
630 lines
22 KiB

// CFGrowlAdditions.c
// Growl
// Created by Peter Hosey on Wed Jun 18 2004.
// Copyright 2005-2006 The Growl Project.
// This file is under the BSD License, refer to License.txt for details
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include "CFGrowlAdditions.h"
#ifndef MIN
# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
extern Boolean CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation() __attribute__((weak_import));
extern CFIndex CFStringGetMaximumSizeOfFileSystemRepresentation(CFStringRef string) __attribute__((weak_import));
char *createFileSystemRepresentationOfString(CFStringRef str) {
char *buffer;
/* CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation will cause a link error despite the weak_import attribute above on 10.5 when compiling with 10.2 compatibility using gcc 3.3.
* PPC will therefore always use the 10.3 and below method of creating a file system representation.
if (CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation) {
CFIndex size = CFStringGetMaximumSizeOfFileSystemRepresentation(str);
buffer = malloc(size);
CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(str, buffer, size);
} else
buffer = malloc(512);
CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, str, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(url, false, (UInt8 *)buffer, 512)) {
buffer = NULL;
return buffer;
STRING_TYPE createStringWithDate(CFDateRef date) {
CFLocaleRef locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFDateFormatterRef dateFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
CFStringRef dateString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
return dateString;
STRING_TYPE createStringWithContentsOfFile(CFStringRef filename, CFStringEncoding encoding) {
CFStringRef str = NULL;
char *path = createFileSystemRepresentationOfString(filename);
if (path) {
FILE *fp = fopen(path, "rb");
if (fp) {
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
unsigned long size = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
unsigned char *buffer = malloc(size);
if (buffer && fread(buffer, 1, size, fp) == size)
str = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, size, encoding, true);
return str;
STRING_TYPE createStringWithStringAndCharacterAndString(STRING_TYPE str0, UniChar ch, STRING_TYPE str1) {
CFStringRef cfstr0 = (CFStringRef)str0;
CFStringRef cfstr1 = (CFStringRef)str1;
CFIndex len0 = (cfstr0 ? CFStringGetLength(cfstr0) : 0);
CFIndex len1 = (cfstr1 ? CFStringGetLength(cfstr1) : 0);
size_t length = (len0 + (ch != 0xffff) + len1);
UniChar *buf = malloc(sizeof(UniChar) * length);
size_t i = 0U;
if (cfstr0) {
CFStringGetCharacters(cfstr0, CFRangeMake(0, len0), buf);
i += len0;
if (ch != 0xffff)
buf[i++] = ch;
if (cfstr1)
CFStringGetCharacters(cfstr1, CFRangeMake(0, len1), &buf[i]);
return CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, buf, length, /*contentsDeallocator*/ kCFAllocatorMalloc);
char *copyCString(STRING_TYPE str, CFStringEncoding encoding) {
CFIndex size = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(str), encoding) + 1;
char *buffer = calloc(size, 1);
CFStringGetCString(str, buffer, size, encoding);
return buffer;
STRING_TYPE copyCurrentProcessName(void) {
ProcessSerialNumber PSN = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
CFStringRef name = NULL;
OSStatus err = CopyProcessName(&PSN, &name);
if (err != noErr) {
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyCurrentProcessName in CFGrowlAdditions: Could not get process name because CopyProcessName returned %li"), (long)err);
name = NULL;
return name;
URL_TYPE copyCurrentProcessURL(void) {
ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
FSRef fsref;
OSStatus err = GetProcessBundleLocation(&psn, &fsref);
if (err != noErr) {
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyCurrentProcessURL in CFGrowlAdditions: Could not get application location, because GetProcessBundleLocation returned %li\n"), (long)err);
} else {
URL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, &fsref);
return URL;
STRING_TYPE copyCurrentProcessPath(void) {
CFURLRef URL = copyCurrentProcessURL();
CFStringRef path = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(URL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
return path;
URL_TYPE copyTemporaryFolderURL(void) {
FSRef ref;
CFURLRef url = NULL;
OSStatus err = FSFindFolder(kOnAppropriateDisk, kTemporaryFolderType, kCreateFolder, &ref);
if (err != noErr)
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyTemporaryFolderPath in CFGrowlAdditions: Could not locate temporary folder because FSFindFolder returned %li"), (long)err);
url = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, &ref);
return url;
STRING_TYPE copyTemporaryFolderPath(void) {
CFStringRef path = NULL;
CFURLRef url = copyTemporaryFolderURL();
if (url) {
path = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
return path;
DATA_TYPE readFile(const char *filename)
CFDataRef data;
// read the file into a CFDataRef
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp) {
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
long dataLength = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
unsigned char *fileData = malloc(dataLength);
fread(fileData, 1, dataLength, fp);
data = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, fileData, dataLength, kCFAllocatorMalloc);
} else
data = NULL;
return data;
URL_TYPE copyURLForApplication(STRING_TYPE appName)
OSStatus err = LSFindApplicationForInfo(/*inCreator*/ kLSUnknownCreator,
/*inBundleID*/ NULL,
/*inName*/ appName,
/*outAppRef*/ NULL,
/*outAppURL*/ &appURL);
return (err == noErr) ? appURL : NULL;
STRING_TYPE createStringWithAddressData(DATA_TYPE aAddressData) {
struct sockaddr *socketAddress = (struct sockaddr *)CFDataGetBytePtr(aAddressData);
// at max, which is 40 bytes (0-terminated)
// IPv4 Addresses are "" at max which is smaller
char stringBuffer[40];
CFStringRef addressAsString = NULL;
if (socketAddress->sa_family == AF_INET) {
struct sockaddr_in *ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)socketAddress;
if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(ipv4->sin_addr), stringBuffer, 40))
addressAsString = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%s:%d"), stringBuffer, ipv4->sin_port);
addressAsString = CFSTR("IPv4 un-ntopable");
} else if (socketAddress->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
struct sockaddr_in6 *ipv6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)socketAddress;
if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(ipv6->sin6_addr), stringBuffer, 40))
// Suggested IPv6 format (see
addressAsString = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("[%s]:%d"), stringBuffer, ipv6->sin6_port);
addressAsString = CFSTR("IPv6 un-ntopable");
} else
addressAsString = CFSTR("neither IPv6 nor IPv4");
return addressAsString;
STRING_TYPE createHostNameForAddressData(DATA_TYPE aAddressData) {
char hostname[NI_MAXHOST];
struct sockaddr *socketAddress = (struct sockaddr *)CFDataGetBytePtr(aAddressData);
if (getnameinfo(socketAddress, (socklen_t)CFDataGetLength(aAddressData),
hostname, (socklen_t)sizeof(hostname),
/*serv*/ NULL, /*servlen*/ 0,
return NULL;
return CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, hostname, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
DATA_TYPE copyIconDataForPath(STRING_TYPE path) {
CFDataRef data = NULL;
//false is probably safest, and is harmless when the object really is a directory.
CFURLRef URL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, /*isDirectory*/ false);
if (URL) {
data = copyIconDataForURL(URL);
return data;
CFDataRef data = NULL;
if (URL) {
FSRef ref;
if (CFURLGetFSRef(URL, &ref)) {
IconRef icon = NULL;
SInt16 label_noOneCares;
OSStatus err = GetIconRefFromFileInfo(&ref,
/*inFileNameLength*/ 0U, /*inFileName*/ NULL,
kFSCatInfoNone, /*inCatalogInfo*/ NULL,
kIconServicesNoBadgeFlag | kIconServicesUpdateIfNeededFlag,
if (err != noErr) {
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyIconDataForURL in CFGrowlAdditions: could not get icon for %@: GetIconRefFromFileInfo returned %li\n"), URL, (long)err);
} else {
IconFamilyHandle fam = NULL;
err = IconRefToIconFamily(icon, kSelectorAllAvailableData, &fam);
if (err != noErr) {
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyIconDataForURL in CFGrowlAdditions: could not get icon for %@: IconRefToIconFamily returned %li\n"), URL, (long)err);
} else {
data = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *)*(Handle)fam, GetHandleSize((Handle)fam));
return data;
URL_TYPE createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName(URL_TYPE parent, STRING_TYPE name)
CFURLRef newDirectory = NULL;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = parent ? CFGetAllocator(parent) : name ? CFGetAllocator(name) : kCFAllocatorDefault;
if (parent) parent = CFRetain(parent);
else {
char *cwdBytes = alloca(PATH_MAX);
getcwd(cwdBytes, PATH_MAX);
parent = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(allocator, (const unsigned char *)cwdBytes, strlen(cwdBytes), /*isDirectory*/ true);
if (!name) {
newDirectory = parent;
goto end;
if (!parent)
NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: parent directory URL is NULL (please tell the Growl developers)\n"), parent);
else {
if (name)
name = CFRetain(name);
else {
name = CFURLCopyLastPathComponent(parent);
CFURLRef newParent = CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(allocator, parent);
parent = newParent;
if (!name)
NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: name of directory to create is NULL (please tell the Growl developers)\n"), parent);
else {
FSRef parentRef;
if (!CFURLGetFSRef(parent, &parentRef))
NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: could not create FSRef for parent directory at %@ (please tell the Growl developers)\n"), parent);
else {
FSRef newDirectoryRef;
struct HFSUniStr255 nameUnicode;
CFRange range = { 0, MIN(CFStringGetLength(name), USHRT_MAX) };
CFStringGetCharacters(name, range, nameUnicode.unicode);
nameUnicode.length = range.length;
struct FSRefParam refPB = {
.ref = &parentRef,
.nameLength = nameUnicode.length,
.name = nameUnicode.unicode,
.whichInfo = kFSCatInfoNone,
.catInfo = NULL,
.textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingUnknown,
.newRef = &newDirectoryRef,
OSStatus err = PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync(&refPB);
if (err == dupFNErr) {
//dupFNErr == file (or folder) exists already. this is fine.
err = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&refPB);
if (err == noErr) {
NSLog(CFSTR("PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync or PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync returned %li; calling CFURLCreateFromFSRef"), (long)err); //XXX
newDirectory = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(allocator, &newDirectoryRef);
NSLog(CFSTR("CFURLCreateFromFSRef returned %@"), newDirectory); //XXX
} else
NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: could not create directory '%@' in parent directory at %@: FSCreateDirectoryUnicode returned %li (please tell the Growl developers)"), name, parent, (long)err);
} //if (name)
} //if (parent)
return newDirectory;
# define COPYFORK_BUFSIZE 5242880U /*5 MiB*/
static OSStatus copyFork(const struct HFSUniStr255 *forkName, const FSRef *srcFile, const FSRef *destDir, const struct HFSUniStr255 *destName, FSRef *outDestFile) {
OSStatus err, closeErr;
struct FSForkIOParam srcPB = {
.ref = srcFile,
.forkNameLength = forkName->length,
.forkName = forkName->unicode,
.permissions = fsRdPerm,
unsigned char debuggingPathBuf[PATH_MAX] = "";
OSStatus debuggingPathErr;
err = PBOpenForkSync(&srcPB);
if (err != noErr) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(srcFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBOpenForkSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
} else {
FSRef destFile;
/*the first thing to do is get the name of the destination file, if one
* wasn't provided.
*and while we're at it, we get the catalogue info as well.
struct FSCatalogInfo catInfo;
struct FSRefParam refPB = {
.ref = srcFile,
.whichInfo = kFSCatInfoGettableInfo & kFSCatInfoSettableInfo,
.catInfo = &catInfo,
.spec = NULL,
.parentRef = NULL,
.outName = destName ? NULL : (struct HFSUniStr255 *)(destName = alloca(sizeof(struct HFSUniStr255))),
err = PBGetCatalogInfoSync(&refPB);
if (err != noErr) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(srcFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBGetCatalogInfoSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
} else {
refPB.ref = destDir;
refPB.nameLength = destName->length; = destName->unicode;
refPB.textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingUnknown;
refPB.newRef = &destFile;
const char *functionName = "PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync"; //for error-reporting message
err = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&refPB);
if ((err != noErr) && (err != fnfErr)) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(destDir, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for destination directory: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
//get filename too
CFStringRef debuggingFilename = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault,
/*contentsDeallocator*/ kCFAllocatorNull);
if (!debuggingFilename)
debuggingFilename = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, "(could not get filename for destination file: CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy returned NULL)", kCFStringEncodingASCII, /*contentsDeallocator*/ kCFAllocatorNull);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: %s (destination: %s/%@) returned %li"), functionName, debuggingPathBuf, debuggingFilename, (long)err);
if (debuggingFilename) CFRelease(debuggingFilename);
} else {
//that file doesn't exist in that folder; create it.
err = PBCreateFileUnicodeSync(&refPB);
if (err == noErr) {
/*make sure the Finder knows about the new file.
*FNNotify returns a status code too, but this isn't an
* essential step, so we just ignore it.
FNNotify(destDir, kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage, kNilOptions);
} else if (err == dupFNErr) {
/*dupFNErr: the file already exists.
*we can safely ignore this error.
err = noErr;
} else {
functionName = "PBCreateFileUnicodeSync";
goto handleMakeFSRefError;
if (err == noErr) {
if (outDestFile)
memcpy(outDestFile, &destFile, sizeof(destFile));
struct FSForkIOParam destPB = {
.ref = &destFile,
.forkNameLength = forkName->length,
.forkName = forkName->unicode,
.permissions = fsWrPerm,
err = PBOpenForkSync(&destPB);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBOpenForkSync (dest) returned %li"), (long)err);
if (err != noErr) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for dest file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBOpenForkSync (destination: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
} else {
void *buf = malloc(COPYFORK_BUFSIZE);
if (buf) {
srcPB.buffer = destPB.buffer = buf;
srcPB.requestCount = COPYFORK_BUFSIZE;
while (err == noErr) {
err = PBReadForkSync(&srcPB);
if (err == eofErr) {
err = noErr;
if (srcPB.actualCount == 0)
if (err != noErr) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBReadForkSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
} else {
destPB.requestCount = srcPB.actualCount;
err = PBWriteForkSync(&destPB);
if (err != noErr) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for dest file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBWriteForkSync (destination: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
closeErr = PBCloseForkSync(&destPB);
if (closeErr != noErr) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for dest file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBCloseForkSync (destination: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
if (err == noErr) err = closeErr;
closeErr = PBCloseForkSync(&srcPB);
if (closeErr != noErr) {
debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBCloseForkSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
if (err == noErr) err = closeErr;
return err;
static OSStatus GrowlCopyObjectSync(const FSRef *fileRef, const FSRef *destRef, FSRef *destFileRef) {
OSStatus err;
struct HFSUniStr255 forkName;
struct FSForkIOParam forkPB = {
.ref = fileRef,
.forkIterator = {
.initialize = 0
.outForkName = &forkName,
do {
err = PBIterateForksSync(&forkPB);
NSLog(CFSTR("PBIterateForksSync returned %li"), (long)err);
if (err != noErr) {
if (err != errFSNoMoreItems)
NSLog(CFSTR("in GrowlCopyObjectSync in CFGrowlAdditions: PBIterateForksSync returned %li"), (long)err);
} else {
err = copyFork(&forkName, fileRef, destRef, /*destName*/ NULL, /*outDestFile*/ destFileRef);
//copyFork prints its own error messages
} while (err == noErr);
if (err == errFSNoMoreItems) err = noErr;
return err;
URL_TYPE createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL(URL_TYPE file, URL_TYPE dest)
CFURLRef destFileURL = NULL;
FSRef fileRef, destRef, destFileRef;
Boolean gotFileRef = CFURLGetFSRef(file, &fileRef);
Boolean gotDestRef = CFURLGetFSRef(dest, &destRef);
if (!gotFileRef)
NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL in CFGrowlAdditions: CFURLGetFSRef failed with source URL %@"), file);
else if (!gotDestRef)
NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL in CFGrowlAdditions: CFURLGetFSRef failed with destination URL %@"), dest);
else {
OSStatus err;
* 10.2 has a problem with weak symbols in frameworks so we use
if (FSCopyObjectSync) {
err = FSCopyObjectSync(&fileRef, &destRef, /*destName*/ NULL, &destFileRef, kFSFileOperationOverwrite);
} else {
err = GrowlCopyObjectSync(&fileRef, &destRef, &destFileRef);
if (err == noErr)
destFileURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, &destFileRef);
NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL in CFGrowlAdditions: CopyObjectSync returned %li for source URL %@"), (long)err, file);
return destFileURL;
PLIST_TYPE createPropertyListFromURL(URL_TYPE file, u_int32_t mutability, CFPropertyListFormat *outFormat, STRING_TYPE *outErrorString)
CFPropertyListRef plist = NULL;
if (!file)
NSLog(CFSTR("in createPropertyListFromURL in CFGrowlAdditions: cannot read from a NULL URL"));
else {
CFReadStreamRef stream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, file);
if (!stream)
NSLog(CFSTR("in createPropertyListFromURL in CFGrowlAdditions: could not create stream for reading from URL %@"), file);
else {
if (!CFReadStreamOpen(stream))
NSLog(CFSTR("in createPropertyListFromURL in CFGrowlAdditions: could not open stream for reading from URL %@"), file);
else {
CFPropertyListFormat format;
CFStringRef errorString = NULL;
plist = CFPropertyListCreateFromStream(kCFAllocatorDefault,
/*streamLength*/ 0,
if (!plist)
NSLog(CFSTR("in createPropertyListFromURL in CFGrowlAdditions: could not read property list from URL %@ (error string: %@)"), file, errorString);
if (outFormat) *outFormat = format;
if (errorString) {
if (outErrorString)
*outErrorString = errorString;
return plist;