2008-02-18 04:31:50 -08:00

383 lines
12 KiB

# Build step. Calls tinderbox to produce en-US Firefox build.
package Bootstrap::Step::Build;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Bootstrap::Step;
use Bootstrap::Util qw(CvsCatfile SyncToStaging);
use MozBuild::Util qw(MkdirWithPath);
@ISA = ("Bootstrap::Step");
sub Execute {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $version = $config->GetVersion(longName => 0);
my $buildDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'buildDir');
my $productTag = $config->Get(var => 'productTag');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $buildPlatform = $config->Get(sysvar => 'buildPlatform');
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
my $sysname = $config->SystemInfo(var => 'sysname');
my $rcTag = $productTag . '_RC' . $rc;
if ($version eq 'nightly') {
$this->Log(msg => 'Skip force-clobber for nightly mode');
} else {
my $lastBuilt = catfile($buildDir, $buildPlatform, 'last-built');
if (! unlink($lastBuilt)) {
$this->Log(msg => "Cannot unlink last-built file $lastBuilt: $!");
} else {
$this->Log(msg => "Unlinked $lastBuilt");
my $buildLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-build.log');
# For Cygwin only, ensure that the system mount point is binmode
# This forces CVS to use Unix-style linefeed EOL characters.
if ($sysname =~ /cygwin/i) {
cmd => 'mount',
cmdArgs => ['-b', '-sc', '/cygdrive'],
dir => $buildDir,
cmd => './',
cmdArgs => ['--once', '--mozconfig', 'mozconfig', '--depend',
catfile($buildDir, 'tinderbox-configs')],
dir => $buildDir,
logFile => $buildLog,
timeout => 36000
if ($version eq 'nightly') {
$this->Log(msg => 'Nightly mode: skipping buildID storage and Talkback' .
' symbol push to Breakpad server');
} else {
# proxy for version is 2.0.0.* and osname is win32
if ($sysname =~ /cygwin/i) {
sub Verify {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $version = $config->GetVersion(longName => 0);
my $buildDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'buildDir');
my $productTag = $config->Get(var => 'productTag');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $rcTag = $productTag.'_RC'.$rc;
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
if ($version eq 'nightly') {
$this->Log(msg => 'Skip Verify for nightly mode');
my $buildLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-build.log');
log => $buildLog,
notAllowed => 'tinderbox: status: failed',
my $logParser = new MozBuild::TinderLogParse(
logFile => $buildLog,
if (! defined($logParser->GetBuildID())) {
die("No buildID found in $buildLog");
if (! defined($logParser->GetPushDir())) {
die("No pushDir found in $buildLog");
sub Push {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $version = $config->GetVersion(longName => 0);
my $productTag = $config->Get(var => 'productTag');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
my $stagingUser = $config->Get(var => 'stagingUser');
my $stagingServer = $config->Get(var => 'stagingServer');
if ($version eq 'nightly') {
$this->Log(msg => 'Skip Push for nightly mode');
my $rcTag = $productTag . '_RC' . $rc;
my $buildLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-build.log');
my $pushLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-push.log');
my $logParser = new MozBuild::TinderLogParse(
logFile => $buildLog,
my $pushDir = $logParser->GetPushDir();
if (! defined($pushDir)) {
die("No pushDir found in $buildLog");
$pushDir =~ s!^!/home/ftp/pub!;
my $candidateDir = $config->GetFtpCandidateDir(bitsUnsigned => 1);
my $osFileMatch = $config->SystemInfo(var => 'osname');
# TODO - use a more generic function for this kind of remapping
if ($osFileMatch eq 'win32') {
$osFileMatch = 'win';
} elsif ($osFileMatch eq 'macosx') {
$osFileMatch = 'mac';
cmd => 'ssh',
cmdArgs => ['-2', '-l', $stagingUser, $stagingServer,
'mkdir -p ' . $candidateDir],
logFile => $pushLog,
# Make sure permissions are created on the server correctly;
# Note the '..' at the end of the chmod string; this is because
# Config::GetFtpCandidateDir() returns the full path, including the
# rcN directories on the end. What we really want to ensure
# have the correct permissions (from the mkdir call above) is the
# firefox/nightly/$version-candidates/ directory.
# XXX - This is ugly; another solution is to fix the umask on stage, or
# change what GetFtpCandidateDir() returns.
my $chmodArg = CvsCatfile($config->GetFtpCandidateDir(bitsUnsigned => 0),
cmd => 'ssh',
cmdArgs => ['-2', '-l', $stagingUser, $stagingServer,
'chmod 0755 ' . $chmodArg],
logFile => $pushLog,
cmd => 'ssh',
cmdArgs => ['-2', '-l', $stagingUser, $stagingServer,
'rsync', '-av',
'--include=*' . $osFileMatch . '*',
logFile => $pushLog,
sub Announce {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $version = $config->GetVersion(longName => 0);
my $product = $config->Get(var => 'product');
my $productTag = $config->Get(var => 'productTag');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
if ($version eq 'nightly') {
$this->Log(msg => 'Skip Announce for nightly mode');
my $rcTag = $productTag . '_RC' . $rc;
my $buildLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-build.log');
my $logParser = new MozBuild::TinderLogParse(
logFile => $buildLog,
my $buildID = $logParser->GetBuildID();
my $pushDir = $logParser->GetPushDir();
if (! defined($buildID)) {
die("No buildID found in $buildLog");
if (! defined($pushDir)) {
die("No pushDir found in $buildLog");
subject => "$product $version build step finished",
message => "$product $version en-US build was copied to the candidates dir.\nBuild ID is $buildID\nPush Dir was $pushDir",
sub StoreBuildID() {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $productTag = $config->Get(var => 'productTag');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
my $stagingUser = $config->Get(var => 'stagingUser');
my $stagingServer = $config->Get(var => 'stagingServer');
my $rcTag = $productTag . '_RC' . $rc;
my $buildLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-build.log');
my $pushLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-push.log');
my $logParser = new MozBuild::TinderLogParse(
logFile => $buildLog,
my $pushDir = $logParser->GetPushDir();
if (! defined($pushDir)) {
die("No pushDir found in $buildLog");
$pushDir =~ s!^!/home/ftp/pub!;
# drop os-specific buildID file on FTP
my $buildID = $logParser->GetBuildID();
if (! defined($buildID)) {
die("No buildID found in $buildLog");
if (! $buildID =~ /^\d+$/) {
die("ASSERT: Build: build ID is not numerical: $buildID")
my $osFileMatch = $config->SystemInfo(var => 'osname');
my ($bh, $buildIDTempFile) = tempfile(DIR => '.');
print $bh 'buildID=' . $buildID;
$bh->close() ||
die("Could not open buildID temp file $buildIDTempFile: $!");
chmod(0644, $buildIDTempFile);
my $buildIDFile = $osFileMatch . '_info.txt';
cmd => 'scp',
cmdArgs => ['-p', $buildIDTempFile,
$stagingUser . '@' . $stagingServer . ':' .
$pushDir . '/' . $buildIDFile],
logFile => $pushLog,
sub PublishTalkbackSymbols() {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $product = $config->Get(var => 'product');
my $version = $config->Get(var => 'version');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $productTag = $config->Get(var => 'productTag');
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
my $buildDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'buildDir');
my $buildPlatform = $config->Get(sysvar => 'buildPlatform');
my $symbolDir = $config->Get(var => 'symbolDir');
my $mozillaCvsroot = $config->Get(var => 'mozillaCvsroot');
my $symbolServer = $config->Get(var => 'symbolServer');
my $symbolServerUser = $config->Get(var => 'symbolServerUser');
my $symbolServerPath = $config->Get(var => 'symbolServerPath');
my $symbolServerKey = $config->Get(var => 'symbolServerKey');
my $rcTag = $productTag . '_RC' . $rc;
my $buildLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-build.log');
my $symbolLog = catfile($logDir, 'build_' . $rcTag . '-symbols.log');
my $versionedSymbolDir = catfile($symbolDir, $product . '-' . $version,
'rc' . $rc);
# Create symbols work area.
if (-e $versionedSymbolDir) {
die("ASSERT: Build:PublishTalkbackSymbols(): $versionedSymbolDir already exists?");
MkdirWithPath(dir => $versionedSymbolDir)
or die("Cannot mkdir $versionedSymbolDir: $!");
# checkouts
$this->CvsCo(cvsroot => $mozillaCvsroot,
checkoutDir => 'tools',
modules => [CvsCatfile('mozilla', 'toolkit',
'crashreporter', 'tools')],
logFile => $symbolLog,
workDir => $versionedSymbolDir
# unpack the symbols tarball from tinderbox
my $logParser = new MozBuild::TinderLogParse(
logFile => $buildLog,
my $buildID = $logParser->GetBuildID();
if (! $buildID =~ /^\d{10}$/) {
die("ASSERT: Build:PublishTalkbackSymbols(): No buildID found in $buildLog");
# yields dir $versionedSymbolDir/$buildID
cmd => 'tar',
cmdArgs => ['xfj',
catfile($buildDir, $buildPlatform, $buildID, 'symbols',
dir => $versionedSymbolDir,
logFile => $symbolLog,
# process symbols
my $symbolOutputDir = catfile($versionedSymbolDir,'symbol');
MkdirWithPath(dir => $symbolOutputDir)
or die("Cannot mkdir $symbolOutputDir: $!");
my @pdbFiles = glob(catfile($versionedSymbolDir, $buildID, '*.pdb'));
foreach $pdbFile (@pdbFiles) {
$pdbFile =~ s/.*($buildID.*)/$1/;
cmd => 'tools/',
cmdArgs => ['-c', 'tools/win32/dump_syms.exe',
logFile => catfile($symbolOutputDir,
$product . '-' . $version . 'rc' . $rc .
'-WINNT-' . $buildID . '-symbols.txt'),
dir => $versionedSymbolDir,
timeout => 600,
# push the symbols to the server
cmd => 'zip',
cmdArgs => ['-r', catfile($versionedSymbolDir, ''), '.'],
dir => $symbolOutputDir,
logFile => $symbolLog,
timeout => 600,
$ENV{'SYMBOL_SERVER_HOST'} = $symbolServer;
$ENV{'SYMBOL_SERVER_USER'} = $symbolServerUser;
$ENV{'SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY'} = $symbolServerKey;
$ENV{'SYMBOL_SERVER_PATH'} = $symbolServerPath;
cmd => catfile('tools', ''),
cmdArgs => [''],
dir => $versionedSymbolDir,
logFile => $symbolLog,
timeout => 600,