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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
* Tests that VariablesView methods responsible for styling variables
* as overridden work properly.
const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_scope-variable-2.html";
function test() {
Task.spawn(function() {
let [tab, debuggee, panel] = yield initDebugger(TAB_URL);
let win = panel.panelWin;
let events = win.EVENTS;
let variables = win.DebuggerView.Variables;
// Allow this generator function to yield first.
executeSoon(() => debuggee.test());
yield waitForSourceAndCaretAndScopes(panel, ".html", 23);
let firstScope = variables.getScopeAtIndex(0);
let secondScope = variables.getScopeAtIndex(1);
let thirdScope = variables.getScopeAtIndex(2);
let globalScope = variables.getScopeAtIndex(3);
ok(firstScope, "The first scope is available.");
ok(secondScope, "The second scope is available.");
ok(thirdScope, "The third scope is available.");
ok(globalScope, "The global scope is available.");
is(firstScope.name, "Function scope [secondNest]",
"The first scope's name is correct.");
is(secondScope.name, "Function scope [firstNest]",
"The second scope's name is correct.");
is(thirdScope.name, "Function scope [test]",
"The third scope's name is correct.");
is(globalScope.name, "Global scope [Window]",
"The global scope's name is correct.");
is(firstScope.expanded, true,
"The first scope's expansion state is correct.");
is(secondScope.expanded, false,
"The second scope's expansion state is correct.");
is(thirdScope.expanded, false,
"The third scope's expansion state is correct.");
is(globalScope.expanded, false,
"The global scope's expansion state is correct.");
is(firstScope._store.size, 3,
"The first scope should have all the variables available.");
is(secondScope._store.size, 0,
"The second scope should have no variables available yet.");
is(thirdScope._store.size, 0,
"The third scope should have no variables available yet.");
is(globalScope._store.size, 0,
"The global scope should have no variables available yet.");
// Test getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty with simple variables.
let thisVar = firstScope.get("this");
let thisOwner = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(thisVar);
is(thisOwner, firstScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (1).");
let someVar1 = firstScope.get("a");
let someOwner1 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(someVar1);
is(someOwner1, firstScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (2).");
// Test getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty with first-degree properties.
let argsVar1 = firstScope.get("arguments");
let fetched = waitForDebuggerEvents(panel, events.FETCHED_PROPERTIES);
yield fetched;
let calleeProp1 = argsVar1.get("callee");
let calleeOwner1 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(calleeProp1);
is(calleeOwner1, firstScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (3).");
// Test getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty with second-degree properties.
let protoVar1 = argsVar1.get("__proto__");
fetched = waitForDebuggerEvents(panel, events.FETCHED_PROPERTIES);
yield fetched;
let constrProp1 = protoVar1.get("constructor");
let constrOwner1 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(constrProp1);
is(constrOwner1, firstScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (4).");
// Test getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty with a simple variable
// from non-topmost scopes.
// Only need to wait for a single FETCHED_VARIABLES event, just for the
// global scope, because the other local scopes already have the
// arguments and variables available as evironment bindings.
fetched = waitForDebuggerEvents(panel, events.FETCHED_VARIABLES);
yield fetched;
let someVar2 = secondScope.get("a");
let someOwner2 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(someVar2);
is(someOwner2, secondScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (5).");
let someVar3 = thirdScope.get("a");
let someOwner3 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(someVar3);
is(someOwner3, thirdScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (6).");
// Test getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty with first-degree properies
// from non-topmost scopes.
let argsVar2 = secondScope.get("arguments");
fetched = waitForDebuggerEvents(panel, events.FETCHED_PROPERTIES);
yield fetched;
let calleeProp2 = argsVar2.get("callee");
let calleeOwner2 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(calleeProp2);
is(calleeOwner2, secondScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (7).");
let argsVar3 = thirdScope.get("arguments");
fetched = waitForDebuggerEvents(panel, events.FETCHED_PROPERTIES);
yield fetched;
let calleeProp3 = argsVar3.get("callee");
let calleeOwner3 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(calleeProp3);
is(calleeOwner3, thirdScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (8).");
// Test getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty with second-degree properties
// from non-topmost scopes.
let protoVar2 = argsVar2.get("__proto__");
fetched = waitForDebuggerEvents(panel, events.FETCHED_PROPERTIES);
yield fetched;
let constrProp2 = protoVar2.get("constructor");
let constrOwner2 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(constrProp2);
is(constrOwner2, secondScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (9).");
let protoVar3 = argsVar3.get("__proto__");
fetched = waitForDebuggerEvents(panel, events.FETCHED_PROPERTIES);
yield fetched;
let constrProp3 = protoVar3.get("constructor");
let constrOwner3 = variables.getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty(constrProp3);
is(constrOwner3, thirdScope,
"The getOwnerScopeForVariableOrProperty method works properly (10).");
// Test getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty with simple variables.
let varOwners1 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(someVar1);
let varOwners2 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(someVar2);
let varOwners3 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(someVar3);
is(varOwners1.length, 0,
"There should be no owner scopes for the first variable.");
is(varOwners2.length, 1,
"There should be one owner scope for the second variable.");
is(varOwners2[0], firstScope,
"The only owner scope for the second variable is correct.");
is(varOwners3.length, 2,
"There should be two owner scopes for the third variable.");
is(varOwners3[0], firstScope,
"The first owner scope for the third variable is correct.");
is(varOwners3[1], secondScope,
"The second owner scope for the third variable is correct.");
// Test getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty with first-degree properties.
let propOwners1 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(calleeProp1);
let propOwners2 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(calleeProp2);
let propOwners3 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(calleeProp3);
is(propOwners1.length, 0,
"There should be no owner scopes for the first property.");
is(propOwners2.length, 1,
"There should be one owner scope for the second property.");
is(propOwners2[0], firstScope,
"The only owner scope for the second property is correct.");
is(propOwners3.length, 2,
"There should be two owner scopes for the third property.");
is(propOwners3[0], firstScope,
"The first owner scope for the third property is correct.");
is(propOwners3[1], secondScope,
"The second owner scope for the third property is correct.");
// Test getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty with second-degree properties.
let secPropOwners1 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(constrProp1);
let secPropOwners2 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(constrProp2);
let secPropOwners3 = variables.getParentScopesForVariableOrProperty(constrProp3);
is(secPropOwners1.length, 0,
"There should be no owner scopes for the first inner property.");
is(secPropOwners2.length, 1,
"There should be one owner scope for the second inner property.");
is(secPropOwners2[0], firstScope,
"The only owner scope for the second inner property is correct.");
is(secPropOwners3.length, 2,
"There should be two owner scopes for the third inner property.");
is(secPropOwners3[0], firstScope,
"The first owner scope for the third inner property is correct.");
is(secPropOwners3[1], secondScope,
"The second owner scope for the third inner property is correct.");
yield resumeDebuggerThenCloseAndFinish(panel);