2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
AIChooseMove: ; 440ce
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
; Score each move in wEnemyMonMoves starting from wBuffer1. Lower is better.
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
; Pick the move with the lowest score.
; Wildmons attack at random.
ld a, [wBattleMode]
dec a
ret z
ld a, [wLinkMode]
and a
ret nz
; No use picking a move if there's no choice.
2017-12-24 12:47:30 -05:00
farcall CheckEnemyLockedIn
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ret nz
; The default score is 20. Unusable moves are given a score of 80.
ld a, 20
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld [hli], a
2016-05-10 12:31:49 -04:00
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld [hl], a
; Don't pick disabled moves.
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld a, [wEnemyDisabledMove]
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
and a
jr z, .CheckPP
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wEnemyMonMoves
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld c, 0
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
cp [hl]
jr z, .ScoreDisabledMove
inc c
inc hl
jr .CheckDisabledMove
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld b, 0
add hl, bc
ld [hl], 80
; Don't pick moves with 0 PP.
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1 - 1
ld de, wEnemyMonPP
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld b, 0
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
inc b
ld a, b
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
cp wEnemyMonMovesEnd - wEnemyMonMoves + 1
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
jr z, .ApplyLayers
inc hl
ld a, [de]
inc de
2018-01-11 12:00:01 -05:00
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
jr nz, .CheckMovePP
ld [hl], 80
jr .CheckMovePP
; Apply AI scoring layers depending on the trainer class.
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld hl, TrainerClassAttributes + TRNATTR_AI_MOVE_WEIGHTS
2018-01-30 14:05:25 -05:00
; If we have a battle in BattleTower just load the Attributes of the first trainer class in wTrainerClass (Falkner)
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
; so we have always the same AI, regardless of the loaded class of trainer
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld a, [wInBattleTowerBattle]
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
bit 0, a
jr nz, .battle_tower_skip
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld a, [wTrainerClass]
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
dec a
ld bc, 7 ; Trainer2AI - Trainer1AI
call AddNTimes
lb bc, CHECK_FLAG, 0
push bc
push hl
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
pop hl
pop bc
ld a, c
cp 16 ; up to 16 scoring layers
jr z, .DecrementScores
push bc
ld d, BANK(TrainerClassAttributes)
2018-01-16 14:30:10 -05:00
predef SmallFarFlagAction
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld d, c
pop bc
inc c
push bc
push hl
ld a, d
and a
jr z, .CheckLayer
ld hl, AIScoringPointers
dec c
ld b, 0
add hl, bc
2016-05-04 11:46:23 -04:00
add hl, bc
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld a, BANK(AIScoring)
call FarCall_hl
jr .CheckLayer
; Decrement the scores of all moves one by one until one reaches 0.
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1
ld de, wEnemyMonMoves
ld c, wEnemyMonMovesEnd - wEnemyMonMoves
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
; If the enemy has no moves, this will infinite.
ld a, [de]
inc de
and a
jr z, .DecrementScores
; We are done whenever a score reaches 0
dec [hl]
jr z, .PickLowestScoreMoves
; If we just decremented the fourth move's score, go back to the first move
inc hl
dec c
jr z, .DecrementScores
jr .DecrementNextScore
; In order to avoid bias towards the moves located first in memory, increment the scores
; that were decremented one more time than the rest (in case there was a tie).
; This means that the minimum score will be 1.
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld a, c
inc [hl]
dec hl
inc a
cp NUM_MOVES + 1
jr nz, .move_loop
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1
ld de, wEnemyMonMoves
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
; Give a score of 0 to a blank move
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld a, [de]
and a
jr nz, .skip_load
ld [hl], a
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
; Disregard the move if its score is not 1
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld a, [hl]
dec a
jr z, .keep
xor a
ld [hli], a
jr .after_toss
ld a, [de]
ld [hli], a
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .loop2
2016-04-10 14:42:14 -04:00
; Randomly choose one of the moves with a score of 1
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
call Random
2018-01-16 17:27:50 -05:00
maskbits NUM_MOVES
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld c, a
ld b, 0
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
and a
jr z, .ChooseMove
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld [wCurEnemyMove], a
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
ld a, c
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld [wCurEnemyMoveNum], a
2015-11-28 15:13:40 -05:00
; 441af
AIScoringPointers: ; 441af
dw AI_Basic
dw AI_Setup
dw AI_Types
dw AI_Offensive
dw AI_Smart
dw AI_Opportunist
dw AI_Aggressive
dw AI_Cautious
dw AI_Status
dw AI_Risky
dw AI_None
dw AI_None
dw AI_None
dw AI_None
dw AI_None
dw AI_None
; 441cf