# This file is automatically generated, DO NOT EDIT!

PATCH := $(CURDIR)/../debian/tools/gitapply.sh -d $(DESTDIR)

PATCHLIST :=	Miscellaneous.ok \
		Pipelight.ok \
		atl-IOCS_Property.ok \
		fonts-Missing_Fonts.ok \
		iphlpapi-TCP_Table.ok \
		kernel32-GetVolumePathName.ok \
		kernel32-Named_Pipe.ok \
		loader-Cmdline_Diagnostics.ok \
		ntdll-Dynamic_DST.ok \
		ntdll-FD_Cache.ok \
		ntdll-Junction_Points.ok \
		quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions.ok \
		server-ACL_Compat.ok \
		server-Address_Change_Notification.ok \
		server-CreateProcess_ACLs.ok \
		server-Inherited_ACLs.ok \
		server-Misc_ACL.ok \
		server-Stored_ACLs.ok \
		shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs.ok \
		shell32-SHCreateSessionKey.ok \
		shlwapi-UrlCombine.ok \
		strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions.ok \
		wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA.ok \
		winepulse-PulseAudio_Support.ok \
		winex11-XEMBED.ok \
		ws2_32-TransmitFile.ok \

.PHONY: install
	@$(MAKE) apply; \
	status=$$?;     \
	rm -f *.ok;     \
	exit $$status

.PHONY: apply
apply: $(PATCHLIST)
	cat *.ok | sort | $(CURDIR)/../debian/tools/patchlist.sh | $(PATCH)
	cd $(DESTDIR) && autoreconf -f
	cd $(DESTDIR) && ./tools/make_requests

.PHONY: clean
	rm -f *.ok


# Patchset Miscellaneous
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	kernel32: Silence repeated CompareStringEx FIXME. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |   *	wined3d: Silence repeated resource_check_usage FIXME. [rev 2, by Erich E. Hoover]
# |   *	wined3d: Silence repeated wined3d_swapchain_present FIXME. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/kernel32/locale.c, dlls/wined3d/resource.c, dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < Miscellaneous/0001-wined3d-Silence-repeated-resource_check_usage-FIXME.patch
	$(PATCH) < Miscellaneous/0002-kernel32-Silence-repeated-CompareStringEx-FIXME.patch
	$(PATCH) < Miscellaneous/0003-wined3d-Silence-repeated-wined3d_swapchain_present-F.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "Miscellaneous", "Sebastian Lackner", "kernel32: Silence repeated CompareStringEx FIXME." },'; \
		echo '+    { "Miscellaneous", "Erich E. Hoover", "wined3d: Silence repeated resource_check_usage FIXME. [rev 2]" },'; \
		echo '+    { "Miscellaneous", "Sebastian Lackner", "wined3d: Silence repeated wined3d_swapchain_present FIXME." },'; \
	) > Miscellaneous.ok

# Patchset Pipelight
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Decrease minimum SetTimer interval to 5 ms. [rev 2, by Michael Müller]
# |   *	Allow changing strict draw ordering through an exported function. [by Michael Müller]
# |   *	Indicate direct rendering through OpenGL extension. [by Michael Müller]
# |   *	Implement X11DRV_FLUSH_GDI_DISPLAY ExtEscape command. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/user32/message.c, dlls/wined3d/wined3d.spec, dlls/wined3d/wined3d_main.c, dlls/winex11.drv/init.c,
# | 	dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c, dlls/winex11.drv/x11drv.h
# |
	$(PATCH) < Pipelight/0001-winex11-Implement-X11DRV_FLUSH_GDI_DISPLAY-ExtEscape-c.patch
	$(PATCH) < Pipelight/0002-user32-Decrease-minimum-SetTimer-interval-to-5-ms.patch
	$(PATCH) < Pipelight/0003-wined3d-allow-changing-strict-drawing-through-an-exp.patch
	$(PATCH) < Pipelight/0004-winex11.drv-Indicate-direct-rendering-through-OpenGL.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "Pipelight", "Michael Müller", "Decrease minimum SetTimer interval to 5 ms. [rev 2]" },'; \
		echo '+    { "Pipelight", "Michael Müller", "Allow changing strict draw ordering through an exported function." },'; \
		echo '+    { "Pipelight", "Michael Müller", "Indicate direct rendering through OpenGL extension." },'; \
		echo '+    { "Pipelight", "Sebastian Lackner", "Implement X11DRV_FLUSH_GDI_DISPLAY ExtEscape command." },'; \
	) > Pipelight.ok

# Patchset atl-IOCS_Property
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Store IOCS data in a property instead of GWLP_USERDATA. [by Qian Hong]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#21767] JLC's Internet TV crashes on startup
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/atl/atl_ax.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < atl-IOCS_Property/0001-atl-Don-t-use-GWLP_USERDATA-to-store-IOCS-to-avoid-c.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "atl-IOCS_Property", "Qian Hong", "Store IOCS data in a property instead of GWLP_USERDATA." },'; \
	) > atl-IOCS_Property.ok

# Patchset fonts-Missing_Fonts
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Implement missing fonts expected by Silverlight. [rev 2, by Torsten Kurbad / Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#32323] Netflix (Silverlight 4.x) and several .NET Framework 3.x/4.0 WPF apps require either Arial or Verdana to be
# | 	installed
# |   *	[#13829] Wine does not have CJK fonts
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	fonts/Makefile.in, fonts/arial.sfd, fonts/arial.ttf, fonts/msyh.sfd, fonts/msyh.ttf
# |
	$(PATCH) < fonts-Missing_Fonts/0001-fonts-Add-Liberation-Sans-as-an-Arial-replacement.patch
	$(PATCH) < fonts-Missing_Fonts/0002-fonts-Add-WenQuanYi-Micro-Hei-as-a-Microsoft-Yahei-r.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "fonts-Missing_Fonts", "Torsten Kurbad / Erich E. Hoover", "Implement missing fonts expected by Silverlight. [rev 2]" },'; \
	) > fonts-Missing_Fonts.ok

# Patchset iphlpapi-TCP_Table
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Implement AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack. [by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#34372] Add missing function AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack() to iphlpapi.dll
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/iphlpapi/iphlpapi.spec, dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c, dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.h
# |
	$(PATCH) < iphlpapi-TCP_Table/0001-iphlpapi-Implement-AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "iphlpapi-TCP_Table", "Erich E. Hoover", "Implement AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack." },'; \
	) > iphlpapi-TCP_Table.ok

# Patchset kernel32-GetVolumePathName
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Implement GetVolumePathName. [by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/kernel32/tests/volume.c, dlls/kernel32/volume.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < kernel32-GetVolumePathName/0001-kernel32-Implement-GetVolumePathName.patch
	$(PATCH) < kernel32-GetVolumePathName/0002-kernel32-Convert-GetVolumePathName-tests-into-a-list.patch
	$(PATCH) < kernel32-GetVolumePathName/0003-kernel32-Add-a-bunch-more-GetVolumePathName-tests.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "kernel32-GetVolumePathName", "Erich E. Hoover", "Implement GetVolumePathName." },'; \
	) > kernel32-GetVolumePathName.ok

# Patchset kernel32-Named_Pipe
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Support for NamedPipe operations. [rev 2, by Sebastian Lackner / Dan Kegel]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#16550] ConnectNamedPort should never return OK in overlapped mode (affects chromium ui_tests.exe)
# |   *	[#17273] Many apps and games need SetNamedPipeHandleState implementation (support for named pipe message
# | 	mode)(FireFox+Flash, Win8/NET 4.x SDK/vcrun2012, WiX installers)
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/kernel32/sync.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < kernel32-Named_Pipe/0001-kernel32-Change-return-value-of-stub-SetNamedPipeHandl.patch
	$(PATCH) < kernel32-Named_Pipe/0002-kernel32-ConnectNamedPort-should-return-FALSE-and-se.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "kernel32-Named_Pipe", "Sebastian Lackner / Dan Kegel", "Support for NamedPipe operations. [rev 2]" },'; \
	) > kernel32-Named_Pipe.ok

# Patchset loader-Cmdline_Diagnostics
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Add commandline option --patches to show the patch list. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |   *	Add commandline option --check-libs to test if shared libraries are installed. [by Michael Müller]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/ntdll/misc.c, dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec, include/wine/library.h, libs/wine/config.c, libs/wine/loader.c,
# | 	libs/wine/wine.def, libs/wine/wine.map, loader/main.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < loader-Cmdline_Diagnostics/0001-loader-Add-commandline-option-patches-to-show-the-pa.patch
	$(PATCH) < loader-Cmdline_Diagnostics/0002-loader-Add-commandline-option-check-libs.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "loader-Cmdline_Diagnostics", "Sebastian Lackner", "Add commandline option --patches to show the patch list." },'; \
		echo '+    { "loader-Cmdline_Diagnostics", "Michael Müller", "Add commandline option --check-libs to test if shared libraries are installed." },'; \
	) > loader-Cmdline_Diagnostics.ok

# Patchset ntdll-Dynamic_DST
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Add support for Dynamic DST (daylight saving time) information in registry. [by Michael Müller]
# |   *	Add Dynamic DST exceptions for Israel Standard Time. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#36374] Israel timezone handled incorrectly
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/ntdll/time.c, loader/wine.inf.in
# |
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Dynamic_DST/0001-ntdll-Add-support-for-Dynamic-DST-daylight-saving-ti.patch
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Dynamic_DST/0002-wine.inf-Add-Dynamic-DST-exceptions-for-Israel-Stand.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "ntdll-Dynamic_DST", "Michael Müller", "Add support for Dynamic DST (daylight saving time) information in registry." },'; \
		echo '+    { "ntdll-Dynamic_DST", "Sebastian Lackner", "Add Dynamic DST exceptions for Israel Standard Time." },'; \
	) > ntdll-Dynamic_DST.ok

# Patchset ntdll-FD_Cache
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Use lockfree implementation for get_cached_fd. [rev 4, by Sebastian Lackner]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/ntdll/server.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-FD_Cache/0001-ntdll-Use-lockfree-implementation-for-get_cached_fd.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "ntdll-FD_Cache", "Sebastian Lackner", "Use lockfree implementation for get_cached_fd. [rev 4]" },'; \
	) > ntdll-FD_Cache.ok

# Patchset ntdll-Junction_Points
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Support for junction points/reparse points. [by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#12401] Support junction points, i.e. DeviceIoCtl(FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT/FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT)
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/kernel32/path.c, dlls/kernel32/volume.c, dlls/ntdll/file.c, dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c, include/ntifs.h
# |
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Junction_Points/0001-ntdll-Add-support-for-junction-point-creation.patch
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Junction_Points/0002-ntdll-Add-support-for-reading-junction-points.patch
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Junction_Points/0003-ntdll-Add-support-for-deleting-junction-points.patch
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Junction_Points/0004-ntdll-Advertise-that-a-file-is-a-junction-point.patch
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Junction_Points/0005-kernel32-ntdll-Add-support-for-deleting-junction-poi.patch
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Junction_Points/0006-kernel32-Advertise-junction-point-support.patch
	$(PATCH) < ntdll-Junction_Points/0007-ntdll-tests-Add-test-for-deleting-junction-point-tar.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "ntdll-Junction_Points", "Erich E. Hoover", "Support for junction points/reparse points." },'; \
	) > ntdll-Junction_Points.ok

# Patchset quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Return correct IMediaSeeking stream positions in quartz. [by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#23174] Fallout 3: Diologue and Video/sound issues
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0001-quartz-Include-the-stream-position-in-addition-to-th.patch
	$(PATCH) < quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0002-quartz-Implement-MediaSeeking_GetCurrentPosition-on-.patch
	$(PATCH) < quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0003-quartz-Implement-MediaSeeking_GetStopPosition-on-top.patch
	$(PATCH) < quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions/0004-quartz-Remove-unused-cache-of-MediaSeeking-stop-posi.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions", "Erich E. Hoover", "Return correct IMediaSeeking stream positions in quartz." },'; \
	) > quartz-MediaSeeking_Positions.ok

# Patchset server-ACL_Compat
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Compatibility patch for old method of storing extended file system attributes. [rev 6, by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	server/file.c
# |
server-ACL_Compat.ok: server-Inherited_ACLs.ok
	$(PATCH) < server-ACL_Compat/0010-server-Add-compatibility-code-for-handling-the-old-m.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "server-ACL_Compat", "Erich E. Hoover", "Compatibility patch for old method of storing extended file system attributes. [rev 6]" },'; \
	) > server-ACL_Compat.ok

# Patchset server-Address_Change_Notification
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Implement SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE. [rev 2, by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#32328] Many .NET and Silverlight applications require SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE for interface change notifications
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, server/event.c, server/named_pipe.c, server/object.h, server/sock.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < server-Address_Change_Notification/0001-server-Implement-socket-specific-ioctl-routine.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Address_Change_Notification/0002-server-Add-socket-side-support-for-the-interface-cha.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Address_Change_Notification/0003-server-Add-blocked-support-for-SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHAN.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Address_Change_Notification/0004-server-Implement-the-interface-change-notification-o.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Address_Change_Notification/0005-ws2_32-Add-an-interactive-test-for-interface-change-.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "server-Address_Change_Notification", "Erich E. Hoover", "Implement SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE. [rev 2]" },'; \
	) > server-Address_Change_Notification.ok

# Patchset server-CreateProcess_ACLs
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Implement passing ACLs to CreateProcess. [by Joris van der Wel]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#22006] OpenProcess does not enforce ACL
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, dlls/kernel32/process.c, server/object.c, server/object.h, server/process.c,
# | 	server/protocol.def
# |
	$(PATCH) < server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0001-server-A-new-function-set_sd_defaults_from_token-try.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0002-server-Support-sending-process-and-thread-security-d.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0003-server-implement-passing-a-process-security-descript.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-CreateProcess_ACLs/0004-server-implement-passing-a-thread-security-descripto.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "server-CreateProcess_ACLs", "Joris van der Wel", "Implement passing ACLs to CreateProcess." },'; \
	) > server-CreateProcess_ACLs.ok

# Patchset server-Inherited_ACLs
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Add support for inherited security attributes. [rev 6, by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#34406] Finale Notepad 2012 doesn't copy/create user files on program start
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, include/winnt.h, server/change.c, server/fd.c, server/file.c, server/file.h
# |
server-Inherited_ACLs.ok: server-Stored_ACLs.ok
	$(PATCH) < server-Inherited_ACLs/0001-server-Inherit-security-attributes-from-parent-direc.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Inherited_ACLs/0002-server-Inherit-security-attributes-from-parent-direc.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "server-Inherited_ACLs", "Erich E. Hoover", "Add support for inherited security attributes. [rev 6]" },'; \
	) > server-Inherited_ACLs.ok

# Patchset server-Misc_ACL
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Add default security descriptor ownership and DACLs for processes. [by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#15980] Rhapsody 2 crashes on startup (GetSecurityInfo returns NULL DACL for process object)
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, server/process.c, server/security.h, server/token.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < server-Misc_ACL/0001-server-Add-default-security-descriptor-ownership-for.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Misc_ACL/0002-server-Add-default-security-descriptor-DACL-for-proc.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "server-Misc_ACL", "Erich E. Hoover", "Add default security descriptor ownership and DACLs for processes." },'; \
	) > server-Misc_ACL.ok

# Patchset server-Stored_ACLs
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Store and return security attributes with extended file attributes. [rev 6, by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#31858] Netflix on Firefox fails with Internet Connection Problem when loading bar is at 99%
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	configure.ac, dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c, server/change.c, server/file.c, server/file.h
# |
	$(PATCH) < server-Stored_ACLs/0001-server-Unify-the-storage-of-security-attributes-for-.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Stored_ACLs/0002-server-Unify-the-retrieval-of-security-attributes-fo.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Stored_ACLs/0003-server-Store-file-security-attributes-with-extended-.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Stored_ACLs/0004-server-Store-user-and-group-inside-stored-extended-f.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Stored_ACLs/0005-server-Retrieve-file-security-attributes-with-extend.patch
	$(PATCH) < server-Stored_ACLs/0006-server-Convert-return-of-file-security-masks-with-ge.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "server-Stored_ACLs", "Erich E. Hoover", "Store and return security attributes with extended file attributes. [rev 6]" },'; \
	) > server-Stored_ACLs.ok

# Patchset shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Generate default ACLs for user shell folders. [rev 6, by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/shell32/shellpath.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs/0001-shell32-Set-the-default-security-attributes-for-user.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs", "Erich E. Hoover", "Generate default ACLs for user shell folders. [rev 6]" },'; \
	) > shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs.ok

# Patchset shell32-SHCreateSessionKey
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	shell32: Implement SHCreateSessionKey. [by Dmitry Timoshkov]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#35630] SHCreateSessionKey is unimplemented
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/shell32/shell32.spec, dlls/shell32/shellreg.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < shell32-SHCreateSessionKey/0001-shell32-Implement-SHCreateSessionKey.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "shell32-SHCreateSessionKey", "Dmitry Timoshkov", "shell32: Implement SHCreateSessionKey." },'; \
	) > shell32-SHCreateSessionKey.ok

# Patchset shlwapi-UrlCombine
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Workaround for broken implementation of shlwapi url functions. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/shlwapi/tests/url.c, dlls/shlwapi/url.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < shlwapi-UrlCombine/0001-shlwapi-tests-Add-additional-tests-for-UrlCombine-and-.patch
	$(PATCH) < shlwapi-UrlCombine/0002-shlwapi-UrlCombineW-workaround-for-relative-paths.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "shlwapi-UrlCombine", "Sebastian Lackner", "Workaround for broken implementation of shlwapi url functions." },'; \
	) > shlwapi-UrlCombine.ok

# Patchset strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Fix possible race conditions in strmbase/quartz. [by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#31566] Fallout 3: regression causes block at critical section when radio is enabled
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/quartz/dsoundrender.c, dlls/quartz/videorenderer.c, dlls/strmbase/renderer.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions/0001-strmbase-Fix-race-condition-on-InputPin_BeginFlush-b.patch
	$(PATCH) < strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions/0002-strmbase-Fix-race-condition-on-InputPin_EndFlush-bet.patch
	$(PATCH) < strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions/0003-strmbase-Fix-race-condition-on-InputPin_EndOfStream-.patch
	$(PATCH) < strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions/0004-quartz-Fix-race-condition-on-EndOfStream-between-csR.patch
	$(PATCH) < strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions/0005-quartz-Fix-race-condition-on-EndFlush-between-csRend.patch
	$(PATCH) < strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions/0006-quartz-Fix-race-condition-between-EndOfStream-and-Pa.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions", "Erich E. Hoover", "Fix possible race conditions in strmbase/quartz." },'; \
	) > strmbase-Lock_Race_Conditions.ok

# Patchset wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Add some generic hardware in HKEY_DYN_DATA\Config Manager\Enum. [by Michael Müller]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#7115] Need for Speed III installer fails in Win9X mode, reporting "Could not get 'HardWareKey' value" (active PnP
# | 	device keys in 'HKEY_DYN_DATA\\Config Manager\\Enum' missing)
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	programs/wineboot/wineboot.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA/0001-wineboot-Add-some-generic-hardware-in-HKEY_DYN_DATA-.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA", "Michael Müller", "Add some generic hardware in HKEY_DYN_DATA\\\\Config Manager\\\\Enum." },'; \
	) > wineboot-HKEY_DYN_DATA.ok

# Patchset winepulse-PulseAudio_Support
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Winepulse patches extracted from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-
# | 	wine/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+files/wine1.7_1.7.22-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz. [rev 4, by Maarten Lankhorst]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	configure.ac, dlls/mmdevapi/main.c, dlls/mmdevapi/tests/render.c, dlls/winepulse.drv/Makefile.in,
# | 	dlls/winepulse.drv/mmdevdrv.c, dlls/winepulse.drv/winepulse.drv.spec, dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0001-winmm-Load-winealsa-if-winepulse-is-found.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0002-winepulse-Add-initial-stub-for-pulseaudio-support.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0003-winepulse-Add-format-and-period-probing.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0004-winepulse-Add-audioclient.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0005-winepulse-Add-IAudioRenderClient-and-IAudioCaptureCl.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0006-winepulse-Add-IAudioClock-and-IAudioClock2.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0007-winepulse-Add-audiostreamvolume.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0008-winepulse-Add-session-support.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0009-fix-fdels-trailing-whitespaces.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0010-winepulse-v12.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0011-winepulse-v15-Add-support-for-missing-formats-and-si.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0012-winepulse-v16-Add-official-warning-wine-doesn-t-want.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0013-winepulse-v17-Fix-winmm-tests.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0014-winepulse-v18-Latency-and-compilation-improvements.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0015-winepulse-API-Compatibility-with-1.5.2-onward-v2.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0016-winepulse-Fix-low-latency-support.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0017-winepulse-drop-realtime-priority-before-thread-destr.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0018-winepulse-remove-bogus-SetEvent-from-pulse_started_c.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0019-winepulse-disable-the-setevent-part-of-the-latency-h.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0020-winepulse-v20-fix-the-checks-in-IsFormatSupported.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0021-winepulse-fixup-IsFormatSupported-calls.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0022-winepulse-v21-return-early-if-padding-didn-t-update.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0023-winepulse-fix-unneeded-free-in-write.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0024-winepulse-v23-fixup-a-invalid-free-in-mmdevapi.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0025-winepulse-use-a-pi-mutex-for-serialization.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0026-winepulse-add-support-for-IMarshal.patch
	$(PATCH) < winepulse-PulseAudio_Support/0027-winepulse-handle-stream-create-failing-correctly.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "winepulse-PulseAudio_Support", "Maarten Lankhorst", "Winepulse patches extracted from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+files/wine1.7_1.7.22-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz. [rev 4]" },'; \
	) > winepulse-PulseAudio_Support.ok

# Patchset winex11-XEMBED
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Enable/disable windows when they are (un)mapped by foreign applications. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |   *	Update gl_drawable for embedded windows. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/winex11.drv/event.c, dlls/winex11.drv/window.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < winex11-XEMBED/0001-winex11-Update-gl_drawable-for-embedded-windows.patch
	$(PATCH) < winex11-XEMBED/0002-winex11-Enable-disable-windows-when-they-are-un-mapped.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "winex11-XEMBED", "Sebastian Lackner", "Enable/disable windows when they are (un)mapped by foreign applications." },'; \
		echo '+    { "winex11-XEMBED", "Sebastian Lackner", "Update gl_drawable for embedded windows." },'; \
	) > winex11-XEMBED.ok

# Patchset ws2_32-TransmitFile
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Implement TransmitFile. [by Erich E. Hoover]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#5048] Multiple applications and games need support for ws2_32 SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER TransmitFile
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/ws2_32/socket.c, dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c, include/winsock.h, server/protocol.def, server/sock.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < ws2_32-TransmitFile/0001-ws2_32-Add-stub-for-TransmitFile.patch
	$(PATCH) < ws2_32-TransmitFile/0002-ws2_32-Check-for-invalid-parameters-in-TransmitFile.patch
	$(PATCH) < ws2_32-TransmitFile/0003-ws2_32-Implement-a-basic-synchronous-TransmitFile.patch
	$(PATCH) < ws2_32-TransmitFile/0004-ws2_32-Add-asynchronous-support-for-TransmitFile.patch
	$(PATCH) < ws2_32-TransmitFile/0005-ws2_32-Add-support-for-TF_DISCONNECT-and-TF_REUSE_SO.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "ws2_32-TransmitFile", "Erich E. Hoover", "Implement TransmitFile." },'; \
	) > ws2_32-TransmitFile.ok

# Patchset wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses
# |
# | Included patches:
# |   *	Partial implementation of WTSEnumerateProcessesW. [by Sebastian Lackner]
# |
# | This patchset fixes the following Wine bugs:
# |   *	[#29903] Some Microsoft debuggers fail to enumerate processes due to wtsapi32.WTSEnumerateProcessesW() being a stub
# | 	(Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, DbgCLR from .NET 2.0 SDK)
# |
# | Modified files: 
# |   *	dlls/wtsapi32/tests/wtsapi.c, dlls/wtsapi32/wtsapi32.c
# |
	$(PATCH) < wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses/0001-wtsapi32-Partial-implementation-of-WTSEnumerateProce.patch
	@( \
		echo '+    { "wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses", "Sebastian Lackner", "Partial implementation of WTSEnumerateProcessesW." },'; \
	) > wtsapi32-EnumerateProcesses.ok