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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Test parsing of grid container shorthands (grid-template, grid)</title>
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var initial_values = {
gridTemplateAreas: "none",
gridTemplateColumns: "none",
gridTemplateRows: "none",
gridAutoFlow: "row",
// Computed value for 'auto'
gridAutoColumns: "minmax(min-content, max-content)",
gridAutoRows: "minmax(min-content, max-content)",
// For various specified values of the grid-template shorthand,
// test the computed values of the corresponding longhands.
var grid_template_test_cases = [
specified: "none",
specified: "40px / 100px",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "100px",
specified: "(foo) 40px (bar) / (baz) 100px (fizz)",
gridTemplateColumns: "(foo) 40px (bar)",
gridTemplateRows: "(baz) 100px (fizz)",
specified: " none/100px",
gridTemplateColumns: "none",
gridTemplateRows: "100px",
specified: "40px/none",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "none",
specified: "40px/repeat(1, 20px)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "20px",
specified: "40px/(a)repeat(1, 20px)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a) 20px",
specified: "40px/repeat(1, (a) 20px)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a) 20px",
specified: "40px/(a)repeat(2, (b)20px)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a b) 20px (b) 20px",
specified: "40px/(a)repeat(2, 20px)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a) 20px 20px",
specified: "40px/repeat(2, (a) 20px)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a) 20px (a) 20px",
specified: "40px/(a)repeat(2, (b)20px)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a b) 20px (b) 20px",
specified: "40px/repeat(2, 20px(a))",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "20px (a) 20px (a)",
specified: "40px/repeat(2, 20px(a)) (b)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "20px (a) 20px (a b)",
specified: "40px/repeat(2, (a) 20px(b)) (c)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a) 20px (b a) 20px (b c)",
specified: "40px/(a) repeat(3, (b c) 20px (d) 100px (e f)) (g)",
gridTemplateColumns: "40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(a b c) 20px (d) 100px (e f b c) 20px (d) 100px (e f b c) 20px (d) 100px (e f g)",
specified: "'fizz'",
gridTemplateAreas: "\"fizz\"",
gridTemplateRows: "minmax(min-content, max-content)",
specified: "(bar) 'fizz'",
gridTemplateAreas: "\"fizz\"",
gridTemplateRows: "(bar) minmax(min-content, max-content)",
specified: "(foo) 40px / 'fizz'",
gridTemplateAreas: "\"fizz\"",
gridTemplateColumns: "(foo) 40px",
gridTemplateRows: "minmax(min-content, max-content)",
specified: "(foo) 40px / (bar) 'fizz'",
gridTemplateAreas: "\"fizz\"",
gridTemplateColumns: "(foo) 40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(bar) minmax(min-content, max-content)",
specified: "(foo) 40px / 'fizz' 100px",
gridTemplateAreas: "\"fizz\"",
gridTemplateColumns: "(foo) 40px",
gridTemplateRows: "100px",
specified: "(foo) 40px / (bar) 'fizz' 100px (buzz) \n (a) '.' 200px (b)",
gridTemplateAreas: "\"fizz\" \".\"",
gridTemplateColumns: "(foo) 40px",
gridTemplateRows: "(bar) 100px (buzz a) 200px (b)",
specified: "subgrid",
gridTemplateColumns: "subgrid",
gridTemplateRows: "subgrid",
specified: "subgrid / subgrid",
gridTemplateColumns: "subgrid",
gridTemplateRows: "subgrid",
specified: "subgrid / subgrid (foo)",
gridTemplateColumns: "subgrid",
gridTemplateRows: "subgrid (foo)",
specified: "subgrid / subgrid (foo) repeat(3, () (a b) (c))",
gridTemplateColumns: "subgrid",
gridTemplateRows: "subgrid (foo) () (a b) (c) () (a b) (c) () (a b) (c)",
// The number of repetitions is clamped to
specified: "subgrid / subgrid (foo) repeat(999999999, (a))",
gridTemplateColumns: "subgrid",
// Array(n + 1).join(s) is a hack for the non-standard s.repeat(n)
gridTemplateRows: "subgrid (foo)" + Array(10000 + 1).join(" (a)"),
specified: "subgrid () (foo)/ subgrid (bar",
gridTemplateColumns: "subgrid () (foo)",
gridTemplateRows: "subgrid (bar)",
grid_test_cases = grid_template_test_cases.concat([
specified: "row",
gridAutoFlow: "row",
specified: "dense",
gridAutoFlow: "row dense",
specified: "row 40px",
gridAutoFlow: "row",
gridAutoColumns: "40px",
specified: "column 40px",
gridAutoFlow: "column",
gridAutoColumns: "40px",
specified: "column dense auto",
gridAutoFlow: "column dense",
gridAutoColumns: "minmax(min-content, max-content)",
specified: "dense row minmax(min-content, 2fr)",
gridAutoFlow: "row dense",
gridAutoColumns: "minmax(min-content, 2fr)",
specified: "row 40px / 100px",
gridAutoFlow: "row",
gridAutoColumns: "40px",
gridAutoRows: "100px",
function run_tests(test_cases, shorthand, subproperties) {
test_cases.forEach(function(test_case) {
test(function() {
var element = document.createElement('div');
document.body.appendChild(element);[shorthand] = test_case.specified;
var computed = window.getComputedStyle(element);
subproperties.forEach(function(longhand) {
test_case[longhand] || initial_values[longhand],
}, "test parsing of 'grid-template: " + test_case.specified + "'");
run_tests(grid_template_test_cases, "gridTemplate", [
"gridTemplateAreas", "gridTemplateColumns", "gridTemplateRows"]);
run_tests(grid_test_cases, "grid", [
"gridTemplateAreas", "gridTemplateColumns", "gridTemplateRows",
"gridAutoFlow", "gridAutoColumns", "gridAutoRows"]);