
102 lines
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function test() {
/** Test for Bug 350525 **/
function test(aLambda) {
try {
return aLambda() || true;
catch (ex) { }
return false;
// setWindowValue, et al. //
let key = "Unique name: " +;
let value = "Unique value: " + Math.random();
// test adding
ok(test(function() ss.setWindowValue(window, key, value)), "set a window value");
// test retrieving
is(ss.getWindowValue(window, key), value, "stored window value matches original");
// test deleting
ok(test(function() ss.deleteWindowValue(window, key)), "delete the window value");
// value should not exist post-delete
is(ss.getWindowValue(window, key), "", "window value was deleted");
// test deleting a non-existent value
ok(test(function() ss.deleteWindowValue(window, key)), "delete non-existent window value");
// setTabValue, et al. //
key = "Unique name: " + Math.random();
value = "Unique value: " +;
let tab = gBrowser.addTab();
// test adding
ok(test(function() ss.setTabValue(tab, key, value)), "store a tab value");
// test retrieving
is(ss.getTabValue(tab, key), value, "stored tab value match original");
// test deleting
ok(test(function() ss.deleteTabValue(tab, key)), "delete the tab value");
// value should not exist post-delete
is(ss.getTabValue(tab, key), "", "tab value was deleted");
// test deleting a non-existent value
ok(test(function() ss.deleteTabValue(tab, key)), "delete non-existent tab value");
// clean up
// getClosedTabCount, undoCloseTab //
// get closed tab count
let count = ss.getClosedTabCount(window);
let max_tabs_undo = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
ok(0 <= count && count <= max_tabs_undo,
"getClosedTabCount returns zero or at most max_tabs_undo");
// create a new tab
let testURL = "about:";
tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
// make sure that the next closed tab will increase getClosedTabCount
gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_tabs_undo + 1);
// remove tab
// getClosedTabCount
var newcount = ss.getClosedTabCount(window);
ok(newcount > count, "after closing a tab, getClosedTabCount has been incremented");
// undoCloseTab
tab = test(function() ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0));
ok(tab, "undoCloseTab doesn't throw")
tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
is(this.currentURI.spec, testURL, "correct tab was reopened");
// clean up
if (gPrefService.prefHasUserValue("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo"))
}, true);
}, true);