# # This file is automatically generated, DO NOT EDIT! # .NOTPARALLEL: CURDIR ?= ${.CURDIR} PATCH := $(CURDIR)/../debian/tools/gitapply.sh APPLY = (cd "$(DESTDIR)" && $(PATCH)) APPLY_FILE = @echo "Applying $(1)"; $(APPLY) < "$(CURDIR)/$(1)" # # This Makefile understands the following targets: # # install (default): apply patches to directory provided by DESTDIR # install-git: as above, but use 'git am' to apply the patches # series: create a 'series' file containing the patch order # clean: delete autogenerated and temporary files # PATCHLIST := \ Exagear.ok \ Miscellaneous.ok \ Pipelight.ok \ Staging.ok \ atl-IOCS_Property.ok \ comctl32-LoadIconMetric.ok \ configure-Absolute_RPATH.ok \ d3d9-Surface_Refcount.ok \ d3dx9_36-ConvertToIndexedBlended.ok \ d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs.ok \ d3dx9_36-DXTn.ok \ d3dx9_36-DrawText.ok \ d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings.ok \ d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique.ok \ d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics.ok \ d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace.ok \ d3dx9_36-Texture_Align.ok \ d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh.ok \ dbghelp-Debug_Symbols.ok \ dbghelp-KdHelp.ok \ ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer.ok \ dinput-Events.ok \ dsound-Fast_Mixer.ok \ dxgi-GetDesc.ok \ fonts-Missing_Fonts.ok \ gdi32-MaxPixelFormats.ok \ gdi32-MultiMonitor.ok \ gdiplus-GdipCreateRegionRgnData.ok \ imagehlp-BindImageEx.ok \ imm32-Cross_Thread_Access.ok \ include-Winetest.ok \ iphlpapi-TCP_Table.ok \ kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle.ok \ kernel32-GetNumaProcessorNode.ok \ kernel32-GetStringTypeW.ok \ kernel32-GetSystemTimes.ok \ kernel32-GetVolumePathName.ok \ kernel32-Named_Pipe.ok \ kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath.ok \ kernel32-Profile.ok \ kernel32-UTF7_Support.ok \ kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo.ok \ libs-Unicode_Collation.ok \ makedep-PARENTSPEC.ok \ msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor.ok \ msvcrt-atof_strtod.ok \ ntdll-DOS_Attributes.ok \ ntdll-DVD_Read_Size.ok \ ntdll-DllRedirects.ok \ ntdll-Dynamic_DST.ok \ ntdll-Exception.ok \ ntdll-FD_Cache.ok \ ntdll-FileDispositionInformation.ok \ ntdll-Fix_Alignment.ok \ ntdll-Fix_Free.ok \ ntdll-Heap_FreeLists.ok \ ntdll-Junction_Points.ok \ ntdll-LZNT1_Compression.ok \ ntdll-NtQuerySection.ok \ ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries.ok \ ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters.ok \ ntdll-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA.ok \ ntdll-ThreadTime.ok \ ntdll-User_Shared_Data.ok \ ntdll-WRITECOPY.ok \ ntdll-WinSqm.ok \ ntoskrnl-Emulator.ok \ ntoskrnl-Irp_Status.ok \ ntoskrnl-KeSetSystemAffinityThread.ok \ ntoskrnl-Stub_FileObject.ok \ ntoskrnl-Write_CR4.ok \ nvcuda-CUDA_Support.ok \ ole32-CoWaitForMultipleHandles.ok \ quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions.ok \ riched20-IText_Interface.ok \ secur32-Schannel_ContextAttr.ok \ server-ACL_Compat.ok \ server-Address_Change_Notification.ok \ server-CreateProcess_ACLs.ok \ server-Inherited_ACLs.ok \ server-Misc_ACL.ok \ server-OpenProcess.ok \ server-Stored_ACLs.ok \ server-Unexpected_Wakeup.ok \ setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk.ok \ shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests.ok \ shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs.ok \ shell32-Default_Path.ok \ shell32-Icons.ok \ shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16.ok \ shell32-SHCreateSessionKey.ok \ shell32-SHFileOperation.ok \ shlwapi-PathIsDirectoryEmptyW.ok \ shlwapi-UrlCombine.ok \ slc-SLGetWindowsInformation.ok \ urlmon-CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled.ok \ user32-Dialog_Paint_Event.ok \ user32-DrawTextExW.ok \ user32-GetRawInputDeviceList.ok \ user32-GetSystemMetrics.ok \ user32-GetTipText.ok \ user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd.ok \ user32-ScrollWindowEx.ok \ user32-WndProc.ok \ wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA.ok \ winebuild-LinkerVersion.ok \ winecfg-Staging.ok \ wined3d-CSMT_Helper.ok \ wined3d-CSMT_Main.ok \ wined3d-DXTn.ok \ wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat.ok \ winedevice-Fix_Relocation.ok \ winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path.ok \ winepulse-PulseAudio_Support.ok \ winex11-CandidateWindowPos.ok \ winex11-Clipboard_HTML.ok \ winex11-Limited_Resolutions.ok \ winex11-Window_Groups.ok \ winex11-XEMBED.ok \ winex11-wglShareLists.ok \ wininet-FtpFindFirstFile.ok \ wininet-encoding.ok \ wpcap-Dynamic_Linking.ok \ ws2_32-Connect_Time.ok \ ws2_32-TransmitFile.ok \ ws2_32-WriteWatches.ok \ ws2_32-getaddrinfo.ok \ wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses.ok .PHONY: install install: $(PATCHLIST) cat *.ok | sort | $(CURDIR)/../debian/tools/patchlist.sh | $(APPLY) cd $(DESTDIR) && autoreconf -f cd $(DESTDIR) && ./tools/make_requests .PHONY: install-git install-git: PATCH := git am install-git: install series: APPLY_FILE = @echo "$(1)" >> series series: $(PATCHLIST) @cat *.ok | sort | $(CURDIR)/../debian/tools/patchlist.sh > patchlist.diff @echo "patchlist.diff" >> series @( \ echo ""; \ echo "The 'series' file was created in current directory. Please note that"; \ echo "'patchlist.diff' is autogenerated based on your selection of patches and not"; \ echo "included in this repository - keep in mind to update it on every release."; \ echo ""; \ echo "Moreover, depending on which patches you have selected, you will have to run"; \ echo "'autoreconf -f' and/or './tools/make_requests' after applying them."; \ echo ""; \ binary=0; \ while IFS= read -r line; do \ if grep -q "^GIT binary patch" "$$line"; then \ binary=1; break; \ fi \ done < series; \ if [ "$$binary" -ne 0 ]; then \ echo "The following files contain binary patches and cannot be applied with the"; \ echo "regular 'patch' commandline tool:"; \ echo ""; \ while IFS= read -r line; do \ grep -q "^GIT binary patch" "$$line" && echo "$$line"; \ done < series; \ echo ""; \ echo "Please use 'git apply' or '../debian/tools/gitapply.sh' from this repository."; \ echo ""; \ fi \ ) .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f series patchlist.diff rm -f *.ok # Patchset Exagear # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, server/ptrace.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: Exagear.ok Exagear.ok: ntdll-WRITECOPY.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,Exagear/0001-ntdll-Implement-emulation-of-SIDT-instruction-when-u.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Exagear/0002-ntdll-Fix-issues-with-write-watches-when-using-Exage.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Exagear/0003-server-Don-t-attempt-to-use-ptrace-when-running-with.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Implement emulation of SIDT instruction when using Exagear.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix issues with write watches when using Exagear.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Don'\''t attempt to use ptrace when running with Exagear.", 1 },'; \ ) > Exagear.ok # Patchset Miscellaneous # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d9/tests/visual.c, dlls/kernel32/locale.c, dlls/netapi32/netapi32.c, dlls/winealsa.drv/mmdevdrv.c, # | dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c, dlls/wined3d/resource.c, dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c, tools/makedep.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: Miscellaneous.ok Miscellaneous.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,Miscellaneous/0001-wined3d-Silence-repeated-resource_check_usage-FIXME.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Miscellaneous/0002-kernel32-Silence-repeated-CompareStringEx-FIXME.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Miscellaneous/0003-wined3d-Silence-repeated-wined3d_swapchain_present-F.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Miscellaneous/0004-Appease-the-blessed-version-of-gcc-4.5-when-Werror-i.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "wined3d: Silence repeated resource_check_usage FIXME.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Silence repeated CompareStringEx FIXME.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Silence repeated wined3d_swapchain_present FIXME.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "Appease the blessed version of gcc (4.5) when -Werror is enabled.", 1 },'; \ ) > Miscellaneous.ok # Patchset Pipelight # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/message.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d.spec, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_main.c, dlls/winex11.drv/init.c, # | dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c, dlls/winex11.drv/x11drv.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: Pipelight.ok Pipelight.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,Pipelight/0001-winex11-Implement-X11DRV_FLUSH_GDI_DISPLAY-ExtEscape-c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Pipelight/0002-user32-Decrease-minimum-SetTimer-interval-to-5-ms.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Pipelight/0003-wined3d-allow-changing-strict-drawing-through-an-exp.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Pipelight/0004-winex11.drv-Indicate-direct-rendering-through-OpenGL.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winex11: Implement X11DRV_FLUSH_GDI_DISPLAY ExtEscape command.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "user32: Decrease minimum SetTimer interval to 5 ms.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: allow changing strict drawing through an exported function.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11.drv: Indicate direct rendering through OpenGL extension.", 1 },'; \ ) > Pipelight.ok # Patchset Staging # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/process.c, dlls/ntdll/misc.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, include/wine/library.h, libs/wine/Makefile.in, # | libs/wine/config.c, libs/wine/loader.c, libs/wine/wine.def, libs/wine/wine.map, loader/main.c, po/ar.po, po/bg.po, # | po/ca.po, po/cs.po, po/da.po, po/de.po, po/el.po, po/en.po, po/en_US.po, po/eo.po, po/es.po, po/fa.po, po/fi.po, # | po/fr.po, po/he.po, po/hi.po, po/hr.po, po/hu.po, po/it.po, po/ja.po, po/ko.po, po/lt.po, po/ml.po, po/nb_NO.po, # | po/nl.po, po/or.po, po/pa.po, po/pl.po, po/pt_BR.po, po/pt_PT.po, po/rm.po, po/ro.po, po/ru.po, po/sk.po, po/sl.po, # | po/sr_RS@cyrillic.po, po/sr_RS@latin.po, po/sv.po, po/te.po, po/th.po, po/tr.po, po/uk.po, po/wa.po, po/wine.pot, # | po/zh_CN.po, po/zh_TW.po, programs/winedbg/winedbg.rc # | .INTERMEDIATE: Staging.ok Staging.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,Staging/0001-kernel32-Add-winediag-message-to-show-warning-that-t.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Staging/0002-winedbg-Change-bug-reporting-URL-to-Wine-Staging.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Staging/0003-winelib-Append-Staging-at-the-end-of-the-version-s.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Staging/0004-loader-Add-commandline-option-patches-to-show-the-pa.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,Staging/0005-loader-Add-commandline-option-check-libs.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Add winediag message to show warning, that this isn'\''t vanilla wine.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winedbg: Change bug reporting URL to Wine Staging.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winelib: Append '\''(Staging)'\'' at the end of the version string.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "loader: Add commandline option --patches to show the patch list.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "loader: Add commandline option --check-libs.", 1 },'; \ ) > Staging.ok # Patchset atl-IOCS_Property # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#21767] ATL IOCS data should not be stored in GWLP_USERDATA # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/atl/atl_ax.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: atl-IOCS_Property.ok atl-IOCS_Property.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,atl-IOCS_Property/0001-atl-Don-t-use-GWLP_USERDATA-to-store-IOCS-to-avoid-c.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Qian Hong", "atl: Don'\''t use GWLP_USERDATA to store IOCS to avoid conflict with Apps.", 1 },'; \ ) > atl-IOCS_Property.ok # Patchset comctl32-LoadIconMetric # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35375] Support for LoadIconMetric # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/comctl32/Makefile.in, dlls/comctl32/comctl32.spec, dlls/comctl32/icon.c, dlls/comctl32/tests/misc.c, # | include/commctrl.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: comctl32-LoadIconMetric.ok comctl32-LoadIconMetric.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,comctl32-LoadIconMetric/0001-comctl32-Implement-LoadIconMetric-function.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,comctl32-LoadIconMetric/0002-comctl32-tests-Add-tests-for-LoadIconMetric-function.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "comctl32: Implement LoadIconMetric function.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "comctl32/tests: Add tests for LoadIconMetric function.", 1 },'; \ ) > comctl32-LoadIconMetric.ok # Patchset configure-Absolute_RPATH # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26256] Support for setcap on wine-preloader # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac # | .INTERMEDIATE: configure-Absolute_RPATH.ok configure-Absolute_RPATH.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,configure-Absolute_RPATH/0001-configure-Also-add-the-absolute-RPATH-when-linking-a.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "configure: Also add the absolute RPATH when linking against libwine.", 1 },'; \ ) > configure-Absolute_RPATH.ok # Patchset d3d9-Surface_Refcount # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#18477] Avoid crashing when broken app tries to release surface although refcount is zero # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d9/surface.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3d9-Surface_Refcount.ok d3d9-Surface_Refcount.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3d9-Surface_Refcount/0001-d3d9-Don-t-decrease-surface-refcount-when-its-alread.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Henri Verbeet", "d3d9: Don'\''t decrease surface refcount when its already zero.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3d9-Surface_Refcount.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-ConvertToIndexedBlended # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36449] Fix parameters for ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh stub # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/skin.c, include/d3dx9mesh.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-ConvertToIndexedBlended.ok d3dx9_36-ConvertToIndexedBlended.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-ConvertToIndexedBlended/0001-d3dx9_36-Fix-d3dx9_skin_info_ConvertToIndexedBlended.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Fix d3dx9_skin_info_ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh stub.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-ConvertToIndexedBlended.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#31984] Add stub for D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx # | * [#26379] Support for D3DXComputeNormals # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_24/d3dx9_24.spec, dlls/d3dx9_25/d3dx9_25.spec, dlls/d3dx9_26/d3dx9_26.spec, dlls/d3dx9_27/d3dx9_27.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_28/d3dx9_28.spec, dlls/d3dx9_29/d3dx9_29.spec, dlls/d3dx9_30/d3dx9_30.spec, dlls/d3dx9_31/d3dx9_31.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_32/d3dx9_32.spec, dlls/d3dx9_33/d3dx9_33.spec, dlls/d3dx9_34/d3dx9_34.spec, dlls/d3dx9_35/d3dx9_35.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec, dlls/d3dx9_36/mesh.c, dlls/d3dx9_37/d3dx9_37.spec, dlls/d3dx9_38/d3dx9_38.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_39/d3dx9_39.spec, dlls/d3dx9_40/d3dx9_40.spec, dlls/d3dx9_41/d3dx9_41.spec, dlls/d3dx9_42/d3dx9_42.spec, # | dlls/d3dx9_43/d3dx9_43.spec # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs.ok d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs/0001-d3dx9_36-Add-stub-for-D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs/0002-d3dx9_36-Add-stub-for-D3DXIntersect.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs/0003-d3dx9_36-Implement-D3DXComputeNormals.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs/0004-d3dx9_36-Add-stub-for-D3DXComputeNormalMap.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add stub for D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add stub for D3DXIntersect.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXComputeNormals.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add stub for D3DXComputeNormalMap.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-D3DXStubs.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-DXTn # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33768] Fix texture corruption in CSI: Fatal Conspiracy # | * [#19231] Fix crash of Trine Demo on start # | * [#37391] Exception during start of fr-043 caused by missing DXTn support # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/Makefile.in, dlls/d3dx9_36/surface.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-DXTn.ok d3dx9_36-DXTn.ok: wined3d-DXTn.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-DXTn/0001-d3dx9_36-Add-dxtn-support.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Add dxtn support.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-DXTn.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-DrawText # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24754] Support for ID3DXFont::DrawTextA/W # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/font.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-DrawText.ok d3dx9_36-DrawText.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-DrawText/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-ID3DXFontImpl_DrawText.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-DrawText/0002-d3dx9_36-Fix-horizontal-centering-in-ID3DXFont_DrawT.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement ID3DXFontImpl_DrawText.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Fix horizontal centering in ID3DXFont_DrawText.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-DrawText.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33770] D3DCompileShader should filter specific warning messages # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/shader.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings.ok d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings/0001-d3dx9_36-Filter-out-D3DCompile-warning-messages-that.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Filter out D3DCompile warning messages that are not present with D3DCompileShader.", 4 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-Filter_Warnings.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34101] Implement ID3DXEffect::FindNextValidTechnique # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/effect.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/effect.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique.ok d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-ID3DXEffect_FindNextValidTechniqu.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement ID3DXEffect_FindNextValidTechnique + add tests.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-FindNextValidTechnique.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22682] Support for D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec, dlls/d3dx9_36/shader.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/shader.c, include/d3dx9shader.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics.ok d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics-tests.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics + tests.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/mesh.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace.ok d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace/0001-d3dx9_36-No-need-to-fail-if-we-don-t-support-vertice.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: No need to fail if we don'\''t support vertices reordering in D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-Optimize_Inplace.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-Texture_Align # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/texture.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/texture.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-Texture_Align.ok d3dx9_36-Texture_Align.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-Texture_Align/0001-d3dx9_36-Align-texture-dimensions-to-block-size-for-.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Align texture dimensions to block size for compressed textures in D3DXCheckTextureRequirements.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-Texture_Align.ok # Patchset d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32572] Support for ID3DXSkinInfoImpl_UpdateSkinnedMesh # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3dx9_36/skin.c, dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/mesh.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh.ok d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh/0001-d3dx9_36-Implement-ID3DXSkinInfoImpl_UpdateSkinnedMe.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "d3dx9_36: Implement ID3DXSkinInfoImpl_UpdateSkinnedMesh.", 1 },'; \ ) > d3dx9_36-UpdateSkinnedMesh.ok # Patchset dbghelp-Debug_Symbols # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dbghelp/Makefile.in, dlls/dbghelp/elf_module.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: dbghelp-Debug_Symbols.ok dbghelp-Debug_Symbols.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,dbghelp-Debug_Symbols/0001-dbghelp-Always-check-for-debug-symbols-in-BINDIR.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dbghelp: Always check for debug symbols in BINDIR.", 1 },'; \ ) > dbghelp-Debug_Symbols.ok # Patchset dbghelp-KdHelp # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37272] Don't fill KdHelp structure for usermode applications # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dbghelp/stack.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: dbghelp-KdHelp.ok dbghelp-KdHelp.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,dbghelp-KdHelp/0001-dbghelp-Don-t-fill-KdHelp-structure-for-usermode-app.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dbghelp: Don'\''t fill KdHelp structure for usermode applications.", 1 },'; \ ) > dbghelp-KdHelp.ok # Patchset ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ddraw/executebuffer.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer.ok ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer/0001-ddraw-Don-t-call-IDirect3DDevice7_DrawIndexedPrimiti.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "ddraw: Don'\''t call IDirect3DDevice7_DrawIndexedPrimitive if there is no primitive.", 1 },'; \ ) > ddraw-d3d_execute_buffer.ok # Patchset dinput-Events # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#8854] Ensure X11 input events are handled even without explicit message loop # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dinput/device.c, dlls/dinput/keyboard.c, dlls/user32/input.c, dlls/user32/user32.spec, include/winuser.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: dinput-Events.ok dinput-Events.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,dinput-Events/0001-dinput-Ensure-X11-input-events-are-handled-even-with.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "dinput: Ensure X11 input events are handled even without explicit message loop.", 1 },'; \ ) > dinput-Events.ok # Patchset dsound-Fast_Mixer # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30639] Audio stuttering and performance drops in multiple applications # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dsound/dsound_main.c, dlls/dsound/dsound_private.h, dlls/dsound/mixer.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: dsound-Fast_Mixer.ok dsound-Fast_Mixer.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,dsound-Fast_Mixer/0001-dsound-Add-a-linear-resampler-for-use-with-a-large-n.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Alexander E. Patrakov", "dsound: Add a linear resampler for use with a large number of mixing buffers.", 1 },'; \ ) > dsound-Fast_Mixer.ok # Patchset dxgi-GetDesc # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/dxgi/output.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: dxgi-GetDesc.ok dxgi-GetDesc.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,dxgi-GetDesc/0001-dxgi-Implement-IDXGIOutput-GetDesc.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "dxgi: Implement IDXGIOutput::GetDesc.", 1 },'; \ ) > dxgi-GetDesc.ok # Patchset fonts-Missing_Fonts # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32323] Implement an Arial replacement font # | * [#13829] Implement a Microsoft Yahei replacement font # | # | Modified files: # | * COPYING.arial, COPYING.cour, COPYING.msyh, LICENSE, fonts/Makefile.in, fonts/arial.sfd, fonts/arial.ttf, fonts/cour.sfd, # | fonts/cour.ttf, fonts/msyh.sfd, fonts/msyh.ttf # | .INTERMEDIATE: fonts-Missing_Fonts.ok fonts-Missing_Fonts.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,fonts-Missing_Fonts/0001-fonts-Add-Liberation-Sans-as-an-Arial-replacement.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,fonts-Missing_Fonts/0002-fonts-Add-WenQuanYi-Micro-Hei-as-a-Microsoft-Yahei-r.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,fonts-Missing_Fonts/0003-fonts-Add-Courier-Prime-as-a-Courier-New-replacement.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,fonts-Missing_Fonts/0004-Add-licenses-for-fonts-as-separate-files.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Torsten Kurbad", "fonts: Add Liberation Sans as an Arial replacement.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "fonts: Add WenQuanYi Micro Hei as a Microsoft Yahei replacement.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "fonts: Add Courier Prime as a Courier New replacement.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "Add licenses for fonts as separate files.", 1 },'; \ ) > fonts-Missing_Fonts.ok # Patchset gdi32-MaxPixelFormats # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#6176] wglDescribePixelFormat should return max index for NULL descriptor # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/gdi32/dibdrv/opengl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: gdi32-MaxPixelFormats.ok gdi32-MaxPixelFormats.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,gdi32-MaxPixelFormats/0001-gdi32-Return-maximum-number-of-pixel-formats-when-NU.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "gdi32: Return maximum number of pixel formats when NULL pointer is passed to wglDescribePixelFormat.", 1 },'; \ ) > gdi32-MaxPixelFormats.ok # Patchset gdi32-MultiMonitor # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34978] Multiple applications need EnumDisplayDevicesW implementation # | * [#37709] GetMonitorInfo returns the same name for all monitors # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/gdi32/driver.c, dlls/user32/misc.c, dlls/winex11.drv/xinerama.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: gdi32-MultiMonitor.ok gdi32-MultiMonitor.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,gdi32-MultiMonitor/0001-gdi32-Also-accept-.-DISPLAY-n-devices-names-with-n-o.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,gdi32-MultiMonitor/0002-winex11-Make-GetMonitorInfo-give-a-different-device-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,gdi32-MultiMonitor/0003-user32-Implement-EnumDisplayDevicesW-based-on-EnumDi.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "gdi32: Also accept \"\\\\\\\\.\\\\DISPLAY\" devices names with other than 1 as display devices.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "winex11: Make GetMonitorInfo() give a different device name (\\\\.\\\\DISPLAY) to each monitor.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "user32: Implement EnumDisplayDevicesW() based on EnumDisplayMonitors() and GetMonitorInfoW().", 1 },'; \ ) > gdi32-MultiMonitor.ok # Patchset gdiplus-GdipCreateRegionRgnData # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34843] Support for GdipCreateRegionRgnData # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/gdiplus/region.c, dlls/gdiplus/tests/region.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: gdiplus-GdipCreateRegionRgnData.ok gdiplus-GdipCreateRegionRgnData.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,gdiplus-GdipCreateRegionRgnData/0001-gdiplus-Implement-GdipCreateRegionRgnData.-Take-3.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "gdiplus: Implement GdipCreateRegionRgnData.", 3 },'; \ ) > gdiplus-GdipCreateRegionRgnData.ok # Patchset imagehlp-BindImageEx # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#3591] Support for BindImageEx # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/imagehlp/modify.c, dlls/imagehlp/tests/image.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: imagehlp-BindImageEx.ok imagehlp-BindImageEx.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,imagehlp-BindImageEx/0001-imagehlp-Implement-parts-of-BindImageEx-to-make-free.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Bernhard Reiter", "imagehlp: Implement parts of BindImageEx to make freezing Python scripts work.", 1 },'; \ ) > imagehlp-BindImageEx.ok # Patchset imm32-Cross_Thread_Access # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35361] Limit cross thread access to ImmSet* functions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/imm32/imm.c, dlls/imm32/tests/imm32.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: imm32-Cross_Thread_Access.ok imm32-Cross_Thread_Access.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,imm32-Cross_Thread_Access/0001-imm32-Move-thread-data-from-TLSEntry-to-an-internal-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,imm32-Cross_Thread_Access/0002-imm32-Do-not-let-ImmDestroyContext-destroy-any-defau.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,imm32-Cross_Thread_Access/0003-imm32-Use-thread-data-from-target-HWND.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,imm32-Cross_Thread_Access/0004-imm32-Restrict-crossthread-Association-and-destructi.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,imm32-Cross_Thread_Access/0005-imm32-Limit-cross-thread-access-to-ImmSet-functions.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Aric Stewart", "imm32: Move thread data from TLSEntry to an internal list.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Aric Stewart", "imm32: Do not let ImmDestroyContext destroy any default contexts.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Aric Stewart", "imm32: Use thread data from target HWND.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Aric Stewart", "imm32: Restrict crossthread Association and destruction.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Aric Stewart", "imm32: Limit cross thread access to ImmSet* functions.", 1 },'; \ ) > imm32-Cross_Thread_Access.ok # Patchset include-Winetest # | # | Modified files: # | * include/wine/test.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: include-Winetest.ok include-Winetest.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,include-Winetest/0001-include-Automatically-detect-if-tests-are-running-un.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "include: Automatically detect if tests are running under Wine when WINETEST_PLATFORM is not specified.", 1 },'; \ ) > include-Winetest.ok # Patchset iphlpapi-TCP_Table # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34372] Support for AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/iphlpapi/iphlpapi.spec, dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c, dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: iphlpapi-TCP_Table.ok iphlpapi-TCP_Table.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,iphlpapi-TCP_Table/0001-iphlpapi-Implement-AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "iphlpapi: Implement AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack.", 1 },'; \ ) > iphlpapi-TCP_Table.ok # Patchset kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36073] Support for GetFinalPathNameByHandle # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.spec, dlls/kernel32/file.c, dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec, # | dlls/kernel32/tests/file.c, include/fileapi.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle.ok kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle/0001-kernel32-Implement-GetFinalPathNameByHandle.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle/0002-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-GetFinalPathNameByHandl.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32: Implement GetFinalPathNameByHandle.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for GetFinalPathNameByHandle.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-GetFinalPathNameByHandle.ok # Patchset kernel32-GetNumaProcessorNode # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/cpu.c, dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec, dlls/kernel32/tests/Makefile.in, dlls/kernel32/tests/cpu.c, # | include/winbase.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-GetNumaProcessorNode.ok kernel32-GetNumaProcessorNode.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetNumaProcessorNode/0001-kernel32-Implement-GetNumaProcessorNode.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetNumaProcessorNode/0002-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-GetNumaProcessorNode.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32: Implement GetNumaProcessorNode.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for GetNumaProcessorNode.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-GetNumaProcessorNode.ok # Patchset kernel32-GetStringTypeW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37759] Fix access violation when calling GetStringTypeW with NULL src. # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/locale.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/locale.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-GetStringTypeW.ok kernel32-GetStringTypeW.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetStringTypeW/0001-kernel32-Allow-empty-source-in-GetStringTypeW.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Faure", "kernel32: Allow empty source in GetStringTypeW.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-GetStringTypeW.ok # Patchset kernel32-GetSystemTimes # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#19813] Support for GetSystemTimes # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/time.c, dlls/kernel32/time.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-GetSystemTimes.ok kernel32-GetSystemTimes.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetSystemTimes/0001-kernel32-Add-tests-for-GetSystemTimes.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetSystemTimes/0002-kernel32-Implement-GetSystemTimes.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Louis Lenders", "kernel32: Add tests for GetSystemTimes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Implement GetSystemTimes.", 3 },'; \ ) > kernel32-GetSystemTimes.ok # Patchset kernel32-GetVolumePathName # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/volume.c, dlls/kernel32/volume.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-GetVolumePathName.ok kernel32-GetVolumePathName.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetVolumePathName/0001-kernel32-Implement-GetVolumePathName.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetVolumePathName/0002-kernel32-Convert-GetVolumePathName-tests-into-a-list.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetVolumePathName/0003-kernel32-Add-a-bunch-more-GetVolumePathName-tests.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-GetVolumePathName/0004-kernel32-tests-Add-a-lot-of-picky-GetVolumePathName-.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Implement GetVolumePathName.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Convert GetVolumePathName tests into a list.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Add a bunch more GetVolumePathName tests.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add a lot of picky GetVolumePathName tests.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-GetVolumePathName.ok # Patchset kernel32-Named_Pipe # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#16550] Fix for ConnectNamedPort return value in overlapped mode # | * [#17195] Support for named pipe message mode (Linux only) # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/file.c, dlls/kernel32/sync.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/pipe.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, server/named_pipe.c, # | server/protocol.def, server/sock.c, server/sock.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-Named_Pipe.ok kernel32-Named_Pipe.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0001-kernel32-ConnectNamedPort-should-return-FALSE-and-se.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0002-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-PeekNamedPipe-with-part.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0003-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-sending-and-receiving-l.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0004-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-closing-named-pipes.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0005-server-Show-warning-if-message-mode-is-not-supported.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0006-ntdll-Unify-similar-code-in-NtReadFile-and-FILE_Asyn.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0007-ntdll-Move-logic-to-check-for-broken-pipe-into-a-sep.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0008-ntdll-Unify-similar-code-in-NtWriteFile-and-FILE_Asy.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0009-server-Use-SOCK_SEQPACKET-socket-in-combination-with.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0010-ntdll-Add-handling-for-partially-received-messages-i.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0011-kernel32-tests-Add-more-tests-with-overlapped-IO-and.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0012-ntdll-Fix-some-tests-for-overlapped-partial-reads.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0013-kernel32-tests-Test-sending-peeking-and-receiving-an.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0014-ntdll-Add-support-for-nonblocking-pipes.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0015-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-PIPE_NOWAIT-in-message-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0016-ntdll-Allow-to-set-PIPE_NOWAIT-on-byte-mode-pipes.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Named_Pipe/0017-kernel32-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-PIPE_NOWAIT-.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dan Kegel", "kernel32: ConnectNamedPort should return FALSE and set ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED on success in overlapped mode.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for PeekNamedPipe with partial received messages.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for sending and receiving large messages.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Adam Martinson", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for closing named pipes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Show warning if message mode is not supported.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Unify similar code in NtReadFile and FILE_AsyncReadService.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Move logic to check for broken pipe into a separate function.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Unify similar code in NtWriteFile and FILE_AsyncWriteService.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Use SOCK_SEQPACKET socket in combination with SO_PEEK_OFF to implement message mode on Unix.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Add handling for partially received messages in NtReadFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add more tests with overlapped IO and partial reads from named pipes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix some tests for overlapped partial reads.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Test sending, peeking and receiving an empty message.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Add support for nonblocking pipes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for PIPE_NOWAIT in message mode.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Allow to set PIPE_NOWAIT on byte-mode pipes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add additional tests for PIPE_NOWAIT in overlapped mode.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-Named_Pipe.ok # Patchset kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#23934] CreateProcess does not prioritize the working directory over the system search path # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/path.c, dlls/kernel32/process.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/path.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath.ok kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath/0001-kernel32-Add-SearchPath-test-demonstrating-the-prior.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath/0002-kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath-does-not-use.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath/0003-kernel32-Consider-the-working-directory-first-when-l.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Add SearchPath test demonstrating the priority of the working directory.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath does not use the registry.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Consider the working directory first when launching executables with CreateProcess.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath.ok # Patchset kernel32-Profile # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#8036] Fix handling of empty section and key name for profile files. # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/profile.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/profile.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-Profile.ok kernel32-Profile.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-Profile/0001-kernel32-Allow-empty-profile-section-and-key-name-st.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Claudio Fontana", "kernel32: Allow empty profile section and key name strings.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-Profile.ok # Patchset kernel32-UTF7_Support # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#27388] Support for UTF7 encoding/decoding # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/locale.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-UTF7_Support.ok kernel32-UTF7_Support.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-UTF7_Support/0001-kernel32-Support-UTF-7-in-MultiByteToWideChar.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-UTF7_Support/0002-kernel32-Support-UTF-7-in-WideCharToMultiByte.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Alex Henrie", "kernel32: Support UTF-7 in MultiByteToWideChar.", 3 },'; \ echo '+ { "Alex Henrie", "kernel32: Support UTF-7 in WideCharToMultiByte.", 3 },'; \ ) > kernel32-UTF7_Support.ok # Patchset kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36143] Fix condition mask handling in RtlVerifyVersionInfo # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/version.c, dlls/ntdll/version.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo.ok kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo/0001-kernel32-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-condition-ma.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo/0002-ntdll-Fix-condition-mask-handling-in-RtlVerifyVersio.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Add additional tests for condition mask of VerifyVersionInfoA.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Fix condition mask handling in RtlVerifyVersionInfo.", 1 },'; \ ) > kernel32-VerifyVersionInfo.ok # Patchset libs-Unicode_Collation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#10767] Fix comparison of punctuation characters in lstrcmp # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/locale.c, libs/wine/collation.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: libs-Unicode_Collation.ok libs-Unicode_Collation.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,libs-Unicode_Collation/0001-libs-Fix-most-problems-with-CompareString.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "libs: Fix most problems with CompareString.", 1 },'; \ ) > libs-Unicode_Collation.ok # Patchset makedep-PARENTSPEC # | # | Modified files: # | * tools/makedep.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: makedep-PARENTSPEC.ok makedep-PARENTSPEC.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,makedep-PARENTSPEC/0001-makedep-Add-support-for-PARENTSPEC-Makefile-variable.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "makedep: Add support for PARENTSPEC Makefile variable.", 1 },'; \ ) > makedep-PARENTSPEC.ok # Patchset mshtml-sessionStorage # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/mshtml/htmlstorage.c, dlls/mshtml/htmlwindow.c, dlls/mshtml/mshtml_private.h, dlls/mshtml/nsiface.idl, # | dlls/mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: mshtml-sessionStorage.ok mshtml-sessionStorage.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,mshtml-sessionStorage/0001-mshtml-Added-nsIDOMStorage-declaration.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,mshtml-sessionStorage/0002-mshtml-Fixed-create_storage-and-IHTMLStorage-Release.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,mshtml-sessionStorage/0003-mshtml-Added-IHTMLStorage-getItem-setItem-methods-im.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Zhenbo Li", "mshtml: Added nsIDOMStorage declaration.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Zhenbo Li", "mshtml: Fixed create_storage() and IHTMLStorage::Release().", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Zhenbo Li", "mshtml: Added IHTMLStorage:: getItem/setItem methods implementation.", 1 },'; \ ) > mshtml-sessionStorage.ok # Patchset msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37358] FEAR 1 installer expects basic_string_wchar_dtor to return NULL # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/msvcp90/msvcp90.h, dlls/msvcp90/string.c, dlls/msvcp90/tests/string.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor.ok msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor/0001-msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor-needs-to-return-NULL.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor/0002-msvcp90-tests-Add-tests-to-check-that-basic_string_w.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "msvcp90: basic_string_wchar_dtor needs to return NULL.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "msvcp90/tests: Add tests to check that basic_string_wchar_dtor returns NULL.", 1 },'; \ ) > msvcp90-basic_string_wchar_dtor.ok # Patchset msvcrt-atof_strtod # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32550] MSVCRT crashes when NULL is passed as string to atof or strtod # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/msvcrt/string.c, dlls/msvcrt/tests/string.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: msvcrt-atof_strtod.ok msvcrt-atof_strtod.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,msvcrt-atof_strtod/0001-msvcrt-Avoid-crash-when-NULL-pointer-is-passed-to-at.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "msvcrt: Avoid crash when NULL pointer is passed to atof / strtod functions.", 1 },'; \ ) > msvcrt-atof_strtod.ok # Patchset ntdll-DOS_Attributes # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#9158] Support for DOS hidden/system file attributes # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/ntdll/directory.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/tests/directory.c, # | dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, include/wine/port.h, libs/port/Makefile.in, libs/port/xattr.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-DOS_Attributes.ok ntdll-DOS_Attributes.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0001-ntdll-Implement-retrieving-DOS-attributes-in-NtQuery.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0002-ntdll-Implement-retrieving-DOS-attributes-in-NtQuery.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0003-ntdll-Implement-storing-DOS-attributes-in-NtSetInfor.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0004-ntdll-Implement-storing-DOS-attributes-in-NtCreateFi.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0005-libport-Add-support-for-Mac-OS-X-style-extended-attr.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0006-libport-Add-support-for-FreeBSD-style-extended-attri.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DOS_Attributes/0007-ntdll-Perform-the-Unix-style-hidden-file-check-withi.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement retrieving DOS attributes in NtQueryInformationFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement retrieving DOS attributes in NtQuery[Full]AttributesFile and NtQueryDirectoryFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement storing DOS attributes in NtSetInformationFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Implement storing DOS attributes in NtCreateFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "libport: Add support for Mac OS X style extended attributes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "libport: Add support for FreeBSD style extended attributes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Perform the Unix-style hidden file check within the unified file info grabbing routine.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-DOS_Attributes.ok # Patchset ntdll-DVD_Read_Size # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37767] IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE expects the wrong size of output buffer for some requests # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-DVD_Read_Size.ok ntdll-DVD_Read_Size.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DVD_Read_Size/0001-ntdll-Fix-expected-IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE-expected.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Fix expected IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE expected output size.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-DVD_Read_Size.ok # Patchset ntdll-DllRedirects # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/loader.c, dlls/ntdll/loadorder.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-DllRedirects.ok ntdll-DllRedirects.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DllRedirects/0001-ntdll-Move-logic-to-determine-loadorder-HKCU-app-key.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DllRedirects/0002-ntdll-Move-logic-to-read-loadorder-registry-values-i.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DllRedirects/0003-ntdll-Move-code-to-determine-module-basename-into-se.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DllRedirects/0004-ntdll-Implement-get_redirect-function.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-DllRedirects/0005-ntdll-Implement-loader-redirection-scheme.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move logic to determine loadorder HKCU/app key into separate functions.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move logic to read loadorder registry values into separate function.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move code to determine module basename into separate function.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Implement get_redirect function.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Implement loader redirection scheme.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-DllRedirects.ok # Patchset ntdll-Dynamic_DST # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36374] Add Dynamic DST exceptions for Israel Standard Time # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/time.c, loader/wine.inf.in # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-Dynamic_DST.ok ntdll-Dynamic_DST.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Dynamic_DST/0001-ntdll-Add-support-for-Dynamic-DST-daylight-saving-ti.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Dynamic_DST/0002-wine.inf-Add-Dynamic-DST-exceptions-for-Israel-Stand.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Add support for Dynamic DST (daylight saving time) information in registry.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wine.inf: Add Dynamic DST exceptions for Israel Standard Time.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-Dynamic_DST.ok # Patchset ntdll-Exception # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/debugger.c, dlls/ntdll/om.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/exception.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-Exception.ok ntdll-Exception.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Exception/0001-ntdll-Throw-exception-if-invalid-handle-is-passed-to.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Exception/0002-ntdll-OutputDebugString-should-throw-the-exception-a.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Throw exception if invalid handle is passed to NtClose and debugger enabled.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: OutputDebugString should throw the exception a second time, if a debugger is attached.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-Exception.ok # Patchset ntdll-FD_Cache # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/server.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-FD_Cache.ok ntdll-FD_Cache.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-FD_Cache/0001-ntdll-Use-lockfree-implementation-for-get_cached_fd.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Use lockfree implementation for get_cached_fd.", 5 },'; \ ) > ntdll-FD_Cache.ok # Patchset ntdll-FileDispositionInformation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30397] Support for NtSetInformationFile class FileDispositionInformation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, server/fd.c, server/file.c, server/file.h, server/protocol.def # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-FileDispositionInformation.ok ntdll-FileDispositionInformation.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-FileDispositionInformation/0001-server-Keep-a-pointer-to-parent-s-fd-unix_name-in-th.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-FileDispositionInformation/0002-server-Add-support-for-setting-file-disposition-info.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-FileDispositionInformation/0003-server-Do-not-permit-FileDispositionInformation-to-d.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "server: Keep a pointer to parent'\''s fd unix_name in the closed_fd structure.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "server: Add support for setting file disposition information.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Do not permit FileDispositionInformation to delete a file without write access.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-FileDispositionInformation.ok # Patchset ntdll-Fix_Alignment # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33162] Ensure NtProtectVirtualMemory and NtCreateSection are on separate pages # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/virtual.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-Fix_Alignment.ok ntdll-Fix_Alignment.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Fix_Alignment/0001-ntdll-Move-NtProtectVirtualMemory-and-NtCreateSectio.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Move NtProtectVirtualMemory and NtCreateSection to separate pages on x86.", 2 },'; \ ) > ntdll-Fix_Alignment.ok # Patchset ntdll-Fix_Free # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/path.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-Fix_Free.ok ntdll-Fix_Free.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Fix_Free/0001-kernel32-Fix-leaking-directory-handle-in-RemoveDirec.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Fix leaking directory handle in RemoveDirectoryW.", 2 },'; \ ) > ntdll-Fix_Free.ok # Patchset ntdll-Heap_FreeLists # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/heap.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-Heap_FreeLists.ok ntdll-Heap_FreeLists.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Heap_FreeLists/0001-ntdll-Improve-heap-allocation-performance-by-using-m.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Steaphan Greene", "ntdll: Improve heap allocation performance by using more fine-grained free lists.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-Heap_FreeLists.ok # Patchset ntdll-Junction_Points # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#12401] Support for Junction Points # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/path.c, dlls/kernel32/volume.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, include/Makefile.in, # | include/ntifs.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-Junction_Points.ok ntdll-Junction_Points.ok: ntdll-Fix_Free.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Junction_Points/0001-ntdll-Add-support-for-junction-point-creation.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Junction_Points/0002-ntdll-Add-support-for-reading-junction-points.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Junction_Points/0003-ntdll-Add-support-for-deleting-junction-points.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Junction_Points/0004-ntdll-Add-a-test-for-junction-point-advertisement.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Junction_Points/0005-kernel32-ntdll-Add-support-for-deleting-junction-poi.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Junction_Points/0006-kernel32-Advertise-junction-point-support.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Junction_Points/0007-ntdll-tests-Add-test-for-deleting-junction-point-tar.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add support for junction point creation.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add support for reading junction points.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add support for deleting junction points.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add a test for junction point advertisement.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32,ntdll: Add support for deleting junction points with RemoveDirectory.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "kernel32: Advertise junction point support.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll/tests: Add test for deleting junction point target.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-Junction_Points.ok # Patchset ntdll-LZNT1_Compression # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37449] Support for RtlDecompressBuffer # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/rtl.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/rtl.c, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.exe.spec, include/winnt.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-LZNT1_Compression.ok ntdll-LZNT1_Compression.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-LZNT1_Compression/0001-ntdll-Implement-semi-stub-for-RtlGetCompressionWorkS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-LZNT1_Compression/0002-ntdll-Implement-semi-stub-for-RtlCompressBuffer.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-LZNT1_Compression/0003-ntdll-Implement-LZNT1-algorithm-for-RtlDecompressBuf.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-LZNT1_Compression/0004-ntdll-tests-Add-tests-for-Rtl-Decompress-Compress-Bu.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Implement semi-stub for RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Implement semi-stub for RtlCompressBuffer.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Implement LZNT1 algorithm for RtlDecompressBuffer.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll/tests: Add tests for Rtl[Decompress|Compress]Buffer and RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-LZNT1_Compression.ok # Patchset ntdll-NtQuerySection # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37338] Support for NtQuerySection # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/virtual.c, dlls/ntdll/nt.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, include/winternl.h, # | server/mapping.c, server/protocol.def # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-NtQuerySection.ok ntdll-NtQuerySection.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-NtQuerySection/0001-include-Fix-definition-of-SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-NtQuerySection/0002-ntdll-Implement-NtQuerySection.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-NtQuerySection/0003-kernel32-tests-Add-tests-for-NtQuerySection.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "include: Fix definition of SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION and SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "ntdll: Implement NtQuerySection.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "kernel32/tests: Add tests for NtQuerySection.", 2 },'; \ ) > ntdll-NtQuerySection.ok # Patchset ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26268] Add stub for NtSetLdtEntries/ZwSetLdtEntries # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/nt.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, include/ddk/wdm.h, include/winternl.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries.ok ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries/0001-ntdll-add-NtSetLdtEntries-ZwSetLdtEntries-stub-try-2.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Austin English", "ntdll: add NtSetLdtEntries/ZwSetLdtEntries stub.", 2 },'; \ ) > ntdll-NtSetLdtEntries.ok # Patchset ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#28995] Allow special characters in pipe names # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/pipe.c, dlls/ntdll/directory.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters.ok ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters/0001-ntdll-Allow-special-characters-in-pipe-names.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Allow special characters in pipe names.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters.ok # Patchset ntdll-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/tests/rtl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA.ok ntdll-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA/0001-ntdll-tests-Add-tests-for-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll/tests: Add tests for RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA.ok # Patchset ntdll-ThreadTime # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#20230] Return correct values for GetThreadTimes function # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/thread.c, server/protocol.def, server/thread.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-ThreadTime.ok ntdll-ThreadTime.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-ThreadTime/0001-ntdll-Return-correct-values-in-GetThreadTimes-for-al.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Return correct values in GetThreadTimes() for all threads.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-ThreadTime.ok # Patchset ntdll-User_Shared_Data # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/thread.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-User_Shared_Data.ok ntdll-User_Shared_Data.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-User_Shared_Data/0001-ntdll-Move-code-to-update-user-shared-data-into-a-se.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Move code to update user shared data into a separate function.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-User_Shared_Data.ok # Patchset ntdll-WRITECOPY # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29384] Voobly expects correct handling of WRITECOPY memory protection # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/crypt.c, dlls/kernel32/tests/virtual.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/server.c, # | dlls/ntdll/signal_arm.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_arm64.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, dlls/ntdll/signal_powerpc.c, # | dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c, dlls/ntdll/thread.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-WRITECOPY.ok ntdll-WRITECOPY.ok: ws2_32-WriteWatches.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-WRITECOPY/0001-ntdll-Trigger-write-watches-before-passing-userdata-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-WRITECOPY/0002-advapi-Trigger-write-watches-before-passing-userdata.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-WRITECOPY/0003-ntdll-Setup-a-temporary-signal-handler-during-proces.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-WRITECOPY/0004-ntdll-Properly-handle-PAGE_WRITECOPY-protection.-try.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-WRITECOPY/0005-ntdll-Only-enable-true-WRITECOPY-protection-when-a-s.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Trigger write watches before passing userdata pointer to wait_reply.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "advapi: Trigger write watches before passing userdata pointer to read syscall.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Setup a temporary signal handler during process startup to handle page faults.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Properly handle PAGE_WRITECOPY protection.", 5 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntdll: Only enable true WRITECOPY protection when a special environment variable is set.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-WRITECOPY.ok # Patchset ntdll-WinSqm # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#31971] ntdll is missing WinSqm[Start|End]Session implementation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/rtl.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/rtl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntdll-WinSqm.ok ntdll-WinSqm.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntdll-WinSqm/0001-ntdll-Add-stubs-for-WinSqmStartSession-WinSqmEndSess.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ntdll: Add stubs for WinSqmStartSession / WinSqmEndSession.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntdll-WinSqm.ok # Patchset ntoskrnl-Emulator # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#33849] Emulate access to KI_USER_SHARED_DATA kernel page on x86_64 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/instr.c, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntoskrnl-Emulator.ok ntoskrnl-Emulator.ok: ntdll-User_Shared_Data.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,ntoskrnl-Emulator/0001-ntoskrnl-Emulate-mov-Eb-Gb-instruction-on-x86-proces.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntoskrnl-Emulator/0002-ntoskrnl-Emulate-memory-access-to-KI_USER_SHARED_DAT.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ntoskrnl-Emulator/0003-ntoskrnl-Add-TRACEs-for-instruction-emulator-on-x86_.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntoskrnl: Emulate '\''mov Eb, Gb'\'' instruction on x86 processor architecture.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntoskrnl: Emulate memory access to KI_USER_SHARED_DATA on x86_64.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntoskrnl: Add TRACEs for instruction emulator on x86_64 to simplify debugging.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntoskrnl-Emulator.ok # Patchset ntoskrnl-Irp_Status # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30155] Fix issues when driver dispatch routine returns different status codes # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntoskrnl-Irp_Status.ok ntoskrnl-Irp_Status.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntoskrnl-Irp_Status/0001-ntoskrnl-Handle-issues-when-driver-returns-two-diffe.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntoskrnl: Handle issues when driver returns two different status codes from dispatcher.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntoskrnl-Irp_Status.ok # Patchset ntoskrnl-KeSetSystemAffinityThread # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36822] FairplayKD.sys needs KeSetSystemAffinityThread # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.c, dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.exe.spec # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntoskrnl-KeSetSystemAffinityThread.ok ntoskrnl-KeSetSystemAffinityThread.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntoskrnl-KeSetSystemAffinityThread/0001-ntoskrnl-Add-stub-for-KeSetSystemAffinityThread.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "ntoskrnl: Add stub for KeSetSystemAffinityThread.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntoskrnl-KeSetSystemAffinityThread.ok # Patchset ntoskrnl-Stub_FileObject # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37537] Initialize irp.Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject with stub file object # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/ntoskrnl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntoskrnl-Stub_FileObject.ok ntoskrnl-Stub_FileObject.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntoskrnl-Stub_FileObject/0001-ntoskrnl-Initialize-irp.Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObj.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntoskrnl: Initialize irp.Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject with stub file object.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntoskrnl-Stub_FileObject.ok # Patchset ntoskrnl-Write_CR4 # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30220] Emulate write to CR4 register # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/instr.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ntoskrnl-Write_CR4.ok ntoskrnl-Write_CR4.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ntoskrnl-Write_CR4/0001-ntoskrnl.exe-Emulate-write-to-CR4-register.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Stefan Leichter", "ntoskrnl.exe: Emulate write to CR4 register.", 1 },'; \ ) > ntoskrnl-Write_CR4.ok # Patchset nvcuda-CUDA_Support # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/nvcuda/Makefile.in, dlls/nvcuda/internal.c, dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.c, dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.h, # | dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.rc, dlls/nvcuda/nvcuda.spec, dlls/nvcuda/tests/Makefile.in, dlls/nvcuda/tests/nvcuda.c, # | include/Makefile.in, include/cuda.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: nvcuda-CUDA_Support.ok nvcuda-CUDA_Support.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0001-include-Add-cuda.h.h.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0002-nvcuda-Add-stub-dll.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0003-nvcuda-First-implementation.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0004-nvcuda-Add-Unknown5-internal-interface.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,nvcuda-CUDA_Support/0005-nvcuda-Emulate-two-d3d9-initialization-functions.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "include: Add cuda.h.h.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "nvcuda: Add stub dll.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuda: First implementation.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuda: Add Unknown5 internal interface.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "nvcuda: Emulate two d3d9 initialization functions.", 1 },'; \ ) > nvcuda-CUDA_Support.ok # Patchset ole32-CoWaitForMultipleHandles # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ole32/tests/compobj.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ole32-CoWaitForMultipleHandles.ok ole32-CoWaitForMultipleHandles.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ole32-CoWaitForMultipleHandles/0001-ole32-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-CoWaitForMultip.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ole32/tests: Add additional tests for CoWaitForMultipleHandles and WM_QUIT.", 1 },'; \ ) > ole32-CoWaitForMultipleHandles.ok # Patchset quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#23174] Return correct IMediaSeeking stream positions in quartz # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions.ok quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0001-quartz-Include-the-stream-position-in-addition-to-th.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0002-quartz-Implement-MediaSeeking_GetCurrentPosition-on-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0003-quartz-Implement-MediaSeeking_GetStopPosition-on-top.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0004-quartz-Remove-unused-cache-of-MediaSeeking-stop-posi.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Include the stream position in addition to the reference clock offset in the time returned by MediaSeeking_GetPositions.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Implement MediaSeeking_GetCurrentPosition on top of MediaSeeking_GetPositions.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Implement MediaSeeking_GetStopPosition on top of MediaSeeking_GetPositions.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "quartz: Remove unused cache of MediaSeeking stop position.", 1 },'; \ ) > quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions.ok # Patchset riched20-IText_Interface # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#12458] Support for ITextDocument_fnRange function # | * [#18303] Support for ITextRange, ITextFont and ITextPara # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/riched20/richole.c, dlls/riched20/run.c, dlls/riched20/tests/richole.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: riched20-IText_Interface.ok riched20-IText_Interface.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0001-riched20-Implement-IText-Selection-Range-Set-Start-E.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0002-riched20-Stub-for-ITextFont-interface-and-implement-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0003-riched20-Stub-for-ITextPara-interface-and-implement-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0004-riched20-Fix-ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs-when-nCharOfs-strl.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0005-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-GetText.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0006-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-SetRange.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0007-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-IsEqual.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0008-riched20-Implement-ITextRange-GetStoryLength.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0009-riched20-Implement-ITextSelection-GetStoryLength.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0010-riched20-Fix-invalid-memory-access-when-parent-objec.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0011-riched20-Silence-repeated-FIXMEs-triggered-by-Adobe-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,riched20-IText_Interface/0012-riched20-Implement-ITextSelection_fnGetDuplicate.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement IText{Selection, Range}::Set{Start, End}.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Stub for ITextFont interface and implement ITextRange::GetFont and ITextSelection::GetFont.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Stub for ITextPara interface and implement ITextRange::GetPara.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Fix ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs() when nCharOfs > strlen().", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::GetText.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::SetRange.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::IsEqual.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextRange::GetStoryLength.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Jactry Zeng", "riched20: Implement ITextSelection::GetStoryLength.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "riched20: Fix invalid memory access when parent object was destroyed earlier than child object.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "riched20: Silence repeated FIXMEs triggered by Adobe Reader.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "riched20: Implement ITextSelection_fnGetDuplicate.", 1 },'; \ ) > riched20-IText_Interface.ok # Patchset secur32-Schannel_ContextAttr # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37527] Return more context attributes in schan_InitializeSecurityContextW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/secur32/schannel.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: secur32-Schannel_ContextAttr.ok secur32-Schannel_ContextAttr.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,secur32-Schannel_ContextAttr/0001-secur32-Return-more-context-attributes-in-schan_Init.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "secur32: Return more context attributes in schan_InitializeSecurityContextW.", 1 },'; \ ) > secur32-Schannel_ContextAttr.ok # Patchset server-ACL_Compat # | # | Modified files: # | * server/file.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-ACL_Compat.ok server-ACL_Compat.ok: server-Inherited_ACLs.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,server-ACL_Compat/0001-server-Add-compatibility-code-for-handling-the-old-m.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Add compatibility code for handling the old method of storing ACLs.", 6 },'; \ ) > server-ACL_Compat.ok # Patchset server-Address_Change_Notification # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32328] Support for interface change notifications # | # | Modified files: # | * Makefile.in, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, server/event.c, server/named_pipe.c, server/object.h, server/sock.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-Address_Change_Notification.ok server-Address_Change_Notification.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Address_Change_Notification/0001-server-Implement-socket-specific-ioctl-routine.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Address_Change_Notification/0002-server-Add-socket-side-support-for-the-interface-cha.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Address_Change_Notification/0003-server-Add-blocked-support-for-SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHAN.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Address_Change_Notification/0004-server-Implement-the-interface-change-notification-o.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Address_Change_Notification/0005-ws2_32-Add-an-interactive-test-for-interface-change-.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Implement socket-specific ioctl() routine.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Add socket-side support for the interface change notification object.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Add blocked support for SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE ioctl().", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Implement the interface change notification object.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Add an interactive test for interface change notifications.", 1 },'; \ ) > server-Address_Change_Notification.ok # Patchset server-CreateProcess_ACLs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22006] Support for process ACLs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, dlls/kernel32/process.c, server/process.c, server/protocol.def # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-CreateProcess_ACLs.ok server-CreateProcess_ACLs.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0001-server-Support-for-thread-and-process-security-descr.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0002-kernel32-Implement-passing-security-descriptors-from.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0003-advapi32-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-passing-a-th.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Support for thread and process security descriptors in new_process wineserver call.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Implement passing security descriptors from CreateProcess to the wineserver.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Joris van der Wel", "advapi32/tests: Add additional tests for passing a thread sd to CreateProcess.", 1 },'; \ ) > server-CreateProcess_ACLs.ok # Patchset server-Inherited_ACLs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#34406] Support for inherited file ACLs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, include/winnt.h, server/fd.c, server/file.c, server/file.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-Inherited_ACLs.ok server-Inherited_ACLs.ok: server-Stored_ACLs.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Inherited_ACLs/0001-server-Inherit-security-attributes-from-parent-direc.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Inherited_ACLs/0002-server-Inherit-security-attributes-from-parent-direc.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Inherit security attributes from parent directories on creation.", 7 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Inherit security attributes from parent directories on SetSecurityInfo.", 7 },'; \ ) > server-Inherited_ACLs.ok # Patchset server-Misc_ACL # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#15980] GetSecurityInfo returns NULL DACL for process object # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, server/process.c, server/security.h, server/token.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-Misc_ACL.ok server-Misc_ACL.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Misc_ACL/0001-server-Add-default-security-descriptor-ownership-for.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Misc_ACL/0002-server-Add-default-security-descriptor-DACL-for-proc.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Add default security descriptor ownership for processes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Add default security descriptor DACL for processes.", 1 },'; \ ) > server-Misc_ACL.ok # Patchset server-OpenProcess # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37087] Return an error when trying to open a terminated process # | # | Modified files: # | * server/process.c, server/process.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-OpenProcess.ok server-OpenProcess.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,server-OpenProcess/0001-server-Return-error-when-opening-a-terminating-proce.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "server: Return error when opening a terminating process.", 3 },'; \ ) > server-OpenProcess.ok # Patchset server-Stored_ACLs # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#31858] Support for stored file ACLs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, include/wine/port.h, server/change.c, server/file.c, server/file.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-Stored_ACLs.ok server-Stored_ACLs.ok: ntdll-DOS_Attributes.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Stored_ACLs/0001-server-Unify-the-storage-of-security-attributes-for-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Stored_ACLs/0002-server-Unify-the-retrieval-of-security-attributes-fo.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Stored_ACLs/0003-server-Store-file-security-attributes-with-extended-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Stored_ACLs/0004-server-Store-user-and-group-inside-stored-extended-f.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Stored_ACLs/0005-server-Retrieve-file-security-attributes-with-extend.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Stored_ACLs/0006-server-Convert-return-of-file-security-masks-with-ge.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Unify the storage of security attributes for files and directories.", 7 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Unify the retrieval of security attributes for files and directories.", 7 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Store file security attributes with extended file attributes.", 7 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Store user and group inside stored extended file attribute information.", 7 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Retrieve file security attributes with extended file attributes.", 7 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "server: Convert return of file security masks with generic access mappings.", 7 },'; \ ) > server-Stored_ACLs.ok # Patchset server-Unexpected_Wakeup # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/kernel32/tests/sync.c, server/thread.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: server-Unexpected_Wakeup.ok server-Unexpected_Wakeup.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Unexpected_Wakeup/0001-server-Avoid-sending-unexpected-wakeup-with-uninitia.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,server-Unexpected_Wakeup/0002-kernel32-tests-Repeat-test-for-SignalObjectAndWait-m.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "server: Avoid sending unexpected wakeup with uninitialized cookie value.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32/tests: Repeat test for SignalObjectAndWait multiple times to test wineserver wakeup cookie management.", 1 },'; \ ) > server-Unexpected_Wakeup.ok # Patchset setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#20465] Wine ignores IDF_CHECKFIRST flag in SetupPromptForDisk # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/setupapi/dialog.c, dlls/setupapi/tests/Makefile.in, dlls/setupapi/tests/dialog.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk.ok setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk/0001-setupapi-Add-support-for-IDF_CHECKFIRST-flag-in-Setu.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk/0002-setupapi-tests-Add-test-for-IDF_CHECKFIRST-and-Setup.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "setupapi: Add support for IDF_CHECKFIRST flag in SetupPromptForDiskW.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "setupapi/tests: Add test for IDF_CHECKFIRST and SetupPromptForDiskA/W.", 1 },'; \ ) > setupapi-SetupPromptForDisk.ok # Patchset shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shdocvw/shdocvw_main.c, dlls/shdocvw/tests/shdocvw.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests.ok shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests/0001-shdocvw-Check-precisely-ParseURLFromOutsideSourceX-r.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "shdocvw: Check precisely ParseURLFromOutsideSourceX returned values in tests and make code clearer about that.", 3 },'; \ ) > shdocvw-ParseURLFromOutsideSource_Tests.ok # Patchset shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shellpath.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs.ok shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs/0001-shell32-Set-the-default-security-attributes-for-user.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shell32: Set the default security attributes for user shell folders.", 7 },'; \ ) > shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs.ok # Patchset shell32-Default_Path # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30385] Support for KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH in SHGetKnownFolderPath # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shellpath.c, dlls/shell32/tests/shellpath.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shell32-Default_Path.ok shell32-Default_Path.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shell32-Default_Path/0001-shell32-Implement-KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH-flag-for-SHGe.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shell32: Implement KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH flag for SHGetKnownFolderPath.", 1 },'; \ ) > shell32-Default_Path.ok # Patchset shell32-Icons # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#24721] Support for extra large and jumbo icon lists in shell32 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/iconcache.c, dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h, dlls/shell32/shellord.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shell32-Icons.ok shell32-Icons.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shell32-Icons/0001-shell32-Add-support-for-extra-large-and-jumbo-icon-l.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Add support for extra large and jumbo icon lists.", 1 },'; \ ) > shell32-Icons.ok # Patchset shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16 # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#23033] Use manual relay for RunDLL_CallEntry16 in shell32 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/control.c, dlls/shell32/shell32.spec # | .INTERMEDIATE: shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16.ok shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16/0001-shell32-Use-manual-redirection-for-RunDLL_CallEntry1.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Use manual redirection for RunDLL_CallEntry16.", 1 },'; \ ) > shell32-RunDLL_CallEntry16.ok # Patchset shell32-SHCreateSessionKey # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35630] Support for SHCreateSessionKey # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shell32.spec, dlls/shell32/shellreg.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shell32-SHCreateSessionKey.ok shell32-SHCreateSessionKey.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shell32-SHCreateSessionKey/0001-shell32-Implement-SHCreateSessionKey.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "shell32: Implement SHCreateSessionKey.", 1 },'; \ ) > shell32-SHCreateSessionKey.ok # Patchset shell32-SHFileOperation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shell32/shlfileop.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shell32-SHFileOperation.ok shell32-SHFileOperation.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shell32-SHFileOperation/0001-shell32-Choose-return-value-for-SHFileOperationW-dep.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shell32: Choose return value for SHFileOperationW depending on windows version.", 1 },'; \ ) > shell32-SHFileOperation.ok # Patchset shlwapi-PathIsDirectoryEmptyW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#26272] Correctly treat '.' when checking for empty directories # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shlwapi/path.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shlwapi-PathIsDirectoryEmptyW.ok shlwapi-PathIsDirectoryEmptyW.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shlwapi-PathIsDirectoryEmptyW/0001-shlwapi-Correctly-treat-.-when-enumerating-files-in-.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "shlwapi: Correctly treat '\''.'\'' when enumerating files in PathIsDirectoryEmptyW.", 1 },'; \ ) > shlwapi-PathIsDirectoryEmptyW.ok # Patchset shlwapi-UrlCombine # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/shlwapi/tests/url.c, dlls/shlwapi/url.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: shlwapi-UrlCombine.ok shlwapi-UrlCombine.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,shlwapi-UrlCombine/0001-shlwapi-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-UrlCombine-and-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,shlwapi-UrlCombine/0002-shlwapi-UrlCombineW-workaround-for-relative-paths.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shlwapi/tests: Add additional tests for UrlCombine and UrlCanonicalize.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "shlwapi: UrlCombineW workaround for relative paths.", 1 },'; \ ) > shlwapi-UrlCombine.ok # Patchset slc-SLGetWindowsInformation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#36709] Support for SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/reg.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/reg.c, dlls/slc/slc.c, # | dlls/slc/tests/Makefile.in, dlls/slc/tests/slc.c, include/slerror.h, include/winternl.h, loader/wine.inf.in # | .INTERMEDIATE: slc-SLGetWindowsInformation.ok slc-SLGetWindowsInformation.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,slc-SLGetWindowsInformation/0001-slc-tests-Add-tests-for-SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,slc-SLGetWindowsInformation/0002-ntdll-tests-Add-tests-for-NtQueryLicenseKey.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,slc-SLGetWindowsInformation/0003-ntdll-Implement-Nt-Zw-QueryLicenseValue.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,slc-SLGetWindowsInformation/0004-slc-Implement-SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "slc/tests: Add tests for SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll/tests: Add tests for NtQueryLicenseKey.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Implement [Nt|Zw]QueryLicenseValue.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "slc: Implement SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.", 1 },'; \ ) > slc-SLGetWindowsInformation.ok # Patchset urlmon-CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35197] Ignore unsupported flags for CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/urlmon/internet.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: urlmon-CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled.ok urlmon-CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,urlmon-CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled/0001-urlmon-Ignore-unsupported-flags-for-CoInternetSetFea.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Bruno Jesus", "urlmon: Ignore unsupported flags for CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled.", 1 },'; \ ) > urlmon-CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled.ok # Patchset user32-Dialog_Paint_Event # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35652] Send WM_PAINT event during dialog creation # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/dialog.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-Dialog_Paint_Event.ok user32-Dialog_Paint_Event.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-Dialog_Paint_Event/0001-user32-Call-UpdateWindow-during-DIALOG_CreateIndirec.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Call UpdateWindow() during DIALOG_CreateIndirect.", 1 },'; \ ) > user32-Dialog_Paint_Event.ok # Patchset user32-DrawTextExW # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#22109] Fix handling of invert_y in DrawTextExW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/text.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-DrawTextExW.ok user32-DrawTextExW.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-DrawTextExW/0001-user32-Fix-handling-of-invert_y-in-DrawTextExW.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Fix handling of invert_y in DrawTextExW.", 1 },'; \ ) > user32-DrawTextExW.ok # Patchset user32-GetRawInputDeviceList # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37667] Set last error when GetRawInputDeviceList fails # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/input.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-GetRawInputDeviceList.ok user32-GetRawInputDeviceList.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-GetRawInputDeviceList/0001-user32-Set-last-error-when-GetRawInputDeviceList-fai.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Andrew Church", "user32: Set last error when GetRawInputDeviceList fails.", 1 },'; \ ) > user32-GetRawInputDeviceList.ok # Patchset user32-GetSystemMetrics # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#18732] Make it possible to change media center / tablet pc status # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/sysparams.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-GetSystemMetrics.ok user32-GetSystemMetrics.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-GetSystemMetrics/0001-user32-Allow-changing-the-tablet-media-center-status.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "user32: Allow changing the tablet / media center status via wine registry key.", 1 },'; \ ) > user32-GetSystemMetrics.ok # Patchset user32-GetTipText # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30648] Support for TOOLTIPS_GetTipText edge cases # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/comctl32/tooltips.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-GetTipText.ok user32-GetTipText.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-GetTipText/0001-Fix-TOOLTIPS_GetTipText-when-a-resource-cannot-be-fo.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-GetTipText/0002-Fix-TOOLTIPS_GetTipText-when-a-NULL-instance-is-used.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "Fix TOOLTIPS_GetTipText when a resource cannot be found.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "Fix TOOLTIPS_GetTipText when a NULL instance is used.", 1 },'; \ ) > user32-GetTipText.ok # Patchset user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#12007] Fix issues with dragging layers between images in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/message.c, dlls/user32/tests/input.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd.ok user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd/0001-user32-Try-harder-to-find-a-target-for-mouse-message.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "user32: Try harder to find a target for mouse messages.", 1 },'; \ ) > user32-Mouse_Message_Hwnd.ok # Patchset user32-ScrollWindowEx # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37706] Fix return value of ScrollWindowEx for invisible windows # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/painting.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-ScrollWindowEx.ok user32-ScrollWindowEx.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-ScrollWindowEx/0001-user32-Fix-return-value-of-ScrollWindowEx-for-invisi.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Dmitry Timoshkov", "user32: Fix return value of ScrollWindowEx for invisible windows.", 1 },'; \ ) > user32-ScrollWindowEx.ok # Patchset user32-WndProc # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32451] Fix for programs leaking wndproc slots # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user.exe16/message.c, dlls/user32/winproc.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: user32-WndProc.ok user32-WndProc.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,user32-WndProc/0001-user32-Increase-MAX_WINPROCS-to-16384.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "user32: Increase MAX_WINPROCS to 16384.", 2 },'; \ ) > user32-WndProc.ok # Patchset wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#7115] Need for Speed 3 installer requires devices in HKEY_DYN_DATA # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/wineboot/wineboot.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA.ok wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA/0001-wineboot-Add-some-generic-hardware-in-HKEY_DYN_DATA-.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wineboot: Add some generic hardware in HKEY_DYN_DATA\\\\Config Manager\\\\Enum.", 1 },'; \ ) > wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA.ok # Patchset winebuild-LinkerVersion # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#28768] Games For Windows Live 1.x expects a valid linker version in the PE header # | # | Modified files: # | * tools/winebuild/spec32.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winebuild-LinkerVersion.ok winebuild-LinkerVersion.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winebuild-LinkerVersion/0001-winebuild-Set-a-valid-major-and-minor-linker-version.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winebuild: Set a valid major and minor linker version.", 1 },'; \ ) > winebuild-LinkerVersion.ok # Patchset winecfg-Staging # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winecfg/Makefile.in, programs/winecfg/main.c, programs/winecfg/resource.h, programs/winecfg/staging.c, # | programs/winecfg/winecfg.h, programs/winecfg/winecfg.rc # | .INTERMEDIATE: winecfg-Staging.ok winecfg-Staging.ok: ntdll-DllRedirects.ok wined3d-CSMT_Main.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,winecfg-Staging/0001-winecfg-Add-staging-tab-for-CSMT.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winecfg: Add staging tab for CSMT.", 1 },'; \ ) > winecfg-Staging.ok # Patchset wined3d-CSMT_Helper # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/ddraw/surface.c, dlls/wined3d-csmt/Makefile.in, dlls/wined3d-csmt/version.rc, # | dlls/wined3d/resource.c, dlls/wined3d/surface.c, dlls/wined3d/volume.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d.spec, # | dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h, include/wine/wined3d.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: wined3d-CSMT_Helper.ok wined3d-CSMT_Helper.ok: makedep-PARENTSPEC.ok wined3d-DXTn.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Helper/0001-wined3d-Merge-get_pitch-functions.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Helper/0002-wined3d-Add-second-dll-with-STAGING_CSMT-definition-.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Merge get_pitch functions.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Add second dll with STAGING_CSMT definition set.", 1 },'; \ ) > wined3d-CSMT_Helper.ok # Patchset wined3d-CSMT_Main # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#11674] Support for CSMT (command stream) to increase graphic performance # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d8/tests/visual.c, dlls/d3d9/tests/visual.c, dlls/wined3d/arb_program_shader.c, dlls/wined3d/buffer.c, # | dlls/wined3d/context.c, dlls/wined3d/cs.c, dlls/wined3d/device.c, dlls/wined3d/directx.c, dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c, # | dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c, dlls/wined3d/query.c, dlls/wined3d/resource.c, dlls/wined3d/shader.c, dlls/wined3d/state.c, # | dlls/wined3d/stateblock.c, dlls/wined3d/surface.c, dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c, dlls/wined3d/texture.c, # | dlls/wined3d/utils.c, dlls/wined3d/vertexdeclaration.c, dlls/wined3d/view.c, dlls/wined3d/volume.c, # | dlls/wined3d/wined3d_main.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h, dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: wined3d-CSMT_Main.ok wined3d-CSMT_Main.ok: wined3d-CSMT_Helper.ok $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0001-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-surface_load_sysmem.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0002-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-read_from_framebuffer.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0003-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-surface_load_drawable-and-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0004-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-surface_blt_fbo.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0005-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-surface_multisample_resolv.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0006-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-surface_load_texture.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0007-wined3d-Pass-a-context-to-surface_load_location.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0008-wined3d-Make-surface_load_location-return-nothing.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0009-wined3d-Store-volume-locations-in-the-resource.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0010-wined3d-Move-validate_location-to-resource.c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0011-wined3d-Move-surface-locations-into-the-resource.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0012-wined3d-Remove-surface_validate_location.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0013-wined3d-Move-invalidate_location-to-resource.c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0014-wined3d-Invalidate-containers-via-callback.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0015-wined3d-Remove-surface_invalidate_location.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0016-wined3d-Move-bitmap_data-and-user_memory-into-the-re.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0017-wined3d-Move-load_location-into-the-resource.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0018-wined3d-Replace-surface_load_location-with-resource_.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0019-wined3d-Introduce-helper-functions-for-mapping-volum.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0020-wined3d-Move-volume-PBO-infrastructure-into-the-reso.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0021-wined3d-Remove-surface-pbo.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0022-wined3d-Use-resource-buffer-mapping-facilities-in-su.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0023-wined3d-Move-buffer-creation-into-the-resource.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0024-wined3d-Handle-WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED-in-surface.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0025-wined3d-Handle-LOCATION_DISCARDED-in-surface_load_dr.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0026-wined3d-Handle-WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED-for-sysmem.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0027-wined3d-Discard-implicit-surfaces-on-unload.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0028-wined3d-Don-t-try-to-flip-sysmem-copies-in-swapchain.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0029-wined3d-Discard-the-backbuffer-in-discard-presents.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0030-wined3d-Allocate-sysmem-for-client-storage-if-it-doe.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0031-wined3d-Introduce-a-function-to-retrieve-resource-me.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0032-wined3d-Make-surface_ops-unmap-specific-for-front-bu.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0033-wined3d-Move-check_block_align-to-resource.c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0034-wined3d-Replace-surface-alloc-functions-with-resourc.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0035-wined3d-Don-t-delete-the-buffer-in-surface_cleanup.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0036-wined3d-Use-resource-facilities-to-destroy-PBOs.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0037-wined3d-Move-simple-location-copying-to-the-resource.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0038-wined3d-Move-most-of-volume_map-to-resource.c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0039-wined3d-Use-resource_map-for-surface_map.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0040-wined3d-Use-client-storage-with-DIB-sections.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0041-wined3d-Don-t-call-the-public-map-function-in-surfac.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0042-wined3d-Don-t-call-the-public-map-function-in-surfac.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0043-wined3d-Move-the-framebuffer-into-wined3d_state.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0044-wined3d-Get-rid-of-state-access-in-shader_generate_g.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0045-wined3d-Preload-buffers-if-streamsrc-is-not-dirty.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0046-wined3d-Hackily-introduce-a-multithreaded-command-st.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0047-wined3d-Wait-for-resource-updates-to-finish-when-usi.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0048-wined3d-Don-t-store-pointers-in-struct-wined3d_cs_pr.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0049-wined3d-Don-t-put-rectangle-pointers-into-wined3d_cs.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0050-wined3d-Store-the-color-in-clear-ops-instead-of-a-po.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0051-wined3d-Pass-the-state-to-draw_primitive.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0052-wined3d-Wait-for-the-cs-before-destroying-objects.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0053-wined3d-Give-the-cs-its-own-state.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0054-wined3d-Send-float-constant-updates-through-the-comm.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0055-wined3d-Request-a-glFinish-before-modifying-resource.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0056-wined3d-Finish-the-cs-before-changing-the-texture-lo.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0057-wined3d-Don-t-call-glFinish-after-clears.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0058-wined3d-Don-t-call-glFinish-after-draws.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0059-wined3d-Shadow-device-offscreenBuffer-in-the-context.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0060-wined3d-Don-t-access-the-stateblock-in-find_draw_buf.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0061-wined3d-Pass-the-depth-stencil-to-swapchain-present.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0062-wined3d-Don-t-store-viewport-pointers-in-the-command.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0063-wined3d-Keep-track-of-the-onscreen-depth-stencil-in-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0064-wined3d-Send-base-vertex-index-updates-through-the-c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0065-wined3d-Send-primitive-type-updates-through-the-comm.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0066-wined3d-Send-bool-constant-updates-through-the-comma.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0067-wined3d-Send-int-constant-updates-through-the-comman.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0068-wined3d-Send-light-updates-through-the-command-strea.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0069-wined3d-Prevent-the-command-stream-from-running-ahea.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0070-wined3d-Wait-for-the-cs-to-finish-before-destroying-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0071-wined3d-Run-the-cs-asynchronously.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0072-wined3d-Send-blits-through-the-command-stream.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0073-wined3d-Put-update_surface-checks-back-in-place.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0074-wined3d-Get-rid-of-WINED3D_BUFFER_FLUSH.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0075-wined3d-Add-cs-waiting-debug-code.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0076-wined3d-Don-t-force-strict-draw-ordering-for-multith.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0077-wined3d-Send-render-target-view-clears-through-the-c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0078-wined3d-Wait-for-the-CS-in-GetDC.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0079-wined3d-send-resource-maps-through-the-command-strea.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0080-wined3d-Get-rid-of-the-end_scene-flush-and-finish.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0081-wined3d-Replace-the-linked-lists-with-a-ringbuffer.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0082-wined3d-Don-t-preload-buffers-on-unmap.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0083-wined3d-Don-t-call-glFinish-before-swapping.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0084-wined3d-wined3d_-_query_issue-never-fails.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0085-wined3d-Add-query-support-to-the-command-stream.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0086-wined3d-Check-our-CS-state-to-find-out-if-a-query-is.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0087-wined3d-Poll-queries-automatically-in-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0088-wined3d-Introduce-a-separate-queue-for-priority-comm.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0089-wined3d-Destroy-queries-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0090-wined3d-Separate-main-and-worker-thread-query-state.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0091-wined3d-Don-t-poll-queries-that-failed-to-start.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0092-wined3d-Remove-restated-queries-from-the-poll-list.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0093-wined3d-Don-t-reset-the-query-state-if-it-doesn-t-ha.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0094-wined3d-Put-this-into-the-query-poll-patch.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0095-wined3d-Send-update_surface-commands-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0096-wined3d-Send-texture-preloads-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0097-wined3d-Send-surface-preloads-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0098-wined3d-Send-update_texture-calls-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0099-wined3d-Get-rid-of-the-surface_upload_data-glFinish.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0100-wined3d-Don-t-lock-the-src-volume-in-device_update_v.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0101-wined3d-Handle-evit_managed_resources-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0102-wined3d-Send-flips-through-the-command-stream.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0103-wined3d-Introduce-resource-fencing.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0104-wined3d-Fence-update_texture-and-update_surface-call.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0105-wined3d-Dirtify-resources-on-unmap.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0106-wined3d-Fence-texture-reads-in-draws.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0107-wined3d-Fence-render-targets-and-depth-stencils.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0108-wined3d-Fence-blit-operations.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0109-wined3d-Fence-color_fill-operations.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0110-wined3d-Fence-clear-calls.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0111-wined3d-Fence-present-calls.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0112-wined3d-Make-resource-maps-and-unmaps-a-priority-com.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0113-wined3d-Dirtify-changed-textures-through-the-command.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0114-wined3d-Wrap-GL-BOs-in-a-structure.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0115-wined3d-Separate-resource-map-and-draw-buffers.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0116-wined3d-Implement-DISCARD-resource-maps-with-buffers.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0117-wined3d-Implement-DISCARD-resource-maps-with-heap-me.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0118-wined3d-Unset-some-objects-in-state_init_default.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0119-wined3d-Don-t-request-the-frontbuffer-to-create-dumm.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0120-wined3d-Use-double-buffered-buffers-for-multithreade.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0121-wined3d-Don-t-synchronize-NOOVERWRITE-buffer-maps.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0122-wined3d-Separate-buffer-map-write-and-draw-read-memo.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0123-wined3d-Accelerate-DISCARD-buffer-maps.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0124-wined3d-Accelerate-READONLY-buffer-maps.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0125-wined3d-Access-the-buffer-dirty-areas-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0126-wined3d-Ignore-buffer-resource.map_count-in-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0127-wined3d-Send-buffer-preloads-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0128-wined3d-Use-glBufferSubData-instead-of-glMapBufferRa.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0129-wined3d-Separate-GL-buffer-discard-control-from-igno.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0130-wined3d-Create-buffers-before-mapping-them.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0131-wined3d-Destroy-views-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0132-wined3d-Remove-another-glFinish.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0133-wined3d-Destroy-vertex-declarations-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0134-wined3d-Destroy-shaders-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0135-wined3d-Create-VBOs-through-the-command-stream.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0136-wined3d-Clean-up-resource-data-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0137-wined3d-Clean-up-buffer-resource-data-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0138-wined3d-Clean-up-volume-resource-data-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0139-wined3d-Clean-up-surfaces-through-the-cs.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0140-wined3d-Clean-up-texture-resources-through-the-cs.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0141-wined3d-Unload-resources-through-the-CS-in-uninit_3d.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0142-wined3d-Unload-resources-through-the-CS-in-device_re.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0143-wined3d-Don-t-glFinish-after-a-depth-buffer-blit.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0144-wined3d-Remove-software-cursor-support.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0145-wined3d-Create-dummy-textures-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0146-wined3d-Create-the-initial-context-through-the-CS.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0147-wined3d-Recreate-ctx-and-dummy-textures-through-the-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0148-wined3d-Ignore-WINED3D_MAP_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE-in-resour.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0149-wined3d-Delete-GL-contexts-through-the-CS-in-reset.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0150-wined3d-Delete-GL-contexts-through-the-CS-in-uninit_.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0151-wined3d-Invoke-surface_unload-through-the-CS-in-wine.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0152-wined3d-Use-an-event-to-block-the-worker-thread-when.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0153-wined3d-Fence-preload-operations.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0154-d3d8-tests-D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE-on-managed-textur.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0155-d3d9-tests-D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE-on-managed-textur.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0156-wined3d-Completely-reset-the-state-on-reset.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0157-wined3d-Send-getdc-and-releasedc-through-the-command.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0158-wined3d-Set-map_heap_memory-NULL-when-allocating-a-P.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0159-wined3d-Wait-only-for-the-buffer-to-be-idle.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0160-wined3d-Add-a-comment-about-worker-thread-lag.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0161-wined3d-Remove-the-texture-destroy-glFinish.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0162-wined3d-Move-FBO-destruction-into-the-worker-thread.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0163-wined3d-Don-t-incref-decref-textures-in-color-depth-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0164-Winex11-complain-about-glfinish.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0165-wined3d-Make-sure-the-new-window-is-set-up-before-se.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0166-wined3d-Remove-the-device_reset-CS-sync-fixme.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0167-wined3d-Put-GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range-syncing-back.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0168-wined3d-Wait-for-the-resource-to-be-idle-when-destro.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0169-wined3d-Don-t-sync-on-redundant-discard-calls.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0170-wined3d-Don-t-discard-new-buffers.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0171-wined3d-Don-t-try-to-sync-VBOs-manually-on-OSX-with-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0172-wined3d-Render-target-lock-hack.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0173-wined3d-Avoid-calling-wined3d_surface_blt-from-surfa.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0174-wined3d-Fix-some-uninitialized-memory-accesses.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/0175-wined3d-Enable-CSMT-by-default-print-a-winediag-mess.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-CSMT_Main/9999-IfDefined.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to surface_load_sysmem.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to read_from_framebuffer.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to surface_load_drawable and surface_blt_to_drawable.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to surface_blt_fbo.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to surface_multisample_resolve.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to surface_load_texture.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass a context to surface_load_location.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make surface_load_location return nothing.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Store volume locations in the resource.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move validate_location to resource.c.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move surface locations into the resource.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove surface_validate_location.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move invalidate_location to resource.c.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Invalidate containers via callback.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove surface_invalidate_location.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move bitmap_data and user_memory into the resource.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move load_location into the resource.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Replace surface_load_location with resource_load_location.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce helper functions for mapping volumes.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move volume PBO infrastructure into the resource.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove surface->pbo.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use resource buffer mapping facilities in surfaces.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move buffer creation into the resource.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED in surface_load_texture.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle LOCATION_DISCARDED in surface_load_drawable.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle WINED3D_LOCATION_DISCARDED for sysmem loads.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Discard implicit surfaces on unload.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t try to flip sysmem copies in swapchain_present.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Discard the backbuffer in discard presents.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Allocate sysmem for client storage if it doesn'\''t exist already.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce a function to retrieve resource memory.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make surface_ops->unmap specific for front buffers.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move check_block_align to resource.c.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Replace surface alloc functions with resource ones.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t delete the buffer in surface_cleanup.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use resource facilities to destroy PBOs.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move simple location copying to the resource.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move most of volume_map to resource.c.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use resource_map for surface_map.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use client storage with DIB sections.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call the public map function in surface_convert_format.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call the public map function in surface_cpu_blt.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move the framebuffer into wined3d_state.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of state access in shader_generate_glsl_declarations.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Preload buffers if streamsrc is not dirty.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Hackily introduce a multithreaded command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Henri Verbeet", "wined3d: Wait for resource updates to finish when using the multithreaded command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t store pointers in struct wined3d_cs_present.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t put rectangle pointers into wined3d_cs_clear.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Store the color in clear ops instead of a pointer.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass the state to draw_primitive.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the cs before destroying objects.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Give the cs its own state.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send float constant updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Request a glFinish before modifying resources outside the cs.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Finish the cs before changing the texture lod.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call glFinish after clears.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call glFinish after draws.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Shadow device->offscreenBuffer in the context.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t access the stateblock in find_draw_buffers_mask.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Pass the depth stencil to swapchain->present.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t store viewport pointers in the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Keep track of the onscreen depth stencil in the command stream instead of the device.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send base vertex index updates through the cs.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send primitive type updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send bool constant updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send int constant updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send light updates through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Prevent the command stream from running ahead too far.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the cs to finish before destroying the device.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Run the cs asynchronously.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send blits through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Put update_surface checks back in place.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of WINED3D_BUFFER_FLUSH.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Add cs waiting debug code.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t force strict draw ordering for multithreaded CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send render target view clears through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the CS in GetDC.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: send resource maps through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of the end_scene flush and finish.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Replace the linked lists with a ringbuffer.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t preload buffers on unmap.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t call glFinish before swapping.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: wined3d_*_query_issue never fails.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Add query support to the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Check our CS state to find out if a query is done.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Poll queries automatically in the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce a separate queue for priority commands.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy queries through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate main and worker thread query state.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t poll queries that failed to start.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove restated queries from the poll list.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t reset the query state if it doesn'\''t have a ctx.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Put this into the query poll patch.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send update_surface commands through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send texture preloads through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send surface preloads through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send update_texture calls through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Get rid of the surface_upload_data glFinish.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t lock the src volume in device_update_volume.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Handle evit_managed_resources through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send flips through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Introduce resource fencing.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence update_texture and update_surface calls.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Dirtify resources on unmap.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence texture reads in draws.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence render targets and depth stencils.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence blit operations.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence color_fill operations.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence clear calls.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence present calls.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make resource maps and unmaps a priority command.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Dirtify changed textures through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wrap GL BOs in a structure.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate resource map and draw buffers.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Implement DISCARD resource maps with buffers.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Implement DISCARD resource maps with heap memory.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Unset some objects in state_init_default.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t request the frontbuffer to create dummy textures.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use double-buffered buffers for multithreaded CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t synchronize NOOVERWRITE buffer maps.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate buffer map write and draw read memory pointers.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Accelerate DISCARD buffer maps.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Accelerate READONLY buffer maps.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Access the buffer dirty areas through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Ignore buffer->resource.map_count in the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send buffer preloads through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use glBufferSubData instead of glMapBufferRange.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Separate GL buffer discard control from ignoring MAP_DISCARD.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create buffers before mapping them.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy views through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove another glFinish.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy vertex declarations through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Destroy shaders through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create VBOs through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up resource data through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up buffer resource data through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up volume resource data through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up surfaces through the cs.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Clean up texture resources through the cs.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Unload resources through the CS in uninit_3d.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Unload resources through the CS in device_reset.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t glFinish after a depth buffer blit.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove software cursor support.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create dummy textures through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Create the initial context through the CS.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Recreate ctx and dummy textures through the CS after resets.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Ignore WINED3D_MAP_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE in resource_map.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Delete GL contexts through the CS in reset.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Delete GL contexts through the CS in uninit_3d.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Invoke surface_unload through the CS in wined3d_surface_update_desc.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Use an event to block the worker thread when it is idle.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Fence preload operations.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "d3d8/tests: D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE on managed textures is temporarily broken.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "d3d9/tests: D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE on managed textures is temporarily broken.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Completely reset the state on reset.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Send getdc and releasedc through the command stream.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Set map_heap_memory = NULL when allocating a PBO.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait only for the buffer to be idle.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Add a comment about worker thread lag.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove the texture destroy glFinish.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Move FBO destruction into the worker thread.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t incref / decref textures in color / depth fill blits.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "Winex11: complain about glfinish.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Make sure the new window is set up before setting up a context.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Remove the device_reset CS sync fixme.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Put GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range syncing back in place.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Wait for the resource to be idle when destroying user memory surfaces.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t sync on redundant discard calls.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t discard new buffers.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Don'\''t try to sync VBOs manually on OSX with CSMT.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Stefan Dösinger", "wined3d: Render target lock hack.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Matteo Bruni", "wined3d: Avoid calling wined3d_surface_blt() from surface_upload_from_surface().", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Fix some uninitialized memory accesses.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Enable CSMT by default, print a winediag message informing about this patchset.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Wine Staging Team", "Autogenerated #ifdef patch for wined3d-CSMT_Main.", 1 },'; \ ) > wined3d-CSMT_Main.ok # Patchset wined3d-DXTn # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#25486] Lego Stunt Rally requires DXTn software de/encoding support # | * [#29586] Tumblebugs 2 requires DXTn software encoding support # | * [#14939] Black & White needs DXTn software decoding support # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/wined3d/Makefile.in, dlls/wined3d/dxtn.c, dlls/wined3d/surface.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d.spec, # | dlls/wined3d/wined3d_main.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h, include/wine/wined3d.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: wined3d-DXTn.ok wined3d-DXTn.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-DXTn/0001-wined3d-Add-support-for-DXTn-software-decoding-throu.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-DXTn/0002-wined3d-Improve-DXTn-support-and-export-conversion-f.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-DXTn/0003-wined3d-add-DXT1-to-B4G4R4A4-DXT1-to-B5G5R5A1-and-DX.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: Add support for DXTn software decoding through libtxc_dxtn.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Christian Costa", "wined3d: Improve DXTn support and export conversion functions for d3dx9_36.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wined3d: add DXT1 to B4G4R4A4, DXT1 to B5G5R5A1 and DXT3 to B4G4R4A4 conversion.", 1 },'; \ ) > wined3d-DXTn.ok # Patchset wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#35655] Fix wined3d performance drop introduced by pixelformat changes. # | * [#35718] Fix flickering introduced by pixelformat changes. # | * [#35950] Fix black screen on startup introduced by pixelformat changes. # | * [#35975] Fix gray screen on startup introduced by pixelformat changes. # | * [#36900] Fix missing video introduced by pixelformat changes. # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/d3d8/tests/device.c, dlls/d3d9/tests/device.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw1.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw2.c, # | dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw4.c, dlls/ddraw/tests/ddraw7.c, dlls/wined3d/context.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat.ok wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0001-Revert-wined3d-Track-if-a-context-s-private-hdc-has-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0002-Revert-wined3d-Track-if-a-context-s-hdc-is-private-s.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0003-Revert-wined3d-When-restoring-pixel-format-in-contex.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0004-Revert-wined3d-Don-t-call-GetPixelFormat-to-set-a-fl.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0005-Revert-wined3d-Restore-the-pixel-format-of-the-windo.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0006-d3d8-Mark-tests-which-no-longer-pass-due-to-reverts-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0007-d3d9-Mark-tests-which-no-longer-pass-due-to-reverts-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat/0008-ddraw-Mark-tests-which-no-longer-pass-due-to-reverts.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Track if a context'\''s private hdc has had its pixel format set, so we don'\''t need to check it.\".", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Track if a context'\''s hdc is private so we never need to restore its pixel format.\".", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: When restoring pixel format in context_release(), mark the context as needing to be set on the next context_acquire().\".", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Don'\''t call GetPixelFormat() to set a flag that'\''s already set.\".", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "Revert \"wined3d: Restore the pixel format of the window whose pixel format was actually changed.\".", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "d3d8: Mark tests which no longer pass due to reverts as todo_wine.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "d3d9: Mark tests which no longer pass due to reverts as todo_wine.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Ken Thomases", "ddraw: Mark tests which no longer pass due to reverts as todo_wine.", 1 },'; \ ) > wined3d-Revert_PixelFormat.ok # Patchset winedevice-Fix_Relocation # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#28254] Fix crash of winedevice when relocation entry crosses page boundary # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winedevice/device.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winedevice-Fix_Relocation.ok winedevice-Fix_Relocation.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winedevice-Fix_Relocation/0001-winedevice-Avoid-invalid-memory-access-when-relocati.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winedevice: Avoid invalid memory access when relocation block addresses memory outside of the current page.", 1 },'; \ ) > winedevice-Fix_Relocation.ok # Patchset winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path # | # | Modified files: # | * programs/winemenubuilder/Makefile.in, programs/winemenubuilder/winemenubuilder.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path.ok winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path/0001-winemenubuilder-Create-desktop-shortcuts-with-absolu.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winemenubuilder: Create desktop shortcuts with absolute wine path.", 1 },'; \ ) > winemenubuilder-Desktop_Icon_Path.ok # Patchset winepulse-PulseAudio_Support # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#10495] Support for PulseAudio backend for audio # | * [#37042] Implement exclusive mode in PulseAudio backend # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/mmdevapi/main.c, dlls/mmdevapi/tests/render.c, dlls/winepulse.drv/Makefile.in, # | dlls/winepulse.drv/mmdevdrv.c, dlls/winepulse.drv/winepulse.drv.spec, dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winepulse-PulseAudio_Support.ok winepulse-PulseAudio_Support.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0001-winmm-Load-winealsa-if-winepulse-is-found.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0002-winepulse-Add-initial-stub-for-pulseaudio-support.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0003-winepulse-Add-format-and-period-probing.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0004-winepulse-Add-audioclient.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0005-winepulse-Add-IAudioRenderClient-and-IAudioCaptureCl.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0006-winepulse-Add-IAudioClock-and-IAudioClock2.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0007-winepulse-Add-audiostreamvolume.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0008-winepulse-Add-session-support.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0009-fix-fdels-trailing-whitespaces.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0010-winepulse-v12.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0011-winepulse-v15-Add-support-for-missing-formats-and-si.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0012-winepulse-v16-Add-official-warning-wine-doesn-t-want.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0013-winepulse-v17-Fix-winmm-tests.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0014-winepulse-v18-Latency-and-compilation-improvements.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0015-winepulse-API-Compatibility-with-1.5.2-onward-v2.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0016-winepulse-Fix-low-latency-support.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0017-winepulse-drop-realtime-priority-before-thread-destr.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0018-winepulse-remove-bogus-SetEvent-from-pulse_started_c.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0019-winepulse-disable-the-setevent-part-of-the-latency-h.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0020-winepulse-v20-fix-the-checks-in-IsFormatSupported.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0021-winepulse-fixup-IsFormatSupported-calls.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0022-winepulse-v21-return-early-if-padding-didn-t-update.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0023-winepulse-fix-unneeded-free-in-write.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0024-winepulse-v23-fixup-a-invalid-free-in-mmdevapi.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0025-winepulse-use-a-pi-mutex-for-serialization.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0026-winepulse-add-support-for-IMarshal.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0027-winepulse-handle-stream-create-failing-correctly.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0028-winepulse-expose-audio-devices-directly-to-programs.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0029-winepulse-implement-exclusive-mode.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0030-winepulse-fix-segfault-in-pulse_rd_loop.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0031-winepulse-implement-GetPropValue.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0032-winepulse-fetch-actual-program-name-if-possible.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0033-winepulse-return-PKEY_AudioEndpoint_PhysicalSpeakers.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winmm: Load winealsa if winepulse is found.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add initial stub for pulseaudio support.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add format and period probing.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add audioclient.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add IAudioRenderClient and IAudioCaptureClient.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add IAudioClock and IAudioClock2.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add audiostreamvolume.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add session support.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "fix fdels trailing whitespaces.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse.", 12 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add support for missing formats, and silence an error for missing format tags.", 15 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Add official warning wine doesn'\''t want to support winepulse.", 16 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Fix winmm tests.", 17 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Latency and compilation improvements.", 18 },'; \ echo '+ { "Juergen Tretthahn", "winepulse: API Compatibility with 1.5.2 onward.", 2 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: Fix low latency support.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: drop realtime priority before thread destruction.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: remove bogus SetEvent from pulse_started_callback.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: disable the setevent part of the latency hack.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: fix the checks in IsFormatSupported.", 20 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: fixup IsFormatSupported calls.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: return early if padding didn'\''t update.", 21 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: fix unneeded free in write.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: fixup a invalid free in mmdevapi.", 23 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: use a pi-mutex for serialization.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Maarten Lankhorst", "winepulse: add support for IMarshal.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: handle stream create failing correctly.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: expose audio devices directly to programs.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: implement exclusive mode.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: fix segfault in pulse_rd_loop.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: implement GetPropValue.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: fetch actual program name if possible.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Mark Harmstone", "winepulse: return PKEY_AudioEndpoint_PhysicalSpeakers device prop.", 1 },'; \ ) > winepulse-PulseAudio_Support.ok # Patchset winex11-CandidateWindowPos # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#30938] Update a XIM candidate position when cursor location changes # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/user32/caret.c, dlls/user32/driver.c, dlls/user32/user_private.h, dlls/winex11.drv/winex11.drv.spec, # | dlls/winex11.drv/xim.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winex11-CandidateWindowPos.ok winex11-CandidateWindowPos.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winex11-CandidateWindowPos/0001-winex11.drv-Update-a-candidate-window-s-position-wit.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Felix Yan", "winex11.drv: Update a candidate window'\''s position with over-the-spot style.", 2 },'; \ ) > winex11-CandidateWindowPos.ok # Patchset winex11-Clipboard_HTML # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#7372] Support for pasting HTML from Unix applications # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/clipboard.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winex11-Clipboard_HTML.ok winex11-Clipboard_HTML.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winex11-Clipboard_HTML/0001-winex11.drv-Import-X11-s-text-html-as-HTML-Format.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Damjan Jovanovic", "winex11.drv: Import X11'\''s \"text/html\" as \"HTML Format\".", 3 },'; \ ) > winex11-Clipboard_HTML.ok # Patchset winex11-Limited_Resolutions # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/xrandr.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winex11-Limited_Resolutions.ok winex11-Limited_Resolutions.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winex11-Limited_Resolutions/0001-winex11.drv-Update-the-check-for-broken-nVidia-RandR.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "winex11.drv: Update the check for broken nVidia RandR to test for the number of resolutions instead of the number of modes.", 1 },'; \ ) > winex11-Limited_Resolutions.ok # Patchset winex11-Window_Groups # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#32699] Prevent window managers from grouping all wine programs together # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/window.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winex11-Window_Groups.ok winex11-Window_Groups.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winex11-Window_Groups/0001-winex11-Prevent-window-managers-from-grouping-all-wi.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11: Prevent window managers from grouping all wine programs together.", 1 },'; \ ) > winex11-Window_Groups.ok # Patchset winex11-XEMBED # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/event.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winex11-XEMBED.ok winex11-XEMBED.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winex11-XEMBED/0001-winex11-Enable-disable-windows-when-they-are-un-mapped.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "winex11: Enable/disable windows when they are (un)mapped by foreign applications.", 1 },'; \ ) > winex11-XEMBED.ok # Patchset winex11-wglShareLists # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#11436] Do not fail when a used context is passed to wglShareLists # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: winex11-wglShareLists.ok winex11-wglShareLists.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,winex11-wglShareLists/0001-winex11.drv-Only-warn-about-used-contexts-in-wglShar.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "winex11.drv: Only warn about used contexts in wglShareLists.", 1 },'; \ ) > winex11-wglShareLists.ok # Patchset wininet-FtpFindFirstFile # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#16526] Fix handling of subdirectory in FtpFindFirstFile # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wininet/ftp.c, dlls/wininet/tests/ftp.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: wininet-FtpFindFirstFile.ok wininet-FtpFindFirstFile.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,wininet-FtpFindFirstFile/0001-wininet-Fix-handling-of-subdirectory-in-FtpFindFirst.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wininet: Fix handling of subdirectory in FtpFindFirstFile.", 1 },'; \ ) > wininet-FtpFindFirstFile.ok # Patchset wininet-encoding # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#37046] wininet should allow Accept-Encoding header for HTTP/1.0 # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wininet/http.c, dlls/wininet/tests/http.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: wininet-encoding.ok wininet-encoding.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,wininet-encoding/0001-wininet-Allow-Accept-Encoding-for-HTTP-1.0-requests.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Michael Müller", "wininet: Allow Accept-Encoding for HTTP/1.0 requests.", 1 },'; \ ) > wininet-encoding.ok # Patchset wpcap-Dynamic_Linking # | # | Modified files: # | * configure.ac, dlls/wpcap/Makefile.in, dlls/wpcap/wpcap.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: wpcap-Dynamic_Linking.ok wpcap-Dynamic_Linking.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,wpcap-Dynamic_Linking/0001-wpcap-Load-libpcap-dynamically.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "André Hentschel", "wpcap: Load libpcap dynamically.", 1 },'; \ ) > wpcap-Dynamic_Linking.ok # Patchset ws2_32-Connect_Time # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, server/protocol.def, server/sock.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ws2_32-Connect_Time.ok ws2_32-Connect_Time.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-Connect_Time/0001-ws2_32-Implement-returning-the-proper-time-with-SO_C.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ws2_32: Implement returning the proper time with SO_CONNECT_TIME.", 1 },'; \ ) > ws2_32-Connect_Time.ok # Patchset ws2_32-TransmitFile # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#5048] Support for TransmitFile # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, include/winsock.h, server/protocol.def, server/sock.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ws2_32-TransmitFile.ok ws2_32-TransmitFile.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-TransmitFile/0001-ws2_32-Add-stub-for-TransmitFile.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-TransmitFile/0002-ws2_32-Check-for-invalid-parameters-in-TransmitFile.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-TransmitFile/0003-ws2_32-Implement-a-basic-synchronous-TransmitFile.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-TransmitFile/0004-ws2_32-Add-asynchronous-support-for-TransmitFile.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-TransmitFile/0005-ws2_32-Add-support-for-TF_DISCONNECT-and-TF_REUSE_SO.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Add stub for TransmitFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Check for invalid parameters in TransmitFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Implement a basic synchronous TransmitFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Add asynchronous support for TransmitFile.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Erich E. Hoover", "ws2_32: Add support for TF_DISCONNECT and TF_REUSE_SOCKET to TransmitFile.", 1 },'; \ ) > ws2_32-TransmitFile.ok # Patchset ws2_32-WriteWatches # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h, dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, dlls/ntdll/virtual.c, dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, # | include/winternl.h # | .INTERMEDIATE: ws2_32-WriteWatches.ok ws2_32-WriteWatches.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-WriteWatches/0001-ntdll-Handle-write-watches-in-virtual_uninterrupted_.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-WriteWatches/0002-ntdll-Expose-wine_uninterrupted_-read-write-_memory-.patch) $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-WriteWatches/0003-ws2_32-Avoid-race-conditions-of-async-WSARecv-operat.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Handle write watches in virtual_uninterrupted_write_memory.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ntdll: Expose wine_uninterrupted_[read|write]_memory as exports.", 1 },'; \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "ws2_32: Avoid race-conditions of async WSARecv() operations with write watches.", 2 },'; \ ) > ws2_32-WriteWatches.ok # Patchset ws2_32-getaddrinfo # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29609] Try harder to get the host name address in getaddrinfo() # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: ws2_32-getaddrinfo.ok ws2_32-getaddrinfo.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,ws2_32-getaddrinfo/0001-ws2_32-Try-harder-to-get-the-host-name-address-in-ge.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Bruno Jesus", "ws2_32: Try harder to get the host name address in getaddrinfo().", 1 },'; \ ) > ws2_32-getaddrinfo.ok # Patchset wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses # | # | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs: # | * [#29903] Support for WTSEnumerateProcessesW # | # | Modified files: # | * dlls/wtsapi32/tests/wtsapi.c, dlls/wtsapi32/wtsapi32.c # | .INTERMEDIATE: wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses.ok wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses.ok: $(call APPLY_FILE,wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses/0001-wtsapi32-Partial-implementation-of-WTSEnumerateProce.patch) @( \ echo '+ { "Sebastian Lackner", "wtsapi32: Partial implementation of WTSEnumerateProcessesW.", 1 },'; \ ) > wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses.ok