mirror of https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/vkd3d.git synced 2025-01-28 13:05:02 -08:00

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Raw Normal View History

[vertex shader]
void main(float4 pos : POSITION, out float2 color_xy : COLOR0,
out float2 color_zw : COLOR1, out float4 position : SV_POSITION)
position = pos;
color_xy = float2(0.25, 0.5);
color_zw = float2(0.75, 1.0);
[pixel shader]
float4 main(float2 color_xy : COLOR0, float2 color_zw : COLOR1) : SV_TARGET
return float4(color_xy, color_zw);
draw quad
probe(320, 240) rgba(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0)
% Test handling of arrays in interface blocks
shader model >= 4.0
shader model < 6.0
[input layout]
[vertex shader]
// Rules:
// 1. Arrays always start on .x
// 2. When placing a scalar or vector, search through the allocated slots for space *vertically*
// (So check if you can place at o1.y, then o2.y, o3.y before o1.z, o2.z, etc.)
// 3. Elements with different interpolation cannot share a slot.
// 4. The first field of a struct is always aligned.
struct data
float4 position : SV_Position; // Should be placed in o0
float array1[2] : ARRAY1; // Should be placed in o1.x, o2.x
float3 array3[1] : ARRAY3; // Should be placed in o3.xyz
float array4[2] : ARRAY4; // Should be placed in o4.x, o5.x
nointerpolation float ndata : NDATA; // Should be placed in o6.x
uint udata : UDATA; // Should be placed in o6.y
float4 data1 : DATA1; // Should be placed in o7.xyzw
float3 data2 : DATA2; // Should be placed in o1.yzw
float2 data3 : DATA3; // Should be placed in o2.yz
float data4 : DATA4; // Should be placed in o4.y
float2 data5 : DATA5; // Should be placed in o5.yz
float2 data6 : DATA6; // Should be placed in o4.zw
float data7 : DATA7; // Should be placed in o2.w
float2 data8 : DATA8; // Should be placed in o8.xy
float data9 : DATA9; // Should be placed in o8.z (not o3.w)
float data10 : DATA10; // Should be placed in o3.w
void main(uint id : SV_VertexID, out data output)
output.position = float4(id & 1 ? 3 : -1, id & 2 ? -3 : 1, 0, 1);
output.array1[0] = 1.0;
output.array1[1] = 2.0;
output.array3[0] = float3(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
output.array4[0] = 6.0;
output.array4[1] = 7.0;
output.data1 = float4(8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0);
output.data2 = float3(12.0, 13.0, 14.0);
output.data3 = float2(15.0, 16.0);
output.data4 = 17.0;
output.data5 = float2(18.0, 19.0);
output.data6 = float2(20.0, 21.0);
output.data7 = 22.0;
output.data8 = float2(23.0, 24.0);
output.data9 = 25.0;
output.data10 = 26.0;
output.ndata = 27.0;
output.udata = 28;
[pixel shader]
struct data
float4 position : SV_Position; // v0.xyzw
float array1 : ARRAY1; // v1.x
float3 data2 : DATA2; // v1.yzw
float array2 : ARRAY2; // v2.x
float2 data3 : DATA3; // v2.yz
float data7 : DATA7; // v2.w
float3 array3 : ARRAY3; // v3.xyz
float data10 : DATA10; // v3.w
float array4 : ARRAY4; // v4.x
float data4 : DATA4; // v4.y
float2 data6 : DATA6; // v4.zw
float array5 : ARRAY5; // v5.x
float2 data5 : DATA5; // v5.yz
nointerpolation float ndata : NDATA; // v6.x
uint udata : UDATA; // v6.y
float4 data1 : DATA1; // v7.xyzw
float2 data8 : DATA8; // v8.xy
float data9 : DATA9; // v8.z
float4 main(data input) : SV_Target
switch (int(input.position.x))
case 1: return float4(input.array1, input.data2);
case 2: return float4(input.array2, input.data3, input.data7);
case 3: return float4(input.array3, input.data10);
case 4: return float4(input.array4, input.data4, input.data6);
case 5: return float4(input.array5, input.data5, 0);
case 6: return float4(input.ndata, input.udata, 0, 0);
case 7: return input.data1;
case 8: return float4(input.data8, input.data9, 0);
default: return 0;
clear rtv 0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
todo(msl) draw triangle list 3
probe (0, 0) rgba ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
probe (1, 0) rgba ( 1.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0)
probe (2, 0) rgba ( 2.0, 15.0, 16.0, 22.0)
probe (3, 0) rgba ( 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 26.0)
probe (4, 0) rgba ( 6.0, 17.0, 20.0, 21.0)
probe (5, 0) rgba ( 7.0, 18.0, 19.0, 0.0)
probe (6, 0) rgba (27.0, 28.0, 0.0, 0.0)
probe (7, 0) rgba ( 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0)
probe (8, 0) rgba (23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 0.0)
shader model >= 3.0
[input layout]
0 r32g32-float POSITION
[vb 0]
-1.0 -1.0
-1.0 3.0
3.0 -1.0
[vertex shader]
void main(float2 in_pos : POSITION, out float4 pos : SV_Position, out float4 color : COLOR)
pos = float4(in_pos, 0.0f, 1.0f);
color = float4(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
[pixel shader]
% The point of this test is to check that signature masks are handled correctly
% when they are not contiguous, so we attempt reading only component .xw from
% `color'. This happens when the shader is compiled by native, but not by us,
% currently, so it's not very useful for the moment. I'm leaving it anyway
% so that it either becomes useful when our HLSL compiler becomes more optimized
% or can be eventually rewritten in assembly/bytecode when the shader runner
% supports that.
float4 main(float4 pos : SV_Position, float4 color : COLOR) : SV_Target
return float4(color.x, 10.0f, 11.0f, color.w);
todo(msl) draw triangle list 3
probe (0, 0) rgba(1.0, 10.0, 11.0, 4.0)