/* * Copyright 2016 Józef Kucia for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "vkd3d_utils_private.h" #undef D3D12CreateDevice VKD3D_DEBUG_ENV_NAME("VKD3D_DEBUG"); HRESULT WINAPI D3D12GetDebugInterface(REFIID iid, void **debug) { FIXME("iid %s, debug %p stub!\n", debugstr_guid(iid), debug); return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D12CreateDeviceVKD3D(IUnknown *adapter, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL minimum_feature_level, REFIID iid, void **device, enum vkd3d_api_version api_version) { struct vkd3d_optional_instance_extensions_info optional_extensions_info; struct vkd3d_instance_create_info instance_create_info; struct vkd3d_device_create_info device_create_info; static const char * const instance_extensions[] = { VK_KHR_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME, }; static const char * const optional_instance_extensions[] = { "VK_KHR_xcb_surface", "VK_MVK_macos_surface", }; static const char * const device_extensions[] = { VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME, }; struct vkd3d_application_info application_info = { .type = VKD3D_STRUCTURE_TYPE_APPLICATION_INFO, .api_version = api_version, }; TRACE("adapter %p, minimum_feature_level %#x, iid %s, device %p, api_version %#x.\n", adapter, minimum_feature_level, debugstr_guid(iid), device, api_version); if (adapter) FIXME("Ignoring adapter %p.\n", adapter); memset(&optional_extensions_info, 0, sizeof(optional_extensions_info)); optional_extensions_info.type = VKD3D_STRUCTURE_TYPE_OPTIONAL_INSTANCE_EXTENSIONS_INFO; optional_extensions_info.next = &application_info; optional_extensions_info.extensions = optional_instance_extensions; optional_extensions_info.extension_count = ARRAY_SIZE(optional_instance_extensions); memset(&instance_create_info, 0, sizeof(instance_create_info)); instance_create_info.type = VKD3D_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO; instance_create_info.next = &optional_extensions_info; instance_create_info.pfn_signal_event = vkd3d_signal_event; instance_create_info.wchar_size = sizeof(WCHAR); instance_create_info.instance_extensions = instance_extensions; instance_create_info.instance_extension_count = ARRAY_SIZE(instance_extensions); memset(&device_create_info, 0, sizeof(device_create_info)); device_create_info.type = VKD3D_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO; device_create_info.next = NULL; device_create_info.minimum_feature_level = minimum_feature_level; device_create_info.instance_create_info = &instance_create_info; device_create_info.device_extensions = device_extensions; device_create_info.device_extension_count = ARRAY_SIZE(device_extensions); return vkd3d_create_device(&device_create_info, iid, device); } HRESULT WINAPI D3D12CreateDevice(IUnknown *adapter, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL minimum_feature_level, REFIID iid, void **device) { return D3D12CreateDeviceVKD3D(adapter, minimum_feature_level, iid, device, VKD3D_API_VERSION_1_0); } HRESULT WINAPI D3D12CreateRootSignatureDeserializer(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, REFIID iid, void **deserializer) { TRACE("data %p, data_size %lu, iid %s, deserializer %p.\n", data, data_size, debugstr_guid(iid), deserializer); return vkd3d_create_root_signature_deserializer(data, data_size, iid, deserializer); } HRESULT WINAPI D3D12CreateVersionedRootSignatureDeserializer(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, REFIID iid,void **deserializer) { TRACE("data %p, data_size %lu, iid %s, deserializer %p.\n", data, data_size, debugstr_guid(iid), deserializer); return vkd3d_create_versioned_root_signature_deserializer(data, data_size, iid, deserializer); } HRESULT WINAPI D3D12SerializeRootSignature(const D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC *desc, D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION version, ID3DBlob **blob, ID3DBlob **error_blob) { TRACE("desc %p, version %#x, blob %p, error_blob %p.\n", desc, version, blob, error_blob); return vkd3d_serialize_root_signature(desc, version, blob, error_blob); } HRESULT WINAPI D3D12SerializeVersionedRootSignature(const D3D12_VERSIONED_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC *desc, ID3DBlob **blob, ID3DBlob **error_blob) { TRACE("desc %p, blob %p, error_blob %p.\n", desc, blob, error_blob); return vkd3d_serialize_versioned_root_signature(desc, blob, error_blob); } static int open_include(const char *filename, bool local, const char *parent_data, void *context, struct vkd3d_shader_code *code) { ID3DInclude *iface = context; unsigned int size = 0; if (!iface) return VKD3D_ERROR; memset(code, 0, sizeof(*code)); if (FAILED(ID3DInclude_Open(iface, local ? D3D_INCLUDE_LOCAL : D3D_INCLUDE_SYSTEM, filename, parent_data, &code->code, &size))) return VKD3D_ERROR; code->size = size; return VKD3D_OK; } static void close_include(const struct vkd3d_shader_code *code, void *context) { ID3DInclude *iface = context; ID3DInclude_Close(iface, code->code); } HRESULT WINAPI D3DCompile2(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, const char *filename, const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *macros, ID3DInclude *include, const char *entry_point, const char *profile, UINT flags, UINT effect_flags, UINT secondary_flags, const void *secondary_data, SIZE_T secondary_data_size, ID3DBlob **shader_blob, ID3DBlob **messages_blob) { struct vkd3d_shader_preprocess_info preprocess_info; struct vkd3d_shader_hlsl_source_info hlsl_info; struct vkd3d_shader_compile_option options[2]; struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info compile_info; struct vkd3d_shader_compile_option *option; struct vkd3d_shader_code byte_code; const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *macro; size_t profile_len, i; char *messages; HRESULT hr; int ret; static const char * const d3dbc_profiles[] = { "fx_2_", "ps.1.", "ps.2.", "ps.3.", "ps_1_", "ps_2_", "ps_3_", "vs.1.", "vs.2.", "vs.3.", "vs_1_", "vs_2_", "vs_3_", "tx_1_", }; TRACE("data %p, data_size %lu, filename %s, macros %p, include %p, entry_point %s, " "profile %s, flags %#x, effect_flags %#x, secondary_flags %#x, secondary_data %p, " "secondary_data_size %lu, shader_blob %p, messages_blob %p.\n", data, data_size, debugstr_a(filename), macros, include, debugstr_a(entry_point), debugstr_a(profile), flags, effect_flags, secondary_flags, secondary_data, secondary_data_size, shader_blob, messages_blob); if (flags & ~D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG) FIXME("Ignoring flags %#x.\n", flags); if (effect_flags) FIXME("Ignoring effect flags %#x.\n", effect_flags); if (secondary_flags) FIXME("Ignoring secondary flags %#x.\n", secondary_flags); if (messages_blob) *messages_blob = NULL; option = &options[0]; option->name = VKD3D_SHADER_COMPILE_OPTION_API_VERSION; option->value = VKD3D_SHADER_API_VERSION_1_7; compile_info.type = VKD3D_SHADER_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMPILE_INFO; compile_info.next = &preprocess_info; compile_info.source.code = data; compile_info.source.size = data_size; compile_info.source_type = VKD3D_SHADER_SOURCE_HLSL; compile_info.target_type = VKD3D_SHADER_TARGET_DXBC_TPF; compile_info.options = options; compile_info.option_count = 1; compile_info.log_level = VKD3D_SHADER_LOG_INFO; compile_info.source_name = filename; profile_len = strlen(profile); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(d3dbc_profiles); ++i) { size_t len = strlen(d3dbc_profiles[i]); if (len <= profile_len && !memcmp(profile, d3dbc_profiles[i], len)) { compile_info.target_type = VKD3D_SHADER_TARGET_D3D_BYTECODE; break; } } preprocess_info.type = VKD3D_SHADER_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PREPROCESS_INFO; preprocess_info.next = &hlsl_info; preprocess_info.macros = (const struct vkd3d_shader_macro *)macros; preprocess_info.macro_count = 0; if (macros) { for (macro = macros; macro->Name; ++macro) ++preprocess_info.macro_count; } preprocess_info.pfn_open_include = open_include; preprocess_info.pfn_close_include = close_include; preprocess_info.include_context = include; hlsl_info.type = VKD3D_SHADER_STRUCTURE_TYPE_HLSL_SOURCE_INFO; hlsl_info.next = NULL; hlsl_info.profile = profile; hlsl_info.entry_point = entry_point; hlsl_info.secondary_code.code = secondary_data; hlsl_info.secondary_code.size = secondary_data_size; if (!(flags & D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG)) { option = &options[compile_info.option_count++]; option->name = VKD3D_SHADER_COMPILE_OPTION_STRIP_DEBUG; option->value = true; } ret = vkd3d_shader_compile(&compile_info, &byte_code, &messages); if (messages && messages_blob) { if (FAILED(hr = vkd3d_blob_create(messages, strlen(messages), messages_blob))) { vkd3d_shader_free_messages(messages); vkd3d_shader_free_shader_code(&byte_code); return hr; } messages = NULL; } vkd3d_shader_free_messages(messages); if (!ret) { if (FAILED(hr = vkd3d_blob_create((void *)byte_code.code, byte_code.size, shader_blob))) { vkd3d_shader_free_shader_code(&byte_code); return hr; } } return hresult_from_vkd3d_result(ret); } HRESULT WINAPI D3DCompile(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, const char *filename, const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *macros, ID3DInclude *include, const char *entrypoint, const char *profile, UINT flags, UINT effect_flags, ID3DBlob **shader, ID3DBlob **error_messages) { TRACE("data %p, data_size %lu, filename %s, macros %p, include %p, entrypoint %s, " "profile %s, flags %#x, effect_flags %#x, shader %p, error_messages %p.\n", data, data_size, debugstr_a(filename), macros, include, debugstr_a(entrypoint), debugstr_a(profile), flags, effect_flags, shader, error_messages); return D3DCompile2(data, data_size, filename, macros, include, entrypoint, profile, flags, effect_flags, 0, NULL, 0, shader, error_messages); } HRESULT WINAPI D3DPreprocess(const void *data, SIZE_T size, const char *filename, const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *macros, ID3DInclude *include, ID3DBlob **preprocessed_blob, ID3DBlob **messages_blob) { struct vkd3d_shader_preprocess_info preprocess_info; struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info compile_info; struct vkd3d_shader_code preprocessed_code; const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *macro; char *messages; HRESULT hr; int ret; static const struct vkd3d_shader_compile_option options[] = { {VKD3D_SHADER_COMPILE_OPTION_API_VERSION, VKD3D_SHADER_API_VERSION_1_7}, }; TRACE("data %p, size %lu, filename %s, macros %p, include %p, preprocessed_blob %p, messages_blob %p.\n", data, size, debugstr_a(filename), macros, include, preprocessed_blob, messages_blob); if (messages_blob) *messages_blob = NULL; compile_info.type = VKD3D_SHADER_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMPILE_INFO; compile_info.next = &preprocess_info; compile_info.source.code = data; compile_info.source.size = size; compile_info.source_type = VKD3D_SHADER_SOURCE_HLSL; compile_info.target_type = VKD3D_SHADER_TARGET_NONE; compile_info.options = options; compile_info.option_count = ARRAY_SIZE(options); compile_info.log_level = VKD3D_SHADER_LOG_INFO; compile_info.source_name = filename; preprocess_info.type = VKD3D_SHADER_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PREPROCESS_INFO; preprocess_info.next = NULL; preprocess_info.macros = (const struct vkd3d_shader_macro *)macros; preprocess_info.macro_count = 0; if (macros) { for (macro = macros; macro->Name; ++macro) ++preprocess_info.macro_count; } preprocess_info.pfn_open_include = open_include; preprocess_info.pfn_close_include = close_include; preprocess_info.include_context = include; ret = vkd3d_shader_preprocess(&compile_info, &preprocessed_code, &messages); if (messages && messages_blob) { if (FAILED(hr = vkd3d_blob_create(messages, strlen(messages), messages_blob))) { vkd3d_shader_free_messages(messages); vkd3d_shader_free_shader_code(&preprocessed_code); return hr; } messages = NULL; } vkd3d_shader_free_messages(messages); if (!ret) { if (FAILED(hr = vkd3d_blob_create((void *)preprocessed_code.code, preprocessed_code.size, preprocessed_blob))) { vkd3d_shader_free_shader_code(&preprocessed_code); return hr; } } return hresult_from_vkd3d_result(ret); } /* Events */ #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE vkd3d_create_event(void) { return CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); } HRESULT vkd3d_signal_event(HANDLE event) { SetEvent(event); return S_OK; } unsigned int vkd3d_wait_event(HANDLE event, unsigned int milliseconds) { return WaitForSingleObject(event, milliseconds); } void vkd3d_destroy_event(HANDLE event) { CloseHandle(event); } #else /* _WIN32 */ #include struct vkd3d_event { pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; BOOL is_signaled; }; HANDLE vkd3d_create_event(void) { struct vkd3d_event *event; int rc; TRACE(".\n"); if (!(event = vkd3d_malloc(sizeof(*event)))) return NULL; if ((rc = pthread_mutex_init(&event->mutex, NULL))) { ERR("Failed to initialize mutex, error %d.\n", rc); vkd3d_free(event); return NULL; } if ((rc = pthread_cond_init(&event->cond, NULL))) { ERR("Failed to initialize condition variable, error %d.\n", rc); pthread_mutex_destroy(&event->mutex); vkd3d_free(event); return NULL; } event->is_signaled = false; TRACE("Created event %p.\n", event); return event; } unsigned int vkd3d_wait_event(HANDLE event, unsigned int milliseconds) { struct vkd3d_event *impl = event; int rc; TRACE("event %p, milliseconds %u.\n", event, milliseconds); if ((rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&impl->mutex))) { ERR("Failed to lock mutex, error %d.\n", rc); return VKD3D_WAIT_FAILED; } if (impl->is_signaled || !milliseconds) { bool is_signaled = impl->is_signaled; impl->is_signaled = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&impl->mutex); return is_signaled ? VKD3D_WAIT_OBJECT_0 : VKD3D_WAIT_TIMEOUT; } if (milliseconds == VKD3D_INFINITE) { do { if ((rc = pthread_cond_wait(&impl->cond, &impl->mutex))) { ERR("Failed to wait on condition variable, error %d.\n", rc); pthread_mutex_unlock(&impl->mutex); return VKD3D_WAIT_FAILED; } } while (!impl->is_signaled); impl->is_signaled = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&impl->mutex); return VKD3D_WAIT_OBJECT_0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&impl->mutex); FIXME("Timed wait not implemented yet.\n"); return VKD3D_WAIT_FAILED; } HRESULT vkd3d_signal_event(HANDLE event) { struct vkd3d_event *impl = event; int rc; TRACE("event %p.\n", event); if ((rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&impl->mutex))) { ERR("Failed to lock mutex, error %d.\n", rc); return E_FAIL; } impl->is_signaled = true; pthread_cond_signal(&impl->cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&impl->mutex); return S_OK; } void vkd3d_destroy_event(HANDLE event) { struct vkd3d_event *impl = event; int rc; TRACE("event %p.\n", event); if ((rc = pthread_mutex_destroy(&impl->mutex))) ERR("Failed to destroy mutex, error %d.\n", rc); if ((rc = pthread_cond_destroy(&impl->cond))) ERR("Failed to destroy condition variable, error %d.\n", rc); vkd3d_free(impl); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ HRESULT WINAPI D3DCreateBlob(SIZE_T data_size, ID3DBlob **blob) { HRESULT hr; void *data; TRACE("data_size %lu, blob %p.\n", data_size, blob); if (!(data = vkd3d_calloc(data_size, 1))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (FAILED(hr = vkd3d_blob_create(data, data_size, blob))) { WARN("Failed to create blob object, hr %#x.\n", hr); vkd3d_free(data); } return hr; } void vkd3d_utils_set_log_callback(PFN_vkd3d_log callback) { vkd3d_set_log_callback(callback); vkd3d_dbg_set_log_callback(callback); }