
316 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {Cc, Ci, Cu, Cr} = require("chrome");
const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils.js");
* The nsIProfiler is target agnostic and interacts with the whole platform.
* Therefore, special care needs to be given to make sure different actor
* consumers (i.e. "toolboxes") don't interfere with each other.
let gProfilerConsumers = 0;
let gProfilingStartTime = -1;
Services.obs.addObserver(() => gProfilingStartTime =, "profiler-started", false);
Services.obs.addObserver(() => gProfilingStartTime = -1, "profiler-stopped", false);
loader.lazyGetter(this, "nsIProfilerModule", () => {
return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIProfiler);
* The profiler actor provides remote access to the built-in nsIProfiler module.
function ProfilerActor() {
this._observedEvents = new Set();
ProfilerActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "profiler",
disconnect: function() {
for (let event of this._observedEvents) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, event);
this._observedEvents = null;
* Starts the nsIProfiler module. Doing so will discard any samples
* that might have been accumulated so far.
* @param number entries [optional]
* @param number interval [optional]
* @param array:string features [optional]
onStartProfiler: function(request = {}) {
(request.entries || DEFAULT_PROFILER_ENTRIES),
(request.interval || DEFAULT_PROFILER_INTERVAL),
(request.features || DEFAULT_PROFILER_FEATURES),
(request.features || DEFAULT_PROFILER_FEATURES).length);
return { started: true };
* Stops the nsIProfiler module, if no other client is using it.
onStopProfiler: function() {
// Actually stop the profiler only if the last client has stopped profiling.
// Since this is a root actor, and the profiler module interacts with the
// whole platform, we need to avoid a case in which the profiler is stopped
// when there might be other clients still profiling.
if (gProfilerConsumers == 1) {
return { started: false };
* Verifies whether or not the nsIProfiler module has started.
* If already active, the current time is also returned.
onIsActive: function() {
let isActive = nsIProfilerModule.IsActive();
let elapsedTime = isActive ? getElapsedTime() : undefined;
return { isActive: isActive, currentTime: elapsedTime };
* Returns all the samples accumulated since the profiler was started,
* along with the current time. The data has the following format:
* {
* libs: string,
* meta: {
* interval: number,
* platform: string,
* ...
* },
* threads: [{
* samples: [{
* frames: [{
* line: number,
* location: string,
* category: number
* } ... ],
* name: string
* responsiveness: number
* time: number
* } ... ]
* } ... ]
* }
onGetProfile: function() {
let profile = nsIProfilerModule.getProfileData();
return { profile: profile, currentTime: getElapsedTime() };
* Registers for certain event notifications.
* Currently supported events:
* - "console-api-profiler"
* - "profiler-started"
* - "profiler-stopped"
onRegisterEventNotifications: function(request) {
let response = [];
for (let event of {
if (this._observedEvents.has(event)) {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, event, false);
return { registered: response };
* Unregisters from certain event notifications.
* Currently supported events:
* - "console-api-profiler"
* - "profiler-started"
* - "profiler-stopped"
onUnregisterEventNotifications: function(request) {
let response = [];
for (let event of {
if (!this._observedEvents.has(event)) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, event);
return { unregistered: response };
* Callback for all observed notifications.
* @param object subject
* @param string topic
* @param object data
observe: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(subject, topic, data) {
// Create JSON objects suitable for transportation across the RDP,
// by breaking cycles and making a copy of the `subject` and `data` via
// JSON.stringifying those values with a replacer that omits properties
// known to introduce cycles, and then JSON.parsing the result.
// This spends some CPU cycles, but it's simple.
subject = (subject && !Cu.isXrayWrapper(subject) && subject.wrappedJSObject) || subject;
subject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(subject, cycleBreaker));
data = (data && !Cu.isXrayWrapper(data) && data.wrappedJSObject) || data;
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data, cycleBreaker));
// Sends actor, type and other additional information over the remote
// debugging protocol to any profiler clients.
let reply = details => {
from: this.actorID,
type: "eventNotification",
subject: subject,
topic: topic,
data: data,
details: details
switch (topic) {
case "console-api-profiler":
return void reply(this._handleConsoleEvent(subject, data));
case "profiler-started":
case "profiler-stopped":
return void reply();
}, "ProfilerActor.prototype.observe"),
* Handles `console.profile` and `console.profileEnd` invocations and
* creates an appropriate response sent over the protocol.
* @param object subject
* @param object data
* @return object
_handleConsoleEvent: function(subject, data) {
// An optional label may be specified when calling `console.profile`.
// If that's the case, stringify it and send it over with the response.
let args = subject.arguments;
let profileLabel = args.length > 0 ? args[0] + "" : undefined;
// If the event was generated from `console.profile` or `console.profileEnd`
// we need to start the profiler right away and then just notify the client.
// Otherwise, we'll lose precious samples.
if (subject.action == "profile") {
let { isActive, currentTime } = this.onIsActive();
// Start the profiler only if it wasn't already active. Otherwise, any
// samples that might have been accumulated so far will be discarded.
if (!isActive) {
return {
profileLabel: profileLabel,
currentTime: 0
return {
profileLabel: profileLabel,
currentTime: currentTime
if (subject.action == "profileEnd") {
let details = this.onGetProfile();
details.profileLabel = profileLabel;
return details;
* JSON.stringify callback used in ProfilerActor.prototype.observe.
function cycleBreaker(key, value) {
if (key == "wrappedJSObject") {
return undefined;
return value;
* Gets the time elapsed since the profiler was last started.
* @return number
function getElapsedTime() {
// Assign `gProfilingStartTime` now if no client of this actor has actually
// started it yet, but the built-in profiler module is somehow already active
// (it could happen if the MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP environment variable is set,
// or the Gecko Profiler add-on is installed and isn't using this actor).
// Otherwise, the returned value is bogus and messes up the samples filtering.
if (gProfilingStartTime == -1) {
let profile = nsIProfilerModule.getProfileData();
let lastSampleTime = findOldestSampleTime(profile);
gProfilingStartTime = - lastSampleTime;
return - gProfilingStartTime;
* Finds the oldest sample time in the provided profile.
* @param object profile
* @return number
function findOldestSampleTime(profile) {
let firstThreadSamples = profile.threads[0].samples;
for (let i = firstThreadSamples.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ("time" in firstThreadSamples[i]) {
return firstThreadSamples[i].time;
* Asserts the value sanity of `gProfilerConsumers`.
function checkProfilerConsumers() {
if (gProfilerConsumers < 0) {
let msg = "Somehow the number of started profilers is now negative.";
DevToolsUtils.reportException("ProfilerActor", msg);
* The request types this actor can handle.
ProfilerActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"startProfiler": ProfilerActor.prototype.onStartProfiler,
"stopProfiler": ProfilerActor.prototype.onStopProfiler,
"isActive": ProfilerActor.prototype.onIsActive,
"getProfile": ProfilerActor.prototype.onGetProfile,
"registerEventNotifications": ProfilerActor.prototype.onRegisterEventNotifications,
"unregisterEventNotifications": ProfilerActor.prototype.onUnregisterEventNotifications
exports.register = function(handle) {
handle.addGlobalActor(ProfilerActor, "profilerActor");
handle.addTabActor(ProfilerActor, "profilerActor");
exports.unregister = function(handle) {
handle.removeGlobalActor(ProfilerActor, "profilerActor");
handle.removeTabActor(ProfilerActor, "profilerActor");