
718 lines
26 KiB

* This file is taken from the below mentioned url and is under CC0 license.
* Please retain this comment while updating this file from upstream.
(function (root, factory) {
// Universal Module Definition (UMD) to support AMD, CommonJS/Node.js,
// Rhino, and plain browser loading.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['exports'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
} else {
}(this, function (exports) {
var between = function (num, first, last) { return num >= first && num <= last; }
function digit(code) { return between(code, 0x30,0x39); }
function hexdigit(code) { return digit(code) || between(code, 0x41,0x46) || between(code, 0x61,0x66); }
function uppercaseletter(code) { return between(code, 0x41,0x5a); }
function lowercaseletter(code) { return between(code, 0x61,0x7a); }
function letter(code) { return uppercaseletter(code) || lowercaseletter(code); }
function nonascii(code) { return code >= 0xa0; }
function namestartchar(code) { return letter(code) || nonascii(code) || code == 0x5f; }
function namechar(code) { return namestartchar(code) || digit(code) || code == 0x2d; }
function nonprintable(code) { return between(code, 0,8) || between(code, 0xe,0x1f) || between(code, 0x7f,0x9f); }
function newline(code) { return code == 0xa || code == 0xc; }
function whitespace(code) { return newline(code) || code == 9 || code == 0x20; }
function badescape(code) { return newline(code) || isNaN(code); }
// Note: I'm not yet acting smart enough to actually handle astral characters.
var maximumallowedcodepoint = 0x10ffff;
function tokenize(str, options) {
if(options == undefined) options = {transformFunctionWhitespace:false, scientificNotation:false};
var i = -1;
var tokens = [];
var state = "data";
var code;
var currtoken;
// Line number information.
var line = 0;
var column = 0;
// The only use of lastLineLength is in reconsume().
var lastLineLength = 0;
var incrLineno = function() {
line += 1;
lastLineLength = column;
column = 0;
var locStart = {line:line, column:column};
var next = function(num) { if(num === undefined) num = 1; return str.charCodeAt(i+num); };
var consume = function(num) {
if(num === undefined)
num = 1;
i += num;
code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (newline(code)) incrLineno();
else column += num;
//console.log('Consume '+i+' '+String.fromCharCode(code) + ' 0x' + code.toString(16));
return true;
var reconsume = function() {
i -= 1;
if (newline(code)) {
line -= 1;
column = lastLineLength;
} else {
column -= 1;
locStart.line = line;
locStart.column = column;
return true;
var eof = function() { return i >= str.length; };
var donothing = function() {};
var emit = function(token) {
if(token) {
} else {
token = currtoken.finish();
if (options.loc === true) {
token.loc = {};
token.loc.start = {line:locStart.line, column:locStart.column};
locStart = {line: line, column: column};
token.loc.end = locStart;
//console.log('Emitting ' + token);
currtoken = undefined;
return true;
var create = function(token) { currtoken = token; return true; };
var parseerror = function() { console.log("Parse error at index " + i + ", processing codepoint 0x" + code.toString(16) + " in state " + state + ".");return true; };
var switchto = function(newstate) {
state = newstate;
//console.log('Switching to ' + state);
return true;
var consumeEscape = function() {
// Assume the the current character is the \
if(hexdigit(code)) {
// Consume 1-6 hex digits
var digits = [];
for(var total = 0; total < 6; total++) {
if(hexdigit(code)) {
} else { break; }
var value = parseInt(''), 16);
if( value > maximumallowedcodepoint ) value = 0xfffd;
// If the current char is whitespace, cool, we'll just eat it.
// Otherwise, put it back.
if(!whitespace(code)) reconsume();
return value;
} else {
return code;
for(;;) {
if(i > str.length*2) return "I'm infinite-looping!";
switch(state) {
case "data":
if(whitespace(code)) {
emit(new WhitespaceToken);
while(whitespace(next())) consume();
else if(code == 0x22) switchto("double-quote-string");
else if(code == 0x23) switchto("hash");
else if(code == 0x27) switchto("single-quote-string");
else if(code == 0x28) emit(new OpenParenToken);
else if(code == 0x29) emit(new CloseParenToken);
else if(code == 0x2b) {
if(digit(next()) || (next() == 0x2e && digit(next(2)))) switchto("number") && reconsume();
else emit(new DelimToken(code));
else if(code == 0x2d) {
if(next(1) == 0x2d && next(2) == 0x3e) consume(2) && emit(new CDCToken);
else if(digit(next()) || (next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2)))) switchto("number") && reconsume();
else if(namestartchar(next())) switchto("identifier") && reconsume();
else emit(new DelimToken(code));
else if(code == 0x2e) {
if(digit(next())) switchto("number") && reconsume();
else emit(new DelimToken(code));
else if(code == 0x2f) {
if(next() == 0x2a) switchto("comment");
else emit(new DelimToken(code));
else if(code == 0x3a) emit(new ColonToken);
else if(code == 0x3b) emit(new SemicolonToken);
else if(code == 0x3c) {
if(next(1) == 0x21 && next(2) == 0x2d && next(3) == 0x2d) consume(3) && emit(new CDOToken);
else emit(new DelimToken(code));
else if(code == 0x40) switchto("at-keyword");
else if(code == 0x5b) emit(new OpenSquareToken);
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(code));
else switchto("identifier") && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x5d) emit(new CloseSquareToken);
else if(code == 0x7b) emit(new OpenCurlyToken);
else if(code == 0x7d) emit(new CloseCurlyToken);
else if(digit(code)) switchto("number") && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x55 || code == 0x75) {
if(next(1) == 0x2b && hexdigit(next(2))) consume() && switchto("unicode-range");
else if((next(1) == 0x52 || next(1) == 0x72) && (next(2) == 0x4c || next(2) == 0x6c) && (next(3) == 0x28)) consume(3) && switchto("url");
else switchto("identifier") && reconsume();
else if(namestartchar(code)) switchto("identifier") && reconsume();
else if(eof()) { emit(new EOFToken); return tokens; }
else emit(new DelimToken(code));
case "double-quote-string":
if(currtoken == undefined) create(new StringToken);
if(code == 0x22) emit() && switchto("data");
else if(eof()) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data");
else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data");
else if(newline(next())) consume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else currtoken.append(code);
case "single-quote-string":
if(currtoken == undefined) create(new StringToken);
if(code == 0x27) emit() && switchto("data");
else if(eof()) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data");
else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data");
else if(newline(next())) consume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else currtoken.append(code);
case "hash":
if(namechar(code)) create(new HashToken(code)) && switchto("hash-rest");
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else create(new HashToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('hash-rest');
else emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "hash-rest":
if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "comment":
if(code == 0x2a) {
if(next() == 0x2f) consume() && switchto('data');
else donothing();
else if(eof()) parseerror() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else donothing();
case "at-keyword":
if(code == 0x2d) {
if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new AtKeywordToken([0x40,code])) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');
else emit(new DelimToken(0x40)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new AtKeywordToken(code)) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else create(new AtKeywordToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');
else emit(new DelimToken(0x40)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "at-keyword-rest":
if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "identifier":
if(code == 0x2d) {
if(namestartchar(next())) create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto('identifier-rest');
else switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto('identifier-rest');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else create(new IdentifierToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('identifier-rest');
else switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "identifier-rest":
if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else if(code == 0x28) emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');
else if(whitespace(code) && options.transformFunctionWhitespace) switchto('transform-function-whitespace');
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "transform-function-whitespace":
if(whitespace(code)) donothing();
else if(code == 0x28) emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "number":
create(new NumberToken());
if(code == 0x2d) {
if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2d,code]) && switchto('number-rest');
else if(next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2))) consume(2) && currtoken.append([0x2d,0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');
else switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x2b) {
if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2b,code]) && switchto('number-rest');
else if(next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2))) consume(2) && currtoken.append([0x2b,0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');
else switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code) && switchto('number-rest');
else if(code == 0x2e) {
if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');
else switchto('data') && reconsume();
else switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "number-rest":
if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);
else if(code == 0x2e) {
if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x25) emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x45 || code == 0x65) {
if(!options.scientificNotation) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');
else if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x25,code]) && switchto('sci-notation');
else if((next(1) == 0x2b || next(1) == 0x2d) && digit(next(2))) currtoken.append([0x25,next(1),next(2)]) && consume(2) && switchto('sci-notation');
else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');
else if(code == 0x2d) {
if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,[0x2d,code])) && switchto('dimension');
else if(next(1) == 0x5c && badescape(next(2))) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(next(1) == 0x5c) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [0x2d,consumeEscape()])) && switchto('dimension');
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto('dimension');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next)) emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,consumeEscape)) && switchto('dimension');
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "number-fraction":
currtoken.type = "number";
if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);
else if(code == 0x2e) emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x25) emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(code == 0x45 || code == 0x65) {
if(!options.scientificNotation) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');
else if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x25,code]) && switchto('sci-notation');
else if((next(1) == 0x2b || next(1) == 0x2d) && digit(next(2))) currtoken.append([0x25,next(1),next(2)]) && consume(2) && switchto('sci-notation');
else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');
else if(code == 0x2d) {
if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,[0x2d,code])) && switchto('dimension');
else if(next(1) == 0x5c && badescape(next(2))) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(next(1) == 0x5c) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [0x2d,consumeEscape()])) && switchto('dimension');
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto('dimension');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next)) emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,consumeEscape)) && switchto('dimension');
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "dimension":
if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "sci-notation":
if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);
else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();
case "url":
if(code == 0x22) switchto('url-double-quote');
else if(code == 0x27) switchto('url-single-quote');
else if(code == 0x29) emit(new URLToken) && switchto('data');
else if(whitespace(code)) donothing();
else switchto('url-unquoted') && reconsume();
case "url-double-quote":
if(currtoken == undefined) create(new URLToken);
if(code == 0x22) switchto('url-end');
else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(newline(next())) consume();
else if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else currtoken.append(code);
case "url-single-quote":
if(currtoken == undefined) create(new URLToken);
if(code == 0x27) switchto('url-end');
else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(newline(next())) consume();
else if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data') && reconsume();
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else currtoken.append(code);
case "url-end":
if(whitespace(code)) donothing();
else if(code == 0x29) emit() && switchto('data');
else parseerror() && switchto('bad-url') && reconsume();
case "url-unquoted":
if(currtoken == undefined) create(new URLToken);
if(whitespace(code)) switchto('url-end');
else if(code == 0x29) emit() && switchto('data');
else if(code == 0x22 || code == 0x27 || code == 0x28 || nonprintable(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');
else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());
else currtoken.append(code);
case "bad-url":
if(code == 0x29) emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');
else if(code == 0x5c) {
if(badescape(next())) donothing();
else consumeEscape()
else donothing();
case "unicode-range":
// We already know that the current code is a hexdigit.
var start = [code], end = [code];
for(var total = 1; total < 6; total++) {
if(hexdigit(next())) {
else break;
if(next() == 0x3f) {
for(;total < 6; total++) {
if(next() == 0x3f) {
else break;
emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start,end)) && switchto('data');
else if(next(1) == 0x2d && hexdigit(next(2))) {
end = [code];
for(var total = 1; total < 6; total++) {
if(hexdigit(next())) {
else break;
emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start,end)) && switchto('data');
else emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start)) && switchto('data');
console.log("Unknown state '" + state + "'");
function stringFromCodeArray(arr) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,arr.filter(function(e){return e;}));
function CSSParserToken(options) { return this; }
CSSParserToken.prototype.finish = function() { return this; }
CSSParserToken.prototype.toString = function() { return this.tokenType; }
CSSParserToken.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(); }
function BadStringToken() { return this; }
BadStringToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
BadStringToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADSTRING";
function BadURLToken() { return this; }
BadURLToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
BadURLToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADURL";
function WhitespaceToken() { return this; }
WhitespaceToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
WhitespaceToken.prototype.tokenType = "WHITESPACE";
WhitespaceToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "WS"; }
function CDOToken() { return this; }
CDOToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
CDOToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDO";
function CDCToken() { return this; }
CDCToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
CDCToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDC";
function ColonToken() { return this; }
ColonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
ColonToken.prototype.tokenType = ":";
function SemicolonToken() { return this; }
SemicolonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
SemicolonToken.prototype.tokenType = ";";
function OpenCurlyToken() { return this; }
OpenCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
OpenCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "{";
function CloseCurlyToken() { return this; }
CloseCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
CloseCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "}";
function OpenSquareToken() { return this; }
OpenSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
OpenSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "[";
function CloseSquareToken() { return this; }
CloseSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
CloseSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "]";
function OpenParenToken() { return this; }
OpenParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
OpenParenToken.prototype.tokenType = "(";
function CloseParenToken() { return this; }
CloseParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
CloseParenToken.prototype.tokenType = ")";
function EOFToken() { return this; }
EOFToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
EOFToken.prototype.tokenType = "EOF";
function DelimToken(code) {
this.value = String.fromCharCode(code);
return this;
DelimToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
DelimToken.prototype.tokenType = "DELIM";
DelimToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "DELIM("+this.value+")"; }
function StringValuedToken() { return this; }
StringValuedToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
StringValuedToken.prototype.append = function(val) {
if(val instanceof Array) {
for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
} else {
return true;
StringValuedToken.prototype.finish = function() {
this.value = stringFromCodeArray(this.value);
return this;
function IdentifierToken(val) {
this.value = [];
IdentifierToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;
IdentifierToken.prototype.tokenType = "IDENT";
IdentifierToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "IDENT("+this.value+")"; }
function FunctionToken(val) {
// These are always constructed by passing an IdentifierToken
this.value = val.finish().value;
FunctionToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
FunctionToken.prototype.tokenType = "FUNCTION";
FunctionToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "FUNCTION("+this.value+")"; }
function AtKeywordToken(val) {
this.value = [];
AtKeywordToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;
AtKeywordToken.prototype.tokenType = "AT-KEYWORD";
AtKeywordToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "AT("+this.value+")"; }
function HashToken(val) {
this.value = [];
HashToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;
HashToken.prototype.tokenType = "HASH";
HashToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "HASH("+this.value+")"; }
function StringToken(val) {
this.value = [];
StringToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;
StringToken.prototype.tokenType = "STRING";
StringToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "\""+this.value+"\""; }
function URLToken(val) {
this.value = [];
URLToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;
URLToken.prototype.tokenType = "URL";
URLToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "URL("+this.value+")"; }
function NumberToken(val) {
this.value = [];
this.type = "integer";
NumberToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;
NumberToken.prototype.tokenType = "NUMBER";
NumberToken.prototype.toString = function() {
if(this.type == "integer")
return "INT("+this.value+")";
return "NUMBER("+this.value+")";
NumberToken.prototype.finish = function() {
this.repr = stringFromCodeArray(this.value);
this.value = this.repr * 1;
if(Math.abs(this.value) % 1 != 0) this.type = "number";
return this;
function PercentageToken(val) {
// These are always created by passing a NumberToken as val
this.value = val.value;
this.repr = val.repr;
PercentageToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
PercentageToken.prototype.tokenType = "PERCENTAGE";
PercentageToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "PERCENTAGE("+this.value+")"; }
function DimensionToken(val,unit) {
// These are always created by passing a NumberToken as the val
this.num = val.value;
this.unit = [];
this.repr = val.repr;
DimensionToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
DimensionToken.prototype.tokenType = "DIMENSION";
DimensionToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "DIM("+this.num+","+this.unit+")"; }
DimensionToken.prototype.append = function(val) {
if(val instanceof Array) {
for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
} else {
return true;
DimensionToken.prototype.finish = function() {
this.unit = stringFromCodeArray(this.unit);
this.repr += this.unit;
return this;
function UnicodeRangeToken(start,end) {
// start and end are array of char codes, completely finished
start = parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(start),16);
if(end === undefined) end = start + 1;
else end = parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(end),16);
if(start > maximumallowedcodepoint) end = start;
if(end < start) end = start;
if(end > maximumallowedcodepoint) end = maximumallowedcodepoint;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
return this;
UnicodeRangeToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;
UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.tokenType = "UNICODE-RANGE";
UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.toString = function() {
if(this.start+1 == this.end)
return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";
if(this.start < this.end)
return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+"-"+this.end.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";
return "UNICODE-RANGE()";
UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.contains = function(code) {
return code >= this.start && code < this.end;
// Exportation.
// TODO: also export the various tokens objects?
module.exports = tokenize;