
105 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* This if the debugger's layout is correctly modified when the toolbox's
* host changes.
let gDefaultHostType = Services.prefs.getCharPref("");
function test() {
Task.spawn(function() {
yield testHosts(["bottom", "side", "window"], ["horizontal", "vertical", "horizontal"]);
yield testHosts(["side", "bottom", "side"], ["vertical", "horizontal", "vertical"]);
yield testHosts(["bottom", "side", "bottom"], ["horizontal", "vertical", "horizontal"]);
yield testHosts(["side", "window", "side"], ["vertical", "horizontal", "vertical"]);
yield testHosts(["window", "side", "window"], ["horizontal", "vertical", "horizontal"]);
function testHosts(aHostTypes, aLayoutTypes) {
let [firstHost, secondHost, thirdHost] = aHostTypes;
let [firstLayout, secondLayout, thirdLayout] = aLayoutTypes;
Services.prefs.setCharPref("", firstHost);
return Task.spawn(function() {
let [tab, debuggee, panel] = yield initDebugger("about:blank");
yield testHost(tab, debuggee, panel, firstHost, firstLayout);
yield switchAndTestHost(tab, debuggee, panel, secondHost, secondLayout);
yield switchAndTestHost(tab, debuggee, panel, thirdHost, thirdLayout);
yield teardown(panel);
function switchAndTestHost(aTab, aDebuggee, aPanel, aHostType, aLayoutType) {
let gToolbox = aPanel._toolbox;
let gDebugger = aPanel.panelWin;
return Task.spawn(function() {
let layoutChanged = once(gDebugger, gDebugger.EVENTS.LAYOUT_CHANGED);
let hostChanged = gToolbox.switchHost(aHostType);
yield hostChanged;
ok(true, "The toolbox's host has changed.");
yield layoutChanged;
ok(true, "The debugger's layout has changed.");
yield testHost(aTab, aDebuggee, aPanel, aHostType, aLayoutType);
function once(aTarget, aEvent) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
aTarget.once(aEvent, deferred.resolve);
return deferred.promise;
function testHost(aTab, aDebuggee, aPanel, aHostType, aLayoutType) {
let gDebugger = aPanel.panelWin;
let gView = gDebugger.DebuggerView;
is(gView._hostType, aHostType,
"The default host type should've been set on the panel window (1).");
is(gDebugger.gHostType, aHostType,
"The default host type should've been set on the panel window (2).");
is(gView._body.getAttribute("layout"), aLayoutType,
"The default host type is present as an attribute on the panel's body.");
if (aLayoutType == "horizontal") {
is(, "debugger-widgets",
"The sources pane's parent is correct for the horizontal layout.");
is(, "debugger-widgets",
"The instruments pane's parent is correct for the horizontal layout.");
} else {
is(, "vertical-layout-panes-container",
"The sources pane's parent is correct for the vertical layout.");
is(, "vertical-layout-panes-container",
"The instruments pane's parent is correct for the vertical layout.");
let widgets = gDebugger.document.getElementById("debugger-widgets").childNodes;
let panes = gDebugger.document.getElementById("vertical-layout-panes-container").childNodes;
if (aLayoutType == "horizontal") {
is(widgets.length, 7, // 2 panes, 1 editor, 3 splitters and a phantom box.
"Found the correct number of debugger widgets.");
is(panes.length, 1, // 1 lonely splitter in the phantom box.
"Found the correct number of debugger panes.");
} else {
is(widgets.length, 5, // 1 editor, 3 splitters and a phantom box.
"Found the correct number of debugger widgets.");
is(panes.length, 3, // 2 panes and 1 splitter in the phantom box.
"Found the correct number of debugger panes.");
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
Services.prefs.setCharPref("", gDefaultHostType);
gDefaultHostType = null;