
1179 lines
41 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
* This file works on the old-style "bookmarks.html" file. It includes
* functions to import and export existing bookmarks to this file format.
* Format
* ------
* Primary heading := h1
* Old version used this to set attributes on the bookmarks RDF root, such
* as the last modified date. We only use H1 to check for the attribute
* PLACES_ROOT, which tells us that this hierarchy root is the places root.
* For backwards compatibility, if we don't find this, we assume that the
* hierarchy is rooted at the bookmarks menu.
* Heading := any heading other than h1
* Old version used this to set attributes on the current container. We only
* care about the content of the heading container, which contains the title
* of the bookmark container.
* Bookmark := a
* HREF is the destination of the bookmark
* FEEDURL is the URI of the RSS feed if this is a livemark.
* LAST_CHARSET is stored as an annotation so that the next time we go to
* that page we remember the user's preference.
* WEB_PANEL is set to "true" if the bookmark should be loaded in the sidebar.
* ICON will be stored in the favicon service
* ICON_URI is new for places bookmarks.html, it refers to the original
* URI of the favicon so we don't have to make up favicon URLs.
* Text of the <a> container is the name of the bookmark
* Ignored: LAST_VISIT, ID (writing out non-RDF IDs can confuse Firefox 2)
* Bookmark comment := dd
* This affects the previosly added bookmark
* Separator := hr
* Insert a separator into the current container
* The folder hierarchy is defined by <dl>/<ul>/<menu> (the old importing code
* handles all these cases, when we write, use <dl>).
* Overall design
* --------------
* We need to emulate a recursive parser. A "Bookmark import frame" is created
* corresponding to each folder we encounter. These are arranged in a stack,
* and contain all the state we need to keep track of.
* A frame is created when we find a heading, which defines a new container.
* The frame also keeps track of the nesting of <DL>s, (in well-formed
* bookmarks files, these will have a 1-1 correspondence with frames, but we
* try to be a little more flexible here). When the nesting count decreases
* to 0, then we know a frame is complete and to pop back to the previous
* frame.
* Note that a lot of things happen when tags are CLOSED because we need to
* get the text from the content of the tag. For example, link and heading tags
* both require the content (= title) before actually creating it.
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "BookmarkHTMLUtils" ];
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cu = Components.utils;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesBackups",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Deprecated",
const Container_Normal = 0;
const Container_Toolbar = 1;
const Container_Menu = 2;
const Container_Unfiled = 3;
const Container_Places = 4;
const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
const MICROSEC_PER_SEC = 1000000;
const EXPORT_INDENT = " "; // four spaces
// Counter used to build fake favicon urls.
let serialNumber = 0;
function base64EncodeString(aString) {
let stream = Cc[";1"]
stream.setData(aString, aString.length);
let encoder = Cc[";1"]
return encoder.encodeToString(stream, aString.length);
* Provides HTML escaping for use in HTML attributes and body of the bookmarks
* file, compatible with the old bookmarks system.
function escapeHtmlEntities(aText) {
return (aText || "").replace("&", "&amp;", "g")
.replace("<", "&lt;", "g")
.replace(">", "&gt;", "g")
.replace("\"", "&quot;", "g")
.replace("'", "&#39;", "g");
* Provides URL escaping for use in HTML attributes of the bookmarks file,
* compatible with the old bookmarks system.
function escapeUrl(aText) {
return (aText || "").replace("\"", "%22", "g");
function notifyObservers(aTopic, aInitialImport) {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, aTopic, aInitialImport ? "html-initial"
: "html");
function promiseSoon() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();,
return deferred.promise;
this.BookmarkHTMLUtils = Object.freeze({
* Loads the current bookmarks hierarchy from a "bookmarks.html" file.
* @param aSpec
* String containing the "file:" URI for the existing "bookmarks.html"
* file to be loaded.
* @param aInitialImport
* Whether this is the initial import executed on a new profile.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves When the new bookmarks have been created.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
importFromURL: function BHU_importFromURL(aSpec, aInitialImport) {
return Task.spawn(function* () {
notifyObservers(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_BEGIN, aInitialImport);
try {
let importer = new BookmarkImporter(aInitialImport);
yield importer.importFromURL(aSpec);
notifyObservers(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_SUCCESS, aInitialImport);
} catch(ex) {
Cu.reportError("Failed to import bookmarks from " + aSpec + ": " + ex);
notifyObservers(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_FAILED, aInitialImport);
throw ex;
* Loads the current bookmarks hierarchy from a "bookmarks.html" file.
* @param aFilePath
* OS.File path string of the "bookmarks.html" file to be loaded.
* @param aInitialImport
* Whether this is the initial import executed on a new profile.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves When the new bookmarks have been created.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @deprecated passing an nsIFile is deprecated
importFromFile: function BHU_importFromFile(aFilePath, aInitialImport) {
if (aFilePath instanceof Ci.nsIFile) {
Deprecated.warning("Passing an nsIFile to BookmarksJSONUtils.importFromFile " +
"is deprecated. Please use an OS.File path string instead.",
aFilePath = aFilePath.path;
return Task.spawn(function* () {
notifyObservers(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_BEGIN, aInitialImport);
try {
if (!(yield OS.File.exists(aFilePath))) {
throw new Error("Cannot import from nonexisting html file: " + aFilePath);
let importer = new BookmarkImporter(aInitialImport);
yield importer.importFromURL(OS.Path.toFileURI(aFilePath));
notifyObservers(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_SUCCESS, aInitialImport);
} catch(ex) {
Cu.reportError("Failed to import bookmarks from " + aFilePath + ": " + ex);
notifyObservers(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_BOOKMARKS_RESTORE_FAILED, aInitialImport);
throw ex;
* Saves the current bookmarks hierarchy to a "bookmarks.html" file.
* @param aFilePath
* OS.File path string for the "bookmarks.html" file to be created.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves To the exported bookmarks count when the file has been created.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @deprecated passing an nsIFile is deprecated
exportToFile: function BHU_exportToFile(aFilePath) {
if (aFilePath instanceof Ci.nsIFile) {
Deprecated.warning("Passing an nsIFile to BookmarksHTMLUtils.exportToFile " +
"is deprecated. Please use an OS.File path string instead.",
aFilePath = aFilePath.path;
return Task.spawn(function* () {
let [bookmarks, count] = yield PlacesBackups.getBookmarksTree();
let startTime =;
// Report the time taken to convert the tree to HTML.
let exporter = new BookmarkExporter(bookmarks);
yield exporter.exportToFile(aFilePath);
try {
.add( - startTime);
} catch (ex) {
Components.utils.reportError("Unable to report telemetry.");
return count;
get defaultPath() {
try {
return Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.bookmarks.file");
} catch (ex) {}
return OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "bookmarks.html")
function Frame(aFrameId) {
this.containerId = aFrameId;
* How many <dl>s have been nested. Each frame/container should start
* with a heading, and is then followed by a <dl>, <ul>, or <menu>. When
* that list is complete, then it is the end of this container and we need
* to pop back up one level for new items. If we never get an open tag for
* one of these things, we should assume that the container is empty and
* that things we find should be siblings of it. Normally, these <dl>s won't
* be nested so this will be 0 or 1.
this.containerNesting = 0;
* when we find a heading tag, it actually affects the title of the NEXT
* container in the list. This stores that heading tag and whether it was
* special. 'consumeHeading' resets this._
this.lastContainerType = Container_Normal;
* this contains the text from the last begin tag until now. It is reset
* at every begin tag. We can check it when we see a </a>, or </h3>
* to see what the text content of that node should be.
this.previousText = "";
* true when we hit a <dd>, which contains the description for the preceding
* <a> tag. We can't just check for </dd> like we can for </a> or </h3>
* because if there is a sub-folder, it is actually a child of the <dd>
* because the tag is never explicitly closed. If this is true and we see a
* new open tag, that means to commit the description to the previous
* bookmark.
* Additional weirdness happens when the previous <dt> tag contains a <h3>:
* this means there is a new folder with the given description, and whose
* children are contained in the following <dl> list.
* This is handled in openContainer(), which commits previous text if
* necessary.
this.inDescription = false;
* contains the URL of the previous bookmark created. This is used so that
* when we encounter a <dd>, we know what bookmark to associate the text with.
* This is cleared whenever we hit a <h3>, so that we know NOT to save this
* with a bookmark, but to keep it until
this.previousLink = null; // nsIURI
* contains the URL of the previous livemark, so that when the link ends,
* and the livemark title is known, we can create it.
this.previousFeed = null; // nsIURI
* Contains the id of an imported, or newly created bookmark.
this.previousId = 0;
* Contains the date-added and last-modified-date of an imported item.
* Used to override the values set by insertBookmark, createFolder, etc.
this.previousDateAdded = 0;
this.previousLastModifiedDate = 0;
function BookmarkImporter(aInitialImport) {
this._isImportDefaults = aInitialImport;
this._frames = new Array();
this._frames.push(new Frame(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId));
BookmarkImporter.prototype = {
_safeTrim: function safeTrim(aStr) {
return aStr ? aStr.trim() : aStr;
get _curFrame() {
return this._frames[this._frames.length - 1];
get _previousFrame() {
return this._frames[this._frames.length - 2];
* This is called when there is a new folder found. The folder takes the
* name from the previous frame's heading.
_newFrame: function newFrame() {
let containerId = -1;
let frame = this._curFrame;
let containerTitle = frame.previousText;
frame.previousText = "";
let containerType = frame.lastContainerType;
switch (containerType) {
case Container_Normal:
// append a new folder
containerId =
case Container_Places:
containerId = PlacesUtils.placesRootId;
case Container_Menu:
containerId = PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId;
case Container_Unfiled:
containerId = PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId;
case Container_Toolbar:
containerId = PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId;
throw new Error("Unreached");
if (frame.previousDateAdded > 0) {
try {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemDateAdded(containerId, frame.previousDateAdded);
} catch(e) {
frame.previousDateAdded = 0;
if (frame.previousLastModifiedDate > 0) {
try {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemLastModified(containerId, frame.previousLastModifiedDate);
} catch(e) {
// don't clear last-modified, in case there's a description
frame.previousId = containerId;
this._frames.push(new Frame(containerId));
* Handles <hr> as a separator.
* @note Separators may have a title in old html files, though Places dropped
* support for them.
* We also don't import ADD_DATE or LAST_MODIFIED for separators because
* pre-Places bookmarks did not support them.
_handleSeparator: function handleSeparator(aElt) {
let frame = this._curFrame;
try {
frame.previousId =
} catch(e) {}
* Handles <H1>. We check for the attribute PLACES_ROOT and reset the
* container id if it's found. Otherwise, the default bookmark menu
* root is assumed and imported things will go into the bookmarks menu.
_handleHead1Begin: function handleHead1Begin(aElt) {
if (this._frames.length > 1) {
if (aElt.hasAttribute("places_root")) {
this._curFrame.containerId = PlacesUtils.placesRootId;
* Called for h2,h3,h4,h5,h6. This just stores the correct information in
* the current frame; the actual new frame corresponding to the container
* associated with the heading will be created when the tag has been closed
* and we know the title (we don't know to create a new folder or to merge
* with an existing one until we have the title).
_handleHeadBegin: function handleHeadBegin(aElt) {
let frame = this._curFrame;
// after a heading, a previous bookmark is not applicable (for example, for
// the descriptions contained in a <dd>). Neither is any previous head type
frame.previousLink = null;
frame.lastContainerType = Container_Normal;
// It is syntactically possible for a heading to appear after another heading
// but before the <dl> that encloses that folder's contents. This should not
// happen in practice, as the file will contain "<dl></dl>" sequence for
// empty containers.
// Just to be on the safe side, if we encounter
// <h3>FOO</h3>
// <h3>BAR</h3>
// <dl>...content 1...</dl>
// <dl>...content 2...</dl>
// we'll pop the stack when we find the h3 for BAR, treating that as an
// implicit ending of the FOO container. The output will be FOO and BAR as
// siblings. If there's another <dl> following (as in "content 2"), those
// items will be treated as further siblings of FOO and BAR
// This special frame popping business, of course, only happens when our
// frame array has more than one element so we can avoid situations where
// we don't have a frame to parse into anymore.
if (frame.containerNesting == 0 && this._frames.length > 1) {
// We have to check for some attributes to see if this is a "special"
// folder, which will have different creation rules when the end tag is
// processed.
if (aElt.hasAttribute("personal_toolbar_folder")) {
if (this._isImportDefaults) {
frame.lastContainerType = Container_Toolbar;
} else if (aElt.hasAttribute("bookmarks_menu")) {
if (this._isImportDefaults) {
frame.lastContainerType = Container_Menu;
} else if (aElt.hasAttribute("unfiled_bookmarks_folder")) {
if (this._isImportDefaults) {
frame.lastContainerType = Container_Unfiled;
} else if (aElt.hasAttribute("places_root")) {
if (this._isImportDefaults) {
frame.lastContainerType = Container_Places;
} else {
let addDate = aElt.getAttribute("add_date");
if (addDate) {
frame.previousDateAdded =
let modDate = aElt.getAttribute("last_modified");
if (modDate) {
frame.previousLastModifiedDate =
this._curFrame.previousText = "";
* Handles "<a" tags by creating a new bookmark. The title of the bookmark
* will be the text content, which will be stuffed in previousText for us
* and which will be saved by handleLinkEnd
_handleLinkBegin: function handleLinkBegin(aElt) {
let frame = this._curFrame;
// Make sure that the feed URIs from previous frames are emptied.
frame.previousFeed = null;
// Make sure that the bookmark id from previous frames are emptied.
frame.previousId = 0;
// mPreviousText will hold link text, clear it.
frame.previousText = "";
// Get the attributes we care about.
let href = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("href"));
let feedUrl = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("feedurl"));
let icon = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("icon"));
let iconUri = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("icon_uri"));
let lastCharset = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("last_charset"));
let keyword = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("shortcuturl"));
let postData = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("post_data"));
let webPanel = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("web_panel"));
let micsumGenURI = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("micsum_gen_uri"));
let generatedTitle = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("generated_title"));
let dateAdded = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("add_date"));
let lastModified = this._safeTrim(aElt.getAttribute("last_modified"));
// For feeds, get the feed URL. If it is invalid, mPreviousFeed will be
// NULL and we'll create it as a normal bookmark.
if (feedUrl) {
frame.previousFeed = NetUtil.newURI(feedUrl);
// Ignore <a> tags that have no href.
if (href) {
// Save the address if it's valid. Note that we ignore errors if this is a
// feed since href is optional for them.
try {
frame.previousLink = NetUtil.newURI(href);
} catch(e) {
if (!frame.previousFeed) {
frame.previousLink = null;
} else {
frame.previousLink = null;
// The exception is for feeds, where the href is an optional component
// indicating the source web site.
if (!frame.previousFeed) {
// Save bookmark's last modified date.
if (lastModified) {
frame.previousLastModifiedDate =
// If this is a live bookmark, we will handle it in HandleLinkEnd(), so we
// can skip bookmark creation.
if (frame.previousFeed) {
// Create the bookmark. The title is unknown for now, we will set it later.
try {
frame.previousId =
} catch(e) {
// Set the date added value, if we have it.
if (dateAdded) {
try {
} catch(e) {
// Save the favicon.
if (icon || iconUri) {
let iconUriObject;
try {
iconUriObject = NetUtil.newURI(iconUri);
} catch(e) {
if (icon || iconUriObject) {
try {
this._setFaviconForURI(frame.previousLink, iconUriObject, icon);
} catch(e) {
// Save the keyword.
if (keyword) {
try {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setKeywordForBookmark(frame.previousId, keyword);
if (postData) {
} catch(e) {
// Set load-in-sidebar annotation for the bookmark.
if (webPanel && webPanel.toLowerCase() == "true") {
try {
} catch(e) {
// Import last charset.
if (lastCharset) {
PlacesUtils.setCharsetForURI(frame.previousLink, lastCharset);
_handleContainerBegin: function handleContainerBegin() {
* Our "indent" count has decreased, and when we hit 0 that means that this
* container is complete and we need to pop back to the outer frame. Never
* pop the toplevel frame
_handleContainerEnd: function handleContainerEnd() {
let frame = this._curFrame;
if (frame.containerNesting > 0)
frame.containerNesting --;
if (this._frames.length > 1 && frame.containerNesting == 0) {
// we also need to re-set the imported last-modified date here. Otherwise
// the addition of items will override the imported field.
let prevFrame = this._previousFrame;
if (prevFrame.previousLastModifiedDate > 0) {
* Creates the new frame for this heading now that we know the name of the
* container (tokens since the heading open tag will have been placed in
* previousText).
_handleHeadEnd: function handleHeadEnd() {
* Saves the title for the given bookmark.
_handleLinkEnd: function handleLinkEnd() {
let frame = this._curFrame;
frame.previousText = frame.previousText.trim();
try {
if (frame.previousFeed) {
// The is a live bookmark. We create it here since in HandleLinkBegin we
// don't know the title.
"title": frame.previousText,
"parentId": frame.containerId,
"index": PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
"feedURI": frame.previousFeed,
"siteURI": frame.previousLink,
}).then(null, Cu.reportError);
} else if (frame.previousLink) {
// This is a common bookmark.
} catch(e) {
// Set last modified date as the last change.
if (frame.previousId > 0 && frame.previousLastModifiedDate > 0) {
try {
} catch(e) {
// Note: don't clear previousLastModifiedDate, because if this item has a
// description, we'll need to set it again.
frame.previousText = "";
_openContainer: function openContainer(aElt) {
if (aElt.namespaceURI != "") {
switch(aElt.localName) {
case "h1":
case "h2":
case "h3":
case "h4":
case "h5":
case "h6":
case "a":
case "dl":
case "ul":
case "menu":
case "dd":
this._curFrame.inDescription = true;
case "hr":
_closeContainer: function closeContainer(aElt) {
let frame = this._curFrame;
// see the comment for the definition of inDescription. Basically, we commit
// any text in previousText to the description of the node/folder if there
// is any.
if (frame.inDescription) {
// NOTE ES5 trim trims more than the previous C++ trim.
frame.previousText = frame.previousText.trim(); // important
if (frame.previousText) {
let itemId = !frame.previousLink ? frame.containerId
: frame.previousId;
try {
if (!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(itemId, DESCRIPTION_ANNO)) {
} catch(e) {
frame.previousText = "";
// Set last-modified a 2nd time for all items with descriptions
// we need to set last-modified as the *last* step in processing
// any item type in the bookmarks.html file, so that we do
// not overwrite the imported value. for items without descriptions,
// setting this value after setting the item title is that
// last point at which we can save this value before it gets reset.
// for items with descriptions, it must set after that point.
// however, at the point at which we set the title, there's no way
// to determine if there will be a description following,
// so we need to set the last-modified-date at both places.
let lastModified;
if (!frame.previousLink) {
lastModified = this._previousFrame.previousLastModifiedDate;
} else {
lastModified = frame.previousLastModifiedDate;
if (itemId > 0 && lastModified > 0) {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemLastModified(itemId, lastModified);
frame.inDescription = false;
if (aElt.namespaceURI != "") {
switch(aElt.localName) {
case "dl":
case "ul":
case "menu":
case "dt":
case "h1":
// ignore
case "h2":
case "h3":
case "h4":
case "h5":
case "h6":
case "a":
_appendText: function appendText(str) {
this._curFrame.previousText += str;
* data is a string that is a data URI for the favicon. Our job is to
* decode it and store it in the favicon service.
* When aIconURI is non-null, we will use that as the URI of the favicon
* when storing in the favicon service.
* When aIconURI is null, we have to make up a URI for this favicon so that
* it can be stored in the service. The real one will be set the next time
* the user visits the page. Our made up one should get expired when the
* page no longer references it.
_setFaviconForURI: function setFaviconForURI(aPageURI, aIconURI, aData) {
// if the input favicon URI is a chrome: URI, then we just save it and don't
// worry about data
if (aIconURI) {
if (aIconURI.schemeIs("chrome")) {
PlacesUtils.favicons.setAndFetchFaviconForPage(aPageURI, aIconURI,
// some bookmarks have placeholder URIs that contain just "data:"
// ignore these
if (aData.length <= 5) {
let faviconURI;
if (aIconURI) {
faviconURI = aIconURI;
} else {
// Make up a favicon URI for this page. Later, we'll make sure that this
// favicon URI is always associated with local favicon data, so that we
// don't load this URI from the network.
let faviconSpec = ""
+ serialNumber
+ "-"
+ new Date().getTime();
faviconURI = NetUtil.newURI(faviconSpec);
// This could fail if the favicon is bigger than defined limit, in such a
// case neither the favicon URI nor the favicon data will be saved. If the
// bookmark is visited again later, the URI and data will be fetched.
PlacesUtils.favicons.replaceFaviconDataFromDataURL(faviconURI, aData);
PlacesUtils.favicons.setAndFetchFaviconForPage(aPageURI, faviconURI, false, PlacesUtils.favicons.FAVICON_LOAD_NON_PRIVATE);
* Converts a string date in seconds to an int date in microseconds
_convertImportedDateToInternalDate: function convertImportedDateToInternalDate(aDate) {
if (aDate && !isNaN(aDate)) {
return parseInt(aDate) * 1000000; // in bookmarks.html this value is in seconds, not microseconds
} else {
runBatched: function runBatched(aDoc) {
if (!aDoc) {
if (this._isImportDefaults) {
let current = aDoc;
let next;
for (;;) {
switch (current.nodeType) {
case Ci.nsIDOMNode.TEXT_NODE:
if ((next = current.firstChild)) {
current = next;
for (;;) {
if (current.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (current == aDoc) {
if ((next = current.nextSibling)) {
current = next;
current = current.parentNode;
_walkTreeForImport: function walkTreeForImport(aDoc) {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.runInBatchMode(this, aDoc);
importFromURL: function importFromURL(aSpec) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let xhr = Cc[";1"]
xhr.onload = () => {
try {
} catch(e) {
throw e;
xhr.onabort = xhr.onerror = xhr.ontimeout = () => {
deferred.reject(new Error("xmlhttprequest failed"));
try {"GET", aSpec);
xhr.responseType = "document";
} catch (e) {
return deferred.promise;
function BookmarkExporter(aBookmarksTree) {
// Create a map of the roots.
let rootsMap = new Map();
for (let child of aBookmarksTree.children) {
if (child.root)
rootsMap.set(child.root, child);
// For backwards compatibility reasons the bookmarks menu is the root, while
// the bookmarks toolbar and unfiled bookmarks will be child items.
this._root = rootsMap.get("bookmarksMenuFolder");
for (let key of [ "toolbarFolder", "unfiledBookmarksFolder" ]) {
let root = rootsMap.get(key);
if (root.children && root.children.length > 0) {
if (!this._root.children)
this._root.children = [];
BookmarkExporter.prototype = {
exportToFile: function exportToFile(aFilePath) {
return Task.spawn(function* () {
// Create a file that can be accessed by the current user only.
let out = FileUtils.openAtomicFileOutputStream(new FileUtils.File(aFilePath));
try {
// We need a buffered output stream for performance. See bug 202477.
let bufferedOut = Cc[";1"]
bufferedOut.init(out, 4096);
try {
// Write bookmarks in UTF-8.
this._converterOut = Cc[";1"]
this._converterOut.init(bufferedOut, "utf-8", 0, 0);
try {
yield this._writeContainer(this._root);
// Retain the target file on success only.
} finally {
this._converterOut = null;
} finally {
} finally {
_converterOut: null,
_write: function (aText) {
this._converterOut.writeString(aText || "");
_writeAttribute: function (aName, aValue) {
this._write(' ' + aName + '="' + aValue + '"');
_writeLine: function (aText) {
this._write(aText + "\n");
_writeHeader: function () {
this._writeLine("<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>");
this._writeLine("<!-- This is an automatically generated file.");
this._writeLine(" It will be read and overwritten.");
this._writeLine(" DO NOT EDIT! -->");
this._writeLine('<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; ' +
_writeContainer: function (aItem, aIndent = "") {
if (aItem == this._root) {
this._writeLine("<H1>" + escapeHtmlEntities(this._root.title) + "</H1>");
else {
this._write(aIndent + "<DT><H3");
if (aItem.root === "toolbarFolder")
this._writeAttribute("PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER", "true");
else if (aItem.root === "unfiledBookmarksFolder")
this._writeAttribute("UNFILED_BOOKMARKS_FOLDER", "true");
this._writeLine(">" + escapeHtmlEntities(aItem.title) + "</H3>");
this._writeDescription(aItem, aIndent);
this._writeLine(aIndent + "<DL><p>");
if (aItem.children)
yield this._writeContainerContents(aItem, aIndent);
if (aItem == this._root)
this._writeLine(aIndent + "</DL>");
this._writeLine(aIndent + "</DL><p>");
_writeContainerContents: function (aItem, aIndent) {
let localIndent = aIndent + EXPORT_INDENT;
for (let child of aItem.children) {
if (child.annos && child.annos.some(anno => == PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI))
this._writeLivemark(child, localIndent);
else if (child.type == PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_CONTAINER)
yield this._writeContainer(child, localIndent);
else if (child.type == PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_SEPARATOR)
this._writeSeparator(child, localIndent);
yield this._writeItem(child, localIndent);
_writeSeparator: function (aItem, aIndent) {
this._write(aIndent + "<HR");
// We keep exporting separator titles, but don't support them anymore.
if (aItem.title)
this._writeAttribute("NAME", escapeHtmlEntities(aItem.title));
_writeLivemark: function (aItem, aIndent) {
this._write(aIndent + "<DT><A");
let feedSpec = aItem.annos.find(anno => == PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI).value;
this._writeAttribute("FEEDURL", escapeUrl(feedSpec));
let siteSpecAnno = aItem.annos.find(anno => == PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI);
if (siteSpecAnno)
this._writeAttribute("HREF", escapeUrl(siteSpecAnno.value));
this._writeLine(">" + escapeHtmlEntities(aItem.title) + "</A>");
this._writeDescription(aItem, aIndent);
_writeItem: function (aItem, aIndent) {
// This is a workaround for "too much recursion" error, due to the fact
// Task.jsm still uses old on-same-tick promises. It may be removed as
// soon as bug 887923 is fixed.
yield promiseSoon();
let uri = null;
try {
uri = NetUtil.newURI(aItem.uri);
} catch (ex) {
// If the item URI is invalid, skip the item instead of failing later.
this._write(aIndent + "<DT><A");
this._writeAttribute("HREF", escapeUrl(aItem.uri));
yield this._writeFaviconAttribute(aItem);
let keyword = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getKeywordForBookmark(;
if (aItem.keyword)
this._writeAttribute("SHORTCUTURL", escapeHtmlEntities(keyword));
let postDataAnno = aItem.annos &&
aItem.annos.find(anno => == PlacesUtils.POST_DATA_ANNO);
if (postDataAnno)
this._writeAttribute("POST_DATA", escapeHtmlEntities(postDataAnno.value));
if (aItem.annos && aItem.annos.some(anno => == LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO))
this._writeAttribute("WEB_PANEL", "true");
if (aItem.charset)
this._writeAttribute("LAST_CHARSET", escapeHtmlEntities(aItem.charset));
if (aItem.tags)
this._writeAttribute("TAGS", aItem.tags);
this._writeLine(">" + escapeHtmlEntities(aItem.title) + "</A>");
this._writeDescription(aItem, aIndent);
_writeDateAttributes: function (aItem) {
if (aItem.dateAdded)
Math.floor(aItem.dateAdded / MICROSEC_PER_SEC));
if (aItem.lastModified)
Math.floor(aItem.lastModified / MICROSEC_PER_SEC));
_writeFaviconAttribute: function (aItem) {
if (!aItem.iconuri)
let favicon;
try {
favicon = yield PlacesUtils.promiseFaviconData(aItem.uri);
} catch (ex) {
Components.utils.reportError("Unexpected Error trying to fetch icon data");
this._writeAttribute("ICON_URI", escapeUrl(favicon.uri.spec));
if (!favicon.uri.schemeIs("chrome") && favicon.dataLen > 0) {
let faviconContents = "data:image/png;base64," +
this._writeAttribute("ICON", faviconContents);
_writeDescription: function (aItem, aIndent) {
let descriptionAnno = aItem.annos &&
aItem.annos.find(anno => == DESCRIPTION_ANNO);
if (descriptionAnno)
this._writeLine(aIndent + "<DD>" + escapeHtmlEntities(descriptionAnno.value));