mirror of https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine-staging.git synced 2025-01-28 22:04:43 -08:00
James Larrowe eb09d462e2 Use /usr/bin/env python2 instead of /usr/bin/python2
Signed-off-by: James Larrowe <larrowe.semaj11@gmail.com>
2019-01-16 19:20:30 -05:00

1032 lines
41 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Python functions to read, split and apply patches.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Sebastian Lackner
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
import collections
import difflib
import email.header
import hashlib
import itertools
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
_devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
class PatchParserError(RuntimeError):
"""Unable to parse patch file - either an unimplemented feature, or corrupted patch."""
class PatchApplyError(RuntimeError):
"""Failed to apply/merge patch."""
class PatchDiffError(RuntimeError):
"""Failed to compute diff."""
class CParserError(RuntimeError):
"""Unable to parse C source."""
class PatchObject(object):
def __init__(self, filename, header):
self.patch_author = header.get('author', None)
self.patch_email = header.get('email', None)
self.patch_subject = header.get('subject', None)
self.patch_revision = header.get('revision', 1)
self.signed_off_by = header.get('signedoffby', [])
self.filename = filename
self.offset_begin = None
self.offset_end = None
self.is_binary = False
self.oldname = None
self.newname = None
self.modified_file = None
self.oldsha1 = None
self.newsha1 = None
self.newmode = None
def read_chunks(self):
"""Iterates over arbitrary sized chunks of this patch."""
assert self.offset_end >= self.offset_begin
with open(self.filename) as fp:
i = self.offset_end - self.offset_begin
while i > 0:
buf = fp.read(16384 if i > 16384 else i)
if buf == "": raise IOError("Unable to extract patch.")
yield buf
i -= len(buf)
def read(self):
"""Return the full patch as a string."""
return "".join(chunk for chunk in self.read_chunks())
class _PatchReader(object):
def __init__(self, filename, fp=None):
self.filename = filename
self.fp = fp if fp is not None else open(filename)
self.peeked = None
def close(self):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def seek(self, pos):
"""Change the file cursor position."""
self.peeked = None
def tell(self):
"""Return the current file cursor position."""
if self.peeked is None:
return self.fp.tell()
return self.peeked[0]
def peek(self):
"""Read one line without changing the file cursor."""
if self.peeked is None:
pos = self.fp.tell()
tmp = self.fp.readline()
if len(tmp) == 0: return None
self.peeked = (pos, tmp)
return self.peeked[1]
def read(self):
"""Read one line from the file, and move the file cursor to the next line."""
if self.peeked is None:
tmp = self.fp.readline()
if len(tmp) == 0: return None
return tmp
tmp, self.peeked = self.peeked, None
return tmp[1]
def read_multiline(self):
"""Read multiline data from a patch file."""
line = self.read().rstrip("\r\n")
while True:
tmp = self.peek()
if not tmp.startswith(" "): break
line += tmp.rstrip("\r\n")
return line
def read_hunk(self):
"""Read one hunk from a patch file."""
line = self.peek()
if line is None or not line.startswith("@@ -"):
return None
r = re.match("^@@ -([0-9]+)(,([0-9]+))? \+([0-9]+)(,([0-9]+))? @@", line)
if not r: raise PatchParserError("Unable to parse hunk header '%s'." % line)
srcpos = max(int(r.group(1)) - 1, 0)
dstpos = max(int(r.group(4)) - 1, 0)
srclines = int(r.group(3)) if r.group(3) else 1
dstlines = int(r.group(6)) if r.group(6) else 1
if srclines <= 0 and dstlines <= 0:
raise PatchParserError("Empty hunk doesn't make sense.")
srcdata = []
dstdata = []
while srclines > 0 or dstlines > 0:
line = self.read().rstrip("\n")
if line[0] == " ":
if srclines == 0 or dstlines == 0:
raise PatchParserError("Corrupted patch.")
srclines -= 1
dstlines -= 1
elif line[0] == "-":
if srclines == 0:
raise PatchParserError("Corrupted patch.")
srclines -= 1
elif line[0] == "+":
if dstlines == 0:
raise PatchParserError("Corrupted patch.")
dstlines -= 1
elif line[0] == "\\":
pass # ignore
raise PatchParserError("Unexpected line in hunk.")
except IndexError: # triggered by ""[0]
raise PatchParserError("Truncated patch.")
while True:
line = self.peek()
if line is None or not line.startswith("\\ "): break
return (srcpos, srcdata, dstpos, dstdata)
def _read_single_patch(fp, header, oldname=None, newname=None):
"""Internal function to read a single patch from a file."""
patch = PatchObject(fp.filename, header)
patch.offset_begin = fp.tell()
patch.oldname = oldname
patch.newname = newname
# Skip over initial diff --git header
line = fp.peek()
if line.startswith("diff --git "):
# Read header
while True:
line = fp.peek()
if line is None:
elif line.startswith("--- "):
patch.oldname = line[4:].strip()
elif line.startswith("+++ "):
patch.newname = line[4:].strip()
elif line.startswith("old mode") or line.startswith("deleted file mode"):
pass # ignore
elif line.startswith("new mode "):
patch.newmode = line[9:].strip()
elif line.startswith("new file mode "):
patch.newmode = line[14:].strip()
elif line.startswith("new mode") or line.startswith("new file mode"):
raise PatchParserError("Unable to parse header line '%s'." % line)
elif line.startswith("copy from") or line.startswith("copy to"):
raise NotImplementedError("Patch copy header not implemented yet.")
elif line.startswith("rename "):
raise NotImplementedError("Patch rename header not implemented yet.")
elif line.startswith("similarity index") or line.startswith("dissimilarity index"):
pass # ignore
elif line.startswith("index "):
r = re.match("^index ([a-fA-F0-9]*)\.\.([a-fA-F0-9]*)", line)
if not r: raise PatchParserError("Unable to parse index header line '%s'." % line)
patch.oldsha1, patch.newsha1 = r.group(1), r.group(2)
if patch.oldname is None or patch.newname is None:
raise PatchParserError("Missing old or new name.")
elif patch.oldname == "/dev/null" and patch.newname == "/dev/null":
raise PatchParserError("Old and new name is /dev/null?")
if patch.oldname.startswith("a/"):
patch.oldname = patch.oldname[2:]
elif patch.oldname != "/dev/null":
raise PatchParserError("Old name in patch doesn't start with a/.")
if patch.newname.startswith("b/"):
patch.newname = patch.newname[2:]
elif patch.newname != "/dev/null":
raise PatchParserError("New name in patch doesn't start with b/.")
if patch.newname != "/dev/null":
patch.modified_file = patch.newname
patch.modified_file = patch.oldname
# Decide between binary and textual patch
if line is None or line.startswith("diff --git ") or line.startswith("--- "):
if oldname != newname:
raise PatchParserError("Stripped old- and new name doesn't match.")
elif line.startswith("@@ -"):
while fp.read_hunk() is not None:
elif line.rstrip() == "GIT binary patch":
if patch.oldsha1 is None or patch.newsha1 is None:
raise PatchParserError("Missing index header, sha1 sums required for binary patch.")
elif patch.oldname != patch.newname:
raise PatchParserError("Stripped old- and new name doesn't match for binary patch.")
line = fp.read()
if line is None: raise PatchParserError("Unexpected end of file.")
r = re.match("^(literal|delta) ([0-9]+)", line)
if not r: raise NotImplementedError("Only literal/delta patches are supported.")
patch.is_binary = True
# Skip over patch data
while True:
line = fp.read()
if line is None or line.strip() == "":
raise PatchParserError("Unknown patch format.")
patch.offset_end = fp.tell()
return patch
def _parse_author(author):
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
author = str(email.header.make_header(email.header.decode_header(author)))
author = ' '.join([data.decode(format or 'utf-8').encode('utf-8') for \
data, format in email.header.decode_header(author)])
r = re.match("\"?([^\"]*)\"? <(.*)>", author)
if r is None: raise NotImplementedError("Failed to parse From - header.")
return r.group(1).strip(), r.group(2).strip()
def _parse_subject(subject):
version = "(v|try|rev|take) *([0-9]+)"
subject = subject.strip()
if subject.endswith("."): subject = subject[:-1]
r = re.match("^\\[PATCH([^]]*)\\](.*)$", subject, re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None:
subject = r.group(2).strip()
r = re.search(version, r.group(1), re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None: return subject, int(r.group(2))
r = re.match("^(.*)\\(%s\\)$" % version, subject, re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None: return r.group(1).strip(), int(r.group(3))
r = re.match("^(.*)\\[%s\\]$" % version, subject, re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None: return r.group(1).strip(), int(r.group(3))
r = re.match("^(.*)[.,] +%s$" % version, subject, re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None: return r.group(1).strip(), int(r.group(3))
r = re.match("^([^:]+) %s: (.*)$" % version, subject, re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None: return "%s: %s" % (r.group(1), r.group(4)), int(r.group(3))
r = re.match("^(.*) +%s$" % version, subject, re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None: return r.group(1).strip(), int(r.group(3))
r = re.match("^(.*)\\(resend\\)$", subject, re.IGNORECASE)
if r is not None: return r.group(1).strip(), 1
return subject, 1
def read_patch(filename, fp=None):
"""Iterates over all patches contained in a file, and returns PatchObject objects."""
header = {}
with _PatchReader(filename, fp) as fp:
while True:
line = fp.peek()
if line is None:
elif line.startswith("From: "):
author = fp.read_multiline()[6:]
header['author'], header['email'] = _parse_author(author)
header.pop('signedoffby', None)
elif line.startswith("Subject: "):
subject = fp.read_multiline()[9:]
subject, revision = _parse_subject(subject)
if not subject.endswith("."): subject += "."
subject = re.sub('^([^:]*: *)([a-z])', lambda x: "%s%s" %
(x.group(1), x.group(2).upper()), subject, 1)
header['subject'], header['revision'] = subject, revision
header.pop('signedoffby', None)
elif line.startswith("Signed-off-by: "):
if 'signedoffby' not in header:
header['signedoffby'] = []
elif line.startswith("diff --git "):
tmp = line.strip().split(" ")
if len(tmp) != 4: raise PatchParserError("Unable to parse git diff header line '%s'." % line)
yield _read_single_patch(fp, header, tmp[2].strip(), tmp[3].strip())
elif line.startswith("--- "):
yield _read_single_patch(fp, header)
elif line.startswith("@@ -") or line.startswith("+++ "):
raise PatchParserError("Patch didn't start with a git or diff header.")
def apply_patch(original, patchfile, reverse=False, fuzz=2):
"""Apply a patch with optional fuzz - uses the commandline 'patch' utility."""
if original is None:
raise PatchApplyError("Failed to apply patch - file was deleted (exitcode %d)." % exitcode)
result = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="apply_patch", mode='w+', delete=False)
# We open the file again to avoid race-conditions with multithreaded reads
with open(original.name) as fp:
shutil.copyfileobj(fp, result)
cmdline = ["patch", "--no-backup-if-mismatch", "--force", "--silent", "-r", "-"]
if reverse: cmdline.append("--reverse")
if fuzz != 2: cmdline.append("--fuzz=%d" % fuzz)
cmdline += [result.name, patchfile.name]
exitcode = subprocess.call(cmdline)
if exitcode != 0:
raise PatchApplyError("Failed to apply patch (exitcode %d)." % exitcode)
if not os.path.exists(result.name):
return None
# Hack - we can't keep the file open while patching ('patch' might rename/replace
# the file), so create a new _TemporaryFileWrapper object for the existing path.
return tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper(file=open(result.name, 'r+'), \
name=result.name, delete=True)
def _preprocess_source(fp):
"""Simple C preprocessor to determine where we can safely add #ifdef instructions."""
_re_state0 = re.compile("(\"|/[/*])")
_re_state1 = re.compile("(\\\\\"|\\\\\\\\|\")")
_re_state2 = re.compile("\\*/")
# We need to read the original file, and figure out where lines can be splitted
lines = []
for line in fp:
split = set([0])
state = 0
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
# Read a full line (and handle line continuation)
line = lines[i]
i += 1
while line.endswith("\\"):
if i >= len(lines):
raise CParserError("Unexpected end of file.")
line = line[:-1] + lines[i]
i += 1
# To find out where we can add our #ifdef tags we use a simple
# statemachine. This allows finding the beginning of a multiline
# instruction or comment.
j = 0
while True:
# State 0: No context
if state == 0:
match = _re_state0.search(line, j)
if match is None: break
if match.group(0) == "\"":
state = 1 # Begin of string
elif match.group(0) == "/*":
state = 2 # Begin of comment
elif match.group(0) == "//":
break # Rest of the line is a comment, which can be safely ignored
assert 0
# State 1: Inside of string
elif state == 1:
match = _re_state1.search(line, j)
if match is None:
raise CParserError("Line ended in the middle of a string.")
if match.group(0) == "\"":
state = 0 # End of string
elif match.group(0) != "\\\"" and match.group(0) != "\\\\":
assert 0
# State 2: Multiline comment
elif state == 2:
match = _re_state2.search(line, j)
if match is None: break
if match.group(0) == "*/":
state = 0 # End of comment
assert 0
raise CParserError("Internal state error.")
j = match.end()
# Only in state 0 (no context) we can split here
if state == 0:
# Ensure that the last comment is properly terminated
if state != 0:
raise CParserError("Unexpected end of file.")
return lines, split
def generate_ifdef_patch(original, patched, ifdef):
"""Generate a patch which adds #ifdef where necessary to keep both the original and patched version."""
# The basic of idea of this algorithm is as following:
# (1) determine diff between original file and patched file
# (2) run the preprocessor, to determine where #ifdefs can be safely added
# (3) use diff and preprocessor information to create a merged version containing #ifdefs
# (4) create another diff to apply the changes on the patched version
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as diff:
exitcode = subprocess.call(["git", "diff", "--no-index", "--minimal", "-U1", original.name, patched.name],
stdout=diff, stderr=_devnull)
if exitcode == 0:
return None
elif exitcode != 1:
raise PatchDiffError("Failed to compute diff (exitcode %d)." % exitcode)
# Preprocess the original C source
lines, split = _preprocess_source(original)
# Parse the created diff file
fp = _PatchReader(diff.name, diff)
# We expect this output format from 'git diff', if this is not the case things might go wrong.
line = fp.read()
assert line.startswith("diff --git ")
line = fp.read()
assert line.startswith("index ")
line = fp.read()
assert line.startswith("--- ")
line = fp.read()
assert line.startswith("+++ ")
hunks = []
while fp.peek() is not None:
srcpos, srcdata, dstpos, dstdata = fp.read_hunk()
# Ensure that the patch would really apply in practice
if lines[srcpos:srcpos + len(srcdata)] != srcdata:
raise PatchParserError("Patch failed to apply.")
# Strip common lines from the beginning and end
while len(srcdata) > 0 and len(dstdata) > 0 and \
srcdata[0] == dstdata[0]:
srcpos += 1
dstpos += 1
while len(srcdata) > 0 and len(dstdata) > 0 and \
srcdata[-1] == dstdata[-1]:
# Ensure that diff generated valid output
assert len(srcdata) > 0 or len(dstdata) > 0
# If this is the first hunk, then check if we have to extend it at the beginning
if len(hunks) == 0:
assert srcpos == dstpos
while srcpos > 0 and srcpos not in split:
srcpos -= 1
dstpos -= 1
srcdata.insert(0, lines[srcpos])
dstdata.insert(0, lines[srcpos])
hunks.append((srcpos, dstpos, srcdata, dstdata))
# Check if we can merge with the previous hunk
prev_srcpos, prev_dstpos, prev_srcdata, prev_dstdata = hunks[-1]
prev_endpos = prev_srcpos + len(prev_srcdata)
found = 0
for i in xrange(prev_endpos, srcpos):
if i in split:
found += 1
# At least two possible splitting positions inbetween
if found >= 2:
while prev_endpos not in split:
prev_endpos += 1
while srcpos not in split:
srcpos -= 1
srcdata.insert(0, lines[srcpos])
dstdata.insert(0, lines[srcpos])
hunks.append((srcpos, dstpos, srcdata, dstdata))
# Merge hunks
while prev_endpos < srcpos:
prev_endpos += 1
assert prev_dstpos + len(prev_dstdata) == dstpos
# Ready with this hunk
# We might have to extend the last hunk
if len(hunks):
prev_srcpos, prev_dstpos, prev_srcdata, prev_dstdata = hunks[-1]
prev_endpos = prev_srcpos + len(prev_srcdata)
while prev_endpos < len(lines) and prev_endpos not in split:
prev_endpos += 1
# Generate resulting file with #ifdefs
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as intermediate:
pos = 0
while len(hunks):
srcpos, dstpos, srcdata, dstdata = hunks.pop(0)
if pos < srcpos:
if len(srcdata) and len(dstdata):
intermediate.write("#if !defined(%s)\n" % ifdef)
intermediate.write("\n#else /* %s */\n" % ifdef)
intermediate.write("\n#endif /* %s */\n" % ifdef)
elif len(srcdata):
intermediate.write("#if !defined(%s)\n" % ifdef)
intermediate.write("\n#endif /* %s */\n" % ifdef)
elif len(dstdata):
intermediate.write("#if defined(%s)\n" % ifdef)
intermediate.write("\n#endif /* %s */\n" % ifdef)
assert 0
pos = srcpos + len(srcdata)
if pos < len(lines):
# Now we can finally compute the diff between the original file and our intermediate file
diff = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
exitcode = subprocess.call(["git", "diff", "--no-index", "--minimal", original.name, intermediate.name],
stdout=diff, stderr=_devnull)
if exitcode != 1: # exitcode 0 cannot (=shouldn't) happen in this situation
raise PatchDiffError("Failed to compute diff (exitcode %d)." % exitcode)
# We expect this output format from 'git diff', if this is not the case things might go wrong.
line = diff.readline()
assert line.startswith("diff --git ")
line = diff.readline()
assert line.startswith("index ")
line = diff.readline()
assert line.startswith("--- ")
line = diff.readline()
assert line.startswith("+++ ")
# Return the final diff
return diff
def escape_sh(text):
"""Escape string for usage in shell '...' quotes."""
return text.replace("'", "'\\''")
def escape_c(text):
"""Escape string for usage in C "..." quotes."""
return text.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import unittest
# Basic tests for _parse_author() and _parse_subject()
class PatchParserTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_author(self):
author = _parse_author("Author Name <author@email.com>")
self.assertEqual(author, ("Author Name", "author@email.com"))
author = _parse_author("=?UTF-8?q?Author=20Name?= <author@email.com>")
self.assertEqual(author, ("Author Name", "author@email.com"))
def test_subject(self):
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH v3] component: Subject.")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject (v3).")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject (try 3).")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject (take 3).")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject (rev 3).")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject [v3].")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject, v3.")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject v3.")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 3))
subject = _parse_subject("[PATCH] component: Subject (resend).")
self.assertEqual(subject, ("component: Subject", 1))
# Basic tests for read_patch()
class PatchReaderTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple(self):
with open("tests/simple.patch") as fp:
source = fp.read().split("\n")
# Test formatted git patch with author and subject
patchfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
patches = list(read_patch(patchfile.name))
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 1)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_author, "Author Name")
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_email, "author@email.com")
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_subject, "component: Replace arg1 with arg2.")
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_revision, 3)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].signed_off_by, [("Author Name", "author@email.com"),
("Other Developer", "other@email.com")])
self.assertEqual(patches[0].filename, patchfile.name)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].is_binary, False)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].modified_file, "test.txt")
lines = patches[0].read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, source[10:23])
# Test with git diff
del source[0:10]
self.assertTrue(source[0].startswith("diff --git"))
patchfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
patches = list(read_patch(patchfile.name))
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 1)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_author, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_email, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_subject, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_revision, 1)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].signed_off_by, [])
self.assertEqual(patches[0].filename, patchfile.name)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].is_binary, False)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].modified_file, "test.txt")
lines = patches[0].read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, source[:13])
# Test with unified diff
del source[0:2]
patchfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
patches = list(read_patch(patchfile.name))
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 1)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_author, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_email, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_subject, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_revision, 1)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].signed_off_by, [])
self.assertEqual(patches[0].filename, patchfile.name)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].is_binary, False)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].modified_file, "test.txt")
lines = patches[0].read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, source[:11])
# Test with StringIO buffer
fp = StringIO("\n".join(source))
patches = list(read_patch("unknown.patch", fp))
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 1)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_author, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_email, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_subject, None)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_revision, 1)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].signed_off_by, [])
self.assertEqual(patches[0].filename, "unknown.patch")
self.assertEqual(patches[0].is_binary, False)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].modified_file, "test.txt")
def test_multi(self):
with open("tests/multi.patch") as fp:
source = fp.read().split("\n")
patchfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
patches = list(read_patch(patchfile.name))
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 3)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_author, "Author Name")
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_email, "author@email.com")
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_subject, "component: Replace arg1 with arg2.")
self.assertEqual(patches[0].patch_revision, 3)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].signed_off_by, [("Author Name", "author@email.com"),
("Other Developer", "other@email.com")])
self.assertEqual(patches[0].filename, patchfile.name)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].is_binary, False)
self.assertEqual(patches[0].modified_file, "other_test.txt")
lines = patches[0].read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, source[11:24])
self.assertEqual(patches[1].patch_author, "Author Name")
self.assertEqual(patches[1].patch_email, "author@email.com")
self.assertEqual(patches[1].patch_subject, "component: Replace arg1 with arg2.")
self.assertEqual(patches[1].patch_revision, 3)
self.assertEqual(patches[1].signed_off_by, [("Author Name", "author@email.com"),
("Other Developer", "other@email.com")])
self.assertEqual(patches[1].filename, patchfile.name)
self.assertEqual(patches[1].is_binary, False)
self.assertEqual(patches[1].modified_file, "test.txt")
lines = patches[1].read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, source[24:46])
self.assertEqual(patches[2].patch_author, "Other Developer")
self.assertEqual(patches[2].patch_email, "other@email.com")
self.assertEqual(patches[2].patch_subject, "component: Replace arg2 with arg3.")
self.assertEqual(patches[2].patch_revision, 4)
self.assertEqual(patches[2].signed_off_by, [("Other Developer", "other@email.com")])
self.assertEqual(patches[2].filename, patchfile.name)
self.assertEqual(patches[2].is_binary, False)
self.assertEqual(patches[2].modified_file, "test.txt")
lines = patches[2].read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, source[58:71])
# Basic tests for apply_patch()
class PatchApplyTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_apply(self):
source = ["line1();", "line2();", "line3();",
"line5();", "line6();", "line7();"]
original = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
original.write("\n".join(source + [""]))
source = ["@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@",
" line1();", " line2();", " line3();",
" line5();", " line6();", " line7();"]
patchfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
patchfile.write("\n".join(source + [""]))
expected = ["line1();", "line2();", "line3();",
"line5();", "line6();", "line7();"]
result = apply_patch(original, patchfile, fuzz=0)
lines = result.read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, expected)
expected = ["line1();", "line2();", "line3();",
"line5();", "line6();", "line7();"]
result = apply_patch(result, patchfile, reverse=True, fuzz=0)
lines = result.read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, expected)
# Basic tests for _preprocess_source()
class PreprocessorTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_preprocessor(self):
source = ["int a; // comment 1",
"int b; // comment 2 \\",
" comment 3 \\",
" comment 4",
"int c; // comment with \"quotes\"",
"int d; // comment with /* c++ comment */",
"int e; /* multi \\",
" line",
" comment */",
"char *x = \"\\\\\";",
"char *y = \"abc\\\"def\";",
"char *z = \"multi\" \\",
" \"line\"",
" \"string\";"]
lines, split = _preprocess_source(source)
self.assertEqual(lines, source)
self.assertEqual(split, set([0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14]))
# Basic tests for generate_ifdef_patch()
class GenerateIfdefPatchTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ifdefined(self):
source = ["line1();", "line2();", "line3();",
"function(arg1, \\",
" arg2, \\",
" arg3);",
"line5();", "line6();", "line7();"]
source1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
source1.write("\n".join(source + [""]))
source = ["line1();", "line2();", "line3();",
"function(arg1, \\",
" new_arg2, \\",
" arg3);",
"line5();", "line6();", "line7();"]
source2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
source2.write("\n".join(source + [""]))
diff = generate_ifdef_patch(source1, source1, "PATCHED")
self.assertEqual(diff, None)
diff = generate_ifdef_patch(source2, source2, "PATCHED")
self.assertEqual(diff, None)
expected = ["@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@",
" line1();", " line2();", " line3();",
"+#if !defined(PATCHED)",
" function(arg1, \\",
" arg2, \\",
" arg3);",
"+#else /* PATCHED */",
"+function(arg1, \\",
"+ new_arg2, \\",
"+ arg3);",
"+#endif /* PATCHED */",
" line5();", " line6();", " line7();"]
diff = generate_ifdef_patch(source1, source2, "PATCHED")
lines = diff.read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, expected)
expected = ["@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@",
" line1();", " line2();", " line3();",
"+#if !defined(PATCHED)",
" function(arg1, \\",
" new_arg2, \\",
" arg3);",
"+#else /* PATCHED */",
"+function(arg1, \\",
"+ arg2, \\",
"+ arg3);",
"+#endif /* PATCHED */",
" line5();", " line6();", " line7();"]
diff = generate_ifdef_patch(source2, source1, "PATCHED")
lines = diff.read().rstrip("\n").split("\n")
self.assertEqual(lines, expected)
# Basic tests for escape_sh()
class EscapeShellTests(unittest.TestCase):
ascii = "".join([chr(i) for i in range(32, 127)] + \
["\\" + chr(i) for i in range(32, 127)])
def test_bash(self):
script = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False)
script.write("#!/bin/bash\nprintf '%%s\\n' '%s'\n" % escape_sh(self.ascii))
st = os.stat(script.name)
os.chmod(script.name, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
result = subprocess.check_output([script.name])
if not isinstance(result, str): result = result.decode('utf-8')
self.assertEqual(result.rstrip("\n"), self.ascii)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists("/bin/dash"), "requires Dash")
def test_dash(self):
script = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False)
script.write("#!/bin/dash\nprintf '%%s\\n' '%s'\n" % escape_sh(self.ascii))
st = os.stat(script.name)
os.chmod(script.name, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
result = subprocess.check_output([script.name])
if not isinstance(result, str): result = result.decode('utf-8')
self.assertEqual(result.rstrip("\n"), self.ascii)
# Basic tests for escape_c()
class EscapeCTests(unittest.TestCase):
ascii = "".join([chr(i) for i in range(32, 127)] + \
["\\" + chr(i) for i in range(32, 127)])
def test_c(self):
source = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', suffix='.c', delete=False)
source.write("#include <stdio.h>\n")
source.write("int main() { printf(\"%%s\", \"%s\"); return 0; }\n" % escape_c(self.ascii))
compiled = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False)
subprocess.call(["gcc", source.name, "-o", compiled.name])
result = subprocess.check_output([compiled.name])
if not isinstance(result, str): result = result.decode('utf-8')
self.assertEqual(result.rstrip("\n"), self.ascii)