wine-staging (1.8~rc1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * Removed patch to allow dinput EnumDevices callback with broken calling convention (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix required privileges for load_registry and unload_registry wineserver call (accepted upstream). * Added patch to improve detection of symbol charset for old truetype fonts. -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 15 Nov 2015 21:20:51 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.55) unstable; urgency=low * Added patch to revert "Prepare GL resources before calling context_apply_fbo_state". * Added patch to implement support for "Purist Mode" (override for all dlls). * Added patch for partial implementation of ITfThreadMgrEx_ActivateEx. * Added patch for stub of hid.HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes. * Added patch to properly handle multiple registry notifications per key. * Added patch for stub of kernel32.FreeUserPhysicalPages. * Added patch for stubs of advapi32.RegCreateKeyTransacted[A/W]. * Added patch to fix required privileges for load_registry and unload_registry wineserver call. * Added patch to make sure CompareString immediately aborts on first non- matching character. * Added patch to implement marshalling for TKIND_COCLASS. * Added patch to implement stubless proxies on x86_64. * Added patch to allow dinput EnumDevices callback with broken calling convention. * Added patch to allow to set default display frequency in registry (fixes Wine Staging Bug #609). * Remove disabled shell32-Quoted_ShellExecute patchset (bug already fixed and all tests pass). * Remove disabled reg-Cleanup patchset (only cleanup and not actively maintained). * Remove disabled ntdll-FD_Cache patchset (only for PowerPC, no longer necessary because Wine uses inline cmpxchg64 now when compiling with gcc). * Removed patch to implement kernel32.GetConsoleFontSize (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to zero out returned stats when IEnumSTATSTG::Next reaches end of enumeration (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for SfcGetNextProtectedFile stub function (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for SetConsoleKeyShortcuts stub function (accepted upstream). * Removed various PulseAudio driver patches (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to protect TVM_GETITEM from invalid item pointers (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to ensure that X11 input events handled even without explicit message loop (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to fix multiple issues in widl typelib generator (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix handling of opening read-only files for FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix cursor clip regression / broken raw input in multiple games (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for ntoskrnl.ProbeForRead stub (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 15 Nov 2015 18:40:25 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.54) unstable; urgency=low * Updated server-FileEndOfFileInformation patchset, growing a memory mapped file should still work. * Added patch to use wrapper function for consolidation callback during unwinding. * Added patch to implement stub for ProcessQuotaLimits info class. * Added patch to release capture before sending WM_COMMAND. * Added patch to block interruption of system APC in server_select. * Added patch to implement FileNamesInformation class support for NtQueryDirectoryFile. * Added patch for implementation of additional HSTRING functions. * Added patches for memory allocation cleanup in gdiplus functions. * Added patch to implement hal.KeQueryPerformanceCounter. * Added patch to fix build failure (introduced by makefile rewrite). * Added patch to pass '-read_only_relocs suppress' to the linker on OSX and enable patchset to use Nt* function wrappers. * Added patch to use close_handle instead of NtClose for internal memory management functions. * Added patch to improve INetFwAuthorizedApplication::get_ProcessImageFileName stub. * Added patch for SetCoalescableTimer stub function. * Added patch for SfcGetNextProtectedFile stub function. * Added patch to zero out returned stats when IEnumSTATSTG::Next reaches end of enumeration. * Added patch to fix multiple issues in widl typelib generation. * Added patch for SetConsoleKeyShortcuts stub function. * Added patch to implement kernel32.GetConsoleFontSize. * Added patch to implement SystemHandleInformation info class. * Removed patch to implement kernel32.GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for ws2_32 TransmitFile (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix NULL dereference in ICSeqCompressFrameStart (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to return default palette entries from GetSystemPaletteEntries for non-palette-based devices (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to use wrapper function for consolidate callback during unwinding on x86_64 (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to release capture before sending WM_COMMAND (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid check for signaled object after user APC in server_select (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement combase.WindowsSubstring function (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix build failure (identical patch committed upstream). * Removed patch for vcruntime120 dll (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 01 Nov 2015 00:14:59 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.53) unstable; urgency=low * Added patch to implement support for msiexec /passive command line option. * Added patch to implement stub for DSPROPSETID_EAX20_ListenerProperties. * Added patch to show windows version when collecting system info in winedbg. * Added patch to implement DSPROPSETID_EAX20_ListenerProperties stub. * Added patch to implement DSPROPSETID_EAX20_BufferProperties stub. * Added patch to fix handling of wait interrupted by User APC. * Added patch to use wrapper functions for syscalls to appease Chromium sandbox (32-bit Linux only). * Added patch to fix the initialization of combined DACLs when the new DACL is empty. * Added patch to implement comctl32.PROPSHEET_InsertPage. * Added patch to return WN_NOT_CONNECTED from WNetGetUniversalName REMOTE_NAME_INFO_LEVEL stub. * Added patch to always use 64-bit registry view on WOW64 setups. * Added patch to implement kernel32.GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory. * Added patch to delay signaling threads until they are really gone (fixes Wine Staging Bug #473). * Removed patch to mark RegOpenKeyExA, RegCloseKey and RegQueryValueExA as hotpatchable (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to mark BitBlt and StretchDIBits as hotpatchable (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to mark WritePrivateProfileStringA as hotpatchable (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement ws2_32.InetPtonW function (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to pass cookie by reference to msvcrt_local_unwind4 in _seh_longjmp_unwind4 (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement LoadIconMetric (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to correctly parse double quotes in msi token values (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to ignore width/height passed to edit control in WM_SIZE message (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to silence repeated wbemprox "timeout not supported" fixme (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to add support for /passive command line option to msiexec (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to return a dummy BIOS name in Win32_BIOS (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement empty enumerator for IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to translate flags in LaunchINFSectionW (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to return success when trying to disable proxy, although no proxy is set (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for ws2_32 TransmitFile (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Mon, 19 Oct 2015 06:08:07 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.52) unstable; urgency=low * Added patch to return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST when trying to call NtReadFile on directory. * Added patch to ignore higher bits in selector for ThreadDescriptorTableEntry info query. * Added patch to ensure codepage conversion fails when destination length is smaller than zero. * Added patches for msidb commandline utility (to read and write *.msi files). * Added patch to implement semi-stub for d3d8 swapchain effect D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC. * Added patch to reduce stack usage of virtual memory functions. * Added patch to fix calculation of listbox size when horizontal scrollbar is present. * Added patch to ignore width/height passed to edit control in WM_SIZE message. * Added patch to refresh MDI menus when DefMDIChildProc(WM_SETTEXT) is called. * Added patch to protect TVM_GETITEM from invalid item pointers. * Added patch to avoid using GdipAlloc and GdipFree in internal gdiplus functions. * Added patch to implement additional stub functions in authz.dll. * Added patch to avoid waiting for hook thread startup in IDirectInput8::Initialize. * Added patch to pass cookie by reference to msvcrt_local_unwind4 in _seh_longjmp_unwind4. * Added patch to mark RegOpenKeyExA, RegCloseKey and RegQueryValueExA as hotpatchable. * Added patch to mark BitBlt and StretchDIBits as hotpatchable. * Added patch to mark WritePrivateProfileStringA as hotpatchable. * Added patch to make ddraw1 and ddraw_surface1 vtable as writable. * Added patch for implementation of mfplat.MFTEnum. * Added patch to implement ws2_32.InetPtonA/W functions. * Added patch to fix random crashes of Cygwin/MSYS2 for some compilers. * Added patch to correctly parse double quotes in the msi token values. * Removed patch to fix possible memory leak in netprofm init_networks (fixed upstream). * Removed patch for stub of dwmapi.DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties (accepted upstream). * Removed patch free RPC parameters allocated by application before anything else (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to try harder to get the host name address in getaddrinfo (accepted upstream). * Rempved patch to use proper glyph names in wineps driver (accepted upstream). * Removed patches with stubs for d3dx10_43.D3DX10CreateEffectFromFileA/W (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to ignore higher bits in selector for ThreadDescriptorTableEntry info query (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid deprecation warning for OpenCL 1.2 APIs (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to forward exitcode from child process in wineconsole (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix failure to create anonymous file mapping after failed open_fd server call (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement semi-stub for d3d8 swapchain effect D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC (identical patch accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement {Set,Get}ThreadGroupAffinity and related ntdll functions (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID in wine_nt_to_unix_file_name for paths that only contain a prefix (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement support for non-blocking SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE requests (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 03 Oct 2015 22:15:47 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.51) unstable; urgency=low * Update patchset for CSMT (commandstream multithreading), to keep in sync with upstream repository. * Added patch to fix bug in wineserver debug_children inheritance (fixes Wine Staging Bug #525). * Added patch to fix access violation in MSYS2 git when when cloning repository (fixes Wine Staging Bug #348). * Added patch to return a dummy BIOS name in Win32_BIOS record (fixes Wine Staging Bug #528). * Added patch to fix compile failure in d3d11 with recent versions of gcc. * Added patch to map EXDEV error code to STATUS_NOT_SAME_DEVICE (fixes Wine Staging Bug #536). * Added patch to fix failure to create anonymous file mapping after failed open_fd server call (fixes Wine Staging Bug #538). * Added patch to fix error handling in DeferWindowPos when passing an invalid HWND. * Added patch to allow non-nullterminated string as working directory in kernel32.create_startup_info (fixes Wine Staging Bug #543). * Added patch with stub for winspool.SetPrinterW level 8. * Added patch to translate flags in LaunchINFSectionW. * Added patch to fix SHFileOperation with FO_MOVE on Vista+ (should create non-existent subdirectories). * Added patch to silence repeated crypt32.CryptUnprotectMemory FIXMEs. * Added patch to fallback to default comspec when %COMSPEC% is not set (fixes Wine Staging Bug #449). * Added patch to create Microsoft\Windows\Themes directory during Wineprefix creation. * Added patch to avoid deprecation warning for OpenCL 1.2 APIs. * Added patch to implement FolderImpl_Items and stubbed FolderItems interface. * Added patch for stub of dwmapi.DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties. * Added patch to use proper glyph names in wineps driver (which fixes a bug related to copying text from generated PDF files). * Added patch to properly close sockets when WSACleanup is called. * Added patch to implement {Set,Get}ThreadGroupAffinity and related ntdll functions. * Added patch to properly render themed buttons when they are pressed. * Added patch to fix possible memory leak in netprofm init_networks. * Added patch to properly initialize caps->dwZBufferBitDepths in ddraw7_GetCaps. * Added patch to for IHTMLLocation::hash property's getter implementation. * Removed patch to fix bug in wineserver debug_children inheritance (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to use helper function for NtWaitForMultipleObjects and NtWaitForSingleObject (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix test failure in kernel32/thread tests (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to use request->server->name when processing cookies (identical patch accepted upstream). * Removed patch to set Host header in HttpSendRequest instead of HttpOpenRequest (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to make sure Notepad creates new files immediately (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for stub dlls required by the MSVC 2015 runtime library (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Mon, 07 Sep 2015 02:29:55 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.50) unstable; urgency=low * Updated GTK3 patchset to fix "division by zero" exception errors (fixes Wine Staging Bug #523). * Add patch to implement remaining OpenMP locking functions. * Added various patches for imagehlp cleanup (fixes Wine Staging Bug #502). * Added patch to fix implementation of ntdll.MapViewOfSection. * Added patch to implement enumeration of sound devices and basic properties to dxdiagn. * Added patch to implement special handling for calling GetChildContainer with an empty string. * Added patch for shell32 IDragSourceHelper stub interface. * Added patch to improve startup performance by delaying font initialization (fixes Wine Staging Bug #401). * Added patch to set SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER only when there are really subfolders. * Added patch to fix multiple uninitialized memory issues in wineserver. * Added patch to implement shell32 NewMenu class with new folder item. * Added patch to report correct ObjectName for NamedPipe wineserver objects (fixes Wine Staging Bug #363). * Added patch fix detection of case-insensitive systems in MSYS2. * Added patch to fix implementation of krnl386.exe16.GetTempDrive. * Added patch for forward/backward compatibility of previous format of high precision registry timestamps. * Added patch to use a helper function for NtWaitForMultipleObjects and NtWaitForSingleObject. * Added patch to block deallocation of thread stack for current thread (fixes Wine Staging Bug #241). * Added patch to reject setting EOF on memory mapped files (fixes Wine Staging Bug #471). * Added patch to fix implementation of msvcrt.close when stdout == stderr (fixes Wine Staging Bug #485). * Added patch to return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID in wine_nt_to_unix_file_name for paths that only contain a prefix. * Added patch to make sure Notepad creates new files immediately. * Added patch to return a valid mesh in D3DXCreateTeapot. * Removed patch to move security cookie initialization from memory management to loader (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for stub of D3DCompileFromFile and D3DCompile2 (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix multiple uninitialized memory issues in wineserver. * Removed patch fix implementation of ntdll.NtMapViewOfSection (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to implement additional vcomp functions (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to store registry timestamps with nanoseconds precision (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to ensure winhttp raw request headers are terminated with double \r\n (accepted upstream). * Removed compatibility patchset for deprecated ACL string format. The format was changed in version 1.7.25, released about one year ago. * Removed patches for FileDispositionInformation and FileRenameInformation (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 23 Aug 2015 02:10:01 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.49) unstable; urgency=low * Added patch to improve stubs for dxgi MakeWindowAssociation and GetWindowAssociation. * Added patch for stub dlls required by the MSVC 2015 runtime library. * Added patch with stubs for additional wininet options in InternetSetOption (fixes Wine Staging Bug #443). * Added patch to implement stub for vcomp._vcomp_flush. * Added patch to fix leak and use-after-free in winecfg theming implementation. * Added patch to move cookie initialization code from memory management to loader. * Added patch to fake success in IViewObject::Draw stub. * Added patch to fix possible integer overflow in VarR4FromDec. * Added patch to make sure Winhttp raw request headers are terminated using double \r\n. * Added patch for native GTK3 theming support by Ivan Akulinchev. * Removed patch to avoid race-conditions with long running threadpool tasks (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to add support for ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress info class (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix security cookie handling for UPX compressed executables (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to force creation of MachineGuid registry key during creation of Wineprefix (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to add stub for D3DXComputeNormals (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to add stub for D3DXTessellateNPatches (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to improve stub for NtQueryInformationJobObject (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid OpenCL deprecation warnings (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for implementation of dbghelp.UnDecorateSymbolNameW (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for dynamic work scheduling in vcomp.dll (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to send WM_DROPFILES only when OLE dnd fails (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 09 Aug 2015 22:03:07 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.48) unstable; urgency=low * Update patches for d3dx9_36.D3DXGetShader{Input,Output}Semantics and add additional tests. * Update patchset to query GPU infos with GLX_MESA_query_renderer extension (fixes a regression with broken MESA versions). * Update vcomp patchset and add implementation for various atomic functions. * Updated CSMT patchset to fix crash in Path of Exile after character selection (fixes Wine Staging Bug #451). * Added patch to forward exitcode from child process when in wineconsole. * Added patch to check architecture before trying to load libraries. * Added patch to share source of d3dx9_36 with d3dx9_33 to avoid Wine DLL forwards. * Added patch with stubs for d3dx10_43.D3DX10CreateEffectFromFileA/W. * Added patch to silence repeated LocaleNameToLCID/LCIDToLocaleName unsupported flags FIXMEs. * Added patches to improve security cookie handling. * Added patches to implement ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress info class. * Added patch to fake success in kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes. * Added patch to export additional OpenAL32 functions. * Added patch to return dummy ID3DXSkinInfo interface when skinning info not present. * Added patch to store registry timestamps with nanoseconds precision. * Added patch to implement AMStream GetMultiMediaStream functions. * Added patch with stub for D3DXTessellateNPatches. * Added patch with stubs for D3DCompile2 and D3DCompileFromFile. * Added patch to implement dbghelp.UnDecorateSymbolNameW. * Added patch to add wined3d detection of GeForce GT 425M. * Added patch to use video memory for rendering targets if possible. * Added patch to avoid race-conditions with long running threadpool tasks. * Removed patch to allow to enable/disable InsertMode in wineconsole settings (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to improve IoGetDeviceObjectPointer stub to appease SecuROM 5.x (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to forward GIF encoder requests to Windowscodecs (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to ignore garbage after decoding gif lines (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to increase buffer size in widl/typegen.c (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to revert security cookie changes in loader (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to add support 8bpp grayscale TIFF images with 8bpp alpha channel (accepted upstream). * Partrially removed patches for vcomp implementation (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Wed, 29 Jul 2015 21:11:07 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.47) unstable; urgency=low * Added patch to silence repeated winhttp "no support on this platform" message. * Added patch to silence repeated wbemprox "timeout not supported" fixme. * Added patch to increase buffer size in widl/typegen.c to avoid buffer overflow. * Revert security cookie patch causing regression in multiple applications. * Added patch to use GLX_MESA_query_renderer extension to get more exact GPU infos. * Added initial set of patches for multithreaded vcomp implementation. * Added patch to avoid dereferencing NULL pointer for fonts without VDMX. * Removed patch to implement kernel32.GetNumaProcessorNode (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to initialize *end with NULL on failure in msvcrt.strtod (accepted upstream). * Removed patchset for new Threadpool implementation (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for RtlDecompressBuffer implementation (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 12 Jul 2015 04:12:43 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.46) unstable; urgency=low * Add reference to upstream bug report for various patchsets. * Added patch to improve IoGetDeviceObjectPointer stub to appease SecuROM 5.x. * Added patch to globally invalidate key state on changes in other threads. * Added patch to fix possible use-after-free in wineserver device IPR code. * Added patch to fix wineserver crash when pipe server object is destroyed before client (fixes Wine Staging Bug #393). * Added patches to improve crosscompiling Wine for other platforms. * Added patch to improve output of '--check-libs' on OSX. * Added patch to implement general tab for file property dialog. * Added patch to initialize *lpcDevices in RasEnumDevicesA. * Improved nvcuda-CUDA_Support patchset to search for dylib on OSX. * Improved wined3d-DXTn patchset to search for dylib on OSX. * Updated kernel32-GetVolumePathName to fix several test failures. * Updated ntoskrnl-Emulator patchset to implement emulation of MOVZX instruction on x86_64. * Updated patchset ntdll-WRITECOPY to be compatible with OSX (fixes Wine Staging Bug #399). * Disable patch to avoid crash when NULL pointer is passed to atof / strtod functions (fixed upstream). * Removed patch for implementation of GdipCreateRegionRgnData (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix output buffer size for IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE requests (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to add stub for kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to use random names when caching very long urls in wininet (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix link notification conditions for riched20 (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to emulate access to USER_SHARE_DATA on x86_64 (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix possible use-after-free in wineserver device IPR code (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to implement GetVolumePathName (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for advapi32.GetWindowsAccountDomainSid (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for stub implementation of fltlib.FilterLoad (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for AT_ROUND_TO_PAGE support in NtMapViewOfSection (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix linking against libunwind on Linux (fixed upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 28 Jun 2015 18:20:36 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.45) unstable; urgency=low * Add reference to upstream bug report for various patchsets. * Updated server-Key_State patchset to fix a test failure in comctl32/listview. * Updated shell32-Icons patchset to fix a test failure in comctl32/imagelist. * Updated shlwapi-AssocGetPerceivedType patchset to fix error checking for RegGetValueW. * Updated patch to fix opening clipboard from multiple threads (partially fixed upstream). * Updated patchset for ObjectTypeInformation and fix typename for various additional wineserver object types. * Added patches for FileRenameInformation support (fixes Wine Staging Bug #296). * Added additional tests for behaviour of opening readonly files. * Added patch to fix opening a readonly file with FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES access (fixes Wine Staging Bug #298). * Added patch to silence test failures in ntdll/directory tests. * Added patches for support of FileLinkInformation (fixes Wine Staging Bug #297). * Added patch to restore original error code in rpcrt4 when ReadFile fails with ERROR_MORE_DATA. * Added patch to set NamedPipeState to FILE_PIPE_CLOSING_STATE on broken pipe in NtQueryInformationFile. * Added patch to allow setting pixel format for desktop window. * Added patch to set a proper caption for shell32 Run dialog (by Jared Smudde). * Added patch to support AT_ROUND_TO_PAGE flag in NtMapViewOfSection (fixes Wine Staging Bug 347). * Added patches to fix error code for ReadFile/WriteFile on closed pipe (fixes Wine Staging Bug #348). * Added patch to initialize System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation registry keys. * Added patch to implement default homepage button in inetcpl.cpl. * Added patch to fix link notification conditions for riched20. * Added patch to fix endless loop in regedit when importing files with very long lines. * Added patch to improve stubs for NtQueryEaFile. * Added patch for semi-stub of FileFsVolumeInformation information class. * Added patch to use NVX_GPU_MEMORY_INFO extension for more exact video memory accounting on NVIDIA graphic cards. * Added patch to fix handling of periodic advice timers causing high CPU usage. * Added patch to forward GIF encoder requests to windowscodecs. * Added patch to ensure console InsertMode changes take effect immediately. * Added patch to send WM_DROPFILES only when OLE dnd fails. * Added patch with stub for winscard.SCardListReadersA/W. * Added patch to implement fallback to system ping command when CAP_NET_RAW is not available. * Added patch to properly check existence of libunwind before linking against it. * Added patch to implement advapi32.GetWindowsAccountDomainSid. * Removed patch to handle '\r' as whitespace in wbemprox queries (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to make sure OpenClipboard with current owner doesn't fail (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to add IEnumString stub interface for ACLShellSource (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to fix NULL pointer dereference in get_frame_by_name (identical patch accepted upstream). * Removed patch to output winedbg system information also to the terminal (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix handling of periodic advice timers causing high CPU usage (accepted upstream). * Removed revert path to fix broken rendering in various games (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to set a valid linker version in winebuild (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix wrong return value in directmusic (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement support for GetSystemTimes (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement file disposition class in SetFileInformationByHandle (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to make additional ddraw functions hotpatchable (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 14 Jun 2015 00:38:15 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.44) unstable; urgency=low * Added patch to handle '\r' as whitespace in wbemprox queries. * Added patch with stubbed ISWbemSecurity interfaces in wbemdisp. * Added patch with shell32 placeholder icons to match offsets with Windows. * Added patch to assign a drive serial number during prefix creation/update. * Added patch for support of ws2_32.dll.WSAPoll. * Added patch to allow to enable/disable InsertMode in wineconsole settings. * Added patch for stub of iphlpapi.ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid. * Added patch to use random names when caching very long urls (fixes Wine Staging Bug #266). * Added patch to fix crash in Gothic 1/2 with builtin directmusic caused by wrong return value. * Added patch to return fake device type when systemroot is located on virtual disk (improves compatibility when wineprefix is on tmpfs). * Added patch to fix NULL pointer dereference in get_frame_by_name. * Added patch to fix handling of opening a file with RootDirectory pointing to a file handle. * Added patch to output winedbg system information also to the terminal, not only to dialog. * Added patch to allow hiding wine version information from applications. * Added patch to fix scaling behaviour of images and mipmap levels in IDirect3DTexture2_Load. * Added patchset to fix various upstream issues detected by Coverity. * Added patch to avoid using unixfs for devices without mountpoint. * Revert upstream patch which causes broken rendering in various games. * Removed patch to reset device state in SysKeyboard*Impl_Acquire (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid creating thread queues for foreign threads in attach_thread_input (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix access violation when calling GetStringTypeW with NULL src (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to return correct device type for CD devices without medium (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix memory leak in wininet cookie handling (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to allocate fake hWnd for wineconsole curses backend (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to dirtify vertex shader on transformed update (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid appending duplicate NULL characters when importing keys with regedit (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement kernel32.GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime (accepted upstream). * Removed various patches containing tests (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for advapi32.ImpersonateAnonymousToken (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for Win32_SystemEnclosure support (accepted upstream). * Removed patch with tests for CoWaitForMultipleHandles and WM_QUIT (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for AtlIPersistPropertyBag_Save stub (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to set last error when GetRawInputDeviceList fails (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for \Device\Null driver (fixed upstream with alternative solution). * Removed patches for semi-stub of GetFileVersionInfo[Size]ExA/W (fixed upstream). * Partially removed patches for ITextFont/ITextPara implementation (fixed upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 31 May 2015 04:43:28 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.43) unstable; urgency=low * Disable patchset shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs (fixes Wine Staging Bug #265). * Updated patch to calculate msvcrt exponential math operations with higher precision (fixes Wine Staging Bug #268). * Updated patchset for CopyFileEx improvements, fix testfailures in kernel32/file and add additional tests. * Updated patch to emulate \Device\Null using /dev/null, use a proper device driver. * Added patch to wait before reusing recently freed memory (fixes Wine Staging Bug #269 and #199). * Added patch to improve ReadDataAvailable handling in FilePipeLocalInformation class. * Added patch with tests for shlwapi.AssocGetPerceivedType. * Added patch with stub for atl80.AtlIPersistPropertyBag_Save. * Added patch to return default palette entries from GetSystemPaletteEntries for non-palette-based devices. * Added patch with stub for winsta.WinStationEnumerateW. * Added patch to implement support for ObjectTypeInformation class support in NtQueryObject. * Added patch to fix error handling in OpenSCManagerW (fixes testfailure in advapi32/service tests when named pipe messagemode is available). * Added patch to fix leak of async handle in pipe_server_flush. * Added patch to dirtify vertex shader on transformed update, fixes graphical corruption. * Added patch to use POSIX implementation to enumerate directory content on FreeBSD. * Added patch for stub of fltlib.FilterLoad. * Added patch to implement shlwapi.AssocGetPerceivedType. * Added patch to avoid creating foreign thread queues for attach_thread_input requests. * Added patch with IEnumString stub interface for ACLShellSource. * Added patch to create stub files for system32/drivers/etc/{services,hosts,networks,protocol}. * Added patch to allocate fake hWnd for wineconsole curses backend. * Added patch to implement kernel32.GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime. * Added patch with tests for imagehlp.{ImageLoad,ImageUnload,GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes}. * Added patch to fix memory leak in wininet.HTTP_InsertCookies. * Added patches for additional tests of wininet cookie/header/authentication handling, in preparation of various cleanup patches. * Added patch to add HTTP Host header in HttpSendRequest instead of HttpOpenRequest. * Added various additional fixes for wininet header handling. * Added patch to free RPC parameters allocated by application before anything else. * Added patch with stub for kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes (for Steam in Win7 mode). * Added patch to skip unknown item when decoding a CMS certificate. * Removed patch to use lockfree implementation for FD cache (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to properly handle closing sockets during a select call (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to fix behaviour of VirtualProtect / NtProtectVirtualMemory (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 16 May 2015 22:57:29 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.42) unstable; urgency=low * Added patch with stub for advapi32.ImpersonateAnonymousToken (fixes Wine Staging Bug #254). * Added patch to implement FileFsFullSizeInformation information class. * Added patch to update timezone information in wine.inf. * Added patch to fix check for texture levels in wined3d_device_update_texture. * Added patch to ignore garbage after decoding gif lines. * Added patch to fix various issues related to advapi32.LookupAccountSidA. * Added patch with stub for d3d11.D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain. * Added patch with stub for D3DXFrameFind. * Added patch to return failure in NtProtectVirtualMemory when last argument is omitted. * Added patch to emulate \Device\Null using /dev/null. * Added patch to make sure OpenClipboard with current owner doesn't fail. * Added patch to create HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid registry key. * Removed patch to avoid crash when trying to bind mshtml event scripts to window (fixed upstream). * Removed patch for stub of ntdll.WinSqmIsOptedIn (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to fix issues with invalid console handles for new processes (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to fix timezone information (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to recognize localhost as local machine in wbemprox (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches to fix handling of opening read-only files for FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 03 May 2015 22:01:51 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.41) unstable; urgency=low * Updated server-PeekMessage patchset to reset message filter in accept_hardware_message call (fixes Wine Staging Bug #211). * Updated ntdll-FileDispositionInformation patchset to block deleting mapped files (by Qian Hong, fixes Wine Staging Bug #228). * Various improvements to the ACL patchsets. * Disable DXVA2 controls in winecfg when support is not compiled in. * Added patch to enable/disable EAX support via winecfg. * Added patch with stub for setupapi.SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW. * Added first part of patchset containing various improvements for LsaLookupSids. * Added patch to calculate msvcrt exponential math operations with higher precision. * Added patch to fix regression caused by blacklisting supported OpenGL extensions. * Added patch to reset device state in SysKeyboard*Impl_Acquire. * Added patch to properly handle closing sockets during a select call. * Added patch for support of process specific debug channels. * Added patch to recognize localhost as local machine in wbemprox. * Added patch to implement support for wbemprox Win32_SystemEnclosure table. * Added patch to fix handling of opening read-only files for FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE. * Added patch for implementation of mfplat.MFTRegister. * Added patch for stub of ntdll.WinSqmIsOptedIn. * Added patch for ProfileList\ registry subkey. * Added patch to avoid crash when trying to bind mshtml event scripts to window. * Added tests for RtlIpv6AddressToString and RtlIpv6AddressToStringEx. * Removed patches to fix invalid memory access in get_registry_locale_info (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to avoid repeated FIXMEs in PsLookupProcessByProcessId stub (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to return more context attributes in schan_InitializeSecurityContextW (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to allow NULL pointer as keystate in ToUnicodeEx (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to avoid returning an error in WS_select when EINTR happens during timeout (accepted upstream). * Partially remove advapi32-Revert_DACL patches. * Removed additional patches for job object support (accepted upstream). * Removed patchset to invalidate the key state cache after calling LL hooks (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for PowerRequest stub functions (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix compatibility with gnutls28 (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to increase wineconsole commandline buffer size (fixed upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 19 Apr 2015 01:16:43 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.40) unstable; urgency=low * Update dsound fast mixer patchset to use integer math. * Various improvements to Debian packaging files, pull request #310. * Added patch with stubs for Power[Set|Clear]Request. * Added patch to avoid spam of FIXME messages for PsLookupProcessByProcessId stub. * Added patch to implement empty enumerator for IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo. * Added patch to fix handling of ANSI NTLM credentials. * Added patch to fix compatibility of Uplay with gnutls28. * Added patches for Environmental Audio Extensions (EAX), pull request #311 from Mark Harmstone. * Added patch to fix return value of WS_select in case of EINTR during timeout. * Added patch to fix calculation of 3D sound source. * Added patch for stub of fltmgr.sys (filter manager driver). * Added patch to return correct device type for cd devices without medium. * Added patch to fix device paths in HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices. * Added patch to show unmounted devices in winecfg and allow changing the unix path. * Added patch for support of 8bpp grayscale TIFF images with 8bpp alpha channel (replaces previous stub). * Added patch to implement support for linux priority levels (by Joakim Hernberg, various modifications by Sebastian Lackner). * Added patch to implement mscoree._CorValidateImage for mono runtime. * Added patch to implement proper handling of CLI .NET images in Wine library loader. * Added patch to stub ntoskrnl.PsRemoveLoadImageNotifyRoutine * Added patch to fix invalid memory access in get_registry_locale_info. * Added patch to allow to open files/directories without any access rights in order to query attributes. * Added patch to implement DDENUMSURFACES_CANBECREATED in IDirectDraw7::EnumSurfaces and fix some bugs. * Added patch to ignore unsupported job object restrictions. * Added patch to allow NULL pointer as keystate argument in ToUnicodeEx. * Added patch with stub for setupapi.SetupDiSelectBestCompatDrv. * Removed patch to fix regression causing black screen on startup (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix edge cases in TOOLTIPS_GetTipText (fixed upstream). * Removed patch for IConnectionPoint/INetworkListManagerEvents stub interface (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix race-condition when closing browseui IProcessDialog (accepted upstream). * Removed patch with tests for GetFinalPathNameByHandleA/W (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to emulate 'mov Eb, Gb' instruction on x86 processor architecture (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for Setup*Log() functions (accepted upstream). * Removed tests for job objects (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix various bugs in RtlUnwindEx on x86_64 (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for job objects (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 05 Apr 2015 01:28:45 +0200 wine-staging (1.7.39) unstable; urgency=low * Fix a build failure on MacOS caused by using of strndup in the server- Inherited_ACLs patchset. * Update patchset for ntdll-RtlUnwindEx to fix an issue with dwarf handling (fixes Wine Staging Bug #170). * Updated patchset for dinput-Events to be compatible with more games (fixes Wine Staging Bug #149). * Added patch for tests of RtlIpv6StringToAddress, RtlIpv{4,6}StringToAddressEx (by Mark Jansen). * Added patch to fix multithreading issues with fullscreen clipping. * Added patch with tests for VerQueryValueA (by Mark Jansen). * Added patch to implement proper locking of keystate and synchronization with desktop thread. * Added patch to implement better stub function for NtQueryInformationJobObject. * Added patch to avoid crash in d3d9 tests by skipping when texture/surface creation fails. * Added patch to fix wrong version of ID3DXEffect interface for d3dx9_24. * Added patch to fix wrong version of ID3DXEffect interface for d3dx9_25. * Added patch to allow to query for d3dx9_26 specific ID3DXEffect interface. * Added patch to modify GetMessage to return already seen messages with higher priority. * Added patch to silence repeated 'Unhandled blend factor 0' FIXME messages. * Added patch for stub of PowerCreateRequest. * Added patch to invalidate key state cache globally after calling LL hooks. * Added patch to fix Wine Staging Bug #162 - Caesar III demo installer crashes. * Added patch to fix wrong return values of RtlFindActivationContextSectionString for NULL data (by Mark Jansen). * Added patch to implement _ismbckata and _mbctohira, moreover fix wrong return value of _ismbckata. * Added patch to improve stub for ID3DXEffectImpl_CloneEffect. * Added patch with additional tests for server-PeekMessage. * Added patch to only zero the buffer up 32767 bytes in GetTempPathW. * Added patches to implement shared memory wineserver communication for various user32 functions. * Added patch to implement combase.WindowsSubstring function. * Added patch with stub for wininet.ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry. * Added patch to allow to edit winecfg library override by double clicking. * Added patch to fix regression causing too dark/missing textures in several games. * Added patch to fix regression causing black screen on startup. * Added patch to implement SetupLogError[A|W] and Setup[Open|Close]Log. * Added patches to get rid of wineserver call for GetActiveWindow, GetFocus, GetCapture. * Removed patch to avoid hardcoded values for sizeof(GUID) (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for _ismbckata and _mbctohira (fixed upstream). * Removed patches to fix wrong return values of RtlFindActivationContextSectionString for NULL data (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for server-PeekMessage tests (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to only zero the buffer up 32767 bytes in GetTempPathW (accepted upstream). * Removed first patch of series ws2_32_WriteWatches (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 22 Mar 2015 04:05:46 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.38) unstable; urgency=low * Various improvements to * Various improvements to dxva2 vaapi support. * Long overdue update to the TransmitFile patches. * Disabled patchset for reg.exe cleanup (partially accepted upstream). * Added patch to report the correct refresh rates for some NVIDIA cards. * Added patch to mark DllCanUnloadNow and DllGetClassObject as private (by Amine Khaldi, wine-patched/pull/3). * Added patch to skip Wine specific __wine_check_for_events calls in ReactOS (by Amine Khaldi, wine-patched/pull/4). * Added patch to declare pDirectInputCreateEx in a MSVC compatible way (by Amine Khaldi, wine-patched/pull/5). * Added patch to complete and properly pack DNS_HEADER structure (by Amine Khaldi, wine-patched/pull/6). * Added patch to fix race-condition when threads are killed during shutdown. * Added patch to avoid deadlock by using _exit() in NtTerminateProcess. * Added patch to fallback to global key state for threads without a queue. * Added patch to implement SetFileInformationByHandle. * Added patch for CopyFileEx progress callback and cancellation support. * Added first set of patches for job objects (by Andrew Cook). * Added patch for stub of gdiplus.GdipCreateEffect. * Added patches for ntoskrnl.ProbeFor{Read,Write}. * Added patch for support of shell32 file operation progress dialog. * Added patch for basic implementation of job objects. * Added patch to display animations for SHFileOperation progress dialog. * Added patch to enforce that surfaces are flushed after ReleaseDC. * Added patch to implement IProgressDialog::SetAnimation. * Added patch in order to allow to override number of quality levels for D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONMASKABLE. * Added patch for job object completion support. * Added patch to properly track handle count of wineserver objects. * Added patch to implement JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE. * Added patch to implement PROGDLG_AUTOTIME for IProgressDialog. * Added patch to implement support for NULL job handles in IsProcessInJob. * Added patch to implement support for waiting on job object. * Added patch to fix crash in clip_cursor_notify caused by uninitialized TLS. * Added patches to make various functions in d3d8 / ddraw hotpatchable (required for fraps). * Added patch to make GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx a stub which returns TRUE. * Added patches to fix race-condition when closing browseui IProcessDialog. * Added patch to avoid unloading msctf library while textservices are activated. * Added patch to correct DDSCAPS2 and DDSURFACEDESC2 structure (by Amine Khaldi, wine-patched/pull/7). * Added patch to fix crash when trying to switch back to a 16-bit stack. * Added patches to improve performance by reusing old async IO structure if possible. * Added patch to increase wineconsole commandline buffer size. * Added patch to replace hardcoded values with sizeof(GUID) for d3dxof. * Added patch to implement cuModuleLoad wrapper function. * Added patch to process APC calls before starting process. * Removed patch to properly call DriverUnload when unloading device drivers (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to allow Accept-Encoding for HTTP/1.0 in wininet (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to declare pDirectInputCreateEx in a MSVC compatible way (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to limit cross thread access to ImmSet* functions (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix arguments for OSMesaMakeCurrent when using 16 bit formats (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix memory leak in ApplicationAssociationRegistration_QueryCurrentDefault (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to complete and properly pack DNS_HEADER structure (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid accessing stack below ESP when restoring thread context (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix mouse jittering in Planetside 2 (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to handle write watches while we're on the signal stack (accepted upstream). * Removed patch with tests for NtQueryLicenseKey (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix crash when trying to switch back to a 16-bit stack (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix definition of SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION and SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to add library override instead of closing winecfg when pressing ENTER (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix init of LONGLONG variable with a negative value in TGA decoder (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix parameters for ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh stub (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 07 Mar 2015 23:09:11 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.37) unstable; urgency=low * Fix a TRACE line in the iphlpapi-TCP_Table patchset. * Fix an issue in the d3dx9_36-GetShaderSemantics patchset. * Update patchset for RtlUnwindEx on x86_64 and fix a second bug. * Updated patch for DXTn support to avoid libtxc_dxtn as compile time dependency. * Added patch to avoid race-conditions in NtReadFile() operations with write watches. * Added patch to avoid race-conditions with write watches in WS2_async_accept. * Added patch to implement D3DXGetShaderOutputSemantics. * Added patch to implement basic handling of write watches while we're on the signal stack. * Added patch to add stub for ntoskrnl.ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite. * Added patch to add stub for ntoskrnl.ExReleaseResourceForThread. * Added patch to add stub for ntoskrnl.ExDeleteResourceLite. * Added patch to avoid accessing stack below ESP when restoring thread context. * Added patch to implement IApplicationAssociationRegistration::QueryCurrentDefault. * Added patch to improve stubs for AEV_{Get,Set}MasterVolumeLevel. * Added patch to improve stubs for AEV_{Get,Set}Mute. * Added patch to implement semi-stub for GetFileVersionInfoSizeExA/W. * Added patch to implement semi-stub for GetFileVersionInfoExA/W. * Added patch to ignore unsupported alpha channels in TIFF decoder. * Added patch to add stub for ntoskrnl.Mm{Map,Unmap}LockedPages. * Added patch to implement ntoskrnl.KeInitializeMutex. * Added patch for support of non-blocking SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE requests. * Added patch for MPEG2/H264 DXVA2 video decoding through vaapi. * Removed patches for UTF7 support (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE ioctl (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for IApplicationAssociationRegistration::QueryCurrentDefault (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for IDirectPlayVoiceClient::GetCompressionTypes (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 22 Feb 2015 06:58:09 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.36) unstable; urgency=low * Fix an incompatibility of with non-bash shells under specific situations. * Improve dinput-Events patch to be compatible with applications which do not explicitly poll for input. * Added patch to properly call DriverUnload when unloading device drivers. * Added patch to fix check for end_frame in RtlUnwindEx on x86_64. * Added patch to fix mouse jittering in Planetside 2. * Added patch to implement additional stubs for vcomp dlls. * Added patchset to implement Vista+ threadpool functions for work / timers. * Added patchset for Vista+ threadpool wait objects. * Added patch to fix crash in Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II when winmm is set to native. * Added patch to fix arguments for OSMesaMakeCurrent when using 16 bit formats. * Added patch to add library override instead of closing winecfg when pressing ENTER over the combobox. * Added patchset for various improvements and cleanup of reg.exe. * Added patch to add performance library registry keys needed by MS SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008 R2. * Added patch to implement NVIDIA video encoder library (nvencodeapi). * Added patch to make nvcuda.dll compatible with CUDA 7.0. * Added patch to implement stub for ntoskrnl.IoGetAttachedDeviceReference. * Added patch to implement stubs for ntoskrnl.Ex{Acquire,Release}FastMutexUnsafe. * Added patch to implement stubs for ntoskrnl.ObReferenceObjectByPointer and ntoskrnl.ObDereferenceObject. * Added patch to implement stub for ntoskrnl.KeDelayExecutionThread. * Added patch to improve various ntoskrnl stub functions. * Added patch to fix wrong defition of ntoskrnl.IoReleaseCancelSpinLock function. * Added patch to improve stub for AEV_GetVolumeRange. * Removed patch to add additional tests for SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid filling KdHelp structure for usermode applications (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 08 Feb 2015 19:14:24 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.35) unstable; urgency=low * Add stub for KeWaitForMultipleObjects. * Add support for parameters '--no-patchlist' and '--no- autoconf'. * Add support for Gentoo epatch backend to * Fix compile warnings on x86_64 in several patchsets. * Automatically enable fallback method to apply patches when running from inside of a git subdirectory. * Synchronize CSMT patchset with * Several improvements to make nvcuvid (CUDA video decoding) better compatible with x86_64. * Properly wrap CUDA stream callbacks by forwarding them to a separate worker thread. * Added patch to quote program name in ShellExecute[Ex] when it contains spaces. * Added patch to implement support for DDS file format in D3DXSaveTextureToFileInMemory. * Added patch to avoid appending duplicate NULL character when importing keys with regedit. * Added patch for IConnectionPoint/INetworkListManagerEvents stub interface. * Added patch to fix init of LONGLONG variable with a negative value in TGA decoder. * Added patch to implement stubs for D3DXCreateAnimationController interface. * Added patch to implement semi-stub for IDirectPlayVoiceClient::GetCompressionTypes. * Added patch to fix cursor clip regression / broken raw input in multiple games. * Added patches to implement ntoskrnl driver testing framework. * Added patch to fix handling of window attributes for WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_COMPOSITED. * Removed patch to fix RandR on some broken nVidia systems (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to set last error on success in WSARecv (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix handling of subdirectory in FtpFindFirstFile (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to initialize irp.Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject with stub file object (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix incorrect behaviour of PathIsDirectoryEmptyW (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to store IOCS data in a property instead of GWLP_USERDATA (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix color key regression (fixed upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 24 Jan 2015 16:03:35 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.34-1) unstable; urgency=low * Debian/Ubuntu specific package dependency fix (no changes for other distros). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:14:09 +0100 wine-staging (1.7.34) unstable; urgency=low * Huge rewrite of, deprecation of Makefile based way to apply patches. * Rename debian package from 'wine-compholio' to 'wine-staging' and provide compatibility package. * Avoid duplicate wined3d specfile by adding PARENTSPEC Makefile argument. * Fix issue in DOS Attributes patch which broke ./configure on systems with alternative shells. * Fix issue in user32-WndProc patch which caused crashes for some 16-bit apps. * Fix issue in ws2_32-WriteWatches patch which can cause exceptions on the signal stack. * Fix issue with invalid handles being incorrect when a new process is created. * Update DXTn patches to better handle when libtxc_dxtn is missing or support is not compiled in. * Added patch for WSARecv to call SetLastError on success. * Added patch for CreateProcess to prioritize the working directory over the system search path. * Added patch with stubs for WinSqm[Start|End]Session. * Added patch to fix handling of subdirectory in FtpFindFirstFile. * Added patch to return proper charcount for GetLocaleInfo with LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK. * Added patch to ensure X11 input events are handled even without explicit message loop. * Added test for server-Unexpected_Wakeup patch. * Added patch for stub of ntdll.RtlSetHeapInformation. * Added patch for IDXGIOutput::GetDesc. * Added patch for ID3DXEffect::FindNextValidTechnique. * Added patch with stub for D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx. * Added patch with stub for D3DXIntersect. * Added test for RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA. * Added patch for support of SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD. * Added patch to expect the correct buffer size for different IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE requests. * Added patch to use actual program name if available to describe PulseAudio streams. * Added patch to try harder to get the host name address in getaddrinfo(). * Added patch to fix invalid usage of RegOpenKeyExW in msdmo. * Added patch to add support for named pipe message mode. * Added patch to avoid calling IDirect3DDevice7_DrawIndexedPrimitive if there is no primitive. * Added patch to fix access violation when calling GetStringTypeW with NULL src. * Added patch for ID3DXFont::DrawTextA/W support. * Added patch to fix parameters for ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh stub. * Added patch for basic CUDA support. * Added patches for D3DXComputeNormals and D3DXComputeNormalMap. * Added patch for nvapi stubs (required for GPU PhysX support). * Added patch to fix NULL dereference in ICSeqCompressFrameStart. * Added patch to implement support for CUDA GPU video decoding. * Added patch to fix color key regression causing pink rectangles around text. * Rebased winepulse-Pulseaudio_Support patches to latest version from * Removed patch to emulate write to CR4 register (accepted upstream). * Removed patch with stub for KeSetSystemAffinityThread (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement combase HSTRING objects (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to add fake ProductId to registry (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement stubs for MFStartup and MFShutdown (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement shlwapi.StrCatChainW (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement semi-stub for psapi/kernel32 K32EnumProcessModulesEx (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to return proper charcount for GetLocaleInfo with LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to export SHILCreateFromPath by name (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for stub of ntdll.RtlSetHeapInformation (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for wine64 support on FreeBSD (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for IoCsqInitialize (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix invalid usage of RegOpenKeyExW in msdmo (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to reallocate buffer when adding records to AVI files (fixed upstream). * Partially removed patches for ntdll DOS attributes (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for UTF7 support (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:22:01 +0100 wine-compholio (1.7.33) unstable; urgency=low * Various improvements of * Added patches for wined3d CSMT (command stream) support. * Added additional tests for VerifyVersionInfoA. * Added patch to fix condition handling in RtlVerifyVersionInfo. * Added patch to set last error when GetRawInputDeviceList fails. * Added patch to fix possible segfault in pulse_rd_loop of PulseAudio backend. * Added patch to implement support for GetPropValue to PulseAudio backend. * Added patch to implement shlwapi.StrCatChainW. * Added patch to allow Accept-Encoding for HTTP/1.0 in wininet. * Added patch for combase HSTRING objects. * Added patch to implement stubs for MFStartup and MFShutdown. * Added patch for additional tests of CoWaitForMultipleHandles with WM_QUIT. * Added patch to fix return value of ScrollWindowEx for invisible windows. * Added patch to ignore unsupported flags for CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled. * Added patch to provide named entry point shell32.SHILCreateFromPath for vista apps. * Added patch to reallocate buffer when adding records to AVI files. * Added patch to implement support for loader dll redirections. * Added patch to add winecfg Staging tab. * Removed patch to fix copy and paste errors in ws2_32 tests (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix ordering of IP addresses by metric if two addresses have the same metric (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to reset data->pWintrustData->u.pFile->hFile after closing handle (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to simplify implementation of ws32 get_poll_results (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix passing of unicode environment from msvcrt to CreateProcessW (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for api-ms-win-core-* stub dlls (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:53:01 +0100 wine-compholio (1.7.32) unstable; urgency=low * Various optimizations of * Update patch for SO_CONNECT_TIME and adding better tests. * Update patch for FD Cache and use faster method on x86_64. * Added patch to ensure dbghelp always checks for debug symbols in BINDIR. * Added patch for pulseaudio exclusive mode support. * Added patch to take abs() of vertex z coordinate as FFP fog coordinate. * Added patch to ensure ShowWindow avoids interthread no-op messages. * Added patch to avoid race-conditions of async WSARecv() operations with write watches. * Added patch to fix issues with write watches when using Exagear. * Added patch to avoid failure because of missing ptrace support for Exagear. * Added patch to automatically detect if tests are running under Wine. * Added patch to avoid sending unexpected wakeup with uninitialized cookie value. * Added patch to fix issues with dragging layers between images in Adobe Photoshop 7.0. * Added patch to ensure wintrust resets data->pWintrustData->u.pFile->hFile after closing handle. * Added patch to add additional format conversions for DXT1 and DXT3. * Added patch to implement stubs for additional api-ms-win-core-* dlls. * Added patch to fix copy and paste error recently introduced in ws2_32 tests. * Added patch to change bug reporting URL in winedbg. * Added patch to implement semi-stub for psapi/kernel32 K32EnumProcessModulesEx. * Added patch to fix ordering of IP addresses by metric if two addresses have the same metric. * Added patch to fix handling of empty section and key name for profile files. * Added patch to fix passing of unicode environment from msvcrt to CreateProcessW. * Removed patch to close server fd is there is no space in thread inflight fd list (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix bugs in StrStr functions (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to avoid sending messages in FindWindowExW (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix implementation ofCoWaitForMultipleHandles (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to avoid interthread no-op messages in ShowWindow (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to take abs() of vertex z coordinate as FFP fog coordinate (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to fix detection of gnutls on Ubuntu 14.10 (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 30 Nov 2014 15:22:49 +0100 wine-compholio (1.7.31) unstable; urgency=low * Improve output of 'wine --patches' and simplify syntax of definition files. * Update kernel32-GetSystemTimes patches. * Improve style for ntdll-Fix_Alignment patches. * Added possibility to temporarily disable patches to patch system. * Added patch to allow selecting specific audio device for PulseAudio backend. * Added patch with stub for NtSetLdtEntries/ZwSetLdtEntries. * Added patch to prevent processing message events for CoWaitForMultipleHandles when APC calls are queued. * Added patch with stub for KeSetSystemAffinityThread. * Added patch to implement DXTn support for d3dx9_36. * Added patch to return correct values for GetThreadTimes. * Added patch to align texture dimensions to block size for compressed textures. * Added patch with stub for IoCsqInitialize. * Added patch with stubs for vectored continue handler functions. * Added patch to fix wglDescribePixelFormat when NULL is passed as pixel format descriptor. * Added patch to allow NULL pointer for optional arguments of D3DXIntersectTri. * Added patch to fix crash of winedevice when relocation entry crosses page boundary. * Added patch to emulate 'mov Eb, Gb' instruction on x86 processor architecture. * Added patch to emulate access to KI_USER_SHARED_DATA kernel page on x86_64. * Added patch to initialize irp.Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject with stub file object. * Added patch to implement emulation of SIDT instruction when using Exagear. * Added patch to return more context attributes in schan_InitializeSecurityContextW. * Added patch to avoid crashing when broken app tries to release surface although refcount is zero. * Added patch to avoid sending window messages in FindWindowExW. * Added patch to fix handling of invert_y in DrawTextExW. * Added patch to fix implementation of K32GetPerformanceInfo. * Added patch to close server fd if there is no space in thread inflight fd list. * Added patch to avoid failing in d3dx9_mesh_OptimizeInplace because of unimplemented vertex reordering. * Added patch to workaround bugs in CompareStringW (triggered by Adobe Flash). * Removed patch for iphlpapi stub functions (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for FindFirstFileExW (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for TLB dependencies lookup in resources (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for ws2_32.inet_pton implementation (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to update properties when applying MSI transforms (fixed upstream). * Removed patch to silence repeated GSUB_apply_ChainContext[Subst|Pos] FIXMEs (accepted upstream). * Removed patch with additional tests for MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for D3DXCreatePolygon (accepted upstream). * Removed patches vor vectored continue handler stubs (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for K32GetPerformanceInfo (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for D3DXIntersectTri (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for UTF-7 tests (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for WS_SO_CONNECT_TIME (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 15 Nov 2014 15:36:38 +0100 wine-compholio (1.7.30) unstable; urgency=low * Fix wrong escaping of quote/slash characters in patchupdater script. * Added additional conversion functions to DXTn patch. * Added patch to filter specific warning messages for D3DCompileShader. * Added patch to implement iphlpapi stub functions. * Added patch to implement support for pasting HTML from native Unix applications. * Added patch to implement RtlDecompressBuffer. * Added patch to emulate write to CR4 register. * Added patch for implementation of GdipCreateRegionRgnData. * Added patch for implementation of D3DXCreatePolygon. * Added patch for TLB dependencies lookup in resources. * Added patch to update ProductVersion when applying MSI transforms. * Added patch for ITextSelection_fnGetDuplicate implementation. * Removed patch to avoid Clang compiler warning because of unused Vtable (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for additional ATL thunks (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to ímplement IRichEditOle and ITextDocument support for ITextServices (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix compile errors on Archlinux (fixed upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:45:28 +0100 wine-compholio (1.7.29) unstable; urgency=low * Updated DOS Attributes patch to better detect XATTR functions. * Updated patch for shell32 default folder ACLs. * Updated NtQuerySection patch. * Updated patch for WRITECOPY memory protection. * Added patch to support IDF_CHECKFIRST in SetupPromptForDisk. * Added patch to fix issues when executing pages with guard page / write watch permissions. * Added patch to set return value of basic_string_wchar_dtor to return NULL. * Added patch for UTF7 encoding/decoding support. * Added patch to implement ID3DXSkinInfoImpl_UpdateSkinnedMesh. * Added patch for implementation of D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics. * Added patch to ensure tests check exact return value of ParseURLFromOutsideSourceX. * Added patch for additional ATL thunks. * Added patch to add partially support for sessionStorage. * Added patch for implementation of GetNumaProcessorNode. * Added patch for wine64 support on FreeBSD/PC-BSD. * Added patch for improved multi monitor support. * Added patch for implementation of BindImageEx. * Removed patch to fix issues with drag image in ImageLists (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to set ldr.EntryPoint for main executable (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to implement stubs for [Get|Set]SystemFileCacheSize (accepted upstream). * Removed patches for ATL thunk implementation (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for WRITECOPY memory protection (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 19 Oct 2014 19:37:21 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.28) unstable; urgency=low * Added missing recommendation for libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 on Ubuntu. * Added patch to fix issues with over-the-spot input method. * Added patch to fix winemenubuilder desktop icon wine path (when using multiple wine versions). * Added patch to support FIND_FIRST_EX_CASE_SENSITIVE flag in FindFirstFileExW. * Added patch to send WM_PAINT event during dialog creation. * Added patch to fix issues when driver dispatch routine returns different status codes. * Added several patches for Unity3D Editor. * Added patch to fix differences between exception handling behaviour in Wine and Windows. * Added patch to export ?_BADOFF@std@@3_JB on both i386 and win64. * Added patch to limit cross thread access to ImmSet* functions. * Added patch for IRichEditOle and ITextDocument support for ITextServices. * Added patch to fix implementation of SH*Shared commands. * Added patch to handle WRITECOPY memory protection properly on i386 (disabled by default). * Added patch to fix some issues with write watches / guard page access. * Added patch to implement NtQuerySection. * Added patches to make clearly visible, that this is a patched wine version. * Added patch for FindFirstFileExW level FindExInfoBasic. * Removed patch to support FIND_FIRST_EX_CASE_SENSITIVE flag in FindFirstFileExW (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix implementation of SH*Shared commands (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to export ?_BADOFF@std@@3_JB on both i386 and win64 (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches for CreateProcess ACLs (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:36:22 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.27) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed some issues in the patches for GetSystemTimes. * Added patch to support FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH flag in FindFirstFileExW. * Added patch to fix deadlock caused by incorrect wrapper of glu polygon/contour function. * Added patch to avoid filling out KdHelp for usermode applications. * Added patch to silence repeated GSUB_apply_ChainContext[Subst|Pos] FIXMEs. * Added patch to revert wined3d pixelformat changes (causes regression in many games). * Added patch to implement software decoding/encoding of DXT1 textures. * Removed patch to use assembly wrapper for TLS callbacks (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix uninitialized cch struct member in GetMenuItemInfo (accepted upstream). * Removed some patches for riched20/IText*-interface (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix deadlock caused by incorrect wrapper of glu functions (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for stub of BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 20 Sep 2014 05:52:23 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.26) unstable; urgency=low * Added new make targets 'series' and 'install-git'. * Some improvements in the patch system scripts. * Fixed issues in the winepulse configure script. * Fixed some issues in patches for Inherited ACLs. * Fixed some issues in patches for backwards compatibility with old ACL format. * Added patch to fix unintentional leaks with ntdll internals. * Added patch to add support for DOS hidden/system file attributes. * Added patch to use dynamic linking for libpcap. * Added patch to fix issues when using setcap on wine executable. * Added patch to improve heap allocation performance by using more freelists. * Added patch to fix detection of ncurses on Archlinux (avoids ugly workarounds at build time). * Added patch to fix detection of gnutls on Ubuntu 14.10. * Added patch to use assembly wrapper for TLS callbacks. * Added patch to fix uninitialized cch struct member in GetMenuItemInfo. * Removed patch to fix issue with msi/ITERATE_MoveFiles (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix detection of ncurses on Archlinux (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 07 Sep 2014 23:50:25 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.25) unstable; urgency=low * Improve generation of on patch update. * Updated patches for riched20 IText* Interface. * Fixed some issues in the patches for TransmitFile. * Fixed some issues in the patches for CreateProcess ACLs. * Fixed issue with script on Gentoo systems. * Added patch with stub for DwmInvalidateIconicBitmaps. * Added Courier Prime (OFLv1.1) as a Courier New replacement. * Added patch to implement DOS hidden/system file attributes. * Added patch to better detect broken nVidia RandR 1.2 support. * Added patch to set linker version in PE header. * Added patch to move NtProtectVirtualMemory and NtCreateSection to separate pages. * Added patch to fix issues with drag image in ImageLists. * Added patch with stub for BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode. * Added patch to fix issues with OpenProcess on terminated processes. * Added patch to fix issues with msi/ITERATE_MoveFiles. * Added patch to avoid grouping all Wine windows together. * Added patch to implement KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH for SHGetKnownFolderPath. * Added patch to implement GetFinalPathNameByHandle. * Removed patch to update gl_drawable for embedded windows (deprecated). * Removed patch to return empty D3D hardware flags for RGB device enumeration (accepted upstream). * Removed patch with stub for DwmInvalidateIconicBitmaps (accepted upstream). * Removed patch for SetNamedPipeHandleState implementation (accepted upstream). -- Erich E. Hoover Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:09:58 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.24) unstable; urgency=low * Various further improvements to the patch system. * Added patch to implement inet_pton. * Added patch to implement GetSystemTimes. * Added patch to implement SHCreateSessionKey. * Added patch to create directory available on Vista and later. * Added patch to fix edge cases in TOOLTIPS_GetTipText. * Added patch to allow special characters in pipe names. * Added patch with stubs for [Get|Set]SystemFileCacheSize. * Added patch to implement AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack. * Added patch to support setting file disposition information. * Added patch to fix ConnectNamedPort return value in overlapped mode. * Added patch to store IOCS data in a property instead of GWLP_USERDATA. * Added patch to return empty D3D hardware flags for HEL device enumeration. * Added patch to return the appropriate connection time with SO_CONNECT_TIME. * Added patch to support extra large and jumbo icons. * Added patch to allow setting tablet / media center status via registry. * Added patch to use manual redirection for RunDLL_CallEntry16. * Added patch to set ldr.EntryPoint for main executable. * Added patch to fix invalid memory access in windowscodecs/PropertyBag. * Added patch to use a linear resampler when there a large number of dsound mixing buffers. * Added patch to fix comparison of punctuation characters in lstrcmp. * Added patch to workaround programs leaking wndproc splots. * Added patch to implement ITextRange, ITextFont and ITextPara. * Removed patch to create Vista directories (accepted upstream). * Removed strmbase/quartz locking fix patches (accepted upstream). * Removed windowscodecs/PropertyBag patch (accepted upstream). -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:06:07 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.23) unstable; urgency=low * Rewrite of patch system to simplify maintaining large patchsets. * Fix failing Junction Point test. * Fix possible race conditions in strmbase/quartz. * Fix race condition between EndOfStream and Pause. * Fix issues with Israel Standard Time timezone. * Add support for Dynamic DST (daylight saving time) information. * Add some generic hardware in HKEY_DYN_DATA\Config Manager\Enum. * Return correct IMediaSeeking stream positions in quartz. * Make sure LICENSE files are included in the Debian packages. * Downgraded Arial replacement font to Liberation Sans v1.07.3. * Remove relative Junction Point linking for now (breaks tests). * Added WenQuanYi Micro Hei (GPLv3) as a Microsoft Yahei replacement. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 25 Jul 2014 21:12:42 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.22) unstable; urgency=low * Implement passing ACLs to CreateProcess. * Removed several patches (accepted upstream). * Added NT4 support to the process ACL tests. * Implement RegSetKeySecurity on top of NtSetSecurityObject. * Updated RegSetKeySecurity patch to work with special root keys. * Add patch for wtsapi32.WTSEnumerateProcessesW function. * Fix incorrect scaling for DECIMAL values in VarDecAdd. * Updated main extended attributes patch to include BSD support. * Return NULL-terminated list of arguments in CommandLineToArgvW. * Updated main extended attributes patch to include additional data checks. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:00:03 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.21) unstable; urgency=low * Remove several patches (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:08:48 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.20) unstable; urgency=low * Remove several patches (accepted upstream). * Fix recommendation for odbc and add libgsm1. * Disabled gstreamer (broken with glib >= 2.32.0). * Updated scripts to be compatible with BSD systems. * Update winepulse patches to latest revision (extracted from 1.7.19). * Force autoreconf even when timestamp seems to indicate that it is not necessary. * Added patches for default security descriptor ownership and DACLs for processes. * Added a patch to avoid a race-condition when unloading modules while a hook is active. * Add patch to fix issues with Obsidium copy protection. -- Erich E. Hoover Sat, 14 Jun 2014 18:15:12 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.19-1) unstable; urgency=low * Added a patch to fix return value for FSCTL_PIPE_WAIT (required for Unity3D). * Added a patch to stub TokenAppContainerSid in NtQueryInformationToken (required for Unity3D). * Added a patch to optimize the file descriptor cache by using lockfree algorithms. * Add additional checks in XATTR patch to ensure wineserver doesn't crash if data is corrupted. * Add support for extended attributes on FreeBSD systems. * Added a patch to fix ntdll/exception test failures on x86_64. * Allow to change 'strict draw ordering' at runtime. * Add ability to test if all dynamic libraries are installed with "wine --check-libs". * Added a patch to query if direct rendering is enabled via GLX extension. -- Sebastian Lackner Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:50:23 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.19) unstable; urgency=low * Updated SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patches. -- Erich E. Hoover Tue, 06 May 2014 15:42:32 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.18-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fix some issues on BSD systems. * Add additional patches to silence a few FIXMEs. * Rebase 02-ACL_Extended_Attributes patches. -- Sebastian Lackner Tue, 13 May 2014 20:47:23 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.18) unstable; urgency=low * Updated SetTimer patch (10 ms accepted upstream). -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 02 May 2014 13:05:13 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.17) unstable; urgency=low * Split Arial replacement into two patches. * Removed dynamic unwind patches (accepted upstream). * Removed linguistic casing patches (accepted upstream). * ACL data is now stored in binary instead of converting it to ASCII. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 18 Apr 2014 16:03:57 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.16-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fix build failure caused by dynamic unwind functions. * Dropped liblcms2-dev dependency for old Ubuntu versions. -- Sebastian Lackner Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:48:25 +0200 wine-compholio (1.7.16) unstable; urgency=low * Add stub for RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback. * Further split out the SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patches. * Add proper implementation for dynamic unwind functions, removed stub implementation. * Fix lcms dependency (Wine requires lcms2 instead of lcms1), add build dependency to libsane-dev. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 04 Apr 2014 17:27:52 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.15-1) unstable; urgency=low * Build 64 bit version of Wine. * First SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patch accepted upstream. * Added stub dll for DirectX Video Acceleration (dxva2.dll). * Update DXVA2 patches (additional implementation details, parts accepted upstream). -- Erich E. Hoover Tue, 25 Mar 2014 06:08:01 +0100 wine-compholio (1.7.15) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed build dependencies for Debian Sid. * Fixed free() of a const variable (Bug #1). * Removed get_dir_unix_fd (no longer used, fixes compiling with "-Werror"). * Removed 'register user administrative tools shell folder' patch (accepted upstream). -- Erich E. Hoover Sun, 23 Mar 2014 12:53:32 +0100 wine-compholio (1.7.14) unstable; urgency=low * Minor updates to the ACL patches. * Added Liberation Sans (SIL Open Font License) as an Arial replacement. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:59:11 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.13-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed a typo in the configure check for extended attributes. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 21 Feb 2014 09:00:00 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.13) unstable; urgency=low * Added support for inherited file ACLs. * Further separated the file ACL patches. * Updated linguistic casing patches to include tests. * Updated the patch list template to be compatible with 'git am'. * Moved the patching code out of the debian rules into a Makefile. * Removed the named pipe security access patch (accepted upstream). * Explicitly run configure with '--with-xattr' when building debian packages. * Will now fail on configure when '--with-xattr' is passed and xattr.h cannot be found. -- Erich E. Hoover Thu, 20 Feb 2014 18:48:03 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.12-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed PulseAudio patches to apply with 'git am'. * Fixed PulseAudio driver configure file for upstream Wine 1.7.12. * Fixed PulseAudio driver pthread dependency for upstream Wine 1.7.12. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 07 Feb 2014 17:52:32 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.12) unstable; urgency=low * Added new patches to support GetVolumePathName. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 07 Feb 2014 14:57:33 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.11) unstable; urgency=low * Added SRWLock patch. * Added new patches to support TransmitFile. * Added new patches to support Junction Points. * Moved pipelight-specific patches to a separate folder. * Removed SRWLock patch included in upstream Wine 1.7.11. * Reduced SetTimer minimum limitation from 15 ms to 5 ms. * Added support for security access parameters for named pipes. * Added WINE_STRICT_DRAW_ORDERING command line environment variable. * Fixed a path length bug in the ACL inheritance patch (assumed DOS limitation). * Added some workarounds for shlwapi url functions not handling relative paths well. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 17 Jan 2014 12:27:32 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.10) unstable; urgency=low * Removed monitor enumeration patch included in upstream Wine 1.7.10. * Updated SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patch with latest proposed version. * Added new patch to support linux windowlessmode (required for Qt5 browsers). -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 03 Jan 2014 12:19:14 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.9) unstable; urgency=low * Added a new patch for windowless mode for Qt5 browsers. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 27 Dec 2013 12:03:22 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed several build problems. -- Erich E. Hoover Sat, 07 Dec 2013 10:49:03 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.8) unstable; urgency=low * Added PulseAudio support patches. * Updated SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patches. * Separated out patches into logical subfolders. * Updated XEMBED patch to work with latest upstream Wine. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 06 Dec 2013 13:26:24 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.7) unstable; urgency=low * Remove patches included in upstream Wine 1.7.7. * Rebase ACL extended attribute patches against upstream Wine 1.7.7. * Rebase SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patches against upstream Wine 1.7.7. * Added the ability to return the list of patches with "wine --patches". * Added a patch to workaround a Silverlight issue with multiple monitors. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:24:53 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * Work around a build problem with Wine 1.7.6. -- Erich E. Hoover Tue, 12 Nov 2013 14:16:16 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.6) unstable; urgency=low * Rebased VMR7 patches against upstream Wine 1.7.6. * Rebased SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patches against upstream Wine 1.7.6. -- Erich E. Hoover Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:26:30 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * Included new patch to fix running TestOut under Silverlight. -- Erich E. Hoover Thu, 07 Nov 2013 11:18:23 -0700 wine-compholio (1.7.5) unstable; urgency=low * Rebased changes against upstream Wine 1.7.5. -- Erich E. Hoover Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:05:51 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.4-2) unstable; urgency=low * Updated XEmbed patches from Sebastian Lackner. -- Erich E. Hoover Mon, 28 Oct 2013 10:00:43 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fix an issue with Ubuntu 13.10 post-install behavior. -- Erich E. Hoover Sun, 13 Oct 2013 15:13:48 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.4) unstable; urgency=low * Rebased changes against upstream Wine 1.7.4. -- Erich E. Hoover Sat, 12 Oct 2013 13:30:33 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.3) unstable; urgency=low * Removed patches already included in upstream Wine 1.7.3. * Rebased ACL extended attributes patch against upstream Wine 1.7.3. * Update SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE patches to new server-based method. -- Erich E. Hoover Thu, 03 Oct 2013 15:16:26 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.2) unstable; urgency=low * Rebased changes against upstream Wine 1.7.2. -- Erich E. Hoover Mon, 30 Sep 2013 12:21:43 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.1) unstable; urgency=low * Rebased changes against upstream Wine 1.7.1. -- Erich E. Hoover Mon, 30 Sep 2013 11:42:34 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.0-7) unstable; urgency=low * Updated all changed patches and backported upstream commits. -- Erich E. Hoover Mon, 30 Sep 2013 11:41:43 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.0-6) unstable; urgency=low * Included fix for Watchever from Andreas Loibl. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 06 Sep 2013 16:33:33 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.0-5) unstable; urgency=low * Updated patches for LOVEFiLM from Sebastian Lackner and Michael Müller. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 06 Sep 2013 16:33:33 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.0-4) unstable; urgency=low * Hopefully fixed build script problem. -- Erich E. Hoover Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:51:15 -0600 wine-compholio (1.7.0-3) unstable; urgency=low * Added D3D acceleration fix from Michael Müller. -- Erich E. Hoover Fri, 16 Apr 2010 12:20:00 -0600