mirror of
synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
This is mostly minor cosmetic changes. Weave was being exported from service.js for no apparent reason. It was mostly used by tests. There was a reference to it in engines.js, which should have been caught when the engines were associated with a service instance. engines.js now does the right thing. Weave is no longer exported by service.js. Tests and modules no longer import main.js. WeaveSvc was also renamed to Sync11Service because why not. Weave continues to be the main public API.
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1485 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['BookmarksEngine', "PlacesItem", "Bookmark",
"BookmarkFolder", "BookmarkQuery",
"Livemark", "BookmarkSeparator"];
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const ALLBOOKMARKS_ANNO = "AllBookmarks";
const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
const SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
const MOBILEROOT_ANNO = "mobile/bookmarksRoot";
const MOBILE_ANNO = "MobileBookmarks";
const EXCLUDEBACKUP_ANNO = "places/excludeFromBackup";
const SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO = "Places/SmartBookmark";
const PARENT_ANNO = "sync/parent";
const ORGANIZERQUERY_ANNO = "PlacesOrganizer/OrganizerQuery";
const SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Service not supported on this platform";
const FOLDER_SORTINDEX = 1000000;
function PlacesItem(collection, id, type) {
CryptoWrapper.call(this, collection, id);
this.type = type || "item";
PlacesItem.prototype = {
decrypt: function PlacesItem_decrypt(keyBundle) {
// Do the normal CryptoWrapper decrypt, but change types before returning
let clear = CryptoWrapper.prototype.decrypt.call(this, keyBundle);
// Convert the abstract places item to the actual object type
if (!this.deleted)
this.__proto__ = this.getTypeObject(this.type).prototype;
return clear;
getTypeObject: function PlacesItem_getTypeObject(type) {
switch (type) {
case "bookmark":
case "microsummary":
return Bookmark;
case "query":
return BookmarkQuery;
case "folder":
return BookmarkFolder;
case "livemark":
return Livemark;
case "separator":
return BookmarkSeparator;
case "item":
return PlacesItem;
throw "Unknown places item object type: " + type;
__proto__: CryptoWrapper.prototype,
_logName: "Sync.Record.PlacesItem",
["hasDupe", "parentid", "parentName", "type"]);
function Bookmark(collection, id, type) {
PlacesItem.call(this, collection, id, type || "bookmark");
Bookmark.prototype = {
__proto__: PlacesItem.prototype,
_logName: "Sync.Record.Bookmark",
["title", "bmkUri", "description",
"loadInSidebar", "tags", "keyword"]);
function BookmarkQuery(collection, id) {
Bookmark.call(this, collection, id, "query");
BookmarkQuery.prototype = {
__proto__: Bookmark.prototype,
_logName: "Sync.Record.BookmarkQuery",
["folderName", "queryId"]);
function BookmarkFolder(collection, id, type) {
PlacesItem.call(this, collection, id, type || "folder");
BookmarkFolder.prototype = {
__proto__: PlacesItem.prototype,
_logName: "Sync.Record.Folder",
Utils.deferGetSet(BookmarkFolder, "cleartext", ["description", "title",
function Livemark(collection, id) {
BookmarkFolder.call(this, collection, id, "livemark");
Livemark.prototype = {
__proto__: BookmarkFolder.prototype,
_logName: "Sync.Record.Livemark",
Utils.deferGetSet(Livemark, "cleartext", ["siteUri", "feedUri"]);
function BookmarkSeparator(collection, id) {
PlacesItem.call(this, collection, id, "separator");
BookmarkSeparator.prototype = {
__proto__: PlacesItem.prototype,
_logName: "Sync.Record.Separator",
Utils.deferGetSet(BookmarkSeparator, "cleartext", "pos");
let kSpecialIds = {
// Special IDs. Note that mobile can attempt to create a record on
// dereference; special accessors are provided to prevent recursion within
// observers.
guids: ["menu", "places", "tags", "toolbar", "unfiled", "mobile"],
// Create the special mobile folder to store mobile bookmarks.
createMobileRoot: function createMobileRoot() {
let root = PlacesUtils.placesRootId;
let mRoot = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(root, "mobile", -1);
mRoot, MOBILEROOT_ANNO, 1, 0, PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
mRoot, EXCLUDEBACKUP_ANNO, 1, 0, PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
return mRoot;
findMobileRoot: function findMobileRoot(create) {
// Use the (one) mobile root if it already exists.
let root = PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemsWithAnnotation(MOBILEROOT_ANNO, {});
if (root.length != 0)
return root[0];
if (create)
return this.createMobileRoot();
return null;
// Accessors for IDs.
isSpecialGUID: function isSpecialGUID(g) {
return this.guids.indexOf(g) != -1;
specialIdForGUID: function specialIdForGUID(guid, create) {
if (guid == "mobile") {
return this.findMobileRoot(create);
return this[guid];
// Don't bother creating mobile: if it doesn't exist, this ID can't be it!
specialGUIDForId: function specialGUIDForId(id) {
for each (let guid in this.guids)
if (this.specialIdForGUID(guid, false) == id)
return guid;
return null;
get menu() PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId,
get places() PlacesUtils.placesRootId,
get tags() PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId,
get toolbar() PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId,
get unfiled() PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
get mobile() this.findMobileRoot(true),
function BookmarksEngine(service) {
SyncEngine.call(this, "Bookmarks", service);
BookmarksEngine.prototype = {
__proto__: SyncEngine.prototype,
_recordObj: PlacesItem,
_storeObj: BookmarksStore,
_trackerObj: BookmarksTracker,
version: 2,
_sync: function _sync() {
let engine = this;
let batchEx = null;
// Try running sync in batch mode
runBatched: function wrappedSync() {
try {
catch(ex) {
batchEx = ex;
}, null);
// Expose the exception if something inside the batch failed
if (batchEx != null) {
throw batchEx;
_guidMapFailed: false,
_buildGUIDMap: function _buildGUIDMap() {
let guidMap = {};
for (let guid in this._store.getAllIDs()) {
// Figure out with which key to store the mapping.
let key;
let id = this._store.idForGUID(guid);
switch (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemType(id)) {
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK:
// Smart bookmarks map to their annotation value.
let queryId;
try {
queryId = PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(
} catch(ex) {}
if (queryId)
key = "q" + queryId;
key = "b" + PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getBookmarkURI(id).spec + ":" +
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER:
key = "f" + PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(id);
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR:
key = "s" + PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemIndex(id);
// The mapping is on a per parent-folder-name basis.
let parent = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(id);
if (parent <= 0)
let parentName = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(parent);
if (guidMap[parentName] == null)
guidMap[parentName] = {};
// If the entry already exists, remember that there are explicit dupes.
let entry = new String(guid);
entry.hasDupe = guidMap[parentName][key] != null;
// Remember this item's GUID for its parent-name/key pair.
guidMap[parentName][key] = entry;
this._log.trace("Mapped: " + [parentName, key, entry, entry.hasDupe]);
return guidMap;
// Helper function to get a dupe GUID for an item.
_mapDupe: function _mapDupe(item) {
// Figure out if we have something to key with.
let key;
let altKey;
switch (item.type) {
case "query":
// Prior to Bug 610501, records didn't carry their Smart Bookmark
// anno, so we won't be able to dupe them correctly. This altKey
// hack should get them to dupe correctly.
if (item.queryId) {
key = "q" + item.queryId;
altKey = "b" + item.bmkUri + ":" + item.title;
// No queryID? Fall through to the regular bookmark case.
case "bookmark":
case "microsummary":
key = "b" + item.bmkUri + ":" + item.title;
case "folder":
case "livemark":
key = "f" + item.title;
case "separator":
key = "s" + item.pos;
// Figure out if we have a map to use!
// This will throw in some circumstances. That's fine.
let guidMap = this._guidMap;
// Give the GUID if we have the matching pair.
this._log.trace("Finding mapping: " + item.parentName + ", " + key);
let parent = guidMap[item.parentName];
if (!parent) {
this._log.trace("No parent => no dupe.");
return undefined;
let dupe = parent[key];
if (dupe) {
this._log.trace("Mapped dupe: " + dupe);
return dupe;
if (altKey) {
dupe = parent[altKey];
if (dupe) {
this._log.trace("Mapped dupe using altKey " + altKey + ": " + dupe);
return dupe;
this._log.trace("No dupe found for key " + key + "/" + altKey + ".");
return undefined;
_syncStartup: function _syncStart() {
// For first-syncs, make a backup for the user to restore
if (this.lastSync == 0) {
PlacesUtils.archiveBookmarksFile(null, true);
this.__defineGetter__("_guidMap", function() {
// Create a mapping of folder titles and separator positions to GUID.
// We do this lazily so that we don't do any work unless we reconcile
// incoming items.
let guidMap;
try {
guidMap = this._buildGUIDMap();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Got exception \"" + Utils.exceptionStr(ex) +
"\" building GUID map." +
" Skipping all other incoming items.");
throw {code: Engine.prototype.eEngineAbortApplyIncoming,
cause: ex};
delete this._guidMap;
return this._guidMap = guidMap;
this._store._childrenToOrder = {};
_processIncoming: function _processIncoming() {
try {
} finally {
// Reorder children.
this._tracker.ignoreAll = true;
this._tracker.ignoreAll = false;
delete this._store._childrenToOrder;
_syncFinish: function _syncFinish() {
_syncCleanup: function _syncCleanup() {
delete this._guidMap;
_createRecord: function _createRecord(id) {
// Create the record like normal but mark it as having dupes if necessary
let record = SyncEngine.prototype._createRecord.call(this, id);
let entry = this._mapDupe(record);
if (entry != null && entry.hasDupe)
record.hasDupe = true;
return record;
_findDupe: function _findDupe(item) {
// Don't bother finding a dupe if the incoming item has duplicates
if (item.hasDupe)
return this._mapDupe(item);
function BookmarksStore(name, engine) {
Store.call(this, name, engine);
// Explicitly nullify our references to our cached services so we don't leak
Svc.Obs.add("places-shutdown", function() {
for each ([query, stmt] in Iterator(this._stmts)) {
this._stmts = {};
}, this);
BookmarksStore.prototype = {
__proto__: Store.prototype,
itemExists: function BStore_itemExists(id) {
return this.idForGUID(id, true) > 0;
* If the record is a tag query, rewrite it to refer to the local tag ID.
* Otherwise, just return.
preprocessTagQuery: function preprocessTagQuery(record) {
if (record.type != "query" ||
record.bmkUri == null ||
record.folderName == null)
// Yes, this works without chopping off the "place:" prefix.
let uri = record.bmkUri
let queriesRef = {};
let queryCountRef = {};
let optionsRef = {};
PlacesUtils.history.queryStringToQueries(uri, queriesRef, queryCountRef,
// We only process tag URIs.
if (optionsRef.value.resultType != optionsRef.value.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS)
// Tag something to ensure that the tag exists.
let tag = record.folderName;
let dummyURI = Utils.makeURI("about:weave#BStore_preprocess");
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(dummyURI, [tag]);
// Look for the id of the tag, which might just have been added.
let tags = this._getNode(PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId);
if (!(tags instanceof Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode)) {
this._log.debug("tags isn't an nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode; aborting.");
tags.containerOpen = true;
try {
for (let i = 0; i < tags.childCount; i++) {
let child = tags.getChild(i);
if (child.title == tag) {
// Found the tag, so fix up the query to use the right id.
this._log.debug("Tag query folder: " + tag + " = " + child.itemId);
this._log.trace("Replacing folders in: " + uri);
for each (let q in queriesRef.value)
q.setFolders([child.itemId], 1);
record.bmkUri = PlacesUtils.history.queriesToQueryString(
queriesRef.value, queryCountRef.value, optionsRef.value);
finally {
tags.containerOpen = false;
applyIncoming: function BStore_applyIncoming(record) {
// Don't bother with pre and post-processing for deletions.
if (record.deleted) {
Store.prototype.applyIncoming.call(this, record);
// For special folders we're only interested in child ordering.
if ((record.id in kSpecialIds) && record.children) {
this._log.debug("Processing special node: " + record.id);
// Reorder children later
this._childrenToOrder[record.id] = record.children;
// Preprocess the record before doing the normal apply.
// Figure out the local id of the parent GUID if available
let parentGUID = record.parentid;
if (!parentGUID) {
throw "Record " + record.id + " has invalid parentid: " + parentGUID;
let parentId = this.idForGUID(parentGUID);
if (parentId > 0) {
// Save the parent id for modifying the bookmark later
record._parent = parentId;
record._orphan = false;
} else {
this._log.trace("Record " + record.id +
" is an orphan: could not find parent " + parentGUID);
record._orphan = true;
// Do the normal processing of incoming records
Store.prototype.applyIncoming.call(this, record);
// Do some post-processing if we have an item
let itemId = this.idForGUID(record.id);
if (itemId > 0) {
// Move any children that are looking for this folder as a parent
if (record.type == "folder") {
// Reorder children later
if (record.children)
this._childrenToOrder[record.id] = record.children;
// Create an annotation to remember that it needs reparenting.
if (record._orphan) {
itemId, PARENT_ANNO, parentGUID, 0,
* Find all ids of items that have a given value for an annotation
_findAnnoItems: function BStore__findAnnoItems(anno, val) {
return PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemsWithAnnotation(anno, {})
.filter(function(id) {
return PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, anno) == val;
* For the provided parent item, attach its children to it
_reparentOrphans: function _reparentOrphans(parentId) {
// Find orphans and reunite with this folder parent
let parentGUID = this.GUIDForId(parentId);
let orphans = this._findAnnoItems(PARENT_ANNO, parentGUID);
this._log.debug("Reparenting orphans " + orphans + " to " + parentId);
orphans.forEach(function(orphan) {
// Move the orphan to the parent and drop the missing parent annotation
if (this._reparentItem(orphan, parentId)) {
PlacesUtils.annotations.removeItemAnnotation(orphan, PARENT_ANNO);
}, this);
_reparentItem: function _reparentItem(itemId, parentId) {
this._log.trace("Attempting to move item " + itemId + " to new parent " +
try {
if (parentId > 0) {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.moveItem(itemId, parentId,
return true;
} catch(ex) {
this._log.debug("Failed to reparent item. " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
return false;
// Turn a record's nsINavBookmarksService constant and other attributes into
// a granular type for comparison.
_recordType: function _recordType(itemId) {
let bms = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
let type = bms.getItemType(itemId);
switch (type) {
case bms.TYPE_FOLDER:
if (PlacesUtils.annotations
.itemHasAnnotation(itemId, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI)) {
return "livemark";
return "folder";
let bmkUri = bms.getBookmarkURI(itemId).spec;
if (bmkUri.indexOf("place:") == 0) {
return "query";
return "bookmark";
return "separator";
return null;
create: function BStore_create(record) {
// Default to unfiled if we don't have the parent yet.
// Valid parent IDs are all positive integers. Other values -- undefined,
// null, -1 -- all compare false for > 0, so this catches them all. We
// don't just use <= without the !, because undefined and null compare
// false for that, too!
if (!(record._parent > 0)) {
this._log.debug("Parent is " + record._parent + "; reparenting to unfiled.");
record._parent = kSpecialIds.unfiled;
let newId;
switch (record.type) {
case "bookmark":
case "query":
case "microsummary": {
let uri = Utils.makeURI(record.bmkUri);
newId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
record._parent, uri, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, record.title);
this._log.debug("created bookmark " + newId + " under " + record._parent
+ " as " + record.title + " " + record.bmkUri);
// Smart bookmark annotations are strings.
if (record.queryId) {
newId, SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO, record.queryId, 0,
if (Array.isArray(record.tags)) {
this._tagURI(uri, record.tags);
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setKeywordForBookmark(newId, record.keyword);
if (record.description) {
newId, DESCRIPTION_ANNO, record.description, 0,
if (record.loadInSidebar) {
newId, SIDEBAR_ANNO, true, 0,
} break;
case "folder":
newId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(
record._parent, record.title, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
this._log.debug("created folder " + newId + " under " + record._parent
+ " as " + record.title);
if (record.description) {
newId, DESCRIPTION_ANNO, record.description, 0,
// record.children will be dealt with in _orderChildren.
case "livemark":
let siteURI = null;
if (!record.feedUri) {
this._log.debug("No feed URI: skipping livemark record " + record.id);
if (PlacesUtils.annotations
.itemHasAnnotation(record._parent, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI)) {
this._log.debug("Invalid parent: skipping livemark record " + record.id);
if (record.siteUri != null)
siteURI = Utils.makeURI(record.siteUri);
// Until this engine can handle asynchronous error reporting, we need to
// detect errors on creation synchronously.
let spinningCb = Async.makeSpinningCallback();
let livemarkObj = {title: record.title,
parentId: record._parent,
index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
feedURI: Utils.makeURI(record.feedUri),
siteURI: siteURI,
guid: record.id};
function (aStatus, aLivemark) {
spinningCb(null, [aStatus, aLivemark]);
let [status, livemark] = spinningCb.wait();
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) {
throw status;
this._log.debug("Created livemark " + livemark.id + " under " +
livemark.parentId + " as " + livemark.title +
", " + livemark.siteURI.spec + ", " +
livemark.feedURI.spec + ", GUID " +
case "separator":
newId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertSeparator(
record._parent, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
this._log.debug("created separator " + newId + " under " + record._parent);
case "item":
this._log.debug(" -> got a generic places item.. do nothing?");
this._log.error("_create: Unknown item type: " + record.type);
if (newId) {
// Livemarks can set the GUID through the API, so there's no need to
// do that here.
this._log.trace("Setting GUID of new item " + newId + " to " + record.id);
this._setGUID(newId, record.id);
// Factored out of `remove` to avoid redundant DB queries when the Places ID
// is already known.
removeById: function removeById(itemId, guid) {
let type = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemType(itemId);
switch (type) {
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK:
this._log.debug(" -> removing bookmark " + guid);
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER:
this._log.debug(" -> removing folder " + guid);
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR:
this._log.debug(" -> removing separator " + guid);
this._log.error("remove: Unknown item type: " + type);
remove: function BStore_remove(record) {
let itemId = this.idForGUID(record.id);
if (itemId <= 0) {
this._log.debug("Item " + record.id + " already removed");
this.removeById(itemId, record.id);
_taggableTypes: ["bookmark", "microsummary", "query"],
isTaggable: function isTaggable(recordType) {
return this._taggableTypes.indexOf(recordType) != -1;
update: function BStore_update(record) {
let itemId = this.idForGUID(record.id);
if (itemId <= 0) {
this._log.debug("Skipping update for unknown item: " + record.id);
// Two items are the same type if they have the same ItemType in Places,
// and also share some key characteristics (e.g., both being livemarks).
// We figure this out by examining the item to find the equivalent granular
// (string) type.
// If they're not the same type, we can't just update attributes. Delete
// then recreate the record instead.
let localItemType = this._recordType(itemId);
let remoteRecordType = record.type;
this._log.trace("Local type: " + localItemType + ". " +
"Remote type: " + remoteRecordType + ".");
if (localItemType != remoteRecordType) {
this._log.debug("Local record and remote record differ in type. " +
"Deleting and recreating.");
this.removeById(itemId, record.id);
this._log.trace("Updating " + record.id + " (" + itemId + ")");
// Move the bookmark to a new parent or new position if necessary
if (record._parent > 0 &&
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(itemId) != record._parent) {
this._reparentItem(itemId, record._parent);
for (let [key, val] in Iterator(record.cleartext)) {
switch (key) {
case "title":
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemTitle(itemId, val);
case "bmkUri":
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(itemId, Utils.makeURI(val));
case "tags":
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
if (this.isTaggable(remoteRecordType)) {
this._tagID(itemId, val);
} else {
this._log.debug("Remote record type is invalid for tags: " + remoteRecordType);
case "keyword":
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setKeywordForBookmark(itemId, val);
case "description":
if (val) {
itemId, DESCRIPTION_ANNO, val, 0,
} else {
PlacesUtils.annotations.removeItemAnnotation(itemId, DESCRIPTION_ANNO);
case "loadInSidebar":
if (val) {
itemId, SIDEBAR_ANNO, true, 0,
} else {
PlacesUtils.annotations.removeItemAnnotation(itemId, SIDEBAR_ANNO);
case "queryId":
_orderChildren: function _orderChildren() {
for (let [guid, children] in Iterator(this._childrenToOrder)) {
// Reorder children according to the GUID list. Gracefully deal
// with missing items, e.g. locally deleted.
let delta = 0;
let parent = null;
for (let idx = 0; idx < children.length; idx++) {
let itemid = this.idForGUID(children[idx]);
if (itemid == -1) {
delta += 1;
this._log.trace("Could not locate record " + children[idx]);
try {
// This code path could be optimized by caching the parent earlier.
// Doing so should take in count any edge case due to reparenting
// or parent invalidations though.
if (!parent) {
parent = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(itemid);
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.moveItem(itemid, parent, idx - delta);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.debug("Could not move item " + children[idx] + ": " + ex);
changeItemID: function BStore_changeItemID(oldID, newID) {
this._log.debug("Changing GUID " + oldID + " to " + newID);
// Make sure there's an item to change GUIDs
let itemId = this.idForGUID(oldID);
if (itemId <= 0)
this._setGUID(itemId, newID);
_getNode: function BStore__getNode(folder) {
let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
query.setFolders([folder], 1);
return PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(
query, PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions()).root;
_getTags: function BStore__getTags(uri) {
try {
if (typeof(uri) == "string")
uri = Utils.makeURI(uri);
} catch(e) {
this._log.warn("Could not parse URI \"" + uri + "\": " + e);
return PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(uri, {});
_getDescription: function BStore__getDescription(id) {
try {
return PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO);
} catch (e) {
return null;
_isLoadInSidebar: function BStore__isLoadInSidebar(id) {
return PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, SIDEBAR_ANNO);
get _childGUIDsStm() {
return this._getStmt(
"SELECT id AS item_id, guid " +
"FROM moz_bookmarks " +
"WHERE parent = :parent " +
"ORDER BY position");
_childGUIDsCols: ["item_id", "guid"],
_getChildGUIDsForId: function _getChildGUIDsForId(itemid) {
let stmt = this._childGUIDsStm;
stmt.params.parent = itemid;
let rows = Async.querySpinningly(stmt, this._childGUIDsCols);
return rows.map(function (row) {
if (row.guid) {
return row.guid;
// A GUID hasn't been assigned to this item yet, do this now.
return this.GUIDForId(row.item_id);
}, this);
// Create a record starting from the weave id (places guid)
createRecord: function createRecord(id, collection) {
let placeId = this.idForGUID(id);
let record;
if (placeId <= 0) { // deleted item
record = new PlacesItem(collection, id);
record.deleted = true;
return record;
let parent = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(placeId);
switch (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemType(placeId)) {
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK:
let bmkUri = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getBookmarkURI(placeId).spec;
if (bmkUri.indexOf("place:") == 0) {
record = new BookmarkQuery(collection, id);
// Get the actual tag name instead of the local itemId
let folder = bmkUri.match(/[:&]folder=(\d+)/);
try {
// There might not be the tag yet when creating on a new client
if (folder != null) {
folder = folder[1];
record.folderName = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(folder);
this._log.trace("query id: " + folder + " = " + record.folderName);
catch(ex) {}
// Persist the Smart Bookmark anno, if found.
try {
let anno = PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(placeId, SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO);
if (anno != null) {
this._log.trace("query anno: " + SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO +
" = " + anno);
record.queryId = anno;
catch(ex) {}
else {
record = new Bookmark(collection, id);
record.title = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(placeId);
record.parentName = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(parent);
record.bmkUri = bmkUri;
record.tags = this._getTags(record.bmkUri);
record.keyword = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getKeywordForBookmark(placeId);
record.description = this._getDescription(placeId);
record.loadInSidebar = this._isLoadInSidebar(placeId);
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER:
if (PlacesUtils.annotations
.itemHasAnnotation(placeId, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI)) {
record = new Livemark(collection, id);
let as = PlacesUtils.annotations;
record.feedUri = as.getItemAnnotation(placeId, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI);
try {
record.siteUri = as.getItemAnnotation(placeId, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI);
} catch (ex) {}
} else {
record = new BookmarkFolder(collection, id);
if (parent > 0)
record.parentName = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(parent);
record.title = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(placeId);
record.description = this._getDescription(placeId);
record.children = this._getChildGUIDsForId(placeId);
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR:
record = new BookmarkSeparator(collection, id);
if (parent > 0)
record.parentName = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(parent);
// Create a positioning identifier for the separator, used by _mapDupe
record.pos = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemIndex(placeId);
record = new PlacesItem(collection, id);
this._log.warn("Unknown item type, cannot serialize: " +
record.parentid = this.GUIDForId(parent);
record.sortindex = this._calculateIndex(record);
return record;
_stmts: {},
_getStmt: function(query) {
if (query in this._stmts) {
return this._stmts[query];
this._log.trace("Creating SQL statement: " + query);
let db = PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase)
return this._stmts[query] = db.createAsyncStatement(query);
get _frecencyStm() {
return this._getStmt(
"SELECT frecency " +
"FROM moz_places " +
"WHERE url = :url " +
"LIMIT 1");
_frecencyCols: ["frecency"],
get _setGUIDStm() {
return this._getStmt(
"UPDATE moz_bookmarks " +
"SET guid = :guid " +
"WHERE id = :item_id");
// Some helper functions to handle GUIDs
_setGUID: function _setGUID(id, guid) {
if (!guid)
guid = Utils.makeGUID();
let stmt = this._setGUIDStm;
stmt.params.guid = guid;
stmt.params.item_id = id;
return guid;
get _guidForIdStm() {
return this._getStmt(
"SELECT guid " +
"FROM moz_bookmarks " +
"WHERE id = :item_id");
_guidForIdCols: ["guid"],
GUIDForId: function GUIDForId(id) {
let special = kSpecialIds.specialGUIDForId(id);
if (special)
return special;
let stmt = this._guidForIdStm;
stmt.params.item_id = id;
// Use the existing GUID if it exists
let result = Async.querySpinningly(stmt, this._guidForIdCols)[0];
if (result && result.guid)
return result.guid;
// Give the uri a GUID if it doesn't have one
return this._setGUID(id);
get _idForGUIDStm() {
return this._getStmt(
"SELECT id AS item_id " +
"FROM moz_bookmarks " +
"WHERE guid = :guid");
_idForGUIDCols: ["item_id"],
// noCreate is provided as an optional argument to prevent the creation of
// non-existent special records, such as "mobile".
idForGUID: function idForGUID(guid, noCreate) {
if (kSpecialIds.isSpecialGUID(guid))
return kSpecialIds.specialIdForGUID(guid, !noCreate);
let stmt = this._idForGUIDStm;
// guid might be a String object rather than a string.
stmt.params.guid = guid.toString();
let results = Async.querySpinningly(stmt, this._idForGUIDCols);
this._log.trace("Number of rows matching GUID " + guid + ": "
+ results.length);
// Here's the one we care about: the first.
let result = results[0];
if (!result)
return -1;
return result.item_id;
_calculateIndex: function _calculateIndex(record) {
// Ensure folders have a very high sort index so they're not synced last.
if (record.type == "folder")
// For anything directly under the toolbar, give it a boost of more than an
// unvisited bookmark
let index = 0;
if (record.parentid == "toolbar")
index += 150;
// Add in the bookmark's frecency if we have something.
if (record.bmkUri != null) {
this._frecencyStm.params.url = record.bmkUri;
let result = Async.querySpinningly(this._frecencyStm, this._frecencyCols);
if (result.length)
index += result[0].frecency;
return index;
_getChildren: function BStore_getChildren(guid, items) {
let node = guid; // the recursion case
if (typeof(node) == "string") { // callers will give us the guid as the first arg
let nodeID = this.idForGUID(guid, true);
if (!nodeID) {
this._log.debug("No node for GUID " + guid + "; returning no children.");
return items;
node = this._getNode(nodeID);
if (node.type == node.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER) {
node.containerOpen = true;
try {
// Remember all the children GUIDs and recursively get more
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
let child = node.getChild(i);
items[this.GUIDForId(child.itemId)] = true;
this._getChildren(child, items);
finally {
node.containerOpen = false;
return items;
* Associates the URI of the item with the provided ID with the
* provided array of tags.
* If the provided ID does not identify an item with a URI,
* returns immediately.
_tagID: function _tagID(itemID, tags) {
if (!itemID || !tags) {
try {
let u = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getBookmarkURI(itemID);
this._tagURI(u, tags);
} catch (e) {
this._log.warn("Got exception fetching URI for " + itemID + ": not tagging. " +
// I guess it doesn't have a URI. Don't try to tag it.
* Associate the provided URI with the provided array of tags.
* If the provided URI is falsy, returns immediately.
_tagURI: function _tagURI(bookmarkURI, tags) {
if (!bookmarkURI || !tags) {
// Filter out any null/undefined/empty tags.
tags = tags.filter(function(t) t);
// Temporarily tag a dummy URI to preserve tag ids when untagging.
let dummyURI = Utils.makeURI("about:weave#BStore_tagURI");
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(dummyURI, tags);
PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(bookmarkURI, null);
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(bookmarkURI, tags);
PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(dummyURI, null);
getAllIDs: function BStore_getAllIDs() {
let items = {"menu": true,
"toolbar": true};
for each (let guid in kSpecialIds.guids) {
if (guid != "places" && guid != "tags")
this._getChildren(guid, items);
return items;
wipe: function BStore_wipe() {
// Save a backup before clearing out all bookmarks.
PlacesUtils.archiveBookmarksFile(null, true);
for each (let guid in kSpecialIds.guids)
if (guid != "places") {
let id = kSpecialIds.specialIdForGUID(guid);
if (id)
function BookmarksTracker(name, engine) {
Tracker.call(this, name, engine);
Svc.Obs.add("places-shutdown", this);
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:start-tracking", this);
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:stop-tracking", this);
BookmarksTracker.prototype = {
__proto__: Tracker.prototype,
_enabled: false,
observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) {
switch (topic) {
case "weave:engine:start-tracking":
if (!this._enabled) {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver(this, true);
Svc.Obs.add("bookmarks-restore-begin", this);
Svc.Obs.add("bookmarks-restore-success", this);
Svc.Obs.add("bookmarks-restore-failed", this);
this._enabled = true;
case "weave:engine:stop-tracking":
if (this._enabled) {
Svc.Obs.remove("bookmarks-restore-begin", this);
Svc.Obs.remove("bookmarks-restore-success", this);
Svc.Obs.remove("bookmarks-restore-failed", this);
this._enabled = false;
case "bookmarks-restore-begin":
this._log.debug("Ignoring changes from importing bookmarks.");
this.ignoreAll = true;
case "bookmarks-restore-success":
this._log.debug("Tracking all items on successful import.");
this.ignoreAll = false;
this._log.debug("Restore succeeded: wiping server and other clients.");
this.engine.service.clientsEngine.sendCommand("wipeEngine", [this.name]);
case "bookmarks-restore-failed":
this._log.debug("Tracking all items on failed import.");
this.ignoreAll = false;
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
* Add a bookmark GUID to be uploaded and bump up the sync score.
* @param itemGuid
* GUID of the bookmark to upload.
_add: function BMT__add(itemId, guid) {
guid = kSpecialIds.specialGUIDForId(itemId) || guid;
if (this.addChangedID(guid))
/* Every add/remove/change will trigger a sync for MULTI_DEVICE. */
_upScore: function BMT__upScore() {
* Determine if a change should be ignored.
* @param itemId
* Item under consideration to ignore
* @param folder (optional)
* Folder of the item being changed
_ignore: function BMT__ignore(itemId, folder, guid) {
// Ignore unconditionally if the engine tells us to.
if (this.ignoreAll)
return true;
// Get the folder id if we weren't given one.
if (folder == null) {
try {
folder = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(itemId);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.debug("getFolderIdForItem(" + itemId +
") threw; calling _ensureMobileQuery.");
// I'm guessing that gFIFI can throw, and perhaps that's why
// _ensureMobileQuery is here at all. Try not to call it.
folder = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(itemId);
// Ignore changes to tags (folders under the tags folder).
let tags = kSpecialIds.tags;
if (folder == tags)
return true;
// Ignore tag items (the actual instance of a tag for a bookmark).
if (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(folder) == tags)
return true;
// Make sure to remove items that have the exclude annotation.
if (PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(itemId, EXCLUDEBACKUP_ANNO)) {
return true;
return false;
onItemAdded: function BMT_onItemAdded(itemId, folder, index,
itemType, uri, title, dateAdded,
guid, parentGuid) {
if (this._ignore(itemId, folder, guid))
this._log.trace("onItemAdded: " + itemId);
this._add(itemId, guid);
this._add(folder, parentGuid);
onItemRemoved: function BMT_onItemRemoved(itemId, parentId, index, type, uri,
guid, parentGuid) {
if (this._ignore(itemId, parentId, guid))
this._log.trace("onBeforeItemRemoved: " + itemId);
this._add(itemId, guid);
this._add(parentId, parentGuid);
_ensureMobileQuery: function _ensureMobileQuery() {
let find = function (val)
PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemsWithAnnotation(ORGANIZERQUERY_ANNO, {}).filter(
function (id) PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, ORGANIZERQUERY_ANNO) == val
// Don't continue if the Library isn't ready
let all = find(ALLBOOKMARKS_ANNO);
if (all.length == 0)
// Disable handling of notifications while changing the mobile query
this.ignoreAll = true;
let mobile = find(MOBILE_ANNO);
let queryURI = Utils.makeURI("place:folder=" + kSpecialIds.mobile);
let title = Str.sync.get("mobile.label");
// Don't add OR remove the mobile bookmarks if there's nothing.
if (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getIdForItemAt(kSpecialIds.mobile, 0) == -1) {
if (mobile.length != 0)
// Add the mobile bookmarks query if it doesn't exist
else if (mobile.length == 0) {
let query = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(all[0], queryURI, -1, title);
PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(query, ORGANIZERQUERY_ANNO, MOBILE_ANNO, 0,
PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(query, EXCLUDEBACKUP_ANNO, 1, 0,
// Make sure the existing title is correct
else if (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(mobile[0]) != title) {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemTitle(mobile[0], title);
this.ignoreAll = false;
// This method is oddly structured, but the idea is to return as quickly as
// possible -- this handler gets called *every time* a bookmark changes, for
// *each change*.
onItemChanged: function BMT_onItemChanged(itemId, property, isAnno, value,
lastModified, itemType, parentId,
guid, parentGuid) {
// Quicker checks first.
if (this.ignoreAll)
if (isAnno && (ANNOS_TO_TRACK.indexOf(property) == -1))
// Ignore annotations except for the ones that we sync.
// Ignore favicon changes to avoid unnecessary churn.
if (property == "favicon")
if (this._ignore(itemId, parentId, guid))
this._log.trace("onItemChanged: " + itemId +
(", " + property + (isAnno? " (anno)" : "")) +
(value ? (" = \"" + value + "\"") : ""));
this._add(itemId, guid);
onItemMoved: function BMT_onItemMoved(itemId, oldParent, oldIndex,
newParent, newIndex, itemType,
guid, oldParentGuid, newParentGuid) {
if (this._ignore(itemId, newParent, guid))
this._log.trace("onItemMoved: " + itemId);
this._add(oldParent, oldParentGuid);
if (oldParent != newParent) {
this._add(itemId, guid);
this._add(newParent, newParentGuid);
// Remove any position annotations now that the user moved the item
PlacesUtils.annotations.removeItemAnnotation(itemId, PARENT_ANNO);
onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {},
onEndUpdateBatch: function () {},
onBeforeItemRemoved: function () {},
onItemVisited: function () {}