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<title>Test for Bug 833386 - HTMLTrackElement</title>
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SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["media.webvtt.enabled", true]]},
function() {
var video = document.createElement("video");
video.src = "seek.webm";
video.preload = "auto";
var trackElement = document.createElement("track");
trackElement.src = "basic.vtt";
trackElement.kind = "subtitles";
video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function run_tests() {
// Re-que run_tests() at the end of the event loop until the track
// element has loaded its data.
if (trackElement.readyState == 1) {
setTimeout(run_tests, 0);
is(trackElement.readyState, 2, "Track::ReadyState should be set to LOADED.");
var cueList = trackElement.track.cues;
is(cueList.length, 6, "Cue list length should be 6.");
// Check that the typedef of TextTrackCue works in Gecko.
is(window.TextTrackCue, undefined, "TextTrackCue should be undefined.");
isnot(window.VTTCue, undefined, "VTTCue should be defined.");
// Check if first cue was parsed correctly.
var cue = cueList[0];
is(, "1", "Cue's ID should be 1.");
is(cue.startTime, 0.5, "Cue's start time should be 0.5.");
is(cue.endTime, 0.7, "Cue's end time should be 0.7.");
is(cue.pauseOnExit, false, "Cue's pause on exit flag should be false.");
is(cue.text, "This", "Cue's text should be set correctly.");
// TODO:
// GetTrack() isn't implemented so this *is* returning undefined currently.
todo_isnot(cue.track, undefined, "Cue's track should be defined.");
// Check that all cue times were not rounded
is(cueList[1].startTime, 1.2, "Second cue's start time should be 1.2.");
is(cueList[1].endTime, 2.4, "Second cue's end time should be 2.4.");
is(cueList[2].startTime, 2, "Third cue's start time should be 2.");
is(cueList[2].endTime, 3.5, "Third cue's end time should be 3.5.");
is(cueList[3].startTime, 2.71, "Fourth cue's start time should be 2.71.");
is(cueList[3].endTime, 2.91, "Fourth cue's end time should be 2.91.");
is(cueList[4].startTime, 3.217, "Fifth cue's start time should be 3.217.");
is(cueList[4].endTime, 3.989, "Fifth cue's end time should be 3.989.");
is(cueList[5].startTime, 3.217, "Sixth cue's start time should be 3.217.");
is(cueList[5].endTime, 3.989, "Sixth cue's end time should be 3.989.");
// Check that Cue setters are working correctly. = "Cue 01";
is(, "Cue 01", "Cue's ID should be 'Cue 01'.");
cue.startTime = 0.51;
is(cue.startTime, 0.51, "Cue's start time should be 0.51.");
cue.endTime = 0.71;
is(cue.endTime, 0.71, "Cue's end time should be 0.71.");
cue.pauseOnExit = true;
is(cue.pauseOnExit, true, "Cue's pause on exit flag should be true.");
// Check that cue line align works properly
is(cue.lineAlign, "start", "Cue's default line alignment should be start.");
var exceptionHappened = false;
try {
cue.lineAlign = "left";
} catch(e) {
exceptionHappened = true;
is(, "SyntaxError", "Should have thrown SyntaxError.");
ok(exceptionHappened, "Exception should have happened.");
exceptionHappened = false;
try {
cue.lineAlign = "right";
} catch(e) {
exceptionHappened = true;
is(, "SyntaxError", "Should have thrown SyntaxError.");
ok(exceptionHappened, "Exception should have happened.");
cue.lineAlign = "middle";
is(cue.lineAlign, "middle", "Cue's line align should be middle.");
cue.lineAlign = "START";
is(cue.lineAlign, "middle", "Cue's line align should be middle.");
cue.lineAlign = "end";
is(cue.lineAlign, "end", "Cue's line align should be end.");
// Check that cue position align works properly
is(cue.positionAlign, "middle", "Cue's default position alignment should be middle.");
var exceptionHappened = false;
try {
cue.positionAlign = "left";
} catch(e) {
exceptionHappened = true;
is(, "SyntaxError", "Should have thrown SyntaxError.");
ok(exceptionHappened, "Exception should have happened.");
exceptionHappened = false;
try {
cue.positionAlign = "right";
} catch(e) {
exceptionHappened = true;
is(, "SyntaxError", "Should have thrown SyntaxError.");
ok(exceptionHappened, "Exception should have happened.");
cue.positionAlign = "start";
is(cue.positionAlign, "start", "Cue's position align should be start.");
cue.positionAlign = "end";
is(cue.positionAlign, "end", "Cue's position align should be end.");
// Check cue.line
is(cue.line, "auto", "Cue's line value should initially be auto.");
cue.line = 12410
is(cue.line, 12410, "Cue's line value should now be 12410.");
cue.line = "auto";
is(cue.line, "auto", "Cue's line value should now be auto.");
// Check that we can create and add new VTTCues
var vttCue = new VTTCue(3.999, 4, "foo");
is(cueList.length, 7, "Cue list length should now be 7.");
// Check that new VTTCue was added correctly
cue = cueList[6];
is(cue.startTime, 3.999, "Cue's start time should be 3.999.");
is(cue.endTime, 4, "Cue's end time should be 4.");
is(cue.text, "foo", "Cue's text should be foo.");
// Adding the same cue again should not increase the cue count.
is(cueList.length, 7, "Cue list length should be 7.");
// Check that we are able to remove cues.
is(cueList.length, 6, "Cue list length should be 6.");
exceptionHappened = false;
try {
// We should not be able to remove a cue that is not in the list.
cue = new VTTCue(1, 2, "foo");
} catch (e) {
// "NotFoundError" should be thrown when trying to remove a cue that is
// not in the list.
is(, "NotFoundError", "Should have thrown NotFoundError.");
exceptionHappened = true;
// If this is false then we did not throw an error and probably removed a cue
// when we shouln't have.
ok(exceptionHappened, "Exception should have happened.");
is(cueList.length, 6, "Cue list length should be 6.");
// Test TextTrack::ActiveCues.
var cueInfo = [
{ startTime: 0.51, endTime: 0.71, ids: ["Cue 01"] },
{ startTime: 0.72, endTime: 1.19, ids: [] },
{ startTime: 1.2, endTime: 1.9, ids: [2] },
{ startTime: 2, endTime: 2.4, ids: [2, 2.5] },
{ startTime: 2.41, endTime: 2.70, ids: [2.5] },
{ startTime: 2.71, endTime: 2.91, ids: [2.5, 3] },
{ startTime: 2.92, endTime: 3.216, ids: [2.5] },
{ startTime: 3.217, endTime: 3.5, ids: [2.5, 4, 5] },
{ startTime: 3.51, endTime: 3.989, ids: [4, 5] },
{ startTime: 3.99, endTime: 4, ids: [] }
video.addEventListener("timeupdate", function() {
var activeCues = trackElement.track.activeCues,
found = false,
playbackTime = video.currentTime;
for (var i = 0; i < cueInfo.length; i++) {
var cue = cueInfo[i];
if (playbackTime >= cue.startTime && playbackTime <= cue.endTime) {
is(activeCues.length, cue.ids.length, "There should be " + cue.ids.length + " currently active cue(s).");
for (var j = 0; j < cue.ids.length; j++) {
isnot(activeCues.getCueById(cue.ids[j]), undefined, "The cue with ID " + cue.ids[j] + " should be active.");
video.addEventListener("ended", function(){