/* * HLSL parser * * Copyright 2008 Stefan Dösinger * Copyright 2012 Matteo Bruni for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ %{ #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H #include "hlsl.h" #include "hlsl.tab.h" #define YY_USER_ACTION \ do { \ hlsl_lloc.first_column = hlsl_ctx.column; \ hlsl_lloc.first_line = hlsl_ctx.line_no; \ hlsl_ctx.column += yyleng; \ } while(0); %} %option prefix="hlsl_" %option never-interactive %option noinput %option nounput %option noyywrap %x pp pp_line pp_pragma pp_ignore RESERVED1 auto|case|catch|char|class|const_cast|default|delete|dynamic_cast|enum RESERVED2 explicit|friend|goto|long|mutable|new|operator|private|protected|public RESERVED3 reinterpret_cast|short|signed|sizeof|static_cast|template|this|throw|try RESERVED4 typename|union|unsigned|using|virtual WS [ \t] NEWLINE (\n)|(\r\n) DOUBLESLASHCOMMENT "//"[^\n]* STRING \"[^\"]*\" IDENTIFIER [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* ANY (.) %% {RESERVED1} { hlsl_message("Line %u: Reserved keyword \"%s\" used.\n", hlsl_ctx.line_no, yytext); set_parse_status(&hlsl_ctx.status, PARSE_ERR); } {RESERVED2} { hlsl_message("Line %u: Reserved keyword \"%s\" used.\n", hlsl_ctx.line_no, yytext); set_parse_status(&hlsl_ctx.status, PARSE_ERR); } {RESERVED3} { hlsl_message("Line %u: Reserved keyword \"%s\" used.\n", hlsl_ctx.line_no, yytext); set_parse_status(&hlsl_ctx.status, PARSE_ERR); } {RESERVED4} { hlsl_message("Line %u: Reserved keyword \"%s\" used.\n", hlsl_ctx.line_no, yytext); set_parse_status(&hlsl_ctx.status, PARSE_ERR); } BlendState {return KW_BLENDSTATE; } break {return KW_BREAK; } Buffer {return KW_BUFFER; } cbuffer {return KW_CBUFFER; } compile {return KW_COMPILE; } const {return KW_CONST; } continue {return KW_CONTINUE; } DepthStencilState {return KW_DEPTHSTENCILSTATE; } DepthStencilView {return KW_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW; } discard {return KW_DISCARD; } do {return KW_DO; } double {return KW_DOUBLE; } else {return KW_ELSE; } extern {return KW_EXTERN; } false {return KW_FALSE; } for {return KW_FOR; } GeometryShader {return KW_GEOMETRYSHADER; } groupshared {return KW_GROUPSHARED; } if {return KW_IF; } in {return KW_IN; } inline {return KW_INLINE; } inout {return KW_INOUT; } matrix {return KW_MATRIX; } namespace {return KW_NAMESPACE; } nointerpolation {return KW_NOINTERPOLATION; } out {return KW_OUT; } pass {return KW_PASS; } PixelShader {return KW_PIXELSHADER; } precise {return KW_PRECISE; } RasterizerState {return KW_RASTERIZERSTATE; } RenderTargetView {return KW_RENDERTARGETVIEW; } return {return KW_RETURN; } register {return KW_REGISTER; } sampler {return KW_SAMPLER; } sampler1D {return KW_SAMPLER1D; } sampler2D {return KW_SAMPLER2D; } sampler3D {return KW_SAMPLER3D; } samplerCUBE {return KW_SAMPLERCUBE; } sampler_state {return KW_SAMPLER_STATE; } SamplerComparisonState {return KW_SAMPLERCOMPARISONSTATE;} shared {return KW_SHARED; } stateblock {return KW_STATEBLOCK; } stateblock_state {return KW_STATEBLOCK_STATE; } static {return KW_STATIC; } string {return KW_STRING; } struct {return KW_STRUCT; } switch {return KW_SWITCH; } tbuffer {return KW_TBUFFER; } technique {return KW_TECHNIQUE; } technique10 {return KW_TECHNIQUE10; } texture {return KW_TEXTURE; } texture1D {return KW_TEXTURE1D; } Texture1DArray {return KW_TEXTURE1DARRAY; } texture2D {return KW_TEXTURE2D; } Texture2DArray {return KW_TEXTURE2DARRAY; } Texture2DMS {return KW_TEXTURE2DMS; } Texture2DMSArray {return KW_TEXTURE2DMSARRAY; } texture3D {return KW_TEXTURE3D; } Texture3DArray {return KW_TEXTURE3DARRAY; } textureCUBE {return KW_TEXTURECUBE; } true {return KW_TRUE; } typedef {return KW_TYPEDEF; } uniform {return KW_UNIFORM; } vector {return KW_VECTOR; } VertexShader {return KW_VERTEXSHADER; } void {return KW_VOID; } volatile {return KW_VOLATILE; } while {return KW_WHILE; } \+\+ {return OP_INC; } \-\- {return OP_DEC; } && {return OP_AND; } \|\| {return OP_OR; } == {return OP_EQ; } \<\< {return OP_LEFTSHIFT; } \<\<= {return OP_LEFTSHIFTASSIGN; } \>\> {return OP_RIGHTSHIFT; } \>\>= {return OP_RIGHTSHIFTASSIGN; } \.\.\. {return OP_ELLIPSIS; } \<= {return OP_LE; } \>= {return OP_GE; } != {return OP_NE; } \+= {return OP_ADDASSIGN; } \-= {return OP_SUBASSIGN; } \*= {return OP_MULASSIGN; } \/= {return OP_DIVASSIGN; } %= {return OP_MODASSIGN; } &= {return OP_ANDASSIGN; } \|= {return OP_ORASSIGN; } ^= {return OP_XORASSIGN; } ## {return OP_UNKNOWN1; } #@ {return OP_UNKNOWN2; } :: {return OP_UNKNOWN3; } \-\> {return OP_UNKNOWN4; } column_major {return KW_COLUMN_MAJOR; } row_major {return KW_ROW_MAJOR; } {IDENTIFIER} { hlsl_lval.name = vkd3d_strdup(yytext); if (get_variable(hlsl_ctx.cur_scope, yytext) || find_function(yytext)) return VAR_IDENTIFIER; else if (get_type(hlsl_ctx.cur_scope, yytext, TRUE)) return TYPE_IDENTIFIER; else return NEW_IDENTIFIER; } [0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[h|H|f|F]? { hlsl_lval.floatval = atof(yytext); return C_FLOAT; } [0-9]+\.([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[h|H|f|F]? { hlsl_lval.floatval = atof(yytext); return C_FLOAT; } [0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[h|H|f|F] { hlsl_lval.floatval = atof(yytext); return C_FLOAT; } 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ { sscanf(yytext, "0x%x", &hlsl_lval.intval); return C_INTEGER; } 0[0-7]+ { sscanf(yytext, "0%o", &hlsl_lval.intval); return C_INTEGER; } [0-9]+ { hlsl_lval.intval = (atoi(yytext)); return C_INTEGER; } {DOUBLESLASHCOMMENT} {} {WS}+ {} {NEWLINE} { hlsl_ctx.line_no++; hlsl_ctx.column = 1; } ^# { BEGIN(pp); } pragma{WS}+ { TRACE("Got a #pragma.\n"); BEGIN(pp_pragma); } pack_matrix{WS}*\({WS}*row_major{WS}*\) { TRACE("#pragma setting row_major mode.\n"); hlsl_ctx.matrix_majority = HLSL_ROW_MAJOR; BEGIN(pp_ignore); } pack_matrix{WS}*\({WS}*column_major{WS}*\) { TRACE("#pragma setting column_major mode.\n"); hlsl_ctx.matrix_majority = HLSL_COLUMN_MAJOR; BEGIN(pp_ignore); } {NEWLINE} { FIXME("Unsupported preprocessor #pragma directive at line %u.\n", hlsl_ctx.line_no); BEGIN(INITIAL); } {ANY} {} [0-9]+ { TRACE("Preprocessor line info.\n"); BEGIN(pp_line); hlsl_lval.intval = (atoi(yytext)); return PRE_LINE; } {STRING} { char *string = vkd3d_strdup(yytext + 1); BEGIN(pp_ignore); string[strlen(string) - 1] = 0; hlsl_lval.name = string; return STRING; } {WS}+ {} {NEWLINE} { FIXME("Malformed preprocessor line directive?\n"); BEGIN(INITIAL); } {NEWLINE} { BEGIN(INITIAL); } {ANY} {} {NEWLINE} { FIXME("Unexpected preprocessor directive.\n"); BEGIN(INITIAL); } {ANY} {} {ANY} { return yytext[0]; } %% int hlsl_lexer_compile(const char *text, enum vkd3d_shader_type type, DWORD major, DWORD minor, const char *entrypoint, struct vkd3d_shader_code *dxbc, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer; int ret; buffer = hlsl__scan_string(text); hlsl__switch_to_buffer(buffer); ret = hlsl_parser_compile(type, major, minor, entrypoint, dxbc, message_context); hlsl__delete_buffer(buffer); return ret; }