2015-03-19 11:04:00 +01:00

361 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* ManifestProcessor
* Implementation of processing algorithms from:
* Creates manifest processor that lets you process a JSON file
* or individual parts of a manifest object. A manifest is just a
* standard JS object that has been cleaned up.
* .process({jsonText,manifestURL,docURL});
* TODO: The constructor should accept the UA's supported orientations.
* TODO: The constructor should accept the UA's supported display modes.
* TODO: hook up developer tools to console. (1086997).
/*exported EXPORTED_SYMBOLS */
/*JSLint options in comment below: */
/*globals Components, XPCOMUtils*/
'use strict';
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['ManifestProcessor'];
const imports = {};
const {
utils: Cu,
classes: Cc,
interfaces: Ci
} = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(imports, 'Services',
imports.netutil = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsINetUtil);
// Helper function extracts values from manifest members
// and reports conformance violations.
function extractValue({
}, console) {
const value = object[property];
const isArray = Array.isArray(value);
// We need to special-case "array", as it's not a JS primitive.
const type = (isArray) ? 'array' : typeof value;
if (type !== expectedType) {
if (type !== 'undefined') {
let msg = `Expected the ${objectName}'s ${property} `;
msg += `member to a be a ${expectedType}.`;
return undefined;
// Trim string and returned undefined if the empty string.
const shouldTrim = expectedType === 'string' && value && trim;
if (shouldTrim) {
return value.trim() || undefined;
return value;
const displayModes = new Set(['fullscreen', 'standalone', 'minimal-ui',
const orientationTypes = new Set(['any', 'natural', 'landscape', 'portrait',
'portrait-primary', 'portrait-secondary', 'landscape-primary',
const {
} = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/devtools/Console.jsm');
class ManifestProcessor {
constructor() {}
static get defaultDisplayMode() {
return 'browser';
static get displayModes() {
return displayModes;
static get orientationTypes() {
return orientationTypes;
// process method: processes json text into a clean manifest
// that conforms with the W3C specification. Takes an object
// expecting the following dictionary items:
// * jsonText: the JSON string to be processd.
// * manifestURL: the URL of the manifest, to resolve URLs.
// * docURL: the URL of the owner doc, for security checks.
jsonText, manifestURL, docURL
}) {
const console = new ConsoleAPI({
prefix: 'Web Manifest: '
let rawManifest = {};
try {
rawManifest = JSON.parse(jsonText);
} catch (e) {}
if (typeof rawManifest !== 'object' || rawManifest === null) {
let msg = 'Manifest needs to be an object.';
rawManifest = {};
const processedManifest = {
start_url: processStartURLMember(rawManifest, manifestURL, docURL),
display: processDisplayMember(rawManifest),
orientation: processOrientationMember(rawManifest),
name: processNameMember(rawManifest),
icons: IconsProcessor.process(rawManifest, manifestURL, console),
short_name: processShortNameMember(rawManifest),
processedManifest.scope = processScopeMember(rawManifest, manifestURL,
docURL, processedManifest.start_url);
return processedManifest;
function processNameMember(aManifest) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'manifest',
object: aManifest,
property: 'name',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: true
return extractValue(spec, console);
function processShortNameMember(aManifest) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'manifest',
object: aManifest,
property: 'short_name',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: true
return extractValue(spec, console);
function processOrientationMember(aManifest) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'manifest',
object: aManifest,
property: 'orientation',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: true
const value = extractValue(spec, console);
if (ManifestProcessor.orientationTypes.has(value)) {
return value;
// The spec special-cases orientation to return the empty string.
return '';
function processDisplayMember(aManifest) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'manifest',
object: aManifest,
property: 'display',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: true
const value = extractValue(spec, console);
if (ManifestProcessor.displayModes.has(value)) {
return value;
return ManifestProcessor.defaultDisplayMode;
function processScopeMember(aManifest, aManifestURL, aDocURL, aStartURL) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'manifest',
object: aManifest,
property: 'scope',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: false
const value = extractValue(spec, console);
let scopeURL;
try {
scopeURL = new URL(value, aManifestURL);
} catch (e) {
let msg = 'The URL of scope is invalid.';
return undefined;
if (scopeURL.origin !== aDocURL.origin) {
let msg = 'Scope needs to be same-origin as Document.';
return undefined;
// If start URL is not within scope of scope URL:
let isSameOrigin = aStartURL && aStartURL.origin !== scopeURL.origin;
if (isSameOrigin || !aStartURL.pathname.startsWith(scopeURL.pathname)) {
let msg =
'The start URL is outside the scope, so scope is invalid.';
return undefined;
return scopeURL;
function processStartURLMember(aManifest, aManifestURL, aDocURL) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'manifest',
object: aManifest,
property: 'start_url',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: false
let result = new URL(aDocURL);
const value = extractValue(spec, console);
if (value === undefined || value === '') {
return result;
let potentialResult;
try {
potentialResult = new URL(value, aManifestURL);
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Invalid URL.');
return result;
if (potentialResult.origin !== aDocURL.origin) {
let msg = 'start_url must be same origin as document.';
} else {
result = potentialResult;
return result;
this.ManifestProcessor = ManifestProcessor;
class IconsProcessor {
constructor() {
throw new Error('Static use only.');
static get onlyDecimals() {
return /^\d+$/;
static get anyRegEx() {
return new RegExp('any', 'i');
static process(aManifest, aBaseURL, console) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'manifest',
object: aManifest,
property: 'icons',
expectedType: 'array',
trim: false
const icons = [];
const value = extractValue(spec, console);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// Filter out icons whose "src" is not useful.
value.filter(item => !!processSrcMember(item, aBaseURL))
.forEach(icon => icons.push(icon));
return icons;
function toIconObject(aIconData) {
return {
src: processSrcMember(aIconData, aBaseURL),
type: processTypeMember(aIconData),
sizes: processSizesMember(aIconData),
density: processDensityMember(aIconData)
function processTypeMember(aIcon) {
const charset = {};
const hadCharset = {};
const spec = {
objectName: 'icon',
object: aIcon,
property: 'type',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: true
let value = extractValue(spec, console);
if (value) {
value = imports.netutil.parseContentType(value, charset, hadCharset);
return value || undefined;
function processDensityMember(aIcon) {
const value = parseFloat(aIcon.density);
const validNum = Number.isNaN(value) || value === +Infinity || value <=
return (validNum) ? 1.0 : value;
function processSrcMember(aIcon, aBaseURL) {
const spec = {
objectName: 'icon',
object: aIcon,
property: 'src',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: false
const value = extractValue(spec, console);
let url;
if (value && value.length) {
try {
url = new URL(value, aBaseURL);
} catch (e) {}
return url;
function processSizesMember(aIcon) {
const sizes = new Set(),
spec = {
objectName: 'icon',
object: aIcon,
property: 'sizes',
expectedType: 'string',
trim: true
value = extractValue(spec, console);
if (value) {
// Split on whitespace and filter out invalid values.
.forEach(size => sizes.add(size));
return sizes;
// Implementation of HTML's link@size attribute checker.
function isValidSizeValue(aSize) {
const size = aSize.toLowerCase();
if (IconsProcessor.anyRegEx.test(aSize)) {
return true;
if (!size.contains('x') || size.indexOf('x') !== size.lastIndexOf('x')) {
return false;
// Split left of x for width, after x for height.
const widthAndHeight = size.split('x');
const w = widthAndHeight.shift();
const h = widthAndHeight.join('x');
const validStarts = !w.startsWith('0') && !h.startsWith('0');
const validDecimals = IconsProcessor.onlyDecimals.test(w + h);
return (validStarts && validDecimals);