2014-03-30 09:41:52 -04:00

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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Bug 863102 - Automatically scroll down upon new network requests.
function test() {
let monitor, debuggee, requestsContainer, scrollTop;
initNetMonitor(INFINITE_GET_URL).then(([aTab, aDebuggee, aMonitor]) => {
monitor = aMonitor;
debuggee = aDebuggee;
let win = monitor.panelWin;
let topNode = win.document.getElementById("requests-menu-contents");
requestsContainer = topNode.getElementsByTagName("scrollbox")[0];
ok(!!requestsContainer, "Container element exists as expected.");
// (1) Check that the scroll position is maintained at the bottom
// when the requests overflow the vertical size of the container.
.then(() => {
return waitForRequestsToOverflowContainer(monitor, requestsContainer);
.then(() => {
ok(scrolledToBottom(requestsContainer), "Scrolled to bottom on overflow.");
// (2) Now set the scroll position somewhere in the middle and check
// that additional requests do not change the scroll position.
.then(() => {
let children = requestsContainer.childNodes;
let middleNode = children.item(children.length / 2);
ok(!scrolledToBottom(requestsContainer), "Not scrolled to bottom.");
scrollTop = requestsContainer.scrollTop; // save for comparison later
return waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 8);
.then(() => {
is(requestsContainer.scrollTop, scrollTop, "Did not scroll.");
// (3) Now set the scroll position back at the bottom and check that
// additional requests *do* cause the container to scroll down.
.then(() => {
requestsContainer.scrollTop = requestsContainer.scrollHeight;
ok(scrolledToBottom(requestsContainer), "Set scroll position to bottom.");
return waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 8);
.then(() => {
ok(scrolledToBottom(requestsContainer), "Still scrolled to bottom.");
// (4) Now select an item in the list and check that additional requests
// do not change the scroll position.
.then(() => {
monitor.panelWin.NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.selectedIndex = 0;
return waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 8);
.then(() => {
is(requestsContainer.scrollTop, 0, "Did not scroll.");
// Done; clean up.
.then(() => {
return teardown(monitor).then(finish);
// Handle exceptions in the chain of promises.
.then(null, (err) => {
ok(false, err);
function waitForRequestsToOverflowContainer (aMonitor, aContainer) {
return waitForNetworkEvents(aMonitor, 1).then(() => {
if (aContainer.scrollHeight > aContainer.clientHeight) {
// Wait for some more just for good measure.
return waitForNetworkEvents(aMonitor, 8);
} else {
return waitForRequestsToOverflowContainer(aMonitor, aContainer);
function scrolledToBottom(aElement) {
return aElement.scrollTop + aElement.clientHeight >= aElement.scrollHeight;