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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsAHttpTransaction_h__
#define nsAHttpTransaction_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
class nsAHttpConnection;
class nsAHttpSegmentReader;
class nsAHttpSegmentWriter;
class nsIInterfaceRequestor;
class nsIEventTarget;
class nsITransport;
class nsHttpRequestHead;
class nsHttpPipeline;
// Abstract base class for a HTTP transaction:
// A transaction is a "sink" for the response data. The connection pushes
// data to the transaction by writing to it. The transaction supports
// WriteSegments and may refuse to accept data if its buffers are full (its
// write function returns NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK in this case).
class nsAHttpTransaction : public nsISupports
// called by the connection when it takes ownership of the transaction.
virtual void SetConnection(nsAHttpConnection *) = 0;
// used to obtain the connection associated with this transaction
virtual nsAHttpConnection *Connection() = 0;
// called by the connection to get security callbacks to set on the
// socket transport.
virtual void GetSecurityCallbacks(nsIInterfaceRequestor **,
nsIEventTarget **) = 0;
// called to report socket status (see nsITransportEventSink)
virtual void OnTransportStatus(nsITransport* transport,
nsresult status, PRUint64 progress) = 0;
// called to check the transaction status.
virtual bool IsDone() = 0;
virtual nsresult Status() = 0;
virtual PRUint8 Caps() = 0;
// called to find out how much request data is available for writing.
virtual PRUint32 Available() = 0;
// called to read request data from the transaction.
virtual nsresult ReadSegments(nsAHttpSegmentReader *reader,
PRUint32 count, PRUint32 *countRead) = 0;
// called to write response data to the transaction.
virtual nsresult WriteSegments(nsAHttpSegmentWriter *writer,
PRUint32 count, PRUint32 *countWritten) = 0;
// called to close the transaction
virtual void Close(nsresult reason) = 0;
// called to indicate a failure with proxy CONNECT
virtual void SetProxyConnectFailed() = 0;
// called to retrieve the request headers of the transaction
virtual nsHttpRequestHead *RequestHead() = 0;
// determine the number of real http/1.x transactions on this
// abstract object. Pipelines may have multiple, SPDY has 0,
// normal http transactions have 1.
virtual PRUint32 Http1xTransactionCount() = 0;
// called to remove the unused sub transactions from an object that can
// handle multiple transactions simultaneously (i.e. pipelines or spdy).
// Returns NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if the object does not implement
// sub-transactions.
// Returns NS_ERROR_ALREADY_OPENED if the subtransactions have been
// at least partially written and cannot be moved.
virtual nsresult TakeSubTransactions(
nsTArray<nsRefPtr<nsAHttpTransaction> > &outTransactions) = 0;
// called to add a sub-transaction in the case of pipelined transactions
// classes that do not implement sub transactions
virtual nsresult AddTransaction(nsAHttpTransaction *transaction) = 0;
// The total length of the outstanding pipeline comprised of transacations
// and sub-transactions.
virtual PRUint32 PipelineDepth() = 0;
// Used to inform the connection that it is being used in a pipelined
// context. That may influence the handling of some errors.
// The value is the pipeline position (> 1).
virtual nsresult SetPipelinePosition(PRInt32) = 0;
virtual PRInt32 PipelinePosition() = 0;
// If we used rtti this would be the result of doing
// dynamic_cast<nsHttpPipeline *>(this).. i.e. it can be nsnull for
// non pipeline implementations of nsAHttpTransaction
virtual nsHttpPipeline *QueryPipeline() { return nsnull; }
// equivalent to !!dynamic_cast<NullHttpTransaction *>(this)
// A null transaction is expected to return BASE_STREAM_CLOSED on all of
// its IO functions all the time.
virtual bool IsNullTransaction() { return false; }
// Every transaction is classified into one of the types below. When using
// HTTP pipelines, only transactions with the same type appear on the same
// pipeline.
enum Classifier {
// Transactions that expect a short 304 (no-content) response
// Transactions for content expected to be CSS or JS
// Transactions for content expected to be an image
// Transactions that cannot involve a pipeline
// Transactions that do not fit any of the other categories. HTML
// is normally GENERAL.
void SetConnection(nsAHttpConnection *); \
nsAHttpConnection *Connection(); \
void GetSecurityCallbacks(nsIInterfaceRequestor **, \
nsIEventTarget **); \
void OnTransportStatus(nsITransport* transport, \
nsresult status, PRUint64 progress); \
bool IsDone(); \
nsresult Status(); \
PRUint8 Caps(); \
PRUint32 Available(); \
nsresult ReadSegments(nsAHttpSegmentReader *, PRUint32, PRUint32 *); \
nsresult WriteSegments(nsAHttpSegmentWriter *, PRUint32, PRUint32 *); \
void Close(nsresult reason); \
void SetProxyConnectFailed(); \
nsHttpRequestHead *RequestHead(); \
PRUint32 Http1xTransactionCount(); \
nsresult TakeSubTransactions(nsTArray<nsRefPtr<nsAHttpTransaction> > &outTransactions); \
nsresult AddTransaction(nsAHttpTransaction *); \
PRUint32 PipelineDepth(); \
nsresult SetPipelinePosition(PRInt32); \
PRInt32 PipelinePosition();
// nsAHttpSegmentReader
class nsAHttpSegmentReader
// any returned failure code stops segment iteration
virtual nsresult OnReadSegment(const char *segment,
PRUint32 count,
PRUint32 *countRead) = 0;
// Ask the segment reader to commit to accepting size bytes of
// data from subsequent OnReadSegment() calls or throw hard
// (i.e. not wouldblock) exceptions. Implementations
// can return NS_ERROR_FAILURE if they never make commitments of that size
// (the default), NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK if they cannot make
// the commitment now but might in the future, or NS_OK
// if they make the commitment.
// Spdy uses this to make sure frames are atomic.
virtual nsresult CommitToSegmentSize(PRUint32 size)
nsresult OnReadSegment(const char *, PRUint32, PRUint32 *);
// nsAHttpSegmentWriter
class nsAHttpSegmentWriter
// any returned failure code stops segment iteration
virtual nsresult OnWriteSegment(char *segment,
PRUint32 count,
PRUint32 *countWritten) = 0;
nsresult OnWriteSegment(char *, PRUint32, PRUint32 *);
#endif // nsAHttpTransaction_h__