=_set_register(0))
sp = property(fget=_get_register(1), fset=_set_register(1))
af = property(fget=_get_register(2), fset=_set_register(2))
bc = property(fget=_get_register(3), fset=_set_register(3))
de = property(fget=_get_register(4), fset=_set_register(4))
hl = property(fget=_get_register(5), fset=_set_register(5))
iff = property(fget=_get_register(6), fset=_set_register(6))
div = property(fget=_get_register(7), fset=_set_register(7))
tima = property(fget=_get_register(8), fset=_set_register(8))
tma = property(fget=_get_register(9), fset=_set_register(9))
tac = property(fget=_get_register(10), fset=_set_register(10))
_if = property(fget=_get_register(11), fset=_set_register(11))
lcdc = property(fget=_get_register(12), fset=_set_register(12))
stat = property(fget=_get_register(13), fset=_set_register(13))
scy = property(fget=_get_register(14), fset=_set_register(14))
scx = property(fget=_get_register(15), fset=_set_register(15))
ly = property(fget=_get_register(16), fset=_set_register(16))
lyc = property(fget=_get_register(17), fset=_set_register(17))
dma = property(fget=_get_register(18), fset=_set_register(18))
wy = property(fget=_get_register(19), fset=_set_register(19))
wx = property(fget=_get_register(20), fset=_set_register(20))
vbk = property(fget=_get_register(21), fset=_set_register(21))
hdma1 = property(fget=_get_register(22), fset=_set_register(22))
hdma2 = property(fget=_get_register(23), fset=_set_register(23))
hdma3 = property(fget=_get_register(24), fset=_set_register(24))
hdma4 = property(fget=_get_register(25), fset=_set_register(25))
hdma5 = property(fget=_get_register(26), fset=_set_register(26))
svbk = property(fget=_get_register(27), fset=_set_register(27))
ie = property(fget=_get_register(28), fset=_set_register(28))
2013-02-28 22:23:01 -06:00
def __repr__(self):
spacing = "\t"
output = "Registers:\n"
2013-03-01 02:43:55 -06:00
for (id, each) in enumerate(self.order):
output += spacing + each + " = " + hex(get_registers()[id])
2013-02-28 22:23:01 -06:00
output += "\n"
return output
registers = Registers()
2013-03-01 02:43:55 -06:00
def call(bank, address):
Jumps into a function at a certain address.
Go into the start menu, pause the game and try call(1, 0x1078) to see a
string printed to the screen.
push = [
for value in push:
registers.sp -= 2
set_memory_at(registers.sp + 1, value >> 8)
set_memory_at(registers.sp, value & 0xFF)
if get_memory_range(registers.sp, 2) != [value & 0xFF, value >> 8]:
print "desired memory values: " + str([value & 0xFF, value >> 8] )
print "actual memory values: " + str(get_memory_range(registers.sp , 2))
print "wrong value at " + hex(registers.sp) + " expected " + hex(value) + " but got " + hex(get_memory_at(registers.sp))
2013-03-01 13:30:44 -06:00
if bank != 0:
2013-03-01 12:36:17 -06:00
registers["af"] = (bank << 8) | (registers["af"] & 0xFF)
registers["hl"] = address
registers["pc"] = 0x2d63 # FarJump
registers["pc"] = address
2013-03-01 02:43:55 -06:00
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
class crystal:
Just a simple namespace to store a bunch of functions for Pokémon Crystal.
def walk_through_walls_slow():
memory = get_memory()
memory[0xC2FA] = 0
memory[0xC2FB] = 0
memory[0xC2FC] = 0
memory[0xC2FD] = 0
def walk_through_walls():
Lets the player walk all over the map. These values are probably reset
by some of the map/collision functions when you move on to a new
location, so this needs to be executed each step/tick if continuous
walk-through-walls is desired.
set_memory_at(0xC2FA, 0)
set_memory_at(0xC2FB, 0)
set_memory_at(0xC2FC, 0)
set_memory_at(0xC2FD, 0)
2013-02-28 20:38:11 -06:00
#def set_enemy_level(level):
# set_memory_at(0xd213, level)
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
def nstep(steplimit=500):
Steps the CPU forward and calls some functions in between each step,
like to manipulate memory. This is pretty slow.
for step_counter in range(0, steplimit):
2013-03-01 02:43:55 -06:00
#call(0x1, 0x1078)
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
2013-02-28 04:31:45 -06:00
def disable_triggers():
set_memory_at(0x23c4, 0xAF)
set_memory_at(0x23d0, 0xAF);
def disable_callbacks():
set_memory_at(0x23f2, 0xAF)
set_memory_at(0x23fe, 0xAF)
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
def get_map_group_id():
Returns the current map group.
return get_memory_at(0xdcb5)
def get_map_id():
Returns the map number of the current map.
return get_memory_at(0xdcb6)
def get_map_name():
Figures out the current map name.
map_group_id = crystal.get_map_group_id()
map_id = crystal.get_map_id()
return map_names[map_group_id][map_id]["name"]
def get_xy():
(x, y) coordinates of player on map.
Relative to top-left corner of map.
x = get_memory_at(0xdcb8)
y = get_memory_at(0xdcb7)
return (x, y)
2013-02-28 04:31:45 -06:00
def menu_select(id=1):
Sets the cursor to the given pokemon in the player's party. This is
under Start -> PKMN. This is useful for selecting a certain pokemon
with fly or another skill.
This probably works on other menus.
set_memory_at(0xcfa9, id)
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
def is_in_battle():
Checks whether or not we're in a battle.
return (get_memory_at(0xd22d) != 0) or crystal.is_in_link_battle()
def is_in_link_battle():
return get_memory_at(0xc2dc) != 0
def unlock_flypoints():
Unlocks different destinations for flying.
Note: this might start at 0xDCA4 (minus one on all addresses), but not
set_memory_at(0xDCA5, 0xFF)
set_memory_at(0xDCA6, 0xFF)
set_memory_at(0xDCA7, 0xFF)
set_memory_at(0xDCA8, 0xFF)
def get_gender():
Returns 'male' or 'female'.
gender = get_memory_at(0xD472)
if gender == 0:
return "male"
elif gender == 1:
return "female"
return gender
def get_player_name():
Returns the 7 characters making up the player's name.
bytez = get_memory_range(0xD47D, 7)
name = translate_chars(bytez)
return name
2013-02-28 04:31:45 -06:00
def warp(map_group_id, map_id, x, y):
set_memory_at(0xdcb5, map_group_id)
set_memory_at(0xdcb6, map_id)
set_memory_at(0xdcb7, y)
set_memory_at(0xdcb8, x)
set_memory_at(0xd001, 0xFF)
set_memory_at(0xff9f, 0xF1)
set_memory_at(0xd432, 1)
set_memory_at(0xd434, 0 & 251)
2013-02-28 20:38:11 -06:00
def warp_pokecenter():
crystal.warp(1, 1, 3, 3)
def masterballs():
# masterball
set_memory_at(0xd8d8, 1)
set_memory_at(0xd8d9, 99)
# ultraball
set_memory_at(0xd8da, 2)
set_memory_at(0xd8db, 99)
# pokeballs
set_memory_at(0xd8dc, 5)
set_memory_at(0xd8dd, 99)
def get_text():
Returns alphanumeric text on the screen. Other characters will not be
output = ""
tiles = get_memory_range(0xc4a0, 1000)
for each in tiles:
if each in chars.keys():
thing = chars[each]
acceptable = False
if len(thing) == 2:
portion = thing[1:]
portion = thing
if portion in string.printable:
acceptable = True
if acceptable:
output += thing
# remove extra whitespace
output = re.sub(" +", " ", output)
output = output.strip()
return output
2013-02-26 21:49:54 -06:00
def set_partymon2():
This causes corruption, so it's not working yet.
memory = get_memory()
memory[0xdcd7] = 2
memory[0xdcd9] = 0x7
memory[0xdd0f] = 0x7
memory[0xdd10] = 0x1
# moves
memory[0xdd11] = 0x1
memory[0xdd12] = 0x2
memory[0xdd13] = 0x3
memory[0xdd14] = 0x4
# id
memory[0xdd15] = 0x1
memory[0xdd16] = 0x2
# experience
memory[0xdd17] = 0x2
memory[0xdd18] = 0x3
memory[0xdd19] = 0x4
# hp
memory[0xdd1a] = 0x5
memory[0xdd1b] = 0x6
# current hp
memory[0xdd31] = 0x10
memory[0xdd32] = 0x25
# max hp
memory[0xdd33] = 0x10
memory[0xdd34] = 0x40
2013-03-01 12:36:17 -06:00
class TestEmulator(unittest.TestCase):
2013-03-01 22:31:20 -06:00
state = load_state("cheating-12")
if "__name__" == "__main__":
raise Exception("failed to setup unit tests because no save state found")
2013-03-01 12:36:17 -06:00
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_PlaceString(self):
2013-03-01 13:30:44 -06:00
call(0, 0x1078)
2013-03-01 12:36:17 -06:00
# where to draw the text
registers["hl"] = 0xc4a0
# what text to read from
registers["de"] = 0x1276
text = crystal.get_text()
self.assertTrue("TRAINER" in text)
if __name__ == "__main__":