mirror of https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine-staging.git synced 2025-01-28 22:04:43 -08:00

211 lines
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From 75f520b3a9a877c3f75bb6bae05e4e1b997af52a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gijs Vermeulen <gijsvrm@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 15:16:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] kernel32: Implement CreateSymbolicLink.
Signed-off-by: Gijs Vermeulen <gijsvrm@gmail.com>
dlls/kernel32/path.c | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
dlls/msvcp120/tests/msvcp120.c | 51 ++++++++++++------------
2 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/path.c b/dlls/kernel32/path.c
index cf1c768970..cb8540389e 100644
--- a/dlls/kernel32/path.c
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/path.c
@@ -2079,8 +2079,55 @@ WCHAR * CDECL wine_get_dos_file_name( LPCSTR str )
BOOLEAN WINAPI CreateSymbolicLinkW(LPCWSTR link, LPCWSTR target, DWORD flags)
- FIXME("(%s %s %d): stub\n", debugstr_w(link), debugstr_w(target), flags);
- return TRUE;
+ NTSTATUS status, temp;
+ UNICODE_STRING nt_dest, nt_source;
+ ANSI_STRING unix_dest, unix_source;
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ TRACE("(%s, %s, %d)\n", debugstr_w(link), debugstr_w(target), flags);
+ nt_dest.Buffer = nt_source.Buffer = NULL;
+ if (!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U( link, &nt_dest, NULL, NULL ) ||
+ !RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U( target, &nt_source, NULL, NULL ))
+ {
+ goto err;
+ }
+ unix_source.Buffer = unix_dest.Buffer = NULL;
+ temp = wine_nt_to_unix_file_name( &nt_source, &unix_source, FILE_OPEN_IF, FALSE );
+ status = wine_nt_to_unix_file_name( &nt_dest, &unix_dest, FILE_CREATE, FALSE );
+ if (!status) /* destination must not exist */
+ else if (status == STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE)
+ status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ if (status)
+ SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) );
+ else
+ {
+ if(temp != STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE && GetFileAttributesW(target) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY && strstr(unix_dest.Buffer, unix_source.Buffer))
+ {
+ FIXME("Symlinking a directory inside that directory is not supported.\n");
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (!symlink( unix_source.Buffer, unix_dest.Buffer ))
+ {
+ TRACE("Symlinked '%s' to '%s'\n", debugstr_a( unix_dest.Buffer ),
+ debugstr_a( unix_source.Buffer ));
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ FILE_SetDosError();
+ }
+ RtlFreeAnsiString( &unix_source );
+ RtlFreeAnsiString( &unix_dest );
+ RtlFreeUnicodeString( &nt_source );
+ RtlFreeUnicodeString( &nt_dest );
+ return ret;
@@ -2088,8 +2135,25 @@ BOOLEAN WINAPI CreateSymbolicLinkW(LPCWSTR link, LPCWSTR target, DWORD flags)
BOOLEAN WINAPI CreateSymbolicLinkA(LPCSTR link, LPCSTR target, DWORD flags)
- FIXME("(%s %s %d): stub\n", debugstr_a(link), debugstr_a(target), flags);
- return TRUE;
+ WCHAR *sourceW, *destW;
+ BOOL res;
+ if (!(sourceW = FILE_name_AtoW( target, TRUE )))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!(destW = FILE_name_AtoW( link, TRUE )))
+ {
+ HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sourceW );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ res = CreateSymbolicLinkW( destW, sourceW, flags );
+ HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sourceW );
+ HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, destW );
+ return res;
diff --git a/dlls/msvcp120/tests/msvcp120.c b/dlls/msvcp120/tests/msvcp120.c
index 70fc0c13dc..0aa5225295 100644
--- a/dlls/msvcp120/tests/msvcp120.c
+++ b/dlls/msvcp120/tests/msvcp120.c
@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Stat(void)
{ "tr2_test_dir\\f1", regular_file, ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
{ "tr2_test_dir\\not_exist_file ", file_not_found, ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
{ "tr2_test_dir\\??invalid_name>>", file_not_found, ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
- { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link" , regular_file, ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
+ { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link" , regular_file, ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
{ "tr2_test_dir\\dir_link", directory_file, ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
WCHAR testW[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r',0};
@@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Stat(void)
ok(ERROR_SUCCESS == err_code, "tr2_sys__Lstat_wchar(): err_code expect ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", err_code);
if(ret) {
- todo_wine ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1_link"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1_link to exist\n");
+ ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1_link"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1_link to exist\n");
todo_wine ok(RemoveDirectoryA("tr2_test_dir/dir_link"), "expect tr2_test_dir/dir_link to exist\n");
ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1 to exist\n");
@@ -1954,14 +1954,14 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Symlink(void)
int last_error;
MSVCP_bool is_todo;
} tests[] = {
- { "f1", "f1_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
- { "f1", "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
- { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link", "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
+ { "f1", "f1_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
+ { "f1", "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
+ { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link", "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
{ "tr2_test_dir", "dir_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
{ "not_exist", "not_exist_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
- { "f1", "not_exist_dir\\f1_link", ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, TRUE }
+ { "f1", "not_exist_dir\\f1_link", ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, FALSE }
ret = p_tr2_sys__Make_dir("tr2_test_dir");
@@ -1986,18 +1986,21 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Symlink(void)
ok(errno == 0xdeadbeef, "tr2_sys__Symlink(): test %d errno expect 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", i+1, errno);
- todo_wine_if(tests[i].is_todo)
- ok(ret == tests[i].last_error, "tr2_sys__Symlink(): test %d expect: %d, got %d\n", i+1, tests[i].last_error, ret);
+ ok(ret == tests[i].last_error, "tr2_sys__Symlink(): test %d expect: %d, got %d\n", i+1, tests[i].last_error, ret);
if(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- ok(p_tr2_sys__File_size(tests[i].new_path) == 0, "tr2_sys__Symlink(): expect 0, got %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(p_tr2_sys__File_size(tests[i].new_path)));
+ {
+ todo_wine_if(tests[i].is_todo)
+ ok(p_tr2_sys__File_size(tests[i].new_path) == 0, "tr2_sys__Symlink(): expect 0, got %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(p_tr2_sys__File_size(tests[i].new_path)));
+ }
- ok(DeleteFileA("f1"), "expect f1 to exist\n");
- todo_wine ok(DeleteFileA("f1_link"), "expect f1_link to exist\n");
- todo_wine ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1_link"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1_link to exist\n");
- todo_wine ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1_link_link"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1_link_link to exist\n");
+ ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1_link_link"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1_link_link to exist\n");
+ ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1_link"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1_link to exist\n");
+ ok(DeleteFileA("f1_link"), "expect f1_link to exist\n");
todo_wine ok(DeleteFileA("not_exist_link"), "expect not_exist_link to exist\n");
- todo_wine ok(DeleteFileA("dir_link"), "expect dir_link to exist\n");
+ todo_wine ok(DeleteFileA("dir_link"), "expect dir_link to exist, got %d\n", GetLastError());
+ ok(DeleteFileA("f1"), "expect f1 to exist\n");
ret = p_tr2_sys__Remove_dir("tr2_test_dir");
ok(ret == 1, "tr2_sys__Remove_dir(): expect 1 got %d\n", ret);
@@ -2011,15 +2014,14 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Unlink(void)
struct {
char const *path;
int last_error;
- MSVCP_bool is_todo;
} tests[] = {
- { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_symlink", ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
- { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link", ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
- { "tr2_test_dir\\f1", ERROR_SUCCESS, FALSE },
- { "tr2_test_dir", ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, FALSE },
- { "not_exist", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, FALSE },
- { "not_exist_dir\\not_exist_file", ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, FALSE },
+ { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_symlink", ERROR_SUCCESS },
+ { "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link", ERROR_SUCCESS },
+ { "tr2_test_dir\\f1", ERROR_SUCCESS },
+ { "tr2_test_dir", ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED },
+ { "not_exist", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND },
+ { "not_exist_dir\\not_exist_file", ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND },
GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, current_path);
@@ -2048,9 +2050,8 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Unlink(void)
for(i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(tests); i++) {
errno = 0xdeadbeef;
ret = p_tr2_sys__Unlink(tests[i].path);
- todo_wine_if(tests[i].is_todo)
- ok(ret == tests[i].last_error, "tr2_sys__Unlink(): test %d expect: %d, got %d\n",
- i+1, tests[i].last_error, ret);
+ ok(ret == tests[i].last_error, "tr2_sys__Unlink(): test %d expect: %d, got %d\n",
+ i+1, tests[i].last_error, ret);
ok(errno == 0xdeadbeef, "tr2_sys__Unlink(): test %d errno expect: 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", i+1, ret);