/* * HLSL preprocessor * * Copyright 2020 Zebediah Figura for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ %{ #include "preproc.tab.h" #undef ERROR /* defined in wingdi.h */ #define YYSTYPE PREPROC_YYSTYPE #define YYLTYPE PREPROC_YYLTYPE #define YY_DECL static int preproc_lexer_lex(YYSTYPE *yylval_param, YYLTYPE *yylloc_param, yyscan_t yyscanner) static struct preproc_macro *preproc_get_top_macro(struct preproc_ctx *ctx) { if (!ctx->expansion_count) return NULL; return ctx->expansion_stack[ctx->expansion_count - 1].macro; } static void update_location(struct preproc_ctx *ctx); #define YY_USER_ACTION update_location(yyget_extra(yyscanner)); %} %option 8bit %option bison-bridge %option bison-locations %option extra-type="struct preproc_ctx *" %option never-interactive %option nodefault %option noinput %option nounput %option noyy_top_state %option noyywrap %option prefix="preproc_yy" %option reentrant %option stack /* Because these can both be terminated by EOF, we need states for them. */ %s C_COMMENT %s CXX_COMMENT %s ERROR %s INCLUDE %s LINE NEWLINE \r?\n WS [ \t] IDENTIFIER [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* INT_SUFFIX [uUlL]{0,2} %% <INITIAL>"//" {yy_push_state(CXX_COMMENT, yyscanner);} <INITIAL>"/*" {yy_push_state(C_COMMENT, yyscanner);} <CXX_COMMENT>\\{NEWLINE} {} <CXX_COMMENT>\n { yy_pop_state(yyscanner); BEGIN(INITIAL); return T_NEWLINE; } <C_COMMENT>"*/" {yy_pop_state(yyscanner);} <C_COMMENT,CXX_COMMENT><<EOF>> {yy_pop_state(yyscanner);} <C_COMMENT,CXX_COMMENT>. {} <C_COMMENT>\n {} <ERROR>(\\{NEWLINE}|[^\n])* {return T_STRING;} <INITIAL>defined/\( {return T_DEFINED;} <INITIAL>defined {return T_DEFINED;} <INITIAL>{IDENTIFIER}/\( {return T_IDENTIFIER_PAREN;} <INITIAL>{IDENTIFIER} {return T_IDENTIFIER;} <INITIAL>"<=" {return T_LE;} <INITIAL>">=" {return T_GE;} <INITIAL>"==" {return T_EQ;} <INITIAL>"!=" {return T_NE;} <INITIAL>"&&" {return T_AND;} <INITIAL>"||" {return T_OR;} /* We have no use for floats, but shouldn't parse them as integers. */ <INITIAL>[0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[hHfF]? {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>[0-9]+\.([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[hHfF]? {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[hHfF] {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>[0-9]+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+ {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL,LINE>0[xX][0-9a-fA-f]+{INT_SUFFIX} {return T_INTEGER;} <INITIAL,LINE>0[0-7]*{INT_SUFFIX} {return T_INTEGER;} <INITIAL,LINE>[1-9][0-9]*{INT_SUFFIX} {return T_INTEGER;} <INITIAL>## {return T_CONCAT;} <INITIAL>"++" {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>"--" {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>"<<"=? {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>">>"=? {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>[-+*/%&|^]= {return T_TEXT;} /* Native doesn't preserve these tokens when running the preprocessor on its * own, but there's no good reason to emulate that difference yet. */ <INITIAL>[pv]s\.[123]\.[0-4x] {return T_TEXT;} <INCLUDE,LINE>\"[^"]*\" {return T_STRING;} <INCLUDE>\<[^>]*\> {return T_STRING;} /* C strings (including escaped quotes). */ <INITIAL>\"([^"\\]|\\.)*\" {return T_TEXT;} <INITIAL>#{WS}*{IDENTIFIER} { struct preproc_ctx *ctx = yyget_extra(yyscanner); const char *p; if (!ctx->last_was_newline) { struct preproc_macro *macro; /* Stringification is only done for function-like macro bodies. * Anywhere else, we need to parse it as two separate tokens. * We could use a state for this, but yyless() is easier and cheap. */ if ((macro = preproc_get_top_macro(ctx)) && macro->arg_count) return T_HASHSTRING; yyless(1); return T_TEXT; } for (p = yytext + 1; strchr(" \t", *p); ++p) ; if (!strcmp(p, "error")) { BEGIN(ERROR); return T_ERROR; } if (!strcmp(p, "include")) { BEGIN(INCLUDE); return T_INCLUDE; } if (!strcmp(p, "line")) { BEGIN(LINE); return T_LINE; } if (!strcmp(p, "define")) return T_DEFINE; if (!strcmp(p, "elif")) return T_ELIF; if (!strcmp(p, "else")) return T_ELSE; if (!strcmp(p, "endif")) return T_ENDIF; if (!strcmp(p, "if")) return T_IF; if (!strcmp(p, "ifdef")) return T_IFDEF; if (!strcmp(p, "ifndef")) return T_IFNDEF; if (!strcmp(p, "pragma")) return T_PRAGMA; if (!strcmp(p, "undef")) return T_UNDEF; preproc_warning(ctx, yyget_lloc(yyscanner), VKD3D_SHADER_WARNING_PP_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE, "Ignoring unknown directive \"%s\".", yytext); return T_TEXT; } <INITIAL,INCLUDE,LINE>\\{NEWLINE} {} <INITIAL,INCLUDE,ERROR,LINE>{NEWLINE} { BEGIN(INITIAL); return T_NEWLINE; } <INITIAL,INCLUDE,LINE>{WS}+ {} <INITIAL>[-()\[\]{},+!*/<>&|^?:] {return yytext[0];} <INITIAL,INCLUDE,LINE>. {return T_TEXT;} %% static void update_location(struct preproc_ctx *ctx) { struct preproc_buffer *buffer = &preproc_get_top_file(ctx)->buffer; unsigned int i, leng = yyget_leng(ctx->scanner); const char *text = yyget_text(ctx->scanner); /* We want to do this here, rather than before calling yylex(), because * some tokens are skipped by the lexer. */ *yyget_lloc(ctx->scanner) = buffer->location; for (i = 0; i < leng; ++i) { ++buffer->location.column; if (text[i] == '\n') { buffer->location.column = 1; ++buffer->location.line; } } } static bool preproc_is_writing(struct preproc_ctx *ctx) { const struct preproc_file *file; /* This can happen while checking for unterminated macro invocation. */ if (!ctx->file_count) return true; file = preproc_get_top_file(ctx); if (!file->if_count) return true; return file->if_stack[file->if_count - 1].current_true; } /* Concatenation is not done for object-like macros, but is done for both * function-like macro bodies and their arguments. */ static bool should_concat(struct preproc_ctx *ctx) { struct preproc_macro *macro; if (!ctx->expansion_count) return false; macro = ctx->expansion_stack[ctx->expansion_count - 1].macro; return !macro || macro->arg_count; } static void preproc_pop_buffer(struct preproc_ctx *ctx) { if (ctx->expansion_count) { struct preproc_expansion *exp = &ctx->expansion_stack[ctx->expansion_count - 1]; yy_delete_buffer(exp->buffer.lexer_buffer, ctx->scanner); --ctx->expansion_count; TRACE("Expansion stack size is now %zu.\n", ctx->expansion_count); } else { struct preproc_file *file = preproc_get_top_file(ctx); if (ctx->file_count > 1) preproc_close_include(ctx, &file->code); if (file->if_count) { const struct vkd3d_shader_location loc = {.source_name = file->filename}; preproc_warning(ctx, &loc, VKD3D_SHADER_WARNING_PP_UNTERMINATED_IF, "Unterminated #if block."); } vkd3d_free(file->if_stack); vkd3d_free(file->filename); yy_delete_buffer(file->buffer.lexer_buffer, ctx->scanner); --ctx->file_count; TRACE("File stack size is now %zu.\n", ctx->file_count); } if (ctx->expansion_count) yy_switch_to_buffer(ctx->expansion_stack[ctx->expansion_count - 1].buffer.lexer_buffer, ctx->scanner); else if (ctx->file_count) yy_switch_to_buffer(ctx->file_stack[ctx->file_count - 1].buffer.lexer_buffer, ctx->scanner); } static int return_token(int token, YYSTYPE *lval, const char *text) { switch (token) { case T_HASHSTRING: case T_IDENTIFIER: case T_IDENTIFIER_PAREN: case T_INTEGER: case T_STRING: case T_TEXT: if (!(lval->string = vkd3d_strdup(text))) return 0; break; } return token; } static const struct preproc_text *find_arg_expansion(struct preproc_ctx *ctx, const char *s) { struct preproc_macro *macro; unsigned int i; if ((macro = preproc_get_top_macro(ctx))) { for (i = 0; i < macro->arg_count; ++i) { if (!strcmp(s, macro->arg_names[i])) return ¯o->arg_values[i]; } } return NULL; } static void preproc_text_add(struct preproc_text *text, const char *string) { vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&text->text, "%s", string); } static bool preproc_push_expansion(struct preproc_ctx *ctx, const struct preproc_text *text, struct preproc_macro *macro) { struct preproc_expansion *exp; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&ctx->expansion_stack, &ctx->expansion_stack_size, ctx->expansion_count + 1, sizeof(*ctx->expansion_stack))) return false; exp = &ctx->expansion_stack[ctx->expansion_count++]; exp->text = text; exp->buffer.lexer_buffer = yy_scan_bytes(text->text.buffer, text->text.content_size, ctx->scanner); exp->buffer.location = text->location; exp->macro = macro; TRACE("Expansion stack size is now %zu.\n", ctx->expansion_count); return true; } static void preproc_stringify(struct preproc_ctx *ctx, struct vkd3d_string_buffer *buffer, const char *text) { const struct preproc_text *expansion; const char *p = text + 1; unsigned int i; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') ++p; vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(buffer, "\""); if ((expansion = find_arg_expansion(ctx, p))) { size_t len = expansion->text.content_size; size_t start = 0; while (len && strchr(" \t\r\n", expansion->text.buffer[len - 1])) --len; while (start < len && strchr(" \t\r\n", expansion->text.buffer[start])) ++start; for (i = start; i < len; ++i) { char c = expansion->text.buffer[i]; if (c == '\\' || c == '"') vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(buffer, "\\"); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(buffer, "%c", c); } } else { vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(buffer, "%s", p); } vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(buffer, "\""); } int yylex(YYSTYPE *lval, YYLTYPE *lloc, yyscan_t scanner) { struct preproc_ctx *ctx = yyget_extra(scanner); for (;;) { struct preproc_func_state *func_state; const char *text; int token; if (ctx->lookahead_token) { token = ctx->lookahead_token; text = yyget_text(scanner); } else { if (ctx->last_was_eof) { preproc_pop_buffer(ctx); if (!ctx->file_count) return 0; } ctx->last_was_eof = false; assert(ctx->file_count); if (!(token = preproc_lexer_lex(lval, lloc, scanner))) { ctx->last_was_eof = true; /* If we have reached the end of an included file, inject a newline. */ if (ctx->expansion_count) continue; token = T_NEWLINE; text = "\n"; } else { text = yyget_text(scanner); } if (ctx->last_was_newline) { switch (token) { case T_DEFINE: case T_ELIF: case T_ELSE: case T_ENDIF: case T_ERROR: case T_IF: case T_IFDEF: case T_IFNDEF: case T_INCLUDE: case T_LINE: case T_PRAGMA: case T_UNDEF: ctx->current_directive = token; break; default: ctx->current_directive = 0; } } ctx->last_was_newline = (token == T_NEWLINE); } if (ctx->current_directive && token == T_DEFINED) ctx->last_was_defined = true; func_state = ctx->current_directive ? &ctx->directive_func : &ctx->text_func; TRACE("Parsing token %d%s, line %d, in directive %d, state %#x, string %s.\n", token, ctx->lookahead_token ? " (lookahead)" : "", lloc->line, ctx->current_directive, func_state->state, debugstr_a(text)); ctx->lookahead_token = 0; switch (ctx->current_directive) { case T_ELIF: case T_ELSE: case T_ENDIF: case T_IF: case T_IFDEF: case T_IFNDEF: break; default: if (!preproc_is_writing(ctx)) continue; } if (ctx->current_directive == T_PRAGMA) { /* Print all tokens verbatim. */ if (token == T_PRAGMA) vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "#pragma "); else vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "%s", text); continue; } switch (func_state->state) { case STATE_NONE: if (token == T_CONCAT && should_concat(ctx)) { while (ctx->buffer.content_size && strchr(" \t\r\n", ctx->buffer.buffer[ctx->buffer.content_size - 1])) --ctx->buffer.content_size; break; } if (token == T_HASHSTRING) { struct vkd3d_string_buffer buffer; if (ctx->current_directive) return return_token(token, lval, text); vkd3d_string_buffer_init(&buffer); preproc_stringify(ctx, &buffer, text); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "%s", buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&buffer); break; } if (token == T_IDENTIFIER || token == T_IDENTIFIER_PAREN) { const struct preproc_text *expansion; struct preproc_macro *macro; switch (ctx->current_directive) { case T_DEFINE: case T_IFDEF: case T_IFNDEF: case T_UNDEF: /* Return identifiers verbatim. */ return return_token(token, lval, text); case T_IF: case T_ELIF: /* Return identifiers verbatim only if they're the * argument to "defined". */ if (ctx->last_was_defined) { ctx->last_was_defined = false; return return_token(token, lval, text); } break; } /* Otherwise, expand a macro if there is one. */ if ((expansion = find_arg_expansion(ctx, text))) { preproc_push_expansion(ctx, expansion, NULL); continue; } if ((macro = preproc_find_macro(ctx, text))) { if (!macro->arg_count) { preproc_push_expansion(ctx, ¯o->body, macro); } else { func_state->state = STATE_IDENTIFIER; func_state->macro = macro; } continue; } if (!strcmp(text, "__FILE__")) { const struct preproc_file *file = preproc_get_top_file(ctx); /* Not the current file name, but rather the file name * before invoking any macros. */ if (ctx->current_directive) { char *string; if (!(string = vkd3d_malloc(strlen(file->filename) + 3))) return 0; sprintf(string, "\"%s\"", file->filename); lval->string = string; return T_STRING; } if (preproc_is_writing(ctx)) vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "\"%s\" ", file->filename); continue; } if (!strcmp(text, "__LINE__")) { const struct preproc_file *file = preproc_get_top_file(ctx); /* Not the current line number, but rather the line * number before invoking any macros. */ if (ctx->current_directive) { char string[13]; sprintf(string, "%d", file->buffer.location.line); return return_token(T_INTEGER, lval, string); } if (preproc_is_writing(ctx)) vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "%d ", file->buffer.location.line); continue; } } if (ctx->current_directive) return return_token(token, lval, text); if (isspace(text[0])) vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "%s", text); else vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "%s ", text); break; case STATE_IDENTIFIER: if (token == '(') { struct preproc_text *first_arg = &func_state->macro->arg_values[0]; unsigned int i; func_state->arg_count = 0; func_state->paren_depth = 1; func_state->state = STATE_ARGS; for (i = 0; i < func_state->macro->arg_count; ++i) func_state->macro->arg_values[i].text.content_size = 0; first_arg->location = *lloc; } else { const char *name = func_state->macro->name; ctx->lookahead_token = token; func_state->macro = NULL; func_state->state = STATE_NONE; if (ctx->current_directive) return return_token(T_IDENTIFIER, lval, name); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "%s ", name); } break; case STATE_ARGS: { struct preproc_text *current_arg = NULL; assert(func_state->macro->arg_count); if (func_state->arg_count < func_state->macro->arg_count) current_arg = &func_state->macro->arg_values[func_state->arg_count]; switch (token) { /* Most text gets left alone (e.g. if it contains macros, * the macros should be evaluated later). * Arguments are a special case, and are replaced with * their values immediately. */ case T_IDENTIFIER: case T_IDENTIFIER_PAREN: { const struct preproc_text *expansion; if ((expansion = find_arg_expansion(ctx, text))) { preproc_push_expansion(ctx, expansion, NULL); continue; } if (current_arg) preproc_text_add(current_arg, text); break; } /* Stringification is another special case. Unsurprisingly, * we need to stringify if this is an argument. More * surprisingly, we need to stringify even if it's not. */ case T_HASHSTRING: { struct vkd3d_string_buffer buffer; vkd3d_string_buffer_init(&buffer); preproc_stringify(ctx, &buffer, text); if (current_arg) preproc_text_add(current_arg, buffer.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&buffer); break; } case T_NEWLINE: if (current_arg) preproc_text_add(current_arg, " "); break; case ')': case ']': case '}': if (!--func_state->paren_depth) { if (++func_state->arg_count == func_state->macro->arg_count) { preproc_push_expansion(ctx, &func_state->macro->body, func_state->macro); } else { preproc_warning(ctx, lloc, VKD3D_SHADER_WARNING_PP_ARGUMENT_COUNT_MISMATCH, "Wrong number of arguments to macro \"%s\": expected %zu, got %zu.", func_state->macro->name, func_state->macro->arg_count, func_state->arg_count); if (ctx->current_directive) return return_token(T_IDENTIFIER, lval, func_state->macro->name); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx->buffer, "%s ", func_state->macro->name); } func_state->macro = NULL; func_state->state = STATE_NONE; } else { if (current_arg) preproc_text_add(current_arg, text); } break; case ',': if (func_state->paren_depth == 1) { ++func_state->arg_count; if (current_arg) current_arg->location = *lloc; } else if (current_arg) { preproc_text_add(current_arg, text); } break; case '(': case '[': case '{': ++func_state->paren_depth; /* fall through */ default: if (current_arg) preproc_text_add(current_arg, text); } if (current_arg) preproc_text_add(current_arg, " "); break; } } } } bool preproc_push_include(struct preproc_ctx *ctx, char *filename, const struct vkd3d_shader_code *code) { struct preproc_file *file; if (!vkd3d_array_reserve((void **)&ctx->file_stack, &ctx->file_stack_size, ctx->file_count + 1, sizeof(*ctx->file_stack))) return false; file = &ctx->file_stack[ctx->file_count++]; memset(file, 0, sizeof(*file)); file->code = *code; file->filename = filename; file->buffer.lexer_buffer = yy_scan_bytes(code->code, code->size, ctx->scanner); file->buffer.location.source_name = file->filename; file->buffer.location.line = 1; file->buffer.location.column = 1; TRACE("File stack size is now %zu.\n", ctx->file_count); ctx->last_was_newline = true; return true; } static int preproc_macro_compare(const void *key, const struct rb_entry *entry) { const struct preproc_macro *macro = RB_ENTRY_VALUE(entry, struct preproc_macro, entry); const char *name = key; return strcmp(name, macro->name); } static void preproc_macro_rb_free(struct rb_entry *entry, void *ctx) { preproc_free_macro(RB_ENTRY_VALUE(entry, struct preproc_macro, entry)); } int preproc_lexer_parse(const struct vkd3d_shader_compile_info *compile_info, struct vkd3d_shader_code *out, struct vkd3d_shader_message_context *message_context) { static const struct vkd3d_shader_preprocess_info default_preprocess_info = {0}; struct preproc_ctx ctx = {0}; char *source_name = NULL; void *output_code; unsigned int i; vkd3d_string_buffer_init(&ctx.buffer); rb_init(&ctx.macros, preproc_macro_compare); if (!(ctx.preprocess_info = vkd3d_find_struct(compile_info->next, PREPROCESS_INFO))) ctx.preprocess_info = &default_preprocess_info; ctx.message_context = message_context; if (!(source_name = vkd3d_strdup(compile_info->source_name ? compile_info->source_name : "<anonymous>"))) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < ctx.preprocess_info->macro_count; ++i) { const struct vkd3d_shader_location loc = {.source_name = source_name}; struct vkd3d_string_buffer body; char *name; vkd3d_string_buffer_init(&body); vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&body, "%s", ctx.preprocess_info->macros[i].value); if (!(name = vkd3d_strdup(ctx.preprocess_info->macros[i].name))) { vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&body); goto fail; } if (!preproc_add_macro(&ctx, &loc, name, NULL, 0, &loc, &body)) { vkd3d_free(name); vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&body); goto fail; } } yylex_init_extra(&ctx, &ctx.scanner); if (!preproc_push_include(&ctx, source_name, &compile_info->source)) { yylex_destroy(ctx.scanner); goto fail; } preproc_yyparse(ctx.scanner, &ctx); switch (ctx.text_func.state) { case STATE_NONE: break; case STATE_ARGS: { const struct vkd3d_shader_location loc = {.source_name = source_name}; preproc_warning(&ctx, &loc, VKD3D_SHADER_WARNING_PP_UNTERMINATED_MACRO, "Unterminated macro invocation."); } /* fall through */ case STATE_IDENTIFIER: if (preproc_is_writing(&ctx)) vkd3d_string_buffer_printf(&ctx.buffer, "%s ", ctx.text_func.macro->name); break; } while (ctx.file_count) preproc_pop_buffer(&ctx); yylex_destroy(ctx.scanner); rb_destroy(&ctx.macros, preproc_macro_rb_free, NULL); vkd3d_free(ctx.file_stack); vkd3d_free(ctx.expansion_stack); if (ctx.error) { WARN("Failed to preprocess.\n"); vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&ctx.buffer); return VKD3D_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER; } if (!(output_code = vkd3d_malloc(ctx.buffer.content_size))) { vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&ctx.buffer); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memcpy(output_code, ctx.buffer.buffer, ctx.buffer.content_size); out->size = ctx.buffer.content_size; out->code = output_code; vkd3d_string_buffer_trace(&ctx.buffer); vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&ctx.buffer); return VKD3D_OK; fail: rb_destroy(&ctx.macros, preproc_macro_rb_free, NULL); vkd3d_free(source_name); vkd3d_string_buffer_cleanup(&ctx.buffer); return VKD3D_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }