#!/usr/bin/python # # Automatic patch dependency checker and Makefile/README.md generator. # # Copyright (C) 2014 Sebastian Lackner # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # from multiprocessing import Pool from xml.dom import minidom import contextlib import hashlib import itertools import os import patchutils import pickle import re import subprocess import sys import textwrap import urllib # Cached information to speed up patch dependency checks cached_patch_result = {} class PatchUpdaterError(RuntimeError): """Failed to update patches.""" pass class AuthorInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.author = "" self.subject = "" self.revision = "" class PatchSet(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.authors = [] self.fixes = [] self.changes = [] self.files = [] self.patches = [] self.modified_files = set() self.depends = set() self.verify_depends = set() self.verify_time = None def download(url): """Open a specific URL and return the content.""" with contextlib.closing(urllib.urlopen(url)) as fp: return fp.read() def read_patchsets(directory): """Read information about all patchsets in a given directory.""" def _iter_kv_from_file(filename): with open(filename) as fp: for line in fp: if line.startswith("#"): continue tmp = line.split(":", 1) if len(tmp) != 2: yield None, None else: yield tmp[0].lower(), tmp[1].strip() unique_id = itertools.count() all_patches = {} name_to_id = {} all_bugs = [] # Read in sorted order (to ensure created Makefile doesn't change too much) for name in sorted(os.listdir(directory)): if name in [".", ".."]: continue subdirectory = os.path.join(directory, name) if not os.path.isdir(subdirectory): continue patch = PatchSet(name) # Enumerate .patch files in the given directory, enumerate individual patches and affected files for f in sorted(os.listdir(subdirectory)): if not f.endswith(".patch") or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subdirectory, f)): continue patch.files.append(f) for p in patchutils.read_patch(os.path.join(subdirectory, f)): patch.patches.append(p) patch.modified_files.add(p.modified_file) # No single patch within this directory, ignore it if len(patch.patches) == 0: del patch continue i = next(unique_id) all_patches[i] = patch name_to_id[name] = i # Now read the definition files in a second step for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems(): deffile = os.path.join(os.path.join(directory, patch.name), "definition") if not os.path.isfile(deffile): raise PatchUpdaterError("Missing definition file %s" % deffile) info = AuthorInfo() for key, val in _iter_kv_from_file(deffile): if key is None: if len(info.author) and len(info.subject) and len(info.revision): patch.authors.append(info) info = AuthorInfo() continue if key == "author": if len(info.author): info.author += ", " info.author += val elif key == "subject" or key == "title": if len(info.subject): info.subject += " " info.subject += val elif key == "revision": if len(info.revision): info.revision += ", " info.revision += val elif key == "fixes": r = re.match("^[0-9]+$", val) if r: bugid = int(val) patch.fixes.append((bugid, None, None)) all_bugs.append(bugid) continue r = re.match("^\\[ *([0-9]+) *\\](.*)$", val) if r: bugid, description = int(r.group(1)), r.group(2).strip() patch.fixes.append((bugid, None, description)) all_bugs.append(bugid) continue patch.fixes.append((None, None, val)) elif key == "depends": if not name_to_id.has_key(val): raise PatchUpdaterError("Definition file %s references unknown dependency %s" % (deffile, val)) patch.depends.add(name_to_id[val]) else: print "WARNING: Ignoring unknown command in definition file %s: %s" % (deffile, line) if len(info.author) and len(info.subject) and len(info.revision): patch.authors.append(info) # In a third step query information for the patches from Wine bugzilla pool = Pool(8) bug_short_desc = {None:None} for bugid, data in zip(all_bugs, pool.map(download, ["http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%d&ctype=xml&field=short_desc" % bugid for bugid in all_bugs])): bug_short_desc[bugid] = minidom.parseString(data).getElementsByTagName('short_desc')[0].firstChild.data # The following command triggers a (harmless) python bug, which would confuse the user: # > Exception RuntimeError: RuntimeError('cannot join current thread',) in ignored # To avoid that just keep the pool until it destroyed by the garbage collector. # pool.close() for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems(): patch.fixes = [(bugid, bug_short_desc[bugid], description) for bugid, dummy, description in patch.fixes] return all_patches def causal_time_combine(a, b): """Combines two timestamps into a new one.""" return [max(a, b) for a, b in zip(a, b)] def causal_time_smaller(a, b): """Checks if timestamp a is smaller than timestamp b.""" return all([i <= j for i, j in zip(a,b)]) and any([i < j for i, j in zip(a,b)]) def causal_time_relation(all_patches, indices): """Checks if the patches with given indices are applied in a very specific order.""" def _pairs(a): for i, j in enumerate(a): for k in a[i+1:]: yield (j, k) for i, j in _pairs(indices): if not (causal_time_smaller(all_patches[i].verify_time, all_patches[j].verify_time) or \ causal_time_smaller(all_patches[j].verify_time, all_patches[i].verify_time)): return False return True def causal_time_permutations(all_patches, indices, filename): """Iterate over all possible permutations of patches affecting a specific file, which are compatible with dependencies.""" for perm in itertools.permutations(indices): for i, j in zip(perm[:-1], perm[1:]): if causal_time_smaller(all_patches[j].verify_time, all_patches[i].verify_time): break else: selected_patches = [] for i in perm: selected_patches += [patch for patch in all_patches[i].patches if patch.modified_file == filename] yield selected_patches def contains_binary_patch(all_patches, indices, filename): """Checks if any patch with given indices affecting filename is a binary patch.""" for i in indices: for patch in all_patches[i].patches: if patch.modified_file == filename and patch.is_binary(): return True return False def load_patch_cache(): """Load dictionary for cached patch dependency tests into cached_patch_result.""" global cached_patch_result try: with open("./.depcache") as fp: cached_patch_result = pickle.load(fp) except IOError: cached_patch_result = {} def save_patch_cache(): """Save dictionary for cached patch depdency tests.""" with open("./.depcache", "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(cached_patch_result, fp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def verify_patch_order(all_patches, indices, filename): """Checks if the dependencies are defined correctly by applying on the patches on a copy from the git tree.""" global cached_patch_result # If one of patches is a binary patch, then we cannot / won't verify it - require dependencies in this case if contains_binary_patch(all_patches, indices, filename): if not causal_time_relation(all_patches, indices): raise PatchUpdaterError("Because of binary patch modifying file %s the following patches need explicit dependencies: %s" % (filename, ", ".join([all_patches[i].name for i in indices]))) return # Grab original file from the wine git repository - please note we grab from origin/master, not the current branch try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: original_content = subprocess.check_output(["git", "show", "origin/master:%s" % filename], cwd="./debian/tools/wine", stderr=devnull) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode != 128: raise # not found original_content = "" # Calculate hash of original content original_content_hash = hashlib.sha256(original_content).digest() # Check for possible ways to apply the patch failed_to_apply = False last_result_hash = None for patches in causal_time_permutations(all_patches, indices, filename): # Calculate unique hash based on the original content and the order in which the patches are applied m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(original_content_hash) for patch in patches: m.update(patch.hash()) unique_hash = m.digest() # Fast path -> we know that it applies properly if cached_patch_result.has_key(unique_hash): result_hash = cached_patch_result[unique_hash] else: # Apply the patches (without fuzz) try: content = patchutils.apply_patch(original_content, patches, fuzz=0) except patchutils.PatchApplyError: if last_result_hash is not None: break # We failed to apply the patches, but don't know if it works at all - continue failed_to_apply = True continue # Get hash of resulting file and add to cache result_hash = hashlib.sha256(content).digest() cached_patch_result[unique_hash] = result_hash # First time we got a successful result if last_result_hash is None: last_result_hash = result_hash if failed_to_apply: break # All the other times: hash to match with previous attempt elif last_result_hash != result_hash: last_result_hash = None break if failed_to_apply and last_result_hash is None: raise PatchUpdaterError("Changes to file %s don't apply on git source tree: %s" % (filename, ", ".join([all_patches[i].name for i in indices]))) elif failed_to_apply or last_result_hash is None: raise PatchUpdaterError("Depending on the order some changes to file %s dont't apply / lead to different results: %s" % (filename, ", ".join([all_patches[i].name for i in indices]))) else: assert len(last_result_hash) == 32 def verify_dependencies(all_patches): """Resolve dependencies, and afterwards run verify_patch_order() to check if everything applies properly.""" max_patches = max(all_patches.keys()) + 1 for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems(): patch.verify_depends = set(patch.depends) patch.verify_time = [0]*max_patches # Check for circular dependencies and perform modified vector clock algorithm patches = dict(all_patches) while len(patches): to_delete = [] for i, patch in patches.iteritems(): if len(patch.verify_depends) == 0: patch.verify_time[i] += 1 to_delete.append(i) if len(to_delete) == 0: raise PatchUpdaterError("Circular dependency in set of patches: %d" % ", ".join([patch.name for i, patch in patches.iteritems()])) for j in to_delete: for i, patch in patches.iteritems(): if i != j and j in patch.verify_depends: patch.verify_time = causal_time_combine(patch.verify_time, patches[j].verify_time) patch.verify_depends.remove(j) del patches[j] # Find out which files are modified by multiple patches modified_files = {} for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems(): for f in patch.modified_files: if f not in modified_files: modified_files[f] = [] modified_files[f].append(i) # Iterate over pairs of patches, check for existing causal relationship load_patch_cache() try: for f, indices in modified_files.iteritems(): verify_patch_order(all_patches, indices, f) finally: save_patch_cache() def generate_makefile(all_patches, fp): """Generate Makefile for a specific set of patches.""" fp.write("#\n") fp.write("# This file is automatically generated, DO NOT EDIT!\n") fp.write("#\n") fp.write("\n") fp.write("CURDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}\n") fp.write("PATCH := $(CURDIR)/../debian/tools/gitapply.sh -d $(DESTDIR)\n") fp.write("\n") fp.write("PATCHLIST :=\t%s\n" % " \\\n\t\t".join(["%s.ok" % patch.name for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems()])) fp.write("\n") fp.write(".PHONY: install\n") fp.write("install:\n") fp.write("\t@$(MAKE) apply; \\\n") fp.write("\tstatus=$$?; \\\n") fp.write("\trm -f *.ok; \\\n") fp.write("\texit $$status\n") fp.write("\n") fp.write(".PHONY: apply\n") fp.write("apply: $(PATCHLIST)\n") fp.write("\tcat *.ok | sort | $(CURDIR)/../debian/tools/patchlist.sh | $(PATCH)\n") fp.write("\tcd $(DESTDIR) && autoreconf -f\n") fp.write("\tcd $(DESTDIR) && ./tools/make_requests\n") fp.write("\n") fp.write(".PHONY: clean\n") fp.write("clean:\n") fp.write("\trm -f *.ok\n") fp.write("\n") fp.write(".NOTPARALLEL:\n") fp.write("\n") for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems(): fp.write("# Patchset %s\n" % patch.name) fp.write("# |\n") fp.write("# | Included patches:\n") # List all patches and their corresponding authors for info in patch.authors: if not info.subject: continue s = [] if info.revision and info.revision != "1": s.append("rev %s" % info.revision) if info.author: s.append("by %s" % info.author) if len(s): s = " [%s]" % ", ".join(s) fp.write("# | *\t%s\n" % "\n# | \t".join(textwrap.wrap(info.subject + s, 120))) fp.write("# |\n") # List all bugs fixed by this patchset if any([bugid is not None for bugid, bugname, description in patch.fixes]): fp.write("# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:\n") for bugid, bugname, description in patch.fixes: if bugid is not None: fp.write("# | *\t%s\n" % "\n# | \t".join(textwrap.wrap("[#%d] %s" % (bugid, bugname), 120))) fp.write("# |\n") # List all modified files fp.write("# | Modified files: \n") fp.write("# | *\t%s\n" % "\n# | \t".join(textwrap.wrap(", ".join(sorted(patch.modified_files)), 120))) fp.write("# |\n") # Generate dependencies and code to apply patches depends = " ".join([""] + ["%s.ok" % all_patches[d].name for d in patch.depends]) if len(patch.depends) else "" fp.write("%s.ok:%s\n" % (patch.name, depends)) for f in patch.files: fp.write("\t$(PATCH) < %s\n" % os.path.join(patch.name, f)) # Create *.ok file (used to generate patchlist) if len(patch.authors): fp.write("\t( \\\n") for info in patch.authors: if not info.subject: continue s = info.subject if info.revision and info.revision != "1": s += " [rev %s]" % info.revision fp.write("\t\techo \"+ { \\\"%s\\\", \\\"%s\\\", \\\"%s\\\" },\"; \\\n" % (patch.name, info.author, s)) fp.write("\t) > %s.ok\n" % patch.name) else: fp.write("\ttouch %s.ok\n" % patch.name) fp.write("\n"); def generate_readme(all_patches, fp): """Generate README.md including information about specific patches and bugfixes.""" # Get list of all bugs def _all_bugs(): all_bugs = [] for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems(): for (bugid, bugname, description) in patch.fixes: if bugid is not None: all_bugs.append((bugid, bugname, description)) for (bugid, bugname, description) in sorted(all_bugs): if description is None: description = bugname yield "%s ([Wine Bug #%d](http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%d \"%s\"))" % \ (description, bugid, bugid, bugname.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"")) # Get list of all fixes def _all_fixes(): all_fixes = [] for i, patch in all_patches.iteritems(): for (bugid, bugname, description) in patch.fixes: if bugid is None: all_fixes.append(description) for description in sorted(all_fixes): yield description # Create enumeration from list def _enum(x): return "* " + "\n* ".join(x) # Read information from changelog def _read_changelog(): with open("debian/changelog") as fp: for line in fp: r = re.match("^([a-zA-Z0-9][^(]*)\((.*)\) ([^;]*)", line) if r: yield (r.group(1).strip(), r.group(2).strip(), r.group(3).strip()) # Get version number of the latest stable release def _latest_stable_version(): for package, version, distro in _read_changelog(): if distro.lower() != "unreleased": return version with open("./debian/tools/README.md.in") as template_fp: template = template_fp.read() fp.write(template.format(bugs=_enum(_all_bugs()), fixes=_enum(_all_fixes()), version=_latest_stable_version())) if __name__ == "__main__": if not os.path.isdir("./debian/tools/wine"): raise RuntimeError("Please create a symlink to the wine repository in ./debian/tools/wine") try: all_patches = read_patchsets("./patches") verify_dependencies(all_patches) except PatchUpdaterError as e: print "" print "ERROR: %s" % e print "" exit(1) with open("./patches/Makefile", "w") as fp: generate_makefile(all_patches, fp) with open("./README.md", "w") as fp: generate_readme(all_patches, fp)