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synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "Services");
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "promise");
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "EventEmitter",
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "DevToolsUtils",
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "TIMELINE_BLUEPRINT",
"devtools/timeline/global", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "L10N",
"devtools/profiler/global", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "RecordingUtils",
"devtools/performance/recording-utils", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "RecordingModel",
"devtools/performance/recording-model", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "MarkersOverview",
"devtools/timeline/markers-overview", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "MemoryOverview",
"devtools/timeline/memory-overview", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "Waterfall",
"devtools/timeline/waterfall", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "MarkerDetails",
"devtools/timeline/marker-details", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "CallView",
"devtools/profiler/tree-view", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "ThreadNode",
"devtools/profiler/tree-model", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "FrameNode",
"devtools/profiler/tree-model", true);
devtools.lazyRequireGetter(this, "OptionsView",
"devtools/shared/options-view", true);
devtools.lazyImporter(this, "CanvasGraphUtils",
devtools.lazyImporter(this, "LineGraphWidget",
devtools.lazyImporter(this, "FlameGraphUtils",
devtools.lazyImporter(this, "FlameGraph",
devtools.lazyImporter(this, "SideMenuWidget",
const BRANCH_NAME = "devtools.performance.ui.";
// Events emitted by various objects in the panel.
const EVENTS = {
// Fired by the OptionsView when a preference changes.
PREF_CHANGED: "Performance:PrefChanged",
// Emitted by the PerformanceView when the state (display mode) changes.
UI_STATE_CHANGED: "Performance:UI:StateChanged",
// Emitted by the PerformanceView on clear button click
UI_CLEAR_RECORDINGS: "Performance:UI:ClearRecordings",
// Emitted by the PerformanceView on record button click
UI_START_RECORDING: "Performance:UI:StartRecording",
UI_STOP_RECORDING: "Performance:UI:StopRecording",
// Emitted by the PerformanceView on import button click
UI_IMPORT_RECORDING: "Performance:UI:ImportRecording",
// Emitted by the RecordingsView on export button click
UI_EXPORT_RECORDING: "Performance:UI:ExportRecording",
// When a recording is started or stopped via the PerformanceController
RECORDING_STARTED: "Performance:RecordingStarted",
RECORDING_STOPPED: "Performance:RecordingStopped",
RECORDING_WILL_START: "Performance:RecordingWillStart",
RECORDING_WILL_STOP: "Performance:RecordingWillStop",
// Emitted by the PerformanceController or RecordingView
// when a recording model is selected
RECORDING_SELECTED: "Performance:RecordingSelected",
// When recordings have been cleared out
RECORDINGS_CLEARED: "Performance:RecordingsCleared",
// When a recording is imported or exported via the PerformanceController
RECORDING_IMPORTED: "Performance:RecordingImported",
RECORDING_EXPORTED: "Performance:RecordingExported",
// When the PerformanceController has new recording data
TIMELINE_DATA: "Performance:TimelineData",
// Emitted by the OverviewView when more data has been rendered
OVERVIEW_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:OverviewRendered",
FRAMERATE_GRAPH_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:OverviewFramerateRendered",
MARKERS_GRAPH_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:OverviewMarkersRendered",
MEMORY_GRAPH_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:OverviewMemoryRendered",
// Emitted by the OverviewView when a range has been selected in the graphs
OVERVIEW_RANGE_SELECTED: "Performance:UI:OverviewRangeSelected",
// Emitted by the OverviewView when a selection range has been removed
OVERVIEW_RANGE_CLEARED: "Performance:UI:OverviewRangeCleared",
// Emitted by the DetailsView when a subview is selected
DETAILS_VIEW_SELECTED: "Performance:UI:DetailsViewSelected",
// Emitted by the WaterfallView when it has been rendered
WATERFALL_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:WaterfallRendered",
// Emitted by the JsCallTreeView when a call tree has been rendered
JS_CALL_TREE_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:JsCallTreeRendered",
// Emitted by the JsFlameGraphView when it has been rendered
JS_FLAMEGRAPH_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:JsFlameGraphRendered",
// Emitted by the MemoryCallTreeView when a call tree has been rendered
MEMORY_CALL_TREE_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:MemoryCallTreeRendered",
// Emitted by the MemoryFlameGraphView when it has been rendered
MEMORY_FLAMEGRAPH_RENDERED: "Performance:UI:MemoryFlameGraphRendered",
// When a source is shown in the JavaScript Debugger at a specific location.
SOURCE_SHOWN_IN_JS_DEBUGGER: "Performance:UI:SourceShownInJsDebugger",
SOURCE_NOT_FOUND_IN_JS_DEBUGGER: "Performance:UI:SourceNotFoundInJsDebugger"
* The current target and the profiler connection, set by this tool's host.
let gToolbox, gTarget, gFront;
* Initializes the profiler controller and views.
let startupPerformance = Task.async(function*() {
yield promise.all([
* Destroys the profiler controller and views.
let shutdownPerformance = Task.async(function*() {
yield promise.all([
* Functions handling target-related lifetime events and
* UI interaction.
let PerformanceController = {
_recordings: [],
_currentRecording: null,
* Listen for events emitted by the current tab target and
* main UI events.
initialize: Task.async(function* () {
this.startRecording = this.startRecording.bind(this);
this.stopRecording = this.stopRecording.bind(this);
this.importRecording = this.importRecording.bind(this);
this.exportRecording = this.exportRecording.bind(this);
this.clearRecordings = this.clearRecordings.bind(this);
this._onTimelineData = this._onTimelineData.bind(this);
this._onRecordingSelectFromView = this._onRecordingSelectFromView.bind(this);
this._onPrefChanged = this._onPrefChanged.bind(this);
ToolbarView.on(EVENTS.PREF_CHANGED, this._onPrefChanged);
PerformanceView.on(EVENTS.UI_START_RECORDING, this.startRecording);
PerformanceView.on(EVENTS.UI_STOP_RECORDING, this.stopRecording);
PerformanceView.on(EVENTS.UI_IMPORT_RECORDING, this.importRecording);
PerformanceView.on(EVENTS.UI_CLEAR_RECORDINGS, this.clearRecordings);
RecordingsView.on(EVENTS.UI_EXPORT_RECORDING, this.exportRecording);
RecordingsView.on(EVENTS.RECORDING_SELECTED, this._onRecordingSelectFromView);
gFront.on("markers", this._onTimelineData); // timeline markers
gFront.on("frames", this._onTimelineData); // stack frames
gFront.on("memory", this._onTimelineData); // memory measurements
gFront.on("ticks", this._onTimelineData); // framerate
gFront.on("allocations", this._onTimelineData); // memory allocations
* Remove events handled by the PerformanceController
destroy: function() {
ToolbarView.off(EVENTS.PREF_CHANGED, this._onPrefChanged);
PerformanceView.off(EVENTS.UI_START_RECORDING, this.startRecording);
PerformanceView.off(EVENTS.UI_STOP_RECORDING, this.stopRecording);
PerformanceView.off(EVENTS.UI_IMPORT_RECORDING, this.importRecording);
PerformanceView.off(EVENTS.UI_CLEAR_RECORDINGS, this.clearRecordings);
RecordingsView.off(EVENTS.UI_EXPORT_RECORDING, this.exportRecording);
RecordingsView.off(EVENTS.RECORDING_SELECTED, this._onRecordingSelectFromView);
gFront.off("markers", this._onTimelineData);
gFront.off("frames", this._onTimelineData);
gFront.off("memory", this._onTimelineData);
gFront.off("ticks", this._onTimelineData);
gFront.off("allocations", this._onTimelineData);
* Get a preference setting from `prefName` via the underlying
* OptionsView in the ToolbarView.
getPref: function (prefName) {
return ToolbarView.optionsView.getPref(prefName);
* Starts recording with the PerformanceFront. Emits `EVENTS.RECORDING_STARTED`
* when the front has started to record.
startRecording: Task.async(function *() {
let withMemory = this.getPref("enable-memory");
let withTicks = this.getPref("enable-framerate");
let withAllocations = this.getPref("enable-memory");
let recording = this._createRecording({ withMemory, withTicks, withAllocations });
this.emit(EVENTS.RECORDING_WILL_START, recording);
yield recording.startRecording({ withTicks, withMemory, withAllocations });
this.emit(EVENTS.RECORDING_STARTED, recording);
* Stops recording with the PerformanceFront. Emits `EVENTS.RECORDING_STOPPED`
* when the front has stopped recording.
stopRecording: Task.async(function *() {
let recording = this._getLatestRecording();
this.emit(EVENTS.RECORDING_WILL_STOP, recording);
yield recording.stopRecording();
this.emit(EVENTS.RECORDING_STOPPED, recording);
* Saves the given recording to a file. Emits `EVENTS.RECORDING_EXPORTED`
* when the file was saved.
* @param RecordingModel recording
* The model that holds the recording data.
* @param nsILocalFile file
* The file to stream the data into.
exportRecording: Task.async(function*(_, recording, file) {
yield recording.exportRecording(file);
this.emit(EVENTS.RECORDING_EXPORTED, recording);
* Clears all recordings from the list as well as the current recording.
* Emits `EVENTS.RECORDINGS_CLEARED` when complete so other components can clean up.
clearRecordings: Task.async(function* () {
let latest = this._getLatestRecording();
if (latest && latest.isRecording()) {
yield this.stopRecording();
this._recordings.length = 0;
* Loads a recording from a file, adding it to the recordings list. Emits
* `EVENTS.RECORDING_IMPORTED` when the file was loaded.
* @param nsILocalFile file
* The file to import the data from.
importRecording: Task.async(function*(_, file) {
let recording = this._createRecording();
yield recording.importRecording(file);
this.emit(EVENTS.RECORDING_IMPORTED, recording);
* Creates a new RecordingModel, fires events and stores it
* internally in the controller.
* @param object options
* @see PerformanceFront.prototype.startRecording
* @return RecordingModel
* The newly created recording model.
_createRecording: function (options={}) {
let { withMemory, withTicks, withAllocations } = options;
let front = gFront;
let recording = new RecordingModel(
{ front, performance, withMemory, withTicks, withAllocations });
return recording;
* Sets the currently active RecordingModel.
* @param RecordingModel recording
setCurrentRecording: function (recording) {
if (this._currentRecording !== recording) {
this._currentRecording = recording;
this.emit(EVENTS.RECORDING_SELECTED, recording);
* Gets the currently active RecordingModel.
* @return RecordingModel
getCurrentRecording: function () {
return this._currentRecording;
* Get most recently added recording that was triggered manually (via UI).
* @return RecordingModel
_getLatestRecording: function () {
for (let i = this._recordings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return this._recordings[i];
return null;
* Fired whenever the PerformanceFront emits markers, memory or ticks.
_onTimelineData: function (...data) {
this._recordings.forEach(e => e.addTimelineData.apply(e, data));
this.emit(EVENTS.TIMELINE_DATA, ...data);
* Fired from RecordingsView, we listen on the PerformanceController so we can
* set it here and re-emit on the controller, where all views can listen.
_onRecordingSelectFromView: function (_, recording) {
* Fired when the ToolbarView fires a PREF_CHANGED event.
* with the value.
_onPrefChanged: function (_, prefName, value) {
this.emit(EVENTS.PREF_CHANGED, prefName, value);
* Convenient way of emitting events from the controller.
* DOM query helpers.
function $(selector, target = document) {
return target.querySelector(selector);
function $$(selector, target = document) {
return target.querySelectorAll(selector);