Dave Townsend 1670b518e1 Bug 1239139: Verify that a high enough node version is available before running eslint. r=gps
The most common issue I'm hearing with eslint is people who have an outdated
node installed. This does a quick check to verify the version is high enough
before linting.

MozReview-Commit-ID: Em0jn18OUYo
2016-02-09 15:34:37 -08:00

328 lines
12 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import argparse
import logging
import mozpack.path as mozpath
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import which
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from mozbuild.base import (
from mach.decorators import (
Could not find eslint! We looked at the --binary option, at the ESLINT
environment variable, and then at your path. Install eslint and needed plugins
mach eslint --setup
and try again.
nodejs v4.2.3 is either not installed or is installed to a non-standard path.
Please install nodejs from and try again.
Valid installation paths:
Node Package Manager (npm) is either not installed or installed to a
non-standard path. Please install npm from (it comes as an
option in the node installation) and try again.
Valid installation paths:
class MachCommands(MachCommandBase):
@Command('python', category='devenv',
description='Run Python.')
@CommandArgument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
def python(self, args):
# Avoid logging the command
return self.run_process([self.virtualenv_manager.python_path] + args,
pass_thru=True, # Allow user to run Python interactively.
ensure_exit_code=False, # Don't throw on non-zero exit code.
# Note: subprocess requires native strings in os.environ on Windows
append_env={b'PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE': str('1')})
@Command('python-test', category='testing',
description='Run Python unit tests.')
help='Verbose output.')
help='Stop running tests after the first error or failure.')
@CommandArgument('tests', nargs='+',
help='Tests to run. Each test can be a single file or a directory.')
def python_test(self, tests, verbose=False, stop=False):
import glob
# Python's unittest, and in particular discover, has problems with
# clashing namespaces when importing multiple test modules. What follows
# is a simple way to keep environments separate, at the price of
# launching Python multiple times. This also runs tests via mozunit,
# which produces output in the format Mozilla infrastructure expects.
return_code = 0
files = []
# We search for files in both the current directory (for people running
# from topsrcdir or cd'd into their test directory) and topsrcdir (to
# support people running mach from the objdir). The |break|s in the
# loop below ensure that we don't run tests twice if we're running mach
# from topsrcdir
search_dirs = ['.', self.topsrcdir]
last_search_dir = search_dirs[-1]
for t in tests:
for d in search_dirs:
test = mozpath.join(d, t)
if test.endswith('.py') and os.path.isfile(test):
elif os.path.isfile(test + '.py'):
files.append(test + '.py')
elif os.path.isdir(test):
files += glob.glob(mozpath.join(test, 'test*.py'))
files += glob.glob(mozpath.join(test, 'unit*.py'))
elif d == last_search_dir:
self.log(logging.WARN, 'python-test',
{'test': t},
'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Invalid test: {test}')
if stop:
return 1
for f in files:
file_displayed_test = [] # Used as a boolean.
def _line_handler(line):
if not file_displayed_test and line.startswith('TEST-'):
inner_return_code = self.run_process(
[self.virtualenv_manager.python_path, f],
ensure_exit_code=False, # Don't throw on non-zero exit code.
# subprocess requires native strings in os.environ on Windows
append_env={b'PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE': str('1')},
return_code += inner_return_code
if not file_displayed_test:
self.log(logging.WARN, 'python-test', {'file': f},
'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | No test output (missing mozunit.main() call?): {file}')
if verbose:
if inner_return_code != 0:
self.log(logging.INFO, 'python-test', {'file': f},
'Test failed: {file}')
self.log(logging.INFO, 'python-test', {'file': f},
'Test passed: {file}')
if stop and return_code > 0:
return 1
return 0 if return_code == 0 else 1
@Command('eslint', category='devenv',
description='Run eslint or help configure eslint for optimal development.')
@CommandArgument('-s', '--setup', default=False, action='store_true',
help='configure eslint for optimal development.')
@CommandArgument('-e', '--ext', default='[.js,.jsm,.jsx,.xml,.html]',
help='Filename extensions to lint, default: "[.js,.jsm,.jsx,.xml,.html]".')
@CommandArgument('-b', '--binary', default=None,
help='Path to eslint binary.')
@CommandArgument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) # Passed through to eslint.
def eslint(self, setup, ext=None, binary=None, args=None):
'''Run eslint.'''
# eslint requires at least node 4.2.3
nodePath = self.getNodeOrNpmPath("node", LooseVersion("4.2.3"))
if not nodePath:
return 1
if setup:
return self.eslint_setup()
if not binary:
binary = os.environ.get('ESLINT', None)
if not binary:
binary = which.which('eslint')
except which.WhichError:
if not binary:
return 1
self.log(logging.INFO, 'eslint', {'binary': binary, 'args': args},
'Running {binary}')
args = args or ['.']
cmd_args = [binary,
# Enable the HTML plugin.
# We can't currently enable this in the global config file
# because it has bad interactions with the SublimeText
# ESLint plugin (bug 1229874).
'--plugin', 'html',
'--ext', ext, # This keeps ext as a single argument.
] + args
success = self.run_process(cmd_args,
pass_thru=True, # Allow user to run eslint interactively.
ensure_exit_code=False, # Don't throw on non-zero exit code.
require_unix_environment=True # eslint is not a valid Win32 binary.
self.log(logging.INFO, 'eslint', {'msg': ('No errors' if success == 0 else 'Errors')},
'Finished eslint. {msg} encountered.')
return success
def eslint_setup(self, update_only=False):
"""Ensure eslint is optimally configured.
This command will inspect your eslint configuration and
guide you through an interactive wizard helping you configure
eslint for optimal use on Mozilla projects.
npmPath = self.getNodeOrNpmPath("npm")
if not npmPath:
return 1
# Install eslint.
success = self.callProcess("eslint",
[npmPath, "install", "eslint", "-g"])
if not success:
return 1
# Install eslint-plugin-mozilla.
success = self.callProcess("eslint-plugin-mozilla",
[npmPath, "link"],
if not success:
return 1
# Install eslint-plugin-html.
success = self.callProcess("eslint-plugin-html",
[npmPath, "install", "eslint-plugin-html", "-g"])
if not success:
return 1
# Install eslint-plugin-react.
success = self.callProcess("eslint-plugin-react",
[npmPath, "install", "eslint-plugin-react", "-g"])
if not success:
return 1
print("\nESLint and approved plugins installed successfully!")
def callProcess(self, name, cmd, cwd=None):
print("\nInstalling %s using \"%s\"..." % (name, " ".join(cmd)))
with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=fnull)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if cwd:
print("\nError installing %s in the %s folder, aborting." % (name, cwd))
print("\nError installing %s, aborting." % name)
return False
return True
def getPossibleNodePathsWin(self):
Return possible nodejs paths on Windows.
if platform.system() != "Windows":
return []
return list({
"%s\\nodejs" % os.environ.get("SystemDrive"),
os.path.join(os.environ.get("ProgramFiles"), "nodejs"),
os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROGRAMW6432"), "nodejs"),
os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROGRAMFILES"), "nodejs")
def getNodeOrNpmPath(self, filename, minversion=None):
Return the nodejs or npm path.
if platform.system() == "Windows":
for ext in [".cmd", ".exe", ""]:
nodeOrNpmPath = which.which(filename + ext,
if self.is_valid(nodeOrNpmPath, minversion):
return nodeOrNpmPath
except which.WhichError:
nodeOrNpmPath = which.which(filename)
if self.is_valid(nodeOrNpmPath, minversion):
return nodeOrNpmPath
except which.WhichError:
if filename == "node":
elif filename == "npm":
if platform.system() == "Windows":
appPaths = self.getPossibleNodePathsWin()
for p in appPaths:
print(" - %s" % p)
elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
print(" - /usr/local/bin/node")
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
print(" - /usr/bin/nodejs")
return None
def is_valid(self, path, minversion = None):
version_str = subprocess.check_output([path, "--version"],
if minversion:
# nodejs prefixes its version strings with "v"
version = LooseVersion(version_str.lstrip('v'))
return version >= minversion
return True
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, WindowsError):
return False