#!/bin/sh # # Script to automatically install all Wine Staging patches # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Sebastian Lackner # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # Show usage information usage() { echo "" echo "Usage: ./patchinstall.sh [DESTDIR=path] [--all] [-W patchset] [patchset ...]" echo "" echo "Autogenerated script to apply all Wine Staging patches on your Wine" echo "source tree." echo "" echo "Configuration:" echo " DESTDIR=path Specify the path to the wine source tree" echo " --all Select all patches" echo " --force-autoconf Run autoreconf and tools/make_requests after each patch" echo " --help Display this help and exit" echo " --no-autoconf Do not run autoreconf and tools/make_requests" echo " --no-patchlist Do not apply patchlist (needed for 'wine --patches')" echo " --upstream-commit Print the upstream Wine commit SHA1 and exit" echo " --version Show version information and exit" echo " -W patchset Exclude a specific patchset" echo "" echo "Backends:" echo " --backend=patch Use regular 'patch' utility to apply patches (default)" echo " --backend=epatch Use 'epatch' to apply patches (Gentoo only)" echo " --backend=git-am Use 'git am' to apply patches" echo " --backend=git-apply Use 'git apply' to apply patches" echo " --backend=stg Import the patches using stacked git" echo "" } # Get the upstream commit sha upstream_commit() { echo "c26284168ccf53e657bdfbedffd4ef13698688c8" } # Show version information version() { echo "Wine Staging 1.9.4" echo "Copyright (C) 2014-2016 the Wine Staging project authors." echo "" echo "Patchset to be applied on upstream Wine:" echo " commit $(upstream_commit)" echo "" } # Critical error, abort abort() { echo "ERROR: $1" >&2 exit 1 } # Show a warning warning() { echo "WARNING: $1" >&2 } # Enable or disable all patchsets patch_enable_all () { enable_Compiler_Warnings="$1" enable_Coverity="$1" enable_Exagear="$1" enable_Pipelight="$1" enable_Staging="$1" enable_advapi32_LsaLookupSids="$1" enable_advapi32_RegCopyTree="$1" enable_advapi32_SetSecurityInfo="$1" enable_amstream_GetMultiMediaStream="$1" enable_api_ms_win_Stub_DLLs="$1" enable_authz_Stub_Functions="$1" enable_avifil32_AVIFile_Proxies="$1" enable_avifil32_IGetFrame_fnSetFormat="$1" enable_avifile_dll16_AVIStreamGetFrame="$1" enable_browseui_Progress_Dialog="$1" enable_combase_RoApi="$1" enable_comctl32_Button_Theming="$1" enable_comctl32_PROPSHEET_InsertPage="$1" enable_comctl32_TTM_ADDTOOLW="$1" enable_configure_Absolute_RPATH="$1" enable_crypt32_CMS_Certificates="$1" enable_crypt32_CryptUnprotectMemory="$1" enable_d3d9_DesktopWindow="$1" enable_d3d9_Skip_Tests="$1" enable_d3d9_Surface_Refcount="$1" enable_d3dx9_24_ID3DXEffect="$1" enable_d3dx9_25_ID3DXEffect="$1" enable_d3dx9_26_ID3DXEffect="$1" enable_d3dx9_33_Share_Source="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_CloneEffect="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXCreateTeapot="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXDisassembleShader="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXStubs="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_DDS="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_DXTn="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_DrawText="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_Dummy_Skininfo="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_Filter_Warnings="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_FindNextValidTechnique="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_GetShaderSemantics="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_Optimize_Inplace="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_Texture_Align="$1" enable_d3dx9_36_UpdateSkinnedMesh="$1" enable_dbghelp_Debug_Symbols="$1" enable_ddraw_Device_Caps="$1" enable_ddraw_EnumSurfaces="$1" enable_ddraw_IDirect3DTexture2_Load="$1" enable_ddraw_Rendering_Targets="$1" enable_ddraw_Write_Vtable="$1" enable_ddraw_ZBufferBitDepths="$1" enable_ddraw_d3d_execute_buffer="$1" enable_dinput_DIPROP_USERNAME="$1" enable_dinput_Initialize="$1" enable_dsound_EAX="$1" enable_dsound_Fast_Mixer="$1" enable_dsound_Revert_Cleanup="$1" enable_dxdiagn_Display_Information="$1" enable_dxdiagn_Enumerate_DirectSound="$1" enable_dxdiagn_GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes="$1" enable_dxgi_MakeWindowAssociation="$1" enable_dxva2_Video_Decoder="$1" enable_explorer_Video_Registry_Key="$1" enable_fonts_Missing_Fonts="$1" enable_gdi32_Lazy_Font_Initialization="$1" enable_gdi32_MultiMonitor="$1" enable_gdi32_Path_Metafile="$1" enable_gdi32_Symbol_Truetype_Font="$1" enable_hal_KeQueryPerformanceCounter="$1" enable_hid_HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes="$1" enable_hnetcfg_INetFwAuthorizedApplication="$1" enable_ieframe_IViewObject_Draw="$1" enable_iexplore_Revert_ProductVersion="$1" enable_imagehlp_BindImageEx="$1" enable_imagehlp_Cleanup="$1" enable_imagehlp_ImageLoad="$1" enable_imm32_IMMDisableLegacyIME="$1" enable_inetcpl_Default_Home="$1" enable_iphlpapi_System_Ping="$1" enable_iphlpapi_TCP_Table="$1" enable_kernel32_COMSPEC="$1" enable_kernel32_CopyFileEx="$1" enable_kernel32_Cwd_Startup_Info="$1" enable_kernel32_FindFirstFile="$1" enable_kernel32_FreeUserPhysicalPages="$1" enable_kernel32_GetCurrentPackageFamilyName="$1" enable_kernel32_GetFinalPathNameByHandle="$1" enable_kernel32_LocaleNameToLCID="$1" enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe="$1" enable_kernel32_NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath="$1" enable_kernel32_Profile="$1" enable_kernel32_SetFileCompletionNotificationModes="$1" enable_kernel32_SetFileInformationByHandle="$1" enable_kernel32_TimezoneInformation_Registry="$1" enable_kernel32_VerifyVersionInfo="$1" enable_libs_Debug_Channel="$1" enable_libs_Unicode_Collation="$1" enable_makedep_PARENTSPEC="$1" enable_mfplat_MFTRegister="$1" enable_mmdevapi_AEV_Stubs="$1" enable_mountmgr_DosDevices="$1" enable_mpr_WNetGetUniversalNameW="$1" enable_mscoree_CorValidateImage="$1" enable_mshtml_HTMLLocation_put_hash="$1" enable_msidb_Implementation="$1" enable_msvcr120__SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback="$1" enable_msvcrt_Math_Precision="$1" enable_msvcrt_StdHandle_RefCount="$1" enable_ntdll_APC_Performance="$1" enable_ntdll_APC_Start_Process="$1" enable_ntdll_Activation_Context="$1" enable_ntdll_ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence="$1" enable_ntdll_CLI_Images="$1" enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes="$1" enable_ntdll_Dealloc_Thread_Stack="$1" enable_ntdll_DeviceType_Systemroot="$1" enable_ntdll_DllOverrides_WOW64="$1" enable_ntdll_DllRedirects="$1" enable_ntdll_EtwRegisterTraceGuids="$1" enable_ntdll_Exception="$1" enable_ntdll_FileDispositionInformation="$1" enable_ntdll_FileFsFullSizeInformation="$1" enable_ntdll_FileFsVolumeInformation="$1" enable_ntdll_FileNamesInformation="$1" enable_ntdll_Fix_Alignment="$1" enable_ntdll_Fix_Free="$1" enable_ntdll_FreeBSD_Directory="$1" enable_ntdll_Heap_FreeLists="$1" enable_ntdll_Hide_Wine_Exports="$1" enable_ntdll_Junction_Points="$1" enable_ntdll_Loader_Machine_Type="$1" enable_ntdll_NtAccessCheck="$1" enable_ntdll_NtQueryEaFile="$1" enable_ntdll_NtQuerySection="$1" enable_ntdll_NtSetLdtEntries="$1" enable_ntdll_Pipe_SpecialCharacters="$1" enable_ntdll_ProcessQuotaLimits="$1" enable_ntdll_Purist_Mode="$1" enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Stubs="$1" enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests="$1" enable_ntdll_RtlQueryPackageIdentity="$1" enable_ntdll_Serial_Port_Detection="$1" enable_ntdll_Status_Mapping="$1" enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers="$1" enable_ntdll_SystemInterruptInformation="$1" enable_ntdll_SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment="$1" enable_ntdll_SystemRoot_Symlink="$1" enable_ntdll_ThreadTime="$1" enable_ntdll_Threading="$1" enable_ntdll_User_Shared_Data="$1" enable_ntdll_WRITECOPY="$1" enable_ntdll_Wait_User_APC="$1" enable_ntdll_WinSqm="$1" enable_ntdll_WriteWatches="$1" enable_ntdll_Zero_mod_name="$1" enable_ntoskrnl_DriverTest="$1" enable_ntoskrnl_Stubs="$1" enable_nvapi_Stub_DLL="$1" enable_nvcuda_CUDA_Support="$1" enable_nvcuvid_CUDA_Video_Support="$1" enable_nvencodeapi_Video_Encoder="$1" enable_ole32_CoGetApartmentType="$1" enable_ole32_HGLOBALStream="$1" enable_oleaut32_CreateTypeLib="$1" enable_oleaut32_TKIND_COCLASS="$1" enable_oleaut32_x86_64_Marshaller="$1" enable_openal32_EFX_Extension="$1" enable_opengl32_Revert_Disable_Ext="$1" enable_opengl32_glDebugMessageCallback="$1" enable_quartz_AsyncReader="$1" enable_quartz_MediaSeeking_Positions="$1" enable_quartz_Silence_FIXMEs="$1" enable_rasapi32_RasEnumDevicesA="$1" enable_riched20_IText_Interface="$1" enable_rpcrt4_Pipe_Transport="$1" enable_rpcrt4_RpcBindingServerFromClient="$1" enable_secur32_ANSI_NTLM_Credentials="$1" enable_server_ClipCursor="$1" enable_server_CreateProcess_ACLs="$1" enable_server_Desktop_Refcount="$1" enable_server_FileEndOfFileInformation="$1" enable_server_File_Permissions="$1" enable_server_Inherited_ACLs="$1" enable_server_Key_State="$1" enable_server_Map_EXDEV_Error="$1" enable_server_Misc_ACL="$1" enable_server_Parent_Process="$1" enable_server_PeekMessage="$1" enable_server_Pipe_ObjectName="$1" enable_server_Realtime_Priority="$1" enable_server_Registry_Notifications="$1" enable_server_Shared_Memory="$1" enable_server_Signal_Thread="$1" enable_server_Stored_ACLs="$1" enable_server_Timestamp_Compat="$1" enable_setupapi_Display_Device="$1" enable_setupapi_HSPFILEQ_Check_Type="$1" enable_setupapi_SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW="$1" enable_setupapi_SetupPromptForDisk="$1" enable_sfc_SfcGetNextProtectedFile="$1" enable_shdocvw_ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests="$1" enable_shell32_Default_Path="$1" enable_shell32_File_Property_Dialog="$1" enable_shell32_FolderItems_Stub_Iface="$1" enable_shell32_IDragSourceHelper="$1" enable_shell32_Icons="$1" enable_shell32_Microsoft_Windows_Themes="$1" enable_shell32_NewMenu_Interface="$1" enable_shell32_Placeholder_Icons="$1" enable_shell32_Progress_Dialog="$1" enable_shell32_RunDLL_CallEntry16="$1" enable_shell32_Run_Dialog="$1" enable_shell32_SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER="$1" enable_shell32_SHCreateSessionKey="$1" enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Move="$1" enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Win9x="$1" enable_shell32_UNIXFS_get_unix_path="$1" enable_shell32_UnixFS="$1" enable_shlwapi_AssocGetPerceivedType="$1" enable_shlwapi_SHMapHandle="$1" enable_shlwapi_UrlCombine="$1" enable_shutdown_Stub_DLL="$1" enable_stdole32_idl_Typelib="$1" enable_stdole32_tlb_SLTG_Typelib="$1" enable_taskmgr_Memory_Usage="$1" enable_ucrtbase_Functions="$1" enable_user32_DeferWindowPos="$1" enable_user32_Dialog_Paint_Event="$1" enable_user32_DrawTextExW="$1" enable_user32_GetSystemMetrics="$1" enable_user32_Invalidate_Key_State="$1" enable_user32_ListBox_Size="$1" enable_user32_MDI_Extra_Data="$1" enable_user32_MessageBox_WS_EX_TOPMOST="$1" enable_user32_Mouse_Message_Hwnd="$1" enable_user32_Refresh_MDI_Menus="$1" enable_user32_ScrollWindowEx="$1" enable_user32_SetCoalescableTimer="$1" enable_user32_WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL="$1" enable_user32_WndProc="$1" enable_uxtheme_GTK_Theming="$1" enable_version_VerQueryValue="$1" enable_wbemdisp_ISWbemSecurity="$1" enable_widl_SLTG_Typelib_Support="$1" enable_wine_inf_Performance="$1" enable_wine_inf_ProfileList_UserSID="$1" enable_wineboot_DriveSerial="$1" enable_wineboot_HKEY_DYN_DATA="$1" enable_wineboot_drivers_etc_Stubs="$1" enable_winecfg_Libraries="$1" enable_winecfg_Staging="$1" enable_winecfg_Unmounted_Devices="$1" enable_wined3d_Accounting="$1" enable_wined3d_CSMT_Helper="$1" enable_wined3d_CSMT_Main="$1" enable_wined3d_DXTn="$1" enable_wined3d_Geforce_425M="$1" enable_wined3d_MESA_GPU_Info="$1" enable_wined3d_Revert_PixelFormat="$1" enable_wined3d_Silence_FIXMEs="$1" enable_wined3d_resource_map="$1" enable_winedevice_Fix_Relocation="$1" enable_winemenubuilder_Desktop_Icon_Path="$1" enable_winepulse_PulseAudio_Support="$1" enable_winex11_CandidateWindowPos="$1" enable_winex11_Clipboard_HTML="$1" enable_winex11_DefaultDisplayFrequency="$1" enable_winex11_MONITORENUMPROC="$1" enable_winex11_Window_Groups="$1" enable_winex11_Window_Style="$1" enable_winex11_XEMBED="$1" enable_winex11__NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW="$1" enable_winex11_wglShareLists="$1" enable_winhttp_System_Proxy_Autoconfig="$1" enable_wininet_Cleanup="$1" enable_wininet_Internet_Settings="$1" enable_wininet_ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry="$1" enable_winmm_Delay_Import_Depends="$1" enable_winscard_SCardListReaders="$1" enable_winspool_drv_SetPrinterW="$1" enable_winsta_WinStationEnumerateW="$1" enable_wpcap_Dynamic_Linking="$1" enable_wpcap_Several_Fixes="$1" enable_ws2_32_APC_Performance="$1" enable_ws2_32_Connect_Time="$1" enable_ws2_32_Sort_default_route="$1" enable_ws2_32_TransmitFile="$1" enable_ws2_32_WSACleanup="$1" enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches="$1" enable_ws2_32_getaddrinfo="$1" enable_ws2_32_getsockopt="$1" enable_wtsapi32_EnumerateProcesses="$1" enable_wtsapi32_WTSQueryUserToken="$1" enable_wusa_MSU_Package_Installer="$1" } # Enable or disable all categories category_enable_all () { enable_category_stable="$1" } # Enable or disable a specific patchset/category patch_enable () { case "$1" in Compiler_Warnings) enable_Compiler_Warnings="$2" ;; Coverity) enable_Coverity="$2" ;; Exagear) enable_Exagear="$2" ;; Pipelight) enable_Pipelight="$2" ;; Staging) enable_Staging="$2" ;; advapi32-LsaLookupSids) enable_advapi32_LsaLookupSids="$2" ;; advapi32-RegCopyTree) enable_advapi32_RegCopyTree="$2" ;; advapi32-SetSecurityInfo) enable_advapi32_SetSecurityInfo="$2" ;; amstream-GetMultiMediaStream) enable_amstream_GetMultiMediaStream="$2" ;; api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs) enable_api_ms_win_Stub_DLLs="$2" ;; authz-Stub_Functions) enable_authz_Stub_Functions="$2" ;; avifil32-AVIFile_Proxies) enable_avifil32_AVIFile_Proxies="$2" ;; avifil32-IGetFrame_fnSetFormat) enable_avifil32_IGetFrame_fnSetFormat="$2" ;; avifile.dll16-AVIStreamGetFrame) enable_avifile_dll16_AVIStreamGetFrame="$2" ;; browseui-Progress_Dialog) enable_browseui_Progress_Dialog="$2" ;; category-stable) enable_category_stable="$2" ;; combase-RoApi) enable_combase_RoApi="$2" ;; comctl32-Button_Theming) enable_comctl32_Button_Theming="$2" ;; comctl32-PROPSHEET_InsertPage) enable_comctl32_PROPSHEET_InsertPage="$2" ;; comctl32-TTM_ADDTOOLW) enable_comctl32_TTM_ADDTOOLW="$2" ;; configure-Absolute_RPATH) enable_configure_Absolute_RPATH="$2" ;; crypt32-CMS_Certificates) enable_crypt32_CMS_Certificates="$2" ;; crypt32-CryptUnprotectMemory) enable_crypt32_CryptUnprotectMemory="$2" ;; d3d9-DesktopWindow) enable_d3d9_DesktopWindow="$2" ;; d3d9-Skip_Tests) enable_d3d9_Skip_Tests="$2" ;; d3d9-Surface_Refcount) enable_d3d9_Surface_Refcount="$2" ;; d3dx9_24-ID3DXEffect) enable_d3dx9_24_ID3DXEffect="$2" ;; d3dx9_25-ID3DXEffect) enable_d3dx9_25_ID3DXEffect="$2" ;; d3dx9_26-ID3DXEffect) enable_d3dx9_26_ID3DXEffect="$2" ;; d3dx9_33-Share_Source) enable_d3dx9_33_Share_Source="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-CloneEffect) enable_d3dx9_36_CloneEffect="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-D3DXCreateTeapot) enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXCreateTeapot="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader) enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXDisassembleShader="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs) enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXStubs="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-DDS) enable_d3dx9_36_DDS="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-DXTn) enable_d3dx9_36_DXTn="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-DrawText) enable_d3dx9_36_DrawText="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-Dummy_Skininfo) enable_d3dx9_36_Dummy_Skininfo="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings) enable_d3dx9_36_Filter_Warnings="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique) enable_d3dx9_36_FindNextValidTechnique="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics) enable_d3dx9_36_GetShaderSemantics="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace) enable_d3dx9_36_Optimize_Inplace="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-Texture_Align) enable_d3dx9_36_Texture_Align="$2" ;; d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh) enable_d3dx9_36_UpdateSkinnedMesh="$2" ;; dbghelp-Debug_Symbols) enable_dbghelp_Debug_Symbols="$2" ;; ddraw-Device_Caps) enable_ddraw_Device_Caps="$2" ;; ddraw-EnumSurfaces) enable_ddraw_EnumSurfaces="$2" ;; ddraw-IDirect3DTexture2_Load) enable_ddraw_IDirect3DTexture2_Load="$2" ;; ddraw-Rendering_Targets) enable_ddraw_Rendering_Targets="$2" ;; ddraw-Write_Vtable) enable_ddraw_Write_Vtable="$2" ;; ddraw-ZBufferBitDepths) enable_ddraw_ZBufferBitDepths="$2" ;; ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer) enable_ddraw_d3d_execute_buffer="$2" ;; dinput-DIPROP_USERNAME) enable_dinput_DIPROP_USERNAME="$2" ;; dinput-Initialize) enable_dinput_Initialize="$2" ;; dsound-EAX) enable_dsound_EAX="$2" ;; dsound-Fast_Mixer) enable_dsound_Fast_Mixer="$2" ;; dsound-Revert_Cleanup) enable_dsound_Revert_Cleanup="$2" ;; dxdiagn-Display_Information) enable_dxdiagn_Display_Information="$2" ;; dxdiagn-Enumerate_DirectSound) enable_dxdiagn_Enumerate_DirectSound="$2" ;; dxdiagn-GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes) enable_dxdiagn_GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes="$2" ;; dxgi-MakeWindowAssociation) enable_dxgi_MakeWindowAssociation="$2" ;; dxva2-Video_Decoder) enable_dxva2_Video_Decoder="$2" ;; explorer-Video_Registry_Key) enable_explorer_Video_Registry_Key="$2" ;; fonts-Missing_Fonts) enable_fonts_Missing_Fonts="$2" ;; gdi32-Lazy_Font_Initialization) enable_gdi32_Lazy_Font_Initialization="$2" ;; gdi32-MultiMonitor) enable_gdi32_MultiMonitor="$2" ;; gdi32-Path_Metafile) enable_gdi32_Path_Metafile="$2" ;; gdi32-Symbol_Truetype_Font) enable_gdi32_Symbol_Truetype_Font="$2" ;; hal-KeQueryPerformanceCounter) enable_hal_KeQueryPerformanceCounter="$2" ;; hid-HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes) enable_hid_HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes="$2" ;; hnetcfg-INetFwAuthorizedApplication) enable_hnetcfg_INetFwAuthorizedApplication="$2" ;; ieframe-IViewObject-Draw) enable_ieframe_IViewObject_Draw="$2" ;; iexplore-Revert_ProductVersion) enable_iexplore_Revert_ProductVersion="$2" ;; imagehlp-BindImageEx) enable_imagehlp_BindImageEx="$2" ;; imagehlp-Cleanup) enable_imagehlp_Cleanup="$2" ;; imagehlp-ImageLoad) enable_imagehlp_ImageLoad="$2" ;; imm32-IMMDisableLegacyIME) enable_imm32_IMMDisableLegacyIME="$2" ;; inetcpl-Default_Home) enable_inetcpl_Default_Home="$2" ;; iphlpapi-System_Ping) enable_iphlpapi_System_Ping="$2" ;; iphlpapi-TCP_Table) enable_iphlpapi_TCP_Table="$2" ;; kernel32-COMSPEC) enable_kernel32_COMSPEC="$2" ;; kernel32-CopyFileEx) enable_kernel32_CopyFileEx="$2" ;; kernel32-Cwd_Startup_Info) enable_kernel32_Cwd_Startup_Info="$2" ;; kernel32-FindFirstFile) enable_kernel32_FindFirstFile="$2" ;; kernel32-FreeUserPhysicalPages) enable_kernel32_FreeUserPhysicalPages="$2" ;; kernel32-GetCurrentPackageFamilyName) enable_kernel32_GetCurrentPackageFamilyName="$2" ;; kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle) enable_kernel32_GetFinalPathNameByHandle="$2" ;; kernel32-LocaleNameToLCID) enable_kernel32_LocaleNameToLCID="$2" ;; kernel32-Named_Pipe) enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe="$2" ;; kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath) enable_kernel32_NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath="$2" ;; kernel32-Profile) enable_kernel32_Profile="$2" ;; kernel32-SetFileCompletionNotificationModes) enable_kernel32_SetFileCompletionNotificationModes="$2" ;; kernel32-SetFileInformationByHandle) enable_kernel32_SetFileInformationByHandle="$2" ;; kernel32-TimezoneInformation_Registry) enable_kernel32_TimezoneInformation_Registry="$2" ;; kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo) enable_kernel32_VerifyVersionInfo="$2" ;; libs-Debug_Channel) enable_libs_Debug_Channel="$2" ;; libs-Unicode_Collation) enable_libs_Unicode_Collation="$2" ;; makedep-PARENTSPEC) enable_makedep_PARENTSPEC="$2" ;; mfplat-MFTRegister) enable_mfplat_MFTRegister="$2" ;; mmdevapi-AEV_Stubs) enable_mmdevapi_AEV_Stubs="$2" ;; mountmgr-DosDevices) enable_mountmgr_DosDevices="$2" ;; mpr-WNetGetUniversalNameW) enable_mpr_WNetGetUniversalNameW="$2" ;; mscoree-CorValidateImage) enable_mscoree_CorValidateImage="$2" ;; mshtml-HTMLLocation_put_hash) enable_mshtml_HTMLLocation_put_hash="$2" ;; msidb-Implementation) enable_msidb_Implementation="$2" ;; msvcr120-_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback) enable_msvcr120__SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback="$2" ;; msvcrt-Math_Precision) enable_msvcrt_Math_Precision="$2" ;; msvcrt-StdHandle_RefCount) enable_msvcrt_StdHandle_RefCount="$2" ;; ntdll-APC_Performance) enable_ntdll_APC_Performance="$2" ;; ntdll-APC_Start_Process) enable_ntdll_APC_Start_Process="$2" ;; ntdll-Activation_Context) enable_ntdll_Activation_Context="$2" ;; ntdll-ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence) enable_ntdll_ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence="$2" ;; ntdll-CLI_Images) enable_ntdll_CLI_Images="$2" ;; ntdll-DOS_Attributes) enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes="$2" ;; ntdll-Dealloc_Thread_Stack) enable_ntdll_Dealloc_Thread_Stack="$2" ;; ntdll-DeviceType_Systemroot) enable_ntdll_DeviceType_Systemroot="$2" ;; ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64) enable_ntdll_DllOverrides_WOW64="$2" ;; ntdll-DllRedirects) enable_ntdll_DllRedirects="$2" ;; ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids) enable_ntdll_EtwRegisterTraceGuids="$2" ;; ntdll-Exception) enable_ntdll_Exception="$2" ;; ntdll-FileDispositionInformation) enable_ntdll_FileDispositionInformation="$2" ;; ntdll-FileFsFullSizeInformation) enable_ntdll_FileFsFullSizeInformation="$2" ;; ntdll-FileFsVolumeInformation) enable_ntdll_FileFsVolumeInformation="$2" ;; ntdll-FileNamesInformation) enable_ntdll_FileNamesInformation="$2" ;; ntdll-Fix_Alignment) enable_ntdll_Fix_Alignment="$2" ;; ntdll-Fix_Free) enable_ntdll_Fix_Free="$2" ;; ntdll-FreeBSD_Directory) enable_ntdll_FreeBSD_Directory="$2" ;; ntdll-Heap_FreeLists) enable_ntdll_Heap_FreeLists="$2" ;; ntdll-Hide_Wine_Exports) enable_ntdll_Hide_Wine_Exports="$2" ;; ntdll-Junction_Points) enable_ntdll_Junction_Points="$2" ;; ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type) enable_ntdll_Loader_Machine_Type="$2" ;; ntdll-NtAccessCheck) enable_ntdll_NtAccessCheck="$2" ;; ntdll-NtQueryEaFile) enable_ntdll_NtQueryEaFile="$2" ;; ntdll-NtQuerySection) enable_ntdll_NtQuerySection="$2" ;; ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries) enable_ntdll_NtSetLdtEntries="$2" ;; ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters) enable_ntdll_Pipe_SpecialCharacters="$2" ;; ntdll-ProcessQuotaLimits) enable_ntdll_ProcessQuotaLimits="$2" ;; ntdll-Purist_Mode) enable_ntdll_Purist_Mode="$2" ;; ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Stubs) enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Stubs="$2" ;; ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests) enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests="$2" ;; ntdll-RtlQueryPackageIdentity) enable_ntdll_RtlQueryPackageIdentity="$2" ;; ntdll-Serial_Port_Detection) enable_ntdll_Serial_Port_Detection="$2" ;; ntdll-Status_Mapping) enable_ntdll_Status_Mapping="$2" ;; ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers) enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers="$2" ;; ntdll-SystemInterruptInformation) enable_ntdll_SystemInterruptInformation="$2" ;; ntdll-SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment) enable_ntdll_SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment="$2" ;; ntdll-SystemRoot_Symlink) enable_ntdll_SystemRoot_Symlink="$2" ;; ntdll-ThreadTime) enable_ntdll_ThreadTime="$2" ;; ntdll-Threading) enable_ntdll_Threading="$2" ;; ntdll-User_Shared_Data) enable_ntdll_User_Shared_Data="$2" ;; ntdll-WRITECOPY) enable_ntdll_WRITECOPY="$2" ;; ntdll-Wait_User_APC) enable_ntdll_Wait_User_APC="$2" ;; ntdll-WinSqm) enable_ntdll_WinSqm="$2" ;; ntdll-WriteWatches) enable_ntdll_WriteWatches="$2" ;; ntdll-Zero_mod_name) enable_ntdll_Zero_mod_name="$2" ;; ntoskrnl-DriverTest) enable_ntoskrnl_DriverTest="$2" ;; ntoskrnl-Stubs) enable_ntoskrnl_Stubs="$2" ;; nvapi-Stub_DLL) enable_nvapi_Stub_DLL="$2" ;; nvcuda-CUDA_Support) enable_nvcuda_CUDA_Support="$2" ;; nvcuvid-CUDA_Video_Support) enable_nvcuvid_CUDA_Video_Support="$2" ;; nvencodeapi-Video_Encoder) enable_nvencodeapi_Video_Encoder="$2" ;; ole32-CoGetApartmentType) enable_ole32_CoGetApartmentType="$2" ;; ole32-HGLOBALStream) enable_ole32_HGLOBALStream="$2" ;; oleaut32-CreateTypeLib) enable_oleaut32_CreateTypeLib="$2" ;; oleaut32-TKIND_COCLASS) enable_oleaut32_TKIND_COCLASS="$2" ;; oleaut32-x86_64_Marshaller) enable_oleaut32_x86_64_Marshaller="$2" ;; openal32-EFX_Extension) enable_openal32_EFX_Extension="$2" ;; opengl32-Revert_Disable_Ext) enable_opengl32_Revert_Disable_Ext="$2" ;; opengl32-glDebugMessageCallback) enable_opengl32_glDebugMessageCallback="$2" ;; quartz-AsyncReader) enable_quartz_AsyncReader="$2" ;; quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions) enable_quartz_MediaSeeking_Positions="$2" ;; quartz-Silence_FIXMEs) enable_quartz_Silence_FIXMEs="$2" ;; rasapi32-RasEnumDevicesA) enable_rasapi32_RasEnumDevicesA="$2" ;; riched20-IText_Interface) enable_riched20_IText_Interface="$2" ;; rpcrt4-Pipe_Transport) enable_rpcrt4_Pipe_Transport="$2" ;; rpcrt4-RpcBindingServerFromClient) enable_rpcrt4_RpcBindingServerFromClient="$2" ;; secur32-ANSI_NTLM_Credentials) enable_secur32_ANSI_NTLM_Credentials="$2" ;; server-ClipCursor) enable_server_ClipCursor="$2" ;; server-CreateProcess_ACLs) enable_server_CreateProcess_ACLs="$2" ;; server-Desktop_Refcount) enable_server_Desktop_Refcount="$2" ;; server-FileEndOfFileInformation) enable_server_FileEndOfFileInformation="$2" ;; server-File_Permissions) enable_server_File_Permissions="$2" ;; server-Inherited_ACLs) enable_server_Inherited_ACLs="$2" ;; server-Key_State) enable_server_Key_State="$2" ;; server-Map_EXDEV_Error) enable_server_Map_EXDEV_Error="$2" ;; server-Misc_ACL) enable_server_Misc_ACL="$2" ;; server-Parent_Process) enable_server_Parent_Process="$2" ;; server-PeekMessage) enable_server_PeekMessage="$2" ;; server-Pipe_ObjectName) enable_server_Pipe_ObjectName="$2" ;; server-Realtime_Priority) enable_server_Realtime_Priority="$2" ;; server-Registry_Notifications) enable_server_Registry_Notifications="$2" ;; server-Shared_Memory) enable_server_Shared_Memory="$2" ;; server-Signal_Thread) enable_server_Signal_Thread="$2" ;; server-Stored_ACLs) enable_server_Stored_ACLs="$2" ;; server-Timestamp_Compat) enable_server_Timestamp_Compat="$2" ;; setupapi-Display_Device) enable_setupapi_Display_Device="$2" ;; setupapi-HSPFILEQ_Check_Type) enable_setupapi_HSPFILEQ_Check_Type="$2" ;; setupapi-SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW) enable_setupapi_SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW="$2" ;; setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk) enable_setupapi_SetupPromptForDisk="$2" ;; sfc-SfcGetNextProtectedFile) enable_sfc_SfcGetNextProtectedFile="$2" ;; shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests) enable_shdocvw_ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests="$2" ;; shell32-Default_Path) enable_shell32_Default_Path="$2" ;; shell32-File_Property_Dialog) enable_shell32_File_Property_Dialog="$2" ;; shell32-FolderItems_Stub_Iface) enable_shell32_FolderItems_Stub_Iface="$2" ;; shell32-IDragSourceHelper) enable_shell32_IDragSourceHelper="$2" ;; shell32-Icons) enable_shell32_Icons="$2" ;; shell32-Microsoft_Windows_Themes) enable_shell32_Microsoft_Windows_Themes="$2" ;; shell32-NewMenu_Interface) enable_shell32_NewMenu_Interface="$2" ;; shell32-Placeholder_Icons) enable_shell32_Placeholder_Icons="$2" ;; shell32-Progress_Dialog) enable_shell32_Progress_Dialog="$2" ;; shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16) enable_shell32_RunDLL_CallEntry16="$2" ;; shell32-Run_Dialog) enable_shell32_Run_Dialog="$2" ;; shell32-SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER) enable_shell32_SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER="$2" ;; shell32-SHCreateSessionKey) enable_shell32_SHCreateSessionKey="$2" ;; shell32-SHFileOperation_Move) enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Move="$2" ;; shell32-SHFileOperation_Win9x) enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Win9x="$2" ;; shell32-UNIXFS_get_unix_path) enable_shell32_UNIXFS_get_unix_path="$2" ;; shell32-UnixFS) enable_shell32_UnixFS="$2" ;; shlwapi-AssocGetPerceivedType) enable_shlwapi_AssocGetPerceivedType="$2" ;; shlwapi-SHMapHandle) enable_shlwapi_SHMapHandle="$2" ;; shlwapi-UrlCombine) enable_shlwapi_UrlCombine="$2" ;; shutdown-Stub_DLL) enable_shutdown_Stub_DLL="$2" ;; stdole32.idl-Typelib) enable_stdole32_idl_Typelib="$2" ;; stdole32.tlb-SLTG_Typelib) enable_stdole32_tlb_SLTG_Typelib="$2" ;; taskmgr-Memory_Usage) enable_taskmgr_Memory_Usage="$2" ;; ucrtbase-Functions) enable_ucrtbase_Functions="$2" ;; user32-DeferWindowPos) enable_user32_DeferWindowPos="$2" ;; user32-Dialog_Paint_Event) enable_user32_Dialog_Paint_Event="$2" ;; user32-DrawTextExW) enable_user32_DrawTextExW="$2" ;; user32-GetSystemMetrics) enable_user32_GetSystemMetrics="$2" ;; user32-Invalidate_Key_State) enable_user32_Invalidate_Key_State="$2" ;; user32-ListBox_Size) enable_user32_ListBox_Size="$2" ;; user32-MDI_Extra_Data) enable_user32_MDI_Extra_Data="$2" ;; user32-MessageBox_WS_EX_TOPMOST) enable_user32_MessageBox_WS_EX_TOPMOST="$2" ;; user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd) enable_user32_Mouse_Message_Hwnd="$2" ;; user32-Refresh_MDI_Menus) enable_user32_Refresh_MDI_Menus="$2" ;; user32-ScrollWindowEx) enable_user32_ScrollWindowEx="$2" ;; user32-SetCoalescableTimer) enable_user32_SetCoalescableTimer="$2" ;; user32-WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL) enable_user32_WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL="$2" ;; user32-WndProc) enable_user32_WndProc="$2" ;; uxtheme-GTK_Theming) enable_uxtheme_GTK_Theming="$2" ;; version-VerQueryValue) enable_version_VerQueryValue="$2" ;; wbemdisp-ISWbemSecurity) enable_wbemdisp_ISWbemSecurity="$2" ;; widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support) enable_widl_SLTG_Typelib_Support="$2" ;; wine.inf-Performance) enable_wine_inf_Performance="$2" ;; wine.inf-ProfileList_UserSID) enable_wine_inf_ProfileList_UserSID="$2" ;; wineboot-DriveSerial) enable_wineboot_DriveSerial="$2" ;; wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA) enable_wineboot_HKEY_DYN_DATA="$2" ;; wineboot-drivers_etc_Stubs) enable_wineboot_drivers_etc_Stubs="$2" ;; winecfg-Libraries) enable_winecfg_Libraries="$2" ;; winecfg-Staging) enable_winecfg_Staging="$2" ;; winecfg-Unmounted_Devices) enable_winecfg_Unmounted_Devices="$2" ;; wined3d-Accounting) enable_wined3d_Accounting="$2" ;; wined3d-CSMT_Helper) enable_wined3d_CSMT_Helper="$2" ;; wined3d-CSMT_Main) enable_wined3d_CSMT_Main="$2" ;; wined3d-DXTn) enable_wined3d_DXTn="$2" ;; wined3d-Geforce_425M) enable_wined3d_Geforce_425M="$2" ;; wined3d-MESA_GPU_Info) enable_wined3d_MESA_GPU_Info="$2" ;; wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat) enable_wined3d_Revert_PixelFormat="$2" ;; wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs) enable_wined3d_Silence_FIXMEs="$2" ;; wined3d-resource_map) enable_wined3d_resource_map="$2" ;; winedevice-Fix_Relocation) enable_winedevice_Fix_Relocation="$2" ;; winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path) enable_winemenubuilder_Desktop_Icon_Path="$2" ;; winepulse-PulseAudio_Support) enable_winepulse_PulseAudio_Support="$2" ;; winex11-CandidateWindowPos) enable_winex11_CandidateWindowPos="$2" ;; winex11-Clipboard_HTML) enable_winex11_Clipboard_HTML="$2" ;; winex11-DefaultDisplayFrequency) enable_winex11_DefaultDisplayFrequency="$2" ;; winex11-MONITORENUMPROC) enable_winex11_MONITORENUMPROC="$2" ;; winex11-Window_Groups) enable_winex11_Window_Groups="$2" ;; winex11-Window_Style) enable_winex11_Window_Style="$2" ;; winex11-XEMBED) enable_winex11_XEMBED="$2" ;; winex11-_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW) enable_winex11__NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW="$2" ;; winex11-wglShareLists) enable_winex11_wglShareLists="$2" ;; winhttp-System_Proxy_Autoconfig) enable_winhttp_System_Proxy_Autoconfig="$2" ;; wininet-Cleanup) enable_wininet_Cleanup="$2" ;; wininet-Internet_Settings) enable_wininet_Internet_Settings="$2" ;; wininet-ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry) enable_wininet_ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry="$2" ;; winmm-Delay_Import_Depends) enable_winmm_Delay_Import_Depends="$2" ;; winscard-SCardListReaders) enable_winscard_SCardListReaders="$2" ;; winspool.drv-SetPrinterW) enable_winspool_drv_SetPrinterW="$2" ;; winsta-WinStationEnumerateW) enable_winsta_WinStationEnumerateW="$2" ;; wpcap-Dynamic_Linking) enable_wpcap_Dynamic_Linking="$2" ;; wpcap-Several_Fixes) enable_wpcap_Several_Fixes="$2" ;; ws2_32-APC_Performance) enable_ws2_32_APC_Performance="$2" ;; ws2_32-Connect_Time) enable_ws2_32_Connect_Time="$2" ;; ws2_32-Sort_default_route) enable_ws2_32_Sort_default_route="$2" ;; ws2_32-TransmitFile) enable_ws2_32_TransmitFile="$2" ;; ws2_32-WSACleanup) enable_ws2_32_WSACleanup="$2" ;; ws2_32-WriteWatches) enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches="$2" ;; ws2_32-getaddrinfo) enable_ws2_32_getaddrinfo="$2" ;; ws2_32-getsockopt) enable_ws2_32_getsockopt="$2" ;; wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses) enable_wtsapi32_EnumerateProcesses="$2" ;; wtsapi32-WTSQueryUserToken) enable_wtsapi32_WTSQueryUserToken="$2" ;; wusa-MSU_Package_Installer) enable_wusa_MSU_Package_Installer="$2" ;; *) return 1 ;; esac return 0 } # Default settings patch_enable_all 0 category_enable_all 0 enable_patchlist=1 enable_autoconf=1 patchlist="/dev/null" backend="patch" # Find location of patches patchdir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" if test ! -f "$patchdir/patchinstall.sh"; then if test -f ./patchinstall.sh; then patchdir="$(pwd)" else abort "Failed to find patch directory." fi fi # Parse commandline arguments if test "$#" -eq 0; then abort "No commandline arguments given, don't know what to do." fi while test "$#" -gt 0; do case "$1" in DESTDIR=*) DESTDIR="${1#*=}" shift ;; --all) patch_enable_all 1 shift ;; --backend=*) backend="${1#*=}" shift ;; --force-autoconf) enable_autoconf=2 shift ;; --help) usage exit 0 ;; --no-patchlist) enable_patchlist=0 shift ;; --no-autoconf) enable_autoconf=0 shift ;; --upstream-commit) upstream_commit exit 0 ;; --version) version exit 0 ;; -W) # Disable patchset if ! patch_enable "$2" 2; then abort "Wrong usage of -W commandline argument, expected patchname." fi shift shift ;; *) # Enable patchset if ! patch_enable "$1" 1; then abort "Unknown commandline argument $1." fi shift ;; esac done # Determine DESTDIR if not explicitly specified if test -z "$DESTDIR" -a -f ./tools/make_requests; then DESTDIR="$(pwd)" elif test ! -f "$DESTDIR/tools/make_requests"; then abort "DESTDIR does not point to the Wine source tree." fi # Change directory to DESTDIR, epatch depends on that if ! cd "$DESTDIR"; then abort "Unable to change directory to $DESTDIR." fi # Helper to update configure / the wineserver protocol if required if ! command -v diff >/dev/null 2>&1 || ! command -v grep >/dev/null 2>&1 || ! command -v cmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then update_configure() { autoreconf -f } update_protocol() { ./tools/make_requests } else update_configure() { _file="./configure" if ! cp -a "$_file" "$_file.old"; then abort "failed to create $_file.old" fi if ! autoreconf -f; then rm "$_file.old" unset _file return 1 fi # Shifting by 62 bits is undefined behaviour when off_t is 32-bit, see also # https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autoconf/2.69-6 - the bug is still # present in some other distros (including Archlinux). _large_off_old="^#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 62) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 62))$" _large_off_new="#define LARGE_OFF_T ((((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31) - 1 + (((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31))" sed -i'' -e "s|$_large_off_old|$_large_off_new|g" "$_file" unset _large_off_old _large_off_new # Restore original timestamp when nothing changed if ! cmp "$_file.old" "$_file" >/dev/null; then rm "$_file.old" else mv "$_file.old" "$_file" fi unset _file return 0 } update_protocol() { _file="./include/wine/server_protocol.h" if ! cp -a "$_file" "$_file.old"; then abort "failed to create $_file.old" fi if ! ./tools/make_requests; then rm "$_file.old" unset _file return 1 fi # Restore original timestamp when nothing changed if diff -u "$_file.old" "$_file" | grep -v "^[+-]#define SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION" | grep -v "^\(+++\|---\)" | grep -q "^[+-]"; then rm "$_file.old" else mv "$_file.old" "$_file" fi unset _file return 0 } fi # Most backends will try to use git, either directly or indirectly. # Unfortunately this does not work when "$DESTDIR" points to a # subdirectory of a git tree, which has the effect that no patches # are applied, but the exitcode is zero. To avoid broken builds we # will workaround this issue or abort. For more information see # https://github.com/wine-compholio/wine-staging/issues/7 test ! -d ".git" && git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1 workaround_git_bug="$?" # Apply the patches using gitapply.sh, a small wrapper around 'patch' if test "$backend" = "patch"; then if test "$workaround_git_bug" -eq 0; then gitapply_args="--nogit" else gitapply_args="" fi if test "$enable_autoconf" -gt 1; then warning "Ignoring commandline argument --force-autoconf." enable_autoconf=1 fi patch_apply_file() { echo "Applying $1" if ! "$patchdir/gitapply.sh" $gitapply_args < "$1"; then abort "Failed to apply patch, aborting!" fi } # 'epatch' backend - used on Gentoo elif test "$backend" = "epatch"; then if test "$workaround_git_bug" -eq 0; then gitapply_args="--nogit" else gitapply_args="" fi if ! command -v epatch >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ ! command -v ebegin >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ ! command -v eend >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ ! command -v die >/dev/null 2>&1; then abort "Shell functions epatch/ebegin/eend not found. You have to source this script from your ebuild." fi if test "$enable_autoconf" -gt 1; then warning "Ignoring commandline argument --force-autoconf." enable_autoconf=1 fi patch_apply_file() { _shortname="$(basename "$1")" if grep -q "^GIT binary patch" "$1"; then ebegin "Applying $_shortname" if ! "$patchdir/gitapply.sh" $gitapply_args < "$1"; then die "Failed Patch: $1!" fi eend else epatch "$1" # epatch calls die upon failure fi unset _shortname } # GIT backend - apply patches using 'git am' elif test "$backend" = "git" -o "$backend" = "git-am"; then if test "$workaround_git_bug" -eq 0; then abort "Backend 'git-am' not possible when DESTDIR points to a git subdirectory." fi patch_apply_file() { echo "Applying $1" if ! git am "$1"; then abort "Failed to apply patch, aborting!" fi if test "$enable_autoconf" -gt 1; then _do_commit=0 # Run 'autoreconf -f' if required if git show --pretty=format: --name-only | grep -q "^\(configure.ac\|aclocal.m4\)$"; then if ! update_configure; then abort "'autoreconf -f' failed." fi git add ./configure git add ./include/config.h.in _do_commit=1 fi # Run './tools/make_requests' if required if git show --pretty=format: --name-only | grep -q "^server/"; then if ! update_protocol; then abort "'./tools/make_requests' failed." fi git add ./include/wine/server_protocol.h git add ./server/trace.c git add ./server/request.h _do_commit=1 fi if test "$_do_commit" -ne 0; then if ! git commit --amend --reuse-message HEAD; then abort "Failed to include autogenerated changes in commit." fi fi unset _do_commit fi } # Git apply backend elif test "$backend" = "git-apply"; then if test "$workaround_git_bug" -eq 0; then abort "Backend 'git-apply' not possible when DESTDIR points to a git subdirectory." fi if test "$enable_autoconf" -gt 1; then warning "Ignoring commandline argument --force-autoconf." enable_autoconf=1 fi patch_apply_file() { echo "Applying $1" if ! git apply "$1"; then abort "Failed to apply patch, aborting!" fi } # Stacked GIT backend - import the patches (mainly for developers) elif test "$backend" = "stg"; then if test "$workaround_git_bug" -eq 0; then abort "Backend 'stg' not possible when DESTDIR points to a git subdirectory." fi # Only import the regular patches, no autogenerated ones - # moreover, don't run autoreconf or ./tools/make_requests. enable_patchlist=0 enable_autoconf=0 patch_apply_file() { echo "Applying $1" _shortname="$(basename "$1")" if ! echo "staging/$_shortname" | cat - "$1" | stg import; then abort "Failed to apply patch, aborting!" fi unset _shortname } else abort "Selected backend $backend not supported." fi patch_apply() { patch_apply_file "$patchdir/$1" } if test "$enable_category_stable" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_Compiler_Warnings" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset Compiler_Warnings disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_Staging" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset Staging disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_configure_Absolute_RPATH" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset configure-Absolute_RPATH disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3d9_Skip_Tests" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3d9-Skip_Tests disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3d9_Surface_Refcount" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3d9-Surface_Refcount disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_24_ID3DXEffect" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_24-ID3DXEffect disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_25_ID3DXEffect" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_25-ID3DXEffect disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_26_ID3DXEffect" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_26-ID3DXEffect disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXStubs" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_FindNextValidTechnique" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_Optimize_Inplace" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_Texture_Align" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-Texture_Align disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_UpdateSkinnedMesh" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_dbghelp_Debug_Symbols" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset dbghelp-Debug_Symbols disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ddraw_EnumSurfaces" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ddraw-EnumSurfaces disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_fonts_Missing_Fonts" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset fonts-Missing_Fonts disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-Named_Pipe disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_libs_Debug_Channel" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset libs-Debug_Channel disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_libs_Unicode_Collation" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset libs-Unicode_Collation disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_makedep_PARENTSPEC" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset makedep-PARENTSPEC disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_mfplat_MFTRegister" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset mfplat-MFTRegister disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_mountmgr_DosDevices" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset mountmgr-DosDevices disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_mscoree_CorValidateImage" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset mscoree-CorValidateImage disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_APC_Start_Process" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-APC_Start_Process disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_CLI_Images" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-CLI_Images disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-DOS_Attributes disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_DllRedirects" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-DllRedirects disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_FileFsFullSizeInformation" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-FileFsFullSizeInformation disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Fix_Alignment" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Fix_Alignment disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_FreeBSD_Directory" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-FreeBSD_Directory disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Heap_FreeLists" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Heap_FreeLists disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_NtSetLdtEntries" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Pipe_SpecialCharacters" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Threading" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Threading disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_User_Shared_Data" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-User_Shared_Data disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_WriteWatches" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-WriteWatches disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_opengl32_Revert_Disable_Ext" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset opengl32-Revert_Disable_Ext disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_ClipCursor" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-ClipCursor disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_CreateProcess_ACLs" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-CreateProcess_ACLs disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_setupapi_SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset setupapi-SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_shell32_RunDLL_CallEntry16" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16 disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Win9x" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset shell32-SHFileOperation_Win9x disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_user32_DrawTextExW" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset user32-DrawTextExW disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_user32_WndProc" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset user32-WndProc disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wine_inf_Performance" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wine.inf-Performance disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wine_inf_ProfileList_UserSID" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wine.inf-ProfileList_UserSID disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wineboot_HKEY_DYN_DATA" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_winecfg_Libraries" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winecfg-Libraries disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wined3d_Revert_PixelFormat" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wined3d_Silence_FIXMEs" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_winemenubuilder_Desktop_Icon_Path" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_winepulse_PulseAudio_Support" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winepulse-PulseAudio_Support disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_winex11_Window_Style" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winex11-Window_Style disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_winex11_XEMBED" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winex11-XEMBED disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_winex11_wglShareLists" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winex11-wglShareLists disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wininet_ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wininet-ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_winmm_Delay_Import_Depends" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winmm-Delay_Import_Depends disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ws2_32_Connect_Time" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ws2_32-Connect_Time disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ws2_32-WriteWatches disabled, but category-stable depends on that." fi enable_Compiler_Warnings=1 enable_Staging=1 enable_configure_Absolute_RPATH=1 enable_d3d9_Skip_Tests=1 enable_d3d9_Surface_Refcount=1 enable_d3dx9_24_ID3DXEffect=1 enable_d3dx9_25_ID3DXEffect=1 enable_d3dx9_26_ID3DXEffect=1 enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXStubs=1 enable_d3dx9_36_FindNextValidTechnique=1 enable_d3dx9_36_Optimize_Inplace=1 enable_d3dx9_36_Texture_Align=1 enable_d3dx9_36_UpdateSkinnedMesh=1 enable_dbghelp_Debug_Symbols=1 enable_ddraw_EnumSurfaces=1 enable_fonts_Missing_Fonts=1 enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe=1 enable_libs_Debug_Channel=1 enable_libs_Unicode_Collation=1 enable_makedep_PARENTSPEC=1 enable_mfplat_MFTRegister=1 enable_mountmgr_DosDevices=1 enable_mscoree_CorValidateImage=1 enable_ntdll_APC_Start_Process=1 enable_ntdll_CLI_Images=1 enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes=1 enable_ntdll_DllRedirects=1 enable_ntdll_FileFsFullSizeInformation=1 enable_ntdll_Fix_Alignment=1 enable_ntdll_FreeBSD_Directory=1 enable_ntdll_Heap_FreeLists=1 enable_ntdll_NtSetLdtEntries=1 enable_ntdll_Pipe_SpecialCharacters=1 enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests=1 enable_ntdll_Threading=1 enable_ntdll_User_Shared_Data=1 enable_ntdll_WriteWatches=1 enable_opengl32_Revert_Disable_Ext=1 enable_server_ClipCursor=1 enable_server_CreateProcess_ACLs=1 enable_setupapi_SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW=1 enable_shell32_RunDLL_CallEntry16=1 enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Win9x=1 enable_user32_DrawTextExW=1 enable_user32_WndProc=1 enable_wine_inf_Performance=1 enable_wine_inf_ProfileList_UserSID=1 enable_wineboot_HKEY_DYN_DATA=1 enable_winecfg_Libraries=1 enable_wined3d_Revert_PixelFormat=1 enable_wined3d_Silence_FIXMEs=1 enable_winemenubuilder_Desktop_Icon_Path=1 enable_winepulse_PulseAudio_Support=1 enable_winex11_Window_Style=1 enable_winex11_XEMBED=1 enable_winex11_wglShareLists=1 enable_wininet_ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry=1 enable_winmm_Delay_Import_Depends=1 enable_ws2_32_Connect_Time=1 enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches=1 fi if test "$enable_ws2_32_WSACleanup" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_server_Desktop_Refcount" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-Desktop_Refcount disabled, but ws2_32-WSACleanup depends on that." fi enable_server_Desktop_Refcount=1 fi if test "$enable_ws2_32_TransmitFile" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_server_Desktop_Refcount" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-Desktop_Refcount disabled, but ws2_32-TransmitFile depends on that." fi enable_server_Desktop_Refcount=1 fi if test "$enable_wpcap_Dynamic_Linking" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_wpcap_Several_Fixes" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wpcap-Several_Fixes disabled, but wpcap-Dynamic_Linking depends on that." fi enable_wpcap_Several_Fixes=1 fi if test "$enable_wined3d_CSMT_Main" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_wined3d_CSMT_Helper" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-CSMT_Helper disabled, but wined3d-CSMT_Main depends on that." fi enable_wined3d_CSMT_Helper=1 fi if test "$enable_wined3d_MESA_GPU_Info" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_wined3d_Accounting" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-Accounting disabled, but wined3d-MESA_GPU_Info depends on that." fi enable_wined3d_Accounting=1 fi if test "$enable_wined3d_CSMT_Helper" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_makedep_PARENTSPEC" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset makedep-PARENTSPEC disabled, but wined3d-CSMT_Helper depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_DllRedirects" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-DllRedirects disabled, but wined3d-CSMT_Helper depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wined3d_DXTn" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-DXTn disabled, but wined3d-CSMT_Helper depends on that." fi if test "$enable_wined3d_resource_map" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-resource_map disabled, but wined3d-CSMT_Helper depends on that." fi enable_makedep_PARENTSPEC=1 enable_ntdll_DllRedirects=1 enable_wined3d_DXTn=1 enable_wined3d_resource_map=1 fi if test "$enable_uxtheme_GTK_Theming" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_DllRedirects" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-DllRedirects disabled, but uxtheme-GTK_Theming depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_DllRedirects=1 fi if test "$enable_stdole32_tlb_SLTG_Typelib" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_widl_SLTG_Typelib_Support" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support disabled, but stdole32.tlb-SLTG_Typelib depends on that." fi enable_widl_SLTG_Typelib_Support=1 fi if test "$enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Win9x" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_shell32_Progress_Dialog" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset shell32-Progress_Dialog disabled, but shell32-SHFileOperation_Win9x depends on that." fi enable_shell32_Progress_Dialog=1 fi if test "$enable_shell32_Progress_Dialog" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_kernel32_CopyFileEx" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-CopyFileEx disabled, but shell32-Progress_Dialog depends on that." fi if test "$enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Move" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset shell32-SHFileOperation_Move disabled, but shell32-Progress_Dialog depends on that." fi enable_kernel32_CopyFileEx=1 enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Move=1 fi if test "$enable_server_Shared_Memory" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_Threading" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Threading disabled, but server-Shared_Memory depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_ClipCursor" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-ClipCursor disabled, but server-Shared_Memory depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_Key_State" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-Key_State disabled, but server-Shared_Memory depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_PeekMessage" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-PeekMessage disabled, but server-Shared_Memory depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_Signal_Thread" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-Signal_Thread disabled, but server-Shared_Memory depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_Threading=1 enable_server_ClipCursor=1 enable_server_Key_State=1 enable_server_PeekMessage=1 enable_server_Signal_Thread=1 fi if test "$enable_server_Pipe_ObjectName" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-Named_Pipe disabled, but server-Pipe_ObjectName depends on that." fi enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe=1 fi if test "$enable_server_Inherited_ACLs" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_server_Stored_ACLs" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-Stored_ACLs disabled, but server-Inherited_ACLs depends on that." fi enable_server_Stored_ACLs=1 fi if test "$enable_server_Stored_ACLs" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-DOS_Attributes disabled, but server-Stored_ACLs depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_File_Permissions" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-File_Permissions disabled, but server-Stored_ACLs depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes=1 enable_server_File_Permissions=1 fi if test "$enable_nvencodeapi_Video_Encoder" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_nvcuvid_CUDA_Video_Support" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset nvcuvid-CUDA_Video_Support disabled, but nvencodeapi-Video_Encoder depends on that." fi enable_nvcuvid_CUDA_Video_Support=1 fi if test "$enable_nvcuvid_CUDA_Video_Support" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_nvapi_Stub_DLL" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset nvapi-Stub_DLL disabled, but nvcuvid-CUDA_Video_Support depends on that." fi enable_nvapi_Stub_DLL=1 fi if test "$enable_nvapi_Stub_DLL" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_nvcuda_CUDA_Support" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset nvcuda-CUDA_Support disabled, but nvapi-Stub_DLL depends on that." fi enable_nvcuda_CUDA_Support=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_WriteWatches" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-Named_Pipe disabled, but ntdll-WriteWatches depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ws2_32-WriteWatches disabled, but ntdll-WriteWatches depends on that." fi enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe=1 enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_WinSqm" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_EtwRegisterTraceGuids" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids disabled, but ntdll-WinSqm depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_EtwRegisterTraceGuids=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_SystemRoot_Symlink" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_Exception" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Exception disabled, but ntdll-SystemRoot_Symlink depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers disabled, but ntdll-SystemRoot_Symlink depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_Exception=1 enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_RtlQueryPackageIdentity" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-RtlQueryPackageIdentity disabled, but ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_RtlQueryPackageIdentity=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Purist_Mode" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_DllRedirects" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-DllRedirects disabled, but ntdll-Purist_Mode depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_DllRedirects=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_NtQuerySection" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers disabled, but ntdll-NtQuerySection depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Junction_Points" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_Fix_Free" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Fix_Free disabled, but ntdll-Junction_Points depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_NtQueryEaFile" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-NtQueryEaFile disabled, but ntdll-Junction_Points depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_Fix_Free=1 enable_ntdll_NtQueryEaFile=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_NtQueryEaFile" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers disabled, but ntdll-NtQueryEaFile depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_DllRedirects" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_DllOverrides_WOW64" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64 disabled, but ntdll-DllRedirects depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_Loader_Machine_Type" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type disabled, but ntdll-DllRedirects depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_DllOverrides_WOW64=1 enable_ntdll_Loader_Machine_Type=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers disabled, but ntdll-DOS_Attributes depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_CLI_Images" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_mscoree_CorValidateImage" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset mscoree-CorValidateImage disabled, but ntdll-CLI_Images depends on that." fi enable_mscoree_CorValidateImage=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_EtwRegisterTraceGuids" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids disabled, but ntdll-ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_EtwRegisterTraceGuids=1 fi if test "$enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_rpcrt4_Pipe_Transport" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset rpcrt4-Pipe_Transport disabled, but kernel32-Named_Pipe depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_Desktop_Refcount" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-Desktop_Refcount disabled, but kernel32-Named_Pipe depends on that." fi enable_rpcrt4_Pipe_Transport=1 enable_server_Desktop_Refcount=1 fi if test "$enable_kernel32_CopyFileEx" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_kernel32_SetFileInformationByHandle" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-SetFileInformationByHandle disabled, but kernel32-CopyFileEx depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ntdll_FileDispositionInformation" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-FileDispositionInformation disabled, but kernel32-CopyFileEx depends on that." fi enable_kernel32_SetFileInformationByHandle=1 enable_ntdll_FileDispositionInformation=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_FileDispositionInformation" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_server_File_Permissions" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-File_Permissions disabled, but ntdll-FileDispositionInformation depends on that." fi enable_server_File_Permissions=1 fi if test "$enable_dxva2_Video_Decoder" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_winecfg_Staging" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset winecfg-Staging disabled, but dxva2-Video_Decoder depends on that." fi enable_winecfg_Staging=1 fi if test "$enable_dxdiagn_GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_dxdiagn_Enumerate_DirectSound" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset dxdiagn-Enumerate_DirectSound disabled, but dxdiagn-GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes depends on that." fi enable_dxdiagn_Enumerate_DirectSound=1 fi if test "$enable_dsound_EAX" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_dsound_Fast_Mixer" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset dsound-Fast_Mixer disabled, but dsound-EAX depends on that." fi if test "$enable_dsound_Revert_Cleanup" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset dsound-Revert_Cleanup disabled, but dsound-EAX depends on that." fi enable_dsound_Fast_Mixer=1 enable_dsound_Revert_Cleanup=1 fi if test "$enable_ddraw_IDirect3DTexture2_Load" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_wined3d_resource_map" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-resource_map disabled, but ddraw-IDirect3DTexture2_Load depends on that." fi enable_wined3d_resource_map=1 fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXDisassembleShader" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_GetShaderSemantics" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics disabled, but d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader depends on that." fi enable_d3dx9_36_GetShaderSemantics=1 fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_33_Share_Source" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXStubs" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs disabled, but d3dx9_33-Share_Source depends on that." fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_DXTn" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_36-DXTn disabled, but d3dx9_33-Share_Source depends on that." fi enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXStubs=1 enable_d3dx9_36_DXTn=1 fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_DXTn" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_wined3d_DXTn" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset wined3d-DXTn disabled, but d3dx9_36-DXTn depends on that." fi enable_wined3d_DXTn=1 fi if test "$enable_d3dx9_24_ID3DXEffect" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_d3dx9_25_ID3DXEffect" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset d3dx9_25-ID3DXEffect disabled, but d3dx9_24-ID3DXEffect depends on that." fi enable_d3dx9_25_ID3DXEffect=1 fi if test "$enable_api_ms_win_Stub_DLLs" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_advapi32_RegCopyTree" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset advapi32-RegCopyTree disabled, but api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs depends on that." fi if test "$enable_combase_RoApi" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset combase-RoApi disabled, but api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs depends on that." fi if test "$enable_kernel32_FreeUserPhysicalPages" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-FreeUserPhysicalPages disabled, but api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs depends on that." fi if test "$enable_kernel32_GetCurrentPackageFamilyName" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-GetCurrentPackageFamilyName disabled, but api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs depends on that." fi if test "$enable_kernel32_GetFinalPathNameByHandle" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle disabled, but api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs depends on that." fi if test "$enable_ole32_CoGetApartmentType" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ole32-CoGetApartmentType disabled, but api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs depends on that." fi enable_advapi32_RegCopyTree=1 enable_combase_RoApi=1 enable_kernel32_FreeUserPhysicalPages=1 enable_kernel32_GetCurrentPackageFamilyName=1 enable_kernel32_GetFinalPathNameByHandle=1 enable_ole32_CoGetApartmentType=1 fi if test "$enable_advapi32_LsaLookupSids" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_server_CreateProcess_ACLs" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-CreateProcess_ACLs disabled, but advapi32-LsaLookupSids depends on that." fi if test "$enable_server_Misc_ACL" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset server-Misc_ACL disabled, but advapi32-LsaLookupSids depends on that." fi enable_server_CreateProcess_ACLs=1 enable_server_Misc_ACL=1 fi if test "$enable_Exagear" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ntdll_WRITECOPY" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ntdll-WRITECOPY disabled, but Exagear depends on that." fi enable_ntdll_WRITECOPY=1 fi if test "$enable_ntdll_WRITECOPY" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches" -gt 1; then abort "Patchset ws2_32-WriteWatches disabled, but ntdll-WRITECOPY depends on that." fi enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches=1 fi # If autoupdate is enabled then create a tempfile to keep track of all patches if test "$enable_patchlist" -eq 1; then if test "$enable_Staging" -eq 1; then patchlist=$(mktemp) if test ! -f "$patchlist"; then abort "Unable to create temporary file for patchlist." fi else warning "Skipping generation of patchlist because 'Staging' patchset is disabled." enable_patchlist=0 fi fi # Patchset Compiler_Warnings # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d9/tests/visual.c, dlls/netapi32/netapi32.c, dlls/winealsa.drv/mmdevdrv.c, dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c, # | tools/makedep.c # | if test "$enable_Compiler_Warnings" -eq 1; then patch_apply Compiler_Warnings/0001-Appease-the-blessed-version-of-gcc-4.5-when-Werror-i.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "Appease the blessed version of gcc (4.5) when -Werror is enabled.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset Coverity # | # | Modified files: # | * tools/sfnt2fon/sfnt2fon.c, tools/winedump/msc.c # | if test "$enable_Coverity" -eq 1; then patch_apply Coverity/0001-sfnt2fon-Don-t-leak-output-name-if-specified-multipl.patch patch_apply Coverity/0002-winedump-Free-debug-string-in-case-it-was-not-freed-.patch ( echo '+ { "André Hentschel", "sfnt2fon: Don'\''t leak output name if specified multiple times (Coverity).", 1 },'; echo '+ { "André Hentschel", "winedump: Free debug string in case it was not freed in for-loop (Coverity).", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-WriteWatches # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, # | include/winternl.h # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_WriteWatches" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-WriteWatches/0001-ntdll-Expose-wine_uninterrupted_-read-write-_memory-.patch patch_apply ws2_32-WriteWatches/0002-ws2_32-Avoid-race-conditions-of-async-WSARecv-operat.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Expose wine_uninterrupted_[read|write]_memory as exports.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ws2_32: Avoid race-conditions of async WSARecv() operations with write watches.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-WRITECOPY # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ws2_32-WriteWatches # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29384] Voobly expects correct handling of WRITECOPY memory protection # | * [#35561] MSYS2 expects correct handling of WRITECOPY memory protection # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/crypt.c, dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/virtual.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, # | dlls/ntdll/server.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_arm.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_arm64.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, # | dlls/ntdll/signal_powerpc.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c, dlls/ntdll/thread.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_WRITECOPY" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-WRITECOPY/0001-ntdll-Trigger-write-watches-before-passing-userdata-.patch patch_apply ntdll-WRITECOPY/0002-advapi-Trigger-write-watches-before-passing-userdata.patch patch_apply ntdll-WRITECOPY/0003-ntdll-Setup-a-temporary-signal-handler-during-proces.patch patch_apply ntdll-WRITECOPY/0004-ntdll-Properly-handle-PAGE_WRITECOPY-protection.-try.patch patch_apply ntdll-WRITECOPY/0005-ntdll-Only-enable-true-WRITECOPY-protection-when-a-s.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Trigger write watches before passing userdata pointer to wait_reply.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "advapi: Trigger write watches before passing userdata pointer to read syscall.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Setup a temporary signal handler during process startup to handle page faults.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Properly handle PAGE_WRITECOPY protection.", 5 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Only enable true WRITECOPY protection when a special environment variable is set.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset Exagear # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ws2_32-WriteWatches, ntdll-WRITECOPY # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, server/ptrace.c # | if test "$enable_Exagear" -eq 1; then patch_apply Exagear/0001-ntdll-Implement-emulation-of-SIDT-instruction-when-u.patch patch_apply Exagear/0002-ntdll-Fix-issues-with-write-watches-when-using-Exage.patch patch_apply Exagear/0003-server-Don-t-attempt-to-use-ptrace-when-running-with.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Implement emulation of SIDT instruction when using Exagear.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix issues with write watches when using Exagear.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Don'\''t attempt to use ptrace when running with Exagear.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset Pipelight # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/message.c, dlls/user32/tests/msg.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d.spec, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_main.c, # | dlls/winex11.drv/init.c, dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c, dlls/winex11.drv/x11drv.h # | if test "$enable_Pipelight" -eq 1; then patch_apply Pipelight/0001-winex11-Implement-X11DRV_FLUSH_GDI_DISPLAY-ExtEscape-c.patch patch_apply Pipelight/0002-user32-Decrease-minimum-SetTimer-interval-to-5-ms.patch patch_apply Pipelight/0003-wined3d-allow-changing-strict-drawing-through-an-exp.patch patch_apply Pipelight/0004-winex11.drv-Indicate-direct-rendering-through-OpenGL.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winex11: Implement X11DRV_FLUSH_GDI_DISPLAY ExtEscape command.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "user32: Decrease minimum SetTimer interval to 5 ms.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: Allow changing strict drawing through an exported function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11.drv: Indicate direct rendering through OpenGL extension.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset Staging # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/process.c, dlls/ntdll/misc.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, include/wine/library.h, libs/wine/Makefile.in, # | libs/wine/config.c, libs/wine/loader.c, libs/wine/wine.def, libs/wine/wine.map, loader/main.c # | if test "$enable_Staging" -eq 1; then patch_apply Staging/0001-kernel32-Add-winediag-message-to-show-warning-that-t.patch patch_apply Staging/0002-winelib-Append-Staging-at-the-end-of-the-version-s.patch patch_apply Staging/0003-loader-Add-commandline-option-patches-to-show-the-pa.patch patch_apply Staging/0004-loader-Add-commandline-option-check-libs.patch patch_apply Staging/0005-loader-Print-library-paths-for-check-libs-on-Mac-OS-.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Add winediag message to show warning, that this isn'\''t vanilla wine.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winelib: Append '\''(Staging)'\'' at the end of the version string.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "loader: Add commandline option --patches to show the patch list.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "loader: Add commandline option --check-libs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "loader: Print library paths for --check-libs on Mac OS X.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-CreateProcess_ACLs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22006] Support for process ACLs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, dlls/kernel32/process.c, server/process.c, server/protocol.def # | if test "$enable_server_CreateProcess_ACLs" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0001-server-Support-for-thread-and-process-security-descr.patch patch_apply server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0002-kernel32-Implement-passing-security-descriptors-from.patch patch_apply server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0003-advapi32-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-passing-a-th.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Support for thread and process security descriptors in new_process wineserver call.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Implement passing security descriptors from CreateProcess to the wineserver.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Joris van der Wel", "advapi32/tests: Add additional tests for passing a thread sd to CreateProcess.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Misc_ACL # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#15980] GetSecurityInfo returns NULL DACL for process object # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, server/process.c, server/security.h, server/token.c # | if test "$enable_server_Misc_ACL" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Misc_ACL/0001-server-Add-default-security-descriptor-ownership-for.patch patch_apply server-Misc_ACL/0002-server-Add-default-security-descriptor-DACL-for-proc.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Add default security descriptor ownership for processes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Add default security descriptor DACL for processes.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset advapi32-LsaLookupSids # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * server-CreateProcess_ACLs, server-Misc_ACL # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/lsa.c, dlls/advapi32/security.c, dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, server/token.c # | if test "$enable_advapi32_LsaLookupSids" -eq 1; then patch_apply advapi32-LsaLookupSids/0001-advapi32-Initialize-buffer-length-to-zero-in-LsaLook.patch patch_apply advapi32-LsaLookupSids/0002-advapi32-Prepend-a-hidden-LSA_TRUST_INFORMATION-in-L.patch patch_apply advapi32-LsaLookupSids/0003-advapi32-Prepend-a-hidden-LSA_TRUST_INFORMATION-in-L.patch patch_apply advapi32-LsaLookupSids/0004-advapi32-Fallback-to-Sid-string-when-LookupAccountSi.patch patch_apply advapi32-LsaLookupSids/0005-advapi32-tests-Test-prefix-and-use-of-TokenPrimaryGr.patch patch_apply advapi32-LsaLookupSids/0006-server-Create-primary-group-using-DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_U.patch patch_apply advapi32-LsaLookupSids/0007-advapi32-Fix-name-and-use-of-DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "advapi32: Initialize buffer length to zero in LsaLookupSids to prevent crash.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "advapi32: Prepend a hidden LSA_TRUST_INFORMATION in LsaLookupSids to avoid crash when Domains[-1] incorrectly accessed by application.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "advapi32: Prepend a hidden LSA_TRUST_INFORMATION in LsaLookupNames2 to avoid crash when Domains[-1] incorrectly accessed by application.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "advapi32: Fallback to Sid string when LookupAccountSid fails.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "advapi32/tests: Test prefix and use of TokenPrimaryGroup Sid.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "server: Create primary group using DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "advapi32: Fix name and use of DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset advapi32-RegCopyTree # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39690] Implement advapi32.RegCopyTree{A,W} # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/advapi32.spec, dlls/advapi32/registry.c, dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c, dlls/api-ms-win-core- # | registry-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-downlevel- # | advapi32-l1-1-0.spec # | if test "$enable_advapi32_RegCopyTree" -eq 1; then patch_apply advapi32-RegCopyTree/0001-advapi32-tests-Improve-RegDeleteTree-tests.patch patch_apply advapi32-RegCopyTree/0002-advapi32-tests-Add-tests-for-RegCopyTree.patch patch_apply advapi32-RegCopyTree/0003-advapi32-Implement-RegCopyTreeA-W.patch patch_apply advapi32-RegCopyTree/0004-advapi32-Clean-up-RegDeleteTree-implementation.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "advapi32/tests: Improve RegDeleteTree tests.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "advapi32/tests: Add tests for RegCopyTree.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "advapi32: Implement RegCopyTreeA/W.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "advapi32: Clean up RegDeleteTree implementation.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset advapi32-SetSecurityInfo # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38423] Fix the initialization of combined DACLs when the new DACL is empty # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/security.c # | if test "$enable_advapi32_SetSecurityInfo" -eq 1; then patch_apply advapi32-SetSecurityInfo/0001-advapi32-Move-the-DACL-combining-code-into-a-separat.patch patch_apply advapi32-SetSecurityInfo/0002-advapi32-Fix-the-initialization-of-combined-DACLs-wh.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "advapi32: Move the DACL combining code into a separate routine.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "advapi32: Fix the initialization of combined DACLs when the new DACL is empty.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset amstream-GetMultiMediaStream # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37090] Implement AMStream GetMultiMediaStream functions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/amstream/mediastream.c # | if test "$enable_amstream_GetMultiMediaStream" -eq 1; then patch_apply amstream-GetMultiMediaStream/0001-amstream-Implement-IAMMediaStream-GetMultiMediaStrea.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "amstream: Implement IAMMediaStream::GetMultiMediaStream.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset combase-RoApi # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-winrt-registration-l1-1-0/api- # | ms-win-core-winrt-registration-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/combase/Makefile.in, dlls/combase/combase.spec, dlls/combase/roapi.c, # | include/Makefile.in, include/activation.idl, include/objidl.idl, include/roapi.h # | if test "$enable_combase_RoApi" -eq 1; then patch_apply combase-RoApi/0001-include-Add-activation.idl-with-IActivationFactory-i.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0002-include-roapi.h-Add-further-typedefs.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0003-combase-Implement-RoGetActivationFactory.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0004-combase-Implement-RoActivateInstance.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0005-combase-Add-stub-for-RoGetApartmentIdentifier.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0006-include-objidl.idl-Add-IApartmentShutdown-interface.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0007-combase-Add-stub-for-RoRegisterForApartmentShutdown.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0008-combase-Add-stub-for-RoGetServerActivatableClasses.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0009-combase-Add-stub-for-RoRegisterActivationFactories.patch patch_apply combase-RoApi/0010-combase-Add-stub-for-CleanupTlsOleState.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include: Add activation.idl with IActivationFactory interface.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include/roapi.h: Add further typedefs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "combase: Implement RoGetActivationFactory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "combase: Implement RoActivateInstance.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "combase: Add stub for RoGetApartmentIdentifier.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include/objidl.idl: Add IApartmentShutdown interface.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "combase: Add stub for RoRegisterForApartmentShutdown.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "combase: Add stub for RoGetServerActivatableClasses.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "combase: Add stub for RoRegisterActivationFactories.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "combase: Add stub for CleanupTlsOleState.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-FreeUserPhysicalPages # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39543] Add stub kernel32.FreeUserPhysicalPages # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/heap.c, dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec # | if test "$enable_kernel32_FreeUserPhysicalPages" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-FreeUserPhysicalPages/0001-kernel32-add-FreeUserPhysicalPages-stub-try-2.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "kernel32: Add FreeUserPhysicalPages stub.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-GetCurrentPackageFamilyName # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec, dlls/kernel32/version.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_GetCurrentPackageFamilyName" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-GetCurrentPackageFamilyName/0001-kernel32-Add-stub-for-GetCurrentPackageFamilyName-an.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32: Add stub for GetCurrentPackageFamilyName and add related functions to spec file.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34851] Support for GetFinalPathNameByHandle # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0/api-ms-win-core- # | file-l1-2-0.spec, dlls/kernel32/file.c, dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec # | if test "$enable_kernel32_GetFinalPathNameByHandle" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle/0001-kernel32-Implement-GetFinalPathNameByHandle.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32: Implement GetFinalPathNameByHandle.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ole32-CoGetApartmentType # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1/api-ms-win-core- # | com-l1-1-1.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-downlevel-ole32-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-downlevel-ole32-l1-1-0.spec, # | dlls/combase/combase.spec, dlls/ole32/compobj.c, dlls/ole32/ole32.spec, dlls/ole32/tests/compobj.c, include/objidl.idl # | if test "$enable_ole32_CoGetApartmentType" -eq 1; then patch_apply ole32-CoGetApartmentType/0001-ole32-Implement-CoGetApartmentType.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ole32: Implement CoGetApartmentType.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * advapi32-RegCopyTree, combase-RoApi, kernel32-FreeUserPhysicalPages, kernel32-GetCurrentPackageFamilyName, # | kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle, ole32-CoGetApartmentType # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1/api-ms-win- # | appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-apiquery-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-core-apiquery-l1-1-0 # | /api-ms-win-core-apiquery-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0 # | /api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2 # | /api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-quirks-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-core-quirks-l1-1-0 # | /api-ms-win-core-quirks-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-core-shlwapi-obsolete-l1-2-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-core- # | shlwapi-obsolete-l1-2-0/api-ms-win-core-shlwapi-obsolete-l1-2-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser- # | draw-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-draw-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-draw-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api- # | ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-window-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-window-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser- # | window-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-shcore-obsolete-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-shcore-obsolete-l1-1-0/api-ms- # | win-shcore-obsolete-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-shcore-stream-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-shcore-stream-l1-1-0 # | /api-ms-win-shcore-stream-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/api-ms-win-shcore-thread-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/api-ms-win-shcore- # | thread-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-shcore-thread-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win-appmodel-usercontext-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/ext- # | ms-win-appmodel-usercontext-l1-1-0/ext-ms-win-appmodel-usercontext-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win-appmodel- # | usercontext-l1-1-0/main.c, dlls/ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-current-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/ext-ms-win-kernel32 # | -package-current-l1-1-0/ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-current-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win-ntuser- # | mouse-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/ext-ms-win-ntuser-mouse-l1-1-0/ext-ms-win-ntuser-mouse-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win- # | rtcore-ntuser-syscolors-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-syscolors-l1-1-0/ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser- # | syscolors-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-sysparams-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls/ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser- # | sysparams-l1-1-0/ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-sysparams-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win-uxtheme-themes-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, dlls # | /ext-ms-win-uxtheme-themes-l1-1-0/ext-ms-win-uxtheme-themes-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0/Makefile.in, # | dlls/ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0/ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0/main.c, # | dlls/iertutil/Makefile.in, dlls/iertutil/iertutil.spec, dlls/iertutil/main.c, dlls/kernelbase/Makefile.in, # | dlls/kernelbase/kernelbase.spec, dlls/kernelbase/misc.c, dlls/shcore/Makefile.in, dlls/shcore/main.c, # | dlls/shcore/shcore.spec, dlls/shlwapi/shlwapi.spec, include/Makefile.in, include/shellscalingapi.h, tools/make_specfiles # | if test "$enable_api_ms_win_Stub_DLLs" -eq 1; then patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0001-kernelbase-Add-dll-and-add-stub-for-QuirkIsEnabled.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0002-api-ms-win-core-quirks-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0003-api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1-Add-new-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0004-api-ms-win-core-apiquery-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0005-api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0006-iertutil-Add-dll-and-add-stub-for-ordinal-811.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0007-shcore-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0008-api-ms-win-shcore-obsolete-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0009-ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0-Add-dll-and-add-stub-for-.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0010-ext-ms-win-appmodel-usercontext-l1-1-0-Add-dll-and-a.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0011-api-ms-win-shcore-thread-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0012-ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0-Add-stub-for-GetThemeServ.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0013-api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0014-api-ms-win-core-shlwapi-obsolete-l1-2-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0015-api-ms-win-shcore-stream-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0016-ext-ms-win-ntuser-mouse-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0017-ext-ms-win-uxtheme-themes-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0018-api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-window-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0019-ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-syscolors-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0020-api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-draw-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0021-ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-sysparams-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0022-ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-current-l1-1-0-Add-dll.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0023-shcore-Add-SetProcessDpiAwareness-stub.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0024-shcore-Implement-stub-for-GetDpiForMonitor.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0025-kernelbase-Add-stub-for-QuirkIsEnabled3.patch patch_apply api-ms-win-Stub_DLLs/0026-shcore-Add-stub-for-GetProcessDpiAwareness.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernelbase: Add dll and add stub for QuirkIsEnabled.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-core-quirks-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1: Add new dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-core-apiquery-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "iertutil: Add dll and add stub for ordinal 811.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shcore: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-shcore-obsolete-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0: Add dll and add stub for XamlBehaviorEnabled.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-appmodel-usercontext-l1-1-0: Add dll and add stub for UserContextExtInitialize.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-shcore-thread-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-xaml-pal-l1-1-0: Add stub for GetThemeServices.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-core-shlwapi-obsolete-l1-2-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-shcore-stream-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-ntuser-mouse-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-uxtheme-themes-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-window-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-syscolors-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "api-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-draw-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-sysparams-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-current-l1-1-0: Add dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shcore: Add SetProcessDpiAwareness stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shcore: Implement stub for GetDpiForMonitor.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernelbase: Add stub for QuirkIsEnabled3.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shcore: Add stub for GetProcessDpiAwareness.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset authz-Stub_Functions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/authz/authz.c, dlls/authz/authz.spec # | if test "$enable_authz_Stub_Functions" -eq 1; then patch_apply authz-Stub_Functions/0001-authz-Added-additional-stub-functions.patch ( echo '+ { "Zhenbo Li", "authz: Added additional stub functions.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset avifil32-AVIFile_Proxies # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38564] Add support for AVIFile interface proxies # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/avifil32/Makefile.in, dlls/avifil32/avifil32.idl, dlls/avifil32/avifile_ifaces.idl, # | dlls/avifil32/avifile_private.h, dlls/avifil32/factory.c # | if test "$enable_avifil32_AVIFile_Proxies" -eq 1; then patch_apply avifil32-AVIFile_Proxies/0001-avifil32-Add-support-for-AVIFile-interface-proxies.-.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "avifil32: Add support for AVIFile interface proxies.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset avifil32-IGetFrame_fnSetFormat # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/avifil32/getframe.c # | if test "$enable_avifil32_IGetFrame_fnSetFormat" -eq 1; then patch_apply avifil32-IGetFrame_fnSetFormat/0001-avifil32-Correctly-handle-compressed-frames-when-des.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "avifil32: Correctly handle compressed frames when desired format is specified.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset avifile.dll16-AVIStreamGetFrame # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/avifile.dll16/Makefile.in, dlls/avifile.dll16/avifile.dll16.spec, dlls/avifile.dll16/main.c # | if test "$enable_avifile_dll16_AVIStreamGetFrame" -eq 1; then patch_apply avifile.dll16-AVIStreamGetFrame/0001-avifile-Correctly-convert-result-of-AVIStreamGetFram.patch patch_apply avifile.dll16-AVIStreamGetFrame/0002-avifile-Convert-between-AVISTREAMINFO-16-bit-and-AVI.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "avifile.dll16: Correctly convert result of AVIStreamGetFrame to a segptr.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "avifile.dll16: Convert between AVISTREAMINFO (16 bit) and AVISTREAMINFOA.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset browseui-Progress_Dialog # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/browseui/browseui.rc, dlls/browseui/progressdlg.c, dlls/browseui/resids.h # | if test "$enable_browseui_Progress_Dialog" -eq 1; then patch_apply browseui-Progress_Dialog/0001-browseui-Implement-IProgressDialog-SetAnimation.patch patch_apply browseui-Progress_Dialog/0002-browseui-Implement-PROGDLG_AUTOTIME-flag-for-IProgre.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "browseui: Implement IProgressDialog::SetAnimation.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "browseui: Implement PROGDLG_AUTOTIME flag for IProgressDialog.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset comctl32-Button_Theming # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37584] Properly render themed buttons when they are pressed # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/comctl32/theme_button.c # | if test "$enable_comctl32_Button_Theming" -eq 1; then patch_apply comctl32-Button_Theming/0001-comctl32-fix-buttons-becoming-unthemed-when-pressed-.patch ( echo '+ { "Samuel Kim", "comctl32: Fix buttons becoming unthemed when pressed/released.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset comctl32-PROPSHEET_InsertPage # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#25625] Add implementation for comctl32.PROPSHEET_InsertPage. # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/comctl32/propsheet.c, dlls/comctl32/tests/propsheet.c # | if test "$enable_comctl32_PROPSHEET_InsertPage" -eq 1; then patch_apply comctl32-PROPSHEET_InsertPage/0001-comctl32-tests-Add-tests-for-PROPSHEET_InsertPage.patch patch_apply comctl32-PROPSHEET_InsertPage/0002-comctl32-Implement-PROPSHEET_InsertPage-based-on-PRO.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "comctl32/tests: Add tests for PROPSHEET_InsertPage.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Peter Hater", "comctl32: Implement PROPSHEET_InsertPage based on PROPSHEET_AddPage.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset comctl32-TTM_ADDTOOLW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#10347] Protect TTM_ADDTOOLW from invalid text pointers # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/comctl32/tests/tooltips.c, dlls/comctl32/tooltips.c # | if test "$enable_comctl32_TTM_ADDTOOLW" -eq 1; then patch_apply comctl32-TTM_ADDTOOLW/0001-comctl32-tooltip-Protect-TTM_ADDTOOLW-from-invalid-t.patch ( echo '+ { "Alistair Leslie-Hughes", "comctl32/tooltip: Protect TTM_ADDTOOLW from invalid text pointers.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset configure-Absolute_RPATH # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26256] Support for setcap on wine-preloader # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac # | if test "$enable_configure_Absolute_RPATH" -eq 1; then patch_apply configure-Absolute_RPATH/0001-configure-Also-add-the-absolute-RPATH-when-linking-a.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "configure: Also add the absolute RPATH when linking against libwine.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset crypt32-CMS_Certificates # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34388] Skip unknown item when decoding a CMS certificate # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/crypt32/decode.c # | if test "$enable_crypt32_CMS_Certificates" -eq 1; then patch_apply crypt32-CMS_Certificates/0001-crypt32-Skip-unknown-item-when-decoding-a-CMS-certif.patch ( echo '+ { "Charles Davis", "crypt32: Skip unknown item when decoding a CMS certificate.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset crypt32-CryptUnprotectMemory # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/crypt32/main.c # | if test "$enable_crypt32_CryptUnprotectMemory" -eq 1; then patch_apply crypt32-CryptUnprotectMemory/0001-crypt32-Print-CryptUnprotectMemory-FIXME-only-once.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "crypt32: Print CryptUnprotectMemory FIXME only once.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3d9-DesktopWindow # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d9/tests/device.c, dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c # | if test "$enable_d3d9_DesktopWindow" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3d9-DesktopWindow/0001-winex11.drv-Allow-changing-the-opengl-pixel-format-o.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11.drv: Allow changing the opengl pixel format on the desktop window.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3d9-Skip_Tests # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d9/tests/device.c # | if test "$enable_d3d9_Skip_Tests" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3d9-Skip_Tests/0001-d3d9-tests-Avoid-crash-when-surface-and-texture-crea.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3d9/tests: Avoid crash when surface and texture creation fails.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3d9-Surface_Refcount # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#18477] Avoid crashing when broken app tries to release surface although refcount is zero # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d9/surface.c # | if test "$enable_d3d9_Surface_Refcount" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3d9-Surface_Refcount/0001-d3d9-Don-t-decrease-surface-refcount-when-its-alread.patch ( echo '+ { "Henri Verbeet", "d3d9: Don'\''t decrease surface refcount when its already zero.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_25-ID3DXEffect # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#25138] Fix wrong version of ID3DXEffect interface for d3dx9_25 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_25/Makefile.in, dlls/d3dx9_25/d3dx9_25.spec, dlls/d3dx9_25/effect.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_25_ID3DXEffect" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_25-ID3DXEffect/0001-d3dx9_25-Add-an-interface-wrapper-for-different-vers.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "d3dx9_25: Add an interface wrapper for different version of ID3DXEffect.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_24-ID3DXEffect # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * d3dx9_25-ID3DXEffect # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_24/d3dx9_24.spec # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_24_ID3DXEffect" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_24-ID3DXEffect/0001-d3dx9_24-Add-an-interface-wrapper-for-different-vers.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "d3dx9_24: Add an interface wrapper for different version of ID3DXEffect.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_26-ID3DXEffect # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/effect.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_26_ID3DXEffect" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_26-ID3DXEffect/0001-d3dx9_36-Allow-to-query-for-d3dx9_26-specific-ID3DXE.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "d3dx9_36: Allow to query for d3dx9_26 specific ID3DXEffect interface.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38334] Add stub for D3DXFrameFind # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_24/d3dx9_24.spec, dlls/d3dx9_25/d3dx9_25.spec, dlls/d3dx9_26/d3dx9_26.spec, dlls/d3dx9_27/d3dx9_27.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_28/d3dx9_28.spec, dlls/d3dx9_29/d3dx9_29.spec, dlls/d3dx9_30/d3dx9_30.spec, dlls/d3dx9_31/d3dx9_31.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_32/d3dx9_32.spec, dlls/d3dx9_33/d3dx9_33.spec, dlls/d3dx9_34/d3dx9_34.spec, dlls/d3dx9_35/d3dx9_35.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec, dlls/d3dx9_36/mesh.c, dlls/d3dx9_37/d3dx9_37.spec, dlls/d3dx9_38/d3dx9_38.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_39/d3dx9_39.spec, dlls/d3dx9_40/d3dx9_40.spec, dlls/d3dx9_41/d3dx9_41.spec, dlls/d3dx9_42/d3dx9_42.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_43/d3dx9_43.spec # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXStubs" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs/0001-d3dx9_36-Add-stub-for-D3DXComputeNormalMap.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs/0002-d3dx9_36-Add-D3DXFrameFind-stub.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add stub for D3DXComputeNormalMap.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Andrey Gusev", "d3dx9_36: Add D3DXFrameFind stub.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-DXTn # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#25486] Lego Stunt Rally requires DXTn software de/encoding support # | * [#29586] Tumblebugs 2 requires DXTn software encoding support # | * [#14939] Black & White needs DXTn software decoding support # | * [#17913] Port Royale doesn't display ocean correctly # | * [#29598] eRacer Demo doesn't correctly display text # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/wined3d/Makefile.in, dlls/wined3d/dxtn.c, dlls/wined3d/surface.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d.spec, # | dlls/wined3d/wined3d_main.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h, include/wine/wined3d.h # | if test "$enable_wined3d_DXTn" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-DXTn/0001-wined3d-Add-support-for-DXTn-software-decoding-throu.patch patch_apply wined3d-DXTn/0002-wined3d-Improve-DXTn-support-and-export-conversion-f.patch patch_apply wined3d-DXTn/0003-wined3d-add-DXT1-to-B4G4R4A4-DXT1-to-B5G5R5A1-and-DX.patch patch_apply wined3d-DXTn/0004-wined3d-Load-dxtn-dylib-library-on-Mac-OS-X.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: Add support for DXTn software decoding through libtxc_dxtn.", 3 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "wined3d: Improve DXTn support and export conversion functions for d3dx9_36.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: Add DXT1 to B4G4R4A4, DXT1 to B5G5R5A1 and DXT3 to B4G4R4A4 conversion.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: Load dxtn dylib library on Mac OS X.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-DXTn # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * wined3d-DXTn # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33768] Fix texture corruption in CSI: Fatal Conspiracy # | * [#37391] Exception during start of fr-043 caused by missing DXTn support # | * [#34692] Fix wrong colors in Wolfenstein (2009) # | * [#24983] Fix crash in Space Rangers2 caused by missing DXTn support # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/Makefile.in, dlls/d3dx9_36/surface.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/surface.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_DXTn" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-DXTn/0001-d3dx9_36-Add-dxtn-support.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add dxtn support.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_33-Share_Source # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs, wined3d-DXTn, d3dx9_36-DXTn # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#21817] Share source of d3dx9_36 with d3dx9_33 to avoid Wine DLL forwards # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_33/Makefile.in, dlls/d3dx9_33/d3dx9_33.spec, dlls/d3dx9_33/d3dx9_33_main.c, tools/make_specfiles # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_33_Share_Source" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_33-Share_Source/0001-d3dx9_33-Share-the-source-with-d3dx9_36.patch ( echo '+ { "Alistair Leslie-Hughes", "d3dx9_33: Share the source with d3dx9_36.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-CloneEffect # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/effect.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_CloneEffect" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-CloneEffect/0001-d3dx9_36-Improve-stub-for-ID3DXEffectImpl_CloneEffec.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "d3dx9_36: Improve stub for ID3DXEffectImpl_CloneEffect.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-D3DXCreateTeapot # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36884] Return a valid mesh in D3DXCreateTeapot # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/mesh.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXCreateTeapot" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXCreateTeapot/0001-d3dx9_36-Return-a-mesh-in-D3DXCreateTeapot.patch ( echo '+ { "Alistair Leslie-Hughes", "d3dx9_36: Return a mesh in D3DXCreateTeapot.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22682] Support for D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec, dlls/d3dx9_36/shader.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/shader.c, include/d3dx9shader.h # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_GetShaderSemantics" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics-tests.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics/0002-d3dx9_36-Implement-D3DXGetShaderOutputSemantics.-rev.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics + tests.", 3 },'; echo '+ { "Alistair Leslie-Hughes", "d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXGetShaderOutputSemantics.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37919] Implement d3dx9_36.D3DXCreateTextureShader with stub interface # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec, dlls/d3dx9_36/shader.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/shader.c, include/d3dx9tex.h # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_D3DXDisassembleShader" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-D3DXCreateTextureShader-with-stub.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader/0002-include-Fix-prototypes-of-D3DXFillXXXTextureTx-for-d.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader/0003-d3dx9_36-Add-stub-for-D3DXFillCubeTextureTX.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader/0004-d3dx9_36-Implement-D3DXDisassembleShader.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-D3DXDisassembleShader/0005-d3dx9_36-tests-Add-initial-tests-for-D3DXDisassemble.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXCreateTextureShader with stubbed ID3DXTextureShader interface.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "include: Fix prototypes of D3DXFillXXXTextureTx for d3dx9.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add stub for D3DXFillCubeTextureTX.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXDisassembleShader.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "d3dx9_36/tests: Add initial tests for D3DXDisassembleShader.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-DDS # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26898] Support for DDS file format in D3DXSaveTextureToFileInMemory # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36_private.h, dlls/d3dx9_36/surface.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/texture.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_DDS" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-DDS/0001-d3dx9_36-Add-support-for-FOURCC-surface-to-save_dds_.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-DDS/0002-d3dx9_36-Improve-D3DXSaveTextureToFile-to-save-simpl.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add support for FOURCC surface to save_dds_surface_to_memory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Improve D3DXSaveTextureToFile to save simple texture to dds file.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-DrawText # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24754] Support for ID3DXFont::DrawTextA/W # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/font.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/core.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_DrawText" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-DrawText/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-ID3DXFontImpl_DrawText.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-DrawText/0002-d3dx9_36-Fix-horizontal-centering-in-ID3DXFont_DrawT.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-DrawText/0003-d3dx9_36-Support-NULL-terminated-strings-in-ID3DXFon.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-DrawText/0004-d3dx9_36-ID3DXFont_DrawText-calc_rect-can-be-null.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement ID3DXFontImpl_DrawText.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Fix horizontal centering in ID3DXFont_DrawText.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alistair Leslie-Hughes", "d3dx9_36: Support NULL terminated strings in ID3DXFont_DrawText.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alistair Leslie-Hughes", "d3dx9_36: ID3DXFont_DrawText calc_rect can be null.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-Dummy_Skininfo # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33904] Return dummy ID3DXSkinInfo interface when skinning info not present # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36_private.h, dlls/d3dx9_36/mesh.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/skin.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/mesh.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_Dummy_Skininfo" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-Dummy_Skininfo/0001-d3dx9_36-Return-dummy-skininfo-interface-in-D3DXLoad.patch patch_apply d3dx9_36-Dummy_Skininfo/0002-d3dx9_36-tests-Add-initial-tests-for-dummy-skininfo-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "d3dx9_36: Return dummy skininfo interface in D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof when skin information is unavailable.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "d3dx9_36/tests: Add initial tests for dummy skininfo interface.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33770] D3DCompileShader should filter specific warning messages # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/shader.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_Filter_Warnings" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings/0001-d3dx9_36-Filter-out-D3DCompile-warning-messages-that.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Filter out D3DCompile warning messages that are not present with D3DCompileShader.", 4 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34101] Implement ID3DXEffect::FindNextValidTechnique # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/effect.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/effect.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_FindNextValidTechnique" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-ID3DXEffect_FindNextValidTechniqu.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement ID3DXEffect_FindNextValidTechnique + add tests.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/mesh.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_Optimize_Inplace" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace/0001-d3dx9_36-No-need-to-fail-if-we-don-t-support-vertice.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: No need to fail if we don'\''t support vertices reordering in D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-Texture_Align # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/texture.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/texture.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_Texture_Align" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-Texture_Align/0001-d3dx9_36-Align-texture-dimensions-to-block-size-for-.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Align texture dimensions to block size for compressed textures in D3DXCheckTextureRequirements.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32572] Support for ID3DXSkinInfoImpl_UpdateSkinnedMesh # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/skin.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/mesh.c # | if test "$enable_d3dx9_36_UpdateSkinnedMesh" -eq 1; then patch_apply d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-ID3DXSkinInfoImpl_UpdateSkinnedMe.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement ID3DXSkinInfoImpl_UpdateSkinnedMesh.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dbghelp-Debug_Symbols # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dbghelp/Makefile.in, dlls/dbghelp/elf_module.c # | if test "$enable_dbghelp_Debug_Symbols" -eq 1; then patch_apply dbghelp-Debug_Symbols/0001-dbghelp-Always-check-for-debug-symbols-in-BINDIR.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dbghelp: Always check for debug symbols in BINDIR.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ddraw-Device_Caps # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/ddraw.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw7.c # | if test "$enable_ddraw_Device_Caps" -eq 1; then patch_apply ddraw-Device_Caps/0001-ddraw-Don-t-set-HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT-flag-on-d3d7-RGB.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw: Don'\''t set HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT flag on d3d7 RGB device.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ddraw-EnumSurfaces # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#17233] Implement DDENUMSURFACES_CANBECREATED in IDirectDraw7::EnumSurfaces # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/ddraw.c, dlls/ddraw/main.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/d3d.c # | if test "$enable_ddraw_EnumSurfaces" -eq 1; then patch_apply ddraw-EnumSurfaces/0001-ddraw-tests-Add-more-tests-for-IDirectDraw7-EnumSurf.patch patch_apply ddraw-EnumSurfaces/0002-ddraw-Fix-arguments-to-IDirectDraw7-EnumSurfaces-in-.patch patch_apply ddraw-EnumSurfaces/0003-ddraw-Implement-DDENUMSURFACES_CANBECREATED-flag-in-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw/tests: Add more tests for IDirectDraw7::EnumSurfaces.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw: Fix arguments to IDirectDraw7::EnumSurfaces in DllMain.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw: Implement DDENUMSURFACES_CANBECREATED flag in ddraw7_EnumSurfaces.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-resource_map # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d11/device.c, dlls/d3d11/texture.c, dlls/d3d8/surface.c, dlls/d3d8/volume.c, dlls/d3d9/surface.c, # | dlls/d3d9/volume.c, dlls/ddraw/surface.c, dlls/wined3d/resource.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d.spec, include/wine/wined3d.h # | if test "$enable_wined3d_resource_map" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-resource_map/0001-wined3d-Rename-wined3d_resource_-un-map-to-wined3d_r.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Rename wined3d_resource_(un)map to wined3d_resource_sub_resource_(un)map.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ddraw-IDirect3DTexture2_Load # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * wined3d-resource_map # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/surface.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/d3d.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw2.c # | if test "$enable_ddraw_IDirect3DTexture2_Load" -eq 1; then patch_apply ddraw-IDirect3DTexture2_Load/0001-ddraw-Allow-size-and-format-conversions-in-IDirect3D.patch patch_apply ddraw-IDirect3DTexture2_Load/0002-ddraw-tests-Add-more-tests-for-IDirect3DTexture2-Loa.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw: Allow size and format conversions in IDirect3DTexture2::Load.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw/tests: Add more tests for IDirect3DTexture2::Load.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ddraw-Rendering_Targets # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34906] Use video memory for rendering targets if possible # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/ddraw.c, dlls/ddraw/ddraw_private.h, dlls/ddraw/device.c, dlls/ddraw/surface.c # | if test "$enable_ddraw_Rendering_Targets" -eq 1; then patch_apply ddraw-Rendering_Targets/0001-ddraw-Create-rendering-targets-in-video-memory-if-po.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw: Create rendering targets in video memory if possible.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ddraw-Write_Vtable # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39534] Make ddraw1 and ddraw_surface1 vtable as writable # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/ddraw.c, dlls/ddraw/surface.c # | if test "$enable_ddraw_Write_Vtable" -eq 1; then patch_apply ddraw-Write_Vtable/0001-ddraw-Remove-const-from-ddraw1_vtbl-and-ddraw_surfac.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw: Remove const from ddraw1_vtbl and ddraw_surface1_vtbl.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ddraw-ZBufferBitDepths # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#27002] Properly initialize caps->dwZBufferBitDepths in ddraw7_GetCaps # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/ddraw.c # | if test "$enable_ddraw_ZBufferBitDepths" -eq 1; then patch_apply ddraw-ZBufferBitDepths/0001-ddraw-Set-dwZBufferBitDepth-in-ddraw7_GetCaps.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ddraw: Set dwZBufferBitDepth in ddraw7_GetCaps.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/executebuffer.c # | if test "$enable_ddraw_d3d_execute_buffer" -eq 1; then patch_apply ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer/0001-ddraw-Don-t-call-IDirect3DDevice7_DrawIndexedPrimiti.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "ddraw: Don'\''t call IDirect3DDevice7_DrawIndexedPrimitive if there is no primitive.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dinput-DIPROP_USERNAME # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39667] Implement dinput device property DIPROP_USERNAME # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dinput/device.c, dlls/dinput/device_private.h, dlls/dinput8/tests/device.c # | if test "$enable_dinput_DIPROP_USERNAME" -eq 1; then patch_apply dinput-DIPROP_USERNAME/0001-dinput-Implement-device-property-DIPROP_USERNAME.patch ( echo '+ { "Bernhard Übelacker", "dinput: Implement device property DIPROP_USERNAME.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dinput-Initialize # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#21403] Do not wait for hook thread startup in IDirectInput8::Initialize # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dinput/dinput_main.c # | if test "$enable_dinput_Initialize" -eq 1; then patch_apply dinput-Initialize/0001-dinput-Do-not-wait-for-hook-thread-startup-in-IDirec.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dinput: Do not wait for hook thread startup in IDirectInput8::Initialize.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dsound-Fast_Mixer # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30639] Audio stuttering and performance drops in multiple applications # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dsound/dsound_main.c, dlls/dsound/dsound_private.h, dlls/dsound/mixer.c # | if test "$enable_dsound_Fast_Mixer" -eq 1; then patch_apply dsound-Fast_Mixer/0001-dsound-Add-a-linear-resampler-for-use-with-a-large-n.patch ( echo '+ { "Alexander E. Patrakov", "dsound: Add a linear resampler for use with a large number of mixing buffers.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dsound-Revert_Cleanup # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dsound/buffer.c, dlls/dsound/dsound.c, dlls/dsound/dsound_private.h # | if test "$enable_dsound_Revert_Cleanup" -eq 1; then patch_apply dsound-Revert_Cleanup/0001-Revert-dsound-Use-a-better-name-for-IDirectSoundBuff.patch patch_apply dsound-Revert_Cleanup/0002-Revert-dsound-Simplify-error-handling-when-creating-.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"dsound: Use a better name for IDirectSoundBufferImpl_Create().\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"dsound: Simplify error handling when creating a sound buffer.\".", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dsound-EAX # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * dsound-Fast_Mixer, dsound-Revert_Cleanup # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dsound/Makefile.in, dlls/dsound/buffer.c, dlls/dsound/dsound.c, dlls/dsound/dsound_eax.h, # | dlls/dsound/dsound_main.c, dlls/dsound/dsound_private.h, dlls/dsound/eax.c, dlls/dsound/mixer.c # | if test "$enable_dsound_EAX" -eq 1; then patch_apply dsound-EAX/0001-dsound-Apply-filters-before-sound-is-multiplied-to-s.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0002-dsound-Add-EAX-v1-constants-and-structs.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0003-dsound-Report-that-we-support-EAX-v1.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0004-dsound-Add-EAX-propset-stubs.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0005-dsound-Add-EAX-presets.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0006-dsound-Support-getting-and-setting-EAX-properties.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0007-dsound-Support-getting-and-setting-EAX-buffer-proper.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0008-dsound-Add-EAX-init-and-free-stubs.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0009-dsound-Feed-data-through-EAX-function.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0010-dsound-Allocate-EAX-delay-lines.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0011-dsound-Add-EAX-VerbPass-stub.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0012-dsound-Implement-EAX-lowpass-filter.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0013-dsound-Add-delay-line-EAX-functions.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0014-dsound-Implement-EAX-early-reflections.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0015-dsound-Implement-EAX-decorrelator.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0016-dsound-Implement-EAX-late-reverb.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0017-dsound-Implement-EAX-late-all-pass-filter.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0018-dsound-Various-improvements-to-EAX-support.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0019-dsound-Allow-disabling-of-EAX-support-in-the-registr.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0020-dsound-Add-stub-support-for-DSPROPSETID_EAX20_Listen.patch patch_apply dsound-EAX/0021-dsound-Add-stub-support-for-DSPROPSETID_EAX20_Buffer.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dsound: Apply filters before sound is multiplied to speakers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Add EAX v1 constants and structs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Report that we support EAX.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Add EAX propset stubs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Add EAX presets.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Support getting and setting EAX properties.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Support getting and setting EAX buffer properties.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Add EAX init and free stubs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Feed data through EAX function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Allocate EAX delay lines.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Add EAX VerbPass stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Implement EAX lowpass filter.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Add delay line EAX functions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Implement EAX early reflections.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Implement EAX decorrelator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Implement EAX late reverb.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "dsound: Implement EAX late all-pass filter.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dsound: Various improvements to EAX support.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dsound: Allow disabling of EAX support in the registry.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "dsound: Add stub support for DSPROPSETID_EAX20_ListenerProperties.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "dsound: Add stub support for DSPROPSETID_EAX20_BufferProperties.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dxdiagn-Display_Information # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34686] Return additional properties for display devices in dxdiagn # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dxdiagn/provider.c, dlls/dxdiagn/tests/container.c # | if test "$enable_dxdiagn_Display_Information" -eq 1; then patch_apply dxdiagn-Display_Information/0001-dxdiagn-Add-several-more-fields-for-DisplayDevices.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxdiagn: Add several more fields for DisplayDevices.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dxdiagn-Enumerate_DirectSound # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32613] Implement enumeration of sound devices and basic properties to dxdiagn # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dxdiagn/Makefile.in, dlls/dxdiagn/provider.c, dlls/dxdiagn/tests/container.c # | if test "$enable_dxdiagn_Enumerate_DirectSound" -eq 1; then patch_apply dxdiagn-Enumerate_DirectSound/0001-dxdiagn-Enumerate-DirectSound-devices-and-add-some-b.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxdiagn: Enumerate DirectSound devices and add some basic properties.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dxdiagn-GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * dxdiagn-Enumerate_DirectSound # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38014] Implement special handling for calling GetChildContainer with an empty string # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dxdiagn/container.c, dlls/dxdiagn/tests/container.c # | if test "$enable_dxdiagn_GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes" -eq 1; then patch_apply dxdiagn-GetChildContainer_Leaf_Nodes/0001-dxdiagn-Calling-GetChildContainer-with-an-empty-stri.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxdiagn: Calling GetChildContainer with an empty string on a leaf container returns the object itself.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dxgi-MakeWindowAssociation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dxgi/dxgi_private.h, dlls/dxgi/factory.c # | if test "$enable_dxgi_MakeWindowAssociation" -eq 1; then patch_apply dxgi-MakeWindowAssociation/0001-dxgi-Improve-stubs-for-MakeWindowAssociation-and-Get.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxgi: Improve stubs for MakeWindowAssociation and GetWindowAssociation.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winecfg-Staging # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winecfg/Makefile.in, programs/winecfg/main.c, programs/winecfg/resource.h, programs/winecfg/staging.c, # | programs/winecfg/winecfg.h, programs/winecfg/winecfg.rc # | if test "$enable_winecfg_Staging" -eq 1; then patch_apply winecfg-Staging/0001-winecfg-Add-staging-tab-for-CSMT.patch patch_apply winecfg-Staging/0002-winecfg-Add-checkbox-to-enable-disable-vaapi-GPU-dec.patch patch_apply winecfg-Staging/0003-winecfg-Add-checkbox-to-enable-disable-EAX-support.patch patch_apply winecfg-Staging/0004-winecfg-Add-checkbox-to-enable-disable-HideWineExpor.patch patch_apply winecfg-Staging/0005-winecfg-Add-option-to-enable-disable-GTK3-theming.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winecfg: Add staging tab for CSMT.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winecfg: Add checkbox to enable/disable vaapi GPU decoder.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winecfg: Add checkbox to enable/disable EAX support.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winecfg: Add checkbox to enable/disable HideWineExports registry key.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winecfg: Add option to enable/disable GTK3 theming.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset dxva2-Video_Decoder # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * winecfg-Staging # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/dxva2/Makefile.in, dlls/dxva2/backend.idl, dlls/dxva2/devicemanager.c, dlls/dxva2/dxva2_private.h, # | dlls/dxva2/genericdecoder.c, dlls/dxva2/main.c, dlls/dxva2/softwareprocessor.c, dlls/dxva2/tests/Makefile.in, # | dlls/dxva2/tests/dxva2.c, dlls/dxva2/vaapi-h264.c, dlls/dxva2/vaapi-mpeg2.c, dlls/dxva2/vaapi.c, # | dlls/dxva2/videoservices.c, include/Makefile.in, include/dxva.h, include/dxva2api.idl # | if test "$enable_dxva2_Video_Decoder" -eq 1; then patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0001-dxva2-Implement-semi-stub-for-Direct3DDeviceManager9.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0002-dxva2-Implement-stubbed-interfaces-for-IDirectXVideo.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0003-include-Fix-an-invalid-UUID-in-dxva2api.idl.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0004-dxva2-Implement-stubbed-DirectX-Software-VideoProces.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0005-include-Add-dxva.h-header-file.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0006-dxva2-tests-Add-tests-for-dxva2-decoder.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0007-dxva2-Initial-implementation-of-MPEG2-decoder-using-.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0008-dxva2-Implement-h264-decoder.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0009-dxva2-Add-DRM-mode-for-vaapi.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0010-dxva2-Fill-h264-luma-and-chroma-weights-offsets-with.patch patch_apply dxva2-Video_Decoder/0011-dxva2-Always-destroy-buffers-when-calling-vaRenderPi.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dxva2: Implement semi-stub for Direct3DDeviceManager9 interface.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2: Implement stubbed interfaces for IDirectXVideo{Acceleration,Decoder,Processor}Service.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include: Fix an invalid UUID in dxva2api.idl.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2: Implement stubbed DirectX Software VideoProcessor interface.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include: Add dxva.h header file.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2/tests: Add tests for dxva2 decoder.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2: Initial implementation of MPEG2 decoder using vaapi backend.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2: Implement h264 decoder.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2: Add DRM mode for vaapi.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2: Fill h264 luma and chroma weights / offsets with default values in case they are not specified.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxva2: Always destroy buffers when calling vaRenderPicture.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset explorer-Video_Registry_Key # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c, programs/explorer/desktop.c # | if test "$enable_explorer_Video_Registry_Key" -eq 1; then patch_apply explorer-Video_Registry_Key/0001-explorer-Create-CurrentControlSet-Control-Video-regi.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "explorer: Create CurrentControlSet\\\\Control\\\\Video registry key as non-volatile.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset fonts-Missing_Fonts # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32323] Implement an Arial replacement font # | * [#32342] Implement a Times New Roman replacement font # | * [#20456] Implement a Courier New replacement font # | * [#13829] Implement a Microsoft Yahei replacement font # | # | Modified files: # | * COPYING.arial, COPYING.cour, COPYING.msyh, COPYING.times, LICENSE, fonts/Makefile.in, fonts/arial.sfd, fonts/arial.ttf, # | fonts/cour.sfd, fonts/cour.ttf, fonts/msyh.sfd, fonts/msyh.ttf, fonts/times.sfd, fonts/times.ttf # | if test "$enable_fonts_Missing_Fonts" -eq 1; then patch_apply fonts-Missing_Fonts/0001-fonts-Add-Liberation-Sans-as-an-Arial-replacement.patch patch_apply fonts-Missing_Fonts/0002-fonts-Add-Liberation-Serif-as-an-Times-New-Roman-rep.patch patch_apply fonts-Missing_Fonts/0003-fonts-Add-Liberation-Mono-as-an-Courier-New-replacem.patch patch_apply fonts-Missing_Fonts/0004-fonts-Add-WenQuanYi-Micro-Hei-as-a-Microsoft-Yahei-r.patch patch_apply fonts-Missing_Fonts/0005-Add-licenses-for-fonts-as-separate-files.patch ( echo '+ { "Torsten Kurbad", "fonts: Add Liberation Sans as an Arial replacement.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "fonts: Add Liberation Serif as an Times New Roman replacement.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "fonts: Add Liberation Mono as an Courier New replacement.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "fonts: Add WenQuanYi Micro Hei as a Microsoft Yahei replacement.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "Add licenses for fonts as separate files.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset gdi32-Lazy_Font_Initialization # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/gdi32/dc.c, dlls/gdi32/freetype.c # | if test "$enable_gdi32_Lazy_Font_Initialization" -eq 1; then patch_apply gdi32-Lazy_Font_Initialization/0001-gdi32-Perform-lazy-initialization-of-fonts-to-improv.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "gdi32: Perform lazy initialization of fonts to improve startup performance.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset gdi32-MultiMonitor # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34978] Multiple applications need EnumDisplayDevicesW implementation # | * [#37709] GetMonitorInfo returns the same name for all monitors # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/gdi32/driver.c, dlls/user32/misc.c, dlls/winemac.drv/display.c, dlls/winex11.drv/xinerama.c # | if test "$enable_gdi32_MultiMonitor" -eq 1; then patch_apply gdi32-MultiMonitor/0001-gdi32-Also-accept-.-DISPLAY-n-devices-names-with-n-o.patch patch_apply gdi32-MultiMonitor/0002-winex11-Make-GetMonitorInfo-give-a-different-device-.patch patch_apply gdi32-MultiMonitor/0003-user32-Implement-EnumDisplayDevicesW-based-on-EnumDi.patch patch_apply gdi32-MultiMonitor/0004-winemac-Make-GetMonitorInfo-give-a-different-device-.patch ( echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "gdi32: Also accept \"\\\\\\\\.\\\\DISPLAY\" devices names with other than 1 as display devices.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "winex11: Make GetMonitorInfo() give a different device name (\\\\.\\\\DISPLAY) to each monitor.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "user32: Implement EnumDisplayDevicesW() based on EnumDisplayMonitors() and GetMonitorInfoW().", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "winemac: Make GetMonitorInfo() give a different device name (\\\\\\\\.\\\\DISPLAY) to each monitor.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset gdi32-Path_Metafile # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39185] Add support for paths on a metafile HDC # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/gdi32/enhmfdrv/dc.c, dlls/gdi32/path.c, dlls/gdi32/tests/metafile.c # | if test "$enable_gdi32_Path_Metafile" -eq 1; then patch_apply gdi32-Path_Metafile/0001-gdi32-tests-Add-some-additional-tests-for-ExtExtOut-.patch patch_apply gdi32-Path_Metafile/0002-gdi32-ExtTextOut-on-a-path-with-bitmap-font-selected.patch patch_apply gdi32-Path_Metafile/0003-gdi32-Add-support-for-paths-on-a-metafile-HDC.-v2.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "gdi32/tests: Add some additional tests for ExtExtOut on a path for an EMF DC.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "gdi32: ExtTextOut on a path with bitmap font selected shouldn'\''t fail.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "gdi32: Add support for paths on a metafile HDC.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset gdi32-Symbol_Truetype_Font # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33117] Improve detection of symbol charset for old truetype fonts # | * [#12377] Fix font loading in Capella # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/gdi32/freetype.c # | if test "$enable_gdi32_Symbol_Truetype_Font" -eq 1; then patch_apply gdi32-Symbol_Truetype_Font/0001-gdi32-Improve-detection-of-symbol-charset-for-old-tr.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "gdi32: Improve detection of symbol charset for old truetype fonts.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset hal-KeQueryPerformanceCounter # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39500] Implement hal.KeQueryPerformanceCounter # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/hal/hal.c, dlls/hal/hal.spec # | if test "$enable_hal_KeQueryPerformanceCounter" -eq 1; then patch_apply hal-KeQueryPerformanceCounter/0001-hal-Implement-KeQueryPerformanceCounter.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "hal: Implement KeQueryPerformanceCounter.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset hid-HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39447] Implement stub for hid.HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/hid/hid.spec, dlls/hid/hidp.c, include/ddk/hidpi.h # | if test "$enable_hid_HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes" -eq 1; then patch_apply hid-HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes/0001-hid-Stub-HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes.patch ( echo '+ { "Aric Stewart", "hid: Stub HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset hnetcfg-INetFwAuthorizedApplication # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/hnetcfg/apps.c # | if test "$enable_hnetcfg_INetFwAuthorizedApplication" -eq 1; then patch_apply hnetcfg-INetFwAuthorizedApplication/0001-hnetcfg-Improve-INetFwAuthorizedApplication-get_Proc.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "hnetcfg: Improve INetFwAuthorizedApplication::get_ProcessImageFileName stub.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ieframe-IViewObject-Draw # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30611] Fake success in IViewObject::Draw stub # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ieframe/view.c # | if test "$enable_ieframe_IViewObject_Draw" -eq 1; then patch_apply ieframe-IViewObject-Draw/0001-ieframe-Return-S_OK-in-IViewObject-Draw-stub.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ieframe: Return S_OK in IViewObject::Draw stub.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset iexplore-Revert_ProductVersion # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/iexplore/iexplore.rc # | if test "$enable_iexplore_Revert_ProductVersion" -eq 1; then patch_apply iexplore-Revert_ProductVersion/0001-Revert-iexplore-Sync-registry-and-program-resource-v.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"iexplore: Sync registry and program resource values.\".", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset imagehlp-BindImageEx # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#3591] Support for BindImageEx # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/imagehlp/modify.c, dlls/imagehlp/tests/image.c # | if test "$enable_imagehlp_BindImageEx" -eq 1; then patch_apply imagehlp-BindImageEx/0001-imagehlp-Implement-parts-of-BindImageEx-to-make-free.patch ( echo '+ { "Bernhard Reiter", "imagehlp: Implement parts of BindImageEx to make freezing Python scripts work.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset imagehlp-Cleanup # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#23455] Properly implement imagehlp.ImageLoad and ImageUnload # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/imagehlp/access.c, dlls/imagehlp/modify.c, dlls/imagehlp/tests/integrity.c # | if test "$enable_imagehlp_Cleanup" -eq 1; then patch_apply imagehlp-Cleanup/0001-imagehlp-Catch-invalid-memory-access-in-CheckSumMapp.patch patch_apply imagehlp-Cleanup/0002-imagehlp-Fix-checksum-calculation-for-odd-sizes.patch patch_apply imagehlp-Cleanup/0003-imagehlp-Implement-ImageLoad-and-cleanup-ImageUnload.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "imagehlp: Catch invalid memory access in CheckSumMappedFile and add tests.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "imagehlp: Fix checksum calculation for odd sizes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "imagehlp: Implement ImageLoad and cleanup ImageUnload.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset imagehlp-ImageLoad # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/imagehlp/tests/image.c # | if test "$enable_imagehlp_ImageLoad" -eq 1; then patch_apply imagehlp-ImageLoad/0001-imagehlp-tests-Add-tests-for-ImageLoad-ImageUnload-G.patch patch_apply imagehlp-ImageLoad/0002-imagehlp-tests-msvc-compatibility-fixes.patch ( echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "imagehlp/tests: Add tests for ImageLoad, ImageUnload, GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "imagehlp/tests: Msvc compatibility fixes.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset imm32-IMMDisableLegacyIME # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/imm32/imm.c, dlls/imm32/imm32.spec # | if test "$enable_imm32_IMMDisableLegacyIME" -eq 1; then patch_apply imm32-IMMDisableLegacyIME/0001-imm32-Add-stub-for-ImmDisableLegacyIME.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "imm32: Add stub for ImmDisableLegacyIME.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset inetcpl-Default_Home # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/inetcpl.cpl/general.c # | if test "$enable_inetcpl_Default_Home" -eq 1; then patch_apply inetcpl-Default_Home/0001-inetcpl-Implement-default-page-button.patch ( echo '+ { "Jared Smudde", "inetcpl: Implement default page button.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset iphlpapi-System_Ping # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#8332] Fallback to system ping command when CAP_NET_RAW is not available # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/iphlpapi/icmp.c # | if test "$enable_iphlpapi_System_Ping" -eq 1; then patch_apply iphlpapi-System_Ping/0001-iphlpapi-Fallback-to-system-ping-when-ICMP-permissio.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "iphlpapi: Fallback to system ping when ICMP permissions are not present.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset iphlpapi-TCP_Table # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34372] Support for AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/iphlpapi/iphlpapi.spec, dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c, dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.h # | if test "$enable_iphlpapi_TCP_Table" -eq 1; then patch_apply iphlpapi-TCP_Table/0001-iphlpapi-Implement-AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "iphlpapi: Implement AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-COMSPEC # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/process.c, programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_COMSPEC" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-COMSPEC/0001-kernel32-Fallback-to-default-comspec-when-COMSPEC-is.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "kernel32: Fallback to default comspec when %COMSPEC% is not set.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-SetFileInformationByHandle # | # | Modified files: # | * include/winbase.h # | if test "$enable_kernel32_SetFileInformationByHandle" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-SetFileInformationByHandle/0001-include-Declare-a-couple-more-file-information-class.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include: Declare a couple more file information class structures.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-File_Permissions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, server/fd.c # | if test "$enable_server_File_Permissions" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-File_Permissions/0001-server-Allow-to-open-files-without-any-permission-bi.patch patch_apply server-File_Permissions/0002-server-When-creating-new-directories-temporarily-giv.patch patch_apply server-File_Permissions/0003-advapi32-tests-Add-tests-for-ACL-inheritance-in-Crea.patch patch_apply server-File_Permissions/0004-advapi32-tests-Add-ACL-inheritance-tests-for-creatin.patch patch_apply server-File_Permissions/0005-ntdll-tests-Added-tests-for-open-behaviour-on-readon.patch patch_apply server-File_Permissions/0006-server-FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES-should-succeed-for-read.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Allow to open files without any permission bits.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: When creating new directories temporarily give read-permissions until they are opened.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "advapi32/tests: Add tests for ACL inheritance in CreateDirectoryA.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "advapi32/tests: Add ACL inheritance tests for creating subdirectories with NtCreateFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll/tests: Added tests for open behaviour on readonly files.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES should succeed for readonly files.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-FileDispositionInformation # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * server-File_Permissions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, server/fd.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_FileDispositionInformation" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-FileDispositionInformation/0001-ntdll-tests-Added-tests-to-set-disposition-on-file-w.patch patch_apply ntdll-FileDispositionInformation/0002-server-Do-not-allow-to-set-disposition-on-file-which.patch patch_apply ntdll-FileDispositionInformation/0003-server-When-combining-root-and-name-make-sure-there-.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll/tests: Added tests to set disposition on file which is mapped to memory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "server: Do not allow to set disposition on file which has a file mapping.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: When combining root and name, make sure there is only one slash.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-CopyFileEx # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * kernel32-SetFileInformationByHandle, server-File_Permissions, ntdll-FileDispositionInformation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22692] Add support for CopyFileEx progress callback # | * [#22690] Allow to cancel a file operation via progress callback # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/path.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/file.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_CopyFileEx" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-CopyFileEx/0001-kernel32-Add-support-for-progress-callback-in-CopyFi.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32: Add support for progress callback in CopyFileEx.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-Cwd_Startup_Info # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/process.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_Cwd_Startup_Info" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-Cwd_Startup_Info/0001-kernel32-Allow-non-nullterminated-string-as-working-.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Allow non-nullterminated string as working directory in create_startup_info.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-FindFirstFile # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22635] Strip invalid characters from mask in FindFirstFileExW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/file.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/file.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_FindFirstFile" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-FindFirstFile/0001-kernel32-Strip-invalid-characters-from-mask-in-FindF.patch patch_apply kernel32-FindFirstFile/0002-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-FindFirstFileA-with-inv.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32: Strip invalid characters from mask in FindFirstFileExW.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for FindFirstFileA with invalid characters.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-LocaleNameToLCID # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30076] Silence repeated LocaleNameToLCID/LCIDToLocaleName unsupported flags FIXMEs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/locale.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_LocaleNameToLCID" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-LocaleNameToLCID/0001-kernel32-Silence-repeated-LocaleNameToLCID-unsupport.patch ( echo '+ { "Jarkko Korpi", "kernel32: Silence repeated LocaleNameToLCID unsupported flags message.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset rpcrt4-Pipe_Transport # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/rpcrt4/rpc_transport.c # | if test "$enable_rpcrt4_Pipe_Transport" -eq 1; then patch_apply rpcrt4-Pipe_Transport/0001-rpcrt4-Restore-original-error-code-when-ReadFile-fai.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "rpcrt4: Restore original error code when ReadFile fails with ERROR_MORE_DATA.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Desktop_Refcount # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/explorer/desktop.c, server/async.c, server/atom.c, server/change.c, server/clipboard.c, server/completion.c, # | server/console.c, server/debugger.c, server/device.c, server/directory.c, server/event.c, server/fd.c, server/file.c, # | server/handle.c, server/handle.h, server/hook.c, server/mailslot.c, server/mapping.c, server/mutex.c, # | server/named_pipe.c, server/object.c, server/object.h, server/process.c, server/queue.c, server/registry.c, # | server/request.c, server/semaphore.c, server/serial.c, server/signal.c, server/snapshot.c, server/sock.c, # | server/symlink.c, server/thread.c, server/timer.c, server/token.c, server/winstation.c # | if test "$enable_server_Desktop_Refcount" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Desktop_Refcount/0001-server-Introduce-a-new-alloc_handle-object-callback..patch patch_apply server-Desktop_Refcount/0002-server-Track-desktop-handle-count-more-correctly.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Introduce a new alloc_handle object callback.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Track desktop handle count more correctly.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-Named_Pipe # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * rpcrt4-Pipe_Transport, server-Desktop_Refcount # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#16550] Fix for ConnectNamedPort return value in overlapped mode # | * [#17195] Support for named pipe message mode (Linux only) # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/file.c, dlls/kernel32/sync.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/pipe.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, include/winternl.h, # | server/named_pipe.c, server/protocol.def, server/sock.c, server/sock.h # | if test "$enable_kernel32_Named_Pipe" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0001-kernel32-tests-Only-allow-one-test-result.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0002-kernel32-ConnectNamedPort-should-return-FALSE-and-se.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0003-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-PeekNamedPipe-with-part.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0004-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-sending-and-receiving-l.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0005-server-Show-warning-if-message-mode-is-not-supported.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0006-ntdll-Unify-similar-code-in-NtReadFile-and-FILE_Asyn.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0007-ntdll-Move-logic-to-check-for-broken-pipe-into-a-sep.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0008-ntdll-Unify-similar-code-in-NtWriteFile-and-FILE_Asy.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0009-server-Use-SOCK_SEQPACKET-socket-in-combination-with.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0010-ntdll-Add-handling-for-partially-received-messages-i.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0011-kernel32-tests-Add-more-tests-with-overlapped-IO-and.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0012-ntdll-Fix-some-tests-for-overlapped-partial-reads.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0013-kernel32-tests-Test-sending-peeking-and-receiving-an.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0014-ntdll-Add-support-for-nonblocking-pipes.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0015-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-PIPE_NOWAIT-in-message-.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0016-ntdll-Allow-to-set-PIPE_NOWAIT-on-byte-mode-pipes.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0017-kernel32-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-PIPE_NOWAIT-.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0018-ntdll-Improve-ReadDataAvailable-handling-in-FilePipe.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0019-ntdll-Set-NamedPipeState-to-FILE_PIPE_CLOSING_STATE-.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0020-server-Return-correct-error-codes-for-NtWriteFile-wh.patch patch_apply kernel32-Named_Pipe/0021-ntdll-Pre-cache-file-descriptors-after-opening-a-fil.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Only allow one test result.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dan Kegel", "kernel32: ConnectNamedPort should return FALSE and set ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED on success in overlapped mode.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for PeekNamedPipe with partial received messages.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for sending and receiving large messages.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Show warning if message mode is not supported.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Unify similar code in NtReadFile and FILE_AsyncReadService.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Move logic to check for broken pipe into a separate function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Unify similar code in NtWriteFile and FILE_AsyncWriteService.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Use SOCK_SEQPACKET socket in combination with SO_PEEK_OFF to implement message mode on Unix.", 6 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Add handling for partially received messages in NtReadFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add more tests with overlapped IO and partial reads from named pipes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix some tests for overlapped partial reads.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Test sending, peeking and receiving an empty message.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Add support for nonblocking pipes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for PIPE_NOWAIT in message mode.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Allow to set PIPE_NOWAIT on byte-mode pipes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add additional tests for PIPE_NOWAIT in overlapped mode.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll: Improve ReadDataAvailable handling in FilePipeLocalInformation class support.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Set NamedPipeState to FILE_PIPE_CLOSING_STATE on broken pipe in NtQueryInformationFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Return correct error codes for NtWriteFile when pipes are closed without disconnecting.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Pre-cache file descriptors after opening a file.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#23934] CreateProcess does not prioritize the working directory over the system search path # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/path.c, dlls/kernel32/process.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/path.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath/0001-kernel32-Add-SearchPath-test-demonstrating-the-prior.patch patch_apply kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath/0002-kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath-does-not-use.patch patch_apply kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath/0003-kernel32-Consider-the-working-directory-first-when-l.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Add SearchPath test demonstrating the priority of the working directory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath does not use the registry.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Consider the working directory first when launching executables with CreateProcess.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-Profile # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#8036] Fix handling of empty section and key name for profile files. # | * [#18099] Super Mario 3: Mario Forever fails to load keyboard mapping from profile files. # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/profile.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/profile.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_Profile" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-Profile/0001-kernel32-Allow-empty-profile-section-and-key-name-st.patch ( echo '+ { "Claudio Fontana", "kernel32: Allow empty profile section and key name strings.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-SetFileCompletionNotificationModes # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38960] Fake success in kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/file.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_SetFileCompletionNotificationModes" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-SetFileCompletionNotificationModes/0001-kernel32-Fake-success-in-SetFileCompletionNotificati.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Fake success in SetFileCompletionNotificationModes.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-TimezoneInformation_Registry # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/kernel_main.c, dlls/kernel32/kernel_private.h, dlls/kernel32/time.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_TimezoneInformation_Registry" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-TimezoneInformation_Registry/0001-kernel32-Init-TimezoneInformation-registry.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "kernel32: Init TimezoneInformation registry.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36143] Fix condition mask handling in RtlVerifyVersionInfo # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/version.c, dlls/ntdll/version.c # | if test "$enable_kernel32_VerifyVersionInfo" -eq 1; then patch_apply kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo/0001-kernel32-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-condition-ma.patch patch_apply kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo/0002-ntdll-Fix-condition-mask-handling-in-RtlVerifyVersio.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add additional tests for condition mask of VerifyVersionInfoA.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix condition mask handling in RtlVerifyVersionInfo.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset libs-Debug_Channel # | # | Modified files: # | * libs/wine/debug.c # | if test "$enable_libs_Debug_Channel" -eq 1; then patch_apply libs-Debug_Channel/0001-libwine-Add-process-specific-debug-channels.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "libwine: Add process specific debug channels.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset libs-Unicode_Collation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#10767] Fix comparison of punctuation characters in lstrcmp # | * [#32490] Graphical issues in Inquisitor # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/locale.c, libs/wine/collation.c # | if test "$enable_libs_Unicode_Collation" -eq 1; then patch_apply libs-Unicode_Collation/0001-libs-Fix-most-problems-with-CompareString.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "libs: Fix most problems with CompareString.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset makedep-PARENTSPEC # | # | Modified files: # | * tools/makedep.c # | if test "$enable_makedep_PARENTSPEC" -eq 1; then patch_apply makedep-PARENTSPEC/0001-makedep-Add-support-for-PARENTSPEC-Makefile-variable.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "makedep: Add support for PARENTSPEC Makefile variable.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset mfplat-MFTRegister # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37811] Add implementation for mfplat.MFTRegister # | * [#39309] Add implementation for mfplat.MFTEnum # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/mfplat/Makefile.in, dlls/mfplat/main.c, dlls/mfplat/mfplat.spec, dlls/mfplat/tests/Makefile.in, # | dlls/mfplat/tests/mfplat.c, loader/wine.inf.in # | if test "$enable_mfplat_MFTRegister" -eq 1; then patch_apply mfplat-MFTRegister/0001-mfplat-Implement-MFTRegister.patch patch_apply mfplat-MFTRegister/0002-mfplat-Implement-MFTUnregister.patch patch_apply mfplat-MFTRegister/0003-mfplat-Implement-MFTEnum.patch patch_apply mfplat-MFTRegister/0004-mfplat-tests-Add-tests.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "mfplat: Implement MFTRegister.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "mfplat: Implement MFTUnregister.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "mfplat: Implement MFTEnum.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "mfplat/tests: Add tests.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset mmdevapi-AEV_Stubs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35658] Improve stub for AEV_GetVolumeRange # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/mmdevapi/audiovolume.c # | if test "$enable_mmdevapi_AEV_Stubs" -eq 1; then patch_apply mmdevapi-AEV_Stubs/0001-mmdevapi-Improve-AEV_GetVolumeRange-stub.patch patch_apply mmdevapi-AEV_Stubs/0002-mmdevapi-Improve-AEV_SetMasterVolumeLevel-and-AEV_Ge.patch patch_apply mmdevapi-AEV_Stubs/0003-mmdevapi-Improve-AEV_SetMute-and-AEV_GetMute-stubs.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "mmdevapi: Improve AEV_GetVolumeRange stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "mmdevapi: Improve AEV_SetMasterVolumeLevel and AEV_GetMasterVolumeLevel stubs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "mmdevapi: Improve AEV_SetMute and AEV_GetMute stubs.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset mountmgr-DosDevices # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38235] Fix device paths in HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/mountmgr.sys/device.c, dlls/mountmgr.sys/mountmgr.c, dlls/mountmgr.sys/mountmgr.h # | if test "$enable_mountmgr_DosDevices" -eq 1; then patch_apply mountmgr-DosDevices/0001-mountmgr.sys-Write-usable-device-paths-into-HKLM-SYS.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "mountmgr.sys: Write usable device paths into HKLM\\\\SYSTEM\\\\MountedDevices.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset mpr-WNetGetUniversalNameW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39452] Return WN_NOT_CONNECTED from WNetGetUniversalName REMOTE_NAME_INFO_LEVEL stub # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/mpr/tests/mpr.c, dlls/mpr/wnet.c # | if test "$enable_mpr_WNetGetUniversalNameW" -eq 1; then patch_apply mpr-WNetGetUniversalNameW/0001-mpr-Return-correct-error-code-for-non-network-paths-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "mpr: Return correct error code for non network paths and REMOTE_NAME_INFO_LEVEL in WNetGetUniversalName.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset mscoree-CorValidateImage # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38662] Implement mscoree._CorValidateImage for mono runtime # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/mscoree/mscoree_main.c # | if test "$enable_mscoree_CorValidateImage" -eq 1; then patch_apply mscoree-CorValidateImage/0001-mscoree-Implement-_CorValidateImage.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "mscoree: Implement semi-stub for _CorValidateImage.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset mshtml-HTMLLocation_put_hash # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32967] Add IHTMLLocation::hash property's getter implementation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/mshtml/htmllocation.c, dlls/mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c # | if test "$enable_mshtml_HTMLLocation_put_hash" -eq 1; then patch_apply mshtml-HTMLLocation_put_hash/0001-mshtml-Add-IHTMLLocation-hash-property-s-getter-impl.patch ( echo '+ { "Zhenbo Li", "mshtml: Add IHTMLLocation::hash property'\''s getter implementation.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset msidb-Implementation # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/msi/database.c, dlls/msi/msipriv.h, dlls/msi/streams.c, dlls/msi/suminfo.c, # | programs/msidb/Makefile.in, programs/msidb/main.c # | if test "$enable_msidb_Implementation" -eq 1; then patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0001-msidb-Add-stub-tool-for-manipulating-MSI-databases.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0002-msi-Return-an-error-when-MsiDatabaseImport-is-passed.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0003-msidb-Add-support-for-importing-database-tables.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0004-msidb-Add-support-for-adding-stream-cabinet-files-to.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0005-msi-Add-support-for-deleting-streams-from-an-MSI-dat.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0006-msidb-Add-support-for-removing-stream-cabinet-files-.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0007-msidb-Add-support-for-extracting-stream-cabinet-file.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0008-msidb-Add-support-for-exporting-database-tables.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0009-msidb-Add-support-for-exporting-with-short-DOS-filen.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0010-msi-Add-support-for-exporting-the-_SummaryInformatio.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0011-msi-Break-out-field-exporting-into-a-separate-routin.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0012-msi-Add-support-for-exporting-binary-streams-Binary-.patch patch_apply msidb-Implementation/0013-msidb-Add-support-for-wildcard-full-database-export.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add stub tool for manipulating MSI databases.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msi: Return an error when MsiDatabaseImport is passed an invalid pathname.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add support for importing database tables.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add support for adding stream/cabinet files to MSI databases.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msi: Add support for deleting streams from an MSI database.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add support for removing stream/cabinet files from MSI databases.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add support for extracting stream/cabinet files from MSI databases.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add support for exporting database tables.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add support for exporting with short (DOS) filenames.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msi: Add support for exporting the _SummaryInformation table.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msi: Break out field exporting into a separate routine.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msi: Add support for exporting binary streams (Binary/Icon tables).", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "msidb: Add support for wildcard (full database) export.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset msvcr120-_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/msvcr120/msvcr120.spec, dlls/msvcr120_app/msvcr120_app.spec, dlls/msvcrt/misc.c # | if test "$enable_msvcr120__SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback" -eq 1; then patch_apply msvcr120-_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback/0001-msvcr120-Add-stub-for-_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionC.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "msvcr120: Add stub for _SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset msvcrt-Math_Precision # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37149] Calculate msvcrt exponential math operations with higher precision # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/msvcrt/math.c # | if test "$enable_msvcrt_Math_Precision" -eq 1; then patch_apply msvcrt-Math_Precision/0001-msvcrt-Calculate-sinh-cosh-exp-pow-with-higher-preci.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "msvcrt: Calculate sinh/cosh/exp/pow with higher precision.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset msvcrt-StdHandle_RefCount # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/msvcrt/file.c, dlls/msvcrt/tests/file.c # | if test "$enable_msvcrt_StdHandle_RefCount" -eq 1; then patch_apply msvcrt-StdHandle_RefCount/0001-msvcrt-tests-Add-tests-for-stdout-and-stderr-refcoun.patch patch_apply msvcrt-StdHandle_RefCount/0002-msvcrt-Implemenent-refcount-check-for-stdout-and-std.patch patch_apply msvcrt-StdHandle_RefCount/0003-msvcrt-Use-constants-instead-of-hardcoded-values.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "msvcrt/tests: Add tests for stdout and stderr refcount.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "msvcrt: Implemenent refcount check for stdout and stderr.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "msvcrt: Use constants instead of hardcoded values.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-APC_Performance # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_APC_Performance" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-APC_Performance/0001-ntdll-Reuse-old-async-fileio-structures-if-possible.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Reuse old async fileio structures if possible.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-APC_Start_Process # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loader.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_APC_Start_Process" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-APC_Start_Process/0001-ntdll-Process-APC-calls-before-starting-process.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Process APC calls before starting process.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Activation_Context # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/actctx.c, dlls/ntdll/actctx.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Activation_Context" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Activation_Context/0001-ntdll-Fix-return-value-for-missing-ACTIVATION_CONTEX.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix return value for missing ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_ASSEMBLY_INFORMATION key.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34318] Move implementation of EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW to ntdll # | * [#33021] Move implementation of EtwEventRegister to ntdll # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/advapi32.spec, dlls/advapi32/eventlog.c, dlls/ntdll/misc.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec # | if test "$enable_ntdll_EtwRegisterTraceGuids" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids/0001-ntdll-Move-RegisterTraceGuids-from-advapi32-to-ntdll.patch patch_apply ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids/0002-ntdll-Move-EventRegister-from-advapi32-to-ntdll.patch patch_apply ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids/0003-ntdll-Move-EventSetInformation-from-advapi32-to-ntdl.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move RegisterTraceGuids from advapi32 to ntdll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move EventRegister from advapi32 to ntdll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move EventSetInformation from advapi32 to ntdll.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/misc.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec # | if test "$enable_ntdll_ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence/0001-ntdll-Add-stub-for-ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Add stub for ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-CLI_Images # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * mscoree-CorValidateImage # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38661] Implement proper handling of CLI .NET images in Wine library loader # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/process.c, dlls/ntdll/loader.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_CLI_Images" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-CLI_Images/0001-ntdll-Load-CLI-.NET-images-in-the-same-way-as-Window.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Load CLI/.NET images in the same way as Windows XP and above.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39403] Use wrapper functions for syscalls to appease Chromium sandbox (32-bit) # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/atom.c, dlls/ntdll/directory.c, dlls/ntdll/env.c, dlls/ntdll/error.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/loader.c, # | dlls/ntdll/nt.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/om.c, dlls/ntdll/process.c, dlls/ntdll/reg.c, # | dlls/ntdll/resource.c, dlls/ntdll/sec.c, dlls/ntdll/server.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_arm.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_arm64.c, # | dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_powerpc.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c, dlls/ntdll/sync.c, # | dlls/ntdll/thread.c, dlls/ntdll/time.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, tools/winegcc/winegcc.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Syscall_Wrappers" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers/0001-winegcc-Pass-read_only_relocs-suppress-to-the-linker.patch patch_apply ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers/0002-ntdll-Use-wrapper-functions-for-syscalls.patch patch_apply ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers/0003-ntdll-APCs-should-call-the-implementation-instead-of.patch patch_apply ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers/0004-ntdll-Syscalls-should-not-call-Nt-Ex-thunk-wrappers.patch patch_apply ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers/0005-ntdll-Run-directory-initialization-function-early-du.patch patch_apply ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers/0006-ntdll-Use-close_handle-instead-of-NtClose-for-intern.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winegcc: Pass '\''-read_only_relocs suppress'\'' to the linker on OSX.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Use wrapper functions for syscalls.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: APCs should call the implementation instead of the syscall thunk.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Syscalls should not call Nt*Ex thunk wrappers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Run directory initialization function early during the process startup.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Use close_handle instead of NtClose for internal memory management functions.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-DOS_Attributes # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#9158] Support for DOS hidden/system file attributes # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/ntdll/directory.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/tests/directory.c, # | dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, include/wine/port.h, libs/port/Makefile.in, libs/port/xattr.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_DOS_Attributes" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0001-ntdll-Implement-retrieving-DOS-attributes-in-NtQuery.patch patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0002-ntdll-Implement-retrieving-DOS-attributes-in-NtQuery.patch patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0003-ntdll-Implement-storing-DOS-attributes-in-NtSetInfor.patch patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0004-ntdll-Implement-storing-DOS-attributes-in-NtCreateFi.patch patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0005-libport-Add-support-for-Mac-OS-X-style-extended-attr.patch patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0006-libport-Add-support-for-FreeBSD-style-extended-attri.patch patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0007-ntdll-Perform-the-Unix-style-hidden-file-check-withi.patch patch_apply ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0008-ntdll-Always-store-SAMBA_XATTR_DOS_ATTRIB-when-path-.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement retrieving DOS attributes in NtQueryInformationFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement retrieving DOS attributes in NtQuery[Full]AttributesFile and NtQueryDirectoryFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement storing DOS attributes in NtSetInformationFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement storing DOS attributes in NtCreateFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "libport: Add support for Mac OS X style extended attributes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "libport: Add support for FreeBSD style extended attributes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Perform the Unix-style hidden file check within the unified file info grabbing routine.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Always store SAMBA_XATTR_DOS_ATTRIB when path could be interpreted as hidden.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Dealloc_Thread_Stack # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/signal_arm.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_arm64.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, # | dlls/ntdll/signal_powerpc.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Dealloc_Thread_Stack" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Dealloc_Thread_Stack/0001-ntdll-Do-not-allow-to-allocate-thread-stack-for-curr.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Do not allow to deallocate thread stack for current thread.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-DeviceType_Systemroot # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36546] Return fake device type when systemroot is located on virtual disk # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_DeviceType_Systemroot" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-DeviceType_Systemroot/0001-ntdll-Return-fake-device-type-when-systemroot-is-loc.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Return fake device type when systemroot is located on virtual disk.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loadorder.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_DllOverrides_WOW64" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64/0001-ntdll-Always-use-64-bit-registry-view-on-WOW64-setup.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Always use 64-bit registry view on WOW64 setups.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38021] Check architecture before trying to load libraries # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loader.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Loader_Machine_Type" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type/0001-ntdll-Check-architecture-before-loading-module.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Check architecture before loading module.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-DllRedirects # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64, ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loader.c, dlls/ntdll/loadorder.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h # | if test "$enable_ntdll_DllRedirects" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-DllRedirects/0001-ntdll-Move-logic-to-determine-loadorder-HKCU-app-key.patch patch_apply ntdll-DllRedirects/0002-ntdll-Move-logic-to-read-loadorder-registry-values-i.patch patch_apply ntdll-DllRedirects/0003-ntdll-Move-code-to-determine-module-basename-into-se.patch patch_apply ntdll-DllRedirects/0004-ntdll-Implement-get_redirect-function.patch patch_apply ntdll-DllRedirects/0005-ntdll-Implement-loader-redirection-scheme.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move logic to determine loadorder HKCU/app key into separate functions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move logic to read loadorder registry values into separate function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move code to determine module basename into separate function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Implement get_redirect function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Implement loader redirection scheme.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Exception # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/debugger.c, dlls/ntdll/om.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/exception.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Exception" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Exception/0001-ntdll-Throw-exception-if-invalid-handle-is-passed-to.patch patch_apply ntdll-Exception/0002-ntdll-OutputDebugString-should-throw-the-exception-a.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Throw exception if invalid handle is passed to NtClose and debugger enabled.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: OutputDebugString should throw the exception a second time, if a debugger is attached.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-FileFsFullSizeInformation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_FileFsFullSizeInformation" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-FileFsFullSizeInformation/0001-ntdll-Add-support-for-FileFsFullSizeInformation-clas.patch ( echo '+ { "Jianqiu Zhang", "ntdll: Add support for FileFsFullSizeInformation class in NtQueryVolumeInformationFile.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-FileFsVolumeInformation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#21466] Add semi-stub for FileFsVolumeInformation information class # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_FileFsVolumeInformation" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-FileFsVolumeInformation/0001-ntdll-Add-semi-stub-for-FileFsVolumeInformation-info.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Add semi-stub for FileFsVolumeInformation information class.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-FileNamesInformation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/directory.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_FileNamesInformation" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-FileNamesInformation/0001-ntdll-Implement-FileNamesInformation-class-support.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll: Implement FileNamesInformation class support.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Fix_Alignment # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33162] Ensure NtProtectVirtualMemory and NtCreateSection are on separate pages # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/virtual.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Fix_Alignment" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Fix_Alignment/0001-ntdll-Move-NtProtectVirtualMemory-and-NtCreateSectio.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move NtProtectVirtualMemory and NtCreateSection to separate pages on x86.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Fix_Free # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/path.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Fix_Free" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Fix_Free/0001-kernel32-Fix-leaking-directory-handle-in-RemoveDirec.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Fix leaking directory handle in RemoveDirectoryW.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-FreeBSD_Directory # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35397] Use POSIX implementation to enumerate directory content on FreeBSD # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/directory.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_FreeBSD_Directory" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-FreeBSD_Directory/0001-ntdll-Use-POSIX-implementation-to-enumerate-director.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Use POSIX implementation to enumerate directory content.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Heap_FreeLists # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/heap.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Heap_FreeLists" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Heap_FreeLists/0001-ntdll-Improve-heap-allocation-performance-by-using-m.patch ( echo '+ { "Steaphan Greene", "ntdll: Improve heap allocation performance by using more fine-grained free lists.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Hide_Wine_Exports # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38656] Add support for hiding wine version information from applications # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loader.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Hide_Wine_Exports" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Hide_Wine_Exports/0001-ntdll-Add-support-for-hiding-wine-version-informatio.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Add support for hiding wine version information from applications.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-NtQueryEaFile # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_NtQueryEaFile" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-NtQueryEaFile/0001-ntdll-Improve-stub-of-NtQueryEaFile.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Improve stub of NtQueryEaFile.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Junction_Points # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Fix_Free, ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers, ntdll-NtQueryEaFile # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#12401] Support for Junction Points # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/path.c, dlls/kernel32/volume.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, include/Makefile.in, # | include/ntifs.h # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Junction_Points" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Junction_Points/0001-ntdll-Add-support-for-junction-point-creation.patch patch_apply ntdll-Junction_Points/0002-ntdll-Add-support-for-reading-junction-points.patch patch_apply ntdll-Junction_Points/0003-ntdll-Add-support-for-deleting-junction-points.patch patch_apply ntdll-Junction_Points/0004-ntdll-Add-a-test-for-junction-point-advertisement.patch patch_apply ntdll-Junction_Points/0005-kernel32-ntdll-Add-support-for-deleting-junction-poi.patch patch_apply ntdll-Junction_Points/0006-kernel32-Advertise-junction-point-support.patch patch_apply ntdll-Junction_Points/0007-ntdll-tests-Add-test-for-deleting-junction-point-tar.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add support for junction point creation.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add support for reading junction points.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add support for deleting junction points.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add a test for junction point advertisement.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32,ntdll: Add support for deleting junction points with RemoveDirectory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Advertise junction point support.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll/tests: Add test for deleting junction point target.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-NtAccessCheck # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, dlls/ntdll/sec.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_NtAccessCheck" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-NtAccessCheck/0001-ntdll-Improve-invalid-paramater-handling-in-NtAccess.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll: Improve invalid paramater handling in NtAccessCheck.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-NtQuerySection # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37338] Support for NtQuerySection # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/virtual.c, dlls/ntdll/nt.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, # | dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.exe.spec, server/mapping.c, server/protocol.def # | if test "$enable_ntdll_NtQuerySection" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-NtQuerySection/0001-ntdll-Implement-NtQuerySection.patch patch_apply ntdll-NtQuerySection/0002-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-NtQuerySection.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "ntdll: Implement NtQuerySection.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for NtQuerySection.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26268] Add stub for NtSetLdtEntries/ZwSetLdtEntries # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/nt.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, include/ddk/wdm.h, include/winternl.h # | if test "$enable_ntdll_NtSetLdtEntries" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries/0001-ntdll-add-NtSetLdtEntries-ZwSetLdtEntries-stub-try-2.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "ntdll: Add NtSetLdtEntries/ZwSetLdtEntries stub.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#28995] Allow special characters in pipe names # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/pipe.c, dlls/ntdll/directory.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Pipe_SpecialCharacters" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters/0001-ntdll-Allow-special-characters-in-pipe-names.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Allow special characters in pipe names.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-ProcessQuotaLimits # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/process.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_ProcessQuotaLimits" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-ProcessQuotaLimits/0001-ntdll-Add-fake-data-implementation-for-ProcessQuotaL.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll: Add fake data implementation for ProcessQuotaLimits class.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Purist_Mode # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64, ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type, ntdll-DllRedirects # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loadorder.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Purist_Mode" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Purist_Mode/0001-ntdll-Add-dll-override-default-rule-for-purist-mode.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "ntdll: Add dll override default rule for purist mode.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Stubs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/rtl.c, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.exe.spec # | if test "$enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Stubs" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Stubs/0001-ntdll-Fix-parameters-for-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW-s.patch patch_apply ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Stubs/0002-ntdll-Add-stub-for-RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Fix parameters for RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Add stub for RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-RtlQueryPackageIdentity # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/rtl.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/Makefile.in, dlls/ntdll/tests/rtl.c, include/shobjidl.idl # | if test "$enable_ntdll_RtlQueryPackageIdentity" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-RtlQueryPackageIdentity/0001-ntdll-Add-stub-for-RtlQueryPackageIdentity.patch patch_apply ntdll-RtlQueryPackageIdentity/0002-include-Add-IApplicationActivationManager-interface-.patch patch_apply ntdll-RtlQueryPackageIdentity/0003-ntdll-tests-Add-basic-tests-for-RtlQueryPackageIdent.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Add stub for RtlQueryPackageIdentity.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include: Add IApplicationActivationManager interface declaration.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll/tests: Add basic tests for RtlQueryPackageIdentity.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-RtlQueryPackageIdentity # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/tests/rtl.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests/0001-ntdll-tests-Tests-for-RtlIpv6StringToAddress-try-6.patch patch_apply ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests/0002-ntdll-tests-Tests-for-RtlIpv6StringToAddressEx-try-6.patch patch_apply ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests/0003-ntdll-tests-Tests-for-RtlIpv4StringToAddressEx-try-5.patch patch_apply ntdll-RtlIpStringToAddress_Tests/0004-ntdll-tests-Add-tests-for-RtlIpv6AddressToString-and.patch ( echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "ntdll/tests: Tests for RtlIpv6StringToAddress.", 6 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "ntdll/tests: Tests for RtlIpv6StringToAddressEx.", 6 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "ntdll/tests: Tests for RtlIpv4StringToAddressEx (try 5, resend).", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "ntdll/tests: Add tests for RtlIpv6AddressToString and RtlIpv6AddressToStringEx.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Serial_Port_Detection # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39793] Do a device check before returning a default serial port name # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/directory.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Serial_Port_Detection" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Serial_Port_Detection/0001-ntdll-Do-a-device-check-before-returning-a-default-s.patch ( echo '+ { "Alex Henrie", "ntdll: Do a device check before returning a default serial port name.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Status_Mapping # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Status_Mapping" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Status_Mapping/0001-ntdll-Return-STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST-when-tryi.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST when trying to call NtReadFile on directory.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-SystemInterruptInformation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39123] Return buffer filled with random values from SystemInterruptInformation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/nt.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_SystemInterruptInformation" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-SystemInterruptInformation/0001-ntdll-Return-buffer-filled-with-random-values-from-S.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Return buffer filled with random values from SystemInterruptInformation.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment # | # | Modified files: # | * include/winternl.h # | if test "$enable_ntdll_SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment/0001-include-Add-more-constants-to-SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLA.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "include: Add more constants to SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-SystemRoot_Symlink # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Exception, ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/om.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_SystemRoot_Symlink" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-SystemRoot_Symlink/0001-ntdll-Add-special-handling-for-SystemRoot-to-satisfy.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Add special handling for \\\\SystemRoot to satisfy MSYS2 case-insensitive system check.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-ThreadTime # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#20230] Return correct values for GetThreadTimes function # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/thread.c, server/protocol.def, server/thread.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_ThreadTime" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-ThreadTime/0001-ntdll-Return-correct-values-in-GetThreadTimes-for-al.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Return correct values in GetThreadTimes() for all threads.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Threading # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/thread.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Threading" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Threading/0001-ntdll-Fix-race-condition-when-threads-are-killed-dur.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix race-condition when threads are killed during shutdown.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-User_Shared_Data # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/thread.c, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/instr.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_User_Shared_Data" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-User_Shared_Data/0001-ntdll-Move-code-to-update-user-shared-data-into-a-se.patch patch_apply ntdll-User_Shared_Data/0002-ntoskrnl-Update-USER_SHARED_DATA-before-accessing-me.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Move code to update user shared data into a separate function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntoskrnl: Update USER_SHARED_DATA before accessing memory.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Wait_User_APC # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#14697] Do not allow interruption of system APC in server_select # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/sync.c, dlls/ntdll/server.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Wait_User_APC" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Wait_User_APC/0001-ntdll-Block-signals-while-executing-system-APCs.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Block signals while executing system APCs.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-WinSqm # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-EtwRegisterTraceGuids # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#31971] ntdll is missing WinSqm[Start|End]Session implementation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/misc.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/tests/rtl.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_WinSqm" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-WinSqm/0001-ntdll-Add-stubs-for-WinSqmStartSession-WinSqmEndSess.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add stubs for WinSqmStartSession / WinSqmEndSession.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-WriteWatches # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * rpcrt4-Pipe_Transport, server-Desktop_Refcount, kernel32-Named_Pipe, ws2_32-WriteWatches # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/virtual.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_WriteWatches" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-WriteWatches/0001-ntdll-Avoid-race-conditions-with-write-watches-in-Nt.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "ntdll: Avoid race-conditions with write watches in NtReadFile.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntdll-Zero_mod_name # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loader.c # | if test "$enable_ntdll_Zero_mod_name" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntdll-Zero_mod_name/0001-ntdll-Initialize-mod_name-to-zero.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll: Initialize mod_name to zero.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntoskrnl-DriverTest # | # | Modified files: # | * aclocal.m4, configure.ac, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.exe.spec, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/Makefile.in, # | dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/driver.sys/Makefile.in, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/driver.sys/driver.c, # | dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/driver.sys/driver.h, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/driver.sys/driver.sys.spec, # | dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/driver.sys/test.c, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/driver.sys/test.h, # | dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/driver.sys/util.h, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/tests/ntoskrnl.c, include/wine/test.h, # | tools/make_makefiles, tools/makedep.c # | if test "$enable_ntoskrnl_DriverTest" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntoskrnl-DriverTest/0001-ntoskrnl.exe-tests-Add-initial-driver-testing-framew.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-DriverTest/0002-ntoskrnl.exe-tests-Add-kernel-compliant-test-functio.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Add initial driver testing framework and corresponding changes to Makefile system.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Add kernel compliant test functions.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ntoskrnl-Stubs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32186] Add stub for ntoskrnl.KeWaitForMultipleObjects # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.c, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.exe.spec, include/ddk/wdm.h # | if test "$enable_ntoskrnl_Stubs" -eq 1; then patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0001-ntoskrnl.exe-add-KeWaitForMultipleObjects-stub.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0002-ntoskrnl.exe-Add-stub-for-IoGetAttachedDeviceReferen.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0003-ntoskrnl.exe-Add-stubs-for-ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe-.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0004-ntoskrnl.exe-Add-stubs-for-ObReferenceObjectByPointe.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0005-ntoskrnl.exe-Add-stub-for-KeDelayExecutionThread.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0006-ntoskrnl.exe-Improve-KeReleaseMutex-stub.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0007-ntoskrnl.exe-Improve-KeInitializeSemaphore-stub.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0008-ntoskrnl.exe-Improve-KeInitializeTimerEx-stub.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0009-ntoskrnl.exe-Fix-IoReleaseCancelSpinLock-argument.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0010-ntoskrnl.exe-Implement-MmMapLockedPages-and-MmUnmapL.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0011-ntoskrnl.exe-Implement-KeInitializeMutex.patch patch_apply ntoskrnl-Stubs/0012-ntoskrnl.exe-Add-stub-for-PsRemoveLoadImageNotifyRou.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "ntoskrnl.exe: Add KeWaitForMultipleObjects stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for IoGetAttachedDeviceReference.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Add stubs for ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe and ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Add stubs for ObReferenceObjectByPointer and ObDereferenceObject.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for KeDelayExecutionThread.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Improve KeReleaseMutex stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Improve KeInitializeSemaphore stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Improve KeInitializeTimerEx stub.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "ntoskrnl.exe: Fix IoReleaseCancelSpinLock argument.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "ntoskrnl.exe: Implement MmMapLockedPages and MmUnmapLockedPages.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Alexander Morozov", "ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeInitializeMutex.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for PsRemoveLoadImageNotifyRoutine.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset nvcuda-CUDA_Support # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37664] MediaCoder needs CUDA for video encoding # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/nvcuda/Makefile.in, dlls/nvcuda/internal.c, dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.c, dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.h, # | dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.rc, dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.spec, dlls/nvcuda/tests/Makefile.in, dlls/nvcuda/tests/nvcuda.c, # | include/Makefile.in, include/cuda.h # | if test "$enable_nvcuda_CUDA_Support" -eq 1; then patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0001-include-Add-cuda.h.h.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0002-nvcuda-Add-stub-dll.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0003-nvcuda-First-implementation.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0004-nvcuda-Implement-new-functions-added-in-CUDA-6.5.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0005-nvcuda-Properly-wrap-undocumented-ContextStorage-int.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0006-nvcuda-Emulate-two-d3d9-initialization-functions.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0007-nvcuda-Properly-wrap-stream-callbacks-by-forwarding-.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0008-nvcuda-Add-support-for-CUDA-7.0.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0009-nvcuda-Implement-cuModuleLoad-wrapper-function.patch patch_apply nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0010-nvcuda-Search-for-dylib-library-on-Mac-OS-X.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "include: Add cuda.h.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "nvcuda: Add stub dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuda: First implementation.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "nvcuda: Implement new functions added in CUDA 6.5.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuda: Properly wrap undocumented '\''ContextStorage'\'' interface and add tests.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuda: Emulate two d3d9 initialization functions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "nvcuda: Properly wrap stream callbacks by forwarding them to a worker thread.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "nvcuda: Add support for CUDA 7.0.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "nvcuda: Implement cuModuleLoad wrapper function.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuda: Search for dylib library on Mac OS X.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset nvapi-Stub_DLL # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * nvcuda-CUDA_Support # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35062] Fix graphical corruption in FarCry 3 with NVIDIA drivers # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/nvapi/Makefile.in, dlls/nvapi/nvapi.c, dlls/nvapi/nvapi.spec, dlls/nvapi/tests/Makefile.in, # | dlls/nvapi/tests/nvapi.c, dlls/nvapi64/Makefile.in, dlls/nvapi64/nvapi64.spec, include/Makefile.in, include/nvapi.h # | if test "$enable_nvapi_Stub_DLL" -eq 1; then patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0001-nvapi-First-implementation.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0002-nvapi-Add-stubs-for-NvAPI_EnumLogicalGPUs-and-undocu.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0003-nvapi-Add-NvAPI_GetPhysicalGPUsFromLogicalGPU.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0004-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0005-nvapi-Add-stubs-for-NvAPI_GPU_GetFullName.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0006-nvapi-Explicity-return-NULL-for-0x33c7358c-and-0x593.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0007-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_DISP_GetGDIPrimaryDisplayId.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0008-nvapi-Add-stub-for-EnumNvidiaDisplayHandle.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0009-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_SYS_GetDriverAndBranchVersi.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0010-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_Unload.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0011-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_D3D_GetCurrentSLIState.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0012-nvapi-Print-fixme-message-for-NvAPI_D3D9_StretchRect.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0013-nvapi-tests-Use-structure-to-list-imports.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0014-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_GetLogicalGPUFromDisplay.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0015-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_D3D_GetObjectHandleForResou.patch patch_apply nvapi-Stub_DLL/0016-nvapi-Add-stub-for-NvAPI_D3D9_RegisterResource.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: First implementation.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stubs for NvAPI_EnumLogicalGPUs and undocumented equivalent.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add NvAPI_GetPhysicalGPUsFromLogicalGPU.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stubs for NvAPI_GPU_GetFullName.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Explicity return NULL for 0x33c7358c and 0x593e8644.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_DISP_GetGDIPrimaryDisplayId.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for EnumNvidiaDisplayHandle.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_SYS_GetDriverAndBranchVersion.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_Unload.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_D3D_GetCurrentSLIState.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Print fixme message for NvAPI_D3D9_StretchRectEx.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi/tests: Use structure to list imports.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_GetLogicalGPUFromDisplay.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_D3D_GetObjectHandleForResource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvapi: Add stub for NvAPI_D3D9_RegisterResource.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset nvcuvid-CUDA_Video_Support # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * nvcuda-CUDA_Support, nvapi-Stub_DLL # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/nvcuvid/Makefile.in, dlls/nvcuvid/nvcuvid.c, dlls/nvcuvid/nvcuvid.spec, include/Makefile.in, # | include/cuviddec.h, include/nvcuvid.h # | if test "$enable_nvcuvid_CUDA_Video_Support" -eq 1; then patch_apply nvcuvid-CUDA_Video_Support/0001-nvcuvid-First-implementation.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuvid: First implementation.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset nvencodeapi-Video_Encoder # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * nvcuda-CUDA_Support, nvapi-Stub_DLL, nvcuvid-CUDA_Video_Support # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/nvencodeapi/Makefile.in, dlls/nvencodeapi/nvencodeapi.c, dlls/nvencodeapi/nvencodeapi.spec, # | dlls/nvencodeapi64/Makefile.in, dlls/nvencodeapi64/nvencodeapi64.spec, include/Makefile.in, include/nvencodeapi.h # | if test "$enable_nvencodeapi_Video_Encoder" -eq 1; then patch_apply nvencodeapi-Video_Encoder/0001-nvencodeapi-First-implementation.patch patch_apply nvencodeapi-Video_Encoder/0002-nvencodeapi-Add-debian-specific-paths-to-native-libr.patch patch_apply nvencodeapi-Video_Encoder/0003-nvencodeapi-Add-support-for-version-6.0.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvencodeapi: First implementation.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvencodeapi: Add debian specific paths to native library.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvencodeapi: Add support for version 6.0.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ole32-HGLOBALStream # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ole32/hglobalstream.c, dlls/ole32/tests/hglobalstream.c # | if test "$enable_ole32_HGLOBALStream" -eq 1; then patch_apply ole32-HGLOBALStream/0001-ole32-tests-Add-a-bunch-of-tests-for-HGLOBAL-based-I.patch patch_apply ole32-HGLOBALStream/0002-ole32-Add-a-check-for-hglobal-pointer-to-GetHGlobalF.patch patch_apply ole32-HGLOBALStream/0003-ole32-Add-a-wrapper-for-memory-block-managed-by-HGLO.patch patch_apply ole32-HGLOBALStream/0004-ole32-Set-DebugInfo-Spare-0-for-handle_wrapper-lock.patch patch_apply ole32-HGLOBALStream/0005-ole32-Allow-moving-a-being-reallocated-block-of-memo.patch patch_apply ole32-HGLOBALStream/0006-ole32-Improve-thread-safety-of-HGLOBALStreamImpl_Rea.patch patch_apply ole32-HGLOBALStream/0007-ole32-Improve-thread-safety-of-HGLOBALStreamImpl_Wri.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "ole32/tests: Add a bunch of tests for HGLOBAL based IStream::Clone.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "ole32: Add a check for hglobal pointer to GetHGlobalFromStream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "ole32: Add a wrapper for memory block managed by HGLOBAL based IStream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ole32: Set DebugInfo->Spare[0] for handle_wrapper lock.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "ole32: Allow moving a being reallocated block of memory managed by HGLOBAL based IStream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ole32: Improve thread-safety of HGLOBALStreamImpl_Read.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ole32: Improve thread-safety of HGLOBALStreamImpl_Write.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset oleaut32-CreateTypeLib # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#8780] Forward CreateTypeLib to CreateTypeLib2 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c # | if test "$enable_oleaut32_CreateTypeLib" -eq 1; then patch_apply oleaut32-CreateTypeLib/0001-oleaut32-Implement-semi-stub-for-CreateTypeLib.patch ( echo '+ { "Alistair Leslie-Hughes", "oleaut32: Implement semi-stub for CreateTypeLib.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset oleaut32-TKIND_COCLASS # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#19016] Implement marshalling for TKIND_COCLASS # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/oleaut32/tests/tmarshal.c, dlls/oleaut32/tmarshal.c, dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c # | if test "$enable_oleaut32_TKIND_COCLASS" -eq 1; then patch_apply oleaut32-TKIND_COCLASS/0001-oleaut32-Pass-a-HREFTYPE-to-get_iface_guid.patch patch_apply oleaut32-TKIND_COCLASS/0002-oleaut32-Implement-ITypeInfo_fnInvoke-for-TKIND_COCL.patch patch_apply oleaut32-TKIND_COCLASS/0003-oleaut32-Handle-TKIND_COCLASS-in-proxy-stub-marshall.patch patch_apply oleaut32-TKIND_COCLASS/0004-oleaut32-tests-Add-a-test-for-TKIND_COCLASS-in-proxy.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "oleaut32: Pass a HREFTYPE to get_iface_guid.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "oleaut32: Implement ITypeInfo_fnInvoke for TKIND_COCLASS in arguments.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "oleaut32: Handle TKIND_COCLASS in proxy/stub marshalling.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "oleaut32/tests: Add a test for TKIND_COCLASS in proxy/stub marshalling.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset oleaut32-x86_64_Marshaller # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26768] Implement stubless proxies on x86_64 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/oleaut32/tmarshal.c, dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c, dlls/oleaut32/typelib.h # | if test "$enable_oleaut32_x86_64_Marshaller" -eq 1; then patch_apply oleaut32-x86_64_Marshaller/0001-oleaut32-Initial-preparation-to-make-marshalling-com.patch patch_apply oleaut32-x86_64_Marshaller/0002-oleaut32-Implement-TMStubImpl_Invoke-on-x86_64.patch patch_apply oleaut32-x86_64_Marshaller/0003-oleaut32-Implement-asm-proxys-for-x86_64.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "oleaut32: Initial preparation to make marshalling compatible with x86_64.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "oleaut32: Implement TMStubImpl_Invoke on x86_64.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "oleaut32: Implement asm proxys for x86_64.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset openal32-EFX_Extension # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38972] Export additional OpenAL32 functions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/openal32/openal.c, dlls/openal32/openal32.spec # | if test "$enable_openal32_EFX_Extension" -eq 1; then patch_apply openal32-EFX_Extension/0001-openal32-Export-EFX-extension-functions.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "openal32: Export EFX extension functions.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset opengl32-Revert_Disable_Ext # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/opengl32/wgl.c # | if test "$enable_opengl32_Revert_Disable_Ext" -eq 1; then patch_apply opengl32-Revert_Disable_Ext/0001-Revert-opengl32-Return-a-NULL-pointer-for-functions-.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"opengl32: Return a NULL pointer for functions requiring unsupported or disabled extensions.\".", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset opengl32-glDebugMessageCallback # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38402] Fix calling convention of glDebugMessageCallback callback function # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/opengl32/make_opengl, dlls/opengl32/opengl_ext.c, dlls/opengl32/opengl_ext.h, dlls/opengl32/tests/opengl.c, # | dlls/opengl32/wgl.c # | if test "$enable_opengl32_glDebugMessageCallback" -eq 1; then patch_apply opengl32-glDebugMessageCallback/0001-opengl32-tests-Include-wgl.h-and-remove-duplicate-de.patch patch_apply opengl32-glDebugMessageCallback/0002-opengl32-Add-wrappers-for-glDebugMessageCallback-to-.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "opengl32/tests: Include wgl.h and remove duplicate declarations.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "opengl32: Add wrappers for glDebugMessageCallback to handle calling convention differences.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset quartz-AsyncReader # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/quartz/filesource.c, dlls/quartz/regsvr.c # | if test "$enable_quartz_AsyncReader" -eq 1; then patch_apply quartz-AsyncReader/0001-quartz-AsyncReader-should-return-NULL-as-media-subty.patch patch_apply quartz-AsyncReader/0002-quartz-Recognize-mpeg2-program-streams.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "quartz: AsyncReader should return NULL as media subtype for unknown formats instead of failing.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "quartz: Recognize mpeg2 program streams.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c, dlls/strmbase/pospass.c # | if test "$enable_quartz_MediaSeeking_Positions" -eq 1; then patch_apply quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0001-strmbase-Fix-MediaSeekingPassThru_GetPositions-retur.patch patch_apply quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0002-quartz-Include-the-stream-position-in-addition-to-th.patch patch_apply quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0003-quartz-Implement-MediaSeeking_GetCurrentPosition-on-.patch patch_apply quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0004-quartz-Implement-MediaSeeking_GetStopPosition-on-top.patch patch_apply quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0005-quartz-Remove-unused-cache-of-MediaSeeking-stop-posi.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "strmbase: Fix MediaSeekingPassThru_GetPositions return when the pins are unconnected.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Include the stream position in addition to the reference clock offset in the time returned by MediaSeeking_GetPositions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Implement MediaSeeking_GetCurrentPosition on top of MediaSeeking_GetPositions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Implement MediaSeeking_GetStopPosition on top of MediaSeeking_GetPositions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Remove unused cache of MediaSeeking stop position.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset quartz-Silence_FIXMEs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/quartz/parser.c # | if test "$enable_quartz_Silence_FIXMEs" -eq 1; then patch_apply quartz-Silence_FIXMEs/0001-quartz-Don-t-print-FIXME-for-IAMFilterMiscFlags-in-p.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "quartz: Don'\''t print FIXME for IAMFilterMiscFlags in parsers.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset rasapi32-RasEnumDevicesA # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30378] Initialize *lpcDevices in RasEnumDevicesA # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/rasapi32/rasapi.c, dlls/rasapi32/tests/rasapi.c # | if test "$enable_rasapi32_RasEnumDevicesA" -eq 1; then patch_apply rasapi32-RasEnumDevicesA/0001-rasapi32-Set-lpcDevices-in-RasEnumDevicesA.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "rasapi32: Set *lpcDevices in RasEnumDevicesA.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset riched20-IText_Interface # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/riched20/richole.c, dlls/riched20/run.c, dlls/riched20/tests/richole.c # | if test "$enable_riched20_IText_Interface" -eq 1; then patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0001-riched20-Implement-IText-Selection-Range-Set-Start-E.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0002-riched20-Stub-for-ITextFont-interface-and-implement-.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0003-riched20-Stub-for-ITextPara-interface-and-implement-.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0004-riched20-Fix-ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs-when-nCharOfs-strl.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0005-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-GetText.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0006-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-SetRange.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0007-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-IsEqual.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0008-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-GetStoryLength.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0009-riched20-Implement-ITextSelection-GetStoryLength.patch patch_apply riched20-IText_Interface/0010-riched20-Silence-repeated-FIXMEs-triggered-by-Adobe-.patch ( echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement IText{Selection, Range}::Set{Start, End}.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Stub for ITextFont interface and implement ITextRange::GetFont and ITextSelection::GetFont.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Stub for ITextPara interface and implement ITextRange::GetPara.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Fix ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs() when nCharOfs > strlen().", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::GetText.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::SetRange.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::IsEqual.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::GetStoryLength.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextSelection::GetStoryLength.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "riched20: Silence repeated FIXMEs triggered by Adobe Reader.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset rpcrt4-RpcBindingServerFromClient # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/rpcrt4/rpc_binding.c # | if test "$enable_rpcrt4_RpcBindingServerFromClient" -eq 1; then patch_apply rpcrt4-RpcBindingServerFromClient/0001-rpcrt4-Fix-prototype-of-RpcBindingServerFromClient.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "rpcrt4: Fix prototype of RpcBindingServerFromClient.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset secur32-ANSI_NTLM_Credentials # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37063] Fix handling of ANSI NTLM credentials # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/secur32/ntlm.c # | if test "$enable_secur32_ANSI_NTLM_Credentials" -eq 1; then patch_apply secur32-ANSI_NTLM_Credentials/0001-secur32-Fix-handling-of-ANSI-NTLM-credentials.patch ( echo '+ { "David Woodhouse", "secur32: Fix handling of ANSI NTLM credentials.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-ClipCursor # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38087] Fix multithreading issues with fullscreen clipping # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/mouse.c # | if test "$enable_server_ClipCursor" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-ClipCursor/0001-winex11-Forward-all-clipping-requests-to-the-right-t.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winex11: Forward all clipping requests to the right thread (including fullscreen clipping).", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-FileEndOfFileInformation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c, server/fd.c, server/protocol.def # | if test "$enable_server_FileEndOfFileInformation" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-FileEndOfFileInformation/0001-ntdll-Set-EOF-on-file-which-has-a-memory-mapping-sho.patch patch_apply server-FileEndOfFileInformation/0002-server-Growing-files-which-are-mapped-to-memory-shou.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "ntdll: Set EOF on file which has a memory mapping should fail.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Growing files which are mapped to memory should still work.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Stored_ACLs # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers, ntdll-DOS_Attributes, server-File_Permissions # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33576] Support for stored file ACLs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, include/wine/port.h, server/change.c, server/file.c, server/file.h, server/object.c, # | server/object.h # | if test "$enable_server_Stored_ACLs" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Stored_ACLs/0001-server-Unify-the-storage-of-security-attributes-for-.patch patch_apply server-Stored_ACLs/0002-server-Unify-the-retrieval-of-security-attributes-fo.patch patch_apply server-Stored_ACLs/0003-server-Add-a-helper-function-set_sd_from_token_inter.patch patch_apply server-Stored_ACLs/0004-server-Temporarily-store-the-full-security-descripto.patch patch_apply server-Stored_ACLs/0005-server-Store-file-security-attributes-with-extended-.patch patch_apply server-Stored_ACLs/0006-server-Convert-return-of-file-security-masks-with-ge.patch patch_apply server-Stored_ACLs/0007-server-Retrieve-file-security-attributes-with-extend.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Unify the storage of security attributes for files and directories.", 7 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Unify the retrieval of security attributes for files and directories.", 7 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Add a helper function set_sd_from_token_internal to merge two security descriptors.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Temporarily store the full security descriptor for file objects.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Store file security attributes with extended file attributes.", 8 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Convert return of file security masks with generic access mappings.", 7 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Retrieve file security attributes with extended file attributes.", 7 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Inherited_ACLs # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Syscall_Wrappers, ntdll-DOS_Attributes, server-File_Permissions, server-Stored_ACLs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, server/file.c # | if test "$enable_server_Inherited_ACLs" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Inherited_ACLs/0001-server-Inherit-security-attributes-from-parent-direc.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Inherit security attributes from parent directories on creation.", 7 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Key_State # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#31899] Implement locking and synchronization of key states # | * [#35907] Fix caps lock state issues with multiple processes # | # | Modified files: # | * server/queue.c # | if test "$enable_server_Key_State" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Key_State/0001-server-Introduce-a-helper-function-to-update-the-thr.patch patch_apply server-Key_State/0002-server-Implement-locking-and-synchronization-of-keys.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Introduce a helper function to update the thread_input key state.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Implement locking and synchronization of keystate buffer.", 3 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Map_EXDEV_Error # | # | Modified files: # | * server/file.c # | if test "$enable_server_Map_EXDEV_Error" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Map_EXDEV_Error/0001-server-Map-EXDEV-to-STATUS_NOT_SAME_DEVICE.patch ( echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "server: Map EXDEV to STATUS_NOT_SAME_DEVICE.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Parent_Process # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37087] Do not hold reference on parent process in wineserver # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/process.c, server/console.c, server/process.c, server/process.h, server/snapshot.c, server/thread.c # | if test "$enable_server_Parent_Process" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Parent_Process/0001-server-Increase-size-of-PID-table-to-512-to-reduce-r.patch patch_apply server-Parent_Process/0002-server-Do-not-hold-reference-on-parent-process.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Increase size of PID table to 512 to reduce risk of collisions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Do not hold reference on parent process.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-PeekMessage # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#28884] GetMessage should remove already seen messages with higher priority # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/tests/msg.c, server/queue.c # | if test "$enable_server_PeekMessage" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-PeekMessage/0001-server-Fix-handling-of-GetMessage-after-previous-Pee.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Fix handling of GetMessage after previous PeekMessage call.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Pipe_ObjectName # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * rpcrt4-Pipe_Transport, server-Desktop_Refcount, kernel32-Named_Pipe # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/tests/om.c, server/named_pipe.c, server/object.c, server/object.h # | if test "$enable_server_Pipe_ObjectName" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Pipe_ObjectName/0001-server-Store-a-reference-to-the-parent-object-for-pi.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Store a reference to the parent object for pipe servers.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Realtime_Priority # | # | Modified files: # | * server/Makefile.in, server/main.c, server/scheduler.c, server/thread.c, server/thread.h # | if test "$enable_server_Realtime_Priority" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Realtime_Priority/0001-wineserver-Draft-to-implement-priority-levels-throug.patch ( echo '+ { "Joakim Hernberg", "wineserver: Draft to implement priority levels through POSIX scheduling policies on linux.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Registry_Notifications # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/tests/reg.c, server/registry.c # | if test "$enable_server_Registry_Notifications" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Registry_Notifications/0001-server-Allow-multiple-registry-notifications-for-the.patch patch_apply server-Registry_Notifications/0002-server-Introduce-refcounting-for-registry-notificati.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Allow multiple registry notifications for the same key.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Introduce refcounting for registry notifications.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Signal_Thread # | # | Modified files: # | * server/thread.c, server/thread.h # | if test "$enable_server_Signal_Thread" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Signal_Thread/0001-server-Do-not-signal-thread-until-it-is-really-gone.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Do not signal thread until it is really gone.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Shared_Memory # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-Threading, server-ClipCursor, server-Key_State, server-PeekMessage, server-Signal_Thread # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/server.c, dlls/ntdll/thread.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, dlls/user32/focus.c, # | dlls/user32/input.c, dlls/user32/message.c, dlls/user32/user_private.h, include/wine/server.h, include/winternl.h, # | server/fd.c, server/file.h, server/main.c, server/mapping.c, server/protocol.def, server/queue.c, server/thread.c, # | server/thread.h # | if test "$enable_server_Shared_Memory" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0001-ntdll-Implement-virtual_map_shared_memory.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0002-server-Implement-support-for-global-and-local-shared.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0003-user32-Get-rid-of-wineserver-call-for-GetInputState.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0004-user32-Avoid-unnecessary-wineserver-calls-in-PeekMes.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0005-user32-Get-rid-of-wineserver-call-for-GetLastInputIn.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0006-ntdll-Only-enable-wineserver-shared-memory-communica.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0007-server-Store-a-list-of-associated-queues-for-each-th.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0008-user32-Get-rid-of-wineserver-call-for-GetActiveWindo.patch patch_apply server-Shared_Memory/0009-user32-Cache-the-result-of-GetForegroundWindow.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Implement virtual_map_shared_memory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "server: Implement support for global and local shared memory blocks based on memfd.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Get rid of wineserver call for GetInputState.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Avoid unnecessary wineserver calls in PeekMessage/GetMessage.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "user32: Get rid of wineserver call for GetLastInputInfo.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Only enable wineserver shared memory communication when a special environment variable is set.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Store a list of associated queues for each thread input.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Get rid of wineserver call for GetActiveWindow, GetFocus, GetCapture.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Cache the result of GetForegroundWindow.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset server-Timestamp_Compat # | # | Modified files: # | * server/registry.c # | if test "$enable_server_Timestamp_Compat" -eq 1; then patch_apply server-Timestamp_Compat/0001-server-Compatibility-with-Wine-Staging-format-for-hi.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "server: Compatibility with Wine Staging format for high precision registry timestamps.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset setupapi-Display_Device # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35345] Fix enumeration of display driver properties using setupapi # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/setupapi/devinst.c, dlls/setupapi/tests/devinst.c, loader/wine.inf.in # | if test "$enable_setupapi_Display_Device" -eq 1; then patch_apply setupapi-Display_Device/0001-setupapi-Create-registry-keys-for-display-devices-an.patch patch_apply setupapi-Display_Device/0002-setupapi-Handle-the-case-that-a-full-driver-path-is-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "setupapi: Create registry keys for display devices and display drivers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "setupapi: Handle the case that a full driver path is passed to SetupDiGetClassDevs.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset setupapi-HSPFILEQ_Check_Type # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#12332] Check handle type for HSPFILEQ handles # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/setupapi/queue.c # | if test "$enable_setupapi_HSPFILEQ_Check_Type" -eq 1; then patch_apply setupapi-HSPFILEQ_Check_Type/0001-setupapi-Check-handle-type-for-HSPFILEQ-handles.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "setupapi: Check handle type for HSPFILEQ handles.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset setupapi-SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29903] Add stub for setupapi.SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/setupapi/devinst.c, dlls/setupapi/setupapi.spec # | if test "$enable_setupapi_SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW" -eq 1; then patch_apply setupapi-SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW/0001-setupapi-add-SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW-stub.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "setupapi: Add SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW stub.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#20465] Wine ignores IDF_CHECKFIRST flag in SetupPromptForDisk # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/setupapi/dialog.c, dlls/setupapi/tests/Makefile.in, dlls/setupapi/tests/dialog.c # | if test "$enable_setupapi_SetupPromptForDisk" -eq 1; then patch_apply setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk/0001-setupapi-Add-support-for-IDF_CHECKFIRST-flag-in-Setu.patch patch_apply setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk/0002-setupapi-tests-Add-test-for-IDF_CHECKFIRST-and-Setup.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "setupapi: Add support for IDF_CHECKFIRST flag in SetupPromptForDiskW.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "setupapi/tests: Add test for IDF_CHECKFIRST and SetupPromptForDiskA/W.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset sfc-SfcGetNextProtectedFile # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/sfc_os/sfc_os.c # | if test "$enable_sfc_SfcGetNextProtectedFile" -eq 1; then patch_apply sfc-SfcGetNextProtectedFile/0001-sfc_os-Set-an-error-code-in-SfcGetNextProtectedFile-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "sfc_os: Set an error code in SfcGetNextProtectedFile stub.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shdocvw/shdocvw_main.c, dlls/shdocvw/tests/shdocvw.c # | if test "$enable_shdocvw_ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests" -eq 1; then patch_apply shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests/0001-shdocvw-Check-precisely-ParseURLFromOutsideSourceX-r.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "shdocvw: Check precisely ParseURLFromOutsideSourceX returned values in tests and make code clearer about that.", 3 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-Default_Path # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30385] Support for KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH in SHGetKnownFolderPath # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shellpath.c, dlls/shell32/tests/shellpath.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_Default_Path" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-Default_Path/0001-shell32-Implement-KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH-flag-for-SHGe.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shell32: Implement KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH flag for SHGetKnownFolderPath.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-File_Property_Dialog # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shell32.rc, dlls/shell32/shlview_cmenu.c, dlls/shell32/shresdef.h # | if test "$enable_shell32_File_Property_Dialog" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-File_Property_Dialog/0001-shell32-Add-general-tab-in-file-property-dialog.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Add general tab in file property dialog.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-FolderItems_Stub_Iface # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h, dlls/shell32/shelldispatch.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_FolderItems_Stub_Iface" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-FolderItems_Stub_Iface/0001-shell32-Implement-FolterImpl_Items-and-stubbed-Folde.patch ( echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "shell32: Implement FolderImpl_Items and stubbed FolderItems interface.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-IDragSourceHelper # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24699] Add IDragSourceHelper stub interface # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/dragdrophelper.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_IDragSourceHelper" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-IDragSourceHelper/0001-shell32-Cleanup-IDropTargetHelper-and-preparation-fo.patch patch_apply shell32-IDragSourceHelper/0002-shell32-Add-IDragSourceHelper-stub-interface.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Cleanup IDropTargetHelper and preparation for IDragSourceHelper.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Add IDragSourceHelper stub interface.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-Icons # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24721] Support for extra large and jumbo icon lists in shell32 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/iconcache.c, dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h, dlls/shell32/shellord.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_Icons" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-Icons/0001-shell32-Add-support-for-extra-large-and-jumbo-icon-l.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Add support for extra large and jumbo icon lists.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-Microsoft_Windows_Themes # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34910] Create Microsoft\Windows\Themes directory during Wineprefix creation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shellpath.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_Microsoft_Windows_Themes" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-Microsoft_Windows_Themes/0001-shell32-Create-Microsoft-Windows-Themes-directory-du.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shell32: Create Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\Themes directory during Wineprefix creation.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-NewMenu_Interface # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24812] Implement shell32 NewMenu class with new folder item # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/Makefile.in, dlls/shell32/shell32_classes.idl, dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h, dlls/shell32/shellnew.c, # | dlls/shell32/shellole.c, include/shlguid.h # | if test "$enable_shell32_NewMenu_Interface" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-NewMenu_Interface/0001-shell32-Implement-NewMenu-with-new-folder-item.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Implement NewMenu with new folder item.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-Placeholder_Icons # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30185] Add shell32 placeholder icons to match offsets with Windows # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/placeholder.ico, dlls/shell32/shell32.rc, dlls/shell32/shresdef.h # | if test "$enable_shell32_Placeholder_Icons" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-Placeholder_Icons/0001-shell32-Add-placeholder-icons-to-match-icon-offset-w.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Add placeholder icons to match icon offset with XP.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-SHFileOperation_Move # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#25207] SHFileOperation with FO_MOVE should create new directory on Vista+ # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shlfileop.c, dlls/shell32/tests/shlfileop.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Move" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-SHFileOperation_Move/0001-shell32-Fix-SHFileOperation-FO_MOVE-for-creating-sub.patch ( echo '+ { "Zhenbo Li", "shell32: Fix SHFileOperation(FO_MOVE) for creating subdirectories.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-Progress_Dialog # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * kernel32-SetFileInformationByHandle, server-File_Permissions, ntdll-FileDispositionInformation, kernel32-CopyFileEx, # | shell32-SHFileOperation_Move # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shell32.rc, dlls/shell32/shlfileop.c, dlls/shell32/shresdef.h # | if test "$enable_shell32_Progress_Dialog" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-Progress_Dialog/0001-shell32-Correct-indentation-in-shfileop.c.patch patch_apply shell32-Progress_Dialog/0002-shell32-Pass-FILE_INFORMATION-into-SHNotify-function.patch patch_apply shell32-Progress_Dialog/0003-shell32-Implement-file-operation-progress-dialog.patch patch_apply shell32-Progress_Dialog/0004-shell32-Show-animation-during-SHFileOperation.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Correct indentation in shfileop.c.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Pass FILE_INFORMATION into SHNotify* functions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Implement file operation progress dialog.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Show animation during SHFileOperation.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16 # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#23033] Use manual relay for RunDLL_CallEntry16 in shell32 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/control.c, dlls/shell32/shell32.spec # | if test "$enable_shell32_RunDLL_CallEntry16" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16/0001-shell32-Use-manual-redirection-for-RunDLL_CallEntry1.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Use manual redirection for RunDLL_CallEntry16.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-Run_Dialog # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shell32.rc # | if test "$enable_shell32_Run_Dialog" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-Run_Dialog/0001-shell32-Add-caption-to-Run-dialog.patch ( echo '+ { "Jared Smudde", "shell32: Add caption to Run dialog.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24851] Only set SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER when there are really subfolders # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shfldr_unixfs.c, dlls/shell32/shlfolder.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER/0001-shell32-Set-SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER-correctly-for-unixfs.patch patch_apply shell32-SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER/0002-shell32-Set-SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER-correctly-for-normal-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Set SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER correctly for unixfs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Set SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER correctly for normal shellfolders.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-SHCreateSessionKey # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35630] Support for SHCreateSessionKey # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shell32.spec, dlls/shell32/shellreg.c, dlls/shell32/tests/shellole.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_SHCreateSessionKey" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-SHCreateSessionKey/0001-shell32-Implement-SHCreateSessionKey.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "shell32: Implement SHCreateSessionKey.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-SHFileOperation_Win9x # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * kernel32-SetFileInformationByHandle, server-File_Permissions, ntdll-FileDispositionInformation, kernel32-CopyFileEx, # | shell32-SHFileOperation_Move, shell32-Progress_Dialog # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37916] Anno 1602 installer depends on Windows 98 behavior of SHFileOperationW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shlfileop.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_SHFileOperation_Win9x" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-SHFileOperation_Win9x/0001-shell32-Choose-return-value-for-SHFileOperationW-dep.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Choose return value for SHFileOperationW depending on windows version.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-UNIXFS_get_unix_path # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shfldr_unixfs.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_UNIXFS_get_unix_path" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-UNIXFS_get_unix_path/0001-shell32-Check-IsWoW64Process-before-calling-Wow64-fu.patch ( echo '+ { "Olivier F. R. Dierick", "shell32: Check IsWoW64Process before calling Wow64 functions.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shell32-UnixFS # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shfldr_desktop.c, dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c # | if test "$enable_shell32_UnixFS" -eq 1; then patch_apply shell32-UnixFS/0001-shell32-Do-not-use-unixfs-for-devices-without-mountp.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Do not use unixfs for devices without mountpoint.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shlwapi-AssocGetPerceivedType # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shlwapi/assoc.c, dlls/shlwapi/tests/assoc.c # | if test "$enable_shlwapi_AssocGetPerceivedType" -eq 1; then patch_apply shlwapi-AssocGetPerceivedType/0001-shlwapi-tests-Add-tests-for-AssocGetPerceivedType.patch patch_apply shlwapi-AssocGetPerceivedType/0002-shlwapi-Implement-AssocGetPerceivedType.patch ( echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "shlwapi/tests: Add tests for AssocGetPerceivedType.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "shlwapi: Implement AssocGetPerceivedType.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shlwapi-SHMapHandle # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shlwapi/ordinal.c, dlls/shlwapi/tests/ordinal.c # | if test "$enable_shlwapi_SHMapHandle" -eq 1; then patch_apply shlwapi-SHMapHandle/0001-shlwapi-tests-Test-NULL-handle-duplication-in-SHMapH.patch patch_apply shlwapi-SHMapHandle/0002-shlwapi-SHMapHandle-should-not-set-error-when-NULL-i.patch ( echo '+ { "Bruno Jesus", "shlwapi/tests: Test NULL handle duplication in SHMapHandle().", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shlwapi: SHMapHandle should not set error when NULL is passed as hShared.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shlwapi-UrlCombine # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shlwapi/tests/url.c, dlls/shlwapi/url.c # | if test "$enable_shlwapi_UrlCombine" -eq 1; then patch_apply shlwapi-UrlCombine/0001-shlwapi-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-UrlCombine-and-.patch patch_apply shlwapi-UrlCombine/0002-shlwapi-UrlCombineW-workaround-for-relative-paths.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shlwapi/tests: Add additional tests for UrlCombine and UrlCanonicalize.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shlwapi: UrlCombineW workaround for relative paths.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset shutdown-Stub_DLL # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, programs/shutdown/Makefile.in, programs/shutdown/main.c # | if test "$enable_shutdown_Stub_DLL" -eq 1; then patch_apply shutdown-Stub_DLL/0001-programs-shutdown-Add-stub-implementation.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "programs/shutdown: Add stub implementation.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset stdole32.idl-Typelib # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/stdole32.tlb/std_ole_v1.idl, include/Makefile.in, include/stdole32.idl # | if test "$enable_stdole32_idl_Typelib" -eq 1; then patch_apply stdole32.idl-Typelib/0001-include-Make-stdole32.idl-a-public-component.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "include: Make stdole32.idl a public component.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c, dlls/oleaut32/typelib.h, tools/widl/Makefile.in, tools/widl/typelib.c, tools/widl/typelib.h, # | tools/widl/widl.c, tools/widl/widl.h, tools/widl/write_sltg.c # | if test "$enable_widl_SLTG_Typelib_Support" -eq 1; then patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0001-widl-Add-initial-implementation-of-SLTG-typelib-gene.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0002-widl-Add-support-for-structures.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0003-widl-Properly-align-name-table-entries.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0004-widl-More-accurately-report-variable-descriptions-da.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0005-widl-Calculate-size-of-instance-for-structures.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0006-widl-Write-correct-typekind-to-the-SLTG-typeinfo-blo.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0007-widl-Write-SLTG-blocks-according-to-the-index-order.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0008-widl-Write-correct-syskind-by-SLTG-typelib-generator.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0009-widl-Add-support-for-VT_VOID-and-VT_VARIANT-to-SLTG-.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0010-widl-Add-support-for-VT_USERDEFINED-to-SLTG-typelib-.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0011-widl-Factor-out-SLTG-tail-initialization.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0012-widl-Add-support-for-recursive-type-references-to-SL.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0013-widl-Add-support-for-interfaces-to-SLTG-typelib-gene.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0014-widl-Add-support-for-inherited-interfaces-to-SLTG-ty.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0015-widl-Make-automatic-dispid-generation-scheme-better-.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0016-widl-Create-library-block-index-right-after-the-Comp.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0017-widl-Fix-generation-of-resources-containing-an-old-t.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0018-widl-Add-oldtlb-switch-in-usage-message.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0019-widl-Avoid-relying-on-side-effects-when-marking-func.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0020-widl-Set-the-lowest-bit-in-the-param-name-to-indicat.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0021-oleaut32-Fix-logic-for-deciding-whether-type-descrip.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0022-widl-Add-support-for-function-parameter-flags-to-SLT.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0023-oleaut32-Implement-decoding-of-SLTG-help-strings.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0024-oleaut32-Add-support-for-decoding-SLTG-function-help.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0025-oleaut32-Add-support-for-decoding-SLTG-variable-help.patch patch_apply widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support/0026-widl-Minor-cosmetic-clean-up.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add initial implementation of SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add support for structures.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Properly align name table entries.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: More accurately report variable descriptions data size.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Calculate size of instance for structures.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Write correct typekind to the SLTG typeinfo block.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Write SLTG blocks according to the index order.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Write correct syskind by SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add support for VT_VOID and VT_VARIANT to SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add support for VT_USERDEFINED to SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Factor out SLTG tail initialization.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add support for recursive type references to SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add support for interfaces to SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add support for inherited interfaces to SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Make automatic dispid generation scheme better match what midl does.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Create library block index right after the CompObj one.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Fix generation of resources containing an old typelib.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "widl: Add --oldtlb switch in usage message.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Avoid relying on side effects when marking function index as the last one.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Set the lowest bit in the param name to indicate whether type description follows the name.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "oleaut32: Fix logic for deciding whether type description follows the name.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Add support for function parameter flags to SLTG typelib generator.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "oleaut32: Implement decoding of SLTG help strings.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "oleaut32: Add support for decoding SLTG function help strings.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "oleaut32: Add support for decoding SLTG variable help strings.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "widl: Minor/cosmetic clean up.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset stdole32.tlb-SLTG_Typelib # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * widl-SLTG_Typelib_Support # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#3689] Compile stdole32.tlb in SLTG typelib format # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/stdole32.tlb/Makefile.in # | if test "$enable_stdole32_tlb_SLTG_Typelib" -eq 1; then patch_apply stdole32.tlb-SLTG_Typelib/0020-stdole32.tlb-Compile-typelib-with-oldtlb.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "stdole32.tlb: Compile typelib with --oldtlb.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset taskmgr-Memory_Usage # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/ntdll/nt.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, programs/taskmgr/font.bmp, programs/taskmgr/graph.c, # | programs/taskmgr/resource.h, programs/taskmgr/taskmgr.c, programs/taskmgr/taskmgr.rc # | if test "$enable_taskmgr_Memory_Usage" -eq 1; then patch_apply taskmgr-Memory_Usage/0001-ntdll-Use-sysinfo-to-report-correct-number-of-physic.patch patch_apply taskmgr-Memory_Usage/0002-ntdll-Report-system-information-SystemPerformanceInf.patch patch_apply taskmgr-Memory_Usage/0003-taskmgr-Use-system-font-instead-of-special-bitmap-fo.patch patch_apply taskmgr-Memory_Usage/0004-taskmgr-Use-different-units-depending-on-memory-usag.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Use sysinfo to report correct number of physical pages.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Report system information SystemPerformanceInformation info class.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "taskmgr: Use system font instead of special bitmap font.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "taskmgr: Use different units depending on memory usage.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ucrtbase-Functions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0/api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.spec, dlls/ucrtbase/ucrtbase.spec # | if test "$enable_ucrtbase_Functions" -eq 1; then patch_apply ucrtbase-Functions/0001-ucrtbase-Hook-up-some-functions-with-new-names-to-ex.patch ( echo '+ { "Martin Storsjo", "ucrtbase: Hook up some functions with new names to existing implementations.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-DeferWindowPos # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#23187] Fix error handling in DeferWindowPos when passing an invalid HWND # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/winpos.c # | if test "$enable_user32_DeferWindowPos" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-DeferWindowPos/0001-user32-Fix-error-handling-in-Begin-End-DeferWindowPo.patch ( echo '+ { "Rodrigo Rivas", "user32: Fix error handling in {Begin,End,}DeferWindowPos() to match Windows behavior.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-Dialog_Paint_Event # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35652] Send WM_PAINT event during dialog creation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/dialog.c # | if test "$enable_user32_Dialog_Paint_Event" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-Dialog_Paint_Event/0001-user32-Call-UpdateWindow-during-DIALOG_CreateIndirec.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Call UpdateWindow() during DIALOG_CreateIndirect.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-DrawTextExW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22109] Fix handling of invert_y in DrawTextExW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/text.c # | if test "$enable_user32_DrawTextExW" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-DrawTextExW/0001-user32-Fix-handling-of-invert_y-in-DrawTextExW.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Fix handling of invert_y in DrawTextExW.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-GetSystemMetrics # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#18732] Make it possible to change media center / tablet pc status # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/sysparams.c # | if test "$enable_user32_GetSystemMetrics" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-GetSystemMetrics/0001-user32-Allow-changing-the-tablet-media-center-status.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "user32: Allow changing the tablet / media center status via wine registry key.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-Invalidate_Key_State # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29871] Globally invalidate key state on changes in other threads # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/input.c # | if test "$enable_user32_Invalidate_Key_State" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-Invalidate_Key_State/0001-user32-Globally-invalidate-key-state-on-changes-in-o.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Globally invalidate key state on changes in other threads.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-ListBox_Size # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38142] Fix calculation of listbox size when horizontal scrollbar is present # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/listbox.c # | if test "$enable_user32_ListBox_Size" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-ListBox_Size/0001-user32-Fix-calculation-of-listbox-size-when-horizont.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "user32: Fix calculation of listbox size when horizontal scrollbar is present.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-MDI_Extra_Data # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#15473] Preserve beginning of extra data for MDI windows # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/mdi.c, dlls/user32/tests/msg.c # | if test "$enable_user32_MDI_Extra_Data" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-MDI_Extra_Data/0001-user32-Preserve-beginning-of-extra-data-for-MDI-wind.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "user32: Preserve beginning of extra data for MDI windows.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-MessageBox_WS_EX_TOPMOST # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/msgbox.c, dlls/user32/tests/dialog.c # | if test "$enable_user32_MessageBox_WS_EX_TOPMOST" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-MessageBox_WS_EX_TOPMOST/0001-user32-tests-Add-some-tests-to-see-when-MessageBox-g.patch patch_apply user32-MessageBox_WS_EX_TOPMOST/0002-user32-MessageBox-should-be-topmost-when-MB_SYSTEMMO.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "user32/tests: Add some tests to see when MessageBox gains WS_EX_TOPMOST style.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "user32: MessageBox should be topmost when MB_SYSTEMMODAL style is set.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#12007] Fix issues with dragging layers between images in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 # | * [#9512] Make sure popups don't block access to objects underneath in DVDPro # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/message.c, dlls/user32/tests/input.c # | if test "$enable_user32_Mouse_Message_Hwnd" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd/0001-user32-Try-harder-to-find-a-target-for-mouse-message.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "user32: Try harder to find a target for mouse messages.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-Refresh_MDI_Menus # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#21855] Refresh MDI menus when DefMDIChildProc(WM_SETTEXT) is called # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/mdi.c # | if test "$enable_user32_Refresh_MDI_Menus" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-Refresh_MDI_Menus/0001-user32-Refresh-MDI-menus-when-DefMDIChildProcW-WM_SE.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Refresh MDI menus when DefMDIChildProc(WM_SETTEXT) is called.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-ScrollWindowEx # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37706] Fix return value of ScrollWindowEx for invisible windows # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/painting.c # | if test "$enable_user32_ScrollWindowEx" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-ScrollWindowEx/0001-user32-Fix-return-value-of-ScrollWindowEx-for-invisi.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "user32: Fix return value of ScrollWindowEx for invisible windows.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-SetCoalescableTimer # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39509] Add stub for SetCoalescableTimer # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/message.c, dlls/user32/user32.spec # | if test "$enable_user32_SetCoalescableTimer" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-SetCoalescableTimer/0001-user32-add-SetCoalescableTimer-stub.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "user32: Add SetCoalescableTimer stub.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/mdi.c, dlls/user32/tests/win.c # | if test "$enable_user32_WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL/0001-user32-Change-value-for-WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL-to-0x0.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "user32: Change value for WM_MDICALCCHILDSCROLL to 0x003f.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset user32-WndProc # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32451] Fix for programs leaking wndproc slots # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user.exe16/message.c, dlls/user32/winproc.c # | if test "$enable_user32_WndProc" -eq 1; then patch_apply user32-WndProc/0001-user32-Increase-MAX_WINPROCS-to-16384.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Increase MAX_WINPROCS to 16384.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset uxtheme-GTK_Theming # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64, ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type, ntdll-DllRedirects # | # | Modified files: # | * aclocal.m4, configure.ac, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/Makefile.in, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/button.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/combobox.c, dlls # | /uxtheme-gtk/edit.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/header.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/listbox.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/listview.c, dlls/uxtheme- # | gtk/menu.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/rebar.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/status.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/tab.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/toolbar.c, # | dlls/uxtheme-gtk/trackbar.c, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/uxtheme-gtk.spec, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/uxtheme.c, dlls/uxtheme- # | gtk/uxthemegtk.h, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/version.rc, dlls/uxtheme-gtk/window.c # | if test "$enable_uxtheme_GTK_Theming" -eq 1; then patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0001-uxthemegtk-Add-configure-check-and-stub-dll.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0002-uxthemegtk-Initial-implementation.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0003-uxthemegtk-Implement-enumeration-of-themes-color-and.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0004-uxthemegtk-Correctly-render-buttons-with-GTK-3.14.0.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0005-uxthemegtk-Print-class-name-before-calling-vtable-fu.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0006-uxthemegtk-Reset-FPU-flags-before-calling-GTK3-funct.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0007-uxthemegtk-Add-export-for-OpenThemeDataEx.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0008-uxthemegtk-Fix-some-incorrect-error-codes.patch patch_apply uxtheme-GTK_Theming/0009-uxthemegtk-Validate-theme-handles-before-accessing-p.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "uxthemegtk: Add configure check and stub dll.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ivan Akulinchev", "uxthemegtk: Initial implementation.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "uxthemegtk: Implement enumeration of themes, color and sizes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "uxthemegtk: Correctly render buttons with GTK >= 3.14.0.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "uxthemegtk: Print class name before calling vtable functions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "uxthemegtk: Reset FPU flags before calling GTK3 functions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "uxthemegtk: Add export for OpenThemeDataEx.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "uxthemegtk: Fix some incorrect error codes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "uxthemegtk: Validate theme handles before accessing private data.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset version-VerQueryValue # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/version/tests/info.c # | if test "$enable_version_VerQueryValue" -eq 1; then patch_apply version-VerQueryValue/0001-version-Test-for-VerQueryValueA-try-2.patch ( echo '+ { "Mark Jansen", "version: Test for VerQueryValueA.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wbemdisp-ISWbemSecurity # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wbemdisp/locator.c # | if test "$enable_wbemdisp_ISWbemSecurity" -eq 1; then patch_apply wbemdisp-ISWbemSecurity/0001-wbemdisp-Add-ISWbemSecurity-stub-interface.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wbemdisp: Add ISWbemSecurity stub interface.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wine.inf-Performance # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33661] Add performance library registry keys needed by MS SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008 R2 # | # | Modified files: # | * loader/wine.inf.in # | if test "$enable_wine_inf_Performance" -eq 1; then patch_apply wine.inf-Performance/0001-wine.inf-Add-registry-keys-for-Windows-Performance-L.patch ( echo '+ { "Daniel Jelinski", "wine.inf: Add registry keys for Windows Performance Library.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wine.inf-ProfileList_UserSID # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#15670] Add a ProfileList\ registry subkey # | # | Modified files: # | * loader/wine.inf.in # | if test "$enable_wine_inf_ProfileList_UserSID" -eq 1; then patch_apply wine.inf-ProfileList_UserSID/0001-wine.inf-Add-a-ProfileList-UserSID-registry-subkey.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wine.inf: Add a ProfileList\\\\ registry subkey.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wineboot-DriveSerial # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#17823] Assign a drive serial number during prefix creation/update # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/wineboot/wineboot.c # | if test "$enable_wineboot_DriveSerial" -eq 1; then patch_apply wineboot-DriveSerial/0001-wineboot-Assign-a-drive-serial-number-during-prefix-.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wineboot: Assign a drive serial number during prefix creation/update.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#7115] Need for Speed 3 installer requires devices in HKEY_DYN_DATA # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/wineboot/wineboot.c # | if test "$enable_wineboot_HKEY_DYN_DATA" -eq 1; then patch_apply wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA/0001-wineboot-Add-some-generic-hardware-in-HKEY_DYN_DATA-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wineboot: Add some generic hardware in HKEY_DYN_DATA\\\\Config Manager\\\\Enum.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wineboot-drivers_etc_Stubs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#12076] Create stub files for system32/drivers/etc/{services,hosts,networks,protocol} # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/wineboot/wineboot.c # | if test "$enable_wineboot_drivers_etc_Stubs" -eq 1; then patch_apply wineboot-drivers_etc_Stubs/0001-wineboot-Init-system32-drivers-etc-host-networks-pro.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wineboot: Init system32/drivers/etc/{host,networks,protocol,services}.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winecfg-Libraries # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winecfg/libraries.c # | if test "$enable_winecfg_Libraries" -eq 1; then patch_apply winecfg-Libraries/0001-winecfg-Double-click-in-dlls-list-to-edit-item-s-ove.patch ( echo '+ { "Hao Peng", "winecfg: Double click in dlls list to edit item'\''s overides.", 3 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winecfg-Unmounted_Devices # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winecfg/drive.c, programs/winecfg/driveui.c # | if test "$enable_winecfg_Unmounted_Devices" -eq 1; then patch_apply winecfg-Unmounted_Devices/0001-winecfg-Show-unmounted-devices-and-allow-changing-th.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winecfg: Show unmounted devices and allow changing the device value.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-Accounting # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wined3d/device.c, dlls/wined3d/directx.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_gl.h # | if test "$enable_wined3d_Accounting" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-Accounting/0001-wined3d-Use-real-values-for-memory-accounting-on-NVI.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: Use real values for memory accounting on NVIDIA cards.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-CSMT_Helper # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * makedep-PARENTSPEC, ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64, ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type, ntdll-DllRedirects, wined3d-DXTn, wined3d- # | resource_map # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/wined3d-csmt/Makefile.in, dlls/wined3d-csmt/version.rc # | if test "$enable_wined3d_CSMT_Helper" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Helper/0002-wined3d-Add-second-dll-with-STAGING_CSMT-definition-.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Add second dll with STAGING_CSMT definition set.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-Geforce_425M # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35054] Add wined3d detection for GeForce GT 425M # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wined3d/directx.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h # | if test "$enable_wined3d_Geforce_425M" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-Geforce_425M/0001-wined3d-Add-detection-for-NVIDIA-GeForce-425M.patch ( echo '+ { "Jarkko Korpi", "wined3d: Add detection for NVIDIA GeForce 425M.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-MESA_GPU_Info # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * wined3d-Accounting # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wined3d/directx.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_gl.h, dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c, include/wine/wgl_driver.h # | if test "$enable_wined3d_MESA_GPU_Info" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-MESA_GPU_Info/0001-wined3d-Use-pci-and-memory-information-from-MESA-if-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: Use pci and memory information from MESA if possible.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d8/tests/device.c, dlls/d3d9/tests/device.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw1.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw2.c, # | dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw4.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw7.c, dlls/wined3d/context.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h # | if test "$enable_wined3d_Revert_PixelFormat" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0001-Revert-wined3d-Call-wglGetPixelFormat-through-the-gl.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0002-Revert-wined3d-Track-if-a-context-s-private-hdc-has-.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0003-Revert-wined3d-Track-if-a-context-s-hdc-is-private-s.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0004-Revert-wined3d-When-restoring-pixel-format-in-contex.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0005-Revert-wined3d-Don-t-call-GetPixelFormat-to-set-a-fl.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0006-Revert-wined3d-Restore-the-pixel-format-of-the-windo.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0007-d3d8-Mark-tests-which-no-longer-pass-due-to-reverts-.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0008-d3d9-Mark-tests-which-no-longer-pass-due-to-reverts-.patch patch_apply wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0009-ddraw-Mark-tests-which-no-longer-pass-due-to-reverts.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"wined3d: Call wglGetPixelFormat() through the gl_ops table.\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Track if a context'\''s private hdc has had its pixel format set, so we don'\''t need to check it.\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Track if a context'\''s hdc is private so we never need to restore its pixel format.\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: When restoring pixel format in context_release(), mark the context as needing to be set on the next context_acquire().\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Don'\''t call GetPixelFormat() to set a flag that'\''s already set.\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Restore the pixel format of the window whose pixel format was actually changed.\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "d3d8: Mark tests which no longer pass due to reverts as todo_wine.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "d3d9: Mark tests which no longer pass due to reverts as todo_wine.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "ddraw: Mark tests which no longer pass due to reverts as todo_wine.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wined3d/resource.c, dlls/wined3d/state.c, dlls/wined3d/surface.c, dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c # | if test "$enable_wined3d_Silence_FIXMEs" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs/0001-wined3d-Silence-repeated-Unhandled-blend-factor-0-me.patch patch_apply wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs/0002-wined3d-Display-FIXME-for-cmp-function-0-only-once.patch patch_apply wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs/0003-wined3d-Silence-repeated-resource_check_usage-FIXME.patch patch_apply wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs/0004-wined3d-Print-FIXME-only-once-in-surface_cpu_blt.patch patch_apply wined3d-Silence_FIXMEs/0005-wined3d-Silence-repeated-wined3d_swapchain_present-F.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Silence repeated '\''Unhandled blend factor 0'\'' messages.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "wined3d: Display FIXME for cmp function 0 only once.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "wined3d: Silence repeated resource_check_usage FIXME.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "wined3d: Print FIXME only once in surface_cpu_blt.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Silence repeated wined3d_swapchain_present FIXME.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wined3d-CSMT_Main # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * makedep-PARENTSPEC, ntdll-DllOverrides_WOW64, ntdll-Loader_Machine_Type, ntdll-DllRedirects, wined3d-DXTn, wined3d- # | resource_map, wined3d-CSMT_Helper # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#11674] Support for CSMT (command stream) to increase graphic performance # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d8/tests/visual.c, dlls/d3d9/tests/visual.c, dlls/wined3d/arb_program_shader.c, dlls/wined3d/buffer.c, # | dlls/wined3d/context.c, dlls/wined3d/cs.c, dlls/wined3d/device.c, dlls/wined3d/directx.c, dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c, # | dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c, dlls/wined3d/query.c, dlls/wined3d/resource.c, dlls/wined3d/sampler.c, # | dlls/wined3d/shader.c, dlls/wined3d/state.c, dlls/wined3d/stateblock.c, dlls/wined3d/surface.c, # | dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c, dlls/wined3d/texture.c, dlls/wined3d/utils.c, dlls/wined3d/vertexdeclaration.c, # | dlls/wined3d/view.c, dlls/wined3d/volume.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_main.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h, # | dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c # | if test "$enable_wined3d_CSMT_Main" -eq 1; then patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0001-Revert-wined3d-Introduce-wined3d_texture_check_block.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0002-Revert-wined3d-Introduce-wined3d_texture_get_pitch.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0003-Revert-wined3d-Use-wined3d_format_calculate_pitch-in.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0004-Revert-wined3d-Handle-slice-pitch-and-alignment-as-w.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0005-Revert-wined3d-Store-custom-pitches-in-the-texture-i.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0006-Revert-wined3d-Store-the-user_memory-pointer-in-the-.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0007-wined3d-Merge-get_pitch-functions.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0008-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-surface_load_location.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0009-wined3d-Make-surface_load_location-return-nothing.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0010-wined3d-Store-volume-locations-in-the-resource.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0011-wined3d-Move-validate_location-to-resource.c.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0012-wined3d-Move-surface-locations-into-the-resource.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0013-wined3d-Remove-surface_validate_location.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0014-wined3d-Move-invalidate_location-to-resource.c.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0015-wined3d-Invalidate-containers-via-callback.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0016-wined3d-Remove-surface_invalidate_location.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0017-wined3d-Move-bitmap_data-and-user_memory-into-the-re.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0018-wined3d-Move-load_location-into-the-resource.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0019-wined3d-Replace-surface_load_location-with-resource_.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0020-wined3d-Introduce-helper-functions-for-mapping-volum.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0021-wined3d-Move-volume-PBO-infrastructure-into-the-reso.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0022-wined3d-Remove-surface-pbo.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0023-wined3d-Use-resource-buffer-mapping-facilities-in-su.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0024-wined3d-Move-buffer-creation-into-the-resource.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0025-wined3d-Handle-WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED-in-surface.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0026-wined3d-Handle-LOCATION_DISCARDED-in-surface_load_dr.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0027-wined3d-Handle-WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED-for-sysmem.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0028-wined3d-Discard-implicit-surfaces-on-unload.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0029-wined3d-Don-t-try-to-flip-sysmem-copies-in-swapchain.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0030-wined3d-Discard-the-backbuffer-in-discard-presents.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0031-wined3d-Introduce-a-function-to-retrieve-resource-me.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0032-wined3d-Make-surface_ops-unmap-specific-for-front-bu.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0033-wined3d-Move-check_block_align-to-resource.c.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0034-wined3d-Replace-surface-alloc-functions-with-resourc.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0035-wined3d-Don-t-delete-the-buffer-in-surface_cleanup.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0036-wined3d-Use-resource-facilities-to-destroy-PBOs.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0037-wined3d-Move-simple-location-copying-to-the-resource.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0038-wined3d-Move-most-of-volume_map-to-resource.c.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0039-wined3d-Use-resource_map-for-surface_map.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0040-wined3d-Don-t-call-the-public-map-function-in-surfac.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0041-wined3d-Don-t-call-the-public-map-function-in-surfac.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0042-wined3d-Move-the-framebuffer-into-wined3d_state.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0043-wined3d-Get-rid-of-state-access-in-shader_generate_g.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0044-wined3d-Preload-buffers-if-streamsrc-is-not-dirty.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0045-wined3d-Hackily-introduce-a-multithreaded-command-st.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0046-wined3d-Wait-for-resource-updates-to-finish-when-usi.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0047-wined3d-Don-t-store-pointers-in-struct-wined3d_cs_pr.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0048-wined3d-Don-t-put-rectangle-pointers-into-wined3d_cs.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0049-wined3d-Store-the-color-in-clear-ops-instead-of-a-po.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0050-wined3d-Pass-the-state-to-draw_primitive.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0051-wined3d-Wait-for-the-cs-before-destroying-objects.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0052-wined3d-Give-the-cs-its-own-state.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0053-wined3d-Send-float-constant-updates-through-the-comm.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0054-wined3d-Request-a-glFinish-before-modifying-resource.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0055-wined3d-Finish-the-cs-before-changing-the-texture-lo.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0056-wined3d-Don-t-call-glFinish-after-clears.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0057-wined3d-Don-t-call-glFinish-after-draws.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0058-wined3d-Shadow-device-offscreenBuffer-in-the-context.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0059-wined3d-Don-t-access-the-stateblock-in-find_draw_buf.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0060-wined3d-Pass-the-depth-stencil-to-swapchain-present.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0061-wined3d-Don-t-store-viewport-pointers-in-the-command.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0062-wined3d-Keep-track-of-the-onscreen-depth-stencil-in-.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0063-wined3d-Send-base-vertex-index-updates-through-the-c.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0064-wined3d-Send-primitive-type-updates-through-the-comm.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0065-wined3d-Send-bool-constant-updates-through-the-comma.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0066-wined3d-Send-int-constant-updates-through-the-comman.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0067-wined3d-Send-light-updates-through-the-command-strea.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0068-wined3d-Prevent-the-command-stream-from-running-ahea.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0069-wined3d-Wait-for-the-cs-to-finish-before-destroying-.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0070-wined3d-Run-the-cs-asynchronously.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0071-wined3d-Send-blits-through-the-command-stream.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0072-wined3d-Get-rid-of-WINED3D_BUFFER_FLUSH.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0073-wined3d-Don-t-force-strict-draw-ordering-for-multith.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0074-wined3d-Send-render-target-view-clears-through-the-c.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0075-wined3d-Wait-for-the-CS-in-GetDC.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0076-wined3d-send-resource-maps-through-the-command-strea.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0077-wined3d-Get-rid-of-the-end_scene-flush-and-finish.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0078-wined3d-Replace-the-linked-lists-with-a-ringbuffer.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0079-wined3d-Don-t-preload-buffers-on-unmap.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0080-wined3d-Don-t-call-glFinish-before-swapping.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0081-wined3d-wined3d_-_query_issue-never-fails.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0082-wined3d-Add-query-support-to-the-command-stream.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0083-wined3d-Check-our-CS-state-to-find-out-if-a-query-is.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0084-wined3d-Poll-queries-automatically-in-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0085-wined3d-Introduce-a-separate-queue-for-priority-comm.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0086-wined3d-Destroy-queries-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0087-wined3d-Separate-main-and-worker-thread-query-state.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0088-wined3d-Don-t-poll-queries-that-failed-to-start.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0089-wined3d-Remove-restated-queries-from-the-poll-list.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0090-wined3d-Don-t-reset-the-query-state-if-it-doesn-t-ha.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0091-wined3d-Put-this-into-the-query-poll-patch.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0092-wined3d-Send-texture-preloads-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0093-wined3d-Send-update_texture-calls-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0094-wined3d-Get-rid-of-the-surface_upload_data-glFinish.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0095-wined3d-Don-t-lock-the-src-volume-in-device_update_v.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0096-wined3d-Handle-evit_managed_resources-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0097-wined3d-Introduce-resource-fencing.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0098-wined3d-Fence-update_texture-and-update_surface-call.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0099-wined3d-Dirtify-resources-on-unmap.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0100-wined3d-Fence-texture-reads-in-draws.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0101-wined3d-Fence-render-targets-and-depth-stencils.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0102-wined3d-Fence-blit-operations.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0103-wined3d-Fence-color_fill-operations.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0104-wined3d-Fence-clear-calls.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0105-wined3d-Fence-present-calls.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0106-wined3d-Make-resource-maps-and-unmaps-a-priority-com.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0107-wined3d-Dirtify-changed-textures-through-the-command.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0108-wined3d-Wrap-GL-BOs-in-a-structure.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0109-wined3d-Separate-resource-map-and-draw-buffers.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0110-wined3d-Implement-DISCARD-resource-maps-with-buffers.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0111-wined3d-Implement-DISCARD-resource-maps-with-heap-me.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0112-wined3d-Unset-some-objects-in-state_init_default.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0113-wined3d-Don-t-request-the-frontbuffer-to-create-dumm.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0114-wined3d-Use-double-buffered-buffers-for-multithreade.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0115-wined3d-Don-t-synchronize-NOOVERWRITE-buffer-maps.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0116-wined3d-Separate-buffer-map-write-and-draw-read-memo.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0117-wined3d-Accelerate-DISCARD-buffer-maps.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0118-wined3d-Accelerate-READONLY-buffer-maps.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0119-wined3d-Access-the-buffer-dirty-areas-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0120-wined3d-Ignore-buffer-resource.map_count-in-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0121-wined3d-Send-buffer-preloads-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0122-wined3d-Use-glBufferSubData-instead-of-glMapBufferRa.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0123-wined3d-Separate-GL-buffer-discard-control-from-igno.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0124-wined3d-Create-buffers-before-mapping-them.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0125-wined3d-Destroy-views-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0126-wined3d-Remove-another-glFinish.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0127-wined3d-Destroy-vertex-declarations-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0128-wined3d-Destroy-shaders-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0129-wined3d-Create-VBOs-through-the-command-stream.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0130-wined3d-Clean-up-resource-data-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0131-wined3d-Clean-up-buffer-resource-data-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0132-wined3d-Clean-up-volume-resource-data-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0133-wined3d-Clean-up-surfaces-through-the-cs.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0134-wined3d-Clean-up-texture-resources-through-the-cs.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0135-wined3d-Unload-resources-through-the-CS-in-uninit_3d.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0136-wined3d-Unload-resources-through-the-CS-in-device_re.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0137-wined3d-Don-t-glFinish-after-a-depth-buffer-blit.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0138-wined3d-Remove-software-cursor-support.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0139-wined3d-Create-dummy-textures-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0140-wined3d-Create-the-initial-context-through-the-CS.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0141-wined3d-Recreate-ctx-and-dummy-textures-through-the-.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0142-wined3d-Ignore-WINED3D_MAP_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE-in-resour.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0143-wined3d-Delete-GL-contexts-through-the-CS-in-reset.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0144-wined3d-Delete-GL-contexts-through-the-CS-in-uninit_.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0145-wined3d-Invoke-surface_unload-through-the-CS-in-wine.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0146-wined3d-Use-an-event-to-block-the-worker-thread-when.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0147-wined3d-Fence-preload-operations.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0148-d3d8-tests-D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE-on-managed-textur.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0149-d3d9-tests-D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE-on-managed-textur.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0150-wined3d-Completely-reset-the-state-on-reset.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0151-wined3d-Send-getdc-and-releasedc-through-the-command.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0152-wined3d-Set-map_heap_memory-NULL-when-allocating-a-P.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0153-wined3d-Wait-only-for-the-buffer-to-be-idle.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0154-wined3d-Add-a-comment-about-worker-thread-lag.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0155-wined3d-Remove-the-texture-destroy-glFinish.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0156-wined3d-Move-FBO-destruction-into-the-worker-thread.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0157-wined3d-Don-t-incref-decref-textures-in-color-depth-.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0158-Winex11-complain-about-glfinish.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0159-wined3d-Make-sure-the-new-window-is-set-up-before-se.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0160-wined3d-Remove-the-device_reset-CS-sync-fixme.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0161-wined3d-Put-GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range-syncing-back.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0162-wined3d-Wait-for-the-resource-to-be-idle-when-destro.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0163-wined3d-Don-t-sync-on-redundant-discard-calls.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0164-wined3d-Don-t-discard-new-buffers.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0165-wined3d-Don-t-try-to-sync-VBOs-manually-on-OSX-with-.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0166-wined3d-Render-target-lock-hack.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0167-wined3d-Avoid-calling-wined3d_surface_blt-from-surfa.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0168-wined3d-Only-discard-buffers-that-are-in-use.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0169-wined3d-Destroy-samplers-through-the-command-stream.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0170-wined3d-Hack-to-reject-unsupported-color-fills.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0171-wined3d-Alloc-the-buffer-map-array-before-mapping-th.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/0172-wined3d-Send-update_sub_resource-calls-through-the-c.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/9998-wined3d-Enable-CSMT-by-default-print-a-winediag-mess.patch patch_apply wined3d-CSMT_Main/9999-IfDefined.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"wined3d: Introduce wined3d_texture_check_block_align().\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"wined3d: Introduce wined3d_texture_get_pitch().\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"wined3d: Use wined3d_format_calculate_pitch() in surface_download_data().\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"wined3d: Handle slice pitch and alignment as well in wined3d_format_calculate_pitch().\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"wined3d: Store custom pitches in the texture instead of the surface.\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "Revert \"wined3d: Store the \"user_memory\" pointer in the texture instead of the surface.\".", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Merge get_pitch functions.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to surface_load_location.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make surface_load_location return nothing.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Store volume locations in the resource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move validate_location to resource.c.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move surface locations into the resource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove surface_validate_location.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move invalidate_location to resource.c.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Invalidate containers via callback.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove surface_invalidate_location.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move bitmap_data and user_memory into the resource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move load_location into the resource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Replace surface_load_location with resource_load_location.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce helper functions for mapping volumes.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move volume PBO infrastructure into the resource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove surface->pbo.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use resource buffer mapping facilities in surfaces.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move buffer creation into the resource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED in surface_load_texture.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle LOCATION_DISCARDED in surface_load_drawable.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED for sysmem loads.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Discard implicit surfaces on unload.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t try to flip sysmem copies in swapchain_present.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Discard the backbuffer in discard presents.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce a function to retrieve resource memory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make surface_ops->unmap specific for front buffers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move check_block_align to resource.c.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Replace surface alloc functions with resource ones.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t delete the buffer in surface_cleanup.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use resource facilities to destroy PBOs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move simple location copying to the resource.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move most of volume_map to resource.c.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use resource_map for surface_map.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call the public map function in surface_convert_format.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call the public map function in surface_cpu_blt.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move the framebuffer into wined3d_state.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of state access in shader_generate_glsl_declarations.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Preload buffers if streamsrc is not dirty.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Hackily introduce a multithreaded command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Henri Verbeet", "wined3d: Wait for resource updates to finish when using the multithreaded command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t store pointers in struct wined3d_cs_present.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t put rectangle pointers into wined3d_cs_clear.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Store the color in clear ops instead of a pointer.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass the state to draw_primitive.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the cs before destroying objects.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Give the cs its own state.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send float constant updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Request a glFinish before modifying resources outside the cs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Finish the cs before changing the texture lod.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call glFinish after clears.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call glFinish after draws.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Shadow device->offscreenBuffer in the context.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t access the stateblock in find_draw_buffers_mask.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass the depth stencil to swapchain->present.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t store viewport pointers in the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Keep track of the onscreen depth stencil in the command stream instead of the device.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send base vertex index updates through the cs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send primitive type updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send bool constant updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send int constant updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send light updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Prevent the command stream from running ahead too far.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the cs to finish before destroying the device.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Run the cs asynchronously.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send blits through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of WINED3D_BUFFER_FLUSH.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t force strict draw ordering for multithreaded CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send render target view clears through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the CS in GetDC.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send resource maps through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of the end_scene flush and finish.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Replace the linked lists with a ringbuffer.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t preload buffers on unmap.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call glFinish before swapping.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wined3d_*_query_issue never fails.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Add query support to the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Check our CS state to find out if a query is done.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Poll queries automatically in the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce a separate queue for priority commands.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy queries through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate main and worker thread query state.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t poll queries that failed to start.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove restated queries from the poll list.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t reset the query state if it doesn'\''t have a ctx.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Put this into the query poll patch.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send texture preloads through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send update_texture calls through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of the surface_upload_data glFinish.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t lock the src volume in device_update_volume.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle evit_managed_resources through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce resource fencing.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence update_texture and update_surface calls.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Dirtify resources on unmap.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence texture reads in draws.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence render targets and depth stencils.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence blit operations.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence color_fill operations.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence clear calls.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence present calls.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make resource maps and unmaps a priority command.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Dirtify changed textures through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wrap GL BOs in a structure.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate resource map and draw buffers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Implement DISCARD resource maps with buffers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Implement DISCARD resource maps with heap memory.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Unset some objects in state_init_default.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t request the frontbuffer to create dummy textures.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use double-buffered buffers for multithreaded CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t synchronize NOOVERWRITE buffer maps.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate buffer map write and draw read memory pointers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Accelerate DISCARD buffer maps.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Accelerate READONLY buffer maps.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Access the buffer dirty areas through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Ignore buffer->resource.map_count in the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send buffer preloads through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use glBufferSubData instead of glMapBufferRange.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate GL buffer discard control from ignoring MAP_DISCARD.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create buffers before mapping them.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy views through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove another glFinish.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy vertex declarations through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy shaders through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create VBOs through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up resource data through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up buffer resource data through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up volume resource data through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up surfaces through the cs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up texture resources through the cs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Unload resources through the CS in uninit_3d.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Unload resources through the CS in device_reset.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t glFinish after a depth buffer blit.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove software cursor support.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create dummy textures through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create the initial context through the CS.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Recreate ctx and dummy textures through the CS after resets.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Ignore WINED3D_MAP_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE in resource_map.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Delete GL contexts through the CS in reset.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Delete GL contexts through the CS in uninit_3d.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Invoke surface_unload through the CS in wined3d_surface_update_desc.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use an event to block the worker thread when it is idle.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence preload operations.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "d3d8/tests: D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE on managed textures is temporarily broken.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "d3d9/tests: D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE on managed textures is temporarily broken.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Completely reset the state on reset.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send getdc and releasedc through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Set map_heap_memory = NULL when allocating a PBO.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait only for the buffer to be idle.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Add a comment about worker thread lag.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove the texture destroy glFinish.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move FBO destruction into the worker thread.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t incref / decref textures in color / depth fill blits.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "Winex11: Complain about glfinish.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make sure the new window is set up before setting up a context.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove the device_reset CS sync fixme.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Put GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range syncing back in place.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the resource to be idle when destroying user memory surfaces.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t sync on redundant discard calls.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t discard new buffers.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t try to sync VBOs manually on OSX with CSMT.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Render target lock hack.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Matteo Bruni", "wined3d: Avoid calling wined3d_surface_blt() from surface_upload_from_surface().", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Only discard buffers that are in use.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy samplers through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Hack to reject unsupported color fills.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Alloc the buffer map array before mapping the buffer.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send update_sub_resource calls through the command stream.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Enable CSMT by default, print a winediag message informing about this patchset.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Wine Staging Team", "Autogenerated #ifdef patch for wined3d-CSMT_Main.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winedevice-Fix_Relocation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#28254] Fix crash of winedevice when relocation entry crosses page boundary # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winedevice/device.c # | if test "$enable_winedevice_Fix_Relocation" -eq 1; then patch_apply winedevice-Fix_Relocation/0001-winedevice-Avoid-invalid-memory-access-when-relocati.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winedevice: Avoid invalid memory access when relocation block addresses memory outside of the current page.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winemenubuilder/Makefile.in, programs/winemenubuilder/winemenubuilder.c # | if test "$enable_winemenubuilder_Desktop_Icon_Path" -eq 1; then patch_apply winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path/0001-winemenubuilder-Create-desktop-shortcuts-with-absolu.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winemenubuilder: Create desktop shortcuts with absolute wine path.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winepulse-PulseAudio_Support # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37042] Implement exclusive mode in PulseAudio backend # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/winealsa.drv/Makefile.in, dlls/winepulse.drv/Makefile.in, dlls/winepulse.drv/mmdevdrv.c # | if test "$enable_winepulse_PulseAudio_Support" -eq 1; then patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0001-winepulse.drv-Use-delay-import-for-winealsa.drv.patch patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0002-winepulse.drv-Use-a-separate-mainloop-and-ctx-for-pu.patch patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0003-winepulse-expose-audio-devices-directly-to-programs.patch patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0004-winepulse-implement-exclusive-mode.patch patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0005-winepulse-fix-segfault-in-pulse_rd_loop.patch patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0006-winepulse-implement-GetPropValue.patch patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0007-winepulse-fetch-actual-program-name-if-possible.patch patch_apply winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0008-winepulse-return-PKEY_AudioEndpoint_PhysicalSpeakers.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winepulse.drv: Use delay import for winealsa.drv.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winepulse.drv: Use a separate mainloop and ctx for pulse_test_connect.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: Expose audio devices directly to programs.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: Implement exclusive mode.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: Fix segfault in pulse_rd_loop.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: Implement GetPropValue.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: Fetch actual program name if possible.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: Return PKEY_AudioEndpoint_PhysicalSpeakers device prop.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-CandidateWindowPos # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30938] Update a XIM candidate position when cursor location changes # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/caret.c, dlls/user32/driver.c, dlls/user32/user_private.h, dlls/winex11.drv/winex11.drv.spec, # | dlls/winex11.drv/xim.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_CandidateWindowPos" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-CandidateWindowPos/0001-winex11.drv-Update-a-candidate-window-s-position-wit.patch ( echo '+ { "Felix Yan", "winex11.drv: Update a candidate window'\''s position with over-the-spot style.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-Clipboard_HTML # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#7372] Support for pasting HTML from Unix applications # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/clipboard.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_Clipboard_HTML" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-Clipboard_HTML/0001-winex11.drv-Import-X11-s-text-html-as-HTML-Format.patch ( echo '+ { "Damjan Jovanovic", "winex11.drv: Import X11'\''s \"text/html\" as \"HTML Format\".", 3 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-DefaultDisplayFrequency # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/settings.c, dlls/winex11.drv/x11drv.h, dlls/winex11.drv/x11drv_main.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_DefaultDisplayFrequency" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-DefaultDisplayFrequency/0001-winex11.drv-Allow-to-select-default-display-frequenc.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11.drv: Allow to select default display frequency in registry key.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-MONITORENUMPROC # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24421] Use assembler wrapper to call MONITORENUMPROC callback # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/xinerama.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_MONITORENUMPROC" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-MONITORENUMPROC/0001-winex11.drv-Use-assembler-wrapper-to-call-MONITORENU.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winex11.drv: Use assembler wrapper to call MONITORENUMPROC callback.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-Window_Groups # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32699] Prevent window managers from grouping all wine programs together # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/window.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_Window_Groups" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-Window_Groups/0001-winex11-Prevent-window-managers-from-grouping-all-wi.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11: Prevent window managers from grouping all wine programs together.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-Window_Style # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37876] Fix handling of window attributes for WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_COMPOSITED # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/window.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_Window_Style" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-Window_Style/0001-winex11-Fix-handling-of-window-attributes-for-WS_EX_.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "winex11: Fix handling of window attributes for WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_COMPOSITED.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-XEMBED # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/event.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_XEMBED" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-XEMBED/0001-winex11-Enable-disable-windows-when-they-are-un-mapped.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winex11: Enable/disable windows when they are (un)mapped by foreign applications.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#2155] Forward activate window requests to WM using _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/driver.c, dlls/user32/focus.c, dlls/user32/user_private.h, dlls/winex11.drv/event.c, # | dlls/winex11.drv/window.c, dlls/winex11.drv/winex11.drv.spec, dlls/winex11.drv/x11drv.h, dlls/winex11.drv/x11drv_main.c # | if test "$enable_winex11__NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW/0001-winex11.drv-Add-support-for-_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.patch ( echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "winex11.drv: Add support for _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winex11-wglShareLists # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#11436] Do not fail when a used context is passed to wglShareLists # | * [#25419] Fix broken textures in XIII Century: Death or Glory # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c # | if test "$enable_winex11_wglShareLists" -eq 1; then patch_apply winex11-wglShareLists/0001-winex11.drv-Only-warn-about-used-contexts-in-wglShar.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11.drv: Only warn about used contexts in wglShareLists.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winhttp-System_Proxy_Autoconfig # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winhttp/session.c, dlls/wininet/internet.c # | if test "$enable_winhttp_System_Proxy_Autoconfig" -eq 1; then patch_apply winhttp-System_Proxy_Autoconfig/0001-winhttp-Silence-repeated-no-support-on-this-platform.patch patch_apply winhttp-System_Proxy_Autoconfig/0002-wininet-Silence-wininet-no-support-on-this-platform-.patch ( echo '+ { "Jarkko Korpi", "winhttp: Silence repeated \"no support on this platform\" message.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Jarkko Korpi", "wininet: Silence wininet no support on this platform message.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wininet-Cleanup # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wininet/http.c, dlls/wininet/tests/http.c # | if test "$enable_wininet_Cleanup" -eq 1; then patch_apply wininet-Cleanup/0001-wininet-tests-Add-more-tests-for-cookies.patch patch_apply wininet-Cleanup/0002-wininet-tests-Test-auth-credential-reusage-with-host.patch patch_apply wininet-Cleanup/0003-wininet-tests-Check-cookie-behaviour-when-overriding.patch patch_apply wininet-Cleanup/0004-wininet-Strip-filename-if-no-path-is-set-in-cookie.patch patch_apply wininet-Cleanup/0005-wininet-Replacing-header-fields-should-fail-if-they-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet/tests: Add more tests for cookies.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet/tests: Test auth credential reusage with host override.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet/tests: Check cookie behaviour when overriding host.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet: Strip filename if no path is set in cookie.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet: Replacing header fields should fail if they do not exist yet.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wininet-Internet_Settings # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wininet/internet.c, dlls/wininet/tests/internet.c # | if test "$enable_wininet_Internet_Settings" -eq 1; then patch_apply wininet-Internet_Settings/0001-wininet-Allow-INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED-on-co.patch patch_apply wininet-Internet_Settings/0002-wininet-Add-support-for-INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHA.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet: Allow INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED on connections.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet: Add support for INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED in InternetSetOption.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wininet-ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29842] Add stub for wininet.ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wininet/dialogs.c, dlls/wininet/wininet.spec, include/winineti.h # | if test "$enable_wininet_ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry" -eq 1; then patch_apply wininet-ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry/0001-wininet-add-ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEnt.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "wininet: Add ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry stub.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winmm-Delay_Import_Depends # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37983] Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II crashes with winmm set to native # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winmm/Makefile.in # | if test "$enable_winmm_Delay_Import_Depends" -eq 1; then patch_apply winmm-Delay_Import_Depends/0001-winmm-Delay-import-ole32-msacm32-to-workaround-bug-w.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winmm: Delay import ole32 msacm32 to workaround bug when loading multiple winmm versions.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winscard-SCardListReaders # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26978] Add stub for winscard.SCardListReadersA/W # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winscard/winscard.c, dlls/winscard/winscard.spec # | if test "$enable_winscard_SCardListReaders" -eq 1; then patch_apply winscard-SCardListReaders/0001-winscard-add-stubs-for-SCardListReadersA-W.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "winscard: Add stubs for SCardListReadersA/W.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winspool.drv-SetPrinterW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24645] Add stub for winspool.SetPrinterW level 8 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winspool.drv/info.c # | if test "$enable_winspool_drv_SetPrinterW" -eq 1; then patch_apply winspool.drv-SetPrinterW/0001-winspool.drv-Add-case-8-for-SetPrinterW.patch ( echo '+ { "Jarkko Korpi", "winspool.drv Add case 8 for SetPrinterW.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset winsta-WinStationEnumerateW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#38102] Add stub for winsta.WinStationEnumerateW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winsta/main.c, dlls/winsta/winsta.spec # | if test "$enable_winsta_WinStationEnumerateW" -eq 1; then patch_apply winsta-WinStationEnumerateW/0001-winsta-Add-stub-for-WinStationEnumerateW.patch ( echo '+ { "Austin English", "winsta: Add stub for WinStationEnumerateW.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wpcap-Several_Fixes # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wpcap/wpcap.c, dlls/wpcap/wpcap.spec # | if test "$enable_wpcap_Several_Fixes" -eq 1; then patch_apply wpcap-Several_Fixes/0001-wpcap-Implement-pcap_dump_open-and-pcap_dump.patch ( echo '+ { "Jianqiu Zhang", "wpcap: Implement pcap_dump_open and pcap_dump.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wpcap-Dynamic_Linking # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * wpcap-Several_Fixes # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/wpcap/Makefile.in, dlls/wpcap/wpcap.c # | if test "$enable_wpcap_Dynamic_Linking" -eq 1; then patch_apply wpcap-Dynamic_Linking/0001-wpcap-Load-libpcap-dynamically.patch ( echo '+ { "André Hentschel", "wpcap: Load libpcap dynamically.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-APC_Performance # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_APC_Performance" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-APC_Performance/0001-ws2_32-Reuse-old-async-ws2_async_io-structures-if-po.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ws2_32: Reuse old async ws2_async_io structures if possible.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-Connect_Time # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, server/protocol.def, server/sock.c # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_Connect_Time" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-Connect_Time/0001-ws2_32-Implement-returning-the-proper-time-with-SO_C.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ws2_32: Implement returning the proper time with SO_CONNECT_TIME.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-Sort_default_route # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22819] Ensure default route IP addresses are returned first in gethostbyname # | * [#37271] Fix issue causing applications to report magic loopback address instead of real IP # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_Sort_default_route" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-Sort_default_route/0001-ws2_32-Ensure-default-route-IP-addresses-are-returne.patch ( echo '+ { "Bruno Jesus", "ws2_32: Ensure default route IP addresses are returned first in gethostbyname.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-TransmitFile # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * server-Desktop_Refcount # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, include/winsock.h, server/protocol.def, server/sock.c # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_TransmitFile" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-TransmitFile/0001-ws2_32-Add-support-for-TF_DISCONNECT-to-TransmitFile.patch patch_apply ws2_32-TransmitFile/0002-ws2_32-Add-support-for-TF_REUSE_SOCKET-to-TransmitFi.patch ( echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Add support for TF_DISCONNECT to TransmitFile.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Add support for TF_REUSE_SOCKET to TransmitFile.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-WSACleanup # | # | This patchset has the following (direct or indirect) dependencies: # | * server-Desktop_Refcount # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#18670] Properly close sockets when WSACleanup is called # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/server.c, dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, include/wine/server.h, # | server/protocol.def, server/sock.c # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_WSACleanup" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-WSACleanup/0001-ws2_32-Proper-WSACleanup-implementation-using-winese.patch patch_apply ws2_32-WSACleanup/0002-ws2_32-Invalidate-client-side-file-descriptor-cache-.patch ( echo '+ { "Matt Durgavich", "ws2_32: Proper WSACleanup implementation using wineserver function.", 2 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ws2_32: Invalidate client-side file descriptor cache in WSACleanup.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-getaddrinfo # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_getaddrinfo" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-getaddrinfo/0001-ws2_32-Ignore-socket-type-for-protocol-IPPROTO_IPV6-.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ws2_32: Ignore socket type for protocol IPPROTO_IPV6 in getaddrinfo.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset ws2_32-getsockopt # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#8606] Divide values returned by SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF getsockopt options by two # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c # | if test "$enable_ws2_32_getsockopt" -eq 1; then patch_apply ws2_32-getsockopt/0001-ws2_32-Divide-values-returned-by-SO_RCVBUF-and-SO_SN.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ws2_32: Divide values returned by SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF getsockopt options by two.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29903] Support for WTSEnumerateProcessesW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wtsapi32/tests/wtsapi.c, dlls/wtsapi32/wtsapi32.c # | if test "$enable_wtsapi32_EnumerateProcesses" -eq 1; then patch_apply wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses/0001-wtsapi32-Partial-implementation-of-WTSEnumerateProce.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wtsapi32: Partial implementation of WTSEnumerateProcessesW.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wtsapi32-WTSQueryUserToken # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#39663] Improve WTSQueryUserToken stub to make GOG Galaxy happy # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wtsapi32/wtsapi32.c # | if test "$enable_wtsapi32_WTSQueryUserToken" -eq 1; then patch_apply wtsapi32-WTSQueryUserToken/0001-wtsapi32-Improve-WTSQueryUserToken-stub.patch ( echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wtsapi32: Improve WTSQueryUserToken stub.", 2 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi # Patchset wusa-MSU_Package_Installer # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26757] Initial implementation of wusa.exe (MSU package installer) # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/wusa/Makefile.in, programs/wusa/main.c, programs/wusa/manifest.c, programs/wusa/wusa.h # | if test "$enable_wusa_MSU_Package_Installer" -eq 1; then patch_apply wusa-MSU_Package_Installer/0001-wusa-Implement-basic-installation-logic.patch patch_apply wusa-MSU_Package_Installer/0002-wusa-Ignore-systemProtection-subkey-of-registry-key.patch patch_apply wusa-MSU_Package_Installer/0003-wusa-Treat-empty-update-list-as-error.patch patch_apply wusa-MSU_Package_Installer/0004-wusa-Implement-WOW64-support.patch patch_apply wusa-MSU_Package_Installer/0005-wusa-Add-workaround-to-be-compatible-with-Vista-pack.patch patch_apply wusa-MSU_Package_Installer/0006-wusa-Improve-tracing-of-installation-process.patch patch_apply wusa-MSU_Package_Installer/0007-wusa-Print-warning-when-encountering-msdelta-compres.patch ( echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wusa: Implement basic installation logic.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wusa: Ignore systemProtection subkey of registry key.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wusa: Treat empty update list as error.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wusa: Implement WOW64 support.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wusa: Add workaround to be compatible with Vista packages.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wusa: Improve tracing of installation process.", 1 },'; echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wusa: Print warning when encountering msdelta compressed files.", 1 },'; ) >> "$patchlist" fi if test "$enable_patchlist" -eq 1; then # Generate a temporary patch containing the patchlist and apply it patch_data=$(cat "$patchlist" | sort) if test ! -z "$patch_data"; then patch_lines=$(echo "$patch_data" | wc -l) patch_lines=$((${patch_lines}+21)) cat > "$patchlist" < Subject: Autogenerated patch list. diff --git a/libs/wine/config.c b/libs/wine/config.c index 5262c76..0a3182f 100644 --- a/libs/wine/config.c +++ b/libs/wine/config.c @@ -478,10 +478,${patch_lines} @@ const char *wine_get_version(void) return PACKAGE_VERSION; } +static const struct +{ + const char *author; + const char *subject; + int revision; +} +wine_patch_data[] = +{ ${patch_data} + { NULL, NULL, 0 } +}; + /* return the applied non-standard patches */ const void *wine_get_patches(void) { - return NULL; + return &wine_patch_data[0]; } /* return the build id string */ EOF patch_apply_file "$patchlist" fi rm "$patchlist" fi if test "$enable_autoconf" -eq 1; then if ! update_configure; then abort "'autoreconf -f' failed." fi if ! update_protocol; then abort "'./tools/make_requests' failed." fi fi # Success exit 0