Kartikaya Gupta f5f0ff5641 Bug 907754 - Ensure that the zoom on the FrameMetrics is initialized correctly for all frames. r=tn
RecordFrameMetrics gets called on a variety of layers. Previously it would
incorrectly set mZoom for a number of these layers. For scrollable container
layers inside the main document, it would set the mResolution from the
presShell's resolution, thus compounding the painted resolution.
Furthermore, for iframes inside the document, it would assign mZoom the
value from TabChild's mLastMetrics, which is only meant to apply to the
top-level document. Prior to multi-apzc work these values were never used
so it didn't matter but now they are so they should be assigned correctly.
2013-08-30 13:11:01 -04:00

509 lines
20 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; -*- */
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 : */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_TabChild_h
#define mozilla_dom_TabChild_h
#include "mozilla/dom/PBrowserChild.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "PCOMContentPermissionRequestChild.h"
#endif /* DEBUG */
#include "nsIWebNavigation.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsEventDispatcher.h"
#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome2.h"
#include "nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow.h"
#include "nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus.h"
#include "nsIWidget.h"
#include "nsIDOMEventListener.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
#include "nsIWindowProvider.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsIDocShell.h"
#include "nsIDocShellTreeItem.h"
#include "nsIDocShellTreeOwner.h"
#include "nsIDocument.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
#include "nsFrameMessageManager.h"
#include "nsIWebProgressListener.h"
#include "nsDOMEventTargetHelper.h"
#include "nsIDialogCreator.h"
#include "nsIDialogParamBlock.h"
#include "nsIPresShell.h"
#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
#include "nsIScriptObjectPrincipal.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsITabChild.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "FrameMetrics.h"
#include "ProcessUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TabContext.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h"
struct gfxMatrix;
class nsICachedFileDescriptorListener;
class nsIDOMWindowUtils;
namespace mozilla {
namespace layout {
class RenderFrameChild;
namespace layers {
struct TextureFactoryIdentifier;
namespace dom {
class TabChild;
class PContentDialogChild;
class ClonedMessageData;
class TabChildGlobal : public nsDOMEventTargetHelper,
public nsIContentFrameMessageManager,
public nsIScriptObjectPrincipal
TabChildGlobal(TabChild* aTabChild);
void Init();
NS_IMETHOD SendSyncMessage(const nsAString& aMessageName,
const JS::Value& aObject,
const JS::Value& aRemote,
JSContext* aCx,
uint8_t aArgc,
JS::Value* aRetval)
return mMessageManager
? mMessageManager->SendSyncMessage(aMessageName, aObject, aRemote, aCx, aArgc, aRetval)
NS_IMETHOD GetContent(nsIDOMWindow** aContent) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
NS_IMETHOD GetDocShell(nsIDocShell** aDocShell) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
NS_IMETHOD Dump(const nsAString& aStr) MOZ_OVERRIDE
return mMessageManager ? mMessageManager->Dump(aStr) : NS_OK;
NS_IMETHOD PrivateNoteIntentionalCrash() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
NS_IMETHOD Btoa(const nsAString& aBinaryData,
nsAString& aAsciiBase64String) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
NS_IMETHOD Atob(const nsAString& aAsciiString,
nsAString& aBinaryData) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
NS_IMETHOD AddEventListener(const nsAString& aType,
nsIDOMEventListener* aListener,
bool aUseCapture)
// By default add listeners only for trusted events!
return nsDOMEventTargetHelper::AddEventListener(aType, aListener,
aUseCapture, false, 2);
using nsDOMEventTargetHelper::AddEventListener;
NS_IMETHOD AddEventListener(const nsAString& aType,
nsIDOMEventListener* aListener,
bool aUseCapture, bool aWantsUntrusted,
uint8_t optional_argc) MOZ_OVERRIDE
return nsDOMEventTargetHelper::AddEventListener(aType, aListener,
PreHandleEvent(nsEventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor)
aVisitor.mForceContentDispatch = true;
return NS_OK;
virtual JSContext* GetJSContextForEventHandlers() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipal() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContentFrameMessageManager> mMessageManager;
TabChild* mTabChild;
class ContentListener MOZ_FINAL : public nsIDOMEventListener
ContentListener(TabChild* aTabChild) : mTabChild(aTabChild) {}
TabChild* mTabChild;
class TabChild : public PBrowserChild,
public nsFrameScriptExecutor,
public nsIWebBrowserChrome2,
public nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow,
public nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus,
public nsIInterfaceRequestor,
public nsIWindowProvider,
public nsIDOMEventListener,
public nsIWebProgressListener,
public nsSupportsWeakReference,
public nsIDialogCreator,
public nsITabChild,
public nsIObserver,
public ipc::MessageManagerCallback,
public TabContext
typedef mozilla::dom::ClonedMessageData ClonedMessageData;
typedef mozilla::layout::RenderFrameChild RenderFrameChild;
typedef mozilla::layout::ScrollingBehavior ScrollingBehavior;
* This is expected to be called off the critical path to content
* startup. This is an opportunity to load things that are slow
* on the critical path.
static void PreloadSlowThings();
/** Return a TabChild with the given attributes. */
static already_AddRefed<TabChild>
Create(ContentChild* aManager, const TabContext& aContext, uint32_t aChromeFlags);
virtual ~TabChild();
bool IsRootContentDocument();
* MessageManagerCallback methods that we override.
virtual bool DoSendSyncMessage(JSContext* aCx,
const nsAString& aMessage,
const mozilla::dom::StructuredCloneData& aData,
JS::Handle<JSObject *> aCpows,
InfallibleTArray<nsString>* aJSONRetVal);
virtual bool DoSendAsyncMessage(JSContext* aCx,
const nsAString& aMessage,
const mozilla::dom::StructuredCloneData& aData,
JS::Handle<JSObject *> aCpows);
virtual bool RecvLoadURL(const nsCString& uri);
virtual bool RecvCacheFileDescriptor(const nsString& aPath,
const FileDescriptor& aFileDescriptor)
virtual bool RecvShow(const nsIntSize& size);
virtual bool RecvUpdateDimensions(const nsRect& rect, const nsIntSize& size, const ScreenOrientation& orientation);
virtual bool RecvUpdateFrame(const mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics& aFrameMetrics);
virtual bool RecvHandleDoubleTap(const CSSIntPoint& aPoint);
virtual bool RecvHandleSingleTap(const CSSIntPoint& aPoint);
virtual bool RecvHandleLongTap(const CSSIntPoint& aPoint);
virtual bool RecvActivate();
virtual bool RecvDeactivate();
virtual bool RecvMouseEvent(const nsString& aType,
const float& aX,
const float& aY,
const int32_t& aButton,
const int32_t& aClickCount,
const int32_t& aModifiers,
const bool& aIgnoreRootScrollFrame);
virtual bool RecvRealMouseEvent(const nsMouseEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvRealKeyEvent(const nsKeyEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvMouseWheelEvent(const mozilla::widget::WheelEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvRealTouchEvent(const nsTouchEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvRealTouchMoveEvent(const nsTouchEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvKeyEvent(const nsString& aType,
const int32_t& aKeyCode,
const int32_t& aCharCode,
const int32_t& aModifiers,
const bool& aPreventDefault);
virtual bool RecvCompositionEvent(const nsCompositionEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvTextEvent(const nsTextEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvSelectionEvent(const nsSelectionEvent& event);
virtual bool RecvActivateFrameEvent(const nsString& aType, const bool& capture);
virtual bool RecvLoadRemoteScript(const nsString& aURL);
virtual bool RecvAsyncMessage(const nsString& aMessage,
const ClonedMessageData& aData,
const InfallibleTArray<CpowEntry>& aCpows);
virtual PDocumentRendererChild*
AllocPDocumentRendererChild(const nsRect& documentRect, const gfxMatrix& transform,
const nsString& bgcolor,
const uint32_t& renderFlags, const bool& flushLayout,
const nsIntSize& renderSize);
virtual bool DeallocPDocumentRendererChild(PDocumentRendererChild* actor);
virtual bool RecvPDocumentRendererConstructor(PDocumentRendererChild* actor,
const nsRect& documentRect,
const gfxMatrix& transform,
const nsString& bgcolor,
const uint32_t& renderFlags,
const bool& flushLayout,
const nsIntSize& renderSize);
virtual PContentDialogChild* AllocPContentDialogChild(const uint32_t&,
const nsCString&,
const nsCString&,
const InfallibleTArray<int>&,
const InfallibleTArray<nsString>&);
virtual bool DeallocPContentDialogChild(PContentDialogChild* aDialog);
static void ParamsToArrays(nsIDialogParamBlock* aParams,
InfallibleTArray<int>& aIntParams,
InfallibleTArray<nsString>& aStringParams);
static void ArraysToParams(const InfallibleTArray<int>& aIntParams,
const InfallibleTArray<nsString>& aStringParams,
nsIDialogParamBlock* aParams);
#ifdef DEBUG
virtual PContentPermissionRequestChild* SendPContentPermissionRequestConstructor(PContentPermissionRequestChild* aActor,
const nsCString& aType,
const nsCString& aAccess,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal)
PCOMContentPermissionRequestChild* child = static_cast<PCOMContentPermissionRequestChild*>(aActor);
PContentPermissionRequestChild* request = PBrowserChild::SendPContentPermissionRequestConstructor(aActor, aType, aAccess, aPrincipal);
child->mIPCOpen = true;
return request;
#endif /* DEBUG */
virtual PContentPermissionRequestChild* AllocPContentPermissionRequestChild(const nsCString& aType,
const nsCString& aAccess,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal);
virtual bool DeallocPContentPermissionRequestChild(PContentPermissionRequestChild* actor);
virtual POfflineCacheUpdateChild* AllocPOfflineCacheUpdateChild(
const URIParams& manifestURI,
const URIParams& documentURI,
const bool& stickDocument);
virtual bool DeallocPOfflineCacheUpdateChild(POfflineCacheUpdateChild* offlineCacheUpdate);
nsIWebNavigation* WebNavigation() { return mWebNav; }
nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipal() { return mPrincipal; }
/** Return the DPI of the widget this TabChild draws to. */
void GetDPI(float* aDPI);
void GetDefaultScale(double *aScale);
ScreenOrientation GetOrientation() { return mOrientation; }
void SetBackgroundColor(const nscolor& aColor);
void NotifyPainted();
bool IsAsyncPanZoomEnabled();
/** Return a boolean indicating if the page has called preventDefault on
* the event.
bool DispatchMouseEvent(const nsString& aType,
const CSSPoint& aPoint,
const int32_t& aButton,
const int32_t& aClickCount,
const int32_t& aModifiers,
const bool& aIgnoreRootScrollFrame);
* Signal to this TabChild that it should be made visible:
* activated widget, retained layer tree, etc. (Respectively,
* made not visible.)
void MakeVisible();
void MakeHidden();
// Returns true if the file descriptor was found in the cache, false
// otherwise.
bool GetCachedFileDescriptor(const nsAString& aPath,
nsICachedFileDescriptorListener* aCallback);
void CancelCachedFileDescriptorCallback(
const nsAString& aPath,
nsICachedFileDescriptorListener* aCallback);
ContentChild* Manager() { return mManager; }
bool GetUpdateHitRegion() { return mUpdateHitRegion; }
void UpdateHitRegion(const nsRegion& aRegion);
virtual PRenderFrameChild* AllocPRenderFrameChild(ScrollingBehavior* aScrolling,
TextureFactoryIdentifier* aTextureFactoryIdentifier,
uint64_t* aLayersId) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool DeallocPRenderFrameChild(PRenderFrameChild* aFrame) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool RecvDestroy() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool RecvSetUpdateHitRegion(const bool& aEnabled) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
nsEventStatus DispatchWidgetEvent(nsGUIEvent& event);
virtual PIndexedDBChild* AllocPIndexedDBChild(const nsCString& aASCIIOrigin,
bool* /* aAllowed */);
virtual bool DeallocPIndexedDBChild(PIndexedDBChild* aActor);
* Create a new TabChild object.
* |aOwnOrContainingAppId| is the app-id of our frame or of the closest app
* frame in the hierarchy which contains us.
* |aIsBrowserElement| indicates whether we're a browser (but not an app).
TabChild(ContentChild* aManager, const TabContext& aContext, uint32_t aChromeFlags);
nsresult Init();
// Notify others that our TabContext has been updated. (At the moment, this
// sets the appropriate app-id and is-browser flags on our docshell.)
// You should call this after calling TabContext::SetTabContext(). We also
// call this during Init().
void NotifyTabContextUpdated();
bool UseDirectCompositor();
void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why);
bool InitTabChildGlobal(FrameScriptLoading aScriptLoading = DEFAULT_LOAD_SCRIPTS);
bool InitRenderingState();
void DestroyWindow();
void SetProcessNameToAppName();
bool ProcessUpdateFrame(const mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics& aFrameMetrics);
bool ProcessUpdateSubframe(nsIContent* aContent, const FrameMetrics& aMetrics);
// Call RecvShow(nsIntSize(0, 0)) and block future calls to RecvShow().
void DoFakeShow();
// Wrapper for nsIDOMWindowUtils.setCSSViewport(). This updates some state
// variables local to this class before setting it.
void SetCSSViewport(const CSSSize& aSize);
// Recalculates the display state, including the CSS
// viewport. This should be called whenever we believe the
// viewport data on a document may have changed. If it didn't
// change, this function doesn't do anything. However, it should
// not be called all the time as it is fairly expensive.
void HandlePossibleViewportChange();
// Wraps up a JSON object as a structured clone and sends it to the browser
// chrome script.
// XXX/bug 780335: Do the work the browser chrome script does in C++ instead
// so we don't need things like this.
void DispatchMessageManagerMessage(const nsAString& aMessageName,
const nsACString& aJSONData);
void DispatchSynthesizedMouseEvent(uint32_t aMsg, uint64_t aTime,
const LayoutDevicePoint& aRefPoint);
// These methods are used for tracking synthetic mouse events
// dispatched for compatibility. On each touch event, we
// UpdateTapState(). If we've detected that the current gesture
// isn't a tap, then we CancelTapTracking(). In the meantime, we
// may detect a context-menu event, and if so we
// FireContextMenuEvent().
void FireContextMenuEvent();
void CancelTapTracking();
void UpdateTapState(const nsTouchEvent& aEvent, nsEventStatus aStatus);
BrowserFrameProvideWindow(nsIDOMWindow* aOpener,
const nsAString& aName,
const nsACString& aFeatures,
bool* aWindowIsNew,
nsIDOMWindow** aReturn);
// Get the DOMWindowUtils for the top-level window in this tab.
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMWindowUtils> GetDOMWindowUtils();
class CachedFileDescriptorInfo;
class CachedFileDescriptorCallbackRunnable;
TextureFactoryIdentifier mTextureFactoryIdentifier;
nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> mWebNav;
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mWidget;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mLastURI;
FrameMetrics mLastMetrics;
RenderFrameChild* mRemoteFrame;
nsRefPtr<ContentChild> mManager;
nsRefPtr<TabChildGlobal> mTabChildGlobal;
uint32_t mChromeFlags;
nsIntRect mOuterRect;
ScreenIntSize mInnerSize;
// When we're tracking a possible tap gesture, this is the "down"
// point of the touchstart.
LayoutDevicePoint mGestureDownPoint;
// The touch identifier of the active gesture.
int32_t mActivePointerId;
// A timer task that fires if the tap-hold timeout is exceeded by
// the touch we're tracking. That is, if touchend or a touchmove
// that exceeds the gesture threshold doesn't happen.
CancelableTask* mTapHoldTimer;
// Whether we have already received a FileDescriptor for the app package.
bool mAppPackageFileDescriptorRecved;
// At present only 1 of these is really expected.
nsAutoTArray<nsAutoPtr<CachedFileDescriptorInfo>, 1>
float mOldViewportWidth;
nscolor mLastBackgroundColor;
ScrollingBehavior mScrolling;
bool mDidFakeShow;
bool mNotified;
bool mContentDocumentIsDisplayed;
bool mTriedBrowserInit;
ScreenOrientation mOrientation;
bool mUpdateHitRegion;
inline TabChild*
GetTabChildFrom(nsIDocShell* aDocShell)
nsCOMPtr<nsITabChild> tc = do_GetInterface(aDocShell);
return static_cast<TabChild*>(tc.get());
inline TabChild*
GetTabChildFrom(nsIPresShell* aPresShell)
nsIDocument* doc = aPresShell->GetDocument();
if (!doc) {
return nullptr;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> container = doc->GetContainer();
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(do_QueryInterface(container));
return GetTabChildFrom(docShell);
inline TabChild*
GetTabChildFrom(nsIDOMWindow* aWindow)
nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> webNav = do_GetInterface(aWindow);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryInterface(webNav);
return GetTabChildFrom(docShell);
#endif // mozilla_dom_TabChild_h