/* * Copyright 2023 Conor McCarthy for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "vkd3d_shader_private.h" #include "vkd3d_types.h" struct vsir_transformation_context { enum vkd3d_result result; struct vsir_program *program; uint64_t config_flags; const struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info *compile_info; struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context; }; static int convert_parameter_info(const struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info *compile_info, unsigned int *ret_count, const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 **ret_parameters) { const struct vkd3d_shader_spirv_target_info *spirv_info; struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *parameters; *ret_count = 0; *ret_parameters = NULL; if (!(spirv_info = vkd3d_find_struct(compile_info->next, SPIRV_TARGET_INFO)) || !spirv_info->parameter_count) return VKD3D_OK; if (!(parameters = vkd3d_calloc(spirv_info->parameter_count, sizeof(*parameters)))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < spirv_info->parameter_count; ++i) { const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter *src = &spirv_info->parameters[i]; struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *dst = ¶meters[i]; dst->name = src->name; dst->type = src->type; dst->data_type = src->data_type; if (src->type == VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE_CONSTANT) { dst->u.immediate_constant.u.u32 = src->u.immediate_constant.u.u32; } else if (src->type == VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_TYPE_SPECIALIZATION_CONSTANT) { dst->u.specialization_constant = src->u.specialization_constant; } else { ERR("Invalid parameter type %#x.\n", src->type); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } *ret_count = spirv_info->parameter_count; *ret_parameters = parameters; return VKD3D_OK; } bool vsir_program_init(struct vsir_program *program, const struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info *compile_info, const struct vkd3d_shader_version *version, unsigned int reserve, enum vsir_control_flow_type cf_type) { memset(program, 0, sizeof(*program)); if (compile_info) { const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter_info *parameter_info; if ((parameter_info = vkd3d_find_struct(compile_info->next, PARAMETER_INFO))) { program->parameter_count = parameter_info->parameter_count; program->parameters = parameter_info->parameters; } else { if (convert_parameter_info(compile_info, &program->parameter_count, &program->parameters) < 0) return false; program->free_parameters = true; } } program->shader_version = *version; program->cf_type = cf_type; return shader_instruction_array_init(&program->instructions, reserve); } void vsir_program_cleanup(struct vsir_program *program) { size_t i; if (program->free_parameters) vkd3d_free((void *)program->parameters); for (i = 0; i < program->block_name_count; ++i) vkd3d_free((void *)program->block_names[i]); vkd3d_free(program->block_names); shader_instruction_array_destroy(&program->instructions); shader_signature_cleanup(&program->input_signature); shader_signature_cleanup(&program->output_signature); shader_signature_cleanup(&program->patch_constant_signature); } const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *vsir_program_get_parameter( const struct vsir_program *program, enum vkd3d_shader_parameter_name name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < program->parameter_count; ++i) { if (program->parameters[i].name == name) return &program->parameters[i]; } return NULL; } void vsir_register_init(struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg, enum vkd3d_shader_register_type reg_type, enum vkd3d_data_type data_type, unsigned int idx_count) { reg->type = reg_type; reg->precision = VKD3D_SHADER_REGISTER_PRECISION_DEFAULT; reg->non_uniform = false; reg->data_type = data_type; reg->idx[0].offset = ~0u; reg->idx[0].rel_addr = NULL; reg->idx[0].is_in_bounds = false; reg->idx[1].offset = ~0u; reg->idx[1].rel_addr = NULL; reg->idx[1].is_in_bounds = false; reg->idx[2].offset = ~0u; reg->idx[2].rel_addr = NULL; reg->idx[2].is_in_bounds = false; reg->idx_count = idx_count; reg->dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_SCALAR; reg->alignment = 0; } static inline bool shader_register_is_phase_instance_id(const struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg) { return reg->type == VKD3DSPR_FORKINSTID || reg->type == VKD3DSPR_JOININSTID; } void vsir_src_param_init(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *param, enum vkd3d_shader_register_type reg_type, enum vkd3d_data_type data_type, unsigned int idx_count) { vsir_register_init(¶m->reg, reg_type, data_type, idx_count); param->swizzle = 0; param->modifiers = VKD3DSPSM_NONE; } static void src_param_init_const_uint(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, uint32_t value) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 0); src->reg.u.immconst_u32[0] = value; } void vsir_src_param_init_label(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *param, unsigned int label_id) { vsir_src_param_init(param, VKD3DSPR_LABEL, VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED, 1); param->reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_NONE; param->reg.idx[0].offset = label_id; } static void src_param_init_parameter(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, uint32_t idx, enum vkd3d_data_type type) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_PARAMETER, type, 1); src->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } static void vsir_src_param_init_resource(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, unsigned int id, unsigned int idx) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_RESOURCE, VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED, 2); src->reg.idx[0].offset = id; src->reg.idx[1].offset = idx; src->reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; src->swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_NO_SWIZZLE; } static void vsir_src_param_init_sampler(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, unsigned int id, unsigned int idx) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_SAMPLER, VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED, 2); src->reg.idx[0].offset = id; src->reg.idx[1].offset = idx; src->reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_NONE; } static void src_param_init_ssa_bool(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, unsigned int idx) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_SSA, VKD3D_DATA_BOOL, 1); src->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } static void src_param_init_temp_bool(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, unsigned int idx) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_BOOL, 1); src->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } static void src_param_init_temp_float(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, unsigned int idx) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT, 1); src->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } static void src_param_init_temp_float4(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, unsigned int idx) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT, 1); src->reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; src->swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_NO_SWIZZLE; src->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } static void src_param_init_temp_uint(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src, unsigned int idx) { vsir_src_param_init(src, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); src->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } void vsir_dst_param_init(struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *param, enum vkd3d_shader_register_type reg_type, enum vkd3d_data_type data_type, unsigned int idx_count) { vsir_register_init(¶m->reg, reg_type, data_type, idx_count); param->write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0; param->modifiers = VKD3DSPDM_NONE; param->shift = 0; } static void dst_param_init_ssa_bool(struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst, unsigned int idx) { vsir_dst_param_init(dst, VKD3DSPR_SSA, VKD3D_DATA_BOOL, 1); dst->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } static void dst_param_init_temp_bool(struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst, unsigned int idx) { vsir_dst_param_init(dst, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_BOOL, 1); dst->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; } static void dst_param_init_temp_uint(struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst, unsigned int idx) { vsir_dst_param_init(dst, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); dst->reg.idx[0].offset = idx; dst->write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0; } void vsir_instruction_init(struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins, const struct vkd3d_shader_location *location, enum vkd3d_shader_opcode opcode) { memset(ins, 0, sizeof(*ins)); ins->location = *location; ins->opcode = opcode; } bool vsir_instruction_init_with_params(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins, const struct vkd3d_shader_location *location, enum vkd3d_shader_opcode opcode, unsigned int dst_count, unsigned int src_count) { vsir_instruction_init(ins, location, opcode); ins->dst_count = dst_count; ins->src_count = src_count; if (!(ins->dst = vsir_program_get_dst_params(program, ins->dst_count))) { ERR("Failed to allocate %u destination parameters.\n", dst_count); return false; } if (!(ins->src = vsir_program_get_src_params(program, ins->src_count))) { ERR("Failed to allocate %u source parameters.\n", src_count); return false; } memset(ins->dst, 0, sizeof(*ins->dst) * ins->dst_count); memset(ins->src, 0, sizeof(*ins->src) * ins->src_count); return true; } static bool vsir_instruction_init_label(struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins, const struct vkd3d_shader_location *location, unsigned int label_id, struct vsir_program *program) { struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src_param; if (!(src_param = vsir_program_get_src_params(program, 1))) return false; vsir_src_param_init_label(src_param, label_id); vsir_instruction_init(ins, location, VKD3DSIH_LABEL); ins->src = src_param; ins->src_count = 1; return true; } static bool vsir_instruction_is_dcl(const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { enum vkd3d_shader_opcode opcode = instruction->opcode; return (VKD3DSIH_DCL <= opcode && opcode <= VKD3DSIH_DCL_VERTICES_OUT) || opcode == VKD3DSIH_HS_DECLS; } static void vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins) { struct vkd3d_shader_location location = ins->location; vsir_instruction_init(ins, &location, VKD3DSIH_NOP); } static bool get_opcode_from_rel_op(enum vkd3d_shader_rel_op rel_op, enum vkd3d_data_type data_type, enum vkd3d_shader_opcode *opcode, bool *requires_swap) { switch (rel_op) { case VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_LT: case VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_GT: *requires_swap = (rel_op == VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_GT); if (data_type == VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT) { *opcode = VKD3DSIH_LTO; return true; } break; case VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_GE: case VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_LE: *requires_swap = (rel_op == VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_LE); if (data_type == VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT) { *opcode = VKD3DSIH_GEO; return true; } break; case VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_EQ: *requires_swap = false; if (data_type == VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT) { *opcode = VKD3DSIH_EQO; return true; } break; case VKD3D_SHADER_REL_OP_NE: *requires_swap = false; if (data_type == VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT) { *opcode = VKD3DSIH_NEO; return true; } break; } return false; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_ifc(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ifc, unsigned int *tmp_idx, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; size_t pos = ifc - instructions->elements; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode opcode; bool swap; if (!shader_instruction_array_insert_at(instructions, pos + 1, 2)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (*tmp_idx == ~0u) *tmp_idx = program->temp_count++; /* Replace ifc comparison with actual comparison, saving the result in the tmp register. */ if (!(get_opcode_from_rel_op(ifc->flags, ifc->src[0].reg.data_type, &opcode, &swap))) { vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &ifc->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Aborting due to not yet implemented feature: opcode for rel_op %u and data type %u.", ifc->flags, ifc->src[0].reg.data_type); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } ins = &instructions->elements[pos + 1]; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ifc->location, opcode, 1, 2)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_register_init(&ins->dst[0].reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); ins->dst[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->dst[0].reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; ins->dst[0].write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0; ins->src[0] = ifc->src[swap]; ins->src[1] = ifc->src[!swap]; /* Create new if instruction using the previous result. */ ins = &instructions->elements[pos + 2]; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ifc->location, VKD3DSIH_IF, 0, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ins->flags = VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_NZ; vsir_register_init(&ins->src[0].reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); ins->src[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[0].reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; ins->src[0].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_SWIZZLE(X, X, X, X); /* Make the original instruction no-op */ vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ifc); return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_texkill(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *texkill, unsigned int *tmp_idx) { const unsigned int components_read = 3 + (program->shader_version.major >= 2); struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; size_t pos = texkill - instructions->elements; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; unsigned int j; if (!shader_instruction_array_insert_at(instructions, pos + 1, components_read + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (*tmp_idx == ~0u) *tmp_idx = program->temp_count++; /* tmp = ins->dst[0] < 0 */ ins = &instructions->elements[pos + 1]; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &texkill->location, VKD3DSIH_LTO, 1, 2)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_register_init(&ins->dst[0].reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); ins->dst[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->dst[0].reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; ins->dst[0].write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_ALL; ins->src[0].reg = texkill->dst[0].reg; ins->src[0].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_NO_SWIZZLE; vsir_register_init(&ins->src[1].reg, VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT, 0); ins->src[1].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[1].reg.u.immconst_f32[0] = 0.0f; ins->src[1].reg.u.immconst_f32[1] = 0.0f; ins->src[1].reg.u.immconst_f32[2] = 0.0f; ins->src[1].reg.u.immconst_f32[3] = 0.0f; /* tmp.x = tmp.x || tmp.y */ /* tmp.x = tmp.x || tmp.z */ /* tmp.x = tmp.x || tmp.w, if sm >= 2.0 */ for (j = 1; j < components_read; ++j) { ins = &instructions->elements[pos + 1 + j]; if (!(vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &texkill->location, VKD3DSIH_OR, 1, 2))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_register_init(&ins->dst[0].reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); ins->dst[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->dst[0].reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; ins->dst[0].write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0; vsir_register_init(&ins->src[0].reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); ins->src[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[0].reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; ins->src[0].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_SWIZZLE(X, X, X, X); vsir_register_init(&ins->src[1].reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); ins->src[1].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[1].reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; ins->src[1].swizzle = vkd3d_shader_create_swizzle(j, j, j, j); } /* discard_nz tmp.x */ ins = &instructions->elements[pos + 1 + components_read]; if (!(vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &texkill->location, VKD3DSIH_DISCARD, 0, 1))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ins->flags = VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_NZ; vsir_register_init(&ins->src[0].reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 1); ins->src[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[0].reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; ins->src[0].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_SWIZZLE(X, X, X, X); /* Make the original instruction no-op */ vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(texkill); return VKD3D_OK; } /* The Shader Model 5 Assembly documentation states: "If components of a mad * instruction are tagged as precise, the hardware must execute a mad instruction * or the exact equivalent, and it cannot split it into a multiply followed by an add." * But DXIL.rst states the opposite: "Floating point multiply & add. This operation is * not fused for "precise" operations." * Windows drivers seem to conform with the latter, for SM 4-5 and SM 6. */ static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_precise_mad(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *mad, unsigned int *tmp_idx) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *mul_ins, *add_ins; size_t pos = mad - instructions->elements; struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *mul_dst; if (!(mad->flags & VKD3DSI_PRECISE_XYZW)) return VKD3D_OK; if (!shader_instruction_array_insert_at(instructions, pos + 1, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (*tmp_idx == ~0u) *tmp_idx = program->temp_count++; mul_ins = &instructions->elements[pos]; add_ins = &instructions->elements[pos + 1]; mul_ins->opcode = VKD3DSIH_MUL; mul_ins->src_count = 2; if (!(vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, add_ins, &mul_ins->location, VKD3DSIH_ADD, 1, 2))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; add_ins->flags = mul_ins->flags & VKD3DSI_PRECISE_XYZW; mul_dst = mul_ins->dst; *add_ins->dst = *mul_dst; mul_dst->modifiers = 0; vsir_register_init(&mul_dst->reg, VKD3DSPR_TEMP, mul_ins->src[0].reg.data_type, 1); mul_dst->reg.dimension = add_ins->dst->reg.dimension; mul_dst->reg.idx[0].offset = *tmp_idx; add_ins->src[0].reg = mul_dst->reg; add_ins->src[0].swizzle = vsir_swizzle_from_writemask(mul_dst->write_mask); add_ins->src[0].modifiers = 0; add_ins->src[1] = mul_ins->src[2]; return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_sm1_sincos(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *sincos) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; size_t pos = sincos - instructions->elements; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; unsigned int s; if (sincos->dst_count != 1) return VKD3D_OK; if (!shader_instruction_array_insert_at(instructions, pos + 1, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ins = &instructions->elements[pos + 1]; if (!(vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &sincos->location, VKD3DSIH_SINCOS, 2, 1))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ins->flags = sincos->flags; *ins->src = *sincos->src; /* Set the source swizzle to replicate the first component. */ s = vsir_swizzle_get_component(sincos->src->swizzle, 0); ins->src->swizzle = vkd3d_shader_create_swizzle(s, s, s, s); if (sincos->dst->write_mask & VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_1) { ins->dst[0] = *sincos->dst; ins->dst[0].write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_1; } else { vsir_dst_param_init(&ins->dst[0], VKD3DSPR_NULL, VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED, 0); } if (sincos->dst->write_mask & VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0) { ins->dst[1] = *sincos->dst; ins->dst[1].write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0; } else { vsir_dst_param_init(&ins->dst[1], VKD3DSPR_NULL, VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED, 0); } /* Make the original instruction no-op */ vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(sincos); return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_tex(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *tex) { unsigned int idx = tex->src[1].reg.idx[0].offset; struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *srcs; VKD3D_ASSERT(tex->src[1].reg.idx_count == 1); VKD3D_ASSERT(!tex->src[1].reg.idx[0].rel_addr); if (!(srcs = shader_src_param_allocator_get(&program->instructions.src_params, 3))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; srcs[0] = tex->src[0]; vsir_src_param_init_resource(&srcs[1], idx, idx); vsir_src_param_init_sampler(&srcs[2], idx, idx); tex->opcode = VKD3DSIH_SAMPLE; tex->src = srcs; tex->src_count = 3; return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_texldd(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *texldd) { unsigned int idx = texldd->src[1].reg.idx[0].offset; struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *srcs; VKD3D_ASSERT(texldd->src[1].reg.idx_count == 1); VKD3D_ASSERT(!texldd->src[1].reg.idx[0].rel_addr); if (!(srcs = shader_src_param_allocator_get(&program->instructions.src_params, 5))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; srcs[0] = texldd->src[0]; vsir_src_param_init_resource(&srcs[1], idx, idx); vsir_src_param_init_sampler(&srcs[2], idx, idx); srcs[3] = texldd->src[2]; srcs[4] = texldd->src[3]; texldd->opcode = VKD3DSIH_SAMPLE_GRAD; texldd->src = srcs; texldd->src_count = 5; return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_instructions(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context = ctx->message_context; unsigned int tmp_idx = ~0u, i; enum vkd3d_result ret; for (i = 0; i < instructions->count; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &instructions->elements[i]; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_IFC: if ((ret = vsir_program_lower_ifc(program, ins, &tmp_idx, message_context)) < 0) return ret; break; case VKD3DSIH_TEXKILL: if ((ret = vsir_program_lower_texkill(program, ins, &tmp_idx)) < 0) return ret; break; case VKD3DSIH_MAD: if ((ret = vsir_program_lower_precise_mad(program, ins, &tmp_idx)) < 0) return ret; break; case VKD3DSIH_DCL: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_CONSTANT_BUFFER: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_SAMPLER: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_TEMPS: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_THREAD_GROUP: vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); break; case VKD3DSIH_SINCOS: if ((ret = vsir_program_lower_sm1_sincos(program, ins)) < 0) return ret; break; case VKD3DSIH_TEX: if ((ret = vsir_program_lower_tex(program, ins)) < 0) return ret; break; case VKD3DSIH_TEXLDD: if ((ret = vsir_program_lower_texldd(program, ins)) < 0) return ret; break; case VKD3DSIH_TEXBEM: case VKD3DSIH_TEXBEML: case VKD3DSIH_TEXCOORD: case VKD3DSIH_TEXDEPTH: case VKD3DSIH_TEXDP3: case VKD3DSIH_TEXDP3TEX: case VKD3DSIH_TEXLDL: case VKD3DSIH_TEXM3x2PAD: case VKD3DSIH_TEXM3x2TEX: case VKD3DSIH_TEXM3x3DIFF: case VKD3DSIH_TEXM3x3PAD: case VKD3DSIH_TEXM3x3SPEC: case VKD3DSIH_TEXM3x3TEX: case VKD3DSIH_TEXM3x3VSPEC: case VKD3DSIH_TEXREG2AR: case VKD3DSIH_TEXREG2GB: case VKD3DSIH_TEXREG2RGB: vkd3d_shader_error(ctx->message_context, &ins->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Aborting due to unimplemented feature: Combined sampler instruction %#x.", ins->opcode); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; default: break; } } return VKD3D_OK; } static void shader_register_eliminate_phase_addressing(struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg, unsigned int instance_id) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < reg->idx_count; ++i) { if (reg->idx[i].rel_addr && shader_register_is_phase_instance_id(®->idx[i].rel_addr->reg)) { reg->idx[i].rel_addr = NULL; reg->idx[i].offset += instance_id; } } } static void shader_instruction_eliminate_phase_instance_id(struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins, unsigned int instance_id) { struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ins->src_count; ++i) { reg = (struct vkd3d_shader_register *)&ins->src[i].reg; if (shader_register_is_phase_instance_id(reg)) { vsir_register_init(reg, VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST, reg->data_type, 0); reg->u.immconst_u32[0] = instance_id; continue; } shader_register_eliminate_phase_addressing(reg, instance_id); } for (i = 0; i < ins->dst_count; ++i) shader_register_eliminate_phase_addressing(&ins->dst[i].reg, instance_id); } static const struct vkd3d_shader_varying_map *find_varying_map( const struct vkd3d_shader_varying_map_info *varying_map, unsigned int signature_idx) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < varying_map->varying_count; ++i) { if (varying_map->varying_map[i].output_signature_index == signature_idx) return &varying_map->varying_map[i]; } return NULL; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_remap_output_signature(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { const struct vkd3d_shader_location location = {.source_name = ctx->compile_info->source_name}; struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context = ctx->message_context; const struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info *compile_info = ctx->compile_info; struct shader_signature *signature = &program->output_signature; const struct vkd3d_shader_varying_map_info *varying_map; unsigned int i; if (!(varying_map = vkd3d_find_struct(compile_info->next, VARYING_MAP_INFO))) return VKD3D_OK; for (i = 0; i < signature->element_count; ++i) { const struct vkd3d_shader_varying_map *map = find_varying_map(varying_map, i); struct signature_element *e = &signature->elements[i]; if (map) { unsigned int input_mask = map->input_mask; e->target_location = map->input_register_index; /* It is illegal in Vulkan if the next shader uses the same varying * location with a different mask. */ if (input_mask && input_mask != e->mask) { vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Aborting due to not yet implemented feature: " "Output mask %#x does not match input mask %#x.", e->mask, input_mask); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } else { e->target_location = SIGNATURE_TARGET_LOCATION_UNUSED; } } for (i = 0; i < varying_map->varying_count; ++i) { if (varying_map->varying_map[i].output_signature_index >= signature->element_count) { vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Aborting due to not yet implemented feature: " "The next stage consumes varyings not written by this stage."); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } return VKD3D_OK; } struct hull_flattener { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array instructions; unsigned int instance_count; unsigned int phase_body_idx; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode phase; struct vkd3d_shader_location last_ret_location; }; static bool flattener_is_in_fork_or_join_phase(const struct hull_flattener *flattener) { return flattener->phase == VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE || flattener->phase == VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE; } struct shader_phase_location { unsigned int index; unsigned int instance_count; unsigned int instruction_count; }; struct shader_phase_location_array { /* Unlikely worst case: one phase for each component of each output register. */ struct shader_phase_location locations[MAX_REG_OUTPUT * VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE]; unsigned int count; }; static void flattener_eliminate_phase_related_dcls(struct hull_flattener *normaliser, unsigned int index, struct shader_phase_location_array *locations) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &normaliser->instructions.elements[index]; struct shader_phase_location *loc; bool b; if (ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE || ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE) { b = flattener_is_in_fork_or_join_phase(normaliser); /* Reset the phase info. */ normaliser->phase_body_idx = ~0u; normaliser->phase = ins->opcode; normaliser->instance_count = 1; /* Leave the first occurrence and delete the rest. */ if (b) vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); return; } else if (ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_DCL_HS_FORK_PHASE_INSTANCE_COUNT || ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_DCL_HS_JOIN_PHASE_INSTANCE_COUNT) { normaliser->instance_count = ins->declaration.count + !ins->declaration.count; vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); return; } else if (ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT && shader_register_is_phase_instance_id( &ins->declaration.dst.reg)) { vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); return; } if (normaliser->phase == VKD3DSIH_INVALID || vsir_instruction_is_dcl(ins)) return; if (normaliser->phase_body_idx == ~0u) normaliser->phase_body_idx = index; if (ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_RET) { normaliser->last_ret_location = ins->location; vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); if (locations->count >= ARRAY_SIZE(locations->locations)) { FIXME("Insufficient space for phase location.\n"); return; } loc = &locations->locations[locations->count++]; loc->index = normaliser->phase_body_idx; loc->instance_count = normaliser->instance_count; loc->instruction_count = index - normaliser->phase_body_idx; } } static enum vkd3d_result flattener_flatten_phases(struct hull_flattener *normaliser, struct shader_phase_location_array *locations) { struct shader_phase_location *loc; unsigned int i, j, k, end, count; for (i = 0, count = 0; i < locations->count; ++i) count += (locations->locations[i].instance_count - 1) * locations->locations[i].instruction_count; if (!shader_instruction_array_reserve(&normaliser->instructions, normaliser->instructions.count + count)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; end = normaliser->instructions.count; normaliser->instructions.count += count; for (i = locations->count; i > 0; --i) { loc = &locations->locations[i - 1]; j = loc->index + loc->instruction_count; memmove(&normaliser->instructions.elements[j + count], &normaliser->instructions.elements[j], (end - j) * sizeof(*normaliser->instructions.elements)); end = j; count -= (loc->instance_count - 1) * loc->instruction_count; loc->index += count; } for (i = 0, count = 0; i < locations->count; ++i) { loc = &locations->locations[i]; /* Make a copy of the non-dcl instructions for each instance. */ for (j = 1; j < loc->instance_count; ++j) { for (k = 0; k < loc->instruction_count; ++k) { if (!shader_instruction_array_clone_instruction(&normaliser->instructions, loc->index + loc->instruction_count * j + k, loc->index + k)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } /* Replace each reference to the instance id with a constant instance id. */ for (j = 0; j < loc->instance_count; ++j) { for (k = 0; k < loc->instruction_count; ++k) shader_instruction_eliminate_phase_instance_id( &normaliser->instructions.elements[loc->index + loc->instruction_count * j + k], j); } } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_flatten_hull_shader_phases(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct hull_flattener flattener = {program->instructions}; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions; struct shader_phase_location_array locations; enum vkd3d_result result = VKD3D_OK; unsigned int i; instructions = &flattener.instructions; flattener.phase = VKD3DSIH_INVALID; for (i = 0, locations.count = 0; i < instructions->count; ++i) flattener_eliminate_phase_related_dcls(&flattener, i, &locations); if ((result = flattener_flatten_phases(&flattener, &locations)) < 0) return result; if (flattener.phase != VKD3DSIH_INVALID) { if (!shader_instruction_array_reserve(&flattener.instructions, flattener.instructions.count + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_instruction_init(&instructions->elements[instructions->count++], &flattener.last_ret_location, VKD3DSIH_RET); } program->instructions = flattener.instructions; return result; } struct control_point_normaliser { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array instructions; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode phase; struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *outpointid_param; }; static bool control_point_normaliser_is_in_control_point_phase(const struct control_point_normaliser *normaliser) { return normaliser->phase == VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE; } struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *vsir_program_create_outpointid_param(struct vsir_program *program) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *rel_addr; if (instructions->outpointid_param) return instructions->outpointid_param; if (!(rel_addr = shader_src_param_allocator_get(&instructions->src_params, 1))) return NULL; vsir_register_init(&rel_addr->reg, VKD3DSPR_OUTPOINTID, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 0); rel_addr->swizzle = 0; rel_addr->modifiers = 0; instructions->outpointid_param = rel_addr; return rel_addr; } static void shader_dst_param_normalise_outpointid(struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst_param, struct control_point_normaliser *normaliser) { struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg = &dst_param->reg; if (control_point_normaliser_is_in_control_point_phase(normaliser) && reg->type == VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT) { /* The TPF reader validates idx_count. */ VKD3D_ASSERT(reg->idx_count == 1); reg->idx[1] = reg->idx[0]; /* The control point id param is implicit here. Avoid later complications by inserting it. */ reg->idx[0].offset = 0; reg->idx[0].rel_addr = normaliser->outpointid_param; ++reg->idx_count; } } static void shader_dst_param_io_init(struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *param, const struct signature_element *e, enum vkd3d_shader_register_type reg_type, unsigned int idx_count) { param->write_mask = e->mask; param->modifiers = 0; param->shift = 0; vsir_register_init(¶m->reg, reg_type, vkd3d_data_type_from_component_type(e->component_type), idx_count); } static enum vkd3d_result control_point_normaliser_emit_hs_input(struct control_point_normaliser *normaliser, const struct shader_signature *s, unsigned int input_control_point_count, unsigned int dst, const struct vkd3d_shader_location *location) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *param; const struct signature_element *e; unsigned int i, count; for (i = 0, count = 1; i < s->element_count; ++i) count += !!s->elements[i].used_mask; if (!shader_instruction_array_reserve(&normaliser->instructions, normaliser->instructions.count + count)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memmove(&normaliser->instructions.elements[dst + count], &normaliser->instructions.elements[dst], (normaliser->instructions.count - dst) * sizeof(*normaliser->instructions.elements)); normaliser->instructions.count += count; ins = &normaliser->instructions.elements[dst]; vsir_instruction_init(ins, location, VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE); ins->flags = 1; ++ins; for (i = 0; i < s->element_count; ++i) { e = &s->elements[i]; if (!e->used_mask) continue; if (e->sysval_semantic != VKD3D_SHADER_SV_NONE) { vsir_instruction_init(ins, location, VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_SIV); param = &ins->declaration.register_semantic.reg; ins->declaration.register_semantic.sysval_semantic = vkd3d_siv_from_sysval(e->sysval_semantic); } else { vsir_instruction_init(ins, location, VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT); param = &ins->declaration.dst; } shader_dst_param_io_init(param, e, VKD3DSPR_INPUT, 2); param->reg.idx[0].offset = input_control_point_count; param->reg.idx[1].offset = e->register_index; param->write_mask = e->mask; ++ins; } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result instruction_array_normalise_hull_shader_control_point_io( struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions; struct control_point_normaliser normaliser; unsigned int input_control_point_count; struct vkd3d_shader_location location; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; enum vkd3d_result ret; unsigned int i, j; if (!(normaliser.outpointid_param = vsir_program_create_outpointid_param(program))) { ERR("Failed to allocate src param.\n"); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } normaliser.instructions = program->instructions; instructions = &normaliser.instructions; normaliser.phase = VKD3DSIH_INVALID; for (i = 0; i < normaliser.instructions.count; ++i) { ins = &instructions->elements[i]; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: normaliser.phase = ins->opcode; break; default: if (vsir_instruction_is_dcl(ins)) break; for (j = 0; j < ins->dst_count; ++j) shader_dst_param_normalise_outpointid(&ins->dst[j], &normaliser); break; } } normaliser.phase = VKD3DSIH_INVALID; input_control_point_count = 1; for (i = 0; i < instructions->count; ++i) { ins = &instructions->elements[i]; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_CONTROL_POINT_COUNT: input_control_point_count = ins->declaration.count; break; case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: program->instructions = normaliser.instructions; return VKD3D_OK; case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: /* ins may be relocated if the instruction array expands. */ location = ins->location; ret = control_point_normaliser_emit_hs_input(&normaliser, &program->input_signature, input_control_point_count, i, &location); program->instructions = normaliser.instructions; return ret; default: break; } } program->instructions = normaliser.instructions; return VKD3D_OK; } struct io_normaliser { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array instructions; enum vkd3d_shader_type shader_type; uint8_t major; struct shader_signature *input_signature; struct shader_signature *output_signature; struct shader_signature *patch_constant_signature; unsigned int instance_count; unsigned int phase_body_idx; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode phase; unsigned int output_control_point_count; struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *outpointid_param; struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *input_dcl_params[MAX_REG_OUTPUT]; struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *output_dcl_params[MAX_REG_OUTPUT]; struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *pc_dcl_params[MAX_REG_OUTPUT]; uint8_t input_range_map[MAX_REG_OUTPUT][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE]; uint8_t output_range_map[MAX_REG_OUTPUT][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE]; uint8_t pc_range_map[MAX_REG_OUTPUT][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE]; bool use_vocp; }; static bool io_normaliser_is_in_fork_or_join_phase(const struct io_normaliser *normaliser) { return normaliser->phase == VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE || normaliser->phase == VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE; } static bool io_normaliser_is_in_control_point_phase(const struct io_normaliser *normaliser) { return normaliser->phase == VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE; } static bool shader_signature_find_element_for_reg(const struct shader_signature *signature, unsigned int reg_idx, unsigned int write_mask, unsigned int *element_idx) { const struct signature_element *e; unsigned int i, base_write_mask; for (i = 0; i < signature->element_count; ++i) { e = &signature->elements[i]; if (e->register_index <= reg_idx && e->register_count > reg_idx - e->register_index && (e->mask & write_mask) == write_mask) { *element_idx = i; return true; } } /* Validated in the TPF reader, but failure in signature_element_range_expand_mask() * can land us here on an unmatched vector mask. */ FIXME("Failed to find signature element for register index %u, mask %#x; using scalar mask.\n", reg_idx, write_mask); base_write_mask = 1u << vsir_write_mask_get_component_idx(write_mask); if (base_write_mask != write_mask) return shader_signature_find_element_for_reg(signature, reg_idx, base_write_mask, element_idx); return false; } struct signature_element *vsir_signature_find_element_for_reg(const struct shader_signature *signature, unsigned int reg_idx, unsigned int write_mask) { unsigned int element_idx; if (shader_signature_find_element_for_reg(signature, reg_idx, write_mask, &element_idx)) return &signature->elements[element_idx]; return NULL; } static unsigned int range_map_get_register_count(uint8_t range_map[][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE], unsigned int register_idx, uint32_t write_mask) { return range_map[register_idx][vsir_write_mask_get_component_idx(write_mask)]; } static void range_map_set_register_range(uint8_t range_map[][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE], unsigned int register_idx, unsigned int register_count, uint32_t write_mask, bool is_dcl_indexrange) { unsigned int i, j, r, c, component_idx, component_count; VKD3D_ASSERT(write_mask <= VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_ALL); component_idx = vsir_write_mask_get_component_idx(write_mask); component_count = vsir_write_mask_component_count(write_mask); VKD3D_ASSERT(register_idx < MAX_REG_OUTPUT && MAX_REG_OUTPUT - register_idx >= register_count); if (range_map[register_idx][component_idx] > register_count && is_dcl_indexrange) { /* Validated in the TPF reader. */ VKD3D_ASSERT(range_map[register_idx][component_idx] != UINT8_MAX); return; } if (range_map[register_idx][component_idx] == register_count) { /* Already done. This happens when fxc splits a register declaration by * component(s). The dcl_indexrange instructions are split too. */ return; } range_map[register_idx][component_idx] = register_count; for (i = 0; i < register_count; ++i) { r = register_idx + i; for (j = !i; j < component_count; ++j) { c = component_idx + j; /* A synthetic patch constant range which overlaps an existing range can start upstream of it * for fork/join phase instancing, but ranges declared by dcl_indexrange should not overlap. * The latter is validated in the TPF reader. */ VKD3D_ASSERT(!range_map[r][c] || !is_dcl_indexrange); range_map[r][c] = UINT8_MAX; } } } static void io_normaliser_add_index_range(struct io_normaliser *normaliser, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins) { const struct vkd3d_shader_index_range *range = &ins->declaration.index_range; const struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg = &range->dst.reg; const struct shader_signature *signature; uint8_t (*range_map)[VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE]; struct signature_element *element; unsigned int reg_idx, write_mask; switch (reg->type) { case VKD3DSPR_INPUT: case VKD3DSPR_INCONTROLPOINT: range_map = normaliser->input_range_map; signature = normaliser->input_signature; break; case VKD3DSPR_OUTCONTROLPOINT: range_map = normaliser->output_range_map; signature = normaliser->output_signature; break; case VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT: if (!io_normaliser_is_in_fork_or_join_phase(normaliser)) { range_map = normaliser->output_range_map; signature = normaliser->output_signature; break; } /* fall through */ case VKD3DSPR_PATCHCONST: range_map = normaliser->pc_range_map; signature = normaliser->patch_constant_signature; break; default: /* Validated in the TPF reader. */ vkd3d_unreachable(); } reg_idx = reg->idx[reg->idx_count - 1].offset; write_mask = range->dst.write_mask; element = vsir_signature_find_element_for_reg(signature, reg_idx, write_mask); range_map_set_register_range(range_map, reg_idx, range->register_count, element->mask, true); } static int signature_element_mask_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct signature_element *e = a, *f = b; int ret; return (ret = vkd3d_u32_compare(e->mask, f->mask)) ? ret : vkd3d_u32_compare(e->register_index, f->register_index); } static bool sysval_semantics_should_merge(const struct signature_element *e, const struct signature_element *f) { if (e->sysval_semantic < VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_QUADEDGE || e->sysval_semantic > VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_LINEDEN) return false; return e->sysval_semantic == f->sysval_semantic /* Line detail and density must be merged together to match the SPIR-V array. * This deletes one of the two sysvals, but these are not used. */ || (e->sysval_semantic == VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_LINEDET && f->sysval_semantic == VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_LINEDEN) || (e->sysval_semantic == VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_LINEDEN && f->sysval_semantic == VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_LINEDET); } /* Merge tess factor sysvals because they are an array in SPIR-V. */ static void shader_signature_map_patch_constant_index_ranges(struct shader_signature *s, uint8_t range_map[][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE]) { struct signature_element *e, *f; unsigned int i, j, register_count; qsort(s->elements, s->element_count, sizeof(s->elements[0]), signature_element_mask_compare); for (i = 0; i < s->element_count; i += register_count) { e = &s->elements[i]; register_count = 1; if (!e->sysval_semantic) continue; for (j = i + 1; j < s->element_count; ++j, ++register_count) { f = &s->elements[j]; if (f->register_index != e->register_index + register_count || !sysval_semantics_should_merge(e, f)) break; } if (register_count < 2) continue; range_map_set_register_range(range_map, e->register_index, register_count, e->mask, false); } } static int signature_element_register_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct signature_element *e = a, *f = b; return vkd3d_u32_compare(e->register_index, f->register_index); } static int signature_element_index_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct signature_element *e = a, *f = b; return vkd3d_u32_compare(e->sort_index, f->sort_index); } static unsigned int signature_element_range_expand_mask(struct signature_element *e, unsigned int register_count, uint8_t range_map[][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE]) { unsigned int i, j, component_idx, component_count, merged_write_mask = e->mask; /* dcl_indexrange instructions can declare a subset of the full mask, and the masks of * the elements within the range may differ. TPF's handling of arrayed inputs with * dcl_indexrange is really just a hack. Here we create a mask which covers all element * masks, and check for collisions with other ranges. */ for (i = 1; i < register_count; ++i) merged_write_mask |= e[i].mask; if (merged_write_mask == e->mask) return merged_write_mask; /* Reaching this point is very rare to begin with, and collisions are even rarer or * impossible. If the latter shows up, the fallback in shader_signature_find_element_for_reg() * may be sufficient. */ component_idx = vsir_write_mask_get_component_idx(e->mask); component_count = vsir_write_mask_component_count(e->mask); for (i = e->register_index; i < e->register_index + register_count; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < component_idx; ++j) if (range_map[i][j]) break; for (j = component_idx + component_count; j < VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE; ++j) if (range_map[i][j]) break; } if (i == register_count) { WARN("Expanding mask %#x to %#x for %s, base reg %u, count %u.\n", e->mask, merged_write_mask, e->semantic_name, e->register_index, register_count); return merged_write_mask; } WARN("Cannot expand mask %#x to %#x for %s, base reg %u, count %u.\n", e->mask, merged_write_mask, e->semantic_name, e->register_index, register_count); return e->mask; } static bool shader_signature_merge(struct shader_signature *s, uint8_t range_map[][VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE], bool is_patch_constant) { unsigned int i, j, element_count, new_count, register_count; struct signature_element *elements; struct signature_element *e, *f; bool used; element_count = s->element_count; if (!(elements = vkd3d_malloc(element_count * sizeof(*elements)))) return false; memcpy(elements, s->elements, element_count * sizeof(*elements)); for (i = 0; i < element_count; ++i) elements[i].sort_index = i; qsort(elements, element_count, sizeof(elements[0]), signature_element_register_compare); for (i = 0, new_count = 0; i < element_count; i = j, elements[new_count++] = *e) { e = &elements[i]; j = i + 1; if (e->register_index == ~0u) continue; /* Do not merge if the register index will be relative-addressed. */ if (range_map_get_register_count(range_map, e->register_index, e->mask) > 1) continue; used = e->used_mask; for (; j < element_count; ++j) { f = &elements[j]; /* Merge different components of the same register unless sysvals are different, * or it will be relative-addressed. */ if (f->register_index != e->register_index || f->sysval_semantic != e->sysval_semantic || range_map_get_register_count(range_map, f->register_index, f->mask) > 1) break; TRACE("Merging %s, reg %u, mask %#x, sysval %#x with %s, mask %#x, sysval %#x.\n", e->semantic_name, e->register_index, e->mask, e->sysval_semantic, f->semantic_name, f->mask, f->sysval_semantic); VKD3D_ASSERT(!(e->mask & f->mask)); e->mask |= f->mask; e->used_mask |= f->used_mask; e->semantic_index = min(e->semantic_index, f->semantic_index); /* The first element may have no interpolation mode if it is unused. Elements which * actually have different interpolation modes are assigned different registers. */ if (f->used_mask && !used) { if (e->interpolation_mode && e->interpolation_mode != f->interpolation_mode) FIXME("Mismatching interpolation modes %u and %u.\n", e->interpolation_mode, f->interpolation_mode); else e->interpolation_mode = f->interpolation_mode; } vkd3d_free((void *)f->semantic_name); } } element_count = new_count; vkd3d_free(s->elements); s->elements = elements; s->element_count = element_count; if (is_patch_constant) shader_signature_map_patch_constant_index_ranges(s, range_map); for (i = 0, new_count = 0; i < element_count; i += register_count, elements[new_count++] = *e) { e = &elements[i]; register_count = 1; if (e->register_index >= MAX_REG_OUTPUT) continue; register_count = range_map_get_register_count(range_map, e->register_index, e->mask); VKD3D_ASSERT(register_count != UINT8_MAX); register_count += !register_count; if (register_count > 1) { TRACE("Merging %s, base reg %u, count %u.\n", e->semantic_name, e->register_index, register_count); e->register_count = register_count; e->mask = signature_element_range_expand_mask(e, register_count, range_map); for (j = 1; j < register_count; ++j) { f = &elements[i + j]; vkd3d_free((void *)f->semantic_name); } } } element_count = new_count; /* Restoring the original order is required for sensible trace output. */ qsort(elements, element_count, sizeof(elements[0]), signature_element_index_compare); s->element_count = element_count; return true; } static unsigned int shader_register_normalise_arrayed_addressing(struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg, unsigned int id_idx, unsigned int register_index) { VKD3D_ASSERT(id_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(reg->idx) - 1); /* For a relative-addressed register index, move the id up a slot to separate it from the address, * because rel_addr can be replaced with a constant offset in some cases. */ if (reg->idx[id_idx].rel_addr) { reg->idx[id_idx + 1].rel_addr = NULL; reg->idx[id_idx + 1].offset = reg->idx[id_idx].offset; reg->idx[id_idx].offset -= register_index; if (id_idx) { /* idx[id_idx] now contains the array index, which must be moved below the control point id. */ struct vkd3d_shader_register_index tmp = reg->idx[id_idx]; reg->idx[id_idx] = reg->idx[id_idx - 1]; reg->idx[id_idx - 1] = tmp; } ++id_idx; } /* Otherwise we have no address for the arrayed register, so insert one. This happens e.g. where * tessellation level registers are merged into an array because they're an array in SPIR-V. */ else { ++id_idx; memmove(®->idx[1], ®->idx[0], id_idx * sizeof(reg->idx[0])); reg->idx[0].rel_addr = NULL; reg->idx[0].offset = reg->idx[id_idx].offset - register_index; } return id_idx; } static bool shader_dst_param_io_normalise(struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst_param, bool is_io_dcl, struct io_normaliser *normaliser) { unsigned int id_idx, reg_idx, write_mask, element_idx; struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg = &dst_param->reg; struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param **dcl_params; const struct shader_signature *signature; const struct signature_element *e; switch (reg->type) { case VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT: reg_idx = reg->idx[reg->idx_count - 1].offset; if (io_normaliser_is_in_fork_or_join_phase(normaliser)) { signature = normaliser->patch_constant_signature; /* Convert patch constant outputs to the patch constant register type to avoid the need * to convert compiler symbols when accessed as inputs in a later stage. */ reg->type = VKD3DSPR_PATCHCONST; dcl_params = normaliser->pc_dcl_params; } else { signature = normaliser->output_signature; dcl_params = normaliser->output_dcl_params; } break; case VKD3DSPR_PATCHCONST: reg_idx = reg->idx[reg->idx_count - 1].offset; signature = normaliser->patch_constant_signature; dcl_params = normaliser->pc_dcl_params; break; case VKD3DSPR_COLOROUT: reg_idx = reg->idx[0].offset; signature = normaliser->output_signature; reg->type = VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT; dcl_params = normaliser->output_dcl_params; break; case VKD3DSPR_INCONTROLPOINT: case VKD3DSPR_INPUT: reg_idx = reg->idx[reg->idx_count - 1].offset; signature = normaliser->input_signature; reg->type = VKD3DSPR_INPUT; dcl_params = normaliser->input_dcl_params; break; case VKD3DSPR_ATTROUT: reg_idx = SM1_COLOR_REGISTER_OFFSET + reg->idx[0].offset; signature = normaliser->output_signature; reg->type = VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT; dcl_params = normaliser->output_dcl_params; break; case VKD3DSPR_RASTOUT: reg_idx = SM1_RASTOUT_REGISTER_OFFSET + reg->idx[0].offset; signature = normaliser->output_signature; reg->type = VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT; dcl_params = normaliser->output_dcl_params; break; default: return true; } id_idx = reg->idx_count - 1; write_mask = dst_param->write_mask; if (!shader_signature_find_element_for_reg(signature, reg_idx, write_mask, &element_idx)) vkd3d_unreachable(); e = &signature->elements[element_idx]; if (is_io_dcl) { /* Validated in the TPF reader. */ VKD3D_ASSERT(element_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(normaliser->input_dcl_params)); if (dcl_params[element_idx]) { /* Merge split declarations into a single one. */ dcl_params[element_idx]->write_mask |= dst_param->write_mask; /* Turn this into a nop. */ return false; } else { dcl_params[element_idx] = dst_param; } } if (io_normaliser_is_in_control_point_phase(normaliser) && reg->type == VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT) { if (is_io_dcl) { /* Emit an array size for the control points for consistency with inputs. */ reg->idx[0].offset = normaliser->output_control_point_count; } else { /* The control point id param. */ VKD3D_ASSERT(reg->idx[0].rel_addr); } id_idx = 1; } if ((e->register_count > 1 || vsir_sysval_semantic_is_tess_factor(e->sysval_semantic))) { if (is_io_dcl) { /* For control point I/O, idx 0 contains the control point count. * Ensure it is moved up to the next slot. */ reg->idx[id_idx].offset = reg->idx[0].offset; reg->idx[0].offset = e->register_count; ++id_idx; } else { id_idx = shader_register_normalise_arrayed_addressing(reg, id_idx, e->register_index); } } /* Replace the register index with the signature element index */ reg->idx[id_idx].offset = element_idx; reg->idx_count = id_idx + 1; return true; } static void shader_src_param_io_normalise(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src_param, struct io_normaliser *normaliser) { unsigned int i, id_idx, reg_idx, write_mask, element_idx, component_idx; struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg = &src_param->reg; const struct shader_signature *signature; const struct signature_element *e; /* Input/output registers from one phase can be used as inputs in * subsequent phases. Specifically: * * - Control phase inputs are available as "vicp" in fork and join * phases. * - Control phase outputs are available as "vocp" in fork and join * phases. * - Fork phase patch constants are available as "vpc" in join * phases. * * We handle "vicp" here by converting INCONTROLPOINT src registers to * type INPUT so they match the control phase declarations. We handle * "vocp" by converting OUTCONTROLPOINT registers to type OUTPUT. * Merging fork and join phases handles "vpc". */ switch (reg->type) { case VKD3DSPR_PATCHCONST: reg_idx = reg->idx[reg->idx_count - 1].offset; signature = normaliser->patch_constant_signature; break; case VKD3DSPR_INCONTROLPOINT: reg->type = VKD3DSPR_INPUT; /* fall through */ case VKD3DSPR_INPUT: if (normaliser->major < 3 && normaliser->shader_type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) reg_idx = SM1_COLOR_REGISTER_OFFSET + reg->idx[0].offset; else reg_idx = reg->idx[reg->idx_count - 1].offset; signature = normaliser->input_signature; break; case VKD3DSPR_OUTCONTROLPOINT: reg->type = VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT; /* fall through */ case VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT: reg_idx = reg->idx[reg->idx_count - 1].offset; signature = normaliser->output_signature; break; case VKD3DSPR_TEXTURE: if (normaliser->shader_type != VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) return; reg->type = VKD3DSPR_INPUT; reg_idx = reg->idx[0].offset; signature = normaliser->input_signature; break; default: return; } id_idx = reg->idx_count - 1; write_mask = VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0 << vsir_swizzle_get_component(src_param->swizzle, 0); if (!shader_signature_find_element_for_reg(signature, reg_idx, write_mask, &element_idx)) vkd3d_unreachable(); e = &signature->elements[element_idx]; if ((e->register_count > 1 || vsir_sysval_semantic_is_tess_factor(e->sysval_semantic))) id_idx = shader_register_normalise_arrayed_addressing(reg, id_idx, e->register_index); reg->idx[id_idx].offset = element_idx; reg->idx_count = id_idx + 1; if ((component_idx = vsir_write_mask_get_component_idx(e->mask))) { for (i = 0; i < VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE; ++i) if (vsir_swizzle_get_component(src_param->swizzle, i)) src_param->swizzle -= component_idx << VKD3D_SHADER_SWIZZLE_SHIFT(i); } } static void shader_instruction_normalise_io_params(struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins, struct io_normaliser *normaliser) { struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg; unsigned int i; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT: if (normaliser->shader_type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL) { reg = &ins->declaration.dst.reg; if (reg->type == VKD3DSPR_OUTCONTROLPOINT) normaliser->use_vocp = true; /* We don't need to keep OUTCONTROLPOINT or PATCHCONST input declarations since their * equivalents were declared earlier, but INCONTROLPOINT may be the first occurrence. */ if (reg->type == VKD3DSPR_OUTCONTROLPOINT || reg->type == VKD3DSPR_PATCHCONST) vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); else if (reg->type == VKD3DSPR_INCONTROLPOINT) reg->type = VKD3DSPR_INPUT; } /* fall through */ case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_PS: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_OUTPUT: if (!shader_dst_param_io_normalise(&ins->declaration.dst, true, normaliser)) vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); break; case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_SGV: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_SIV: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_PS_SGV: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_PS_SIV: case VKD3DSIH_DCL_OUTPUT_SIV: if (!shader_dst_param_io_normalise(&ins->declaration.register_semantic.reg, true, normaliser)) vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); break; case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: normaliser->phase = ins->opcode; memset(normaliser->input_dcl_params, 0, sizeof(normaliser->input_dcl_params)); memset(normaliser->output_dcl_params, 0, sizeof(normaliser->output_dcl_params)); memset(normaliser->pc_dcl_params, 0, sizeof(normaliser->pc_dcl_params)); break; default: if (vsir_instruction_is_dcl(ins)) break; for (i = 0; i < ins->dst_count; ++i) shader_dst_param_io_normalise(&ins->dst[i], false, normaliser); for (i = 0; i < ins->src_count; ++i) shader_src_param_io_normalise(&ins->src[i], normaliser); break; } } static bool use_flat_interpolation(const struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { static const struct vkd3d_shader_location no_loc; const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *parameter; if (!(parameter = vsir_program_get_parameter(program, VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_NAME_FLAT_INTERPOLATION))) return false; if (parameter->type != VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE_CONSTANT) { vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Unsupported flat interpolation parameter type %#x.", parameter->type); return false; } if (parameter->data_type != VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_UINT32) { vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid flat interpolation parameter data type %#x.", parameter->data_type); return false; } return parameter->u.immediate_constant.u.u32; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_normalise_io_registers(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context = ctx->message_context; struct io_normaliser normaliser = {program->instructions}; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; unsigned int i; normaliser.phase = VKD3DSIH_INVALID; normaliser.shader_type = program->shader_version.type; normaliser.major = program->shader_version.major; normaliser.input_signature = &program->input_signature; normaliser.output_signature = &program->output_signature; normaliser.patch_constant_signature = &program->patch_constant_signature; for (i = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_DCL_OUTPUT_CONTROL_POINT_COUNT: normaliser.output_control_point_count = ins->declaration.count; break; case VKD3DSIH_DCL_INDEX_RANGE: io_normaliser_add_index_range(&normaliser, ins); vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); break; case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: normaliser.phase = ins->opcode; break; default: break; } } if (!shader_signature_merge(&program->input_signature, normaliser.input_range_map, false) || !shader_signature_merge(&program->output_signature, normaliser.output_range_map, false) || !shader_signature_merge(&program->patch_constant_signature, normaliser.pc_range_map, true)) { program->instructions = normaliser.instructions; return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (program->shader_version.type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL && program->shader_version.major < 4 && use_flat_interpolation(program, message_context)) { for (i = 0; i < program->input_signature.element_count; ++i) { struct signature_element *element = &program->input_signature.elements[i]; if (!ascii_strcasecmp(element->semantic_name, "COLOR")) element->interpolation_mode = VKD3DSIM_CONSTANT; } } normaliser.phase = VKD3DSIH_INVALID; for (i = 0; i < normaliser.instructions.count; ++i) shader_instruction_normalise_io_params(&normaliser.instructions.elements[i], &normaliser); program->instructions = normaliser.instructions; program->use_vocp = normaliser.use_vocp; return VKD3D_OK; } struct flat_constant_def { enum vkd3d_shader_d3dbc_constant_register set; uint32_t index; uint32_t value[4]; }; struct flat_constants_normaliser { struct flat_constant_def *defs; size_t def_count, defs_capacity; }; static bool get_flat_constant_register_type(const struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg, enum vkd3d_shader_d3dbc_constant_register *set, uint32_t *index) { static const struct { enum vkd3d_shader_register_type type; enum vkd3d_shader_d3dbc_constant_register set; uint32_t offset; } regs[] = { {VKD3DSPR_CONST, VKD3D_SHADER_D3DBC_FLOAT_CONSTANT_REGISTER, 0}, {VKD3DSPR_CONST2, VKD3D_SHADER_D3DBC_FLOAT_CONSTANT_REGISTER, 2048}, {VKD3DSPR_CONST3, VKD3D_SHADER_D3DBC_FLOAT_CONSTANT_REGISTER, 4096}, {VKD3DSPR_CONST4, VKD3D_SHADER_D3DBC_FLOAT_CONSTANT_REGISTER, 6144}, {VKD3DSPR_CONSTINT, VKD3D_SHADER_D3DBC_INT_CONSTANT_REGISTER, 0}, {VKD3DSPR_CONSTBOOL, VKD3D_SHADER_D3DBC_BOOL_CONSTANT_REGISTER, 0}, }; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(regs); ++i) { if (reg->type == regs[i].type) { if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) { FIXME("Unhandled relative address.\n"); return false; } *set = regs[i].set; *index = regs[i].offset + reg->idx[0].offset; return true; } } return false; } static void shader_register_normalise_flat_constants(struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *param, const struct flat_constants_normaliser *normaliser) { enum vkd3d_shader_d3dbc_constant_register set; uint32_t index; size_t i, j; if (!get_flat_constant_register_type(¶m->reg, &set, &index)) return; for (i = 0; i < normaliser->def_count; ++i) { if (normaliser->defs[i].set == set && normaliser->defs[i].index == index) { param->reg.type = VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST; param->reg.idx_count = 0; param->reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) param->reg.u.immconst_u32[j] = normaliser->defs[i].value[j]; return; } } param->reg.type = VKD3DSPR_CONSTBUFFER; param->reg.idx[0].offset = set; /* register ID */ param->reg.idx[1].offset = set; /* register index */ param->reg.idx[2].offset = index; /* buffer index */ param->reg.idx_count = 3; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_normalise_flat_constants(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct flat_constants_normaliser normaliser = {0}; unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; if (ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_DEF || ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_DEFI || ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_DEFB) { struct flat_constant_def *def; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&normaliser.defs, &normaliser.defs_capacity, normaliser.def_count + 1, sizeof(*normaliser.defs))) { vkd3d_free(normaliser.defs); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } def = &normaliser.defs[normaliser.def_count++]; get_flat_constant_register_type((struct vkd3d_shader_register *)&ins->dst[0].reg, &def->set, &def->index); for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) def->value[j] = ins->src[0].reg.u.immconst_u32[j]; vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); } else { for (j = 0; j < ins->src_count; ++j) shader_register_normalise_flat_constants(&ins->src[j], &normaliser); } } vkd3d_free(normaliser.defs); return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_remove_dead_code(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { size_t i, depth = 0; bool dead = false; for (i = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_IF: case VKD3DSIH_LOOP: case VKD3DSIH_SWITCH: if (dead) { vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); ++depth; } break; case VKD3DSIH_ENDIF: case VKD3DSIH_ENDLOOP: case VKD3DSIH_ENDSWITCH: case VKD3DSIH_ELSE: if (dead) { if (depth > 0) { if (ins->opcode != VKD3DSIH_ELSE) --depth; vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); } else { dead = false; } } break; /* `depth' is counted with respect to where the dead code * segment began. So it starts at zero and it signals the * termination of the dead code segment when it would * become negative. */ case VKD3DSIH_BREAK: case VKD3DSIH_RET: case VKD3DSIH_CONTINUE: if (dead) { vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); } else { dead = true; depth = 0; } break; /* If `case' or `default' appears at zero depth, it means * that they are a possible target for the corresponding * switch, so the code is live again. */ case VKD3DSIH_CASE: case VKD3DSIH_DEFAULT: if (dead) { if (depth == 0) dead = false; else vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); } break; /* Phase instructions can only appear in hull shaders and * outside of any block. When a phase returns, control is * moved to the following phase, so they make code live * again. */ case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: dead = false; break; default: if (dead) vkd3d_shader_instruction_make_nop(ins); break; } } return VKD3D_OK; } struct cf_flattener_if_info { struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *false_param; unsigned int id; uint32_t merge_block_id; unsigned int else_block_id; }; struct cf_flattener_loop_info { unsigned int header_block_id; unsigned int continue_block_id; uint32_t merge_block_id; }; struct cf_flattener_switch_case { unsigned int value; unsigned int block_id; }; struct cf_flattener_switch_info { size_t ins_location; const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *condition; unsigned int id; unsigned int merge_block_id; unsigned int default_block_id; struct cf_flattener_switch_case *cases; size_t cases_size; unsigned int cases_count; }; struct cf_flattener_info { union { struct cf_flattener_if_info if_; struct cf_flattener_loop_info loop; struct cf_flattener_switch_info switch_; } u; enum { VKD3D_BLOCK_IF, VKD3D_BLOCK_LOOP, VKD3D_BLOCK_SWITCH, } current_block; bool inside_block; }; struct cf_flattener { struct vsir_program *program; struct vkd3d_shader_location location; enum vkd3d_result status; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instructions; size_t instruction_capacity; size_t instruction_count; unsigned int block_id; const char **block_names; size_t block_name_capacity; size_t block_name_count; unsigned int branch_id; unsigned int loop_id; unsigned int switch_id; unsigned int control_flow_depth; struct cf_flattener_info *control_flow_info; size_t control_flow_info_size; }; static void cf_flattener_set_error(struct cf_flattener *flattener, enum vkd3d_result error) { if (flattener->status != VKD3D_OK) return; flattener->status = error; } static struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *cf_flattener_require_space(struct cf_flattener *flattener, size_t count) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&flattener->instructions, &flattener->instruction_capacity, flattener->instruction_count + count, sizeof(*flattener->instructions))) { ERR("Failed to allocate instructions.\n"); cf_flattener_set_error(flattener, VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } return &flattener->instructions[flattener->instruction_count]; } static bool cf_flattener_copy_instruction(struct cf_flattener *flattener, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *dst_ins; if (instruction->opcode == VKD3DSIH_NOP) return true; if (!(dst_ins = cf_flattener_require_space(flattener, 1))) return false; *dst_ins = *instruction; ++flattener->instruction_count; return true; } static unsigned int cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(struct cf_flattener *flattener) { return ++flattener->block_id; } static struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *instruction_src_params_alloc(struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins, unsigned int count, struct cf_flattener *flattener) { struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *params; if (!(params = vsir_program_get_src_params(flattener->program, count))) { cf_flattener_set_error(flattener, VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } ins->src = params; ins->src_count = count; return params; } static void cf_flattener_emit_label(struct cf_flattener *flattener, unsigned int label_id) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; if (!(ins = cf_flattener_require_space(flattener, 1))) return; if (vsir_instruction_init_label(ins, &flattener->location, label_id, flattener->program)) ++flattener->instruction_count; else cf_flattener_set_error(flattener, VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } /* For conditional branches, this returns the false target branch parameter. */ static struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *cf_flattener_emit_branch(struct cf_flattener *flattener, unsigned int merge_block_id, unsigned int continue_block_id, const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *condition, unsigned int true_id, unsigned int false_id, unsigned int flags) { struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src_params, *false_branch_param; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; if (!(ins = cf_flattener_require_space(flattener, 1))) return NULL; vsir_instruction_init(ins, &flattener->location, VKD3DSIH_BRANCH); if (condition) { if (!(src_params = instruction_src_params_alloc(ins, 4 + !!continue_block_id, flattener))) return NULL; src_params[0] = *condition; if (flags == VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_Z) { vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[1], false_id); vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[2], true_id); false_branch_param = &src_params[1]; } else { vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[1], true_id); vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[2], false_id); false_branch_param = &src_params[2]; } vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[3], merge_block_id); if (continue_block_id) vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[4], continue_block_id); } else { if (!(src_params = instruction_src_params_alloc(ins, merge_block_id ? 3 : 1, flattener))) return NULL; vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[0], true_id); if (merge_block_id) { /* An unconditional branch may only have merge information for a loop, which * must have both a merge block and continue block. */ vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[1], merge_block_id); vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[2], continue_block_id); } false_branch_param = NULL; } ++flattener->instruction_count; return false_branch_param; } static void cf_flattener_emit_conditional_branch_and_merge(struct cf_flattener *flattener, const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *condition, unsigned int true_id, unsigned int flags) { unsigned int merge_block_id; merge_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); cf_flattener_emit_branch(flattener, merge_block_id, 0, condition, true_id, merge_block_id, flags); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, merge_block_id); } static void cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(struct cf_flattener *flattener, unsigned int target_block_id) { cf_flattener_emit_branch(flattener, 0, 0, NULL, target_block_id, 0, 0); } static struct cf_flattener_info *cf_flattener_push_control_flow_level(struct cf_flattener *flattener) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&flattener->control_flow_info, &flattener->control_flow_info_size, flattener->control_flow_depth + 1, sizeof(*flattener->control_flow_info))) { ERR("Failed to allocate control flow info structure.\n"); cf_flattener_set_error(flattener, VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } return &flattener->control_flow_info[flattener->control_flow_depth++]; } static void cf_flattener_pop_control_flow_level(struct cf_flattener *flattener) { struct cf_flattener_info *cf_info; cf_info = &flattener->control_flow_info[--flattener->control_flow_depth]; memset(cf_info, 0, sizeof(*cf_info)); } static struct cf_flattener_info *cf_flattener_find_innermost_loop(struct cf_flattener *flattener) { int depth; for (depth = flattener->control_flow_depth - 1; depth >= 0; --depth) { if (flattener->control_flow_info[depth].current_block == VKD3D_BLOCK_LOOP) return &flattener->control_flow_info[depth]; } return NULL; } static struct cf_flattener_info *cf_flattener_find_innermost_breakable_cf_construct(struct cf_flattener *flattener) { int depth; for (depth = flattener->control_flow_depth - 1; depth >= 0; --depth) { if (flattener->control_flow_info[depth].current_block == VKD3D_BLOCK_LOOP || flattener->control_flow_info[depth].current_block == VKD3D_BLOCK_SWITCH) return &flattener->control_flow_info[depth]; } return NULL; } static void VKD3D_PRINTF_FUNC(3, 4) cf_flattener_create_block_name(struct cf_flattener *flattener, unsigned int block_id, const char *fmt, ...) { struct vkd3d_string_buffer buffer; size_t block_name_count; va_list args; --block_id; block_name_count = max(flattener->block_name_count, block_id + 1); if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&flattener->block_names, &flattener->block_name_capacity, block_name_count, sizeof(*flattener->block_names))) return; memset(&flattener->block_names[flattener->block_name_count], 0, (block_name_count - flattener->block_name_count) * sizeof(*flattener->block_names)); flattener->block_name_count = block_name_count; vkd3d_string_buffer_init(&buffer); va_start(args, fmt); vkd3d_string_buffer_vprintf(&buffer, fmt, args); va_end(args); flattener->block_names[block_id] = buffer.buffer; } static enum vkd3d_result cf_flattener_iterate_instruction_array(struct cf_flattener *flattener, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { bool main_block_open, is_hull_shader, after_declarations_section; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions; struct vsir_program *program = flattener->program; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *dst_ins; size_t i; instructions = &program->instructions; is_hull_shader = program->shader_version.type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL; main_block_open = !is_hull_shader; after_declarations_section = is_hull_shader; if (!cf_flattener_require_space(flattener, instructions->count + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; for (i = 0; i < instructions->count; ++i) { unsigned int loop_header_block_id, loop_body_block_id, continue_block_id, merge_block_id, true_block_id; const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction = &instructions->elements[i]; const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src = instruction->src; struct cf_flattener_info *cf_info; flattener->location = instruction->location; /* Declarations should occur before the first code block, which in hull shaders is marked by the first * phase instruction, and in all other shader types begins with the first label instruction. * Declaring an indexable temp with function scope is not considered a declaration, * because it needs to live inside a function. */ if (!after_declarations_section && instruction->opcode != VKD3DSIH_NOP) { bool is_function_indexable = instruction->opcode == VKD3DSIH_DCL_INDEXABLE_TEMP && instruction->declaration.indexable_temp.has_function_scope; if (!vsir_instruction_is_dcl(instruction) || is_function_indexable) { after_declarations_section = true; cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener)); } } cf_info = flattener->control_flow_depth ? &flattener->control_flow_info[flattener->control_flow_depth - 1] : NULL; switch (instruction->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: if (!cf_flattener_copy_instruction(flattener, instruction)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (instruction->opcode != VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE || !instruction->flags) after_declarations_section = false; break; case VKD3DSIH_LABEL: vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &instruction->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Aborting due to not yet implemented feature: Label instruction."); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; case VKD3DSIH_IF: if (!(cf_info = cf_flattener_push_control_flow_level(flattener))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; true_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); merge_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); cf_info->u.if_.false_param = cf_flattener_emit_branch(flattener, merge_block_id, 0, src, true_block_id, merge_block_id, instruction->flags); if (!cf_info->u.if_.false_param) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, true_block_id); cf_info->u.if_.id = flattener->branch_id; cf_info->u.if_.merge_block_id = merge_block_id; cf_info->u.if_.else_block_id = 0; cf_info->inside_block = true; cf_info->current_block = VKD3D_BLOCK_IF; cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, merge_block_id, "branch%u_merge", flattener->branch_id); cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, true_block_id, "branch%u_true", flattener->branch_id); ++flattener->branch_id; break; case VKD3DSIH_ELSE: if (cf_info->inside_block) cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, cf_info->u.if_.merge_block_id); cf_info->u.if_.else_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); cf_info->u.if_.false_param->reg.idx[0].offset = cf_info->u.if_.else_block_id; cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, cf_info->u.if_.else_block_id, "branch%u_false", cf_info->u.if_.id); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, cf_info->u.if_.else_block_id); cf_info->inside_block = true; break; case VKD3DSIH_ENDIF: if (cf_info->inside_block) cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, cf_info->u.if_.merge_block_id); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, cf_info->u.if_.merge_block_id); cf_flattener_pop_control_flow_level(flattener); break; case VKD3DSIH_LOOP: if (!(cf_info = cf_flattener_push_control_flow_level(flattener))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; loop_header_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); loop_body_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); continue_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); merge_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, loop_header_block_id); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, loop_header_block_id); cf_flattener_emit_branch(flattener, merge_block_id, continue_block_id, NULL, loop_body_block_id, 0, 0); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, loop_body_block_id); cf_info->u.loop.header_block_id = loop_header_block_id; cf_info->u.loop.continue_block_id = continue_block_id; cf_info->u.loop.merge_block_id = merge_block_id; cf_info->current_block = VKD3D_BLOCK_LOOP; cf_info->inside_block = true; cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, loop_header_block_id, "loop%u_header", flattener->loop_id); cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, loop_body_block_id, "loop%u_body", flattener->loop_id); cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, continue_block_id, "loop%u_continue", flattener->loop_id); cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, merge_block_id, "loop%u_merge", flattener->loop_id); ++flattener->loop_id; break; case VKD3DSIH_ENDLOOP: if (cf_info->inside_block) cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, cf_info->u.loop.continue_block_id); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, cf_info->u.loop.continue_block_id); cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, cf_info->u.loop.header_block_id); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, cf_info->u.loop.merge_block_id); cf_flattener_pop_control_flow_level(flattener); break; case VKD3DSIH_SWITCH: if (!(cf_info = cf_flattener_push_control_flow_level(flattener))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; merge_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); cf_info->u.switch_.ins_location = flattener->instruction_count; cf_info->u.switch_.condition = src; if (!(dst_ins = cf_flattener_require_space(flattener, 1))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_instruction_init(dst_ins, &instruction->location, VKD3DSIH_SWITCH_MONOLITHIC); ++flattener->instruction_count; cf_info->u.switch_.id = flattener->switch_id; cf_info->u.switch_.merge_block_id = merge_block_id; cf_info->u.switch_.cases = NULL; cf_info->u.switch_.cases_size = 0; cf_info->u.switch_.cases_count = 0; cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id = 0; cf_info->inside_block = false; cf_info->current_block = VKD3D_BLOCK_SWITCH; cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, merge_block_id, "switch%u_merge", flattener->switch_id); ++flattener->switch_id; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&cf_info->u.switch_.cases, &cf_info->u.switch_.cases_size, 10, sizeof(*cf_info->u.switch_.cases))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; case VKD3DSIH_ENDSWITCH: { struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src_params; unsigned int j; if (!cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id) cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id = cf_info->u.switch_.merge_block_id; cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, cf_info->u.switch_.merge_block_id); /* The SWITCH instruction is completed when the endswitch * instruction is processed because we do not know the number * of case statements or the default block id in advance.*/ dst_ins = &flattener->instructions[cf_info->u.switch_.ins_location]; if (!(src_params = instruction_src_params_alloc(dst_ins, cf_info->u.switch_.cases_count * 2 + 3, flattener))) { vkd3d_free(cf_info->u.switch_.cases); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } src_params[0] = *cf_info->u.switch_.condition; vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[1], cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id); vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[2], cf_info->u.switch_.merge_block_id); for (j = 0; j < cf_info->u.switch_.cases_count; ++j) { unsigned int index = j * 2 + 3; vsir_src_param_init(&src_params[index], VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST, VKD3D_DATA_UINT, 0); src_params[index].reg.u.immconst_u32[0] = cf_info->u.switch_.cases[j].value; vsir_src_param_init_label(&src_params[index + 1], cf_info->u.switch_.cases[j].block_id); } vkd3d_free(cf_info->u.switch_.cases); cf_flattener_pop_control_flow_level(flattener); break; } case VKD3DSIH_CASE: { unsigned int label_id, value; if (src->swizzle != VKD3D_SHADER_SWIZZLE(X, X, X, X)) { WARN("Unexpected src swizzle %#x.\n", src->swizzle); vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &instruction->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SWIZZLE, "The swizzle for a switch case value is not scalar X."); cf_flattener_set_error(flattener, VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER); } value = *src->reg.u.immconst_u32; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&cf_info->u.switch_.cases, &cf_info->u.switch_.cases_size, cf_info->u.switch_.cases_count + 1, sizeof(*cf_info->u.switch_.cases))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; label_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); if (cf_info->inside_block) /* fall-through */ cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, label_id); cf_info->u.switch_.cases[cf_info->u.switch_.cases_count].value = value; cf_info->u.switch_.cases[cf_info->u.switch_.cases_count].block_id = label_id; ++cf_info->u.switch_.cases_count; cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, label_id); cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, label_id, "switch%u_case%u", cf_info->u.switch_.id, value); cf_info->inside_block = true; break; } case VKD3DSIH_DEFAULT: cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id = cf_flattener_alloc_block_id(flattener); if (cf_info->inside_block) /* fall-through */ cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id); cf_flattener_emit_label(flattener, cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id); cf_flattener_create_block_name(flattener, cf_info->u.switch_.default_block_id, "switch%u_default", cf_info->u.switch_.id); cf_info->inside_block = true; break; case VKD3DSIH_BREAK: { struct cf_flattener_info *breakable_cf_info; if (!(breakable_cf_info = cf_flattener_find_innermost_breakable_cf_construct(flattener))) { FIXME("Unhandled break instruction.\n"); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; } if (breakable_cf_info->current_block == VKD3D_BLOCK_LOOP) { cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, breakable_cf_info->u.loop.merge_block_id); } else if (breakable_cf_info->current_block == VKD3D_BLOCK_SWITCH) { cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, breakable_cf_info->u.switch_.merge_block_id); } cf_info->inside_block = false; break; } case VKD3DSIH_BREAKP: { struct cf_flattener_info *loop_cf_info; if (!(loop_cf_info = cf_flattener_find_innermost_loop(flattener))) { ERR("Invalid 'breakc' instruction outside loop.\n"); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; } cf_flattener_emit_conditional_branch_and_merge(flattener, src, loop_cf_info->u.loop.merge_block_id, instruction->flags); break; } case VKD3DSIH_CONTINUE: { struct cf_flattener_info *loop_cf_info; if (!(loop_cf_info = cf_flattener_find_innermost_loop(flattener))) { ERR("Invalid 'continue' instruction outside loop.\n"); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; } cf_flattener_emit_unconditional_branch(flattener, loop_cf_info->u.loop.continue_block_id); cf_info->inside_block = false; break; } case VKD3DSIH_CONTINUEP: { struct cf_flattener_info *loop_cf_info; if (!(loop_cf_info = cf_flattener_find_innermost_loop(flattener))) { ERR("Invalid 'continuec' instruction outside loop.\n"); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; } cf_flattener_emit_conditional_branch_and_merge(flattener, src, loop_cf_info->u.loop.continue_block_id, instruction->flags); break; } case VKD3DSIH_RET: if (!cf_flattener_copy_instruction(flattener, instruction)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (cf_info) cf_info->inside_block = false; else main_block_open = false; break; default: if (!cf_flattener_copy_instruction(flattener, instruction)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; } } if (main_block_open) { if (!(dst_ins = cf_flattener_require_space(flattener, 1))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_instruction_init(dst_ins, &flattener->location, VKD3DSIH_RET); ++flattener->instruction_count; } return flattener->status; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_flatten_control_flow_constructs(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context = ctx->message_context; struct cf_flattener flattener = {.program = program}; enum vkd3d_result result; VKD3D_ASSERT(program->cf_type == VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); if ((result = cf_flattener_iterate_instruction_array(&flattener, message_context)) >= 0) { vkd3d_free(program->instructions.elements); program->instructions.elements = flattener.instructions; program->instructions.capacity = flattener.instruction_capacity; program->instructions.count = flattener.instruction_count; program->block_count = flattener.block_id; program->cf_type = VSIR_CF_BLOCKS; } else { vkd3d_free(flattener.instructions); } vkd3d_free(flattener.control_flow_info); /* Simpler to always free these in vsir_program_cleanup(). */ program->block_names = flattener.block_names; program->block_name_count = flattener.block_name_count; return result; } static unsigned int label_from_src_param(const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *param) { VKD3D_ASSERT(param->reg.type == VKD3DSPR_LABEL); return param->reg.idx[0].offset; } static bool reserve_instructions(struct vkd3d_shader_instruction **instructions, size_t *capacity, size_t count) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)instructions, capacity, count, sizeof(**instructions))) { ERR("Failed to allocate instructions.\n"); return false; } return true; } /* A record represents replacing a jump from block `switch_label' to * block `target_label' with a jump from block `if_label' to block * `target_label'. */ struct lower_switch_to_if_ladder_block_mapping { unsigned int switch_label; unsigned int if_label; unsigned int target_label; }; static bool lower_switch_to_if_ladder_add_block_mapping(struct lower_switch_to_if_ladder_block_mapping **block_map, size_t *map_capacity, size_t *map_count, unsigned int switch_label, unsigned int if_label, unsigned int target_label) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)block_map, map_capacity, *map_count + 1, sizeof(**block_map))) { ERR("Failed to allocate block mapping.\n"); return false; } (*block_map)[*map_count].switch_label = switch_label; (*block_map)[*map_count].if_label = if_label; (*block_map)[*map_count].target_label = target_label; *map_count += 1; return true; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_lower_switch_to_selection_ladder(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { unsigned int block_count = program->block_count, ssa_count = program->ssa_count, current_label = 0, if_label; size_t ins_capacity = 0, ins_count = 0, i, map_capacity = 0, map_count = 0; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instructions = NULL; struct lower_switch_to_if_ladder_block_mapping *block_map = NULL; VKD3D_ASSERT(program->cf_type == VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); if (!reserve_instructions(&instructions, &ins_capacity, program->instructions.count)) goto fail; /* First subpass: convert SWITCH_MONOLITHIC instructions to * selection ladders, keeping a map between blocks before and * after the subpass. */ for (i = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; unsigned int case_count, j, default_label; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_LABEL: current_label = label_from_src_param(&ins->src[0]); if (!reserve_instructions(&instructions, &ins_capacity, ins_count + 1)) goto fail; instructions[ins_count++] = *ins; continue; case VKD3DSIH_SWITCH_MONOLITHIC: break; default: if (!reserve_instructions(&instructions, &ins_capacity, ins_count + 1)) goto fail; instructions[ins_count++] = *ins; continue; } case_count = (ins->src_count - 3) / 2; default_label = label_from_src_param(&ins->src[1]); /* In principle we can have a switch with no cases, and we * just have to jump to the default label. */ if (case_count == 0) { if (!reserve_instructions(&instructions, &ins_capacity, ins_count + 1)) goto fail; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, &instructions[ins_count], &ins->location, VKD3DSIH_BRANCH, 0, 1)) goto fail; vsir_src_param_init_label(&instructions[ins_count].src[0], default_label); ++ins_count; } if (!reserve_instructions(&instructions, &ins_capacity, ins_count + 3 * case_count - 1)) goto fail; if_label = current_label; for (j = 0; j < case_count; ++j) { unsigned int fallthrough_label, case_label = label_from_src_param(&ins->src[3 + 2 * j + 1]); if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, &instructions[ins_count], &ins->location, VKD3DSIH_IEQ, 1, 2)) goto fail; dst_param_init_ssa_bool(&instructions[ins_count].dst[0], ssa_count); instructions[ins_count].src[0] = ins->src[0]; instructions[ins_count].src[1] = ins->src[3 + 2 * j]; ++ins_count; /* For all cases except the last one we fall through to * the following case; the last one has to jump to the * default label. */ if (j == case_count - 1) fallthrough_label = default_label; else fallthrough_label = block_count + 1; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, &instructions[ins_count], &ins->location, VKD3DSIH_BRANCH, 0, 3)) goto fail; src_param_init_ssa_bool(&instructions[ins_count].src[0], ssa_count); vsir_src_param_init_label(&instructions[ins_count].src[1], case_label); vsir_src_param_init_label(&instructions[ins_count].src[2], fallthrough_label); ++ins_count; ++ssa_count; if (!lower_switch_to_if_ladder_add_block_mapping(&block_map, &map_capacity, &map_count, current_label, if_label, case_label)) goto fail; if (j == case_count - 1) { if (!lower_switch_to_if_ladder_add_block_mapping(&block_map, &map_capacity, &map_count, current_label, if_label, default_label)) goto fail; } else { if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, &instructions[ins_count], &ins->location, VKD3DSIH_LABEL, 0, 1)) goto fail; vsir_src_param_init_label(&instructions[ins_count].src[0], ++block_count); ++ins_count; if_label = block_count; } } } vkd3d_free(program->instructions.elements); vkd3d_free(block_map); program->instructions.elements = instructions; program->instructions.capacity = ins_capacity; program->instructions.count = ins_count; program->block_count = block_count; program->ssa_count = ssa_count; return VKD3D_OK; fail: vkd3d_free(instructions); vkd3d_free(block_map); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } struct ssas_to_temps_alloc { unsigned int *table; unsigned int next_temp_idx; }; static bool ssas_to_temps_alloc_init(struct ssas_to_temps_alloc *alloc, unsigned int ssa_count, unsigned int temp_count) { size_t i = ssa_count * sizeof(*alloc->table); if (!(alloc->table = vkd3d_malloc(i))) { ERR("Failed to allocate SSA table.\n"); return false; } memset(alloc->table, 0xff, i); alloc->next_temp_idx = temp_count; return true; } /* This is idempotent: it can be safely applied more than once on the * same register. */ static void materialize_ssas_to_temps_process_reg(struct vsir_program *program, struct ssas_to_temps_alloc *alloc, struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg) { unsigned int i; if (reg->type == VKD3DSPR_SSA && alloc->table[reg->idx[0].offset] != UINT_MAX) { reg->type = VKD3DSPR_TEMP; reg->idx[0].offset = alloc->table[reg->idx[0].offset]; } for (i = 0; i < reg->idx_count; ++i) if (reg->idx[i].rel_addr) materialize_ssas_to_temps_process_reg(program, alloc, ®->idx[i].rel_addr->reg); } struct ssas_to_temps_block_info { struct phi_incoming_to_temp { struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src; struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst; } *incomings; size_t incoming_capacity; size_t incoming_count; }; static void ssas_to_temps_block_info_cleanup(struct ssas_to_temps_block_info *block_info, size_t count) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) vkd3d_free(block_info[i].incomings); vkd3d_free(block_info); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_materialise_phi_ssas_to_temps(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { size_t ins_capacity = 0, ins_count = 0, phi_count, incoming_count, i; struct ssas_to_temps_block_info *info, *block_info = NULL; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instructions = NULL; struct ssas_to_temps_alloc alloc = {0}; unsigned int current_label = 0; VKD3D_ASSERT(program->cf_type == VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); if (!(block_info = vkd3d_calloc(program->block_count, sizeof(*block_info)))) { ERR("Failed to allocate block info array.\n"); goto fail; } if (!ssas_to_temps_alloc_init(&alloc, program->ssa_count, program->temp_count)) goto fail; for (i = 0, phi_count = 0, incoming_count = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; unsigned int j, temp_idx; /* Only phi src/dst SSA values need be converted here. Structurisation may * introduce new cases of undominated SSA use, which will be handled later. */ if (ins->opcode != VKD3DSIH_PHI) continue; ++phi_count; temp_idx = alloc.next_temp_idx++; for (j = 0; j < ins->src_count; j += 2) { struct phi_incoming_to_temp *incoming; unsigned int label; label = label_from_src_param(&ins->src[j + 1]); VKD3D_ASSERT(label); info = &block_info[label - 1]; if (!(vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&info->incomings, &info->incoming_capacity, info->incoming_count + 1, sizeof(*info->incomings)))) goto fail; incoming = &info->incomings[info->incoming_count++]; incoming->src = &ins->src[j]; incoming->dst = ins->dst; alloc.table[ins->dst->reg.idx[0].offset] = temp_idx; ++incoming_count; } materialize_ssas_to_temps_process_reg(program, &alloc, &ins->dst->reg); } if (!phi_count) goto done; if (!reserve_instructions(&instructions, &ins_capacity, program->instructions.count + incoming_count - phi_count)) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *mov_ins, *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; size_t j; for (j = 0; j < ins->dst_count; ++j) materialize_ssas_to_temps_process_reg(program, &alloc, &ins->dst[j].reg); for (j = 0; j < ins->src_count; ++j) materialize_ssas_to_temps_process_reg(program, &alloc, &ins->src[j].reg); switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_LABEL: current_label = label_from_src_param(&ins->src[0]); break; case VKD3DSIH_BRANCH: case VKD3DSIH_SWITCH_MONOLITHIC: info = &block_info[current_label - 1]; for (j = 0; j < info->incoming_count; ++j) { struct phi_incoming_to_temp *incoming = &info->incomings[j]; mov_ins = &instructions[ins_count++]; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, mov_ins, &ins->location, VKD3DSIH_MOV, 1, 0)) goto fail; *mov_ins->dst = *incoming->dst; mov_ins->src = incoming->src; mov_ins->src_count = 1; } break; case VKD3DSIH_PHI: continue; default: break; } instructions[ins_count++] = *ins; } vkd3d_free(program->instructions.elements); program->instructions.elements = instructions; program->instructions.capacity = ins_capacity; program->instructions.count = ins_count; program->temp_count = alloc.next_temp_idx; done: ssas_to_temps_block_info_cleanup(block_info, program->block_count); vkd3d_free(alloc.table); return VKD3D_OK; fail: vkd3d_free(instructions); ssas_to_temps_block_info_cleanup(block_info, program->block_count); vkd3d_free(alloc.table); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } struct vsir_block_list { struct vsir_block **blocks; size_t count, capacity; }; static void vsir_block_list_init(struct vsir_block_list *list) { memset(list, 0, sizeof(*list)); } static void vsir_block_list_cleanup(struct vsir_block_list *list) { vkd3d_free(list->blocks); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_block_list_add_checked(struct vsir_block_list *list, struct vsir_block *block) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&list->blocks, &list->capacity, list->count + 1, sizeof(*list->blocks))) { ERR("Cannot extend block list.\n"); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } list->blocks[list->count++] = block; return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_block_list_add(struct vsir_block_list *list, struct vsir_block *block) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) if (block == list->blocks[i]) return VKD3D_FALSE; return vsir_block_list_add_checked(list, block); } /* It is guaranteed that the relative order is kept. */ static void vsir_block_list_remove_index(struct vsir_block_list *list, size_t idx) { --list->count; memmove(&list->blocks[idx], &list->blocks[idx + 1], (list->count - idx) * sizeof(*list->blocks)); } struct vsir_block { unsigned int label, order_pos; /* `begin' points to the instruction immediately following the * LABEL that introduces the block. `end' points to the terminator * instruction (either BRANCH or RET). They can coincide, meaning * that the block is empty. */ struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *begin, *end; struct vsir_block_list predecessors, successors; uint32_t *dominates; }; static enum vkd3d_result vsir_block_init(struct vsir_block *block, unsigned int label, size_t block_count) { size_t byte_count; if (block_count > SIZE_MAX - (sizeof(*block->dominates) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; byte_count = VKD3D_BITMAP_SIZE(block_count) * sizeof(*block->dominates); VKD3D_ASSERT(label); memset(block, 0, sizeof(*block)); block->label = label; vsir_block_list_init(&block->predecessors); vsir_block_list_init(&block->successors); if (!(block->dominates = vkd3d_malloc(byte_count))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memset(block->dominates, 0xff, byte_count); return VKD3D_OK; } static void vsir_block_cleanup(struct vsir_block *block) { if (block->label == 0) return; vsir_block_list_cleanup(&block->predecessors); vsir_block_list_cleanup(&block->successors); vkd3d_free(block->dominates); } static int block_compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2) { const struct vsir_block *block1 = *(const struct vsir_block **)ptr1; const struct vsir_block *block2 = *(const struct vsir_block **)ptr2; return vkd3d_u32_compare(block1->label, block2->label); } static void vsir_block_list_sort(struct vsir_block_list *list) { qsort(list->blocks, list->count, sizeof(*list->blocks), block_compare); } static bool vsir_block_list_search(struct vsir_block_list *list, struct vsir_block *block) { return !!bsearch(&block, list->blocks, list->count, sizeof(*list->blocks), block_compare); } struct vsir_cfg_structure_list { struct vsir_cfg_structure *structures; size_t count, capacity; unsigned int end; }; struct vsir_cfg_structure { enum vsir_cfg_structure_type { /* Execute a block of the original VSIR program. */ STRUCTURE_TYPE_BLOCK, /* Execute a loop, which is identified by an index. */ STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP, /* Execute a selection construct. */ STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION, /* Execute a `return' or a (possibly) multilevel `break' or * `continue', targeting a loop by its index. If `condition' * is non-NULL, then the jump is conditional (this is * currently not allowed for `return'). */ STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP, } type; union { struct vsir_block *block; struct vsir_cfg_structure_loop { struct vsir_cfg_structure_list body; unsigned idx; bool needs_trampoline; struct vsir_cfg_structure *outer_loop; } loop; struct vsir_cfg_structure_selection { struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *condition; struct vsir_cfg_structure_list if_body; struct vsir_cfg_structure_list else_body; bool invert_condition; } selection; struct vsir_cfg_structure_jump { enum vsir_cfg_jump_type { /* NONE is available as an intermediate value, but it * is not allowed in valid structured programs. */ JUMP_NONE, JUMP_BREAK, JUMP_CONTINUE, JUMP_RET, } type; unsigned int target; struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *condition; bool invert_condition; bool needs_launcher; } jump; } u; }; static void vsir_cfg_structure_init(struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure, enum vsir_cfg_structure_type type); static void vsir_cfg_structure_cleanup(struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure); static void vsir_cfg_structure_list_cleanup(struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) vsir_cfg_structure_cleanup(&list->structures[i]); vkd3d_free(list->structures); } static struct vsir_cfg_structure *vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list, enum vsir_cfg_structure_type type) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *ret; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&list->structures, &list->capacity, list->count + 1, sizeof(*list->structures))) return NULL; ret = &list->structures[list->count++]; vsir_cfg_structure_init(ret, type); return ret; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list, struct vsir_cfg_structure *begin, size_t size) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&list->structures, &list->capacity, list->count + size, sizeof(*list->structures))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memcpy(&list->structures[list->count], begin, size * sizeof(*begin)); list->count += size; return VKD3D_OK; } static void vsir_cfg_structure_init(struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure, enum vsir_cfg_structure_type type) { memset(structure, 0, sizeof(*structure)); structure->type = type; } static void vsir_cfg_structure_cleanup(struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure) { switch (structure->type) { case STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP: vsir_cfg_structure_list_cleanup(&structure->u.loop.body); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION: vsir_cfg_structure_list_cleanup(&structure->u.selection.if_body); vsir_cfg_structure_list_cleanup(&structure->u.selection.else_body); break; default: break; } } struct vsir_cfg_emit_target { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instructions; size_t ins_capacity, ins_count; unsigned int jump_target_temp_idx; unsigned int temp_count; }; struct vsir_cfg { struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context; struct vsir_program *program; size_t function_begin; size_t function_end; struct vsir_block *blocks; struct vsir_block *entry; size_t block_count; struct vkd3d_string_buffer debug_buffer; struct vsir_block_list *loops; size_t loops_count, loops_capacity; size_t *loops_by_header; struct vsir_block_list order; struct cfg_loop_interval { /* `begin' is the position of the first block of the loop in * the topological sort; `end' is the position of the first * block after the loop. In other words, `begin' is where a * `continue' instruction would jump and `end' is where a * `break' instruction would jump. */ unsigned int begin, end; /* Each loop interval can be natural or synthetic. Natural * intervals are added to represent loops given by CFG back * edges. Synthetic intervals do not correspond to loops in * the input CFG, but are added to leverage their `break' * instruction in order to execute forward edges. * * For a synthetic loop interval it's not really important * which one is the `begin' block, since we don't need to * execute `continue' for them. So we have some leeway for * moving it provided that these conditions are met: 1. the * interval must contain all `break' instructions that target * it, which in practice means that `begin' can be moved * backward and not forward; 2. intervals must remain properly * nested (for each pair of intervals, either one contains the * other or they are disjoint). * * Subject to these conditions, we try to reuse the same loop * as much as possible (if many forward edges target the same * block), but we still try to keep `begin' as forward as * possible, to keep the loop scope as small as possible. */ bool synthetic; /* The number of jump instructions (both conditional and * unconditional) that target this loop. */ unsigned int target_count; } *loop_intervals; size_t loop_interval_count, loop_interval_capacity; struct vsir_cfg_structure_list structured_program; struct vsir_cfg_emit_target *target; }; static void vsir_cfg_cleanup(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) vsir_block_cleanup(&cfg->blocks[i]); for (i = 0; i < cfg->loops_count; ++i) vsir_block_list_cleanup(&cfg->loops[i]); vsir_block_list_cleanup(&cfg->order); vsir_cfg_structure_list_cleanup(&cfg->structured_program); vkd3d_free(cfg->blocks); vkd3d_free(cfg->loops); vkd3d_free(cfg->loops_by_header); vkd3d_free(cfg->loop_intervals); if (TRACE_ON()) vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&cfg->debug_buffer); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_add_loop_interval(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, unsigned int begin, unsigned int end, bool synthetic) { struct cfg_loop_interval *interval; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&cfg->loop_intervals, &cfg->loop_interval_capacity, cfg->loop_interval_count + 1, sizeof(*cfg->loop_intervals))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; interval = &cfg->loop_intervals[cfg->loop_interval_count++]; interval->begin = begin; interval->end = end; interval->synthetic = synthetic; interval->target_count = 0; return VKD3D_OK; } static bool vsir_block_dominates(struct vsir_block *b1, struct vsir_block *b2) { return bitmap_is_set(b1->dominates, b2->label - 1); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_add_edge(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_block *block, struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *successor_param) { unsigned int target = label_from_src_param(successor_param); struct vsir_block *successor = &cfg->blocks[target - 1]; enum vkd3d_result ret; VKD3D_ASSERT(successor->label != 0); if ((ret = vsir_block_list_add(&block->successors, successor)) < 0) return ret; if ((ret = vsir_block_list_add(&successor->predecessors, block)) < 0) return ret; return VKD3D_OK; } static void vsir_cfg_dump_dot(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { size_t i, j; TRACE("digraph cfg {\n"); for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; const char *shape; if (block->label == 0) continue; switch (block->end->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_RET: shape = "trapezium"; break; case VKD3DSIH_BRANCH: shape = vsir_register_is_label(&block->end->src[0].reg) ? "ellipse" : "box"; break; default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } TRACE(" n%u [label=\"%u\", shape=\"%s\"];\n", block->label, block->label, shape); for (j = 0; j < block->successors.count; ++j) TRACE(" n%u -> n%u;\n", block->label, block->successors.blocks[j]->label); } TRACE("}\n"); } static void vsir_cfg_structure_list_dump(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list); static void vsir_cfg_structure_dump(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure) { switch (structure->type) { case STRUCTURE_TYPE_BLOCK: TRACE("%sblock %u\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer, structure->u.block->label); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP: TRACE("%s%u : loop {\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer, structure->u.loop.idx); vsir_cfg_structure_list_dump(cfg, &structure->u.loop.body); TRACE("%s} # %u%s\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer, structure->u.loop.idx, structure->u.loop.needs_trampoline ? ", tramp" : ""); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION: TRACE("%sif {\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vsir_cfg_structure_list_dump(cfg, &structure->u.selection.if_body); if (structure->u.selection.else_body.count == 0) { TRACE("%s}\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); } else { TRACE("%s} else {\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vsir_cfg_structure_list_dump(cfg, &structure->u.selection.else_body); TRACE("%s}\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); } break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP: { const char *type_str; switch (structure->u.jump.type) { case JUMP_RET: TRACE("%sret\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); return; case JUMP_BREAK: type_str = "break"; break; case JUMP_CONTINUE: type_str = "continue"; break; default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } TRACE("%s%s%s %u%s\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer, type_str, structure->u.jump.condition ? "c" : "", structure->u.jump.target, structure->u.jump.needs_launcher ? " # launch" : ""); break; } default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } } static void vsir_cfg_structure_list_dump(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { unsigned int i; vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, " "); for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) vsir_cfg_structure_dump(cfg, &list->structures[i]); vkd3d_string_buffer_truncate(&cfg->debug_buffer, cfg->debug_buffer.content_size - 2); } static void vsir_cfg_dump_structured_program(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < cfg->structured_program.count; ++i) vsir_cfg_structure_dump(cfg, &cfg->structured_program.structures[i]); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_init(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context, struct vsir_cfg_emit_target *target, size_t *pos) { struct vsir_block *current_block = NULL; enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); cfg->message_context = message_context; cfg->program = program; cfg->block_count = program->block_count; cfg->target = target; cfg->function_begin = *pos; vsir_block_list_init(&cfg->order); if (!(cfg->blocks = vkd3d_calloc(cfg->block_count, sizeof(*cfg->blocks)))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (TRACE_ON()) vkd3d_string_buffer_init(&cfg->debug_buffer); for (i = *pos; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction = &program->instructions.elements[i]; bool finish = false; switch (instruction->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_PHI: case VKD3DSIH_SWITCH_MONOLITHIC: vkd3d_unreachable(); case VKD3DSIH_LABEL: { unsigned int label = label_from_src_param(&instruction->src[0]); VKD3D_ASSERT(!current_block); VKD3D_ASSERT(label > 0); VKD3D_ASSERT(label <= cfg->block_count); current_block = &cfg->blocks[label - 1]; VKD3D_ASSERT(current_block->label == 0); if ((ret = vsir_block_init(current_block, label, program->block_count)) < 0) goto fail; current_block->begin = &program->instructions.elements[i + 1]; if (!cfg->entry) cfg->entry = current_block; break; } case VKD3DSIH_BRANCH: case VKD3DSIH_RET: VKD3D_ASSERT(current_block); current_block->end = instruction; current_block = NULL; break; case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: VKD3D_ASSERT(!current_block); finish = true; break; default: break; } if (finish) break; } *pos = i; cfg->function_end = *pos; for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; if (block->label == 0) continue; switch (block->end->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_RET: break; case VKD3DSIH_BRANCH: if (vsir_register_is_label(&block->end->src[0].reg)) { if ((ret = vsir_cfg_add_edge(cfg, block, &block->end->src[0])) < 0) goto fail; } else { if ((ret = vsir_cfg_add_edge(cfg, block, &block->end->src[1])) < 0) goto fail; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_add_edge(cfg, block, &block->end->src[2])) < 0) goto fail; } break; default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } } if (TRACE_ON()) vsir_cfg_dump_dot(cfg); return VKD3D_OK; fail: vsir_cfg_cleanup(cfg); return ret; } /* Block A dominates block B if every path from the entry point to B * must pass through A. Naively compute the set of blocks that are * dominated by `reference' by running a graph visit starting from the * entry point (which must be the initial value of `current') and * avoiding `reference'. Running this for all the blocks takes * quadratic time: if in the future something better is sought after, * the standard tool seems to be the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm. */ static void vsir_cfg_compute_dominators_recurse(struct vsir_block *current, struct vsir_block *reference) { size_t i; VKD3D_ASSERT(current->label != 0); if (current == reference) return; if (!bitmap_is_set(reference->dominates, current->label - 1)) return; bitmap_clear(reference->dominates, current->label - 1); for (i = 0; i < current->successors.count; ++i) vsir_cfg_compute_dominators_recurse(current->successors.blocks[i], reference); } static void vsir_cfg_compute_dominators(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; if (block->label == 0) continue; vsir_cfg_compute_dominators_recurse(cfg->entry, block); if (TRACE_ON()) { vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, "Block %u dominates:", block->label); for (j = 0; j < cfg->block_count; j++) { struct vsir_block *block2 = &cfg->blocks[j]; if (block2->label == 0 || !vsir_block_dominates(block, block2)) continue; if (cfg->debug_buffer.content_size > 512) { TRACE("%s...\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_clear(&cfg->debug_buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, "Block %u dominates: ...", block->label); } vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, " %u", block2->label); } TRACE("%s\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_clear(&cfg->debug_buffer); } } } /* A back edge is an edge X -> Y for which block Y dominates block * X. All the other edges are forward edges, and it is required that * the input CFG is reducible, i.e., it is acyclic once you strip away * the back edges. * * Each back edge X -> Y defines a loop: block X is the header block, * block Y is the back edge block, and the loop consists of all the * blocks which are dominated by the header block and have a path to * the back edge block that doesn't pass through the header block * (including the header block itself). It can be proved that all the * blocks in such a path (connecting a loop block to the back edge * block without passing through the header block) belong to the same * loop. * * If the input CFG is reducible its loops are properly nested (i.e., * each two loops are either disjoint or one is contained in the * other), provided that each block has at most one incoming back * edge. If this condition does not hold, a synthetic block can be * introduced as the only back edge block for the given header block, * with all the previous back edge now being forward edges to the * synthetic block. This is not currently implemented (but it is * rarely found in practice anyway). */ static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_scan_loop(struct vsir_block_list *loop, struct vsir_block *block, struct vsir_block *header) { enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; if ((ret = vsir_block_list_add(loop, block)) < 0) return ret; if (ret == VKD3D_FALSE || block == header) return VKD3D_OK; for (i = 0; i < block->predecessors.count; ++i) { if ((ret = vsir_cfg_scan_loop(loop, block->predecessors.blocks[i], header)) < 0) return ret; } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_compute_loops(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { size_t i, j, k; if (!(cfg->loops_by_header = vkd3d_calloc(cfg->block_count, sizeof(*cfg->loops_by_header)))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memset(cfg->loops_by_header, 0xff, cfg->block_count * sizeof(*cfg->loops_by_header)); for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; if (block->label == 0) continue; for (j = 0; j < block->successors.count; ++j) { struct vsir_block *header = block->successors.blocks[j]; struct vsir_block_list *loop; enum vkd3d_result ret; /* Is this a back edge? */ if (!vsir_block_dominates(header, block)) continue; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&cfg->loops, &cfg->loops_capacity, cfg->loops_count + 1, sizeof(*cfg->loops))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; loop = &cfg->loops[cfg->loops_count]; vsir_block_list_init(loop); if ((ret = vsir_cfg_scan_loop(loop, block, header)) < 0) return ret; vsir_block_list_sort(loop); if (TRACE_ON()) { vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, "Back edge %u -> %u with loop:", block->label, header->label); for (k = 0; k < loop->count; ++k) { if (cfg->debug_buffer.content_size > 512) { TRACE("%s...\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_clear(&cfg->debug_buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, "Back edge %u -> %u with loop: ...", block->label, header->label); } vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, " %u", loop->blocks[k]->label); } TRACE("%s\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_clear(&cfg->debug_buffer); } if (cfg->loops_by_header[header->label - 1] != SIZE_MAX) { FIXME("Block %u is header to more than one loop, this is not implemented.\n", header->label); vkd3d_shader_error(cfg->message_context, &header->begin->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Block %u is header to more than one loop, this is not implemented.", header->label); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } cfg->loops_by_header[header->label - 1] = cfg->loops_count; ++cfg->loops_count; } } return VKD3D_OK; } struct vsir_cfg_node_sorter { struct vsir_cfg *cfg; struct vsir_cfg_node_sorter_stack_item { struct vsir_block_list *loop; unsigned int seen_count; unsigned int begin; } *stack; size_t stack_count, stack_capacity; struct vsir_block_list available_blocks; }; /* Topologically sort the blocks according to the forward edges. By * definition if the input CFG is reducible then its forward edges * form a DAG, so a topological sorting exists. In order to compute it * we keep an array with the incoming degree for each block and an * available list of all the blocks whose incoming degree has reached * zero. At each step we pick a block from the available list and * strip it away from the graph, updating the incoming degrees and * available list. * * In principle at each step we can pick whatever node we want from * the available list, and will get a topological sort * anyway. However, we use these two criteria to give to the computed * order additional properties: * * 1. we keep track of which loops we're into, and pick blocks * belonging to the current innermost loop, so that loops are kept * contiguous in the order; this can always be done when the input * CFG is reducible; * * 2. subject to the requirement above, we always pick the most * recently added block to the available list, because this tends * to keep related blocks and require fewer control flow * primitives. */ static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_sort_nodes(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { struct vsir_cfg_node_sorter sorter = { .cfg = cfg }; unsigned int *in_degrees = NULL; enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; if (!(in_degrees = vkd3d_calloc(cfg->block_count, sizeof(*in_degrees)))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; if (block->label == 0) { in_degrees[i] = UINT_MAX; continue; } in_degrees[i] = block->predecessors.count; /* Do not count back edges. */ if (cfg->loops_by_header[i] != SIZE_MAX) { VKD3D_ASSERT(in_degrees[i] > 0); in_degrees[i] -= 1; } if (in_degrees[i] == 0 && block != cfg->entry) { WARN("Unexpected entry point %u.\n", block->label); vkd3d_shader_error(cfg->message_context, &block->begin->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "Block %u is unreachable from the entry point.", block->label); ret = VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; goto fail; } } if (in_degrees[cfg->entry->label - 1] != 0) { WARN("Entry point has %u incoming forward edges.\n", in_degrees[cfg->entry->label - 1]); vkd3d_shader_error(cfg->message_context, &cfg->entry->begin->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "The entry point block has %u incoming forward edges.", in_degrees[cfg->entry->label - 1]); ret = VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; goto fail; } vsir_block_list_init(&sorter.available_blocks); if ((ret = vsir_block_list_add_checked(&sorter.available_blocks, cfg->entry)) < 0) goto fail; while (sorter.available_blocks.count != 0) { struct vsir_cfg_node_sorter_stack_item *inner_stack_item = NULL; struct vsir_block *block; size_t new_seen_count; if (sorter.stack_count != 0) inner_stack_item = &sorter.stack[sorter.stack_count - 1]; for (i = sorter.available_blocks.count - 1; ; --i) { if (i == SIZE_MAX) { ERR("Couldn't find any viable next block, is the input CFG reducible?\n"); ret = VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; goto fail; } block = sorter.available_blocks.blocks[i]; if (!inner_stack_item || vsir_block_list_search(inner_stack_item->loop, block)) break; } /* If the node is a loop header, open the loop. */ if (sorter.cfg->loops_by_header[block->label - 1] != SIZE_MAX) { struct vsir_block_list *loop = &sorter.cfg->loops[sorter.cfg->loops_by_header[block->label - 1]]; if (loop) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&sorter.stack, &sorter.stack_capacity, sorter.stack_count + 1, sizeof(*sorter.stack))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; inner_stack_item = &sorter.stack[sorter.stack_count++]; inner_stack_item->loop = loop; inner_stack_item->seen_count = 0; inner_stack_item->begin = sorter.cfg->order.count; } } vsir_block_list_remove_index(&sorter.available_blocks, i); block->order_pos = cfg->order.count; if ((ret = vsir_block_list_add_checked(&cfg->order, block)) < 0) goto fail; /* Close loops: since each loop is a strict subset of any * outer loop, we just need to track how many blocks we've * seen; when I close a loop I mark the same number of seen * blocks for the next outer loop. */ new_seen_count = 1; while (sorter.stack_count != 0) { inner_stack_item = &sorter.stack[sorter.stack_count - 1]; inner_stack_item->seen_count += new_seen_count; VKD3D_ASSERT(inner_stack_item->seen_count <= inner_stack_item->loop->count); if (inner_stack_item->seen_count != inner_stack_item->loop->count) break; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_add_loop_interval(cfg, inner_stack_item->begin, cfg->order.count, false)) < 0) goto fail; new_seen_count = inner_stack_item->loop->count; --sorter.stack_count; } /* Remove (forward) edges and make new nodes available. */ for (i = 0; i < block->successors.count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *successor = block->successors.blocks[i]; if (vsir_block_dominates(successor, block)) continue; VKD3D_ASSERT(in_degrees[successor->label - 1] > 0); --in_degrees[successor->label - 1]; if (in_degrees[successor->label - 1] == 0) { if ((ret = vsir_block_list_add_checked(&sorter.available_blocks, successor)) < 0) goto fail; } } } if (cfg->order.count != cfg->block_count) { /* There is a cycle of forward edges. */ WARN("The control flow graph is not reducible.\n"); vkd3d_shader_error(cfg->message_context, &cfg->entry->begin->location, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "The control flow graph is not reducible."); ret = VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; goto fail; } VKD3D_ASSERT(sorter.stack_count == 0); vkd3d_free(in_degrees); vkd3d_free(sorter.stack); vsir_block_list_cleanup(&sorter.available_blocks); if (TRACE_ON()) { vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, "Block order:"); for (i = 0; i < cfg->order.count; ++i) { if (cfg->debug_buffer.content_size > 512) { TRACE("%s...\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_clear(&cfg->debug_buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, "Block order: ..."); } vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&cfg->debug_buffer, " %u", cfg->order.blocks[i]->label); } TRACE("%s\n", cfg->debug_buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_clear(&cfg->debug_buffer); } return VKD3D_OK; fail: vkd3d_free(in_degrees); vkd3d_free(sorter.stack); vsir_block_list_cleanup(&sorter.available_blocks); return ret; } /* Sort loop intervals first by ascending begin time and then by * descending end time, so that inner intervals appear after outer * ones and disjoint intervals appear in their proper order. */ static int compare_loop_intervals(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2) { const struct cfg_loop_interval *interval1 = ptr1; const struct cfg_loop_interval *interval2 = ptr2; if (interval1->begin != interval2->begin) return vkd3d_u32_compare(interval1->begin, interval2->begin); return -vkd3d_u32_compare(interval1->end, interval2->end); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_generate_synthetic_loop_intervals(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; if (block->label == 0) continue; for (j = 0; j < block->successors.count; ++j) { struct vsir_block *successor = block->successors.blocks[j]; struct cfg_loop_interval *extend = NULL; unsigned int begin; enum { ACTION_DO_NOTHING, ACTION_CREATE_NEW, ACTION_EXTEND, } action = ACTION_CREATE_NEW; /* We've already constructed loop intervals for the back * edges, there's nothing more to do. */ if (vsir_block_dominates(successor, block)) continue; VKD3D_ASSERT(block->order_pos < successor->order_pos); /* Jumping from a block to the following one is always * possible, so nothing to do. */ if (block->order_pos + 1 == successor->order_pos) continue; /* Let's look for a loop interval that already breaks at * `successor' and either contains or can be extended to * contain `block'. */ for (k = 0; k < cfg->loop_interval_count; ++k) { struct cfg_loop_interval *interval = &cfg->loop_intervals[k]; if (interval->end != successor->order_pos) continue; if (interval->begin <= block->order_pos) { action = ACTION_DO_NOTHING; break; } if (interval->synthetic) { action = ACTION_EXTEND; extend = interval; break; } } if (action == ACTION_DO_NOTHING) continue; /* Ok, we have to decide where the new or replacing * interval has to begin. These are the rules: 1. it must * begin before `block'; 2. intervals must be properly * nested; 3. the new interval should begin as late as * possible, to limit control flow depth and extension. */ begin = block->order_pos; /* Our candidate interval is always [begin, * successor->order_pos), and we move `begin' backward * until the candidate interval contains all the intervals * whose endpoint lies in the candidate interval * itself. */ for (k = 0; k < cfg->loop_interval_count; ++k) { struct cfg_loop_interval *interval = &cfg->loop_intervals[k]; if (begin < interval->end && interval->end < successor->order_pos) begin = min(begin, interval->begin); } /* New we have to care about the intervals whose begin * point lies in the candidate interval. We cannot move * the candidate interval endpoint, because it is * important that the loop break target matches * `successor'. So we have to move that interval's begin * point to the begin point of the candidate interval, * i.e. `begin'. But what if the interval we should extend * backward is not synthetic? This cannot happen, * fortunately, because it would mean that there is a jump * entering a loop via a block which is not the loop * header, so the CFG would not be reducible. */ for (k = 0; k < cfg->loop_interval_count; ++k) { struct cfg_loop_interval *interval = &cfg->loop_intervals[k]; if (interval->begin < successor->order_pos && successor->order_pos < interval->end) { if (interval->synthetic) interval->begin = min(begin, interval->begin); VKD3D_ASSERT(begin >= interval->begin); } } if (action == ACTION_EXTEND) extend->begin = begin; else if ((ret = vsir_cfg_add_loop_interval(cfg, begin, successor->order_pos, true)) < 0) return ret; } } qsort(cfg->loop_intervals, cfg->loop_interval_count, sizeof(*cfg->loop_intervals), compare_loop_intervals); if (TRACE_ON()) for (i = 0; i < cfg->loop_interval_count; ++i) TRACE("%s loop interval %u - %u\n", cfg->loop_intervals[i].synthetic ? "Synthetic" : "Natural", cfg->loop_intervals[i].begin, cfg->loop_intervals[i].end); return VKD3D_OK; } struct vsir_cfg_edge_action { enum vsir_cfg_jump_type jump_type; unsigned int target; struct vsir_block *successor; }; static void vsir_cfg_compute_edge_action(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_block *block, struct vsir_block *successor, struct vsir_cfg_edge_action *action) { unsigned int i; action->target = UINT_MAX; action->successor = successor; if (successor->order_pos <= block->order_pos) { /* The successor is before the current block, so we have to * use `continue'. The target loop is the innermost that * contains the current block and has the successor as * `continue' target. */ for (i = 0; i < cfg->loop_interval_count; ++i) { struct cfg_loop_interval *interval = &cfg->loop_intervals[i]; if (interval->begin == successor->order_pos && block->order_pos < interval->end) action->target = i; if (interval->begin > successor->order_pos) break; } VKD3D_ASSERT(action->target != UINT_MAX); action->jump_type = JUMP_CONTINUE; } else { /* The successor is after the current block, so we have to use * `break', or possibly just jump to the following block. The * target loop is the outermost that contains the current * block and has the successor as `break' target. */ for (i = 0; i < cfg->loop_interval_count; ++i) { struct cfg_loop_interval *interval = &cfg->loop_intervals[i]; if (interval->begin <= block->order_pos && interval->end == successor->order_pos) { action->target = i; break; } } if (action->target == UINT_MAX) { VKD3D_ASSERT(successor->order_pos == block->order_pos + 1); action->jump_type = JUMP_NONE; } else { action->jump_type = JUMP_BREAK; } } } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_build_structured_program(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { unsigned int i, stack_depth = 1, open_interval_idx = 0; struct vsir_cfg_structure_list **stack = NULL; /* It's enough to allocate up to the maximum interval stacking * depth (plus one for the full program), but this is simpler. */ if (!(stack = vkd3d_calloc(cfg->loop_interval_count + 1, sizeof(*stack)))) goto fail; cfg->structured_program.end = cfg->order.count; stack[0] = &cfg->structured_program; for (i = 0; i < cfg->order.count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = cfg->order.blocks[i]; struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure; VKD3D_ASSERT(stack_depth > 0); /* Open loop intervals. */ while (open_interval_idx < cfg->loop_interval_count) { struct cfg_loop_interval *interval = &cfg->loop_intervals[open_interval_idx]; if (interval->begin != i) break; if (!(structure = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(stack[stack_depth - 1], STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP))) goto fail; structure->u.loop.idx = open_interval_idx++; structure->u.loop.body.end = interval->end; stack[stack_depth++] = &structure->u.loop.body; } /* Execute the block. */ if (!(structure = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(stack[stack_depth - 1], STRUCTURE_TYPE_BLOCK))) goto fail; structure->u.block = block; /* Generate between zero and two jump instructions. */ switch (block->end->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_BRANCH: { struct vsir_cfg_edge_action action_true, action_false; bool invert_condition = false; if (vsir_register_is_label(&block->end->src[0].reg)) { unsigned int target = label_from_src_param(&block->end->src[0]); struct vsir_block *successor = &cfg->blocks[target - 1]; vsir_cfg_compute_edge_action(cfg, block, successor, &action_true); action_false = action_true; } else { unsigned int target = label_from_src_param(&block->end->src[1]); struct vsir_block *successor = &cfg->blocks[target - 1]; vsir_cfg_compute_edge_action(cfg, block, successor, &action_true); target = label_from_src_param(&block->end->src[2]); successor = &cfg->blocks[target - 1]; vsir_cfg_compute_edge_action(cfg, block, successor, &action_false); } /* This will happen if the branch is unconditional, * but also if it's conditional with the same target * in both branches, which can happen in some corner * cases, e.g. when converting switch instructions to * selection ladders. */ if (action_true.successor == action_false.successor) { VKD3D_ASSERT(action_true.jump_type == action_false.jump_type); } else { /* At most one branch can just fall through to the * next block, in which case we make sure it's the * false branch. */ if (action_true.jump_type == JUMP_NONE) { invert_condition = true; } else if (stack_depth >= 2) { struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *inner_loop_frame = stack[stack_depth - 2]; struct vsir_cfg_structure *inner_loop = &inner_loop_frame->structures[inner_loop_frame->count - 1]; VKD3D_ASSERT(inner_loop->type == STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP); /* Otherwise, if one of the branches is * continue-ing the inner loop we're inside, * make sure it's the false branch (because it * will be optimized out later). */ if (action_true.jump_type == JUMP_CONTINUE && action_true.target == inner_loop->u.loop.idx) invert_condition = true; } if (invert_condition) { struct vsir_cfg_edge_action tmp = action_true; action_true = action_false; action_false = tmp; } VKD3D_ASSERT(action_true.jump_type != JUMP_NONE); if (!(structure = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(stack[stack_depth - 1], STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP))) goto fail; structure->u.jump.type = action_true.jump_type; structure->u.jump.target = action_true.target; structure->u.jump.condition = &block->end->src[0]; structure->u.jump.invert_condition = invert_condition; } if (action_false.jump_type != JUMP_NONE) { if (!(structure = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(stack[stack_depth - 1], STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP))) goto fail; structure->u.jump.type = action_false.jump_type; structure->u.jump.target = action_false.target; } break; } case VKD3DSIH_RET: if (!(structure = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(stack[stack_depth - 1], STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP))) goto fail; structure->u.jump.type = JUMP_RET; break; default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } /* Close loop intervals. */ while (stack_depth > 0) { if (stack[stack_depth - 1]->end != i + 1) break; --stack_depth; } } VKD3D_ASSERT(stack_depth == 0); VKD3D_ASSERT(open_interval_idx == cfg->loop_interval_count); if (TRACE_ON()) vsir_cfg_dump_structured_program(cfg); vkd3d_free(stack); return VKD3D_OK; fail: vkd3d_free(stack); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } static void vsir_cfg_remove_trailing_continue(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list, unsigned int target) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *last = &list->structures[list->count - 1]; if (last->type == STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP && last->u.jump.type == JUMP_CONTINUE && !last->u.jump.condition && last->u.jump.target == target) { --list->count; VKD3D_ASSERT(cfg->loop_intervals[target].target_count > 0); --cfg->loop_intervals[target].target_count; } } static struct vsir_cfg_structure *vsir_cfg_get_trailing_break(struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure; size_t count = list->count; if (count == 0) return NULL; structure = &list->structures[count - 1]; if (structure->type != STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP || structure->u.jump.type != JUMP_BREAK || structure->u.jump.condition) return NULL; return structure; } /* When the last instruction in both branches of a selection construct * is an unconditional break, any of them can be moved after the * selection construct. If they break the same loop both of them can * be moved out, otherwise we can choose which one: we choose the one * that breaks the innermost loop, because we hope to eventually * remove the loop itself. * * In principle a similar movement could be done when the last * instructions are continue and continue, or continue and break. But * in practice I don't think those situations can happen given the * previous passes we do on the program, so we don't care. */ static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_move_breaks_out_of_selections(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *selection, *if_break, *else_break, *new_break; unsigned int if_target, else_target, max_target; size_t pos = list->count - 1; selection = &list->structures[pos]; VKD3D_ASSERT(selection->type == STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION); if_break = vsir_cfg_get_trailing_break(&selection->u.selection.if_body); else_break = vsir_cfg_get_trailing_break(&selection->u.selection.else_body); if (!if_break || !else_break) return VKD3D_OK; if_target = if_break->u.jump.target; else_target = else_break->u.jump.target; max_target = max(if_target, else_target); if (!(new_break = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(list, STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; new_break->u.jump.type = JUMP_BREAK; new_break->u.jump.target = max_target; ++cfg->loop_intervals[max_target].target_count; /* Pointer `selection' could have been invalidated by the append * operation. */ selection = &list->structures[pos]; VKD3D_ASSERT(selection->type == STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION); if (if_target == max_target) { --selection->u.selection.if_body.count; VKD3D_ASSERT(cfg->loop_intervals[if_target].target_count > 0); --cfg->loop_intervals[if_target].target_count; } if (else_target == max_target) { --selection->u.selection.else_body.count; VKD3D_ASSERT(cfg->loop_intervals[else_target].target_count > 0); --cfg->loop_intervals[else_target].target_count; } /* If a branch becomes empty, make it the else branch, so we save a block. */ if (selection->u.selection.if_body.count == 0) { struct vsir_cfg_structure_list tmp; selection->u.selection.invert_condition = !selection->u.selection.invert_condition; tmp = selection->u.selection.if_body; selection->u.selection.if_body = selection->u.selection.else_body; selection->u.selection.else_body = tmp; } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_move_breaks_out_of_selections_recursively(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *trailing; if (list->count == 0) return VKD3D_OK; trailing = &list->structures[list->count - 1]; if (trailing->type != STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION) return VKD3D_OK; vsir_cfg_move_breaks_out_of_selections_recursively(cfg, &trailing->u.selection.if_body); vsir_cfg_move_breaks_out_of_selections_recursively(cfg, &trailing->u.selection.else_body); return vsir_cfg_move_breaks_out_of_selections(cfg, list); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_synthesize_selections(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure = &list->structures[i], new_selection, *new_jump; if (structure->type != STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP || !structure->u.jump.condition) continue; vsir_cfg_structure_init(&new_selection, STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION); new_selection.u.selection.condition = structure->u.jump.condition; new_selection.u.selection.invert_condition = structure->u.jump.invert_condition; if (!(new_jump = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append(&new_selection.u.selection.if_body, STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; new_jump->u.jump.type = structure->u.jump.type; new_jump->u.jump.target = structure->u.jump.target; /* Move the rest of the structure list in the else branch * rather than leaving it after the selection construct. The * reason is that this is more conducive to further * optimization, because all the conditional `break's appear * as the last instruction of a branch of a cascade of * selection constructs at the end of the structure list we're * processing, instead of being buried in the middle of the * structure list itself. */ if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(&new_selection.u.selection.else_body, &list->structures[i + 1], list->count - i - 1)) < 0) return ret; *structure = new_selection; list->count = i + 1; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_synthesize_selections(cfg, &structure->u.selection.else_body)) < 0) return ret; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_move_breaks_out_of_selections(cfg, list)) < 0) return ret; break; } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_append_loop(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *new_list, struct vsir_cfg_structure *loop) { struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *loop_body = &loop->u.loop.body; unsigned int target, loop_idx = loop->u.loop.idx; struct vsir_cfg_structure *trailing_break; enum vkd3d_result ret; trailing_break = vsir_cfg_get_trailing_break(loop_body); /* If the loop's last instruction is not a break, we cannot remove * the loop itself. */ if (!trailing_break) { if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(new_list, loop, 1)) < 0) return ret; memset(loop, 0, sizeof(*loop)); return VKD3D_OK; } target = trailing_break->u.jump.target; VKD3D_ASSERT(cfg->loop_intervals[target].target_count > 0); /* If the loop is not targeted by any jump, we can remove it. The * trailing `break' then targets another loop, so we have to keep * it. */ if (cfg->loop_intervals[loop_idx].target_count == 0) { if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(new_list, &loop_body->structures[0], loop_body->count)) < 0) return ret; loop_body->count = 0; return VKD3D_OK; } /* If the loop is targeted only by its own trailing `break' * instruction, then we can remove it together with the `break' * itself. */ if (target == loop_idx && cfg->loop_intervals[loop_idx].target_count == 1) { --cfg->loop_intervals[loop_idx].target_count; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(new_list, &loop_body->structures[0], loop_body->count - 1)) < 0) return ret; loop_body->count = 0; return VKD3D_OK; } if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(new_list, loop, 1)) < 0) return ret; memset(loop, 0, sizeof(*loop)); return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_optimize_recurse(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { struct vsir_cfg_structure_list old_list = *list, *new_list = list; enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; memset(new_list, 0, sizeof(*new_list)); for (i = 0; i < old_list.count; ++i) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *loop = &old_list.structures[i], *selection; struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *loop_body; if (loop->type != STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP) { if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(new_list, loop, 1)) < 0) goto out; memset(loop, 0, sizeof(*loop)); continue; } loop_body = &loop->u.loop.body; if (loop_body->count == 0) { if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_append_from_region(new_list, loop, 1)) < 0) goto out; memset(loop, 0, sizeof(*loop)); continue; } vsir_cfg_remove_trailing_continue(cfg, loop_body, loop->u.loop.idx); if ((ret = vsir_cfg_optimize_recurse(cfg, loop_body)) < 0) goto out; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_synthesize_selections(cfg, loop_body)) < 0) goto out; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_append_loop(cfg, new_list, loop)) < 0) goto out; /* If the last pushed instruction is a selection and one of the branches terminates with a * `break', start pushing to the other branch, in the hope of eventually push a `break' * there too and be able to remove a loop. */ if (new_list->count == 0) continue; selection = &new_list->structures[new_list->count - 1]; if (selection->type == STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION) { if (vsir_cfg_get_trailing_break(&selection->u.selection.if_body)) new_list = &selection->u.selection.else_body; else if (vsir_cfg_get_trailing_break(&selection->u.selection.else_body)) new_list = &selection->u.selection.if_body; } } ret = vsir_cfg_move_breaks_out_of_selections_recursively(cfg, list); out: vsir_cfg_structure_list_cleanup(&old_list); return ret; } static void vsir_cfg_count_targets(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure = &list->structures[i]; switch (structure->type) { case STRUCTURE_TYPE_BLOCK: break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP: vsir_cfg_count_targets(cfg, &structure->u.loop.body); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION: vsir_cfg_count_targets(cfg, &structure->u.selection.if_body); vsir_cfg_count_targets(cfg, &structure->u.selection.else_body); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP: if (structure->u.jump.type == JUMP_BREAK || structure->u.jump.type == JUMP_CONTINUE) ++cfg->loop_intervals[structure->u.jump.target].target_count; break; } } } /* Trampolines are code gadgets used to emulate multilevel jumps (which are not natively supported * by SPIR-V). A trampoline is inserted just after a loop and checks whether control has reached the * intended site (i.e., we just jumped out of the target block) or if other levels of jumping are * needed. For each jump a trampoline is required for all the loops between the jump itself and the * target loop, excluding the target loop itself. */ static void vsir_cfg_mark_trampolines(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list, struct vsir_cfg_structure *loop) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure = &list->structures[i]; switch (structure->type) { case STRUCTURE_TYPE_BLOCK: break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP: structure->u.loop.outer_loop = loop; vsir_cfg_mark_trampolines(cfg, &structure->u.loop.body, structure); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION: vsir_cfg_mark_trampolines(cfg, &structure->u.selection.if_body, loop); vsir_cfg_mark_trampolines(cfg, &structure->u.selection.else_body, loop); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP: { struct vsir_cfg_structure *l; if (structure->u.jump.type != JUMP_BREAK && structure->u.jump.type != JUMP_CONTINUE) break; for (l = loop; l && l->u.loop.idx != structure->u.jump.target; l = l->u.loop.outer_loop) { VKD3D_ASSERT(l->type == STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP); l->u.loop.needs_trampoline = true; } break; } } } } /* Launchers are the counterpart of trampolines. A launcher is inserted just before a jump, and * writes in a well-known variable what is the target of the jump. Trampolines will then read that * variable to decide how to redirect the jump to its intended target. A launcher is needed each * time the innermost loop containing the jump itself has a trampoline (independently of whether the * jump is targeting that loop or not). */ static void vsir_cfg_mark_launchers(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list, struct vsir_cfg_structure *loop) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure = &list->structures[i]; switch (structure->type) { case STRUCTURE_TYPE_BLOCK: break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP: vsir_cfg_mark_launchers(cfg, &structure->u.loop.body, structure); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION: vsir_cfg_mark_launchers(cfg, &structure->u.selection.if_body, loop); vsir_cfg_mark_launchers(cfg, &structure->u.selection.else_body, loop); break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP: if (structure->u.jump.type != JUMP_BREAK && structure->u.jump.type != JUMP_CONTINUE) break; VKD3D_ASSERT(loop && loop->type == STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP); if (loop->u.loop.needs_trampoline) structure->u.jump.needs_launcher = true; break; } } } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_optimize(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { enum vkd3d_result ret; vsir_cfg_count_targets(cfg, &cfg->structured_program); ret = vsir_cfg_optimize_recurse(cfg, &cfg->structured_program); /* Trampolines and launchers cannot be marked with the same pass, * because a jump might have to be marked as launcher even when it * targets its innermost loop, if other jumps in the same loop * need a trampoline anyway. So launchers can be discovered only * once all the trampolines are known. */ vsir_cfg_mark_trampolines(cfg, &cfg->structured_program, NULL); vsir_cfg_mark_launchers(cfg, &cfg->structured_program, NULL); if (TRACE_ON()) vsir_cfg_dump_structured_program(cfg); return ret; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list, unsigned int loop_idx); static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_block(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_block *block) { struct vsir_cfg_emit_target *target = cfg->target; if (!reserve_instructions(&target->instructions, &target->ins_capacity, target->ins_count + (block->end - block->begin))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memcpy(&target->instructions[target->ins_count], block->begin, (char *)block->end - (char *)block->begin); target->ins_count += block->end - block->begin; return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_loop(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_loop *loop, unsigned int loop_idx) { struct vsir_cfg_emit_target *target = cfg->target; const struct vkd3d_shader_location no_loc = {0}; enum vkd3d_result ret; if (!reserve_instructions(&target->instructions, &target->ins_capacity, target->ins_count + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_instruction_init(&target->instructions[target->ins_count++], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_LOOP); if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit(cfg, &loop->body, loop->idx)) < 0) return ret; if (!reserve_instructions(&target->instructions, &target->ins_capacity, target->ins_count + 5)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_instruction_init(&target->instructions[target->ins_count++], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_ENDLOOP); /* Add a trampoline to implement multilevel jumping depending on the stored * jump_target value. */ if (loop->needs_trampoline) { /* If the multilevel jump is a `continue' and the target is the loop we're inside * right now, then we can finally do the `continue'. */ const unsigned int outer_continue_target = loop_idx << 1 | 1; /* If the multilevel jump is a `continue' to any other target, or if it is a `break' * and the target is not the loop we just finished emitting, then it means that * we have to reach an outer loop, so we keep breaking. */ const unsigned int inner_break_target = loop->idx << 1; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(cfg->program, &target->instructions[target->ins_count], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_IEQ, 1, 2)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; dst_param_init_temp_bool(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].dst[0], target->temp_count); src_param_init_temp_uint(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[0], target->jump_target_temp_idx); src_param_init_const_uint(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[1], outer_continue_target); ++target->ins_count; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(cfg->program, &target->instructions[target->ins_count], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_CONTINUEP, 0, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; src_param_init_temp_bool(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[0], target->temp_count); ++target->ins_count; ++target->temp_count; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(cfg->program, &target->instructions[target->ins_count], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_IEQ, 1, 2)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; dst_param_init_temp_bool(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].dst[0], target->temp_count); src_param_init_temp_uint(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[0], target->jump_target_temp_idx); src_param_init_const_uint(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[1], inner_break_target); ++target->ins_count; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(cfg->program, &target->instructions[target->ins_count], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_BREAKP, 0, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; target->instructions[target->ins_count].flags |= VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_Z; src_param_init_temp_bool(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[0], target->temp_count); ++target->ins_count; ++target->temp_count; } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_selection(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_selection *selection, unsigned int loop_idx) { struct vsir_cfg_emit_target *target = cfg->target; const struct vkd3d_shader_location no_loc = {0}; enum vkd3d_result ret; if (!reserve_instructions(&target->instructions, &target->ins_capacity, target->ins_count + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(cfg->program, &target->instructions[target->ins_count], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_IF, 0, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[0] = *selection->condition; if (selection->invert_condition) target->instructions[target->ins_count].flags |= VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_Z; ++target->ins_count; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit(cfg, &selection->if_body, loop_idx)) < 0) return ret; if (selection->else_body.count != 0) { if (!reserve_instructions(&target->instructions, &target->ins_capacity, target->ins_count + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_instruction_init(&target->instructions[target->ins_count++], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_ELSE); if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit(cfg, &selection->else_body, loop_idx)) < 0) return ret; } if (!reserve_instructions(&target->instructions, &target->ins_capacity, target->ins_count + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; vsir_instruction_init(&target->instructions[target->ins_count++], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_ENDIF); return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_jump(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_jump *jump, unsigned int loop_idx) { struct vsir_cfg_emit_target *target = cfg->target; const struct vkd3d_shader_location no_loc = {0}; /* Encode the jump target as the loop index plus a bit to remember whether * we're breaking or continue-ing. */ unsigned int jump_target = jump->target << 1; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode opcode; switch (jump->type) { case JUMP_CONTINUE: /* If we're continue-ing the loop we're directly inside, then we can emit a * `continue'. Otherwise we first have to break all the loops between here * and the loop to continue, recording our intention to continue * in the lowest bit of jump_target. */ if (jump->target == loop_idx) { opcode = jump->condition ? VKD3DSIH_CONTINUEP : VKD3DSIH_CONTINUE; break; } jump_target |= 1; /* fall through */ case JUMP_BREAK: opcode = jump->condition ? VKD3DSIH_BREAKP : VKD3DSIH_BREAK; break; case JUMP_RET: VKD3D_ASSERT(!jump->condition); opcode = VKD3DSIH_RET; break; default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } if (!reserve_instructions(&target->instructions, &target->ins_capacity, target->ins_count + 2)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (jump->needs_launcher) { if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(cfg->program, &target->instructions[target->ins_count], &no_loc, VKD3DSIH_MOV, 1, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; dst_param_init_temp_uint(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].dst[0], target->jump_target_temp_idx); src_param_init_const_uint(&target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[0], jump_target); ++target->ins_count; } if (!vsir_instruction_init_with_params(cfg->program, &target->instructions[target->ins_count], &no_loc, opcode, 0, !!jump->condition)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (jump->invert_condition) target->instructions[target->ins_count].flags |= VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_Z; if (jump->condition) target->instructions[target->ins_count].src[0] = *jump->condition; ++target->ins_count; return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit(struct vsir_cfg *cfg, struct vsir_cfg_structure_list *list, unsigned int loop_idx) { enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) { struct vsir_cfg_structure *structure = &list->structures[i]; switch (structure->type) { case STRUCTURE_TYPE_BLOCK: if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_block(cfg, structure->u.block)) < 0) return ret; break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOOP: if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_loop(cfg, &structure->u.loop, loop_idx)) < 0) return ret; break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_SELECTION: if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_selection(cfg, &structure->u.selection, loop_idx)) < 0) return ret; break; case STRUCTURE_TYPE_JUMP: if ((ret = vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit_jump(cfg, &structure->u.jump, loop_idx)) < 0) return ret; break; default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_emit_structured_program(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { return vsir_cfg_structure_list_emit(cfg, &cfg->structured_program, UINT_MAX); } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_structurize_function(struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context, struct vsir_cfg_emit_target *target, size_t *pos) { enum vkd3d_result ret; struct vsir_cfg cfg; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_init(&cfg, program, message_context, target, pos)) < 0) return ret; vsir_cfg_compute_dominators(&cfg); if ((ret = vsir_cfg_compute_loops(&cfg)) < 0) goto out; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_sort_nodes(&cfg)) < 0) goto out; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_generate_synthetic_loop_intervals(&cfg)) < 0) goto out; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_build_structured_program(&cfg)) < 0) goto out; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_optimize(&cfg)) < 0) goto out; ret = vsir_cfg_emit_structured_program(&cfg); out: vsir_cfg_cleanup(&cfg); return ret; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_structurize(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context = ctx->message_context; struct vsir_cfg_emit_target target = {0}; enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; VKD3D_ASSERT(program->cf_type == VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); target.jump_target_temp_idx = program->temp_count; target.temp_count = program->temp_count + 1; if (!reserve_instructions(&target.instructions, &target.ins_capacity, program->instructions.count)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; for (i = 0; i < program->instructions.count;) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_LABEL: VKD3D_ASSERT(program->shader_version.type != VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL); TRACE("Structurizing a non-hull shader.\n"); if ((ret = vsir_program_structurize_function(program, message_context, &target, &i)) < 0) goto fail; VKD3D_ASSERT(i == program->instructions.count); break; case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: VKD3D_ASSERT(program->shader_version.type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL); TRACE("Structurizing phase %u of a hull shader.\n", ins->opcode); target.instructions[target.ins_count++] = *ins; ++i; if ((ret = vsir_program_structurize_function(program, message_context, &target, &i)) < 0) goto fail; break; default: if (!reserve_instructions(&target.instructions, &target.ins_capacity, target.ins_count + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; target.instructions[target.ins_count++] = *ins; ++i; break; } } vkd3d_free(program->instructions.elements); program->instructions.elements = target.instructions; program->instructions.capacity = target.ins_capacity; program->instructions.count = target.ins_count; program->temp_count = target.temp_count; program->cf_type = VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED; return VKD3D_OK; fail: vkd3d_free(target.instructions); return ret; } static void register_map_undominated_use(struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg, struct ssas_to_temps_alloc *alloc, struct vsir_block *block, struct vsir_block **origin_blocks) { unsigned int i; if (register_is_ssa(reg)) { i = reg->idx[0].offset; if (alloc->table[i] == UINT_MAX && !vsir_block_dominates(origin_blocks[i], block)) alloc->table[i] = alloc->next_temp_idx++; } for (i = 0; i < reg->idx_count; ++i) if (reg->idx[i].rel_addr) register_map_undominated_use(®->idx[i].rel_addr->reg, alloc, block, origin_blocks); } /* Drivers are not necessarily optimised to handle very large numbers of temps. For example, * using them only where necessary fixes stuttering issues in Horizon Zero Dawn on RADV. * This can also result in the backend emitting less code because temps typically need an * access chain and a load/store. Conversion of phi SSA values to temps should eliminate all * undominated SSA use, but structurisation may create new occurrences. */ static enum vkd3d_result vsir_cfg_materialize_undominated_ssas_to_temps(struct vsir_cfg *cfg) { struct vsir_program *program = cfg->program; struct ssas_to_temps_alloc alloc = {0}; struct vsir_block **origin_blocks; unsigned int j; size_t i; if (!(origin_blocks = vkd3d_calloc(program->ssa_count, sizeof(*origin_blocks)))) { ERR("Failed to allocate origin block array.\n"); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (!ssas_to_temps_alloc_init(&alloc, program->ssa_count, program->temp_count)) { vkd3d_free(origin_blocks); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; if (block->label == 0) continue; for (ins = block->begin; ins <= block->end; ++ins) { for (j = 0; j < ins->dst_count; ++j) { if (register_is_ssa(&ins->dst[j].reg)) origin_blocks[ins->dst[j].reg.idx[0].offset] = block; } } } for (i = 0; i < cfg->block_count; ++i) { struct vsir_block *block = &cfg->blocks[i]; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; if (block->label == 0) continue; for (ins = block->begin; ins <= block->end; ++ins) { for (j = 0; j < ins->src_count; ++j) register_map_undominated_use(&ins->src[j].reg, &alloc, block, origin_blocks); } } if (alloc.next_temp_idx == program->temp_count) goto done; TRACE("Emitting temps for %u values with undominated usage.\n", alloc.next_temp_idx - program->temp_count); for (i = cfg->function_begin; i < cfg->function_end; ++i) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; for (j = 0; j < ins->dst_count; ++j) materialize_ssas_to_temps_process_reg(program, &alloc, &ins->dst[j].reg); for (j = 0; j < ins->src_count; ++j) materialize_ssas_to_temps_process_reg(program, &alloc, &ins->src[j].reg); } program->temp_count = alloc.next_temp_idx; done: vkd3d_free(origin_blocks); vkd3d_free(alloc.table); return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_materialize_undominated_ssas_to_temps_in_function( struct vsir_program *program, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context, size_t *pos) { enum vkd3d_result ret; struct vsir_cfg cfg; if ((ret = vsir_cfg_init(&cfg, program, message_context, NULL, pos)) < 0) return ret; vsir_cfg_compute_dominators(&cfg); ret = vsir_cfg_materialize_undominated_ssas_to_temps(&cfg); vsir_cfg_cleanup(&cfg); return ret; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_materialize_undominated_ssas_to_temps(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context = ctx->message_context; enum vkd3d_result ret; size_t i; VKD3D_ASSERT(program->cf_type == VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); for (i = 0; i < program->instructions.count;) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; switch (ins->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_LABEL: VKD3D_ASSERT(program->shader_version.type != VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL); TRACE("Materializing undominated SSAs in a non-hull shader.\n"); if ((ret = vsir_program_materialize_undominated_ssas_to_temps_in_function( program, message_context, &i)) < 0) return ret; VKD3D_ASSERT(i == program->instructions.count); break; case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: VKD3D_ASSERT(program->shader_version.type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL); TRACE("Materializing undominated SSAs in phase %u of a hull shader.\n", ins->opcode); ++i; if ((ret = vsir_program_materialize_undominated_ssas_to_temps_in_function( program, message_context, &i)) < 0) return ret; break; default: ++i; break; } } return VKD3D_OK; } static bool find_colour_signature_idx(const struct shader_signature *signature, uint32_t *index) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < signature->element_count; ++i) { if (signature->elements[i].sysval_semantic == VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TARGET && !signature->elements[i].register_index) { *index = i; return true; } } return false; } static enum vkd3d_result insert_alpha_test_before_ret(struct vsir_program *program, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ret, enum vkd3d_shader_comparison_func compare_func, const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *ref, uint32_t colour_signature_idx, uint32_t colour_temp, size_t *ret_pos, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; static const struct vkd3d_shader_location no_loc; size_t pos = ret - instructions->elements; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; static const struct { enum vkd3d_shader_opcode float_opcode; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode uint_opcode; bool swap; } opcodes[] = { [VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_EQUAL] = {VKD3DSIH_EQO, VKD3DSIH_IEQ}, [VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_NOT_EQUAL] = {VKD3DSIH_NEO, VKD3DSIH_INE}, [VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_GREATER_EQUAL] = {VKD3DSIH_GEO, VKD3DSIH_UGE}, [VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_LESS] = {VKD3DSIH_LTO, VKD3DSIH_ULT}, [VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_LESS_EQUAL] = {VKD3DSIH_GEO, VKD3DSIH_UGE, true}, [VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_GREATER] = {VKD3DSIH_LTO, VKD3DSIH_ULT, true}, }; if (compare_func == VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_NEVER) { if (!shader_instruction_array_insert_at(&program->instructions, pos, 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ins = &program->instructions.elements[pos]; vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ret->location, VKD3DSIH_DISCARD, 0, 1); ins->flags = VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_Z; src_param_init_const_uint(&ins->src[0], 0); *ret_pos = pos + 1; return VKD3D_OK; } if (!shader_instruction_array_insert_at(&program->instructions, pos, 3)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ins = &program->instructions.elements[pos]; switch (ref->data_type) { case VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT32: vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ret->location, opcodes[compare_func].float_opcode, 1, 2); src_param_init_temp_float(&ins->src[opcodes[compare_func].swap ? 1 : 0], colour_temp); src_param_init_parameter(&ins->src[opcodes[compare_func].swap ? 0 : 1], VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_NAME_ALPHA_TEST_REF, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT); break; case VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_UINT32: vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ret->location, opcodes[compare_func].uint_opcode, 1, 2); src_param_init_temp_uint(&ins->src[opcodes[compare_func].swap ? 1 : 0], colour_temp); src_param_init_parameter(&ins->src[opcodes[compare_func].swap ? 0 : 1], VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_NAME_ALPHA_TEST_REF, VKD3D_DATA_UINT); break; case VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT32_VEC4: vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Alpha test reference data type must be a single component."); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; default: FIXME("Unhandled parameter data type %#x.\n", ref->data_type); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } dst_param_init_ssa_bool(&ins->dst[0], program->ssa_count); ins->src[opcodes[compare_func].swap ? 1 : 0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[opcodes[compare_func].swap ? 1 : 0].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_SWIZZLE(W, W, W, W); ++ins; vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ret->location, VKD3DSIH_DISCARD, 0, 1); ins->flags = VKD3D_SHADER_CONDITIONAL_OP_Z; src_param_init_ssa_bool(&ins->src[0], program->ssa_count); ++program->ssa_count; ++ins; vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ret->location, VKD3DSIH_MOV, 1, 1); vsir_dst_param_init(&ins->dst[0], VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT, 1); ins->dst[0].reg.idx[0].offset = colour_signature_idx; ins->dst[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->dst[0].write_mask = program->output_signature.elements[colour_signature_idx].mask; src_param_init_temp_float(&ins->src[0], colour_temp); ins->src[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[0].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_NO_SWIZZLE; *ret_pos = pos + 3; return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_insert_alpha_test(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context = ctx->message_context; const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *func = NULL, *ref = NULL; static const struct vkd3d_shader_location no_loc; enum vkd3d_shader_comparison_func compare_func; uint32_t colour_signature_idx, colour_temp; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; size_t new_pos; int ret; if (program->shader_version.type != VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) return VKD3D_OK; if (!find_colour_signature_idx(&program->output_signature, &colour_signature_idx) || !(program->output_signature.elements[colour_signature_idx].mask & VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_3)) return VKD3D_OK; if (!(func = vsir_program_get_parameter(program, VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_NAME_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC)) || !(ref = vsir_program_get_parameter(program, VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_NAME_ALPHA_TEST_REF))) return VKD3D_OK; if (func->type != VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE_CONSTANT) { vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Unsupported alpha test function parameter type %#x.", func->type); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (func->data_type != VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_UINT32) { vkd3d_shader_error(message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid alpha test function parameter data type %#x.", func->data_type); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } compare_func = func->u.immediate_constant.u.u32; if (compare_func == VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_ALWAYS) return VKD3D_OK; /* We're going to be reading from the output, so we need to go * through the whole shader and convert it to a temp. */ if (compare_func != VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_NEVER) colour_temp = program->temp_count++; for (size_t i = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; if (vsir_instruction_is_dcl(ins)) continue; if (ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_RET) { if ((ret = insert_alpha_test_before_ret(program, ins, compare_func, ref, colour_signature_idx, colour_temp, &new_pos, message_context)) < 0) return ret; i = new_pos; continue; } /* No need to convert it if the comparison func is NEVER; we don't * read from the output in that case. */ if (compare_func == VKD3D_SHADER_COMPARISON_FUNC_NEVER) continue; for (size_t j = 0; j < ins->dst_count; ++j) { struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst = &ins->dst[j]; /* Note we run after I/O normalization. */ if (dst->reg.type == VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT && dst->reg.idx[0].offset == colour_signature_idx) { dst->reg.type = VKD3DSPR_TEMP; dst->reg.idx[0].offset = colour_temp; } } } return VKD3D_OK; } static enum vkd3d_result insert_clip_planes_before_ret(struct vsir_program *program, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ret, uint32_t mask, uint32_t position_signature_idx, uint32_t position_temp, uint32_t low_signature_idx, uint32_t high_signature_idx, size_t *ret_pos) { struct vkd3d_shader_instruction_array *instructions = &program->instructions; size_t pos = ret - instructions->elements; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; unsigned int output_idx = 0; if (!shader_instruction_array_insert_at(&program->instructions, pos, vkd3d_popcount(mask) + 1)) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ins = &program->instructions.elements[pos]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (!(mask & (1u << i))) continue; vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ret->location, VKD3DSIH_DP4, 1, 2); src_param_init_temp_float4(&ins->src[0], position_temp); src_param_init_parameter(&ins->src[1], VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_NAME_CLIP_PLANE_0 + i, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT); ins->src[1].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_NO_SWIZZLE; ins->src[1].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; vsir_dst_param_init(&ins->dst[0], VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT, 1); if (output_idx < 4) ins->dst[0].reg.idx[0].offset = low_signature_idx; else ins->dst[0].reg.idx[0].offset = high_signature_idx; ins->dst[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->dst[0].write_mask = (1u << (output_idx % 4)); ++output_idx; ++ins; } vsir_instruction_init_with_params(program, ins, &ret->location, VKD3DSIH_MOV, 1, 1); vsir_dst_param_init(&ins->dst[0], VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT, VKD3D_DATA_FLOAT, 1); ins->dst[0].reg.idx[0].offset = position_signature_idx; ins->dst[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->dst[0].write_mask = program->output_signature.elements[position_signature_idx].mask; src_param_init_temp_float(&ins->src[0], position_temp); ins->src[0].reg.dimension = VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4; ins->src[0].swizzle = VKD3D_SHADER_NO_SWIZZLE; *ret_pos = pos + vkd3d_popcount(mask) + 1; return VKD3D_OK; } static bool find_position_signature_idx(const struct shader_signature *signature, uint32_t *idx) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < signature->element_count; ++i) { if (signature->elements[i].sysval_semantic == VKD3D_SHADER_SV_POSITION) { *idx = i; return true; } } return false; } static enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_insert_clip_planes(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx) { struct shader_signature *signature = &program->output_signature; unsigned int low_signature_idx = ~0u, high_signature_idx = ~0u; const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *mask_parameter = NULL; struct signature_element *new_elements, *clip_element; uint32_t position_signature_idx, position_temp, mask; static const struct vkd3d_shader_location no_loc; struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins; unsigned int plane_count; size_t new_pos; int ret; if (program->shader_version.type != VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX) return VKD3D_OK; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < program->parameter_count; ++i) { const struct vkd3d_shader_parameter1 *parameter = &program->parameters[i]; if (parameter->name == VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_NAME_CLIP_PLANE_MASK) mask_parameter = parameter; } if (!mask_parameter) return VKD3D_OK; if (mask_parameter->type != VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE_CONSTANT) { vkd3d_shader_error(ctx->message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Unsupported clip plane mask parameter type %#x.", mask_parameter->type); return VKD3D_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (mask_parameter->data_type != VKD3D_SHADER_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_UINT32) { vkd3d_shader_error(ctx->message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid clip plane mask parameter data type %#x.", mask_parameter->data_type); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } mask = mask_parameter->u.immediate_constant.u.u32; if (!mask) return VKD3D_OK; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < signature->element_count; ++i) { if (signature->elements[i].sysval_semantic == VKD3D_SHADER_SV_CLIP_DISTANCE) { vkd3d_shader_error(ctx->message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Clip planes cannot be used if the shader writes clip distance."); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } if (!find_position_signature_idx(signature, &position_signature_idx)) { vkd3d_shader_error(ctx->message_context, &no_loc, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_MISSING_SEMANTIC, "Shader does not write position."); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; } /* Append the clip plane signature indices. */ plane_count = vkd3d_popcount(mask); if (!(new_elements = vkd3d_realloc(signature->elements, (signature->element_count + 2) * sizeof(*signature->elements)))) return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; signature->elements = new_elements; low_signature_idx = signature->element_count; clip_element = &signature->elements[signature->element_count++]; memset(clip_element, 0, sizeof(*clip_element)); clip_element->sysval_semantic = VKD3D_SHADER_SV_CLIP_DISTANCE; clip_element->component_type = VKD3D_SHADER_COMPONENT_FLOAT; clip_element->register_count = 1; clip_element->mask = vkd3d_write_mask_from_component_count(min(plane_count, 4)); clip_element->used_mask = clip_element->mask; clip_element->min_precision = VKD3D_SHADER_MINIMUM_PRECISION_NONE; if (plane_count > 4) { high_signature_idx = signature->element_count; clip_element = &signature->elements[signature->element_count++]; memset(clip_element, 0, sizeof(*clip_element)); clip_element->sysval_semantic = VKD3D_SHADER_SV_CLIP_DISTANCE; clip_element->semantic_index = 1; clip_element->component_type = VKD3D_SHADER_COMPONENT_FLOAT; clip_element->register_count = 1; clip_element->mask = vkd3d_write_mask_from_component_count(plane_count - 4); clip_element->used_mask = clip_element->mask; clip_element->min_precision = VKD3D_SHADER_MINIMUM_PRECISION_NONE; } /* We're going to be reading from the output position, so we need to go * through the whole shader and convert it to a temp. */ position_temp = program->temp_count++; for (size_t i = 0; i < program->instructions.count; ++i) { ins = &program->instructions.elements[i]; if (vsir_instruction_is_dcl(ins)) continue; if (ins->opcode == VKD3DSIH_RET) { if ((ret = insert_clip_planes_before_ret(program, ins, mask, position_signature_idx, position_temp, low_signature_idx, high_signature_idx, &new_pos)) < 0) return ret; i = new_pos; continue; } for (size_t j = 0; j < ins->dst_count; ++j) { struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst = &ins->dst[j]; /* Note we run after I/O normalization. */ if (dst->reg.type == VKD3DSPR_OUTPUT && dst->reg.idx[0].offset == position_signature_idx) { dst->reg.type = VKD3DSPR_TEMP; dst->reg.idx[0].offset = position_temp; } } } return VKD3D_OK; } struct validation_context { struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context; const struct vsir_program *program; size_t instruction_idx; struct vkd3d_shader_location null_location; bool invalid_instruction_idx; enum vkd3d_result status; bool dcl_temps_found; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode phase; bool inside_block; struct validation_context_temp_data { enum vsir_dimension dimension; size_t first_seen; } *temps; struct validation_context_ssa_data { enum vsir_dimension dimension; enum vkd3d_data_type data_type; size_t first_seen; uint32_t write_mask; uint32_t read_mask; size_t first_assigned; } *ssas; enum vkd3d_shader_opcode *blocks; size_t depth; size_t blocks_capacity; }; static void VKD3D_PRINTF_FUNC(3, 4) validator_error(struct validation_context *ctx, enum vkd3d_shader_error error, const char *format, ...) { struct vkd3d_string_buffer buf; va_list args; vkd3d_string_buffer_init(&buf); va_start(args, format); vkd3d_string_buffer_vprintf(&buf, format, args); va_end(args); if (ctx->invalid_instruction_idx) { vkd3d_shader_error(ctx->message_context, &ctx->null_location, error, "%s", buf.buffer); WARN("VSIR validation error: %s\n", buf.buffer); } else { const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *ins = &ctx->program->instructions.elements[ctx->instruction_idx]; vkd3d_shader_error(ctx->message_context, &ins->location, error, "instruction %zu: %s", ctx->instruction_idx + 1, buf.buffer); WARN("VSIR validation error: instruction %zu: %s\n", ctx->instruction_idx + 1, buf.buffer); } vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&buf); if (!ctx->status) ctx->status = VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; } static void vsir_validate_src_param(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src); static void vsir_validate_register(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_register *reg) { unsigned int i; if (reg->type >= VKD3DSPR_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid register type %#x.", reg->type); if (reg->precision >= VKD3D_SHADER_REGISTER_PRECISION_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_PRECISION, "Invalid register precision %#x.", reg->precision); if (reg->data_type >= VKD3D_DATA_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid register data type %#x.", reg->data_type); if (reg->dimension >= VSIR_DIMENSION_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid register dimension %#x.", reg->dimension); if (reg->idx_count > ARRAY_SIZE(reg->idx)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid register index count %u.", reg->idx_count); for (i = 0; i < min(reg->idx_count, ARRAY_SIZE(reg->idx)); ++i) { const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *param = reg->idx[i].rel_addr; if (reg->idx[i].rel_addr) vsir_validate_src_param(ctx, param); } switch (reg->type) { case VKD3DSPR_TEMP: { struct validation_context_temp_data *data; if (reg->idx_count != 1) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a TEMP register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for a TEMP register."); if (reg->idx[0].offset >= ctx->program->temp_count) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "TEMP register index %u exceeds the maximum count %u.", reg->idx[0].offset, ctx->program->temp_count); break; } data = &ctx->temps[reg->idx[0].offset]; if (reg->dimension == VSIR_DIMENSION_NONE) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension NONE for a TEMP register."); break; } /* TEMP registers can be scalar or vec4, provided that * each individual register always appears with the same * dimension. */ if (data->dimension == VSIR_DIMENSION_NONE) { data->dimension = reg->dimension; data->first_seen = ctx->instruction_idx; } else if (data->dimension != reg->dimension) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension %#x for a TEMP register: " "it has already been seen with dimension %#x at instruction %zu.", reg->dimension, data->dimension, data->first_seen); } break; } case VKD3DSPR_SSA: { struct validation_context_ssa_data *data; if (reg->idx_count != 1) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a SSA register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for a SSA register."); if (reg->idx[0].offset >= ctx->program->ssa_count) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "SSA register index %u exceeds the maximum count %u.", reg->idx[0].offset, ctx->program->ssa_count); break; } data = &ctx->ssas[reg->idx[0].offset]; if (reg->dimension == VSIR_DIMENSION_NONE) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension NONE for a SSA register."); break; } /* SSA registers can be scalar or vec4, provided that each * individual register always appears with the same * dimension. */ if (data->dimension == VSIR_DIMENSION_NONE) { data->dimension = reg->dimension; data->data_type = reg->data_type; data->first_seen = ctx->instruction_idx; } else { if (data->dimension != reg->dimension) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension %#x for a SSA register: " "it has already been seen with dimension %#x at instruction %zu.", reg->dimension, data->dimension, data->first_seen); if (data_type_is_64_bit(data->data_type) != data_type_is_64_bit(reg->data_type)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid data type %#x for a SSA register: " "it has already been seen with data type %#x at instruction %zu.", reg->data_type, data->data_type, data->first_seen); } break; } case VKD3DSPR_LABEL: if (reg->precision != VKD3D_SHADER_REGISTER_PRECISION_DEFAULT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_PRECISION, "Invalid precision %#x for a LABEL register.", reg->precision); if (reg->data_type != VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid data type %#x for a LABEL register.", reg->data_type); if (reg->dimension != VSIR_DIMENSION_NONE) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension %#x for a LABEL register.", reg->dimension); if (reg->idx_count != 1) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a LABEL register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for a LABEL register."); /* Index == 0 is invalid, but it is temporarily allowed * for intermediate stages. Once we support validation * dialects we can selectively check for that. */ if (reg->idx[0].offset > ctx->program->block_count) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "LABEL register index %u exceeds the maximum count %u.", reg->idx[0].offset, ctx->program->block_count); break; case VKD3DSPR_NULL: if (reg->idx_count != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a NULL register.", reg->idx_count); break; case VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST: if (reg->idx_count != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a IMMCONST register.", reg->idx_count); break; case VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST64: if (reg->idx_count != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a IMMCONST64 register.", reg->idx_count); break; case VKD3DSPR_SAMPLER: if (reg->precision != VKD3D_SHADER_REGISTER_PRECISION_DEFAULT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_PRECISION, "Invalid precision %#x for a SAMPLER register.", reg->precision); if (reg->data_type != VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid data type %#x for a SAMPLER register.", reg->data_type); /* VEC4 is allowed in gather operations. */ if (reg->dimension == VSIR_DIMENSION_SCALAR) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension SCALAR for a SAMPLER register."); if (reg->idx_count != 2) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a SAMPLER register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for the descriptor index of a SAMPLER register."); break; case VKD3DSPR_RESOURCE: if (reg->precision != VKD3D_SHADER_REGISTER_PRECISION_DEFAULT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_PRECISION, "Invalid precision %#x for a RESOURCE register.", reg->precision); if (reg->data_type != VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid data type %#x for a RESOURCE register.", reg->data_type); if (reg->dimension != VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension %#x for a RESOURCE register.", reg->dimension); if (reg->idx_count != 2) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a RESOURCE register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for the descriptor index of a RESOURCE register."); break; case VKD3DSPR_UAV: if (reg->precision != VKD3D_SHADER_REGISTER_PRECISION_DEFAULT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_PRECISION, "Invalid precision %#x for a UAV register.", reg->precision); if (reg->data_type != VKD3D_DATA_UNUSED) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE, "Invalid data type %#x for a UAV register.", reg->data_type); /* NONE is allowed in counter operations. */ if (reg->dimension == VSIR_DIMENSION_SCALAR) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid dimension %#x for a UAV register.", reg->dimension); if (reg->idx_count != 2) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a UAV register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for the descriptor index of a UAV register."); break; case VKD3DSPR_DEPTHOUT: if (reg->idx_count != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a DEPTHOUT register.", reg->idx_count); break; case VKD3DSPR_DEPTHOUTGE: if (reg->idx_count != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a DEPTHOUTGE register.", reg->idx_count); break; case VKD3DSPR_DEPTHOUTLE: if (reg->idx_count != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a DEPTHOUTLE register.", reg->idx_count); break; case VKD3DSPR_RASTOUT: if (reg->idx_count != 1) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a RASTOUT register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for a RASTOUT register."); if (reg->idx[0].offset >= 3) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Invalid offset for a RASTOUT register."); break; case VKD3DSPR_MISCTYPE: if (reg->idx_count != 1) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX_COUNT, "Invalid index count %u for a MISCTYPE register.", reg->idx_count); break; } if (reg->idx[0].rel_addr) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Non-NULL relative address for a MISCTYPE register."); if (reg->idx[0].offset >= 2) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_INDEX, "Invalid offset for a MISCTYPE register."); break; default: break; } } static void vsir_validate_dst_param(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_dst_param *dst) { vsir_validate_register(ctx, &dst->reg); if (dst->write_mask & ~VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_ALL) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_WRITE_MASK, "Destination has invalid write mask %#x.", dst->write_mask); switch (dst->reg.dimension) { case VSIR_DIMENSION_SCALAR: if (dst->write_mask != VKD3DSP_WRITEMASK_0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_WRITE_MASK, "Scalar destination has invalid write mask %#x.", dst->write_mask); break; case VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4: if (dst->write_mask == 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_WRITE_MASK, "Vec4 destination has empty write mask."); break; default: if (dst->write_mask != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_WRITE_MASK, "Destination of dimension %u has invalid write mask %#x.", dst->reg.dimension, dst->write_mask); break; } if (dst->modifiers & ~VKD3DSPDM_MASK) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_MODIFIERS, "Destination has invalid modifiers %#x.", dst->modifiers); switch (dst->shift) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 13: case 14: case 15: break; default: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SHIFT, "Destination has invalid shift %#x.", dst->shift); } switch (dst->reg.type) { case VKD3DSPR_SSA: if (dst->reg.idx[0].offset < ctx->program->ssa_count) { struct validation_context_ssa_data *data = &ctx->ssas[dst->reg.idx[0].offset]; if (data->write_mask == 0) { data->write_mask = dst->write_mask; data->first_assigned = ctx->instruction_idx; } else { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SSA_USAGE, "SSA register is already assigned at instruction %zu.", data->first_assigned); } } break; case VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid IMMCONST register used as destination parameter."); break; case VKD3DSPR_IMMCONST64: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid IMMCONST64 register used as destination parameter."); break; case VKD3DSPR_SAMPLER: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid SAMPLER register used as destination parameter."); break; case VKD3DSPR_RESOURCE: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid RESOURCE register used as destination parameter."); break; default: break; } } static void vsir_validate_src_param(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_src_param *src) { vsir_validate_register(ctx, &src->reg); if (src->swizzle & ~0x03030303u) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SWIZZLE, "Source has invalid swizzle %#x.", src->swizzle); if (src->reg.dimension != VSIR_DIMENSION_VEC4 && src->swizzle != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SWIZZLE, "Source of dimension %u has invalid swizzle %#x.", src->reg.dimension, src->swizzle); if (src->modifiers >= VKD3DSPSM_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_MODIFIERS, "Source has invalid modifiers %#x.", src->modifiers); switch (src->reg.type) { case VKD3DSPR_SSA: if (src->reg.idx[0].offset < ctx->program->ssa_count) { struct validation_context_ssa_data *data = &ctx->ssas[src->reg.idx[0].offset]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < VKD3D_VEC4_SIZE; ++i) data->read_mask |= (1u << vsir_swizzle_get_component(src->swizzle, i)); } break; case VKD3DSPR_NULL: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid NULL register used as source parameter."); break; default: break; } } static void vsir_validate_dst_count(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction, unsigned int count) { if (instruction->dst_count != count) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DEST_COUNT, "Invalid destination count %u for an instruction of type %#x, expected %u.", instruction->dst_count, instruction->opcode, count); } static void vsir_validate_src_count(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction, unsigned int count) { if (instruction->src_count != count) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SOURCE_COUNT, "Invalid source count %u for an instruction of type %#x, expected %u.", instruction->src_count, instruction->opcode, count); } static bool vsir_validate_src_min_count(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction, unsigned int count) { if (instruction->src_count < count) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SOURCE_COUNT, "Invalid source count %u for an instruction of type %#x, expected at least %u.", instruction->src_count, instruction->opcode, count); return false; } return true; } static bool vsir_validate_src_max_count(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction, unsigned int count) { if (instruction->src_count > count) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SOURCE_COUNT, "Invalid source count %u for an instruction of type %#x, expected at most %u.", instruction->src_count, instruction->opcode, count); return false; } return true; } static void vsir_validate_signature_element(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct shader_signature *signature, const char *signature_type, unsigned int idx) { const struct signature_element *element = &signature->elements[idx]; if (element->register_count == 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "element %u of %s signature: Invalid zero register count.", idx, signature_type); if (element->mask == 0 || (element->mask & ~0xf)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "element %u of %s signature: Invalid mask %#x.", idx, signature_type, element->mask); /* Here we'd likely want to validate that the usage mask is a subset of the * signature mask. Unfortunately the D3DBC parser sometimes violates this. * For example I've seen a shader like this: * ps_3_0 * [...] * dcl_texcoord0 v0 * [...] * texld r2.xyzw, v0.xyzw, s1.xyzw * [...] * * The dcl_textcoord0 instruction secretly has a .xy mask, which is used to * compute the signature mask, but the texld instruction apparently uses all * the components. Of course the last two components are ignored, but * formally they seem to be used. So we end up with a signature element with * mask .xy and usage mask .xyzw. * * The correct fix would probably be to make the D3DBC parser aware of which * components are really used for each instruction, but that would take some * time. */ if (element->used_mask & ~0xf) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "element %u of %s signature: Invalid usage mask %#x.", idx, signature_type, element->used_mask); switch (element->sysval_semantic) { case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_NONE: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_POSITION: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_CLIP_DISTANCE: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_CULL_DISTANCE: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_RENDER_TARGET_ARRAY_INDEX: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_VIEWPORT_ARRAY_INDEX: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_VERTEX_ID: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_PRIMITIVE_ID: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_INSTANCE_ID: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_IS_FRONT_FACE: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_SAMPLE_INDEX: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_QUADEDGE: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_QUADINT: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_TRIEDGE: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_TRIINT: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_LINEDET: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TESS_FACTOR_LINEDEN: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_TARGET: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_DEPTH: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_COVERAGE: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_DEPTH_GREATER_EQUAL: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_DEPTH_LESS_EQUAL: case VKD3D_SHADER_SV_STENCIL_REF: break; default: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "element %u of %s signature: Invalid system value semantic %#x.", idx, signature_type, element->sysval_semantic); break; } switch (element->component_type) { case VKD3D_SHADER_COMPONENT_INT: case VKD3D_SHADER_COMPONENT_UINT: case VKD3D_SHADER_COMPONENT_FLOAT: break; default: validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "element %u of %s signature: Invalid component type %#x.", idx, signature_type, element->component_type); break; } if (element->min_precision >= VKD3D_SHADER_MINIMUM_PRECISION_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "element %u of %s signature: Invalid minimum precision %#x.", idx, signature_type, element->min_precision); if (element->interpolation_mode >= VKD3DSIM_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "element %u of %s signature: Invalid interpolation mode %#x.", idx, signature_type, element->interpolation_mode); } static void vsir_validate_signature(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct shader_signature *signature, const char *signature_type) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < signature->element_count; ++i) vsir_validate_signature_element(ctx, signature, signature_type, i); } static const char *name_from_cf_type(enum vsir_control_flow_type type) { switch (type) { case VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED: return "structured"; case VSIR_CF_BLOCKS: return "block-based"; default: vkd3d_unreachable(); } } static void vsir_validate_cf_type(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction, enum vsir_control_flow_type expected_type) { if (ctx->program->cf_type != expected_type) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "Invalid instruction %#x in %s shader.", instruction->opcode, name_from_cf_type(ctx->program->cf_type)); } static void vsir_validator_push_block(struct validation_context *ctx, enum vkd3d_shader_opcode opcode) { if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&ctx->blocks, &ctx->blocks_capacity, ctx->depth + 1, sizeof(*ctx->blocks))) { ctx->status = VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return; } ctx->blocks[ctx->depth++] = opcode; } static void vsir_validate_hull_shader_phase(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (ctx->program->shader_version.type != VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_HANDLER, "Phase instruction %#x is only valid in a hull shader.", instruction->opcode); if (ctx->depth != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "Phase instruction %#x must appear to top level.", instruction->opcode); ctx->phase = instruction->opcode; ctx->dcl_temps_found = false; } static void vsir_validate_branch(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { size_t i; vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); vsir_validate_dst_count(ctx, instruction, 0); if (!vsir_validate_src_min_count(ctx, instruction, 1)) return; if (vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[0].reg)) { /* Unconditional branch: parameters are jump label, * optional merge label, optional continue label. */ vsir_validate_src_max_count(ctx, instruction, 3); for (i = 0; i < instruction->src_count; ++i) { if (!vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[i].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid register of type %#x in unconditional BRANCH instruction, expected LABEL.", instruction->src[i].reg.type); } } else { /* Conditional branch: parameters are condition, true * jump label, false jump label, optional merge label, * optional continue label. */ vsir_validate_src_min_count(ctx, instruction, 3); vsir_validate_src_max_count(ctx, instruction, 5); for (i = 1; i < instruction->src_count; ++i) { if (!vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[i].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid register of type %#x in conditional BRANCH instruction, expected LABEL.", instruction->src[i].reg.type); } } ctx->inside_block = false; } static void vsir_validate_dcl_gs_instances(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (!instruction->declaration.count || instruction->declaration.count > 32) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_GS, "GS instance count %u is invalid.", instruction->declaration.count); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_hs_max_tessfactor(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { /* Exclude non-finite values. */ if (!(instruction->declaration.max_tessellation_factor >= 1.0f && instruction->declaration.max_tessellation_factor <= 64.0f)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_TESSELLATION, "Max tessellation factor %f is invalid.", instruction->declaration.max_tessellation_factor); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_input_primitive(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (instruction->declaration.primitive_type.type == VKD3D_PT_UNDEFINED || instruction->declaration.primitive_type.type >= VKD3D_PT_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_GS, "GS input primitive %u is invalid.", instruction->declaration.primitive_type.type); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_output_control_point_count(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (!instruction->declaration.count || instruction->declaration.count > 32) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_TESSELLATION, "Output control point count %u is invalid.", instruction->declaration.count); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_output_topology(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (instruction->declaration.primitive_type.type == VKD3D_PT_UNDEFINED || instruction->declaration.primitive_type.type >= VKD3D_PT_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_GS, "GS output primitive %u is invalid.", instruction->declaration.primitive_type.type); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_temps(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (ctx->dcl_temps_found) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_DUPLICATE_DCL_TEMPS, "Duplicate DCL_TEMPS instruction."); if (instruction->declaration.count > ctx->program->temp_count) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DCL_TEMPS, "Invalid DCL_TEMPS count %u, expected at most %u.", instruction->declaration.count, ctx->program->temp_count); ctx->dcl_temps_found = true; } static void vsir_validate_dcl_tessellator_domain(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (instruction->declaration.tessellator_domain == VKD3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN_INVALID || instruction->declaration.tessellator_domain >= VKD3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN_COUNT) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_TESSELLATION, "Tessellator domain %#x is invalid.", instruction->declaration.tessellator_domain); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_tessellator_output_primitive(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (!instruction->declaration.tessellator_output_primitive || instruction->declaration.tessellator_output_primitive > VKD3D_SHADER_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_TRIANGLE_CCW) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_TESSELLATION, "Tessellator output primitive %#x is invalid.", instruction->declaration.tessellator_output_primitive); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_tessellator_partitioning(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (!instruction->declaration.tessellator_partitioning || instruction->declaration.tessellator_partitioning > VKD3D_SHADER_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING_FRACTIONAL_EVEN) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_TESSELLATION, "Tessellator partitioning %#x is invalid.", instruction->declaration.tessellator_partitioning); } static void vsir_validate_dcl_vertices_out(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { if (instruction->declaration.count > 1024) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_GS, "GS output vertex count %u is invalid.", instruction->declaration.count); } static void vsir_validate_else(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); if (ctx->depth == 0 || ctx->blocks[ctx->depth - 1] != VKD3DSIH_IF) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "ELSE instruction doesn't terminate IF block."); else ctx->blocks[ctx->depth - 1] = VKD3DSIH_ELSE; } static void vsir_validate_endif(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); if (ctx->depth == 0 || (ctx->blocks[ctx->depth - 1] != VKD3DSIH_IF && ctx->blocks[ctx->depth - 1] != VKD3DSIH_ELSE)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "ENDIF instruction doesn't terminate IF/ELSE block."); else --ctx->depth; } static void vsir_validate_endloop(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); if (ctx->depth == 0 || ctx->blocks[ctx->depth - 1] != VKD3DSIH_LOOP) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "ENDLOOP instruction doesn't terminate LOOP block."); else --ctx->depth; } static void vsir_validate_endrep(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); if (ctx->depth == 0 || ctx->blocks[ctx->depth - 1] != VKD3DSIH_REP) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "ENDREP instruction doesn't terminate REP block."); else --ctx->depth; } static void vsir_validate_endswitch(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); if (ctx->depth == 0 || ctx->blocks[ctx->depth - 1] != VKD3DSIH_SWITCH) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "ENDSWITCH instruction doesn't terminate SWITCH block."); else --ctx->depth; } static void vsir_validate_if(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); vsir_validator_push_block(ctx, VKD3DSIH_IF); } static void vsir_validate_ifc(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); vsir_validator_push_block(ctx, VKD3DSIH_IF); } static void vsir_validate_label(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); if (instruction->src_count >= 1 && !vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[0].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid register of type %#x in a LABEL instruction, expected LABEL.", instruction->src[0].reg.type); if (ctx->inside_block) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "Invalid LABEL instruction inside a block."); ctx->inside_block = true; } static void vsir_validate_loop(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); vsir_validate_src_count(ctx, instruction, ctx->program->shader_version.major <= 3 ? 2 : 0); vsir_validator_push_block(ctx, VKD3DSIH_LOOP); } static void vsir_validate_nop(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { } static void vsir_validate_phi(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { unsigned int i, incoming_count; vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); vsir_validate_src_min_count(ctx, instruction, 2); if (instruction->src_count % 2 != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SOURCE_COUNT, "Invalid source count %u for a PHI instruction, it must be an even number.", instruction->src_count); incoming_count = instruction->src_count / 2; for (i = 0; i < incoming_count; ++i) { unsigned int value_idx = 2 * i; unsigned int label_idx = 2 * i + 1; if (!register_is_constant_or_undef(&instruction->src[value_idx].reg) && !register_is_ssa(&instruction->src[value_idx].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid value register for incoming %u of type %#x in PHI instruction, " "expected SSA, IMMCONST or IMMCONST64.", i, instruction->src[value_idx].reg.type); if (instruction->src[value_idx].reg.dimension != VSIR_DIMENSION_SCALAR) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid value dimension %#x for incoming %u in PHI instruction, expected scalar.", instruction->src[value_idx].reg.dimension, i); if (!vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[label_idx].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid label register for case %u of type %#x in PHI instruction, " "expected LABEL.", i, instruction->src[value_idx].reg.type); } if (instruction->dst_count < 1) return; if (!register_is_ssa(&instruction->dst[0].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid destination of type %#x in PHI instruction, expected SSA.", instruction->dst[0].reg.type); if (instruction->dst[0].reg.dimension != VSIR_DIMENSION_SCALAR) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_DIMENSION, "Invalid destination dimension %#x in PHI instruction, expected scalar.", instruction->dst[0].reg.dimension); if (instruction->dst[0].modifiers != VKD3DSPDM_NONE) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_MODIFIERS, "Invalid modifiers %#x for the destination of a PHI instruction, expected none.", instruction->dst[0].modifiers); if (instruction->dst[0].shift != 0) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SHIFT, "Invalid shift %#x for the destination of a PHI instruction, expected none.", instruction->dst[0].shift); } static void vsir_validate_rep(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); vsir_validator_push_block(ctx, VKD3DSIH_REP); } static void vsir_validate_ret(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { ctx->inside_block = false; } static void vsir_validate_switch(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_STRUCTURED); vsir_validator_push_block(ctx, VKD3DSIH_SWITCH); } static void vsir_validate_switch_monolithic(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction) { unsigned int i, case_count; vsir_validate_cf_type(ctx, instruction, VSIR_CF_BLOCKS); /* Parameters are source, default label, merge label and * then pairs of constant value and case label. */ if (!vsir_validate_src_min_count(ctx, instruction, 3)) return; if (instruction->src_count % 2 != 1) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SOURCE_COUNT, "Invalid source count %u for a monolithic SWITCH instruction, it must be an odd number.", instruction->src_count); if (!vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[1].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid default label register of type %#x in monolithic SWITCH instruction, expected LABEL.", instruction->src[1].reg.type); if (!vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[2].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid merge label register of type %#x in monolithic SWITCH instruction, expected LABEL.", instruction->src[2].reg.type); case_count = (instruction->src_count - 3) / 2; for (i = 0; i < case_count; ++i) { unsigned int value_idx = 3 + 2 * i; unsigned int label_idx = 3 + 2 * i + 1; if (!register_is_constant(&instruction->src[value_idx].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid value register for case %u of type %#x in monolithic SWITCH instruction, " "expected IMMCONST or IMMCONST64.", i, instruction->src[value_idx].reg.type); if (!vsir_register_is_label(&instruction->src[label_idx].reg)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_REGISTER_TYPE, "Invalid label register for case %u of type %#x in monolithic SWITCH instruction, " "expected LABEL.", i, instruction->src[value_idx].reg.type); } ctx->inside_block = false; } struct vsir_validator_instruction_desc { unsigned int dst_param_count; unsigned int src_param_count; void (*validate)(struct validation_context *ctx, const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction); }; static const struct vsir_validator_instruction_desc vsir_validator_instructions[] = { [VKD3DSIH_BRANCH] = {0, ~0u, vsir_validate_branch}, [VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_hull_shader_phase}, [VKD3DSIH_HS_DECLS] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_hull_shader_phase}, [VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_hull_shader_phase}, [VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_hull_shader_phase}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_GS_INSTANCES] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_gs_instances}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_HS_MAX_TESSFACTOR] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_hs_max_tessfactor}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_INPUT_PRIMITIVE] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_input_primitive}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_OUTPUT_CONTROL_POINT_COUNT] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_output_control_point_count}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_OUTPUT_TOPOLOGY] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_output_topology}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_TEMPS] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_temps}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_tessellator_domain}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_tessellator_output_primitive}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_tessellator_partitioning}, [VKD3DSIH_DCL_VERTICES_OUT] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_dcl_vertices_out}, [VKD3DSIH_ELSE] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_else}, [VKD3DSIH_ENDIF] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_endif}, [VKD3DSIH_ENDLOOP] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_endloop}, [VKD3DSIH_ENDREP] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_endrep}, [VKD3DSIH_ENDSWITCH] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_endswitch}, [VKD3DSIH_IF] = {0, 1, vsir_validate_if}, [VKD3DSIH_IFC] = {0, 2, vsir_validate_ifc}, [VKD3DSIH_LABEL] = {0, 1, vsir_validate_label}, [VKD3DSIH_LOOP] = {0, ~0u, vsir_validate_loop}, [VKD3DSIH_NOP] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_nop}, [VKD3DSIH_PHI] = {1, ~0u, vsir_validate_phi}, [VKD3DSIH_REP] = {0, 1, vsir_validate_rep}, [VKD3DSIH_RET] = {0, 0, vsir_validate_ret}, [VKD3DSIH_SWITCH] = {0, 1, vsir_validate_switch}, [VKD3DSIH_SWITCH_MONOLITHIC] = {0, ~0u, vsir_validate_switch_monolithic}, }; static void vsir_validate_instruction(struct validation_context *ctx) { const struct vkd3d_shader_version *version = &ctx->program->shader_version; const struct vkd3d_shader_instruction *instruction; size_t i; instruction = &ctx->program->instructions.elements[ctx->instruction_idx]; for (i = 0; i < instruction->dst_count; ++i) vsir_validate_dst_param(ctx, &instruction->dst[i]); for (i = 0; i < instruction->src_count; ++i) vsir_validate_src_param(ctx, &instruction->src[i]); if (instruction->opcode >= VKD3DSIH_INVALID) { validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_HANDLER, "Invalid instruction handler %#x.", instruction->opcode); } if (version->type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL && ctx->phase == VKD3DSIH_INVALID) { switch (instruction->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_NOP: case VKD3DSIH_HS_DECLS: case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: break; default: if (!vsir_instruction_is_dcl(instruction)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_HANDLER, "Instruction %#x appear before any phase instruction in a hull shader.", instruction->opcode); break; } } if (ctx->program->cf_type == VSIR_CF_BLOCKS && !ctx->inside_block) { switch (instruction->opcode) { case VKD3DSIH_NOP: case VKD3DSIH_LABEL: case VKD3DSIH_HS_DECLS: case VKD3DSIH_HS_CONTROL_POINT_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_FORK_PHASE: case VKD3DSIH_HS_JOIN_PHASE: break; default: if (!vsir_instruction_is_dcl(instruction)) validator_error(ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "Invalid instruction %#x outside any block.", instruction->opcode); break; } } if (instruction->opcode < ARRAY_SIZE(vsir_validator_instructions)) { const struct vsir_validator_instruction_desc *desc; desc = &vsir_validator_instructions[instruction->opcode]; if (desc->validate) { if (desc->dst_param_count != ~0u) vsir_validate_dst_count(ctx, instruction, desc->dst_param_count); if (desc->src_param_count != ~0u) vsir_validate_src_count(ctx, instruction, desc->src_param_count); desc->validate(ctx, instruction); } } } enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_validate(struct vsir_program *program, uint64_t config_flags, const char *source_name, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { struct validation_context ctx = { .message_context = message_context, .program = program, .null_location = {.source_name = source_name}, .status = VKD3D_OK, .phase = VKD3DSIH_INVALID, .invalid_instruction_idx = true, }; unsigned int i; if (!(config_flags & VKD3D_SHADER_CONFIG_FLAG_FORCE_VALIDATION)) return VKD3D_OK; switch (program->shader_version.type) { case VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL: case VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_DOMAIN: break; default: if (program->patch_constant_signature.element_count != 0) validator_error(&ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "Patch constant signature is only valid for hull and domain shaders."); } vsir_validate_signature(&ctx, &program->input_signature, "input"); vsir_validate_signature(&ctx, &program->output_signature, "output"); vsir_validate_signature(&ctx, &program->patch_constant_signature, "patch constant"); if (!(ctx.temps = vkd3d_calloc(ctx.program->temp_count, sizeof(*ctx.temps)))) goto fail; if (!(ctx.ssas = vkd3d_calloc(ctx.program->ssa_count, sizeof(*ctx.ssas)))) goto fail; ctx.invalid_instruction_idx = false; for (ctx.instruction_idx = 0; ctx.instruction_idx < program->instructions.count && ctx.status != VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ++ctx.instruction_idx) vsir_validate_instruction(&ctx); ctx.invalid_instruction_idx = true; if (ctx.depth != 0) validator_error(&ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "%zu nested blocks were not closed.", ctx.depth); if (ctx.inside_block) validator_error(&ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_CONTROL_FLOW, "Last block was not closed."); for (i = 0; i < ctx.program->ssa_count; ++i) { struct validation_context_ssa_data *data = &ctx.ssas[i]; if ((data->write_mask | data->read_mask) != data->write_mask) validator_error(&ctx, VKD3D_SHADER_ERROR_VSIR_INVALID_SSA_USAGE, "SSA register %u has invalid read mask %#x, which is not a subset of the write mask %#x " "at the point of definition.", i, data->read_mask, data->write_mask); } vkd3d_free(ctx.blocks); vkd3d_free(ctx.temps); vkd3d_free(ctx.ssas); return ctx.status; fail: vkd3d_free(ctx.blocks); vkd3d_free(ctx.temps); vkd3d_free(ctx.ssas); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } #define vsir_transform(ctx, step) vsir_transform_(ctx, #step, step) static void vsir_transform_( struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx, const char *step_name, enum vkd3d_result (*step)(struct vsir_program *program, struct vsir_transformation_context *ctx)) { if (ctx->result < 0) return; if ((ctx->result = step(ctx->program, ctx)) < 0) { WARN("Transformation \"%s\" failed with result %d.\n", step_name, ctx->result); return; } if ((ctx->result = vsir_program_validate(ctx->program, ctx->config_flags, ctx->compile_info->source_name, ctx->message_context)) < 0) { WARN("Validation failed with result %d after transformation \"%s\".\n", ctx->result, step_name); return; } } enum vkd3d_result vsir_program_transform(struct vsir_program *program, uint64_t config_flags, const struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info *compile_info, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { struct vsir_transformation_context ctx = { .result = VKD3D_OK, .program = program, .config_flags = config_flags, .compile_info = compile_info, .message_context = message_context, }; vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_lower_instructions); if (program->shader_version.major >= 6) { vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_materialise_phi_ssas_to_temps); vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_lower_switch_to_selection_ladder); vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_structurize); vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_flatten_control_flow_constructs); vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_materialize_undominated_ssas_to_temps); } else { if (program->shader_version.type != VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_remap_output_signature); if (program->shader_version.type == VKD3D_SHADER_TYPE_HULL) { vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_flatten_hull_shader_phases); vsir_transform(&ctx, instruction_array_normalise_hull_shader_control_point_io); } vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_normalise_io_registers); vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_normalise_flat_constants); vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_remove_dead_code); if (compile_info->target_type != VKD3D_SHADER_TARGET_GLSL && compile_info->target_type != VKD3D_SHADER_TARGET_MSL) vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_flatten_control_flow_constructs); } vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_insert_alpha_test); vsir_transform(&ctx, vsir_program_insert_clip_planes); if (TRACE_ON()) vsir_program_trace(program); return ctx.result; }