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synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
MIME types that can't be identified as textual are base64 encoded before being shown in the Network Monitor tab of the developer tools. This text detection wasn't identifying "custom" JSON MIME-types like "application/x-bigcorp-api-json" as being JSON, and consequently they were shown in a rather unhelpful base64 form. This patch extends and liberalizes the isTextMimeType method to identify these forms correctly.
285 lines
12 KiB
285 lines
12 KiB
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
let { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
let { Promise: promise } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/core/promise.js", {});
let { gDevTools } = Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/gDevTools.jsm", {});
let { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {});
let TargetFactory = devtools.TargetFactory;
let Toolbox = devtools.Toolbox;
const EXAMPLE_URL = "http://example.com/browser/browser/devtools/netmonitor/test/";
const SIMPLE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_simple-test-page.html";
const NAVIGATE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_navigate-test-page.html";
const CONTENT_TYPE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_content-type-test-page.html";
const CYRILLIC_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_cyrillic-test-page.html";
const STATUS_CODES_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_status-codes-test-page.html";
const POST_DATA_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-data-test-page.html";
const POST_RAW_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-raw-test-page.html";
const JSONP_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_jsonp-test-page.html";
const JSON_LONG_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-long-test-page.html";
const JSON_MALFORMED_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-malformed-test-page.html";
const JSON_CUSTOM_MIME_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-custom-mime-test-page.html";
const SORTING_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_sorting-test-page.html";
const FILTERING_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_filter-test-page.html";
const INFINITE_GET_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_infinite-get-page.html";
const CUSTOM_GET_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_custom-get-page.html";
const SIMPLE_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_simple-test-server.sjs";
const CONTENT_TYPE_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_content-type-test-server.sjs";
const STATUS_CODES_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_status-codes-test-server.sjs";
const SORTING_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_sorting-test-server.sjs";
const TEST_IMAGE = EXAMPLE_URL + "test-image.png";
// All tests are asynchronous.
// Enable logging for all the relevant tests.
let gEnableLogging = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log");
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", true);
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
info("finish() was called, cleaning up...");
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", gEnableLogging);
function addTab(aUrl, aWindow) {
info("Adding tab: " + aUrl);
let deferred = promise.defer();
let targetWindow = aWindow || window;
let targetBrowser = targetWindow.gBrowser;
let tab = targetBrowser.selectedTab = targetBrowser.addTab(aUrl);
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
}, true);
return deferred.promise;
function removeTab(aTab, aWindow) {
info("Removing tab.");
let targetWindow = aWindow || window;
let targetBrowser = targetWindow.gBrowser;
function initNetMonitor(aUrl, aWindow) {
info("Initializing a network monitor pane.");
return addTab(aUrl).then((aTab) => {
info("Net tab added successfully: " + aUrl);
let deferred = promise.defer();
let debuggee = aTab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
let target = TargetFactory.forTab(aTab);
gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "netmonitor").then((aToolbox) => {
info("Netork monitor pane shown successfully.");
let monitor = aToolbox.getCurrentPanel();
deferred.resolve([aTab, debuggee, monitor]);
return deferred.promise;
function restartNetMonitor(aMonitor, aNewUrl) {
info("Restarting the specified network monitor.");
let deferred = promise.defer();
let tab = aMonitor.target.tab;
let url = aNewUrl || tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.location.href;
aMonitor.once("destroyed", () => initNetMonitor(url).then(deferred.resolve));
return deferred.promise;
function teardown(aMonitor) {
info("Destroying the specified network monitor.");
let deferred = promise.defer();
let tab = aMonitor.target.tab;
aMonitor.once("destroyed", deferred.resolve);
return deferred.promise;
function waitForNetworkEvents(aMonitor, aGetRequests, aPostRequests = 0) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
let panel = aMonitor.panelWin;
let genericEvents = 0;
let postEvents = 0;
function onGenericEvent() {
function onPostEvent() {
function maybeResolve() {
info("> Network events progress: " +
genericEvents + "/" + ((aGetRequests + aPostRequests) * 13) + ", " +
postEvents + "/" + (aPostRequests * 2));
// There are 15 updates which need to be fired for a request to be
// considered finished. RequestPostData isn't fired for non-POST requests.
if (genericEvents == (aGetRequests + aPostRequests) * 13 &&
postEvents == aPostRequests * 2) {
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.STARTED_RECEIVING_RESPONSE, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.STARTED_RECEIVING_RESPONSE, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
return deferred.promise;
function verifyRequestItemTarget(aRequestItem, aMethod, aUrl, aData = {}) {
info("> Verifying: " + aMethod + " " + aUrl + " " + aData.toSource());
info("> Request: " + aRequestItem.attachment.toSource());
let requestsMenu = aRequestItem.ownerView;
let widgetIndex = requestsMenu.indexOfItem(aRequestItem);
let visibleIndex = requestsMenu.visibleItems.indexOf(aRequestItem);
info("Widget index of item: " + widgetIndex);
info("Visible index of item: " + visibleIndex);
let { fuzzyUrl, status, statusText, type, fullMimeType, size, time } = aData;
let { attachment, target } = aRequestItem
let uri = Services.io.newURI(aUrl, null, null).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL);
let name = uri.fileName || "/";
let query = uri.query;
let hostPort = uri.hostPort;
if (fuzzyUrl) {
ok(attachment.method.startsWith(aMethod), "The attached method is incorrect.");
ok(attachment.url.startsWith(aUrl), "The attached url is incorrect.");
} else {
is(attachment.method, aMethod, "The attached method is incorrect.");
is(attachment.url, aUrl, "The attached url is incorrect.");
aMethod, "The displayed method is incorrect.");
if (fuzzyUrl) {
name + (query ? "?" + query : "")), "The displayed file is incorrect.");
name + (query ? "?" + query : "")), "The tooltip file is incorrect.");
} else {
name + (query ? "?" + query : ""), "The displayed file is incorrect.");
name + (query ? "?" + query : ""), "The tooltip file is incorrect.");
hostPort, "The displayed domain is incorrect.");
hostPort, "The tooltip domain is incorrect.");
if (status !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status").getAttribute("code");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status-and-method").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed status: " + value);
info("Tooltip status: " + tooltip);
is(value, status, "The displayed status is incorrect.");
is(tooltip, status + " " + statusText, "The tooltip status is incorrect.");
if (type !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-type").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-type").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed type: " + value);
info("Tooltip type: " + tooltip);
is(value, type, "The displayed type is incorrect.");
is(tooltip, fullMimeType, "The tooltip type is incorrect.");
if (size !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-size").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-size").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed size: " + value);
info("Tooltip size: " + tooltip);
is(value, size, "The displayed size is incorrect.");
is(tooltip, size, "The tooltip size is incorrect.");
if (time !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-timings-total").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-timings-total").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed time: " + value);
info("Tooltip time: " + tooltip);
ok(~~(value.match(/[0-9]+/)) >= 0, "The displayed time is incorrect.");
ok(~~(tooltip.match(/[0-9]+/)) >= 0, "The tooltip time is incorrect.");
if (visibleIndex != -1) {
if (visibleIndex % 2 == 0) {
"Unexpected 'even' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);
"Unexpected 'odd' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);
} else {
"Unexpected 'even' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);
"Unexpected 'odd' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);