2014-09-12 10:18:49 +08:00

4297 lines
174 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* The prefs in this file are shipped with the GRE and should apply to all
* embedding situations. Application-specific preferences belong somewhere else,
* for example xpfe/bootstrap/browser-prefs.js
* Platform-specific #ifdefs at the end of this file override the generic
* entries at the top.
* - Dashes are delimiters; use underscores instead.
* - The first character after a period must be alphabetic.
* - Computed values (e.g. 50 * 1024) don't work.
pref("keyword.enabled", false);
pref("general.useragent.locale", "chrome://global/locale/");
pref("general.useragent.compatMode.firefox", false);
// This pref exists only for testing purposes. In order to disable all
// overrides by default, don't initialize UserAgentOverrides.jsm.
pref("general.useragent.site_specific_overrides", true);
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 13); // for MCD .cfg files
pref("general.warnOnAboutConfig", true);
// maximum number of dated backups to keep at any time
pref("browser.bookmarks.max_backups", 5);
// Delete HTTP cache v1 data
pref("browser.cache.auto_delete_cache_version", 0);
// Preference for switching the cache backend, can be changed freely at runtime
// 0 - use the old (Darin's) cache
// 1 - use the new cache back-end (cache v2)
pref("browser.cache.use_new_backend", 0);
pref("browser.cache.use_new_backend_temp", true);
pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", true);
// Is this the first-time smartsizing has been introduced?
pref("browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run", true);
// Does the user want smart-sizing?
pref("browser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabled", true);
// Which max value should we use for smart-sizing?
pref("browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max", true);
// Size (in KB) explicitly set by the user. Used when smart_size.enabled == false
pref("browser.cache.disk.capacity", 256000);
// When smartsizing is disabled we could potentially fill all disk space by
// cache data when the disk capacity is not set correctly. To avoid that we
// check the free space every time we write some data to the cache. The free
// space is checked against two limits. Once the soft limit is reached we start
// evicting the least useful entries, when we reach the hard limit writing to
// the entry fails.
pref("browser.cache.disk.free_space_soft_limit", 5120); // 5MB
pref("browser.cache.disk.free_space_hard_limit", 1024); // 1MB
// Max-size (in KB) for entries in disk cache. Set to -1 for no limit.
// (Note: entries bigger than 1/8 of disk-cache are never cached)
pref("browser.cache.disk.max_entry_size", 51200); // 50 MB
pref("browser.cache.memory.enable", true);
// -1 = determine dynamically, 0 = none, n = memory capacity in kilobytes
//pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", -1);
// Max-size (in KB) for entries in memory cache. Set to -1 for no limit.
// (Note: entries bigger than than 90% of the mem-cache are never cached)
pref("browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size", 5120);
// Memory limit (in kB) for new cache data not yet written to disk. Writes to
// the cache are buffered and written to disk on background with low priority.
// With a slow persistent storage these buffers may grow when data is coming
// fast from the network. When the amount of unwritten data is exceeded, new
// writes will simply fail. We have two buckets, one for important data
// (priority) like html, css, fonts and js, and one for other data like images,
// video, etc.
// Note: 0 means no limit.
pref("browser.cache.disk.max_chunks_memory_usage", 10240);
pref("browser.cache.disk.max_priority_chunks_memory_usage", 10240);
pref("browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl", true);
// 0 = once-per-session, 1 = each-time, 2 = never, 3 = when-appropriate/automatically
pref("browser.cache.check_doc_frequency", 3);
// Limit of recent metadata we keep in memory for faster access, in Kb
pref("browser.cache.disk.metadata_memory_limit", 250); // 0.25 MB
// The number of chunks we preload ahead of read. One chunk has currently 256kB.
pref("browser.cache.disk.preload_chunk_count", 4); // 1 MB of read ahead
// The half life used to re-compute cache entries frecency in hours.
pref("browser.cache.frecency_half_life_hours", 6);
pref("browser.cache.offline.enable", true);
// enable offline apps by default, disable prompt
pref("offline-apps.allow_by_default", true);
// offline cache capacity in kilobytes
pref("browser.cache.offline.capacity", 512000);
// the user should be warned if offline app disk usage exceeds this amount
// (in kilobytes)
pref("offline-apps.quota.warn", 51200);
// zlib compression level used for cache compression:
// 0 => disable compression
// 1 => best speed
// 9 => best compression
// cache compression turned off for now - see bug #715198
pref("browser.cache.compression_level", 0);
// Whether or not MozAbortablePromise is enabled.
pref("dom.abortablepromise.enabled", false);
// Whether or not testing features are enabled.
pref("dom.quotaManager.testing", false);
// Whether or not indexedDB is enabled.
pref("dom.indexedDB.enabled", true);
// Space to allow indexedDB databases before prompting (in MB).
pref("dom.indexedDB.warningQuota", 50);
// Whether or not indexedDB experimental features are enabled.
pref("dom.indexedDB.experimental", false);
// Whether or not Web Workers are enabled.
pref("dom.workers.enabled", true);
// The number of workers per domain allowed to run concurrently.
pref("dom.workers.maxPerDomain", 20);
// Whether or not Shared Web Workers are enabled.
pref("dom.workers.sharedWorkers.enabled", true);
// Service workers
pref("dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", false);
// Whether nonzero values can be returned from performance.timing.*
pref("dom.enable_performance", true);
// Whether resource timing will be gathered and returned by performance.GetEntries*
pref("dom.enable_resource_timing", false);
// Whether the Gamepad API is enabled
pref("dom.gamepad.enabled", true);
pref("dom.gamepad.non_standard_events.enabled", false);
pref("dom.gamepad.non_standard_events.enabled", true);
// Whether the KeyboardEvent.code is enabled
pref("dom.keyboardevent.code.enabled", false);
pref("dom.keyboardevent.code.enabled", true);
// Whether the WebCrypto API is enabled
pref("dom.webcrypto.enabled", false);
pref("dom.webcrypto.enabled", true);
// Whether the UndoManager API is enabled
pref("dom.undo_manager.enabled", false);
// Whether to run add-on code in different compartments from browser code. This
// causes a separate compartment for each (addon, global) combination, which may
// significantly increase the number of compartments in the system.
pref("dom.compartment_per_addon", false);
// Fastback caching - if this pref is negative, then we calculate the number
// of content viewers to cache based on the amount of available memory.
pref("browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers", -1);
pref("ui.use_native_colors", true);
pref("ui.click_hold_context_menus", false);
pref("browser.display.use_document_fonts", 1); // 0 = never, 1 = quick, 2 = always
pref("browser.display.use_document_colors", true);
pref("browser.display.use_system_colors", false);
pref("browser.display.foreground_color", "#000000");
pref("browser.display.background_color", "#FFFFFF");
pref("browser.display.force_inline_alttext", false); // true = force ALT text for missing images to be layed out inline
// 0 = no external leading,
// 1 = use external leading only when font provides,
// 2 = add extra leading both internal leading and external leading are zero
pref("browser.display.normal_lineheight_calc_control", 2);
pref("browser.display.show_image_placeholders", true); // true = show image placeholders while image is loaded and when image is broken
// min font device pixel size at which to turn on high quality
pref("browser.display.auto_quality_min_font_size", 20);
pref("browser.anchor_color", "#0000EE");
pref("browser.active_color", "#EE0000");
pref("browser.visited_color", "#551A8B");
pref("browser.underline_anchors", true);
pref("browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing", false);
pref("browser.enable_click_image_resizing", true);
// See
pref("browser.autofocus", true);
// See
pref("browser.send_pings", false);
pref("browser.send_pings.max_per_link", 1); // limit the number of pings that are sent per link click
pref("browser.send_pings.require_same_host", false); // only send pings to the same host if this is true
pref("browser.display.use_focus_colors", false);
pref("browser.display.focus_background_color", "#117722");
pref("browser.display.focus_text_color", "#ffffff");
pref("browser.display.focus_ring_width", 1);
pref("browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything", false);
// focus ring border style.
// 0 = solid border, 1 = dotted border
pref("browser.display.focus_ring_style", 1);
pref("browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force", false);
pref("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "");
pref("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile", "");
pref("browser.helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit", false);
// xxxbsmedberg: where should prefs for the toolkit go?
pref("", true);
// 0 = Pictures Only, 1 = Text Only, 2 = Pictures and Text
pref("", 2);
// max image size for which it is placed in the tab icon for tabbrowser.
// if 0, no images are used for tab icons for image documents.
pref("", 1024);
pref("browser.triple_click_selects_paragraph", true);
// Print/Preview Shrink-To-Fit won't shrink below 20% for text-ish documents.
pref("print.shrink-to-fit.scale-limit-percent", 20);
// Media cache size in kilobytes
pref("media.cache_size", 512000);
// Master HTML5 media volume scale.
pref("media.volume_scale", "1.0");
// Timeout for wakelock release
pref("media.wakelock_timeout", 2000);
// Whether we should play videos opened in a "video document", i.e. videos
// opened as top-level documents, as opposed to inside a media element.
pref("", true);
#ifdef MOZ_WMF
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("media.directshow.enabled", true);
#ifdef MOZ_FMP4
pref("media.fragmented-mp4.enabled", true);
pref("media.fragmented-mp4.ffmpeg.enabled", false);
#if defined(XP_WIN) && defined(MOZ_WMF) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
// Denotes that the fragmented MP4 parser can be created by <video> elements.
pref("", true);
pref("", false);
// Specifies whether the fragmented MP4 parser uses a test decoder that
// just outputs blank frames/audio instead of actually decoding. The blank
// decoder works on all platforms.
pref("media.fragmented-mp4.use-blank-decoder", false);
#ifdef MOZ_RAW
pref("media.raw.enabled", true);
pref("media.ogg.enabled", true);
#ifdef MOZ_OPUS
pref("media.opus.enabled", true);
#ifdef MOZ_WAVE
pref("media.wave.enabled", true);
#ifdef MOZ_WEBM
pref("media.webm.enabled", true);
pref("media.gstreamer.enabled", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("media.navigator.enabled", true);
pref("", true);
pref("media.navigator.load_adapt", true);
pref("media.webrtc.debug.trace_mask", 0);
pref("media.webrtc.debug.multi_log", false);
pref("media.webrtc.debug.aec_log_dir", "");
pref("media.webrtc.debug.log_file", "");
pref("media.webrtc.debug.aec_dump_max_size", 4194304); // 4MB
pref("media.peerconnection.enabled", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", 1200); // 640x480 == 1200mb
pref("", 30);
pref("", 12); // 0x42E00C - level 1.2
pref("", 700); // 8x10
pref("", 11880); // CIF@30fps
pref("", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec", 4);
// Gonk typically captures at QVGA, and so min resolution is QQVGA or
// 160x120; 100Kbps is plenty for that.
pref("", 100);
pref("", 220);
pref("", 1000);
pref("",0); // adaptive default
pref("",0); // adaptive default
pref("media.peerconnection.enabled", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", 0); // unrestricted
pref("", 0); // unrestricted
pref("", 31); // 0x42E01f - level 3.1
pref("", 0);
pref("", 0);
pref("", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec", 1);
pref("media.getusermedia.browser.enabled", true);
// Desktop is typically VGA capture or more; and qm_select will not drop resolution
// below 1/2 in each dimension (or so), so QVGA (320x200) is the lowest here usually.
pref("", 200);
pref("", 300);
pref("", 2000);
pref("media.navigator.permission.disabled", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.default_iceservers", "[{\"url\": \"\"}]");
pref("media.peerconnection.trickle_ice", true);
pref("media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers", true);
// Do not enable identity before ensuring that the UX cannot be spoofed
// see Bug 884573 for details
// Do not enable identity before fixing domain comparison: see Bug 958741
// Do not enable identity before fixing origin spoofing: see Bug 968335
pref("media.peerconnection.identity.enabled", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.identity.timeout", 10000);
// These values (aec, agc, and noice) are from media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc/common_types.h
// kXxxUnchanged = 0, kXxxDefault = 1, and higher values are specific to each
// setting (for Xxx = Ec, Agc, or Ns). Defaults are all set to kXxxDefault here.
pref("media.peerconnection.turn.disable", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec_enabled", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.agc_enabled", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.agc", 1);
pref("media.getusermedia.noise_enabled", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.noise", 1);
// Adjustments for OS-specific input delay (lower bound)
// Adjustments for OS-specific AudioStream+cubeb+output delay (lower bound)
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 50);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 10);
#elif defined(XP_WIN)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 50);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 40);
#elif defined(ANDROID)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 100);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 100);
// Whether to enable Webrtc Hardware acceleration support
pref("media.navigator.hardware.vp8_encode.acceleration_enabled", false);
pref("media.navigator.hardware.vp8_decode.acceleration_enabled", false);
#elif defined(XP_LINUX)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 70);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 50);
// *BSD, others - merely a guess for now
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 50);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 50);
#if !defined(ANDROID)
pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains", "");
// temporary value, not intended for release - bug 1049087
pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains", "");
// OS/X 10.6 and XP have screen/window sharing off by default due to various issues - Caveat emptor
pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.allow_on_old_platforms", false);
// TextTrack support
pref("media.webvtt.enabled", true);
pref("media.webvtt.regions.enabled", false);
// AudioTrack and VideoTrack support
pref("media.track.enabled", false);
// Whether to enable MediaSource support
pref("media.mediasource.enabled", false);
pref("media.webspeech.recognition.enable", false);
pref("media.webspeech.synth.enabled", false);
pref("media.encoder.webm.enabled", true);
pref("media.encoder.omx.enabled", true);
// Whether to autostart a media element with an |autoplay| attribute
pref("media.autoplay.enabled", true);
// The default number of decoded video frames that are enqueued in
// MediaDecoderReader's mVideoQueue.
pref("", 10);
// Whether to disable the video stats to prevent fingerprinting
pref("media.video_stats.enabled", true);
// Whether to enable the audio writing APIs on the audio element
pref("media.audio_data.enabled", false);
// Whether to use async panning and zooming
pref("layers.async-pan-zoom.enabled", false);
// Whether to enable containerless async scrolling
pref("layout.async-containerless-scrolling.enabled", true);
// APZ preferences. For documentation/details on what these prefs do, check
// gfx/layers/apz/src/AsyncPanZoomController.cpp.
pref("apz.allow_checkerboarding", true);
pref("apz.asyncscroll.throttle", 100);
pref("apz.asyncscroll.timeout", 300);
// Whether to lock touch scrolling to one axis at a time
// 0 = FREE (No locking at all)
// 1 = STANDARD (Once locked, remain locked until scrolling ends)
// 2 = STICKY (Allow lock to be broken, with hysteresis)
pref("apz.axis_lock.mode", 0);
pref("apz.axis_lock.lock_angle", "0.5235987"); // PI / 6 (30 degrees)
pref("apz.axis_lock.breakout_threshold", "0.03125"); // 1/32 inches
pref("apz.axis_lock.breakout_angle", "0.3926991"); // PI / 8 (22.5 degrees)
pref("apz.axis_lock.direct_pan_angle", "1.047197"); // PI / 3 (60 degrees)
pref("apz.content_response_timeout", 300);
pref("apz.cross_slide.enabled", false);
pref("apz.danger_zone_x", 50);
pref("apz.danger_zone_y", 100);
pref("apz.enlarge_displayport_when_clipped", false);
pref("apz.fling_accel_base_mult", "1.0");
pref("apz.fling_accel_interval_ms", 500);
pref("apz.fling_accel_supplemental_mult", "1.0");
pref("apz.fling_friction", "0.002");
pref("apz.fling_stop_on_tap_threshold", "0.05");
pref("apz.fling_stopped_threshold", "0.01");
pref("apz.max_velocity_inches_per_ms", "-1.0");
pref("apz.max_velocity_queue_size", 5);
pref("apz.min_skate_speed", "1.0");
pref("apz.num_paint_duration_samples", 3);
pref("apz.overscroll.enabled", false);
pref("apz.overscroll.fling_friction", "0.02");
pref("apz.overscroll.fling_stopped_threshold", "0.4");
pref("apz.overscroll.stretch_factor", "0.5");
pref("apz.overscroll.snap_back.spring_stiffness", "0.6");
pref("apz.overscroll.snap_back.spring_friction", "0.1");
pref("apz.overscroll.snap_back.mass", "1000.0");
// Whether to print the APZC tree for debugging
pref("apz.printtree", false);
pref("apz.test.logging_enabled", false);
pref("apz.touch_start_tolerance", "0.2222222"); // 0.2222222 came from 1.0/4.5
pref("apz.use_paint_duration", true);
pref("apz.velocity_bias", "1.0");
pref("apz.velocity_relevance_time_ms", 150);
pref("apz.x_stationary_size_multiplier", "3.0");
pref("apz.y_stationary_size_multiplier", "3.5");
pref("apz.zoom_animation_duration_ms", 250);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// Layerize scrollable subframes to allow async panning
pref("apz.subframe.enabled", true);
pref("apz.fling_repaint_interval", 16);
pref("apz.smooth_scroll_repaint_interval", 16);
pref("apz.pan_repaint_interval", 16);
pref("apz.x_skate_size_multiplier", "2.5");
pref("apz.y_skate_size_multiplier", "3.5");
pref("apz.subframe.enabled", false);
pref("apz.fling_repaint_interval", 75);
pref("apz.smooth_scroll_repaint_interval", 75);
pref("apz.pan_repaint_interval", 250);
pref("apz.x_skate_size_multiplier", "1.5");
pref("apz.y_skate_size_multiplier", "2.5");
// APZ testing (bug 961289)
pref("apz.test.logging_enabled", false);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// Whether to run in native HiDPI mode on machines with "Retina"/HiDPI display;
// <= 0 : hidpi mode disabled, display will just use pixel-based upscaling
// == 1 : hidpi supported if all screens share the same backingScaleFactor
// >= 2 : hidpi supported even with mixed backingScaleFactors (somewhat broken)
pref("gfx.hidpi.enabled", 2);
// Whether to enable LayerScope tool and default listening port
pref("gfx.layerscope.enabled", false);
pref("gfx.layerscope.port", 23456);
// Log severe performance warnings to the error console and profiles.
// This should be use to quickly find which slow paths are used by test cases.
pref("gfx.perf-warnings.enabled", false);
// 0 = Off, 1 = Full, 2 = Tagged Images Only.
// See eCMSMode in gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.h
pref("gfx.color_management.mode", 2);
pref("gfx.color_management.display_profile", "");
pref("gfx.color_management.rendering_intent", 0);
pref("gfx.color_management.enablev4", false);
pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled", true);
pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.fallback_delay", 3000);
#ifdef ANDROID
pref("gfx.bundled_fonts.enabled", true);
pref("gfx.bundled_fonts.force-enabled", false);
pref("gfx.filter.nearest.force-enabled", false);
// prefs controlling the font (name/cmap) loader that runs shortly after startup
pref("gfx.font_loader.families_per_slice", 3); // read in info 3 families at a time
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("gfx.font_loader.delay", 120000); // 2 minutes after startup
pref("gfx.font_loader.interval", 1000); // every 1 second until complete
pref("gfx.font_loader.delay", 8000); // 8 secs after startup
pref("gfx.font_loader.interval", 50); // run every 50 ms
// whether to always search all font cmaps during system font fallback
pref("gfx.font_rendering.fallback.always_use_cmaps", false);
// cache shaped word results
pref("gfx.font_rendering.wordcache.charlimit", 32);
// cache shaped word results
pref("gfx.font_rendering.wordcache.maxentries", 10000);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.enabled", false);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.use_gdi_table_loading", true);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// comma separated list of backends to use in order of preference
// e.g., pref("", "direct2d,skia,cairo");
pref("", "direct2d,skia,cairo");
pref("", "direct2d,cairo");
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("", "cg");
pref("", "cg");
// Accelerated cg canvas where available (10.7+)
pref("", false);
pref("", "cairo");
pref("", "cairo");
pref("", "cairo");
#ifdef ANDROID
pref("", "cairo");
pref("", true);
pref("gfx.prefer-mesa-llvmpipe", false);
pref("gfx.draw-color-bars", false);
pref("accessibility.browsewithcaret", false);
pref("accessibility.warn_on_browsewithcaret", true);
pref("accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled", true);
#ifndef XP_MACOSX
// Tab focus model bit field:
// 1 focuses text controls, 2 focuses other form elements, 4 adds links.
// Most users will want 1, 3, or 7.
// On OS X, we use Full Keyboard Access system preference,
// unless accessibility.tabfocus is set by the user.
pref("accessibility.tabfocus", 7);
pref("accessibility.tabfocus_applies_to_xul", false);
// Only on mac tabfocus is expected to handle UI widgets as well as web content
pref("accessibility.tabfocus_applies_to_xul", true);
// We follow the "Click in the scrollbar to:" system preference on OS X and
// "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider" property with GTK (since 2.24 / 3.6),
// unless this preference is explicitly set.
#if !defined(XP_MACOSX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
pref("ui.scrollToClick", 0);
// provide ability to turn on support for canvas focus rings
pref("canvas.focusring.enabled", true);
pref("canvas.customfocusring.enabled", false);
pref("canvas.hitregions.enabled", false);
// Add support for canvas path objects
pref("canvas.path.enabled", true);
// We want the ability to forcibly disable platform a11y, because
// some non-a11y-related components attempt to bring it up. See bug
// 538530 for details about Windows; we have a pref here that allows it
// to be disabled for performance and testing resons.
// See bug 761589 for the crossplatform aspect.
// This pref is checked only once, and the browser needs a restart to
// pick up any changes.
// Values are -1 always on. 1 always off, 0 is auto as some platform perform
// further checks.
pref("accessibility.force_disabled", 0);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Some accessibility tools poke at windows in the plugin process during setup
// which can cause hangs. To hack around this set accessibility.delay_plugins
// to true, you can also try increasing accessibility.delay_plugin_time if your
// machine is slow and you still experience hangs.
// See bug 781791.
pref("accessibility.delay_plugins", false);
pref("accessibility.delay_plugin_time", 10000);
pref("focusmanager.testmode", false);
pref("accessibility.usetexttospeech", "");
pref("accessibility.usebrailledisplay", "");
pref("accessibility.accesskeycausesactivation", true);
pref("accessibility.mouse_focuses_formcontrol", false);
// Type Ahead Find
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart", true);
// casesensitive: controls the find bar's case-sensitivity
// 0 - "never" (case-insensitive)
// 1 - "always" (case-sensitive)
// other - "auto" (case-sensitive for mixed-case input, insensitive otherwise)
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.casesensitive", 0);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.startlinksonly", false);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout", 4000);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enabletimeout", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.soundURL", "beep");
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", true);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.prefillwithselection", false);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.prefillwithselection", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.matchesCountTimeout", 250);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.matchesCountLimit", 100);
// use Mac OS X Appearance panel text smoothing setting when rendering text, disabled by default
pref("gfx.use_text_smoothing_setting", false);
// Number of characters to consider emphasizing for rich autocomplete results
pref("toolkit.autocomplete.richBoundaryCutoff", 200);
// Variable controlling logging for osfile.
pref("toolkit.osfile.log", false);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.smoothScroll", true);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.scrollIncrement", 20);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.verticalScrollDistance", 3);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.horizontalScrollDistance", 5);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.clickToScroll.scrollDelay", 150);
pref("toolkit.telemetry.server", "");
// Telemetry server owner. Please change if you set toolkit.telemetry.server to a different server
pref("toolkit.telemetry.server_owner", "Mozilla");
// Information page about telemetry (temporary ; will be about:telemetry in the end)
pref("toolkit.telemetry.infoURL", "");
// Determines whether full SQL strings are returned when they might contain sensitive info
// i.e. dynamically constructed SQL strings or SQL executed by addons against addon DBs
pref("toolkit.telemetry.debugSlowSql", false);
// Identity module
pref("toolkit.identity.enabled", false);
pref("toolkit.identity.debug", false);
// AsyncShutdown delay before crashing in case of shutdown freeze
pref("toolkit.asyncshutdown.timeout.crash", 60000);
// Enable deprecation warnings.
pref("devtools.errorconsole.deprecation_warnings", true);
// Disable debugging chrome
pref("", false);
// Disable remote debugging protocol logging
pref("devtools.debugger.log", false);
// Disable remote debugging connections
pref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", false);
pref("devtools.debugger.remote-port", 6000);
// Force debugger server binding on the loopback interface
pref("devtools.debugger.force-local", true);
// Display a prompt when a new connection starts to accept/reject it
pref("devtools.debugger.prompt-connection", true);
// Block tools from seeing / interacting with certified apps
pref("devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps", true);
// DevTools default color unit
pref("devtools.defaultColorUnit", "hex");
// Used for devtools debugging
pref("devtools.dump.emit", false);
// Disable device discovery logging
pref("devtools.discovery.log", false);
// Disable scanning for DevTools devices via WiFi
pref("devtools.remote.wifi.scan", false);
// Hide UI options for controlling device visibility over WiFi
// N.B.: This does not set whether the device can be discovered via WiFi, only
// whether the UI control to make such a choice is shown to the user
pref("devtools.remote.wifi.visible", false);
// view source
pref("view_source.syntax_highlight", true);
pref("view_source.wrap_long_lines", false);
pref("view_source.editor.external", false);
pref("view_source.editor.path", "");
// allows to add further arguments to the editor; use the %LINE% placeholder
// for jumping to a specific line (e.g. "/line:%LINE%" or "--goto %LINE%")
pref("view_source.editor.args", "");
// When true this will word-wrap plain text documents.
pref("plain_text.wrap_long_lines", false);
// whether or not to draw images while dragging
pref("nglayout.enable_drag_images", true);
// enable/disable paint flashing --- useful for debugging
// the first one applies to everything, the second one only to chrome
pref("nglayout.debug.paint_flashing", false);
pref("nglayout.debug.paint_flashing_chrome", false);
// enable/disable widget update area flashing --- only supported with
// BasicLayers (other layer managers always update the entire widget area)
pref("nglayout.debug.widget_update_flashing", false);
// Whether image visibility is enabled globally (ie we will try to unlock images
// that are not visible).
pref("layout.imagevisibility.enabled", true);
// Whether image visibility is enabled in documents that are within a browser
// element as defined by nsDocShell::FrameType and GetInheritedFrameType. This
// pref only has an effect if layout.imagevisibility.enabled is false.
pref("layout.imagevisibility.enabled_for_browser_elements_only", false);
pref("layout.imagevisibility.numscrollportwidths", 0);
pref("layout.imagevisibility.numscrollportheights", 1);
// scrollbar snapping region
// 0 - off
// 1 and higher - slider thickness multiple
pref("slider.snapMultiplier", 0);
// option to choose plug-in finder
pref("application.use_ns_plugin_finder", false);
// URI fixup prefs
pref("browser.fixup.alternate.enabled", true);
pref("browser.fixup.alternate.prefix", "www.");
pref("browser.fixup.alternate.suffix", ".com");
pref("browser.fixup.hide_user_pass", true);
// Location Bar AutoComplete
pref("browser.urlbar.autocomplete.enabled", true);
// Print header customization
// Use the following codes:
// &T - Title
// &U - Document URL
// &D - Date/Time
// &P - Page Number
// &PT - Page Number "of" Page total
// Set each header to a string containing zero or one of these codes
// and the code will be replaced in that string by the corresponding data
pref("print.print_headerleft", "&T");
pref("print.print_headercenter", "");
pref("print.print_headerright", "&U");
pref("print.print_footerleft", "&PT");
pref("print.print_footercenter", "");
pref("print.print_footerright", "&D");
pref("print.show_print_progress", true);
// xxxbsmedberg: more toolkit prefs
// When this is set to false each window has its own PrintSettings
// and a change in one window does not affect the others
pref("print.use_global_printsettings", true);
// Save the Printings after each print job
pref("print.save_print_settings", true);
// Cache old Presentation when going into Print Preview
pref("print.always_cache_old_pres", false);
// Enables you to specify the amount of the paper that is to be treated
// as unwriteable. The print_edge_XXX and print_margin_XXX preferences
// are treated as offsets that are added to this pref.
// Default is "-1", which means "use the system default". (If there is
// no system default, then the -1 is treated as if it were 0.)
// This is used by both Printing and Print Preview.
// Units are in 1/100ths of an inch.
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_top", -1);
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_left", -1);
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_right", -1);
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_bottom", -1);
// Enables you to specify the gap from the edge of the paper's
// unwriteable area to the margin.
// This is used by both Printing and Print Preview
// Units are in 1/100ths of an inch.
pref("print.print_edge_top", 0);
pref("print.print_edge_left", 0);
pref("print.print_edge_right", 0);
pref("print.print_edge_bottom", 0);
// Pref used by the spellchecker extension to control the
// maximum number of misspelled words that will be underlined
// in a document.
pref("extensions.spellcheck.inline.max-misspellings", 500);
// Prefs used by libeditor. Prefs specific to seamonkey composer
// belong in comm-central/editor/ui/composer.js
pref("editor.use_custom_colors", false);
pref("editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines", 2);
pref("editor.use_css", false);
pref("editor.css.default_length_unit", "px");
pref("editor.resizing.preserve_ratio", true);
pref("editor.positioning.offset", 0);
// Scripts & Windows prefs
pref("dom.disable_beforeunload", false);
pref("dom.disable_image_src_set", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_flip", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_move_resize", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_status_change", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.titlebar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.close", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.toolbar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.location", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.personalbar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.menubar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.scrollbars", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.resizable", true);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.minimizable", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.status", true);
pref("dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows", false);
pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", false);
pref("dom.popup_maximum", 20);
pref("dom.popup_allowed_events", "change click dblclick mouseup reset submit touchend");
pref("dom.disable_open_click_delay", 1000);
pref("", true);
pref("", 5120);
pref("dom.send_after_paint_to_content", false);
// Timeout clamp in ms for timeouts we clamp
pref("dom.min_timeout_value", 4);
// And for background windows
pref("dom.min_background_timeout_value", 1000);
// Don't use new input types
pref("dom.experimental_forms", false);
// Enable <input type=number>:
pref("dom.forms.number", true);
// Enable <input type=color> by default. It will be turned off for remaining
// platforms which don't have a color picker implemented yet.
pref("dom.forms.color", true);
// Support for new @autocomplete values
pref("dom.forms.autocomplete.experimental", false);
// Enables requestAutocomplete DOM API on forms.
pref("dom.forms.requestAutocomplete", false);
// Enables system messages and activities
pref("dom.sysmsg.enabled", false);
// Enable pre-installed applications.
pref("dom.webapps.useCurrentProfile", false);
pref("dom.cycle_collector.incremental", true);
// Parsing perf prefs. For now just mimic what the old code did.
#ifndef XP_WIN
pref("content.sink.pending_event_mode", 0);
// Disable popups from plugins by default
// 0 = openAllowed
// 1 = openControlled
// 2 = openAbused
pref("privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins", 2);
// "do not track" HTTP header, disabled by default
pref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", false);
// 0 = tracking is acceptable
// 1 = tracking is unacceptable
pref("privacy.donottrackheader.value", 1);
// Enforce tracking protection
pref("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", false);
pref("dom.event.contextmenu.enabled", true);
pref("dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled", true);
#if defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(RELEASE_BUILD)
pref("dom.event.highrestimestamp.enabled", true);
pref("dom.event.highrestimestamp.enabled", false);
pref("dom.webcomponents.enabled", false);
pref("javascript.enabled", true);
pref("javascript.options.strict", false);
#ifdef DEBUG
pref("javascript.options.strict.debug", true);
pref("javascript.options.baselinejit", true);
pref("javascript.options.ion", true);
pref("javascript.options.asmjs", true);
pref("javascript.options.native_regexp", true);
pref("javascript.options.parallel_parsing", true);
pref("javascript.options.ion.offthread_compilation", true);
// This preference instructs the JS engine to discard the
// source of any privileged JS after compilation. This saves
// memory, but makes things like Function.prototype.toSource()
// fail.
pref("javascript.options.discardSystemSource", false);
// This preference limits the memory usage of javascript.
// If you want to change these values for your device,
// please find Bug 417052 comment 17 and Bug 456721
// Comment 32 and Bug 613551.
pref("javascript.options.mem.high_water_mark", 128);
pref("javascript.options.mem.max", -1);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_per_compartment", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_incremental", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_incremental_slice_ms", 10);
pref("javascript.options.mem.log", false);
pref("javascript.options.mem.notify", false);
pref("javascript.options.gc_on_memory_pressure", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_time_limit_ms", 1000);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_low_limit_mb", 100);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_high_limit_mb", 500);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_heap_growth_max", 300);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_heap_growth_min", 150);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_low_frequency_heap_growth", 150);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_dynamic_heap_growth", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_dynamic_mark_slice", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_allocation_threshold_mb", 30);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_decommit_threshold_mb", 32);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_min_empty_chunk_count", 1);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_min_empty_chunk_count", 0);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_max_empty_chunk_count", 30);
pref("javascript.options.showInConsole", false);
// advanced prefs
pref("advanced.mailftp", false);
pref("image.animation_mode", "normal");
// Same-origin policy for file URIs, "false" is traditional
pref("security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy", true);
// If there is ever a security firedrill that requires
// us to block certian ports global, this is the pref
// to use. Is is a comma delimited list of port numbers
// for example:
// pref("", "1,2,3,4,5");
// prevents necko connecting to ports 1-5 unless the protocol
// overrides.
// Allow necko to do A/B testing. Will generally only happen if
// telemetry is also enabled as otherwise there is no way to report
// the results
pref("network.allow-experiments", true);
// Transmit UDP busy-work to the LAN when anticipating low latency
// network reads and on wifi to mitigate 802.11 Power Save Polling delays
pref("network.tickle-wifi.enabled", false);
pref("network.tickle-wifi.duration", 400);
pref("network.tickle-wifi.delay", 16);
// Turn off interprocess security checks. Needed to run xpcshell tests.
pref("", false);
// Default action for unlisted external protocol handlers
pref("network.protocol-handler.external-default", true); // OK to load
pref("network.protocol-handler.warn-external-default", true); // warn before load
// Prevent using external protocol handlers for these schemes
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.hcp", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.vbscript", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.javascript", false);
pref("", false);
pref("", false);
pref("", false);
pref("", false);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.disk", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.disks", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.afp", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.moz-icon", false);
// Don't allow external protocol handlers for common typos
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ttp", false); // http
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ttps", false); // https
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.tps", false); // https
pref("", false); // https
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ile", false); // file
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.le", false); // file
// An exposed protocol handler is one that can be used in all contexts. A
// non-exposed protocol handler is one that can only be used internally by the
// application. For example, a non-exposed protocol would not be loaded by the
// application in response to a link click or a X-remote openURL command.
// Instead, it would be deferred to the system's external protocol handler.
// Only internal/built-in protocol handlers can be marked as exposed.
// This pref controls the default settings. Per protocol settings can be used
// to override this value.
pref("network.protocol-handler.expose-all", true);
// Warning for about:networking page
pref("network.warnOnAboutNetworking", true);
// Example: make IMAP an exposed protocol
// pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.imap", true);
// <http>
pref("network.http.version", "1.1"); // default
// pref("network.http.version", "1.0"); // uncomment this out in case of problems
// pref("network.http.version", "0.9"); // it'll work too if you're crazy
// keep-alive option is effectively obsolete. Nevertheless it'll work with
// some older 1.0 servers:
pref("network.http.proxy.version", "1.1"); // default
// pref("network.http.proxy.version", "1.0"); // uncomment this out in case of problems
// (required if using junkbuster proxy)
// enable caching of http documents
pref("network.http.use-cache", true);
// this preference can be set to override the socket type used for normal
// HTTP traffic. an empty value indicates the normal TCP/IP socket type.
pref("network.http.default-socket-type", "");
// There is a problem with some IIS7 servers that don't close the connection
// properly after it times out (bug #491541). Default timeout on IIS7 is
// 120 seconds. We need to reuse or drop the connection within this time.
// We set the timeout a little shorter to keep a reserve for cases when
// the packet is lost or delayed on the route.
pref("network.http.keep-alive.timeout", 115);
// Timeout connections if an initial response is not received after 5 mins.
pref("network.http.response.timeout", 300);
// Limit the absolute number of http connections.
// Note: the socket transport service will clamp the number below 256 if the OS
// cannot allocate that many FDs, and it also always tries to reserve up to 250
// file descriptors for things other than sockets.
pref("network.http.max-connections", 256);
// If NOT connecting via a proxy, then
// a new connection will only be attempted if the number of active persistent
// connections to the server is less then max-persistent-connections-per-server.
pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 6);
// If connecting via a proxy, then a
// new connection will only be attempted if the number of active persistent
// connections to the proxy is less then max-persistent-connections-per-proxy.
pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 32);
// amount of time (in seconds) to suspend pending requests, before spawning a
// new connection, once the limit on the number of persistent connections per
// host has been reached. however, a new connection will not be created if
// max-connections or max-connections-per-server has also been reached.
pref("network.http.request.max-start-delay", 10);
// Headers
pref("network.http.accept.default", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8");
// Prefs allowing granular control of referers
// 0=don't send any, 1=send only on clicks, 2=send on image requests as well
pref("network.http.sendRefererHeader", 2);
// false=real referer, true=spoof referer (use target URI as referer)
pref("network.http.referer.spoofSource", false);
// 0=full URI, 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port
pref("network.http.referer.trimmingPolicy", 0);
// 0=always send, 1=send iff base domains match, 2=send iff hosts match
pref("network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy", 0);
// Controls whether we send HTTPS referres to other HTTPS sites.
// By default this is enabled for compatibility (see bug 141641)
pref("network.http.sendSecureXSiteReferrer", true);
// Maximum number of consecutive redirects before aborting.
pref("network.http.redirection-limit", 20);
// Enable http compression: comment this out in case of problems with 1.1
// NOTE: support for "compress" has been disabled per bug 196406.
// NOTE: separate values with comma+space (", "): see bug 576033
pref("network.http.accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate");
pref("network.http.pipelining" , false);
pref("network.http.pipelining.ssl" , false); // disable pipelining over SSL
pref("network.http.pipelining.abtest", false);
pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", false);
// Max number of requests in the pipeline
pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" , 32);
// An optimistic request is one pipelined when policy might allow a new
// connection instead
pref("network.http.pipelining.max-optimistic-requests" , 4);
pref("network.http.pipelining.aggressive", false);
pref("network.http.pipelining.maxsize" , 300000);
pref("network.http.pipelining.reschedule-on-timeout", true);
pref("network.http.pipelining.reschedule-timeout", 1500);
// The read-timeout is a ms timer that causes the transaction to be completely
// restarted without pipelining.
pref("", 30000);
// Prompt for redirects resulting in unsafe HTTP requests
pref("network.http.prompt-temp-redirect", false);
// If true generate CORRUPTED_CONTENT errors for entities that
// contain an invalid Assoc-Req response header
pref("network.http.assoc-req.enforce", false);
// On networks deploying QoS, it is recommended that these be lockpref()'d,
// since inappropriate marking can easily overwhelm bandwidth reservations
// for certain services (i.e. EF for VoIP, AF4x for interactive video,
// AF3x for broadcast/streaming video, etc)
// default value for HTTP
// in a DSCP environment this should be 40 (0x28, or AF11), per RFC-4594,
// Section 4.8 "High-Throughput Data Service Class"
pref("network.http.qos", 0);
// The number of milliseconds after sending a SYN for an HTTP connection,
// to wait before trying a different connection. 0 means do not use a second
// connection.
pref("network.http.connection-retry-timeout", 250);
// The number of seconds after sending initial SYN for an HTTP connection
// to give up if the OS does not give up first
pref("network.http.connection-timeout", 90);
// The maximum number of current global half open sockets allowable
// when starting a new speculative connection.
pref("network.http.speculative-parallel-limit", 6);
// Whether or not to block requests for non head js/css items (e.g. media)
// while those elements load.
pref("network.http.rendering-critical-requests-prioritization", true);
// Disable IPv6 for backup connections to workaround problems about broken
// IPv6 connectivity.
pref("", true);
// The maximum amount of time the cache session lock can be held
// before a new transaction bypasses the cache. In milliseconds.
pref("network.http.bypass-cachelock-threshold", 200000);
pref("network.http.bypass-cachelock-threshold", 250);
// Try and use SPDY when using SSL
pref("network.http.spdy.enabled", true);
pref("network.http.spdy.enabled.v3", true);
pref("network.http.spdy.enabled.v3-1", true);
pref("network.http.spdy.enabled.http2draft", true);
pref("network.http.spdy.enforce-tls-profile", true);
pref("network.http.spdy.chunk-size", 16000);
pref("network.http.spdy.timeout", 180);
pref("network.http.spdy.coalesce-hostnames", true);
pref("network.http.spdy.persistent-settings", false);
pref("", 58);
pref("", 8);
pref("network.http.spdy.send-buffer-size", 131072);
pref("network.http.spdy.allow-push", true);
pref("network.http.spdy.push-allowance", 131072);
pref("network.http.diagnostics", false);
pref("network.http.pacing.requests.enabled", true);
pref("network.http.pacing.requests.min-parallelism", 6);
pref("network.http.pacing.requests.hz", 100);
pref("network.http.pacing.requests.burst", 32);
// TCP Keepalive config for HTTP connections.
pref("network.http.tcp_keepalive.short_lived_connections", true);
// Max time from initial request during which conns are considered short-lived.
pref("network.http.tcp_keepalive.short_lived_time", 60);
// Idle time of TCP connection until first keepalive probe sent.
pref("network.http.tcp_keepalive.short_lived_idle_time", 10);
pref("network.http.tcp_keepalive.long_lived_connections", true);
pref("network.http.tcp_keepalive.long_lived_idle_time", 600);
// default values for FTP
// in a DSCP environment this should be 40 (0x28, or AF11), per RFC-4594,
// Section 4.8 "High-Throughput Data Service Class", and 80 (0x50, or AF22)
// per Section 4.7 "Low-Latency Data Service Class".
pref("", 0);
pref("network.ftp.control.qos", 0);
// </http>
// <ws>: WebSocket
pref("network.websocket.enabled", true);
// 2147483647 == PR_INT32_MAX == ~2 GB
pref("network.websocket.max-message-size", 2147483647);
// Should we automatically follow http 3xx redirects during handshake
pref("", false);
// the number of seconds to wait for websocket connection to be opened
pref("", 20);
// the number of seconds to wait for a clean close after sending the client
// close message
pref("network.websocket.timeout.close", 20);
// the number of seconds of idle read activity to sustain before sending a
// ping probe. 0 to disable.
pref("", 0);
// the deadline, expressed in seconds, for some read activity to occur after
// generating a ping. If no activity happens then an error and unclean close
// event is sent to the javascript websockets application
pref("", 10);
// Defines whether or not to try and negotiate the stream-deflate compression
// extension with the websocket server. Stream-Deflate has been removed from
// the standards track document, but can still be used by servers who opt
// into it.
pref("", false);
// the maximum number of concurrent websocket sessions. By specification there
// is never more than one handshake oustanding to an individual host at
// one time.
pref("network.websocket.max-connections", 200);
// by default scripts loaded from a https:// origin can only open secure
// (i.e. wss://) websockets.
pref("network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS", false);
// by default we delay websocket reconnects to same host/port if previous
// connection failed, per RFC 6455 section 7.2.3
pref("network.websocket.delay-failed-reconnects", true);
// </ws>
// Server-Sent Events
pref("dom.server-events.enabled", true);
// Equal to the DEFAULT_RECONNECTION_TIME_VALUE value in nsEventSource.cpp
pref("dom.server-events.default-reconnection-time", 5000); // in milliseconds
// If false, remote JAR files that are served with a content type other than
// application/java-archive or application/x-jar will not be opened
// by the jar channel.
pref("", false);
// This preference, if true, causes all UTF-8 domain names to be normalized to
// punycode. The intention is to allow UTF-8 domain names as input, but never
// generate them from punycode.
pref("network.IDN_show_punycode", false);
// If "network.IDN.use_whitelist" is set to true, TLDs with
// "network.IDN.whitelist.tld" explicitly set to true are treated as
// IDN-safe. Otherwise, they're treated as unsafe and punycode will be used
// for displaying them in the UI (e.g. URL bar), unless they conform to one of
// the profiles specified in
// If "network.IDN.restriction_profile" is "high", the Highly Restrictive
// profile is used.
// If "network.IDN.restriction_profile" is "moderate", the Moderately
// Restrictive profile is used.
// In all other cases, the ASCII-Only profile is used.
// Note that these preferences are referred to ONLY when
// "network.IDN_show_punycode" is false. In other words, all IDNs will be shown
// in punycode if "network.IDN_show_punycode" is true.
pref("network.IDN.restriction_profile", "moderate");
pref("network.IDN.use_whitelist", true);
// ccTLDs
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
// IDN ccTLDs
// ae, UAE, .<Emarat>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbaam7a8h", true);
// cn, China, .<China> with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--fiqz9s", true); // Traditional
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--fiqs8s", true); // Simplified
// eg, Egypt, .<Masr>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--wgbh1c", true);
// hk, Hong Kong, .<Hong Kong>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--j6w193g", true);
// ir, Iran, <.Iran> with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgba3a4f16a", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgba3a4fra", true);
// jo, Jordan, .<Al-Ordon>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbayh7gpa", true);
// lk, Sri Lanka, .<Lanka> and .<Ilangai>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--fzc2c9e2c", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--xkc2al3hye2a", true);
// qa, Qatar, .<Qatar>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--wgbl6a", true);
// rs, Serbia, .<Srb>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--90a3ac", true);
// ru, Russian Federation, .<RF>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--p1ai", true);
// sa, Saudi Arabia, .<al-Saudiah> with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgberp4a5d4ar", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgberp4a5d4a87g", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbqly7c0a67fbc", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbqly7cvafr", true);
// sy, Syria, .<Souria>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--ogbpf8fl", true);
// th, Thailand, .<Thai>
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--o3cw4h", true);
// tw, Taiwan, <.Taiwan> with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--kpry57d", true); // Traditional
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--kprw13d", true); // Simplified
// gTLDs
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
pref("", true);
// NOTE: Before these can be removed, one of bug 414812's tests must be updated
// or it will likely fail! Please CC jwalden+bmo on the bug associated
// with removing these so he can provide a patch to make the necessary
// changes to avoid bustage.
// ".test" localised TLDs for ICANN's top-level IDN trial
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--0zwm56d", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--11b5bs3a9aj6g", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--80akhbyknj4f", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--9t4b11yi5a", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--deba0ad", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--g6w251d", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--hgbk6aj7f53bba", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--hlcj6aya9esc7a", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--jxalpdlp", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--kgbechtv", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--zckzah", true);
// If a domain includes any of the following characters, it may be a spoof
// attempt and so we always display the domain name as punycode. This would
// override the settings "network.IDN_show_punycode" and
// "network.IDN.whitelist.*".
pref("network.IDN.blacklist_chars", "\u0020\u00A0\u00BC\u00BD\u00BE\u01C3\u02D0\u0337\u0338\u0589\u05C3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u066A\u06D4\u0701\u0702\u0703\u0704\u115F\u1160\u1735\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u2024\u2027\u2028\u2029\u202F\u2039\u203A\u2041\u2044\u2052\u205F\u2153\u2154\u2155\u2156\u2157\u2158\u2159\u215A\u215B\u215C\u215D\u215E\u215F\u2215\u2236\u23AE\u2571\u29F6\u29F8\u2AFB\u2AFD\u2FF0\u2FF1\u2FF2\u2FF3\u2FF4\u2FF5\u2FF6\u2FF7\u2FF8\u2FF9\u2FFA\u2FFB\u3000\u3002\u3014\u3015\u3033\u3164\u321D\u321E\u33AE\u33AF\u33C6\u33DF\uA789\uFE14\uFE15\uFE3F\uFE5D\uFE5E\uFEFF\uFF0E\uFF0F\uFF61\uFFA0\uFFF9\uFFFA\uFFFB\uFFFC\uFFFD");
// This preference specifies a list of domains for which DNS lookups will be
// IPv4 only. Works around broken DNS servers which can't handle IPv6 lookups
// and/or allows the user to disable IPv6 on a per-domain basis. See bug 68796.
pref("network.dns.ipv4OnlyDomains", "");
// This preference can be used to turn off IPv6 name lookups. See bug 68796.
pref("network.dns.disableIPv6", false);
// This is the number of dns cache entries allowed
pref("network.dnsCacheEntries", 400);
// In the absence of OS TTLs, the DNS cache TTL value
pref("network.dnsCacheExpiration", 60);
// The grace period allows the DNS cache to use expired entries, while kicking off
// a revalidation in the background.
pref("network.dnsCacheExpirationGracePeriod", 60);
// This preference can be used to turn off DNS prefetch.
pref("network.dns.disablePrefetch", false);
// This preference controls whether or not URLs with UTF-8 characters are
// escaped. Set this preference to TRUE for strict RFC2396 conformance.
pref("network.standard-url.escape-utf8", true);
// This preference controls whether or not URLs are always encoded and sent as
// UTF-8.
pref("network.standard-url.encode-utf8", true);
// Idle timeout for ftp control connections - 5 minute default
pref("network.ftp.idleConnectionTimeout", 300);
// directory listing format
// 2: HTML
// 3: XUL directory viewer
// all other values are treated like 2
pref("network.dir.format", 2);
// enables the prefetch service (i.e., prefetching of <link rel="next"> URLs).
pref("network.prefetch-next", true);
// enables the predictive service
pref("network.predictor.enabled", false);
pref("network.predictor.enable-hover-on-ssl", false);
pref("", 0);
pref("", 5);
pref("", 10);
pref("", 25);
pref("", 50);
pref("", 1);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.week", 10);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.month", 25);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.year", 50);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.max", 100);
pref("network.predictor.preconnect-min-confidence", 90);
pref("network.predictor.preresolve-min-confidence", 60);
pref("network.predictor.redirect-likely-confidence", 75);
pref("network.predictor.max-queue-size", 50);
pref("network.predictor.max-db-size", 157286400); // bytes
pref("network.predictor.preserve", 80); // percentage of predictor data to keep when cleaning up
// The following prefs pertain to the negotiate-auth extension (see bug 17578),
// which provides transparent Kerberos or NTLM authentication using the SPNEGO
// protocol. Each pref is a comma-separated list of keys, where each key has
// the format:
// [scheme "://"] [host [":" port]]
// For example, "" would match "", etc.
// Allow insecure NTLMv1 when needed.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.allow-insecure-ntlm-v1", false);
// Allow insecure NTLMv1 for HTTPS protected sites by default.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.allow-insecure-ntlm-v1-https", true);
// This list controls which URIs can use the negotiate-auth protocol. This
// list should be limited to the servers you know you'll need to login to.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris", "");
// This list controls which URIs can support delegation.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris", "");
// Do not allow SPNEGO by default when challenged by a local server.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.allow-non-fqdn", false);
// Allow SPNEGO by default when challenged by a proxy server.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.allow-proxies", true);
// Path to a specific gssapi library
pref("network.negotiate-auth.gsslib", "");
// Specify if the gss lib comes standard with the OS
pref("network.negotiate-auth.using-native-gsslib", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Default to using the SSPI intead of GSSAPI on windows
pref("network.auth.use-sspi", true);
// Controls which NTLM authentication implementation we default to. True forces
// the use of our generic (internal) NTLM authentication implementation vs. any
// native implementation provided by the os. This pref is for diagnosing issues
// with native NTLM. (See bug 520607 for details.) Using generic NTLM authentication
// can expose the user to reflection attack vulnerabilities. Do not change this
// unless you know what you're doing!
// This pref should be removed 6 months after the release of firefox 3.6.
pref("network.auth.force-generic-ntlm", false);
// The following prefs are used to enable automatic use of the operating
// system's NTLM implementation to silently authenticate the user with their
// Window's domain logon. The trusted-uris pref follows the format of the
// trusted-uris pref for negotiate authentication.
pref("network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-proxies", true);
pref("network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-non-fqdn", false);
pref("network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris", "");
// This preference controls whether or not the LM hash will be included in
// response to a NTLM challenge. By default, this is disabled since servers
// should almost never need the LM hash, and the LM hash is what makes NTLM
// authentication less secure. See bug 250691 for further details.
// NOTE: automatic-ntlm-auth which leverages the OS-provided NTLM
// implementation will not be affected by this preference.
pref("network.ntlm.send-lm-response", false);
pref("permissions.default.image", 1); // 1-Accept, 2-Deny, 3-dontAcceptForeign
pref("network.proxy.type", 5);
pref("network.proxy.ftp", "");
pref("network.proxy.ftp_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.http", "");
pref("network.proxy.http_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.ssl", "");
pref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.socks", "");
pref("network.proxy.socks_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.socks_version", 5);
pref("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", false);
pref("network.proxy.proxy_over_tls", true);
pref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", "localhost,");
pref("network.proxy.failover_timeout", 1800); // 30 minutes
pref("", true); //online/offline
pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0); // 0-Accept, 1-dontAcceptForeign, 2-dontUse, 3-limitForeign
pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 3); // 0-Accept, 1-dontAcceptForeign, 2-dontUse, 3-limitForeign
#ifdef ANDROID
pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0); // Keep the old default of accepting all cookies
pref("network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly", false);
pref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 0); // accept normally, 1-askBeforeAccepting, 2-acceptForSession,3-acceptForNDays
pref("network.cookie.alwaysAcceptSessionCookies", false);
pref("network.cookie.prefsMigrated", false);
pref("network.cookie.lifetime.days", 90);
// The PAC file to load. Ignored unless network.proxy.type is 2.
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url", "");
// If we cannot load the PAC file, then try again (doubling from interval_min
// until we reach interval_max or the PAC file is successfully loaded).
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_retry_interval_min", 5); // 5 seconds
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_retry_interval_max", 300); // 5 minutes
// Use the HSTS preload list by default
pref("network.stricttransportsecurity.preloadlist", true);
pref("converter.html2txt.structs", true); // Output structured phrases (strong, em, code, sub, sup, b, i, u)
pref("converter.html2txt.header_strategy", 1); // 0 = no indention; 1 = indention, increased with header level; 2 = numbering and slight indention
pref("intl.accept_languages", "chrome://global/locale/");
pref("intl.charset.detector", "chrome://global/locale/");
pref("intl.charset.fallback.override", "");
pref("intl.charset.fallback.tld", true);
pref("intl.ellipsis", "chrome://global-platform/locale/");
pref("intl.locale.matchOS", false);
// fallback charset list for Unicode conversion (converting from Unicode)
// currently used for mail send only to handle symbol characters (e.g Euro, trademark, smartquotes)
// for ISO-8859-1
pref("intl.fallbackCharsetList.ISO-8859-1", "windows-1252");
pref("", "chrome://global/locale/");
// these locales have right-to-left UI
pref("", "rtl");
pref("intl.uidirection.he", "rtl");
pref("intl.uidirection.fa", "rtl");
pref("", "rtl");
pref("intl.uidirection.ur", "rtl");
// use en-US hyphenation by default for content tagged with plain lang="en"
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.en", "en-us");
// and for other subtags of en-*, if no specific patterns are available
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.en-*", "en-us");
pref("*", "af");
pref("*", "bg");
pref("*", "ca");
pref("*", "cy");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.da-*", "da");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.eo-*", "eo");
pref("*", "es");
pref("*", "et");
pref("*", "fi");
pref("*", "fr");
pref("*", "gl");
pref("*", "hr");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.hsb-*", "hsb");
pref("*", "hu");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.ia-*", "ia");
pref("*", "is");
pref("*", "it");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.kmr-*", "kmr");
pref("*", "la");
pref("*", "lt");
pref("*", "mn");
pref("*", "nl");
pref("*", "pl");
pref("*", "pt");
pref("*", "ru");
pref("*", "sl");
pref("*", "sv");
pref("*", "tr");
pref("*", "uk");
// use reformed (1996) German patterns by default unless specifically tagged as de-1901
// (these prefs may soon be obsoleted by better BCP47-based tag matching, but for now...)
pref("", "de-1996");
pref("*", "de-1996");
pref("", "de-1901");
pref("", "de-1901");
pref("*", "de-CH");
// patterns from TeX are tagged as "sh" (Serbo-Croatian) macrolanguage;
// alias "sr" (Serbian) and "bs" (Bosnian) to those patterns
// (Croatian has its own separate patterns).
pref("", "sh");
pref("", "sh");
pref("*", "sh");
pref("*", "sh");
pref("*", "sh");
// Norwegian has two forms, Bokmål and Nynorsk, with "no" as a macrolanguage encompassing both.
// For "no", we'll alias to "nb" (Bokmål) as that is the more widely used written form.
pref("", "nb");
pref("*", "nb");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.nb-*", "nb");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.nn-*", "nn");
pref("font.mathfont-family", "Latin Modern Math, XITS Math, STIX Math, Cambria Math, Asana Math, TeX Gyre Bonum Math, TeX Gyre Pagella Math, TeX Gyre Termes Math, Neo Euler, Lucida Bright Math, MathJax_Main, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSizeOneSym, STIXGeneral, Standard Symbols L, DejaVu Sans");
// Some CJK fonts have bad underline offset, their CJK character glyphs are overlapped (or adjoined) to its underline.
// These fonts are ignored the underline offset, instead of it, the underline is lowered to bottom of its em descent.
pref("font.blacklist.underline_offset", "FangSong,Gulim,GulimChe,MingLiU,MingLiU-ExtB,MingLiU_HKSCS,MingLiU-HKSCS-ExtB,MS Gothic,MS Mincho,MS PGothic,MS PMincho,MS UI Gothic,PMingLiU,PMingLiU-ExtB,SimHei,SimSun,SimSun-ExtB,Hei,Kai,Apple LiGothic,Apple LiSung,Osaka");
// Whitelist of fonts that ship with B2G that do not include space lookups in
// default features. This allows us to skip analyzing the GSUB/GPOS tables
// unless features are explicitly enabled.
// Use NSPR_LOG_MODULES=fontinit:5 to dump out details of space lookups
pref("font.whitelist.skip_default_features_space_check", "Fira Sans,Fira Mono");
pref("images.dither", "auto");
pref("", "");
pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", false);
pref("security.checkloaduri", true);
pref("security.xpconnect.plugin.unrestricted", true);
// security-sensitive dialogs should delay button enabling. In milliseconds.
pref("security.dialog_enable_delay", 1000);
pref("security.notification_enable_delay", 500);
pref("security.csp.enable", true);
pref("security.csp.debug", false);
pref("security.csp.experimentalEnabled", false);
// Mixed content blocking
pref("security.mixed_content.block_active_content", false);
pref("security.mixed_content.block_display_content", false);
// Disable pinning checks by default.
pref("security.cert_pinning.enforcement_level", 0);
// Modifier key prefs: default to Windows settings,
// menu access key = alt, accelerator key = control.
// Use 17 for Ctrl, 18 for Alt, 224 for Meta, 91 for Win, 0 for none. Mac settings in macprefs.js
pref("ui.key.accelKey", 17);
pref("ui.key.menuAccessKey", 18);
pref("ui.key.generalAccessKey", -1);
// If generalAccessKey is -1, use the following two prefs instead.
// Use 0 for disabled, 1 for Shift, 2 for Ctrl, 4 for Alt, 8 for Meta, 16 for Win
// (values can be combined, e.g. 5 for Alt+Shift)
pref("ui.key.chromeAccess", 4);
pref("ui.key.contentAccess", 5);
pref("ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses", false); // overridden below
pref("ui.key.saveLink.shift", true); // true = shift, false = meta
// Disable page loading activity cursor by default.
pref("ui.use_activity_cursor", false);
// Middle-mouse handling
pref("middlemouse.paste", false);
pref("middlemouse.openNewWindow", true);
pref("middlemouse.contentLoadURL", false);
pref("middlemouse.scrollbarPosition", false);
// Clipboard behavior
pref("clipboard.autocopy", false);
// mouse wheel scroll transaction period of time (in milliseconds)
pref("mousewheel.transaction.timeout", 1500);
// mouse wheel scroll transaction is held even if the mouse cursor is moved.
pref("mousewheel.transaction.ignoremovedelay", 100);
// prefs for app level mouse wheel scrolling acceleration.
// number of mousewheel clicks when acceleration starts
// acceleration can be turned off if pref is set to -1
pref("mousewheel.acceleration.start", -1);
// factor to be multiplied for constant acceleration
pref("mousewheel.acceleration.factor", 10);
// Prefs for override the system mouse wheel scrolling speed on the root
// content of the web pages. When
// "mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled" is true and the system
// scrolling speed isn't customized by the user, the root content scrolling
// speed is multiplied by the following factors. The value will be used as
// 1/100. E.g., 200 means 2.00.
// NOTE: Even if "mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled" is
// true, when Gecko detects the user customized the system scrolling speed
// settings, the override isn't executed.
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.vertical.factor", 200);
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.horizontal.factor", 200);
// mousewheel.*.action can specify the action when you use mosue wheel.
// When no modifier keys are pressed or two or more modifires are pressed,
// .default is used.
// 0: Nothing happens
// 1: Scrolling contents
// 2: Go back or go forward, in your history
// 3: Zoom in or out.
pref("mousewheel.default.action", 1);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.action", 2);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.action", 3);
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.action", 1); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.action", 1);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.action", 1);
// mousewheel.*.action.override_x will override the action
// when the mouse wheel is rotated along the x direction.
// -1: Don't override the action.
// 0 to 3: Override the action with the specified value.
pref("mousewheel.default.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.action.override_x", -1); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.action.override_x", -1);
// mousewheel.*.delta_multiplier_* can specify the value muliplied by the delta
// value. The values will be used after divided by 100. I.e., 100 means 1.0,
// -100 means -1.0. If the values were negative, the direction would be
// reverted. The absolue value must be 100 or larger.
pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.delta_multiplier_x", 100); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.delta_multiplier_y", 100); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.delta_multiplier_z", 100); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
// If line-height is lower than this value (in device pixels), 1 line scroll
// scrolls this height.
pref("mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount", 5);
// These define the smooth scroll behavior (min ms, max ms) for different triggers
// Some triggers:
// mouseWheel: Discrete mouse wheel events, Synaptics touchpads on windows (generate wheel events)
// Lines: Up/Down/Left/Right KB arrows
// Pages: Page up/down, Space
// Scrollbars: Clicking scrollbars arrows, clicking scrollbars tracks
// Note: Currently OS X trackpad and magic mouse don't use our smooth scrolling
// Note: These are relevant only when "general.smoothScroll" is enabled
pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS", 200);
pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS", 400);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMaxMS", 150);
// Enable disable smooth scrolling for different triggers (when "general.smoothScroll" is enabled)
pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.lines", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pages", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.other", true);
// To connect consecutive scroll events into a continuous flow, the animation's duration
// should be longer than scroll events intervals (or else the scroll will stop
// before the next event arrives - we're guessing next interval by averaging recent
// intervals).
// This defines how longer is the duration compared to events interval (percentage)
pref("general.smoothScroll.durationToIntervalRatio", 200);
// profile.migration_behavior determines how the profiles root is set
// 1 - create one based on the NS4.x profile root
// 2 - use, if not empty, profile.migration_directory otherwise same as 0
pref("profile.migration_directory", "");
// the amount of time (in seconds) that must elapse
// before we think your mozilla profile is defunct
// and you'd benefit from re-migrating from 4.x
// see bug #137886 for more details
// if -1, we never think your profile is defunct
// and users will never see the remigrate UI.
pref("profile.seconds_until_defunct", -1);
// We can show it anytime from menus
pref("profile.manage_only_at_launch", false);
// ------------------
// Text Direction
// ------------------
// 1 = directionLTRBidi *
// 2 = directionRTLBidi
pref("bidi.direction", 1);
// ------------------
// Text Type
// ------------------
// 1 = charsettexttypeBidi *
// 2 = logicaltexttypeBidi
// 3 = visualtexttypeBidi
pref("bidi.texttype", 1);
// ------------------
// Numeral Style
// ------------------
// 0 = nominalnumeralBidi *
// 1 = regularcontextnumeralBidi
// 2 = hindicontextnumeralBidi
// 3 = arabicnumeralBidi
// 4 = hindinumeralBidi
// 5 = persiancontextnumeralBidi
// 6 = persiannumeralBidi
pref("bidi.numeral", 0);
// ------------------
// Support Mode
// ------------------
// 1 = mozillaBidisupport *
// 2 = OsBidisupport
// 3 = disableBidisupport
pref("", 1);
// Whether delete and backspace should immediately delete characters not
// visually adjacent to the caret, or adjust the visual position of the caret
// on the first keypress and delete the character on a second keypress
pref("bidi.edit.delete_immediately", false);
// Bidi caret movement style:
// 0 = logical
// 1 = visual
// 2 = visual, but logical during selection
pref("bidi.edit.caret_movement_style", 2);
// Setting this pref to |true| forces Bidi UI menu items and keyboard shortcuts
// to be exposed, and enables the directional caret hook. By default, only
// expose it for bidi-associated system locales.
pref("bidi.browser.ui", false);
// used for double-click word selection behavior. Win will override.
pref("layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word", false);
pref("layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation", true);
// controls caret style and word-delete during text selection
// 0 = use platform default
// 1 = caret moves and blinks as when there is no selection; word
// delete deselects the selection and then deletes word
// 2 = caret moves to selection edge and is not visible during selection;
// word delete deletes the selection (Mac and Linux default)
// 3 = caret moves and blinks as when there is no selection; word delete
// deletes the selection
// Windows default is 1 for word delete behavior, the rest as for 2.
pref("layout.selection.caret_style", 0);
// pref to force frames to be resizable
pref("layout.frames.force_resizability", false);
// pref to report CSS errors to the error console
pref("layout.css.report_errors", true);
// Should the :visited selector ever match (otherwise :link matches instead)?
pref("layout.css.visited_links_enabled", true);
// Override DPI. A value of -1 means use the maximum of 96 and the system DPI.
// A value of 0 means use the system DPI. A positive value is used as the DPI.
// This sets the physical size of a device pixel and thus controls the
// interpretation of physical units such as "pt".
pref("layout.css.dpi", -1);
// Set the number of device pixels per CSS pixel. A value <= 0 means choose
// automatically based on user settings for the platform (e.g., "UI scale factor"
// on Mac). A positive value is used as-is. This effectively controls the size
// of a CSS "px". This is only used for windows on the screen, not for printing.
pref("layout.css.devPixelsPerPx", "-1.0");
// Is support for CSS Masking features enabled?
pref("layout.css.masking.enabled", true);
// Is support for mix-blend-mode enabled?
pref("layout.css.mix-blend-mode.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS Filters enabled?
pref("layout.css.filters.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS sticky positioning enabled?
pref("layout.css.sticky.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS "will-change" enabled?
pref("layout.css.will-change.enabled", false);
// Is support for DOMPoint enabled?
pref("layout.css.DOMPoint.enabled", true);
// Is support for DOMQuad enabled?
pref("layout.css.DOMQuad.enabled", true);
// Is support for DOMMatrix enabled?
pref("layout.css.DOMMatrix.enabled", true);
// Is support for GeometryUtils.getBoxQuads enabled?
pref("layout.css.getBoxQuads.enabled", false);
pref("layout.css.getBoxQuads.enabled", true);
// Is support for GeometryUtils.getBoxQuads enabled?
pref("layout.css.convertFromNode.enabled", false);
pref("layout.css.convertFromNode.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS "text-align: true X" enabled?
pref("layout.css.text-align-true-value.enabled", false);
// Is support for the CSS4 image-orientation property enabled?
pref("layout.css.image-orientation.enabled", true);
// Are sets of prefixed properties supported?
pref("layout.css.prefixes.border-image", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.transforms", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.transitions", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.animations", true);
pref("", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.font-features", true);
// Is support for the :scope selector enabled?
pref("layout.css.scope-pseudo.enabled", true);
// Is support for background-blend-mode enabled?
pref("layout.css.background-blend-mode.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS vertical text enabled?
pref("layout.css.vertical-text.enabled", false);
// Is support for object-fit and object-position enabled?
pref("layout.css.object-fit-and-position.enabled", false);
// Is -moz-osx-font-smoothing enabled?
// Only supported in OSX builds
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("layout.css.osx-font-smoothing.enabled", true);
pref("layout.css.osx-font-smoothing.enabled", false);
// Is support for the CSS-wide "unset" value enabled?
pref("layout.css.unset-value.enabled", true);
// Is support for the "all" shorthand enabled?
pref("layout.css.all-shorthand.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS variables enabled?
pref("layout.css.variables.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS overflow-clip-box enabled for non-UA sheets?
pref("layout.css.overflow-clip-box.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS grid enabled?
pref("layout.css.grid.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS Ruby enabled?
pref("layout.css.ruby.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS box-decoration-break enabled?
pref("", true);
// Is layout of CSS outline-style:auto enabled?
pref("layout.css.outline-style-auto.enabled", false);
// Is CSSOM-View scroll-behavior and its MSD smooth scrolling enabled?
pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.enabled", false);
// Tuning of the smooth scroll motion used by CSSOM-View scroll-behavior.
// Spring-constant controls the strength of the simulated MSD
// (Mass-Spring-Damper)
pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.spring-constant", "250.0");
// Tuning of the smooth scroll motion used by CSSOM-View scroll-behavior.
// Damping-ratio controls the dampening force of the simulated MSD
// (Mass-Spring-Damper).
// When below 1.0, the system is under-damped; it may overshoot the target and
// oscillate.
// When greater than 1.0, the system is over-damped; it will reach the target at
// reduced speed without overshooting.
// When equal to 1.0, the system is critically-damped; it will reach the target
// at the greatest speed without overshooting.
pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.damping-ratio", "1.0");
// pref for which side vertical scrollbars should be on
// 0 = end-side in UI direction
// 1 = end-side in document/content direction
// 2 = right
// 3 = left
pref("layout.scrollbar.side", 0);
// pref to stop overlay scrollbars from fading out, for testing purposes
pref("layout.testing.overlay-scrollbars.always-visible", false);
// Enable/disable interruptible reflow, which allows reflows to stop
// before completion (and display the partial results) when user events
// are pending.
pref("layout.interruptible-reflow.enabled", true);
// pref to control browser frame rate, in Hz. A value <= 0 means choose
// automatically based on knowledge of the platform (or 60Hz if no platform-
// specific information is available).
pref("layout.frame_rate", -1);
// pref to dump the display list to the log. Useful for debugging invalidation problems.
pref("layout.display-list.dump", false);
// pref to control precision of the frame rate timer. When true,
// we use a "precise" timer, which means each notification fires
// Nms after the start of the last notification. That means if the
// processing of the notification is slow, the timer can fire immediately
// after we've just finished processing the last notification, which might
// lead to starvation problems.
// When false, we use a "slack" timer which fires Nms after the *end*
// of the last notification. This can give less tight frame rates
// but provides more time for other operations when the browser is
// heavily loaded.
pref("layout.frame_rate.precise", false);
// pref to control whether layout warnings that are hit quite often are enabled
pref("layout.spammy_warnings.enabled", true);
// Is support for the Web Animations API enabled?
pref("dom.animations-api.core.enabled", false);
pref("dom.animations-api.core.enabled", true);
// pref to permit users to make verified SOAP calls by default
pref("capability.policy.default.SOAPCall.invokeVerifySourceHeader", "allAccess");
// if true, allow plug-ins to override internal imglib decoder mime types in full-page mode
pref("plugin.override_internal_types", false);
// See bug 136985. Gives embedders a pref to hook into to show
// a popup blocker if they choose.
pref("browser.popups.showPopupBlocker", true);
// Pref to control whether the viewmanager code does double-buffering or not
// See for further details...
pref("viewmanager.do_doublebuffering", true);
// enable single finger gesture input (win7+ tablets)
pref("gestures.enable_single_finger_input", true);
pref("editor.resizing.preserve_ratio", true);
pref("editor.positioning.offset", 0);
pref("dom.use_watchdog", true);
pref("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", 20);
pref("dom.max_script_run_time", 10);
// If true, ArchiveReader will be enabled
pref("dom.archivereader.enabled", false);
// Hang monitor timeout after which we kill the browser, in seconds
// (0 is disabled)
// Disabled on all platforms per bug 705748 until the found issues are
// resolved.
pref("hangmonitor.timeout", 0);
pref("plugins.load_appdir_plugins", false);
// If true, plugins will be click to play
pref("plugins.click_to_play", false);
// A comma-delimited list of plugin name prefixes matching plugins that will be
// exposed when enumerating navigator.plugins[]. For example, prefix "Shockwave"
// matches both Adobe Flash Player ("Shockwave Flash") and Adobe Shockwave
// Player ("Shockwave for Director"). To hide all plugins from enumeration, use
// the empty string "" to match no plugin names. To allow all plugins to be
// enumerated, use the string "*" to match all plugin names.
pref("plugins.enumerable_names", "*");
// The default value for nsIPluginTag.enabledState (STATE_ENABLED = 2)
pref("plugin.default.state", 2);
// The MIME type that should bind to legacy java-specific invocations like
// <applet> and <object data="java:foo">. Setting this to a non-java MIME type
// is undefined behavior.
pref("", "application/x-java-vm");
// How long in minutes we will allow a plugin to work after the user has chosen
// to allow it "now"
pref("plugin.sessionPermissionNow.intervalInMinutes", 60);
// How long in days we will allow a plugin to work after the user has chosen
// to allow it persistently.
pref("plugin.persistentPermissionAlways.intervalInDays", 90);
#ifndef DEBUG
// How long a plugin is allowed to process a synchronous IPC message
// before we consider it "hung".
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs", 45);
// How long a plugin process will wait for a response from the parent
// to a synchronous request before terminating itself. After this
// point the child assumes the parent is hung. Currently disabled.
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.parentTimeoutSecs", 0);
// How long a plugin launch is allowed to take before
// we consider it failed.
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.processLaunchTimeoutSecs", 45);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// How long a plugin is allowed to process a synchronous IPC message
// before we display the plugin hang UI
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.hangUITimeoutSecs", 11);
// Minimum time that the plugin hang UI will be displayed
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.hangUIMinDisplaySecs", 10);
// How long a content process can take before closing its IPC channel
// after shutdown is initiated. If the process exceeds the timeout,
// we fear the worst and kill it.
pref("dom.ipc.tabs.shutdownTimeoutSecs", 5);
// No timeout in DEBUG builds
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs", 0);
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.processLaunchTimeoutSecs", 0);
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.parentTimeoutSecs", 0);
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.hangUITimeoutSecs", 0);
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.hangUIMinDisplaySecs", 0);
pref("dom.ipc.tabs.shutdownTimeoutSecs", 0);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Disable oopp for java on windows. They run their own
// process isolation which conflicts with our implementation.
pref("", false);
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.flash.subprocess.crashreporter.enabled", true);
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.reportCrashURL", true);
// How long we wait before unloading an idle plugin process.
// Defaults to 30 seconds.
pref("dom.ipc.plugins.unloadTimeoutSecs", 30);
pref("dom.ipc.processCount", 1);
// Enable the use of display-lists for SVG hit-testing and painting.
pref("svg.display-lists.hit-testing.enabled", true);
pref("svg.display-lists.painting.enabled", true);
// Is support for the SVG 2 paint-order property enabled?
pref("svg.paint-order.enabled", true);
// Is support for the new marker features from SVG 2 enabled? Currently
// this just includes <marker orient="auto-start-reverse">.
pref("svg.marker-improvements.enabled", false);
pref("svg.marker-improvements.enabled", true);
pref("svg.svg-iframe.enabled", false);
pref("svg.svg-iframe.enabled", false);
// Is support for the new getBBox method from SVG 2 enabled?
// See
pref("", false);
// Default font types and sizes by locale
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", 0);
pref("", 16);
pref("", 13);
pref("font.default.el", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.el", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.el", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.el", 13);
pref("font.default.he", "sans-serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.he", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.he", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.he", 13);
pref("font.default.ja", "sans-serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.ja", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.ja", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.ja", 16);
pref("font.default.ko", "sans-serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.ko", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.ko", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.ko", 16);
pref("", "serif");
pref("", 0);
pref("", 16);
pref("", 13);
pref("font.default.x-cyrillic", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-cyrillic", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-cyrillic", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic", 13);
pref("font.default.x-devanagari", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-devanagari", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-devanagari", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-devanagari", 13);
pref("font.default.x-tamil", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-tamil", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-tamil", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-tamil", 13);
pref("font.default.x-armn", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-armn", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-armn", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-armn", 13);
pref("font.default.x-beng", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-beng", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-beng", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-beng", 13);
pref("font.default.x-cans", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-cans", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-cans", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-cans", 13);
pref("font.default.x-ethi", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-ethi", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-ethi", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-ethi", 13);
pref("font.default.x-geor", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-geor", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-geor", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-geor", 13);
pref("font.default.x-gujr", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-gujr", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-gujr", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-gujr", 13);
pref("font.default.x-guru", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-guru", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-guru", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-guru", 13);
pref("font.default.x-khmr", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-khmr", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-khmr", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-khmr", 13);
pref("font.default.x-mlym", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-mlym", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-mlym", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-mlym", 13);
pref("font.default.x-orya", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-orya", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-orya", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-orya", 13);
pref("font.default.x-telu", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-telu", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-telu", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-telu", 13);
pref("font.default.x-knda", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-knda", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-knda", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-knda", 13);
pref("font.default.x-sinh", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-sinh", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-sinh", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-sinh", 13);
pref("font.default.x-tibt", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-tibt", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-tibt", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-tibt", 13);
pref("font.default.x-unicode", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-unicode", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-unicode", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-unicode", 13);
pref("font.default.x-western", "serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.x-western", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.x-western", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.x-western", 13);
pref("font.default.zh-CN", "sans-serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.zh-CN", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.zh-CN", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.zh-CN", 16);
pref("font.default.zh-HK", "sans-serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.zh-HK", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.zh-HK", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.zh-HK", 16);
pref("font.default.zh-TW", "sans-serif");
pref("font.minimum-size.zh-TW", 0);
pref("font.size.variable.zh-TW", 16);
pref("font.size.fixed.zh-TW", 16);
* A value greater than zero enables font size inflation for
* pan-and-zoom UIs, so that the fonts in a block are at least the size
* that, if a block's width is scaled to match the device's width, the
* fonts in the block are big enough that at most the pref value ems of
* text fit in *the width of the device*.
* When both this pref and the next are set, the larger inflation is
* used.
pref("font.size.inflation.emPerLine", 0);
* A value greater than zero enables font size inflation for
* pan-and-zoom UIs, so that if a block's width is scaled to match the
* device's width, the fonts in a block are at least the font size
* given. The value given is in twips, i.e., 1/20 of a point, or 1/1440
* of an inch.
* When both this pref and the previous are set, the larger inflation is
* used.
pref("font.size.inflation.minTwips", 0);
* In products with multi-mode pan-and-zoom and non-pan-and-zoom UIs,
* this pref forces font inflation to always be enabled in all modes.
* That is, any heuristics used to detect pan-and-zoom
* vs. non-pan-and-zoom modes are disabled and all content is treated
* as pan-and-zoom mode wrt font inflation.
* This pref has no effect if font inflation is not enabled through
* either of the prefs above. It has no meaning in single-mode UIs.
pref("font.size.inflation.forceEnabled", false);
* In products with multi-mode pan-and-zoom and non-pan-and-zoom UIs,
* this pref disables font inflation in master-process contexts where
* existing heuristics can't be used determine enabled-ness.
* This pref has no effect if font inflation is not enabled through
* either of the prefs above. The "forceEnabled" pref above overrides
* this pref.
pref("font.size.inflation.disabledInMasterProcess", false);
* Since the goal of font size inflation is to avoid having to
* repeatedly scroll side to side to read a block of text, and there are
* a number of page layouts where a relatively small chunk of text is
* better of not being inflated according to the same algorithm we use
* for larger chunks of text, we want a threshold for an amount of text
* that triggers font size inflation. This preference controls that
* threshold.
* It controls the threshold used within an *approximation* of the
* number of lines of text we use. In particular, if we assume that
* each character (collapsing collapsible whitespace) has a width the
* same as the em-size of the font (when, normally, it's actually quite
* a bit smaller on average), this preference gives the percentage of a
* number of lines of text we'd need to trigger inflation. This means
* that a percentage of 100 means that we'd need a number of characters
* (we know the font size and the width) equivalent to one line of
* square text (which is actually a lot less than a real line of text).
* A value of 0 means there's no character length threshold.
pref("font.size.inflation.lineThreshold", 400);
* Defines the font size inflation mapping intercept parameter.
* Font size inflation computes a minimum font size, m, based on
* other preferences (see font.size.inflation.minTwips and
* font.size.inflation.emPerLine, above) and the width of the
* frame in which the text resides. Using this minimum, a specified
* font size, s, is mapped to an inflated font size, i, using an
* equation that varies depending on the value of the font size
* inflation mapping intercept parameter, P:
* If the intercept parameter is negative, then the following mapping
* function is used:
* i = m + s
* If the intercept parameter is non-negative, then the mapping function
* is a function such that its graph meets the graph of i = s at the
* point where both i and s are (1 + P/2) * m for values of s that are
* large enough. This means that when s=0, i is always equal to m.
pref("font.size.inflation.mappingIntercept", 1);
* This controls the percentage that fonts will be inflated, if font
* size inflation is enabled. Essentially, if we have a specified font
* size, s, and an inflated font size, i, this specifies that the ratio
* i/s * 100 should never exceed the value of this preference.
* In order for this preference to have any effect, its value must be
* greater than 100, since font inflation can never decrease the ratio
* i/s.
pref("font.size.inflation.maxRatio", 0);
* When enabled, the touch.radius and mouse.radius prefs allow events to be dispatched
* to nearby elements that are sensitive to the event. See PositionedEventTargeting.cpp.
* The 'mm' prefs define a rectangle around the nominal event target point within which
* we will search for suitable elements. 'visitedWeight' is a percentage weight;
* a value > 100 makes a visited link be treated as further away from the event target
* than it really is, while a value < 100 makes a visited link be treated as closer
* to the event target than it really is.
pref("ui.touch.radius.enabled", false);
pref("ui.touch.radius.leftmm", 8);
pref("ui.touch.radius.topmm", 12);
pref("ui.touch.radius.rightmm", 8);
pref("ui.touch.radius.bottommm", 4);
pref("ui.touch.radius.visitedWeight", 120);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.enabled", false);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.leftmm", 8);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.topmm", 12);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.rightmm", 8);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.bottommm", 4);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.visitedWeight", 120);
// When true, the ui.mouse.radius.* prefs will only affect simulated mouse events generated by touch input.
// When false, the prefs will be used for all mouse events.
pref("ui.mouse.radius.inputSource.touchOnly", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Comic Sans MS");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Comic Sans MS");
pref("", "Narkisim");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Fixed Miriam Transparent");
pref("", "Guttman Yad");
pref("", "Narkisim, David");
pref("", "Fixed Miriam Transparent, Miriam Fixed, Rod, Courier New");
pref("", "Guttman Yad, Ktav, Arial");
pref("", "MS PMincho");
pref("", "MS PGothic");
pref("", "MS Gothic");
pref("", "MS PMincho, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS Gothic,Meiryo");
pref("", "MS PGothic, MS Gothic, MS PMincho, MS Mincho,Meiryo");
pref("", "MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho,Meiryo");
pref("", "Batang");
pref("", "Gulim");
pref("", "GulimChe");
pref("", "Gungsuh");
pref("", "Batang, Gulim");
pref("", "Gulim");
pref("", "GulimChe");
pref("", "Gungsuh");
pref("", "Tahoma");
pref("", "Tahoma");
pref("", "Tahoma");
pref("", "Tahoma");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Comic Sans MS");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Comic Sans MS");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Comic Sans MS");
pref("", "SimSun");
pref("", "SimSun");
pref("", "SimSun");
pref("", "MS Song, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB");
pref("", "MS Song, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB");
pref("", "MS Song, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB");
// Per Taiwanese users' demand. They don't want to use TC fonts for
// rendering Latin letters. (bug 88579)
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "MingLiU");
pref("", "PMingLiu, MingLiU, MingLiU-ExtB");
pref("", "PMingLiU, MingLiU, MingLiU-ExtB");
pref("", "MingLiU, MingLiU-ExtB");
// hkscsm3u.ttf (HKSCS-2001) :
// Hong Kong users have the same demand about glyphs for Latin letters (bug 88579)
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "MingLiu_HKSCS");
pref("", "MingLiu_HKSCS, Ming(for ISO10646), MingLiU, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB");
pref("", "MingLiU_HKSCS, Ming(for ISO10646), MingLiU, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB");
pref("", "MingLiU_HKSCS, Ming(for ISO10646), MingLiU, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB");
pref("", "Kokila");
pref("", "Nirmala UI");
pref("", "Mangal");
pref("", "Kokila, Raghindi");
pref("", "Nirmala UI, Mangal");
pref("", "Mangal, Nirmala UI");
pref("", "Latha");
pref("", "Code2000");
pref("", "Latha");
pref("", "Latha, Code2000");
pref("", "Latha, Code2000");
pref("", "Sylfaen");
pref("", "Arial AMU");
pref("", "Arial AMU");
pref("", "Sylfaen,Arial Unicode MS, Code2000");
pref("", "Arial AMU, Arial Unicode MS, Code2000");
pref("", "Vrinda");
pref("", "Vrinda");
pref("", "Mitra Mono");
pref("", "Vrinda, Akaash, Likhan, Ekushey Punarbhaba, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Vrinda, Akaash, Likhan, Ekushey Punarbhaba, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Likhan, Mukti Narrow, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Aboriginal Serif");
pref("", "Aboriginal Sans");
pref("", "Aboriginal Sans");
pref("", "Aboriginal Serif, BJCree Uni");
pref("", "Aboriginal Sans, OskiDakelh, Pigiarniq, Uqammaq");
pref("", "Visual Geez Unicode");
pref("", "GF Zemen Unicode");
pref("", "Visual Geez Unicode Title");
pref("", "Ethiopia Jiret");
pref("", "Visual Geez Unicode, Visual Geez Unicode Agazian, Code2000");
pref("", "Ethiopia Jiret, Code2000");
pref("", "Sylfaen");
pref("", "BPG Classic 99U");
pref("", "Code2000");
pref("", "Sylfaen, BPG Paata Khutsuri U, TITUS Cyberbit Basic");
pref("", "BPG Classic 99U, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Shruti");
pref("", "Shruti");
pref("", "Code2000");
pref("", "Shruti, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Code2000, Shruti, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Raavi");
pref("", "Code2000");
pref("", "Code2000");
pref("", "Raavi, Saab, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Code2000, Raavi, Saab, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "PhnomPenh OT");
pref("", "Khmer OS");
pref("", "Code2000");
pref("", "PhnomPenh OT,.Mondulkiri U GR 1.5, Khmer OS");
pref("", "Code2000, Khmer OS, Khmer OS System");
pref("", "Rachana_w01");
pref("", "Rachana_w01");
pref("", "Rachana_w01");
pref("", "AnjaliOldLipi, Kartika, ThoolikaUnicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "AnjaliOldLipi, Kartika, ThoolikaUnicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "AnjaliOldLipi, Kartika, ThoolikaUnicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "ori1Uni");
pref("", "ori1Uni");
pref("", "ori1Uni");
pref("", "Kalinga, ori1Uni, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Kalinga, ori1Uni, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Kalinga, ori1Uni, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Gautami");
pref("", "Gautami");
pref("", "Gautami");
pref("", "Gautami, Akshar Unicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Gautami, Akshar Unicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Gautami, Akshar Unicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Tunga");
pref("", "Tunga");
pref("", "Tunga");
pref("", "Tunga, AksharUnicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Tunga, AksharUnicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Tunga, AksharUnicode, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS");
pref("", "Iskoola Pota");
pref("", "Iskoola Pota");
pref("", "Iskoola Pota");
pref("", "Iskoola Pota, AksharUnicode");
pref("", "Iskoola Pota, AksharUnicode");
pref("", "Iskoola Pota, AksharUnicode");
pref("", "Tibetan Machine Uni");
pref("", "Tibetan Machine Uni");
pref("", "Tibetan Machine Uni");
pref("", "Tibetan Machine Uni, Jomolhari, Microsoft Himalaya");
pref("", "Tibetan Machine Uni, Jomolhari, Microsoft Himalaya");
pref("", "Tibetan Machine Uni, Jomolhari, Microsoft Himalaya");
pref("", 10);
pref("font.default.x-devanagari", "sans-serif");
// We have special support for Monotype Symbol on Windows.
pref("font.mathfont-family", "MathJax_Main, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSizeOneSym, STIXGeneral, Asana Math, Symbol, DejaVu Sans, Cambria Math");
// cleartype settings - false implies default system settings
// use cleartype rendering for downloadable fonts (win xp only)
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.use_for_downloadable_fonts", true);
// use cleartype rendering for all fonts always (win xp only)
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.always_use_for_content", false);
// ClearType tuning parameters for directwrite/d2d.
// Allows overriding of underlying registry values in:
// HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Avalon.Graphics/<display> (contrast and level)
// HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Avalon.Graphics/<display> (gamma, pixel structure)
// and selection of the ClearType/antialiasing mode.
// A value of -1 implies use the default value, otherwise value ranges
// follow registry settings:
// gamma [1000, 2200] default: based on screen, typically 2200 (== 2.2)
// enhanced contrast [0, 1000] default: 50
// cleartype level [0, 100] default: 100
// pixel structure [0, 2] default: 0 (flat/RGB/BGR)
// rendering mode [0, 5] default: 0
// 0 = use default for font & size;
// 1 = aliased;
// 2 = GDI Classic;
// 3 = GDI Natural Widths;
// 4 = Natural;
// 5 = Natural Symmetric
// See:
// Note: DirectWrite uses the "Enhanced Contrast Level" value rather than the
// "Text Contrast Level" value
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.gamma", -1);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.enhanced_contrast", -1);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.cleartype_level", -1);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.pixel_structure", -1);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode", -1);
// A comma-separated list of font family names. Fonts in these families will
// be forced to use "GDI Classic" ClearType mode, provided the value
// of gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode is -1
// (i.e. a specific rendering_mode has not been explicitly set).
// Currently we apply this setting to the sans-serif Microsoft "core Web fonts".
"Arial,Consolas,Courier New,Microsoft Sans Serif,Segoe UI,Tahoma,Trebuchet MS,Verdana");
// The maximum size at which we will force GDI classic mode using
// force_gdi_classic_for_families.
pref("gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.force_gdi_classic_max_size", 15);
pref("ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses", true);
// override double-click word selection behavior.
pref("layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word", true);
// scrollbar snapping region
pref("slider.snapMultiplier", 6);
// print_extra_margin enables platforms to specify an extra gap or margin
// around the content of the page for Print Preview only
pref("print.print_extra_margin", 90); // twips (90 twips is an eigth of an inch)
// Whether to extend the native dialog with information on printing frames.
pref("print.extend_native_print_dialog", true);
// Locate plugins by scanning the Adobe Acrobat installation directory with a minimum version
pref("plugin.scan.Acrobat", "5.0");
// Locate plugins by scanning the Quicktime installation directory with a minimum version
pref("plugin.scan.Quicktime", "5.0");
// Locate and scan the Window Media Player installation directory for plugins with a minimum version
pref("plugin.scan.WindowsMediaPlayer", "7.0");
// Locate plugins by the directories specified in the Windows registry for PLIDs
// Which is currently HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\xxxPLIDxxx\Path
pref("plugin.scan.plid.all", true);
// Allow the new AsyncDrawing mode to be used for plugins.
pref("plugin.allow.asyncdrawing", false);
// Help Windows NT, 2000, and XP dialup a RAS connection
// when a network address is unreachable.
pref("network.autodial-helper.enabled", true);
// Switch the keyboard layout per window
pref("intl.keyboard.per_window_layout", false);
// Enable/Disable TSF support on Vista or later.
pref("intl.tsf.enable", true);
pref("intl.tsf.enable", false);
// Force enable TSF even on WinXP or WinServer 2003.
// Be aware, TSF framework on prior to Vista is not enough stable.
pref("intl.tsf.force_enable", false);
// Support IMEs implemented with IMM in TSF mode.
pref("intl.tsf.support_imm", true);
// Enables/Disables hack for specific TIP.
// Whether creates native caret for ATOK or not.
pref("intl.tsf.hack.atok.create_native_caret", true);
// Whether use composition start position for the result of
// ITfContextView::GetTextExt() if the specified range is larger than
// composition start offset.
// For Free ChangJie 2010
pref("intl.tsf.hack.free_chang_jie.do_not_return_no_layout_error", true);
// For Easy Changjei
pref("intl.tsf.hack.easy_changjei.do_not_return_no_layout_error", true);
// See bug 448927, on topmost panel, some IMEs are not usable on Windows.
pref("ui.panel.default_level_parent", false);
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled", true);
// High resolution scrolling with supported mouse drivers on Vista or later.
pref("mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling", true);
// If your mouse drive sends WM_*SCROLL messages when you turn your mouse wheel,
// set this to true. Then, gecko processes them as mouse wheel messages.
pref("mousewheel.emulate_at_wm_scroll", false);
// Enables or disabled the TrackPoint hack, -1 is autodetect, 0 is off,
// and 1 is on. Set this to 1 if TrackPoint scrolling is not working.
pref("ui.trackpoint_hack.enabled", -1);
// Setting this to a non-empty string overrides the Win32 "window class" used
// for "normal" windows. Setting this to MozillaUIWindowClass might make
// some trackpad drivers behave better.
pref("ui.window_class_override", "");
// Enables or disables the Elantech gesture hacks. -1 is autodetect, 0 is off,
// and 1 is on. Set this to 1 if three-finger swipe gestures do not cause
// page back/forward actions, or if pinch-to-zoom does not work.
pref("ui.elantech_gesture_hacks.enabled", -1);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// Mac specific preference defaults
pref("browser.drag_out_of_frame_style", 1);
pref("ui.key.saveLink.shift", false); // true = shift, false = meta
// default fonts (in UTF8 and using canonical names)
// to determine canonical font names, use a debug build and
// enable NSPR logging for module fontInfoLog:5
// canonical names immediately follow '(fontinit) family:' in the log
pref("", "Al Bayan");
pref("", "Geeza Pro");
pref("", "Geeza Pro");
pref("", "DecoType Naskh");
pref("", "KufiStandardGK");
pref("", "Al Bayan");
pref("", "Geeza Pro");
pref("", "Geeza Pro");
pref("", "DecoType Naskh");
pref("", "KufiStandardGK");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Lucida Grande");
pref("", "Lucida Grande");
pref("", "Times,Times New Roman");
pref("", "Helvetica,Lucida Grande");
pref("", "Courier New,Lucida Grande");
pref("", "Times,Lucida Grande");
pref("", "Times,Lucida Grande");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Arial");
pref("", "Courier New");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Times New Roman");
pref("", "Hiragino Mincho ProN");
pref("", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN");
pref("", "Osaka-Mono");
pref("", "Hiragino Mincho ProN,Hiragino Mincho Pro");
pref("", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN,Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro");
pref("", "Osaka-Mono");
pref("", "AppleMyungjo");
pref("", "Apple SD Gothic Neo");
pref("", "Apple SD Gothic Neo");
pref("", "AppleMyungjo");
pref("", "Apple SD Gothic Neo,AppleGothic");
pref("", "Apple SD Gothic Neo,AppleGothic");
pref("", "Thonburi");
pref("", "Thonburi");
pref("", "Ayuthaya");
pref("", "Thonburi");
pref("", "Thonburi");
pref("", "Ayuthaya");
pref("", "Mshtakan");
pref("", "Mshtakan");
pref("", "Mshtakan");
pref("", "Mshtakan");
pref("", "Mshtakan");
pref("", "Mshtakan");
// SolaimanLipi, Rupali
pref("", "Bangla MN");
pref("", "Bangla Sangam MN");
pref("", "Bangla Sangam MN");
pref("", "Bangla MN");
pref("", "Bangla Sangam MN");
pref("", "Bangla Sangam MN");
pref("", "Euphemia UCAS");
pref("", "Euphemia UCAS");
pref("", "Euphemia UCAS");
pref("", "Euphemia UCAS");
pref("", "Euphemia UCAS");
pref("", "Euphemia UCAS");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Monaco");
pref("", "Geneva");
pref("", "Charcoal CY");
pref("", "Times,Times New Roman");
pref("", "Helvetica,Arial");
pref("", "Monaco,Courier New");
pref("", "Geneva");
pref("", "Charcoal CY");
pref("", "Devanagari MT");
pref("", "Devanagari Sangam MN");
pref("", "Devanagari Sangam MN");
pref("", "Devanagari MT");
pref("", "Devanagari Sangam MN,Devanagari MT");
pref("", "Devanagari Sangam MN,Devanagari MT");
// Abyssinica SIL
pref("", "Kefa");
pref("", "Kefa");
pref("", "Kefa");
pref("", "Kefa,Abyssinica SIL");
pref("", "Kefa,Abyssinica SIL");
pref("", "Kefa,Abyssinica SIL");
// no suitable fonts for georgian ship with mac os x
// however some can be freely downloaded
// TITUS Cyberbit Basic
// Zuzumbo
pref("", "TITUS Cyberbit Basic");
pref("", "Zuzumbo");
pref("", "Zuzumbo");
pref("", "TITUS Cyberbit Basic");
pref("", "Zuzumbo");
pref("", "Zuzumbo");
pref("", "Gujarati MT");
pref("", "Gujarati Sangam MN");
pref("", "Gujarati Sangam MN");
pref("", "Gujarati MT");
pref("", "Gujarati Sangam MN,Gujarati MT");
pref("", "Gujarati Sangam MN,Gujarati MT");
pref("", "Gurmukhi MT");
pref("", "Gurmukhi MT");
pref("", "Gurmukhi MT");
pref("", "Gurmukhi MT");
pref("", "Gurmukhi MT");
pref("", "Gurmukhi MT");
pref("", "Khmer MN");
pref("", "Khmer Sangam MN");
pref("", "Khmer Sangam MN");
pref("", "Khmer MN");
pref("", "Khmer Sangam MN");
pref("", "Khmer Sangam MN");
pref("", "Malayalam MN");
pref("", "Malayalam Sangam MN");
pref("", "Malayalam Sangam MN");
pref("", "Malayalam MN");
pref("", "Malayalam Sangam MN");
pref("", "Malayalam Sangam MN");
pref("", "Oriya MN");
pref("", "Oriya Sangam MN");
pref("", "Oriya Sangam MN");
pref("", "Oriya MN");
pref("", "Oriya Sangam MN");
pref("", "Oriya Sangam MN");
// Pothana
pref("", "Telugu MN");
pref("", "Telugu Sangam MN");
pref("", "Telugu Sangam MN");
pref("", "Telugu MN,Pothana");
pref("", "Telugu Sangam MN,Pothana");
pref("", "Telugu Sangam MN,Pothana");
// Kedage
pref("", "Kannada MN");
pref("", "Kannada Sangam MN");
pref("", "Kannada Sangam MN");
pref("", "Kannada MN,Kedage");
pref("", "Kannada Sangam MN,Kedage");
pref("", "Kannada Sangam MN,Kedage");
pref("", "Sinhala MN");
pref("", "Sinhala Sangam MN");
pref("", "Sinhala Sangam MN");
pref("", "Sinhala MN");
pref("", "Sinhala Sangam MN");
pref("", "Sinhala Sangam MN");
pref("", "InaiMathi");
pref("", "InaiMathi");
pref("", "InaiMathi");
pref("", "InaiMathi");
pref("", "InaiMathi");
pref("", "InaiMathi");
// Kailasa ships with mac os x >= 10.5
pref("", "Kailasa");
pref("", "Kailasa");
pref("", "Kailasa");
pref("", "Kailasa");
pref("", "Kailasa");
pref("", "Kailasa");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Courier");
pref("", "Apple Chancery");
pref("", "Papyrus");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Courier");
pref("", "Apple Chancery");
pref("", "Papyrus");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Courier");
pref("", "Apple Chancery");
pref("", "Papyrus");
pref("", "Times,Times New Roman");
pref("", "Helvetica,Arial");
pref("", "Courier,Courier New");
pref("", "Apple Chancery");
pref("", "Papyrus");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Courier");
pref("", "Times,STSong,Heiti SC");
pref("", "Helvetica,STHeiti,Heiti SC");
pref("", "Courier,STHeiti,Heiti SC");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Courier");
pref("", "Times,LiSong Pro,Heiti TC");
pref("", "Helvetica,Heiti TC,LiHei Pro");
pref("", "Courier,Heiti TC,LiHei Pro");
pref("", "Times");
pref("", "Helvetica");
pref("", "Courier");
pref("", "Times,LiSong Pro,Heiti TC");
pref("", "Helvetica,Heiti TC,LiHei Pro");
pref("", "Courier,Heiti TC,LiHei Pro");
// XP_MACOSX changes to default font sizes
pref("", 10);
pref("font.size.variable.zh-CN", 15);
pref("font.size.variable.zh-HK", 15);
pref("font.size.variable.zh-TW", 15);
// Apple's Symbol is Unicode so use it
pref("font.mathfont-family", "Latin Modern Math, XITS Math, STIX Math, Cambria Math, Asana Math, TeX Gyre Bonum Math, TeX Gyre Pagella Math, TeX Gyre Termes Math, Neo Euler, Lucida Bright Math, MathJax_Main, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSizeOneSym, STIXGeneral, Symbol, DejaVu Sans");
// individual font faces to be treated as independent families
// names are Postscript names of each face
pref("font.single-face-list", "Osaka-Mono");
// optimization hint for fonts with localized names to be read in at startup, otherwise read in at lookup miss
// names are canonical family names (typically English names)
pref("font.preload-names-list", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN,Hiragino Mincho ProN,STSong");
// Override font-weight values for some problematic families Apple ships
// (see bug 931426).
// The name here is the font's PostScript name, which can be checked in
// the Font Book utility or other tools.
pref("font.weight-override.AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin", 100); // Ensure Thin < UltraLight < Light
pref("font.weight-override.AppleSDGothicNeo-UltraLight", 200);
pref("font.weight-override.AppleSDGothicNeo-Light", 300);
pref("font.weight-override.AppleSDGothicNeo-Heavy", 900); // Ensure Heavy > ExtraBold (800)
pref("font.weight-override.Avenir-Book", 300); // Ensure Book < Roman (400)
pref("font.weight-override.Avenir-BookOblique", 300);
pref("font.weight-override.Avenir-MediumOblique", 500); // Harmonize MediumOblique with Medium
pref("font.weight-override.Avenir-Black", 900); // Ensure Black > Heavy (800)
pref("font.weight-override.Avenir-BlackOblique", 900);
pref("font.weight-override.AvenirNext-MediumItalic", 500); // Harmonize MediumItalic with Medium
pref("font.weight-override.AvenirNextCondensed-MediumItalic", 500);
pref("font.weight-override.HelveticaNeue-Light", 300); // Ensure Light > Thin (200)
pref("font.weight-override.HelveticaNeue-LightItalic", 300);
pref("font.weight-override.HelveticaNeue-MediumItalic", 500); // Harmonize MediumItalic with Medium
// Override the Windows settings: no menu key, meta accelerator key. ctrl for general access key in HTML/XUL
// Use 17 for Ctrl, 18 for Option, 224 for Cmd, 0 for none
pref("ui.key.menuAccessKey", 0);
pref("ui.key.accelKey", 224);
// (pinkerton, joki, saari) IE5 for mac uses Control for access keys. The HTML4 spec
// suggests to use command on mac, but this really sucks (imagine someone having a "q"
// as an access key and not letting you quit the app!). As a result, we've made a
// command decision 1 day before tree lockdown to change it to the control key.
pref("ui.key.generalAccessKey", -1);
// If generalAccessKey is -1, use the following two prefs instead.
// Use 0 for disabled, 1 for Shift, 2 for Ctrl, 4 for Alt, 8 for Meta (Cmd)
// (values can be combined, e.g. 3 for Ctrl+Shift)
pref("ui.key.chromeAccess", 2);
pref("ui.key.contentAccess", 6);
// print_extra_margin enables platforms to specify an extra gap or margin
// around the content of the page for Print Preview only
pref("print.print_extra_margin", 90); // twips (90 twips is an eigth of an inch)
// See bug 404131, topmost <panel> element wins to Dashboard on MacOSX.
pref("ui.panel.default_level_parent", false);
pref("ui.plugin.cancel_composition_at_input_source_changed", false);
// The min width of composition window for plugins
pref("ui.plugin.panel.min-width", 500);
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled", false);
// Macbook touchpad two finger pixel scrolling
pref("mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling", true);
#ifdef ANDROID
// Handled differently under Mac/Windows
pref("network.protocol-handler.warn-external.file", false);
pref("browser.drag_out_of_frame_style", 1);
// Middle-mouse handling
pref("middlemouse.paste", true);
pref("middlemouse.contentLoadURL", true);
pref("middlemouse.openNewWindow", true);
pref("middlemouse.scrollbarPosition", true);
pref("browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll", false);
// Tab focus model bit field:
// 1 focuses text controls, 2 focuses other form elements, 4 adds links.
// Leave this at the default, 7, to match mozilla1.0-era user expectations.
// pref("accessibility.tabfocus", 1);
// autocomplete keyboard grab workaround
pref("autocomplete.grab_during_popup", true);
pref("autocomplete.ungrab_during_mode_switch", true);
// Default to using the system filepicker if possible, but allow
// toggling to use the XUL filepicker
pref("ui.allow_platform_file_picker", true);
pref("helpers.global_mime_types_file", "/etc/mime.types");
pref("helpers.global_mailcap_file", "/etc/mailcap");
pref("helpers.private_mime_types_file", "~/.mime.types");
pref("helpers.private_mailcap_file", "~/.mailcap");
pref("print.print_command", "lpr ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-P\"$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME\"}");
pref("print.printer_list", ""); // list of printers, separated by spaces
pref("print.print_reversed", false);
pref("print.print_color", true);
pref("print.print_landscape", false);
pref("print.print_paper_size", 0);
// print_extra_margin enables platforms to specify an extra gap or margin
// around the content of the page for Print Preview only
pref("print.print_extra_margin", 0); // twips
#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(FXOS_SIMULATOR)
// font names
pref("font.alias-list", "sans,sans-serif,serif,monospace");
// Gonk (along with FxOS Simulator) and Android ship different sets of fonts
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK) || defined(FXOS_SIMULATOR)
// TODO: some entries could probably be cleaned up.
// ar
pref("", "Droid Serif"); // not Charis SIL Compact, only has a few Greek chars
pref("", "Roboto"); // To be updated once the Greek letters in Fira are revised
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Droid Sans Hebrew, Fira Sans");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "MotoyaLMaru");
pref("", "Fira Sans, MotoyaLMaru, MotoyaLCedar, Droid Sans Japanese");
pref("", "MotoyaLMaru, MotoyaLCedar, Fira Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Fira Sans, Noto Sans Thai, Droid Sans Thai");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Fira Sans");
pref("", "Fira Mono");
// (i.e. this is Firefox for Android) - here, we use the bundled fonts
// ar
pref("", "Droid Serif"); // not Charis SIL Compact, only has a few Greek chars
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Clear Sans, Roboto, Droid Sans");
pref("", "Droid Serif");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Sans Hebrew, Clear Sans, Droid Sans");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "MotoyaLMaru");
pref("", "Droid Serif");
pref("", "Clear Sans, Roboto, Droid Sans, MotoyaLMaru, MotoyaLCedar, Droid Sans Japanese");
pref("", "MotoyaLMaru, MotoyaLCedar, Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif, HYSerif");
pref("", "SmartGothic, NanumGothic, DroidSansFallback, Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif");
pref("", "Droid Sans Thai, Clear Sans, Droid Sans");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif");
pref("", "Clear Sans, Roboto, Droid Sans");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif");
pref("", "Clear Sans, Roboto, Droid Sans");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif");
pref("", "Clear Sans, Roboto, Droid Sans");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif, Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Roboto, Droid Sans, Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif, Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Roboto, Droid Sans, Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Charis SIL Compact");
pref("", "Clear Sans");
pref("", "Droid Sans Mono");
pref("", "Droid Serif, Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Roboto, Droid Sans, Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", "Droid Sans Fallback");
pref("", 12);
pref("font.default.el", "sans-serif");
pref("font.size.fixed.el", 12);
pref("font.size.fixed.he", 12);
pref("", 13);
pref("font.default.x-cyrillic", "sans-serif");
pref("font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic", 12);
pref("font.default.x-unicode", "sans-serif");
pref("font.size.fixed.x-unicode", 12);
pref("font.default.x-western", "sans-serif");
pref("font.size.fixed.x-western", 12);
#ifdef ANDROID
/* PostScript print module prefs */
// pref("print.postscript.enabled", true);
pref("print.postscript.paper_size", "letter");
pref("print.postscript.orientation", "portrait");
pref("print.postscript.print_command", "lpr ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-P\"$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME\"}");
// Setting default_level_parent to true makes the default level for popup
// windows "top" instead of "parent". On GTK2 platform, this is implemented
// with override-redirect windows which is the normal way to implement
// temporary popup windows. Setting this to false would make the default
// level "parent" which is implemented with managed windows.
// A problem with using managed windows is that metacity sometimes deactivates
// the parent window when the managed popup is shown.
pref("ui.panel.default_level_parent", true);
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled", false);
#ifndef ANDROID
#ifndef XP_MACOSX
#ifdef XP_UNIX
// Handled differently under Mac/Windows
pref("network.protocol-handler.warn-external.file", false);
pref("browser.drag_out_of_frame_style", 1);
// Middle-mouse handling
pref("middlemouse.paste", true);
pref("middlemouse.contentLoadURL", true);
pref("middlemouse.openNewWindow", true);
pref("middlemouse.scrollbarPosition", true);
// Clipboard behavior
pref("clipboard.autocopy", true);
pref("browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll", false);
// Tab focus model bit field:
// 1 focuses text controls, 2 focuses other form elements, 4 adds links.
// Leave this at the default, 7, to match mozilla1.0-era user expectations.
// pref("accessibility.tabfocus", 1);
// autocomplete keyboard grab workaround
pref("autocomplete.grab_during_popup", true);
pref("autocomplete.ungrab_during_mode_switch", true);
// Default to using the system filepicker if possible, but allow
// toggling to use the XUL filepicker
pref("ui.allow_platform_file_picker", true);
pref("helpers.global_mime_types_file", "/etc/mime.types");
pref("helpers.global_mailcap_file", "/etc/mailcap");
pref("helpers.private_mime_types_file", "~/.mime.types");
pref("helpers.private_mailcap_file", "~/.mailcap");
pref("print.print_command", "lpr ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-P\"$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME\"}");
pref("print.printer_list", ""); // list of printers, separated by spaces
pref("print.print_reversed", false);
pref("print.print_color", true);
pref("print.print_landscape", false);
pref("print.print_paper_size", 0);
// print_extra_margin enables platforms to specify an extra gap or margin
// around the content of the page for Print Preview only
pref("print.print_extra_margin", 0); // twips
// font names
pref("font.alias-list", "sans,sans-serif,serif,monospace");
pref("", 12);
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
pref("font.size.fixed.el", 12);
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
pref("font.size.fixed.he", 12);
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", 13);
pref("", "monospace");
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
pref("font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic", 12);
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
pref("font.size.fixed.x-unicode", 12);
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
pref("font.size.fixed.x-western", 12);
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
// ming_uni.ttf (HKSCS-2001)
pref("", "serif");
pref("", "sans-serif");
pref("", "monospace");
// zh-TW
/* PostScript print module prefs */
// pref("print.postscript.enabled", true);
pref("print.postscript.paper_size", "letter");
pref("print.postscript.orientation", "portrait");
pref("print.postscript.print_command", "lpr ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-P\"$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME\"}");
// On GTK2 platform, we should use topmost window level for the default window
// level of <panel> element of XUL. GTK2 has only two window types. One is
// normal top level window, other is popup window. The popup window is always
// topmost window level, therefore, we are using normal top level window for
// non-topmost panel, but it is pretty hacky. On some Window Managers, we have
// 2 problems:
// 1. The non-topmost panel steals focus from its parent window at showing.
// 2. The parent of non-topmost panel is not activated when the panel is hidden.
// So, we have no reasons we should use non-toplevel window for popup.
pref("ui.panel.default_level_parent", true);
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled", false);
pref("intl.ime.use_simple_context_on_password_field", true);
pref("intl.ime.use_simple_context_on_password_field", false);
// Override default Japanese fonts
pref("", "dt-interface system-jisx0208.1983-0");
pref("", "dt-interface system-jisx0208.1983-0");
pref("", "dt-interface user-jisx0208.1983-0");
// Override default Cyrillic fonts
pref("", "dt-interface system-iso8859-5");
pref("", "dt-interface system-iso8859-5");
pref("", "dt-interface user-iso8859-5");
// Override default Unicode fonts
pref("", "dt-interface system-ucs2.cjk_japan-0");
pref("", "dt-interface system-ucs2.cjk_japan-0");
pref("", "dt-interface user-ucs2.cjk_japan-0");
#ifdef SOLARIS
pref("print.postscript.print_command", "lp -c -s ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-d\"$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME\"}");
pref("print.print_command", "lp -c -s ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-d\"$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME\"}");
# Solaris
// Login Manager prefs
pref("signon.rememberSignons", true);
pref("signon.autofillForms", true);
pref("signon.autologin.proxy", false);
pref("signon.storeWhenAutocompleteOff", true);
pref("signon.debug", false);
// Satchel (Form Manager) prefs
pref("browser.formfill.debug", false);
pref("browser.formfill.enable", true);
pref("browser.formfill.expire_days", 180);
pref("browser.formfill.saveHttpsForms", true);
pref("browser.formfill.agedWeight", 2);
pref("browser.formfill.bucketSize", 1);
pref("browser.formfill.maxTimeGroupings", 25);
pref("browser.formfill.timeGroupingSize", 604800);
pref("browser.formfill.boundaryWeight", 25);
pref("browser.formfill.prefixWeight", 5);
// Zoom prefs
pref("browser.zoom.full", false);
pref("zoom.minPercent", 30);
pref("zoom.maxPercent", 300);
pref("toolkit.zoomManager.zoomValues", ".3,.5,.67,.8,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.33,1.5,1.7,2,2.4,3");
* Specify whether or not the browser should generate a reflow event on zoom.
* For a pan-and-zoom ui on mobile, it is sometimes desirable for a zoom event
* to limit the max line box width of text in order to enable easier reading
* of large amounts of text.
* If enabled, this will limit the max line box width of all text on a page to
* the viewport width (also generating a reflow), after a zoom event occurs.
* By default, this is not enabled.
pref("browser.zoom.reflowOnZoom", false);
* Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait after a given reflow-on-zoom
* operation has completed before allowing another one to be triggered. This
* is to prevent a buildup of reflow-zoom events.
pref("browser.zoom.reflowZoom.reflowTimeout", 500);
* Controls whether or not the reflow-on-zoom behavior happens on page load.
* This can be enabled in conjunction with the above preference (reflowOnZoom),
* but has no effect if browser.zoom.reflowOnZoom is disabled.
* Note that this should be turned off only in cases where debugging of the
* reflow-on-zoom feature is necessary, and enabling the feature during
* a page load inhbits this debugging.
pref("browser.zoom.reflowZoom.reflowTextOnPageLoad", true);
// Image-related prefs
// The maximum size, in bytes, of the decoded images we cache
pref("image.cache.size", 5242880);
// A weight, from 0-1000, to place on time when comparing to size.
// Size is given a weight of 1000 - timeweight.
pref("image.cache.timeweight", 500);
// The default Accept header sent for images loaded over HTTP(S)
pref("image.http.accept", "image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5");
// Whether we do high-quality image downscaling. OS X natively supports
// high-quality image scaling.
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("image.high_quality_downscaling.enabled", false);
pref("image.high_quality_downscaling.enabled", true);
// The minimum percent downscaling we'll use high-quality downscaling on,
// interpreted as a floating-point number / 1000.
pref("image.high_quality_downscaling.min_factor", 1000);
// The maximum memory size which we'll use high-quality uspcaling on,
// interpreted as number of decoded bytes.
pref("image.high_quality_upscaling.max_size", 20971520);
// Image memory management prefs
// Discards inactive image frames and re-decodes them on demand from
// compressed data.
pref("image.mem.discardable", true);
// Prevents images from automatically being decoded on load, instead allowing
// them to be decoded on demand when they are drawn.
pref("image.mem.decodeondraw", true);
// Allows image locking of decoded image data in content processes.
pref("image.mem.allow_locking_in_content_processes", true);
// Minimum timeout for image discarding (in milliseconds). The actual time in
// which an image must inactive for it to be discarded will vary between this
// value and twice this value.
// This used to be 120 seconds, but having it that high causes our working
// set to grow very large. Switching it back to 10 seconds will hopefully
// be better.
pref("image.mem.min_discard_timeout_ms", 10000);
// Chunk size for calls to the image decoders
pref("image.mem.decode_bytes_at_a_time", 16384);
// The longest time we can spend in an iteration of an async decode
pref("image.mem.max_ms_before_yield", 5);
// The maximum amount of decoded image data we'll willingly keep around (we
// might keep around more than this, but we'll try to get down to this value).
pref("image.mem.max_decoded_image_kb", 51200);
// Hard limit for the amount of decoded image data, 0 means we don't have the
// hard limit for it.
pref("image.mem.hard_limit_decoded_image_kb", 0);
// Minimum timeout for expiring unused images from the surface cache, in
// milliseconds. This controls how long we store cached temporary surfaces.
pref("image.mem.surfacecache.min_expiration_ms", 60000); // 60ms
// Maximum size for the surface cache, in kilobytes.
pref("image.mem.surfacecache.max_size_kb", 102400); // 100MB
// The surface cache's size, within the constraints of the maximum size set
// above, is determined using a formula based on system capabilities like memory
// size. The size factor is used to tune this formula. Larger size factors
// result in smaller caches. The default should be a good balance for most
// systems.
pref("image.mem.surfacecache.size_factor", 64);
// Whether we decode images on multiple background threads rather than the
// foreground thread.
pref("image.multithreaded_decoding.enabled", true);
// How many threads we'll use for multithreaded decoding. If < 0, will be
// automatically determined based on the system's number of cores.
pref("image.multithreaded_decoding.limit", -1);
// Limit for the canvas image cache. 0 means we don't limit the size of the
// cache.
pref("canvas.image.cache.limit", 0);
// How many images to eagerly decode on a given page. 0 means "no limit".
pref("image.onload.decode.limit", 0);
// WebGL prefs
#ifdef ANDROID
// Disable MSAA on mobile.
pref("gl.msaa-level", 0);
pref("gl.msaa-level", 2);
pref("webgl.force-enabled", false);
pref("webgl.disabled", false);
pref("webgl.shader_validator", true);
pref("webgl.disable-angle", false);
pref("webgl.min_capability_mode", false);
pref("webgl.disable-extensions", false);
pref("webgl.msaa-force", false);
pref("webgl.prefer-16bpp", false);
pref("webgl.default-no-alpha", false);
pref("webgl.force-layers-readback", false);
pref("webgl.lose-context-on-memory-preasure", false);
pref("webgl.can-lose-context-in-foreground", true);
pref("webgl.restore-context-when-visible", true);
pref("webgl.max-warnings-per-context", 32);
pref("webgl.enable-draft-extensions", false);
pref("webgl.enable-privileged-extensions", false);
pref("gfx.gralloc.fence-with-readpixels", false);
// Stagefright prefs
pref("stagefright.force-enabled", false);
pref("stagefright.disabled", false);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// The default TCP send window on Windows is too small, and autotuning only occurs on receive
pref("network.tcp.sendbuffer", 131072);
// TCP Keepalive
pref("network.tcp.keepalive.enabled", true);
// Default idle time before first TCP keepalive probe; same time for interval
// between successful probes. Can be overridden in socket transport API.
// Win, Linux and Mac.
pref("network.tcp.keepalive.idle_time", 600); // seconds; 10 mins
// Default timeout for retransmission of unack'd keepalive probes.
// Win and Linux only; not configurable on Mac.
#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN)
pref("network.tcp.keepalive.retry_interval", 1); // seconds
// Default maximum probe retransmissions.
// Linux only; not configurable on Win and Mac; fixed at 10 and 8 respectively.
#ifdef XP_UNIX && !defined(XP_MACOSX)
pref("network.tcp.keepalive.probe_count", 4);
// Whether to disable acceleration for all widgets.
pref("layers.acceleration.disabled", false);
// Preference that when switched at runtime will run a series of benchmarks
// and output the result to stderr.
pref("layers.bench.enabled", false);
// Whether to force acceleration on, ignoring blacklists.
#ifdef ANDROID
// bug 838603 -- on Android, accidentally blacklisting OpenGL layers
// means a startup crash for everyone.
pref("layers.acceleration.force-enabled", true);
pref("layers.acceleration.force-enabled", false);
pref("layers.acceleration.draw-fps", false);
pref("layers.dump", false);
pref("layers.draw-borders", false);
pref("layers.draw-tile-borders", false);
pref("layers.draw-bigimage-borders", false);
pref("layers.frame-counter", false);
pref("layers.enable-tiles", false);
pref("layers.tiled-drawtarget.enabled", false);
pref("layers.low-precision-buffer", false);
pref("layers.tile-width", 256);
pref("layers.tile-height", 256);
// Max number of layers per container. See Overwrite in mobile prefs.
pref("layers.max-active", -1);
// Set the default values, and then override per-platform as needed
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", false);
// Compositor target frame rate. NOTE: If vsync is enabled the compositor
// frame rate will still be capped.
// -1 -> default (match layout.frame_rate or 60 FPS)
// 0 -> full-tilt mode: Recomposite even if not transaction occured.
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.frame-rate", -1);
// Asynchonous video compositing using the ImageBridge IPDL protocol.
// requires off-main-thread compositing.
pref("layers.async-video.enabled", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", true);
// XXX - see bug 1009616
pref("layers.async-video-oop.enabled", false);
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", true);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", true);
pref("layers.enable-tiles", true);
pref("layers.tiled-drawtarget.enabled", true);
// ANDROID covers android and b2g
#ifdef ANDROID
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", true);
// same effect as layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled, but specifically for
// use with tests.
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.testing.enabled", false);
// whether to allow use of the basic compositor
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.force-basic", false);
// Whether to animate simple opacity and transforms on the compositor
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.async-animations", false);
// Whether to log information about off main thread animations to stderr
pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.log-animations", false);
pref("layers.bufferrotation.enabled", true);
pref("layers.componentalpha.enabled", true);
#ifdef ANDROID
#ifdef MOZ_X11
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Whether to disable the automatic detection and use of direct2d.
pref("gfx.direct2d.disabled", false);
// Whether to attempt to enable Direct2D regardless of automatic detection or
// blacklisting
pref("gfx.direct2d.force-enabled", false);
pref("layers.prefer-opengl", false);
pref("layers.prefer-d3d9", false);
// Force all possible layers to be always active layers
pref("layers.force-active", false);
// Enable/Disable the geolocation API for content
pref("geo.enabled", true);
// Enable/Disable the orientation API for content
pref("device.sensors.enabled", true);
// Enable/Disable the device storage API for content
pref("", false);
// Toggle which thread the HTML5 parser uses for stream parsing
pref("html5.offmainthread", true);
// Time in milliseconds between the time a network buffer is seen and the
// timer firing when the timer hasn't fired previously in this parse in the
// off-the-main-thread HTML5 parser.
pref("html5.flushtimer.initialdelay", 120);
// Time in milliseconds between the time a network buffer is seen and the
// timer firing when the timer has already fired previously in this parse.
pref("html5.flushtimer.subsequentdelay", 120);
// Push/Pop/Replace State prefs
pref("browser.history.allowPushState", true);
pref("browser.history.allowReplaceState", true);
pref("browser.history.allowPopState", true);
pref("browser.history.maxStateObjectSize", 655360);
// XPInstall prefs
pref("xpinstall.whitelist.required", true);
pref("extensions.alwaysUnpack", false);
pref("extensions.minCompatiblePlatformVersion", "2.0");
pref("network.buffer.cache.count", 24);
pref("network.buffer.cache.size", 32768);
// Desktop Notification
pref("notification.feature.enabled", false);
// Web Notification
pref("dom.webnotifications.enabled", true);
// Alert animation effect, name is disableSlidingEffect for backwards-compat.
pref("alerts.disableSlidingEffect", false);
// DOM full-screen API.
pref("full-screen-api.enabled", false);
pref("full-screen-api.allow-trusted-requests-only", true);
pref("full-screen-api.content-only", false);
pref("full-screen-api.pointer-lock.enabled", true);
// DOM idle observers API
pref("dom.idle-observers-api.enabled", true);
// Time limit, in milliseconds, for EventStateManager::IsHandlingUserInput().
// Used to detect long running handlers of user-generated events.
pref("dom.event.handling-user-input-time-limit", 1000);
// Whether we should layerize all animated images (if otherwise possible).
pref("layout.animated-image-layers.enabled", false);
pref("dom.vibrator.enabled", true);
pref("dom.vibrator.max_vibrate_ms", 10000);
pref("dom.vibrator.max_vibrate_list_len", 128);
// Battery API
pref("dom.battery.enabled", true);
// Image srcset
pref("dom.image.srcset.enabled", false);
// <picture> element and sizes
pref("dom.image.picture.enabled", false);
// WebSMS
pref("dom.sms.enabled", false);
// Enable Latin characters replacement with corresponding ones in GSM SMS
// 7-bit default alphabet.
pref("dom.sms.strict7BitEncoding", false);
pref("dom.sms.requestStatusReport", true);
// Numeric default service id for SMS API calls with |serviceId| parameter
// omitted.
pref("dom.sms.defaultServiceId", 0);
// MobileMessage GetMessages/GetThreads read ahead aggressiveness.
// positive: finite read-ahead entries,
// 0: don't read ahead unless explicitly requested, (default)
// negative: read ahead all IDs if possible.
pref("dom.sms.maxReadAheadEntries", 0);
// WebContacts
pref("dom.mozContacts.enabled", false);
// WebAlarms
pref("dom.mozAlarms.enabled", false);
// SimplePush
pref("services.push.enabled", false);
// WebNetworkStats
pref("dom.mozNetworkStats.enabled", false);
// WebSettings
pref("dom.mozSettings.enabled", false);
pref("dom.mozPermissionSettings.enabled", false);
// W3C touch events
// 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - autodetect (win)
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled", 2);
// W3C draft pointer events
pref("dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled", false);
// W3C draft ImageCapture API
pref("dom.imagecapture.enabled", false);
// W3C touch-action css property (related to touch and pointer events)
pref("layout.css.touch_action.enabled", false);
// enable JS dump() function.
pref("browser.dom.window.dump.enabled", false);
// SPS Profiler
pref("profiler.enabled", false);
pref("profiler.interval", 10);
pref("profiler.entries", 100000);
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
// Network Information API
pref("dom.netinfo.enabled", true);
pref("dom.netinfo.enabled", false);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// On 32-bit Windows, fire a low-memory notification if we have less than this
// many mb of virtual address space available.
pref("memory.low_virtual_memory_threshold_mb", 128);
// On Windows 32- or 64-bit, fire a low-memory notification if we have less
// than this many mb of commit space (physical memory plus page file) left.
pref("memory.low_commit_space_threshold_mb", 128);
// On Windows 32- or 64-bit, fire a low-memory notification if we have less
// than this many mb of physical memory available on the whole machine.
pref("memory.low_physical_memory_threshold_mb", 0);
// On Windows 32- or 64-bit, don't fire a low-memory notification because of
// low available physical memory or low commit space more than once every
// low_memory_notification_interval_ms.
pref("memory.low_memory_notification_interval_ms", 10000);
// How long must we wait before declaring that a window is a "ghost" (i.e., a
// likely leak)? This should be longer than it usually takes for an eligible
// window to be collected via the GC/CC.
pref("memory.ghost_window_timeout_seconds", 60);
// Disable freeing dirty pages when minimizing memory.
pref("memory.free_dirty_pages", false);
// Disable the Linux-specific, system-wide memory reporter.
#ifdef XP_LINUX
pref("memory.system_memory_reporter", false);
// Don't dump memory reports on OOM, by default.
pref("memory.dump_reports_on_oom", false);
// Number of stack frames to capture in createObjectURL for about:memory.
pref("memory.blob_report.stack_frames", 0);
// comma separated list of domain origins (e.g. that still
// need localStorage in the frameworker
pref("social.whitelist", "");
// comma separated list of domain origins (e.g. for
// directory websites (e.g. AMO) that can install providers for other sites
pref("social.directories", "");
// remote-install allows any website to activate a provider, with extended UI
// notifying user of installation. we can later pref off remote install if
// necessary. This does not affect whitelisted and directory installs.
pref("social.remote-install.enabled", true);
pref("social.toast-notifications.enabled", true);
// Disable idle observer fuzz, because only privileged content can access idle
// observers (bug 780507).
pref("dom.idle-observers-api.fuzz_time.disabled", true);
// Lowest localId for apps.
pref("dom.mozApps.maxLocalId", 1000);
// XXX Security: You CANNOT safely add a new app store for
// installing privileged apps just by modifying this pref and
// adding the signing cert for that store to the cert trust
// database. *Any* origin listed can install apps signed with
// *any* certificate trusted; we don't try to maintain a strong
// association between certificate with installOrign. The
// expectation here is that in production builds the pref will
// contain exactly one origin. However, in custom development
// builds it may contain more than one origin so we can test
// different stages (dev, staging, prod) of the same app store.
pref("dom.mozApps.signed_apps_installable_from", "");
// Whether or not to dump mozApps debug messages to the console.
// Only checked on startup, so restart after changing this pref.
// Ignored on Android, where we always report debug messages because it's
// unnecessary to restrict reporting, per bug 1003469.
pref("dom.mozApps.debug", false);
// Minimum delay in milliseconds between network activity notifications (0 means
// no notifications). The delay is the same for both download and upload, though
// they are handled separately. This pref is only read once at startup:
// a restart is required to enable a new value.
pref("network.activity.blipIntervalMilliseconds", 0);
// If true, reuse the same global for everything loaded by the component loader
// (JS components, JSMs, etc). This saves memory, but makes it possible for
// the scripts to interfere with each other. A restart is required for this
// to take effect.
pref("jsloader.reuseGlobal", false);
// When we're asked to take a screenshot, don't wait more than 2000ms for the
// event loop to become idle before actually taking the screenshot.
pref("dom.browserElement.maxScreenshotDelayMS", 2000);
// Whether we should show the placeholder when the element is focused but empty.
pref("dom.placeholder.show_on_focus", true);
// MMS UA Profile settings
pref("wap.UAProf.url", "");
pref("wap.UAProf.tagname", "x-wap-profile");
// MMS version 1.1 = 0x11 (or decimal 17)
// MMS version 1.3 = 0x13 (or decimal 19)
// @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.34
pref("dom.mms.version", 19);
pref("dom.mms.requestStatusReport", true);
// Retrieval mode for MMS
// manual: Manual retrieval mode.
// automatic: Automatic retrieval mode even in roaming.
// automatic-home: Automatic retrieval mode in home network.
// never: Never retrieval mode.
pref("dom.mms.retrieval_mode", "manual");
pref("dom.mms.sendRetryCount", 3);
pref("dom.mms.sendRetryInterval", "10000,60000,180000");
pref("dom.mms.retrievalRetryCount", 4);
pref("dom.mms.retrievalRetryIntervals", "60000,300000,600000,1800000");
// Numeric default service id for MMS API calls with |serviceId| parameter
// omitted.
pref("dom.mms.defaultServiceId", 0);
// Debug enabler for MMS.
pref("mms.debugging.enabled", false);
// Request read report while sending MMS.
pref("dom.mms.requestReadReport", true);
// Number of RadioInterface instances to create.
pref("ril.numRadioInterfaces", 0);
// If the user puts a finger down on an element and we think the user
// might be executing a pan gesture, how long do we wait before
// tentatively deciding the gesture is actually a tap and activating
// the target element?
pref("ui.touch_activation.delay_ms", 100);
// If the user has clicked an element, how long do we keep the
// :active state before it is cleared by the mouse sequences
// fired after a touchstart/touchend.
pref("ui.touch_activation.duration_ms", 10);
// nsMemoryInfoDumper can watch a fifo in the temp directory and take various
// actions when the fifo is written to. Disable this in general.
pref("memory_info_dumper.watch_fifo.enabled", false);
pref("captivedetect.maxWaitingTime", 5000);
pref("captivedetect.pollingTime", 3000);
pref("captivedetect.maxRetryCount", 5);
pref("dom.forms.inputmode", false);
pref("dom.forms.inputmode", true);
// InputMethods for soft keyboards in B2G
pref("dom.mozInputMethod.enabled", false);
// DataStore is disabled by default
pref("dom.datastore.enabled", false);
// Telephony API
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
pref("dom.telephony.enabled", true);
pref("dom.telephony.enabled", false);
// Numeric default service id for WebTelephony API calls with |serviceId|
// parameter omitted.
pref("dom.telephony.defaultServiceId", 0);
// Cell Broadcast API
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
pref("dom.cellbroadcast.enabled", true);
pref("dom.cellbroadcast.enabled", false);
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
pref("dom.icc.enabled", true);
pref("dom.icc.enabled", false);
// Mobile Connection API
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
pref("dom.mobileconnection.enabled", true);
pref("dom.mobileconnection.enabled", false);
// Voice Mail API
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
pref("dom.voicemail.enabled", true);
pref("dom.voicemail.enabled", false);
// Numeric default service id for Voice Mail API calls with |serviceId|
// parameter omitted.
pref("dom.voicemail.defaultServiceId", 0);
// DOM Inter-App Communication API.
pref("dom.inter-app-communication-api.enabled", false);
// Disable mapped array buffer by default.
pref("dom.mapped_arraybuffer.enabled", false);
// The tables used for Safebrowsing phishing and malware checks.
pref("urlclassifier.malwareTable", "goog-malware-shavar,test-malware-simple");
pref("urlclassifier.phishTable", "goog-phish-shavar,test-phish-simple");
pref("urlclassifier.downloadBlockTable", "");
pref("urlclassifier.downloadAllowTable", "");
pref("urlclassifier.disallow_completions", "test-malware-simple,test-phish-simple,goog-downloadwhite-digest256,mozpub-track-digest256");
// The table and update/gethash URLs for Safebrowsing phishing and malware
// checks.
pref("urlclassifier.trackingTable", "mozpub-track-digest256");
pref("browser.trackingprotection.updateURL", "");
pref("browser.trackingprotection.gethashURL", "");
// Turn off Spatial navigation by default.
pref("snav.enabled", false);
// Turn off touch caret by default.
pref("touchcaret.enabled", false);
// Maximum distance to the center of touch caret (in app unit square) which
// will be accepted to drag touch caret (0 means only in the bounding box of touch
// caret is accepted)
pref("touchcaret.distance.threshold", 1500);
// We'll start to increment time when user release the control of touch caret.
// When time exceed this expiration time, we'll hide touch caret.
// In milliseconds. (0 means disable this feature)
pref("touchcaret.expiration.time", 3000);
// Turn off selection caret by default
pref("selectioncaret.enabled", false);
// This will inflate size of selection caret frame when we checking if
// user click on selection caret or not. In app units.
pref("selectioncaret.inflatesize.threshold", 40);
// Wakelock is disabled by default.
pref("dom.wakelock.enabled", false);
// The URL of the Firefox Accounts auth server backend
pref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri", "");
// disable mozsample size for now
pref("image.mozsamplesize.enabled", false);
// Enable navigator.sendBeacon on all platforms except b2g because it doesn't
// play nicely with Firefox OS apps yet.
pref("beacon.enabled", true);
// Camera prefs
pref("camera.control.autofocus_moving_callback.enabled", true);
pref("camera.control.face_detection.enabled", true);
// Fetch API.
pref("dom.fetch.enabled", false);
// Empirically, this is the value returned by hal::GetTotalSystemMemory()
// when Flame's memory is limited to 512MiB. If the camera stack determines
// it is running on a low memory platform, features that can be reliably
// supported will be disabled. This threshold can be adjusted to suit other
// platforms; and set to 0 to disable the low-memory check altogether.
pref("camera.control.low_memory_thresholdMB", 404);
// UDPSocket API
pref("dom.udpsocket.enabled", false);